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We, the undersigned scholars and practitioners of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency welcome the growing calls to develop and deploy AI in a manner that protects public interests and fundamental rights. From the dangers of inaccurate or biased algorithms that deny life-saving healthcare to language models exacerbating manipulation and misinformation, our research has long anticipated harmful impacts of AI systems of all levels of complexity and capability. This body of work also shows how to design, audit, or resist AI systems to protect democracy, social justice, and human rights. This moment calls for sound policy based on the years of research that has focused on this topic. We already have tools to help build a safer technological future, and we call on policymakers to fully deploy them.

The Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) Executive Committee (Carlos Castillo, Alexandra Chouldechova, Maria De-Arteaga, Michael Ekstrand, and Seth Lazar)
The undersigned members of the FAccT community

Signing Community Members (250+)

Affiliations provided for identification purposes only.

Sign the Statement.

  • Aaron Horowitz (American Civil Liberties Union)
  • Aaron Snoswell (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Abigail Jacobs (University of Michigan)
  • Adam LaMee (University of Central Florida)
  • Aidan Kierans (University of Connecticut)
  • Alan Chan (Mila, University of Montreal)
  • Albert Sabater Coll (Catalan Observatory for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, University of Girona)
  • Alessandro Fabris (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy)
  • Alex Argüelles ((comun.al, Digital Resilience Lab MX))
  • Alondra Nelson (Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Ameen Jauhar (Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy)
  • Ana Valdivia (University of Oxford)
  • Anaelia Ovalle (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Andrew Critch (CEO and Research Scientist, Encultured AI and UC Berkeley)
  • Andrew Selbst (UCLA School of Law)
  • Andrew Smart (Google)
  • Andrés Domínguez Hernández (University of Bristol)
  • Angela Zhou (University of Southern California)
  • Angelina Wang (Princeton University)
  • Anna Ma (McGill University)
  • Anna P. Meyer (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
  • Anna-Lena Theus (Carleton University)
  • Aritra Dasgupta (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
  • Arjun Subramonian (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Arvind Narayanan (Princeton University)
  • Ashwin Singh (Queer In AI)
  • Asia Biega (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy)
  • Atoosa Kasirzadeh (University of Edinburgh & Alan Turing Institute)
  • Aylin Caliskan (University of Washington)
  • Aziz Huq (University of Chicago Law School)
  • Barry O'Sullivan (University College Cork, Ireland)
  • Beatriz Botero Arcila (Sciences Po)
  • Ben Winters (Electronic Privacy Information Center)
  • Benjamin Laufer (Cornell Tech)
  • Berk Ustun (UCSD)
  • Bhaskar Mitra (Microsoft Research)
  • Bogdan Kulynych (EPFL)
  • Borhane Blili-Hamelin (AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance)
  • Boru Gollo Jattani (Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and LLM student at NYU Law.)
  • Brandon Thai Tran (Independent)
  • Brian Christian (Author, UC Berkeley & University of Oxford)
  • Brian J. Chen (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • C. Estelle Smith, PhD, Assistant Professor (Computer Science, Colorado School of Mines)
  • Cansu Ekmekcioglu (University of Toronto)
  • Canyu Chen (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  • Carmen Mazijn (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Chanuki Illushka Seresinhe, PhD ()
  • Charvi Rastogi ()
  • Chiara Gallese (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Chika Miyamoto ()
  • Chinasa T. Okolo (Cornell University)
  • Christopher Graziul (University of Chicago)
  • Cindy Lin (Penn State University)
  • Clara Belitz (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
  • Cori Faklaris (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
  • Corinna Hertweck (University of Zurich & Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
  • Cynthia Liem (Delft University of Technology)
  • Danaë Metaxa (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Daniel Domínguez Figaredo (NYU—Center for Responsible AI)
  • Daniel Estrada (NJIT)
  • Daniel Ritchie (Brain Wave Collective, LCA)
  • Darren Vengroff (TSI)
  • David Gray Widder (Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell Tech)
  • David Krueger (University of Cambridge)
  • David Liu (Northeastern University)
  • David Manheim (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
  • David Sumpter (Uppsala University)
  • Deepa Singh (University of Delhi)
  • Devesh Narayanan (National University of Singapore, Stanford University)
  • Diego Gómez-Zará (University of Notre Dame)
  • Diletta Huyskes (University of Milan)
  • Divya Ramesh (University of Michigan)
  • Doris Aschenbrenner (Aalen University)
  • Dr Abeba Birhane (Mozilla Foundation)
  • Dr. J. Nathan Matias (Cornell University Citizens and Technology Lab)
  • Dr. Joy Buolamwini (Algorithmic Justice League)
  • Dr. Kalinda Ukanwa (University of Southern California)
  • Dr. Kris Shrishak (Irish Council for Civil Liberties)
  • Dr. Sasha Costanza-Chock (Northeastern University)
  • Dr. Timnit Gebru (The Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR))
  • Dylan Hadfield-Menell (Assistant Professor, MIT EECS)
  • Eike Petersen (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Eirini Ntoutsi (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
  • Elena Štefancová (Comenius University in Bratislava / University of Colorado Boulder)
  • Emma Beauxis-Aussalet (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • Emnet Tafesse ((Data & Society Research Institute))
  • Eric L. Epps (Salve Regina University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
  • Eva Toorenent (Artists)
  • Evani Radiya-Dixit (Stanford University)
  • Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (iHub, Radboud University, The Netherlands)
  • Gabriel Grill (University of Michigan)
  • Gabriel Lima (MPI-SP)
  • Gerd Leonhard (Royal Society of the Arts, Fellow)
  • Gina Neff (Minderoo Centre for Technology & Democracy, University of Cambridge)
  • Gowri Balasubramaniam (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
  • Gustavo Biscaia de Lacerda (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil)
  • Hana Galijasevic (University of Michigan)
  • Hank Cecil (Starship Care, LLC)
  • Hannah Sassaman (People's Tech Project)
  • Harry Jiang ()
  • Harshvardhan Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)
  • Hauters, Jan (UCL IOE CCM Knowledge Lab (postgrad student))
  • Haydn Belfield (University of Cambridge, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk)
  • Hilde Weerts (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • I. Elizabeth Kumar (Center for Tech Responsibility, Brown University)
  • Iason Gabriel (Google DeepMind)
  • Inioluwa Deborah Raji (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Jacob Metcalf, PhD (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Jacqueline Wernimont (Dartmouth)
  • Jacy Reese Anthis (Sentience Institute)
  • Jake Stone (The Australian National University)
  • Janet Haven (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Jared Katzman (University of Michigan)
  • Javier Sánchez Monedero (University of Córdoba)
  • Jeffrey Gleason (Northeastern University)
  • Jen Lee (ACLU of Washington)
  • Jenna Burrell (Data & Society)
  • Jennifer Golbeck (University of Maryland)
  • Jessica Cheng (Artists)
  • Jihan Ryu ()
  • John Zerilli (University of Edinburgh)
  • Juan Pablo Bermúdez (Imperial College London)
  • Judith Membrives i Llorens (UOC)
  • Julia Stoyanovich (Director, Center for Responsible AI, New York University)
  • Juniper Lovato (University of Vermont Complex Systems Center)
  • Kai Shu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  • Kalinda Ukanwa (University of Southern California)
  • Karolin Kappler (Katholische Hochschul NRW)
  • Katherine Bankole-Medina (Coppin State University)
  • Katherine Walden (University of Notre Dame)
  • Kathy Baxter (Salesforce)
  • Katja Andric (University of Edinburgh)
  • Ken Holstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Kevin Klyman (Stanford Center for Research on Foundation Models)
  • Kleber Bernardo (UFABC)
  • Lameck Mbangula Amugongo (Technical University of Munich & Namibia University of Science & Technology)
  • Lara Groves (Ada Lovelace Institute)
  • Laura Forlano (Northeastern University)
  • Laura Lucaj (lauralucaj@gmail.com)
  • Lauren Klein (Emory University)
  • Lauren M. E. Goodlad (Rutgers)
  • Liz B. Marquis (MathWorks)
  • Logan Koepke (Upturn)
  • Luca Nannini (Indra Sistemas)
  • Luis Morton (UAM-C)
  • Luke Guerdan (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Luke Stark (Western University, London ON)
  • Lương Đức Vinh ()
  • M.J. Crockett (Princeton University)
  • Mackenzie Jorgensen (King's College London)
  • Manel (CWI, The Netherlands)
  • Maranke Wieringa (Utrecht University)
  • Marc Aidinoff (Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Maria Loks-Thompson (DeepMind)
  • Marie Decker (RWTH Aachen University)
  • Marisa Ponti (University of Gothenburg)
  • Mark Wong (University of Glasgow)
  • María Carolina Jiménez (University of Geneva)
  • María Paz Hermosilla (GobLab Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
  • Matias Valdenegro-Toro (Department of Artificial Intelligence, Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen)
  • Matthew Bui (University of Michigan)
  • Matthew Franchi (Cornell Tech)
  • Meg Young (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Mel Andrews (Carnegie Mellon University, University of Cincinnati)
  • Meredith Broussard (New York University)
  • Merve Hickok (Center for AI and Digital Policy)
  • Michael Huang ()
  • Michael Madaio (I)
  • Michael Muller ((a technology company) + ACM Distinguished Scientist + ACM SIGCHI CARES co-chair)
  • Michele Gilman (University of Baltimore Law School)
  • Michelle Lin (McGill University)
  • Michi Sugai (Illustrator)
  • Mihaela Voicu (Independent Artist)
  • Min Kyung Lee (UT Austin)
  • Momin Malik (Mayo Clinic)
  • Monica Lopez (Holistic AI)
  • Morgan Klaus Scheuerman (University of Colorado Boulder)
  • Nai Lee Kalema (UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose)
  • Neal Patwari (Washington University in St. Louis)
  • Ned Cooper (Australian National University)
  • Nic Fishman (University of Oxford)
  • Nicholas Vincent (UC Davis)
  • Nick Brown (Google)
  • Nicolas E. Diaz Ferreyra (Hamburg University of Technology)
  • Nicolas Moës (The Future Society)
  • Nicolas Scharowski (University of Basel)
  • Nikola Banovic (University of Michigan)
  • Nuredin Ali (University of Minnesota/DAIR)
  • Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Alicante Foundation, aka Institute for Humanity-centric AI)
  • Orestis Papakyriakopoulos (Sony AI)
  • Oscar D. Murgueytio P. (Data Scientist | Economist) (for identification purposes.)
  • Payal Arora (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Pedro Saleiro (Feedzai)
  • Peter MacKinnon (University of Ottawa - Faculty of Engineering)
  • Prakhar Ganesh (Mila, University of Montreal)
  • Prateek Shankar (Rhode Island School of Design)
  • Professor Chris Marsden (Monash University)
  • R. Stuart Geiger (University of California, San Diego)
  • Rae Walker (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Raesetje Sefala (DAIR Institute | Mila)
  • Rafael Becerril (University of South Carolina)
  • Ramak Molavi Vasse'i (The Law Technologist)
  • Raphaële Xenidis (Sciences Po, Law School)
  • Rebecca L. Johnson (The University of Sydney)
  • Reham Al Tamime (Qatar Computing Research Institute & University of Southampton)
  • Renzhe Yu (Columbia University)
  • Renée Sieber (McGill University)
  • Reuben Binns (University of Oxford)
  • Ricardo Baeza-Yates (EAI, Northeastern University)
  • Richard Lanas Phillips (Cornell University)
  • Rishi Advani (University of Illinois Chicago)
  • Robin Burke (University of Colorado, Boulder)
  • Rock Yuren Pang (University of Washington)
  • Roel Dobbe (Delft University of Technology)
  • Roman V. Yampolskiy (University of Louisville)
  • Ruth Starkman (Stanford University)
  • Ryan Steed (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Sabine Schmidtke (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ)
  • Salvatore Ruggieri (University of Pisa, Italy)
  • Sanmay Das (George Mason University)
  • Sanna J. Ali (Stanford University)
  • Sarah Fox (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Sarah M Brown (University of Rhode Island)
  • Sarah Myers West (AI Now Institute)
  • Sayash Kapoor (Princeton University)
  • Sean O hEigeartaigh (Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge)
  • Serena Oduro (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Sergio Guadarrama (Google DeepMind)
  • Severin Engelmann (Technical University of Munich)
  • Seán Healy (ADAPT Centre, Dublin, Ireland)
  • Shiran Dudy (Northeastern University)
  • Shreya Chowdhary (University of Michigan)
  • Shreyasha Paudel (University of Toronto)
  • Shubham Singh (University of Illinois Chicago)
  • Siddharth Mehrotra (TU Delft)
  • Silvia DalBen Furtado (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Sorelle Friedler (Haverford College)
  • Srijan Kumar (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Stacy Doore (Colby College)
  • Subho Majumdar (AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance)
  • Suresh Venkatasubramanian (Director, Center for Tech Responsibility, Brown University)
  • Syed AbuMusab (University of Kansas)
  • Tawana Petty (Detroit Digital Justice Coalition)
  • Teresa Salazar (University of Coimbra)
  • Teresa Salazar (University of Coimbra)
  • Thomas G. Dietterich (Oregon State University)
  • Tianxing Dwight Xia (University of Sydney)
  • Tim de Jonge (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Tracy Pizzo Frey (Restorative AI, Uncommon Impact)
  • Tzu-Sheng Kuo (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Varun Bhatnagar (Northwestern University)
  • Varun Nagaraj Rao (Princeton University)
  • Vasundhra Dahiya (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur India.)
  • Vidushi Marda (Independent)
  • Vincent Conitzer (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Oxford)
  • Vinyas Harish (University of Toronto)
  • Vivian Guetler (University of Northern Colorado)
  • Wells Lucas Santo (University of Michigan)
  • Wendy Xu (HKUST)
  • Wyatt Tessari L'Allié (AI Governance and Safety Canada)
  • Yang Shi (North Carolina State University)
  • Yashwinie Shivanand (Government of Canada)
  • Yim Register (University of Washington)
  • Yoav Schlesinger (Architect, Ethical AI Practice, Salesforce)
  • Yoehan Oh (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
  • Yong Jin Park (Howard University)
  • Yue Dong (University of California, Riverside)
  • Yukise Lefebvre ()
  • Yumiko Toho ()
  • Zachary Kenton (Google Deepmind)
  • danah boyd (Microsoft Research / Georgetown University)
  • haruka kojima ()
  • jumana (Pivot For Humanity)
  • michael barnes (Australian National University)
  • nakashima tooru ()
  • philipp schaumann ()
  • sima ()
  • Ömer Sümer (University of Augsburg)
  • あずさゆみ ()
  • 半田敏教 ()
  • 雪畑 貴樹 ()