Videos by Alan Pasco Arauco
Azotea y aires en al propiedad horizontal. Definiendo conceptos
Books - Authorship by Alan Pasco Arauco
Derechos Reales. Análisis de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema, 2017
Papers by Alan Pasco Arauco
Revista Ius Et Veritas, 2023
Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil, 2023
Actualidad Civil - Instituto Pacífico, 2023
Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil, 2023
Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil, 2023
Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil, 2022
In the National Civil and Civil Procedure Plenary of 2019, it was concluded that the sole relatio... more In the National Civil and Civil Procedure Plenary of 2019, it was concluded that the sole relationship of kinship does not justify that a relative remains unlimitedly in possession of a property that does not belong to him, otherwise we would be denying the possibility of evictions between relatives. In this regard, the author states that the justifying cause of possession and that prevents the family member from being evicted cannot be the kinship relationship per se, but: (i) the existence of a business title in favor of the family member; or, (ii) a legal title, which, in the case of family members who are unable to fend for themselves (as occurs with the elderly), would be the lien resulting from the breach of the food obligation by the family member who is the owner of the property.
Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil, 2022
The author analyzes the criteria set forth by the Supreme Court in Cassation No. 2781-2018-Lima E... more The author analyzes the criteria set forth by the Supreme Court in Cassation No. 2781-2018-Lima Este, which resolved an interesting case of acquisitive prescription, particularly in relation to the concepts of “possession as owner” and “pacificity”. In this regard, he considers that it is a mistake to believe that “pacificity” is affected when there is a judicial process to recover the property from the hands of the prescriber, since there is nothing more peaceful than a judicial process as a dispute resolution mechanism. Likewise, he argues that such requirement is not determined by the manner (violent or not) in which the possession was obtained, but by the way in which it is exercised during its development.
Actualidad Civil - Instituto Pacífico, 2022
The author considers correct the decision of the Supreme Court to identify that the plaintiffs on... more The author considers correct the decision of the Supreme Court to identify that the plaintiffs only enjoyed a claim in favour arising from a prior claim process, when it was necessary to invoke a property right in order to succeed within the third party, which in certain cases, such as when opposing mortgages, ends up being insufficient.
Actualidad Civil - Instituto Pacífico, 2022
The author analyzes the condition of the server of possession and considers that it can be demand... more The author analyzes the condition of the server of possession and considers that it can be demanded that this be evicted as soon as it deviates from the directives of the owner. However, it does not rule out that the right of retention can be invoked when there is a valid credit that is connected to the occupied asset, an aspect that has not been scrupulously evaluated by the supreme judgment..
Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil, Febrero, 2021
El caso del Club Libertad constituye un hito en la historia de nuestra jurisprudencia por dos raz... more El caso del Club Libertad constituye un hito en la historia de nuestra jurisprudencia por dos razones: i) la trascendencia del bien involucrado (se trata de una institución de casi 80 años de fundación); y ii) la riqueza de los temas jurídicos involucrados. Sobre el particular, el autor realiza importantes correcciones y precisiones a las diferentes expresiones plasmadas en las sentencias del caso. Afirma que la enfiteusis generó una mediación posesoria, en la que la posición del club demandante se parecía más a la de un superficiario o fiduciario, siendo inobjetable la existencia de un vínculo generador de confianza en el propietario, lo cual imposibilitaba la prescripción por parte de quien ejerce el control del bien. No obstante, señala que sí se produjo la interversión a favor del club, pues comenzó a poseer como propietario una vez finalizado el plazo de la enfiteusis, con lo cual desapareció el vínculo que tenía con el propietario.
Videos by Alan Pasco Arauco
Books - Authorship by Alan Pasco Arauco
Papers by Alan Pasco Arauco