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Professional Memberships

  • Member of the IEEE & IEEE Computer Society (since 200

Participation To activities

  • Participated in writing the proposal for Visionair-CIT MIST PPQ- Wrote the Innovations in Security Solution part (Spring08).
  • Conducted a 6 weeks training in Information and Network Security for the Al Ain Cement Factory engineers (Spring08).
  • Delivered two Information Security Seminars , and a CIT facility tour, for visiting cadets from the Abu-Dhabi policy Academy (spring 08).
  • Attended and participated in the UAEU Annual Research Conference (2004-2007).
  • Attended a Workshop on “Cyber Crime Investigations and Forensics -   Going the last mile”. Given by: Sangeetha Thomas, Regional Director, EC-Council EMEA. Organized by IEEE Society (UAE Chapter) and Etisalat College (Fall 2005).
  • Represented the UAE University in the activities of the Symposium on (Social and Security Impact of the Internet), which was sponsored by Abu Dhabi Police G.H.Q (Spring2006).
  • Attended and chaired a session at IIT (2004-2006) conferences.
  • Attended a Workshop on course assessment, CIT (April 6, 2006).
  • Attended a Workshop on Inter-Vehicular Communication Systems, delivered by: Dr. S. Cherkaoui, Associated Professor at Sherbrooke University, Canada. (March 2006).
  • Attended a workshop on Ubiquitous Computing entitled: Networked Appliances and Security in Ubiquitous Computing Environment. Given by: Prof. M. Merabti, Director of School of Mathematics and Computing Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. (April 2005).
  • Attended a Workshop on “4G Mobile Networks”, delivered by Prof. Hamid Aghvami, Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Research, Kings College of London, UK, (Nov 2004).
  • Attended a Workshop on “Status of Next Generation Cellular and Wireless Local  Area Network Services and Current Research Activities”, delivered by Prof. Mohsen Guizani (December 2004).
  • Accompanied students to Gitex 2003 (Fall 2003).
  • Participated in the IT Challenge 2004.

Participation To Conference Or Organization

  • Co-Chair for Local arrangements committee of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology (Innovation’07) November 18-20, 2008, Dubai, UAE.
  • Chair of Opening Ceremony for the National Programming Contest, which was held in CIT, April 2008.
  • Publicity Chair for the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Information Technology (Innovation’06) November, 2007, Dubai, UAE.
  • Currently, a member of the Communications & Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC) within IEEE Communications Society.
  • Currently, an Associate Editor for the Wiley - Security and Communication Networks Journal.
  • TPC Member of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2008). 30 November- 4 December, 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • TPC Member of  the International Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium (ICC 2008).
  • TPC Member of the Second International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security( NTMS’08). 5 to 7 November, 2008, TANGIER, MOROCCO.
  • TPC Member of the 4th IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Wireless & Mobile Computing, Networking & communication (WIMOB08). 12th-14th October, 2008, Avignon, FRANCE.
  • TPC Member of the 3rd International Symposium on Information Security (IS'08). Nov 10 - 11, 2008, Monterrey, Mexico.
  • TPC Member of the IEEE International Conference on Communications 2007 (ICC-2007). 24-28 June 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.
  • TPC Member of the 4th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 2007), November 18-20, 2007, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • TPC Member of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2006). 27 November- 1 December, 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • TPC Member of the 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT06), November, 2006, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • TPC Member of the 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT05), November, 2005, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


  • Reviewer, the ICWMC 2008, July 27 - August 1, 2008, Athens - Greece.
  • Reviewer, the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2007).  11th- 15th March, 2007, Hong Kong.
  • Reviewer, the BodyNets '09. conference, June 2007,  Florence, Italy.
  • Reviewer, COMCOM-D-06 -Elsevier, special issue in Information Security.
  • Reviewer, the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT04, IIT05, IIT06, IIT07),  Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


  1. Served as the D facto coordinator for the Information Security Track (Academic years 03/04 and 04/05).
    • Represented the Security track at the college council
    • Played a leading role in developing the Security track curriculum
    • Played a leading role in developing the Security track labs
    • Advised the security track students
    • Manage the track’s daily activities
  2. Currently, serving as the coordinator for the Senior Exhibition program (Academic year 08/09)

    • Develop the senior project charter.
    • Communicate with faculty to submit projects.
    • Oversee the development and maintenance of the website.
    • Map students’ names to the project.
    • Follow up with faculty on the student’s progress.
    • Coordinate the final projects presentations and evaluations.
  3. Chair of the College Library &Textbook committees (Academic year 09/09)
    • Write the committee mission statement.
    • Write the committee charter.
    • Run a monthly meeting with the committee members.
    • Interface with other entities outside of the college (i.e., Zayed library, the bookstore, etc.)
    • Handel the book ordering for the security track.
    • Handel any problems related books acquisition for faculty and students.
  4. Member of the University Library &Textbook committees (Academic year 08/09)
    • Represent the college in this University level committee
    • Attend the committee meetings.
    • Raise the concerns of the CIT regarding the Library & textbooks issues.
  5. Chair of the College Library &Textbook committees (Academic year 07/08)
    Role:  As listed above.
  6. Member of a CIT Ad hoc committee for review the CIT promotion guidelines and comparing it and mapping it to the University Promotion criteria guidelines.  This sub-committee was appointed by the chair of promotion committee at CIT. (Spring08)
    • Review the CIT promotion guidelines.
    • Review the University promotion criteria guidelines.
    • Produce a report that compares and maps the two.
  7. Chair of a senior exhibition sub-committee, which was established by the Associate Dean for academic affairs (Fall07).
    • Reviewed the existing senior exhibition charter and guidelines.
    • Came up with recommendations on how to simplify the process of supervising, tracking students’ progress and evaluating the projects.
  8. Member of the “University level” UAEU Network Commissioning Committee (from 2005 to 2006).
    • Acted as the vice chair.
    • Inspected the specification of the pre-delivery purchasing orders for all university technical devices.
    • Inspect the post-delivery& installment of technical devices to the entire university.
    • Sign for approval, or disapproval of payments before forwarding the university accounting department.
  9. Member of the CIT internship committee Academic year (05/06)
    • Locating and assigning student to organizations for their internship training.
  10. Member of the  Text book committee (05/06)
    • Handled the security track book ordering forms
  11. CIT Faculty Representative on the College Council-focus group (05/06)
    • Represent the security track on the council.
    • Raise the security track issues.
    • Relayed the CC decisions/tasks related to the security track to the security track faculty.
  12. Represented the UAEU in the Ministry of Education – Education Technology Committee.This committee was established by the Minister of Education (04/05) for the purpose of studying of adoption of technology in primary education nation wide.
    • Provide recommendations on the types of technologies that are suitable for students in grades 1-6.
    • Research, identify and if possible, contact institutions that implement e-learning systems in the United States.
    • Report on the findings.
  13. Member of the “University level” UAE University Workgroup on IT Infrastructure (Spring 04).The Workgroup on IT infrastructure is charged with studying the existing IT infrastructure at UAEU and recommending improvements with the goal of minimizing costs, maximizing efficiency, and maximizing service. The workgroup includes members of all the major IT operation centers in the University.
    • Represented the CIT in all meetings
    • Conducted the analysis and identified the redundancy
    • Participated in writing the final report.
  14. Member of the  CIT Curriculum Committee (03/04)
    • Represented the security track
    • Presented the security track curriculum issues.
  15. Member of the  UAEU/ SUN Center for Excellence in Information Security working group-Member (03/04)
    • Played a leading role in writing the proposal
    • Participated in accruing the security devices and software.
  16. Member of Hiring Committee: participated in interviewing and short listing  candidates for faculty positions at the CIT College, (2004-present)


  1. Consultancy_ (Co-PI): Study and provide a complete IT-Solution to the UAE Marriage Funds.  Status: on going.
  2. Consultancy-(Co-PI): UAEU/ Visionaire on the MIST project- IT Consultation. Status:  Proposal submitted.
  3. Training-(PI): Coordinated, and taught in, a two years IT Forensic training program, which the CIT provided for the Abu-Dhabi Policy Department (ADPD) key personal. Date: (Spring 2006). Status: Completed.
  4. Participated in the writing of the College of Information Technology & College of Business Administration Proposal for an Executive Program Masters of Information Technology Management (Spring 2004). Status Completed.
  5. Training: Provided Six weeks Computer & Network Security Training for Al Ain Cement Factory key engineers (Fall 2007).  Status: Completed.


  1. Delivered a seminar for CIT and the University faculties and instructors entitled: Utilizing Next Generation Access Control for Enhancing Information Security Systems. (Spring 08)
  2. Coordinated a Seminar for faculty and Instructors Entitled: Technical computing at Microsoft Research.  Given by:  Fabrizio Gagliardi, PhD. EMEA and LATAM Director Technical Computing Microsoft Research. (fall07)
  3. Organized a Hands-On training session on Computer Security Hacking and Computer Forensics for Student and faculty, given by: Mr. Balwant Rathore, a security expert from Open Information Systems Security Group (OISSG), a British-based security company. (15th March 2007)
  4. Conducted a seminar on Active & Cooperative learning for CIT faculty. (Fall 2004)


Student project supervision

  1. Supervised 3 different (female) students in their senior exhibition project entitled: Performance analysis of the Juniper firewall, (Fall 2008)
  2. Supervised a group of 4 (female) students in their junior exhibition project (IT-Core) entitled: Acronyms Translator System (Spring 2008)
  3. Supervised a group of 4 (female) students in their junior exhibition project (IT-Core) entitled: Single Sign On (Fall 2007)
  4. Supervised 4 different (male) students in their senior exhibition project entitled: Implementation of BS7799 for Dubai Holdings, (Fall 2005)
  5. Supervised 3 different (female) students in their senior exhibition project entitled: Implementation of Firewall solution for military multi-domain Environment, (Fall,2006)
  6. Supervised 4 different (female) students in their senior exhibition project entitled: impacts of security in WLAN, (Fall 2006)

Internship supervision

  1. Supervised 5 different student in their internship program (UAEU IT Center,, Fall 2004)
  2. Supervised 5 different student in their internship program (UAEU IT Center, Fall 2005)
  3. Supervised 1 students in her internship (Al Marfaq Hospital, Fall 2006)
  4. Supervised 5 different student in their internship program at the University IT Center (UITS), (Fall 2007)

Other related contributions

  1. In response to a request from the College of IT Association (CITA), conducted two Communication &Network Fundamentals tutorials (Fall 2003)
  2. Conducted a Networking Basics seminar for the SARS program students (Spring 2004).
  3. In response to a request from the College of IT Association (CITA), conducted two Communication &Network Fundamentals tutorials (Spring 2004).


  1. Advised over twenty students each year on defining their academic career paths and selecting their courses.