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Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

1. Introduction to Content Governance

Content governance is the backbone of any successful content strategy, ensuring that the content produced aligns with the brand's voice, complies with legal standards, and meets the audience's needs. It involves a set of policies, roles, responsibilities, and processes that guide the creation, management, and dissemination of content. Without proper governance, content can become inconsistent, outdated, or even non-compliant with regulations, leading to a loss of trust and authority in the market.

From the perspective of a content creator, governance provides a clear framework within which they can operate creatively while adhering to brand standards. For marketing executives, it offers a way to measure content's effectiveness and roi. Legal professionals view content governance as a risk management tool, ensuring content adheres to relevant laws and industry regulations. Meanwhile, IT professionals see it as a means to manage digital assets efficiently and securely.

Here are some in-depth insights into content governance:

1. Policy Development: The first step is creating policies that define the type of content to be produced, the tone, style, and the legal considerations it must adhere to. For example, a healthcare company might have strict guidelines on medical advice and disclaimers.

2. Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defined roles such as content creators, editors, and approvers ensure accountability. For instance, a social media manager may be responsible for the initial creation, while a legal advisor might review for compliance before publication.

3. Workflow and Processes: Establishing a workflow for content creation, approval, and publication helps maintain consistency and quality. A common example is the use of content management systems (CMS) that track the stages of content from draft to live.

4. Training and Support: Providing training for the team on governance policies and the use of content tools is crucial. This might include workshops on SEO best practices or how to use a CMS effectively.

5. Content Audits and Updates: Regular reviews of existing content ensure it remains accurate and relevant. For example, a company might conduct quarterly audits to update statistical information or remove outdated content.

6. Technology and Tools: Leveraging the right technology can streamline governance. This includes CMS, analytics tools, and content collaboration platforms.

7. Performance Measurement: Establishing KPIs to measure content performance against goals is vital. This could involve tracking engagement metrics or conversion rates.

8. Feedback Loop: Creating a mechanism for receiving and incorporating feedback from users and stakeholders helps refine the governance model. User surveys and comment sections can serve this purpose.

By integrating these elements, organizations can create a robust content governance model that supports their strategic objectives while mitigating risks. For example, a tech company might use a CMS with built-in SEO tools and analytics to manage their global content strategy, ensuring all content is optimized for search engines and performance is continuously monitored. This approach not only maintains brand consistency but also drives content effectiveness, ultimately contributing to the organization's success.

Introduction to Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

Introduction to Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

2. The Pillars of Content Governance

Content governance is the backbone of any successful content strategy, ensuring that the content produced aligns with the brand's values, meets quality standards, and serves the intended purpose effectively. It encompasses a set of standards, policies, and processes that guide the creation, management, and dissemination of content across various platforms and mediums. By establishing clear governance, organizations can maintain consistency, enhance the user experience, and mitigate risks associated with content management. This section delves into the core pillars that uphold a robust content governance framework, offering insights from different perspectives and providing in-depth information through examples and a structured approach.

1. Policy Development and Implementation: The first pillar involves creating comprehensive content policies that outline the dos and don'ts of content creation. For instance, a company might have a policy that requires all blog posts to be reviewed by a legal team before publication to ensure compliance with industry regulations.

2. Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities ensure that each team member knows what is expected of them. For example, a content manager might be responsible for the overall content strategy, while writers and editors focus on producing and refining the content.

3. Training and Support: To uphold content standards, ongoing training and support are crucial. This could involve workshops on SEO best practices for writers or regular updates on changing content trends.

4. content Lifecycle management: This pillar focuses on the stages a piece of content goes through, from creation to archiving. An example is a content calendar that schedules when articles should be updated or retired.

5. Quality Assurance: Regular audits and reviews guarantee that content remains accurate, relevant, and high-quality. A tech company, for instance, might review its documentation quarterly to ensure technical accuracy.

6. Performance Measurement: Establishing metrics and KPIs to measure content performance helps in understanding its impact. A business blog might track metrics like page views, time spent on page, and conversion rates to gauge success.

7. Technological Infrastructure: The right tools and platforms support efficient content governance. A content management system (CMS) with workflow automation and permission settings is an example of technology aiding governance.

8. legal and Ethical considerations: Adhering to legal standards and ethical norms is paramount. This includes respecting copyright laws and ensuring content is not misleading or offensive.

9. Crisis Management: A plan for handling content-related crises, such as a plan for retracting and correcting published errors, is essential for maintaining trust and credibility.

10. Feedback and Adaptation: A feedback loop that allows for continuous improvement based on user and stakeholder feedback ensures that content governance evolves with the organization's needs.

Through these pillars, organizations can create a dynamic and responsive content governance model that not only controls the quality and consistency of content but also adapts to the changing landscape of digital communication.

The Pillars of Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

The Pillars of Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

3. Developing a Content Governance Framework

Developing a content governance framework is a critical step in ensuring that the content creation strategy of an organization is not only effective but also sustainable and compliant with both internal policies and external regulations. This framework serves as the backbone of content management, providing clear guidelines on content creation, storage, archiving, and deletion. It also delineates roles and responsibilities, ensuring that each piece of content is overseen by individuals with the appropriate expertise and authority. From the perspective of a content creator, a robust governance framework provides a structured environment that fosters creativity while maintaining brand consistency. For the legal team, it offers a way to mitigate risks associated with content. Meanwhile, from a marketing standpoint, it ensures that all content aligns with the overall business strategy and brand messaging.

1. establish Clear Roles and responsibilities: Assign specific roles such as Content Creator, Editor, Legal Approver, and Publisher. For example, a financial institution might have a Compliance Officer review all content for regulatory adherence before publication.

2. Define Content Lifecycles: Outline the stages from creation to archival or deletion. A retail company, for instance, may have seasonal content that is only relevant for a limited time and needs to be archived post-season.

3. Implement Approval Workflows: Set up processes for reviewing and approving content. A healthcare provider could require all patient-facing materials to undergo a medical accuracy review.

4. Create Content Standards: Develop style guides, templates, and branding guidelines. A tech company might use templates for product documentation to ensure consistency across all products.

5. ensure Compliance and risk Management: Incorporate legal checks and balances. A multinational corporation must ensure that content complies with the varying laws of the countries in which it operates.

6. Facilitate Training and Education: Provide resources for team members to understand their roles within the framework. An NGO could offer workshops on how to create content that aligns with its mission and values.

7. Leverage Technology: Utilize content management systems (CMS) and other tools to streamline governance. A media company might use a CMS with built-in workflows and role-based access control.

8. Monitor and Audit Content: Regularly review content to ensure it adheres to the governance framework. A university's marketing department might audit content quarterly to ensure adherence to academic standards and brand voice.

9. Gather Feedback and Iterate: Continuously improve the framework based on user and stakeholder feedback. A fashion brand could collect feedback from designers and marketers to refine content guidelines for social media.

By integrating these elements into a content governance framework, organizations can create a dynamic system that supports their strategic objectives while adapting to the evolving digital landscape. For instance, a publishing house might use its framework to manage a diverse portfolio of authors and genres, ensuring that each book aligns with its publishing standards and market expectations. This not only streamlines operations but also reinforces the publishing house's reputation for quality and consistency.

Developing a Content Governance Framework - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

Developing a Content Governance Framework - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

4. Roles and Responsibilities in Content Governance

Content governance is a critical aspect of content strategy that ensures the quality, consistency, and compliance of content across an organization. It involves defining roles and responsibilities to manage content effectively throughout its lifecycle. This governance structure is not one-size-fits-all; it varies depending on the organization's size, culture, and content needs. However, certain roles are commonly found within content governance frameworks.

From the perspective of a content strategist, the primary responsibility is to establish a content governance plan that aligns with the organization's goals and user needs. This includes setting standards for content creation, distribution, and maintenance. For example, a content strategist might develop a style guide that dictates the voice and tone of all content, ensuring consistency across all platforms.

Content creators, such as writers and designers, are responsible for producing content that adheres to the established guidelines. They must understand the target audience and create content that engages and informs. For instance, a writer might use storytelling techniques to convey complex information in an easily digestible format.

Content managers oversee the operational aspects of content governance. They ensure that content is published on schedule, maintained properly, and retired when no longer relevant. They might use content management systems to track the status of various content pieces, making sure that everything is up-to-date and accurate.

Legal and compliance officers play a crucial role in content governance by ensuring that all content meets legal requirements and industry regulations. They might review content for potential legal issues, such as copyright infringement or non-compliance with data protection laws.

Here is a more detailed look at the roles and responsibilities in content governance:

1. Content Strategist:

- Develops and maintains the content governance framework.

- Sets standards for content quality, style, and tone.

- Ensures alignment with organizational goals and user needs.

2. Content Creators (Writers, Designers, etc.):

- Produce content following the governance plan.

- engage with the target audience through relevant and compelling content.

- Utilize feedback to improve content quality.

3. Content Managers:

- Implement content strategies and manage content lifecycles.

- Use tools and systems to maintain content organization and accuracy.

- Coordinate with different departments to ensure content consistency.

4. Legal and Compliance Officers:

- Review content for legal compliance and potential risks.

- Advise on copyright, trademarks, and data protection laws.

- Conduct regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance.

5. IT and Technical Support:

- Provide the necessary technology and support for content management systems.

- ensure security and accessibility of digital content.

- Facilitate integration of content systems with other organizational tools.

6. Quality Assurance Specialists:

- Monitor content to maintain high standards.

- Perform regular checks and balances.

- Provide feedback to content creators for continuous improvement.

An example of content governance in action can be seen in a large healthcare organization. They might have a dedicated team to ensure that all patient education materials are not only medically accurate but also comply with health literacy standards. This team would work closely with doctors, nurses, and legal experts to review and approve content before it is made available to patients.

Content governance is a multifaceted process that requires collaboration across various roles. Each member of the governance team brings a unique perspective and set of skills to the table, contributing to the creation of high-quality, compliant, and effective content.

Roles and Responsibilities in Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

Roles and Responsibilities in Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

5. Technologys Role in Content Governance

In the realm of content creation, technology stands as a pivotal force in shaping the way content is governed. It's not just about the tools we use to create and distribute content, but also about the systems that help us manage and control it. The role of technology in content governance is multifaceted, involving aspects such as content management systems (CMS), digital rights management (DRM), and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for content moderation and compliance. These technological solutions provide a framework that supports the creation, management, and dissemination of content, ensuring that it aligns with the strategic goals of an organization while adhering to legal and ethical standards.

From the perspective of a content strategist, technology is the backbone that supports the entire content lifecycle—from planning and creation to distribution and analysis. For legal professionals, technology is a safeguard, a means to enforce copyright laws and protect intellectual property. Meanwhile, IT professionals see technology as a system to be secured, maintained, and optimized to support content governance strategies effectively.

Here are some in-depth insights into how technology facilitates content governance:

1. Content Management Systems (CMS):

- A CMS is the starting point for content governance. It allows for the centralization of content, making it easier to manage and control.

- Example: A large e-commerce platform uses a CMS to ensure that product descriptions, images, and pricing information are consistent across all digital channels.

2. Digital Rights Management (DRM):

- DRM technologies protect against unauthorized use and distribution of digital media.

- Example: A music streaming service employs DRM to prevent users from downloading and sharing songs illegally.

3. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning:

- AI and ML are revolutionizing content moderation by automating the detection of non-compliant or inappropriate content.

- Example: A social media platform uses AI algorithms to filter out harmful content and maintain a safe environment for its users.

4. Data Analytics:

- Analytics tools provide insights into content performance, helping to refine governance strategies.

- Example: A news outlet analyzes reader engagement data to tailor its content governance policies, ensuring that articles meet the interests of its audience.

5. Blockchain Technology:

- Blockchain can be used to create immutable records of content creation and distribution, enhancing transparency and accountability.

- Example: A digital art marketplace uses blockchain to track the ownership and authenticity of digital artworks.

6. Regulatory Compliance Tools:

- These tools help organizations stay compliant with various regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and others.

- Example: A multinational corporation uses compliance software to manage personal data across different regions, adhering to local privacy laws.

7. Collaboration Platforms:

- Technology enables seamless collaboration among team members, which is crucial for maintaining content standards and governance.

- Example: A remote team uses a collaboration platform to develop and review content, ensuring consistency and quality control.

Technology's role in content governance is indispensable. It empowers organizations to maintain control over their content, ensuring it serves its intended purpose while remaining compliant with regulatory standards. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the strategies and tools for effective content governance, promising a future where content is not only created with ease but governed with precision.

6. Best Practices for Content Creation and Management

In the realm of content creation and management, best practices serve as the cornerstone for producing, maintaining, and governing content that not only engages but also retains the audience's attention. These practices are not just about adhering to a set of rules; they are about understanding the dynamics of content interaction, the importance of consistency, and the need for adaptability in the face of ever-changing digital landscapes. From the perspective of a content creator, it's about crafting stories that resonate and inform. For managers, it's about orchestrating these stories into a symphony that aligns with the brand's voice and objectives. And from a governance standpoint, it's about ensuring that this symphony plays on key, with each note hitting the right pitch to maintain harmony across all platforms.

Here are some in-depth insights into the best practices for content creation and management:

1. Understand Your Audience: Knowing who you are creating content for is paramount. Create personas for your audience segments to tailor your content effectively. For example, a tech blog might have personas like 'Tech Tim', who loves detailed technical reviews, and 'Gadget Gina', who prefers a focus on usability and design.

2. Consistency is Key: Maintain a consistent tone, style, and publishing schedule. This helps in building a reliable brand image. A company blog that posts thought leadership articles every Tuesday creates an expectation and a habit for its readers.

3. Quality Over Quantity: It's better to publish one well-researched, well-written piece than several subpar ones. An example is the 'Skyscraper Technique', where content creators aim to build on existing content to make something even more valuable and comprehensive.

4. optimize for Search engines: Use SEO best practices to increase visibility. This includes keyword research, meta descriptions, and alt text for images. A blog post titled "10 Best SEO Practices for Your Website" should include relevant keywords throughout the content without stuffing.

5. Engage with Multimedia: Incorporate images, videos, and infographics to break up text and enhance understanding. A tutorial on 'How to Bake a Cake' is more effective with step-by-step images or a video demonstration.

6. Encourage Interaction: End your content with a call-to-action or a question to engage your audience. A blog post about eco-friendly living could end with "What are your top tips for living sustainably?"

7. Monitor and Adapt: Use analytics to track performance and user engagement. If a particular type of content is performing well, consider producing more of that kind. A sudden spike in traffic for articles about 'Remote Work Tips' might indicate a trend worth focusing on.

8. Archive and update content: Keep your content fresh by updating or archiving outdated material. A post about 'The Best Smartphones of 2020' should be updated annually to stay relevant.

9. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Always ensure content complies with legal standards and ethical norms. This includes respecting copyright laws and providing proper attribution for sources.

10. Feedback Loop: Create a system for receiving and implementing feedback from your audience. This could be through comments, surveys, or social media interactions.

By integrating these practices into your content strategy, you can create a robust framework that not only governs the creation and management of content but also ensures it is effective, engaging, and ethically sound. Remember, the goal is to not just capture attention, but to build trust and authority with your audience.

Best Practices for Content Creation and Management - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

Best Practices for Content Creation and Management - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

7. Measuring the Success of Your Content Governance Model

measuring the success of a content governance model is critical to ensure that the content strategy aligns with the organization's goals and delivers the desired outcomes. A robust governance model not only sets the framework for content creation, management, and distribution but also establishes the metrics for evaluating its effectiveness. From the perspective of a content strategist, the success of a governance model is often gauged by its ability to maintain brand consistency, improve content quality, and enhance operational efficiency. Meanwhile, a legal advisor might emphasize compliance with regulations and risk mitigation. On the other hand, a digital marketer would look for improvements in engagement metrics and conversion rates as indicators of success.

1. Establish Clear KPIs: Begin by defining key performance indicators (KPIs) that are aligned with your business objectives. For example, if your goal is to increase user engagement, your KPIs might include metrics like time on page, bounce rate, and social shares.

2. Regular Audits: Conduct regular content audits to assess the health of your content. This involves reviewing content to ensure it is up-to-date, relevant, and consistent with your brand voice.

3. Stakeholder Feedback: Gather feedback from various stakeholders, including content creators, managers, and consumers. This can provide insights into the practical challenges and reception of the content.

4. Compliance Tracking: Monitor compliance with legal standards and brand guidelines. This could involve tracking the use of approved images, adherence to privacy laws, or the correct application of brand messaging.

5. Content Utilization: Evaluate how effectively the content is being used across different channels. Are there pieces of content that perform well on social media but not on your website? Why might that be the case?

6. Technology Use: Assess the technology stack supporting your content governance. Are the tools being used effectively? Is there a need for training or upgrades?

7. ROI Analysis: Calculate the return on investment for your content efforts. This might include direct sales generated from content marketing campaigns or cost savings from improved operational efficiencies.

For instance, a company might use a blog post to drive traffic to a product page, which in turn increases sales. If the blog post is well-governed, it will be SEO-optimized, brand-consistent, and compliant with regulations, thereby contributing to a higher conversion rate. Another example could be a global organization that implements a localization strategy within its governance model to ensure content is culturally relevant and compliant with regional laws, leading to better market penetration and reduced legal risks.

Measuring the success of your content governance model involves a multifaceted approach that considers the objectives and perspectives of different stakeholders within the organization. By setting clear KPIs, conducting regular audits, and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your model's effectiveness and make informed decisions to optimize your content strategy.

Measuring the Success of Your Content Governance Model - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

Measuring the Success of Your Content Governance Model - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

8. Common Challenges and Solutions in Content Governance

Content governance is a critical aspect of content strategy that ensures the quality, consistency, and compliance of content across an organization. It involves setting policies, standards, and processes to manage content effectively. However, implementing a robust content governance framework is not without its challenges. Organizations often grapple with issues such as decentralized content creation, inconsistent messaging, lack of accountability, and difficulty in enforcing compliance. These challenges can lead to content that is off-brand, outdated, or even non-compliant with legal standards, resulting in a poor user experience and potential legal risks.

From the perspective of content creators, the struggle often lies in balancing creativity with the constraints of governance policies. Meanwhile, content managers face the task of enforcing these policies without stifling the creative process. On the other hand, legal and compliance teams must ensure that all content adheres to the ever-changing landscape of regulations and laws, which can be a moving target.

To address these challenges, here are some solutions that organizations can implement:

1. Establish Clear Content Policies and Guidelines:

- develop comprehensive content policies that cover all aspects of content creation, distribution, and maintenance.

- Use real-world examples to illustrate do's and don'ts, such as a social media post that aligns perfectly with brand voice versus one that doesn't.

2. Implement a centralized Content management System (CMS):

- A CMS can serve as the single source of truth for all content, ensuring consistency and ease of access.

- For instance, a global company might use a CMS to manage translations of their content to maintain message consistency across languages.

3. define Roles and responsibilities:

- Clearly delineate who is responsible for creating, approving, and publishing content.

- A case study could highlight how a marketing team restructured their workflow to improve accountability and content quality.

4. Regular Training and Education:

- Conduct regular training sessions to keep all stakeholders informed about content policies and best practices.

- An example here could be an annual workshop for content creators on legal compliance in advertising.

5. Automate Compliance Checks:

- Use technology to automatically check content for compliance with governance policies.

- Automation tools can flag potential issues before publication, like a system that detects and alerts for the use of outdated product names.

6. Continuous Monitoring and Auditing:

- Regularly review content to ensure it remains accurate, relevant, and compliant.

- A success story might involve a company that implemented monthly content audits, leading to a significant reduction in outdated information on their website.

7. feedback Loops and improvement Processes:

- Encourage feedback from content users and creators to continually refine governance processes.

- An internal survey could reveal insights that lead to a more streamlined content approval process.

By tackling the common challenges of content governance head-on with these solutions, organizations can create a framework that supports their strategic goals while maintaining high standards of content quality and compliance. This, in turn, enhances the overall effectiveness of their content strategy and strengthens their brand's integrity in the marketplace.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

Common Challenges and Solutions in Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

As we delve into the future trends in content governance, it's essential to recognize that the digital landscape is continuously evolving. The proliferation of content across various platforms has necessitated a more sophisticated approach to content governance. Organizations are now recognizing the importance of maintaining control over their content to ensure consistency, compliance, and relevance. This is particularly crucial as we move towards a more interconnected world where content transcends borders and regulatory frameworks become more complex.

From the perspective of content creators, there's a growing trend towards using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate content governance. This means algorithms that can not only detect sensitive or non-compliant content but also predict governance issues before they arise. For instance, AI can be used to automatically tag content and classify it according to the organization's governance policies.

Content consumers, on the other hand, are becoming more aware of their data rights, which influences how organizations handle user-generated content. The rise of privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA has put the power back into the hands of consumers, who now demand transparency in how their content is used and governed.

Regulatory bodies are also playing catch-up with the digital world, often implementing new guidelines that impact content governance strategies. This includes regulations on data sovereignty, where data must be stored and processed within the country of origin, affecting multinational companies.

Here are some in-depth insights into the future trends of content governance:

1. Decentralized Content Governance: With blockchain technology, we're seeing a shift towards decentralized content governance models. This allows for a transparent and immutable record of content changes and ownership, exemplified by platforms like Steemit.

2. Predictive Compliance: leveraging big data analytics, organizations will increasingly predict governance breaches before they occur, allowing for preemptive action to be taken. This could manifest in tools that provide real-time feedback to content creators about potential compliance issues.

3. automated workflows: The use of AI to create automated workflows for content approval processes will become more prevalent. This can help in streamlining the content lifecycle, reducing the time from creation to publication while ensuring governance standards are met.

4. Personalized Content Governance: As AI becomes more sophisticated, we can expect personalized governance where content is automatically tailored to meet the regulatory requirements of different regions or demographics.

5. Integrated Governance Platforms: There will be a rise in integrated platforms that combine content creation, management, and governance in one place. This holistic approach ensures that governance is not an afterthought but a fundamental part of the content lifecycle.

6. Ethical Governance: With the increasing use of AI in content creation, ethical governance will become a hot topic. This involves setting guidelines to ensure that AI-generated content is fair, unbiased, and transparent.

7. User Empowerment: Tools that empower users to control how their content is used and shared will become more common. This could include user-friendly interfaces for setting governance preferences or opting out of data collection.

8. Cross-Platform Governance: As content becomes more fluid across platforms, cross-platform governance tools will be necessary to maintain consistency and compliance across different media.

9. real-Time monitoring and Enforcement: Real-time monitoring tools will become more advanced, allowing organizations to enforce governance policies immediately as content is created or shared.

10. Education and Training: There will be a greater emphasis on educating content creators about governance policies and best practices, possibly through interactive training modules or AI-powered coaching systems.

For example, a company like Acme Corp might implement an AI-driven content governance system that automatically adjusts marketing materials to comply with the latest advertising regulations in real-time, ensuring that all content is compliant the moment it goes live.

The future of content governance is one that is more automated, integrated, and user-centric. As technology advances, so too will the tools and strategies used to govern content, ensuring that it remains relevant, compliant, and effective in achieving organizational goals.

Future Trends in Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

Future Trends in Content Governance - Content creation strategy: Content Governance Models: In Control: Exploring Content Governance Models

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