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User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

1. The Power of Community Engagement

Community engagement stands as a cornerstone in the edifice of successful user-generated content campaigns. It is the catalyst that transforms passive audiences into active participants, co-creators, and vocal advocates for a brand or cause. This engagement is not a monolithic concept; rather, it is multifaceted, encompassing a spectrum of activities from sharing feedback to content creation. The power it wields is immense, as it can significantly amplify the reach and impact of a campaign, fostering a sense of ownership and belonging among the community members.

From the perspective of a brand, community engagement is a strategic asset. It can lead to a treasure trove of authentic content that resonates more deeply with potential customers than traditional advertising ever could. For instance, GoPro's user-generated content campaign harnesses the power of its community by encouraging users to share their adventure videos, effectively turning customers into brand ambassadors.

From the community's viewpoint, engagement is empowering. It provides a platform for individuals to express their creativity, share their experiences, and contribute to a larger narrative. Take, for example, the #MeToo movement, which started as a hashtag and grew into a global phenomenon through the sheer force of community engagement, giving voice to countless individuals.

Here are some in-depth insights into the power of community engagement:

1. Authenticity and Trust: User-generated content is perceived as more authentic compared to brand-created content. A study by Stackla found that consumers are 2.4 times more likely to view user-generated content as authentic versus content created by brands.

2. Increased Engagement: According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising. This trust translates into higher engagement rates for user-generated campaigns.

3. Cost-Effectiveness: community-driven initiatives can be more cost-effective than traditional marketing campaigns. Airbnb's "Night At" campaign, which invited users to spend a night at unique locations, is a prime example of how leveraging community content can lead to viral success without a hefty advertising budget.

4. enhanced Brand loyalty: Engaging with the community can lead to increased brand loyalty. Lego's Ideas platform allows fans to submit their own designs for new sets, with the possibility of their idea becoming an official Lego product, thus fostering a strong, loyal community.

5. Diverse Perspectives: Community engagement brings in diverse viewpoints, enriching the content and making it more relatable to a wider audience. Starbucks' White Cup Contest invited customers to decorate their cups and share the designs on social media, showcasing a wide array of artistic expressions.

6. Feedback Loop: active community engagement provides a valuable feedback loop for brands, helping them to understand consumer needs and preferences better. Dell's IdeaStorm forum is an excellent example of how community suggestions can influence product development.

7. Social Proof: User-generated content serves as social proof, influencing the purchasing decisions of others. Sephora's Beauty Insider Community is a platform where users share reviews and makeup tips, which in turn influences the buying behavior of the community.

The power of community engagement in user-generated content campaigns is undeniable. It not only enriches the content but also builds a sustainable, engaged community that can propel a brand to new heights. As we move forward, the brands that recognize and harness this power will be the ones that thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

The Power of Community Engagement - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

The Power of Community Engagement - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

2. Planning Your Campaign

When embarking on a user-generated content campaign, the planning phase is crucial. This stage is all about setting the foundation for a successful initiative that not only engages your community but also aligns with your brand's goals and values. It's a multifaceted process that involves understanding your audience, defining clear objectives, and crafting a strategic approach that encourages participation and content creation. By tapping into the collective creativity and experiences of your community, you can foster a sense of ownership and loyalty, turning your audience into active contributors and advocates for your brand.

From a marketing perspective, the planning phase is about identifying the target demographic and understanding what motivates them to share content. Are they driven by recognition, rewards, or the sheer joy of creation? Knowing this allows you to tailor your campaign to resonate with your audience's desires and behaviors.

Community managers, on the other hand, focus on fostering a supportive environment where members feel comfortable and inspired to share. They might plan events or challenges that spark conversation and content sharing, ensuring that guidelines are in place to maintain a positive and respectful space.

Content strategists look at the type of content that will be generated and how it fits into the overall content calendar. They plan for the curation and amplification of user-generated content, integrating it with existing marketing efforts to maximize impact.

Here's a detailed breakdown of the steps involved in planning your campaign:

1. Define Your Goals: What do you want to achieve with your campaign? Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or building a community, having clear objectives will guide your strategy.

2. Understand Your Audience: Conduct surveys, interviews, and use analytics to get to know your audience. What are their interests, pain points, and online behaviors?

3. Choose the Right Platform: Not all platforms are created equal. Select the one where your target audience is most active and engaged.

4. Create a Participation Framework: Decide on the rules, guidelines, and incentives for your campaign. Will there be contests, hashtags, or themes?

5. Develop a Content Plan: plan how you'll use the user-generated content. Will it be featured on your website, social media, or in advertising?

6. Prepare for Moderation: Set up a system for monitoring and moderating content to ensure it aligns with your brand values and campaign goals.

7. Promote Your Campaign: Use your channels to spread the word about your campaign. Engage influencers, send out press releases, and leverage paid advertising if necessary.

8. Measure and Adapt: Establish metrics to measure the success of your campaign. Be prepared to adapt your strategy based on the feedback and performance data.

For example, a travel company might plan a campaign asking customers to share their best travel photos using a specific hashtag. They could offer a prize for the best photo, which encourages participation and provides the company with a wealth of authentic, visually appealing content to use in their marketing materials. The campaign could be promoted across social media platforms, with a focus on Instagram due to its visual nature and the company's active travel community.

By considering these different perspectives and following a structured approach, you can lay a solid groundwork for a campaign that not only generates content but also builds deeper connections with your community.

Planning Your Campaign - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Planning Your Campaign - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

3. Encouraging User Participation

In the realm of user-generated content campaigns, the creative spirit is not just a fleeting muse that visits occasionally; it's a dynamic force that can be harnessed to drive participation and engagement. encouraging user participation is akin to tending a garden; it requires nurturing, patience, and the right environment to flourish. When users are motivated to contribute, they bring with them a wealth of diversity, perspective, and innovation that can transform a campaign from a monologue into a rich dialogue. The key lies in creating a platform where users feel valued, heard, and inspired to share.

From the perspective of a brand, user participation is the cornerstone of community-driven initiatives. It's an acknowledgment that the users are not just passive consumers but active contributors who can shape the brand narrative. On the other hand, from a user's standpoint, participating in such campaigns is an opportunity to express themselves, connect with like-minded individuals, and impact the brands they love.

Here are some in-depth insights into harnessing the creative spirit to encourage user participation:

1. Creating a Participatory Culture: Cultivating an environment where users feel comfortable and excited to share is crucial. This can be achieved by:

- Recognizing and Rewarding Contributions: Whether it's through shoutouts, features, or tangible rewards, acknowledging user contributions fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation.

- Offering Creative Challenges: Engaging users with contests, prompts, and challenges stimulates creativity and invites a diverse range of content.

2. leveraging Social proof: People are influenced by the actions of others. showcasing user-generated content prominently can inspire others to participate. For example, GoPro's user-generated campaigns highlight the best user-submitted videos, which in turn encourages more users to share their experiences.

3. Facilitating Collaboration: Platforms that allow users to collaborate, remix, or build upon each other's work can lead to a more vibrant and interconnected community. Adobe's Remix challenges are a testament to the power of collaborative creativity.

4. Providing Tools and Resources: Giving users access to tools that help them create content can remove barriers to participation. Canva's design platform is an excellent example of a resource that empowers users to create professional-looking designs with ease.

5. Ensuring Inclusivity: A campaign that embraces diversity and provides equal opportunities for all users to participate is more likely to attract a broad spectrum of creative input. Initiatives that highlight stories from underrepresented groups can enrich the conversation and foster a more inclusive community.

6. Listening and Responding: active listening to user feedback and responding to their ideas and concerns shows that their input is valued and can shape the direction of the campaign.

By integrating these strategies, brands can unlock the creative potential of their communities and create campaigns that are not only impactful but also deeply resonant with their audience. Harnessing the creative spirit is not about dictating the narrative; it's about providing the canvas for a masterpiece that everyone contributes to, piece by piece.

Encouraging User Participation - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Encouraging User Participation - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

4. Celebrating Varied Perspectives

In the realm of user-generated content campaigns, the power of diversity cannot be overstated. It is the mosaic of voices, experiences, and perspectives that enriches the dialogue and fosters a more inclusive community. By showcasing diversity, we not only celebrate the varied perspectives that exist within a community but also empower individuals to share their unique stories and insights. This approach not only broadens the scope of engagement but also deepens the connection between members, creating a vibrant tapestry of shared experiences.

From the lens of a marketer, diversity in user-generated content can lead to more creative and resonant campaigns. For instance, a campaign encouraging users to share their personal fitness journeys can benefit from the inclusion of stories from people of different ages, body types, and abilities, each bringing their own definition of what fitness means to them. This not only helps in breaking stereotypes but also inspires a wider audience to participate.

Here are some ways in which diversity can be effectively showcased in user-generated content campaigns:

1. Open Calls for Diverse Contributions: Encourage submissions from all demographics by explicitly stating the desire for diverse perspectives. For example, a photography contest might seek entries that represent a wide range of cultural traditions or personal experiences.

2. Highlighting Underrepresented Voices: Make a conscious effort to feature content from groups that are often underrepresented in media. This could mean spotlighting stories from the elderly in a technology-focused campaign, thereby challenging the notion that tech is only for the young.

3. Diverse Judging Panels: When content is being evaluated, having a panel of judges from varied backgrounds can ensure a fair and inclusive selection process. This also adds credibility to the campaign and reflects a commitment to diversity.

4. Thematic Diversity: Create themes that are broad enough to encompass a wide range of experiences. A campaign about "Home" could invite stories about traditional family homes, shared apartments, or even unconventional living spaces like vans or boats.

5. Localized Campaigns: Tailor campaigns to specific regions or communities, allowing for a deeper exploration of local narratives and issues. This can reveal the unique character and concerns of different communities.

6. Accessible Platforms: Ensure that the platforms used for submitting content are accessible to people with disabilities. This could involve providing alternative text for images or captions for videos.

7. Diversity in Promotion: Use a variety of channels and influencers to promote the campaign, reaching out to different segments of the population.

8. Feedback and Dialogue: Create channels for participants to provide feedback on the campaign and engage in dialogue with one another. This can help in understanding the impact of diversity in the campaign and in making improvements for future initiatives.

By integrating these elements, a user-generated content campaign can become a powerful vehicle for showcasing diversity and celebrating varied perspectives. It's not just about ticking boxes for representation; it's about creating a space where every voice is valued and every story has the potential to inspire.

Celebrating Varied Perspectives - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Celebrating Varied Perspectives - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

5. Strategies for Amplifying Reach

Building momentum in user-generated content campaigns is crucial for amplifying reach and ensuring that community-driven initiatives make a lasting impact. The key lies in harnessing the power of the community to create a self-sustaining cycle of engagement and content creation. By encouraging users to share their experiences, participate in challenges, or contribute to a collective project, campaigns can tap into the network effect where each contribution adds value and encourages further participation. This approach not only increases visibility but also fosters a sense of ownership and belonging among community members, which is essential for long-term engagement.

From the perspective of a brand manager, the focus is on creating a platform that makes sharing content effortless and rewarding. For a social media strategist, it's about crafting shareable, relatable content that resonates with the community. Meanwhile, a community manager might emphasize the importance of recognizing and celebrating contributors to encourage ongoing participation.

Here are some strategies for building momentum in user-generated content campaigns:

1. leverage Social proof: Showcase popular or high-quality contributions to set a standard and inspire others. For example, GoPro's user-generated campaigns often highlight exceptional videos, which in turn motivates other users to submit their own content in hopes of being featured.

2. Create Challenges and Contests: engage the community with creative challenges or contests that prompt users to contribute. A notable example is the ice Bucket challenge, which went viral and significantly raised awareness and funds for ALS research.

3. Offer Incentives: Provide rewards, recognition, or exclusive opportunities as incentives for contributing content. Sephora’s Beauty Insider Community offers points and perks for reviews and interactions, encouraging more users to engage.

4. Utilize Hashtags: Create unique hashtags for campaigns to make content easily discoverable and to track engagement. The #ShotOniPhone campaign by Apple effectively aggregated user content and showcased the capabilities of their product.

5. Engage with Contributors: Interact with users who submit content by commenting, sharing, or featuring their contributions. This not only validates their effort but also encourages them and others to contribute more.

6. Collaborate with Influencers: partner with influencers who can amplify the campaign's reach and lend credibility. When Adobe collaborated with popular artists for its #AdobeRemix campaign, it inspired a wave of creative submissions.

7. Cross-Promote Across Platforms: Share user-generated content across different social media platforms to reach a wider audience. For instance, Airbnb cross-posts user stories on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, maximizing exposure.

8. Provide Clear Guidelines: Make it easy for users to participate by providing clear instructions and criteria for submissions. National Geographic’s #YourShot community thrives by giving photographers specific themes and guidelines for submissions.

9. Monitor and Adapt: Keep an eye on the campaign's performance and be ready to adapt strategies based on what works best. This dynamic approach ensures that the campaign remains relevant and engaging.

By implementing these strategies, campaigns can build a strong momentum that not only amplifies reach but also strengthens the community bond, leading to a successful and impactful user-generated content initiative. Engagement begets engagement, and with each shared story, photo, or video, the campaign's message spreads further, creating a ripple effect that can have a profound impact.

Strategies for Amplifying Reach - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Strategies for Amplifying Reach - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

6. Keeping the Conversation Going

Engagement and interaction are the lifeblood of any community-driven initiative. They are the mechanisms that transform passive observers into active participants, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment towards the campaign's goals. In the realm of user-generated content (UGC) campaigns, keeping the conversation going is not just about maintaining a dialogue, but about nurturing an environment where users feel compelled to contribute, share, and advocate. This ongoing interaction is crucial for the vitality of the campaign, as it helps to sustain momentum, encourages diversity of thought, and promotes a collaborative spirit. From the perspective of the organizers, it's about creating a platform that is both inviting and rewarding; for participants, it's about finding value and meaning in their contributions; and from an outsider's viewpoint, it's about witnessing a vibrant community that is actively shaping the narrative of the campaign.

Here are some in-depth insights into fostering engagement and interaction within a UGC campaign:

1. Prompting Participation with Questions and Challenges: One effective way to encourage interaction is by posing questions or challenges that invite users to share their experiences or ideas. For example, a campaign focusing on environmental sustainability might ask participants to post their most innovative recycling hacks, thereby sparking conversations and sharing practical tips within the community.

2. Recognizing and Rewarding Contributions: Acknowledging participants' efforts can be a powerful motivator. Highlighting exceptional contributions through features or rewards not only gratifies the individual but also sets a benchmark for quality and creativity within the community. A UGC campaign could implement a 'Creator of the Month' feature to showcase and celebrate outstanding content.

3. facilitating Peer-to-peer Interaction: Building platforms or forums where participants can interact, collaborate, and provide feedback to one another can create a self-sustaining ecosystem of content generation. This peer-to-peer model was exemplified by the 'Ice Bucket Challenge', where individuals nominated friends, thereby creating a chain reaction of content and engagement.

4. Leveraging Influencers and Advocates: Influencers can act as catalysts for conversation by bringing their followers into the campaign. When influencers are genuinely invested in the cause, their engagement can inspire their audience to participate more actively. An example is the partnership between a popular YouTuber and a literacy campaign, where the influencer's reading challenge videos spurred fans to join the cause.

5. Ensuring Accessibility and Inclusivity: To keep the conversation going, it's essential that the campaign is accessible to a wide audience. This means considering language barriers, cultural nuances, and varying levels of digital literacy. A campaign that successfully bridged these gaps was the global 'Share a Coke' initiative, which personalized bottle labels in various languages and scripts, inviting people from different backgrounds to engage.

6. continuous Feedback loop: incorporating user feedback into the campaign not only improves the initiative but also shows participants that their voices are heard and valued. This could be as simple as implementing suggested changes to a campaign's hashtag or as complex as co-creating campaign content based on user suggestions.

7. storytelling and Emotional connection: Stories have the power to connect people and evoke emotions. Encouraging users to share their personal stories related to the campaign's theme can deepen the level of engagement. For instance, a campaign aimed at raising awareness for mental health could invite participants to share their journeys, creating a tapestry of narratives that resonate with others.

By weaving these elements into the fabric of a UGC campaign, organizers can cultivate an environment where engagement and interaction are not just encouraged but become the cornerstone of the initiative's success. It's through this ongoing conversation that a community-driven campaign can truly make an impact, harnessing the collective power of its participants to drive change and foster a sense of unity and purpose.

Keeping the Conversation Going - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Keeping the Conversation Going - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

7. Analytics and User Feedback

In the realm of user-generated content campaigns, gauging the success of community-driven initiatives is a multifaceted process that hinges on both quantitative analytics and qualitative user feedback. The former provides a solid foundation of data-driven insights, while the latter offers a nuanced understanding of the community's engagement and sentiment. Together, they paint a comprehensive picture of the impact and reach of the campaign.

From the perspective of analytics, key performance indicators (KPIs) such as page views, shares, likes, and the number of submissions can offer a clear view of the level of interaction and the content's virality. However, these metrics only scratch the surface. Delving deeper, we can examine:

1. user Retention rates: How many individuals return to engage with the campaign? high retention rates can indicate that the content resonates well with the audience.

2. Conversion Rates: Are users taking the desired action after interacting with the content? This could range from signing up for a newsletter to making a purchase.

3. Time Spent on Page: This metric can reveal the depth of user engagement. Longer durations suggest that the content is compelling enough to hold the audience's attention.

For instance, a campaign encouraging users to share their eco-friendly habits might track the number of posts tagged with a specific hashtag. If the hashtag trends, it's a strong indicator of the campaign's reach.

On the user feedback side, it's essential to listen to what participants are saying. This can be gathered through:

1. Surveys and Polls: Direct questions about the user experience can yield actionable insights.

2. Comments and Discussions: Analyzing conversations around the content can reveal how it's being received and interpreted.

3. Testimonials and Stories: Personal accounts of how the campaign has affected users can be powerful endorsements.

For example, a campaign that features user stories about overcoming challenges might measure success by the emotional responses and shared experiences in the comment sections.

Ultimately, the blend of analytics and user feedback steers the campaign towards continuous improvement, ensuring that community-driven initiatives not only make an initial splash but also leave a lasting impact.

Analytics and User Feedback - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Analytics and User Feedback - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

8. Case Studies of Impactful Campaigns

The transformative power of community-driven initiatives is vividly illustrated through the success stories of campaigns that have harnessed user-generated content to achieve remarkable outcomes. These campaigns stand as testaments to the potential of collective action, where individual contributions coalesce into a significant impact. By tapping into the creativity and diversity of the community, these initiatives have not only achieved their goals but have also fostered a sense of ownership and engagement among participants. This has led to the creation of content that resonates on a personal level, driving wider reach and deeper connections.

From environmental conservation efforts to social justice movements, the scope of these campaigns is as varied as the communities behind them. What unites them is the innovative use of user-generated content to amplify their message, engage a broader audience, and create lasting change. Here are some notable examples:

1. The Green Wave Project: A global environmental campaign that encouraged individuals to share their tree-planting activities online. The initiative's website featured a live counter of trees planted, and the campaign gained momentum through the sharing of photos and videos, resulting in over 10 million trees planted worldwide.

2. Faces of Change: A social campaign aimed at raising awareness about diversity and inclusion. Participants were invited to share their stories and portraits on social media, creating a mosaic of faces and narratives that highlighted the richness of human diversity. The campaign went viral, sparking conversations and promoting inclusivity.

3. Run for Water: This initiative combined fitness and philanthropy by encouraging participants to log their running miles through a dedicated app. For every mile run, sponsors donated funds to water conservation projects. The campaign successfully engaged fitness enthusiasts and raised significant funds for water preservation.

4. Art Against Stigma: An art submission campaign that sought to destigmatize mental health issues. Artists from around the globe submitted works that depicted their experiences with mental health, culminating in an online gallery and several exhibitions. The campaign provided a platform for artists to share their stories and fostered a community of support.

5. Code for Good: A hackathon series where developers contributed their skills to create open-source solutions for non-profit organizations. The event was documented through live streams and social media updates, showcasing the collaborative efforts and resulting in a variety of tools and applications that benefited numerous causes.

These examples highlight how user-generated content can be a powerful catalyst for change. By leveraging the collective creativity and passion of the community, campaigns can transcend traditional boundaries and make a lasting impact on society. The success of these initiatives offers valuable insights for future campaigns seeking to mobilize communities and harness the power of user-generated content.

Case Studies of Impactful Campaigns - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Case Studies of Impactful Campaigns - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

9. Sustaining Community Involvement Post-Campaign

Maintaining the momentum of community involvement after a user-generated content campaign has concluded is a critical aspect of ensuring the long-term success and impact of community-driven initiatives. The conclusion of a campaign does not signify the end of community engagement; rather, it marks a transition into a new phase where the focus shifts from active participation to sustaining the interest and involvement of the community. This phase is crucial for preserving the sense of ownership and belonging that participants have developed, and for leveraging the collective efforts to continue making a difference.

From the perspective of community managers, the post-campaign period is an opportunity to reflect on the successes and learnings, to recognize and celebrate the contributions of members, and to set the stage for future initiatives. For participants, it's a time to see the fruits of their labor, to feel valued for their input, and to stay connected with the cause or brand.

Here are some strategies to sustain community involvement post-campaign:

1. Feedback and Recognition: Solicit feedback from participants to understand their experience and gather insights for improvement. Recognizing individual contributions can be done through shout-outs, certificates, or even small rewards. For example, Adobe's Creative Cloud Express community highlights user creations weekly, providing recognition and encouraging ongoing participation.

2. Continued Engagement: Keep the community active by providing ongoing activities related to the campaign's theme. This could include follow-up challenges, discussions, or collaborative projects. LEGO Ideas, for instance, continues to engage its community by hosting new design challenges and showcasing winning creations.

3. Showcasing Impact: Share the tangible outcomes of the campaign with the community. Demonstrating the impact of their contributions reinforces the value of their involvement. Patagonia's Action Works platform connects users with environmental campaigns and later shares the results and progress made, keeping the community informed and engaged.

4. Building Relationships: Foster a sense of camaraderie and connection among members. Create spaces for interaction, such as forums or social media groups, where participants can share stories, ideas, and support each other. The GoPro community encourages users to share their adventure stories, which helps maintain a vibrant and connected user base.

5. Planning Ahead: Announce upcoming campaigns or related initiatives to give community members something to look forward to. This anticipation can keep the engagement levels high. For example, National Geographic's Photo Ark project periodically releases new photo collections to keep the audience engaged and aware of ongoing conservation efforts.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a sustainable cycle of engagement that not only benefits the brand or cause but also enriches the community's experience. The key is to keep the conversation going, to continue valuing each member's contribution, and to evolve the initiative in response to the community's feedback and interests.

Sustaining Community Involvement Post Campaign - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

Sustaining Community Involvement Post Campaign - User generated content campaigns: Community Driven Initiatives: Making an Impact with Community Driven Initiatives

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