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Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications container_4joumle7hffilk276fkubvhxcq

Journal of Algorithms and Applications

Entity Metadata (schema)

container_type journal
issne 1526-1719
issnl 1526-1719
issnp 1526-1719
name Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
publisher Journal of Algorithms and Applications
wikidata_qid Q15710060

Extra Metadata (raw JSON)

abbrev J Graph Algorithms Appl
country us
doaj {'as_of': '2022-07-06', 'default_license': 'CC-BY', 'seal': False}
languages ['en']
road {'as_of': '2018-01-24'}
szczepanski {'as_of': '2018'}
urls http://www.cs.brown.edu/publications/jgaa/