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An Integrated Solution for Solar Cold Chain Portfolio Management using Internet of Things release_3pmayjq4czaqhc27uj4v5ewvky

by Krishna Prasad K, Vinayachadnra Kirlaya, K. Geetha Poornima, M. Rajeshwari

Published by Zenodo.



The Cold Chain system includes a range of systems, such as 'thermal' and 'refrigerated packaging' strategies for moving temperature-sensitive goods along a supply chain, and logistical preparation to ensure shipment integrity. Cold Chain products, including refrigerated trucks and railcars, container ships, reefers, and air freight, are shipped in many different ways. The basic elements of the system are Cooling Systems, Cold, Cold Transport and Cold Processing and Distribution. The 'cold' element of the system, i.e. refrigerators powered by gas or kerosene, has been considered the most suitable choice in areas without reliable energy sources such as electricity. Nevertheless, numerous problems with these tools have made it both difficult and costly to maintain temperatures within the safe range. In the 1980s, solar refrigerators powered by batteries were introduced as a solution to those problems. But the batteries they relied on required regular maintenance, had a lifespan of only three to five years, and replacements of quality were costly and sometimes hard to get. A new solution with solar power has emerged in recent years by avoiding unreliable energy storage which is also expensive. This new solar-powered system freezes the material and keeps the tank frozen when there is no sunlight. The new IoT technology offers greater visibility and control over the entire cold chain network operated by the solar. Using data in real-time, IoT will allow quicker, more appropriate reactions as well as much more informed decisions. Nonetheless, the issue is that most IoT solutions aren't considered primetime ready. IoT has tremendous potential to play a pivotal role in turning the Solar Cold Chain System into Smarter one. This literature analysis is created by revising a good number of papers published in peer-reviewed journals and online sources using the secondary data obtained. The goal of the study is to explain the use of IoT in the Solar-powered Cold Chain System, the future of IoT in this area, find research gaps a [...]
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Date   2020-05-01
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