Papers by Pedro Marques Gomes
Media & Jornalismo, 2021
The history of the Portuguese press after the 25 April 1974 coup is indissociable from the story ... more The history of the Portuguese press after the 25 April 1974 coup is indissociable from the story of journalists and especially those who took on executive positions and marked the personality of periodicals. Artur Portela Filho is a prime example when one notes how much of himself is in the two publications he headed from their laun-ch: Jornal Novo (1975) and Opção (1976-78), the first newspaper and the first news-magazine founded after the overturn of Estado Novo, both privately funded. Irreverent and audacious, Artur Portela (1937–2020) named himself “independent socialist” and used satire and the quality of writing to create two projects which would beco-me unmatched milestones in Portuguese journalism by their manner of committedly reporting on and criticising processes as well as political and military leaders. This paper maps Portela’s influence on the matrixes of Jornal Novo and Opção, and iden-tifies the cross-sectional elements that emanate from the figure of the editor-in-chief.
Polícia(s) e Segurança Pública: História e Perspetivas Contemporâneas, 2020
Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura
Os jornais foram atores de grande relevância político-social ao longo da revolução portuguesa (19... more Os jornais foram atores de grande relevância político-social ao longo da revolução portuguesa (1974-1975). Por um lado, envolvendo-se nas lutas políticas e principais acontecimentos de então; por outro, sendo alvo de múltiplas e variadas tentativas de controlo de diversas forças. Num período em que a própria imprensa atravessou um processo de profundas transformações, este artigo procura analisá-las e contextualiza-las, refletindo sobre as principais tendências do jornalismo da época.
Mediapolis – Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público, 2021
The Portuguese society underwent multi-
ple and profound transformations in the
aftermath ... more The Portuguese society underwent multi-
ple and profound transformations in the
aftermath of the 25 April 1974 revolution
and the overthrow of the longstanding
dictatorship. In the media, immediate
cha nges occu r red, u n lea shed by t he
possibility of carrying out the journalists’
role in freedom, but also gradual changes
that occurred in parallel with the evolu-
tion of the revolutionary process itself.
In this article, we analyse those changes,
noting the forthcoming of the “militant-
-journalist” and a new professional in the
making during 1974-1975, in the context
of an unstable legal framework and the
l a ck of a pr ofe ssion a l de ontolog ica l
code. We argue that what is noticed in the journalistic field in Portugal after 25 April – the journalist as a professional who is committed with and engaged in
political action – has a clear resemblance
to what occurred in other historic times
of regime change.
RIHC Revista Internacional de Historia de la Comunicación, 2020
Media & Jornalismo, 2019
In the transitional period from dictatorship to democracy in Portugal, the relevance of the media... more In the transitional period from dictatorship to democracy in Portugal, the relevance of the media is undeniable. The media created political facts and were, themselves, at the centre of some of the most emblematic battles them fought. In this article, we analyze the context of journals and the ways of practicing journalism in the revolution, particularly the case of A Luta, created in 1975. With close ties with Socialist Party, A Luta established unequivocally as advocate for democratic legality as a political route for the future of the Portugal.
Tempo & Argumento, 2019
The main aim of this article is to examine the purges carried out in the Diário de Notícias, in t... more The main aim of this article is to examine the purges carried out in the Diário de Notícias, in the summer of 1975. Started in August of that year, the so called «24 case» takes place in one of the hottest moments of the Portuguese revolution, in which the attempts of political and ideological control of media increase. We observe, among other things, that the «24 case» falls within a broader context than just of a labor problem: the political struggle that sweeps the country in the years of 19741975.
Notícias em Portugal: Estudos sobre a Imprensa Informativa (Séculos XVI-XX), 2018
(Co)Insistências: estudos em Letras, Artes e Comunicação, 2018
Neste artigo, apresenta-se alguns resultados da investigação de doutoramento, procurando identifi... more Neste artigo, apresenta-se alguns resultados da investigação de doutoramento, procurando identificar as principais particularidades do semanário O Jornal (nascido em maio de 1975), no contexto dos media da época. Apresentar-se-á também, de forma necessariamente sintética, uma leitura das páginas d’O Jornal naquela que é consensualmente considerada a última fase do processo revolucionário português (de 11 de Março a 25 de Novembro de 1975). Conclui-se que O Jornal foi um ator de grande relevância para a compreensão dos acontecimentos de 1975, assumindo uma postura distinta de muitos dos jornais da época. Praticando um jornalismo interpretativo, criativo e dinâmico, este semanário envolveu-se em algumas das principais questões do período, marcando a sua posição (caso da luta pela liberdade de imprensa).
Revista Brasileira de História da Mídia, 2018
The journalists in the Portuguese revolution (1974-1975)
The revolutionary process that followed ... more The journalists in the Portuguese revolution (1974-1975)
The revolutionary process that followed the dictatorship‟s fall, on the 25th of April 1974, radically altered the media and journalism in Portugal. In this article, we seek to analyze the evolution of the journalists‟ employment situations and the journalistic activities between 1974 and 1975, in an attempt to portray the Portuguese journalist at the time. We observe that a “revolutionary” or “militant” type of journalism emerges, in a period of intense fights for the definition of the type of political system to be implemented in the country. At the same time, several achievements are made in terms of employment rights and conditions, as a result of the fights and claims from workers of the journalistic companies.
Trajectos. Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Educação, 2013
Revista Brasileira de História da Midia, 2015
Revista Media & Jornalismo, Nº 23, 2013
Revista Estudos em Jornalismo e Mídia, Nº 9, Vol. 2, 2012
Comunicação Pública. Revista Multidisciplinar de Comunicação, 2012
Books by Pedro Marques Gomes
A Liberdade por Princípio: Estudos e Testemunhos em Homenagem a Mário Mesquita, 2021
Breve História do Partido Socialista, 2019
Papers by Pedro Marques Gomes
ple and profound transformations in the
aftermath of the 25 April 1974 revolution
and the overthrow of the longstanding
dictatorship. In the media, immediate
cha nges occu r red, u n lea shed by t he
possibility of carrying out the journalists’
role in freedom, but also gradual changes
that occurred in parallel with the evolu-
tion of the revolutionary process itself.
In this article, we analyse those changes,
noting the forthcoming of the “militant-
-journalist” and a new professional in the
making during 1974-1975, in the context
of an unstable legal framework and the
l a ck of a pr ofe ssion a l de ontolog ica l
code. We argue that what is noticed in the journalistic field in Portugal after 25 April – the journalist as a professional who is committed with and engaged in
political action – has a clear resemblance
to what occurred in other historic times
of regime change.
The revolutionary process that followed the dictatorship‟s fall, on the 25th of April 1974, radically altered the media and journalism in Portugal. In this article, we seek to analyze the evolution of the journalists‟ employment situations and the journalistic activities between 1974 and 1975, in an attempt to portray the Portuguese journalist at the time. We observe that a “revolutionary” or “militant” type of journalism emerges, in a period of intense fights for the definition of the type of political system to be implemented in the country. At the same time, several achievements are made in terms of employment rights and conditions, as a result of the fights and claims from workers of the journalistic companies.
Books by Pedro Marques Gomes
ple and profound transformations in the
aftermath of the 25 April 1974 revolution
and the overthrow of the longstanding
dictatorship. In the media, immediate
cha nges occu r red, u n lea shed by t he
possibility of carrying out the journalists’
role in freedom, but also gradual changes
that occurred in parallel with the evolu-
tion of the revolutionary process itself.
In this article, we analyse those changes,
noting the forthcoming of the “militant-
-journalist” and a new professional in the
making during 1974-1975, in the context
of an unstable legal framework and the
l a ck of a pr ofe ssion a l de ontolog ica l
code. We argue that what is noticed in the journalistic field in Portugal after 25 April – the journalist as a professional who is committed with and engaged in
political action – has a clear resemblance
to what occurred in other historic times
of regime change.
The revolutionary process that followed the dictatorship‟s fall, on the 25th of April 1974, radically altered the media and journalism in Portugal. In this article, we seek to analyze the evolution of the journalists‟ employment situations and the journalistic activities between 1974 and 1975, in an attempt to portray the Portuguese journalist at the time. We observe that a “revolutionary” or “militant” type of journalism emerges, in a period of intense fights for the definition of the type of political system to be implemented in the country. At the same time, several achievements are made in terms of employment rights and conditions, as a result of the fights and claims from workers of the journalistic companies.