Rad ima cilj da objasni značaj porodice kao faktora u vodećim mikro- i makro-teorijama porekla de... more Rad ima cilj da objasni značaj porodice kao faktora u vodećim mikro- i makro-teorijama porekla delinkvencije i da utvrdi uloge koje joj one dodeljuju u objašnjenju etiologije ovakvog ponašanja. Analiza je pokazala da mikro-teorije kao posebno značajnu ističu socijalizaciju i vaspitnu ulogu porodice kojom se oblikuju kako konformistički, tako i antisocijalni obrasci ponašanja, dok makro-teorije glavne uzroke devijantnosti pronalaze u strukturalnim karakteristikama društva, a porodicu prepoznaju kao faktora koji posreduje između društva i deteta. Analizom su utvrđeni i nedostaci proučavanih teorija. S obzirom na to da se baziraju na istraživanjima sprovedenim u SAD-u i zapadnoevropskim zemljama, one ne mogu u potpunosti da se primene na objašnjenje etiologije delinkvencije u svim društvima. Pored toga, mikro-teorije ne uzimaju u obzir karakteristike društva koje mogu da utiču na izbor vaspitnih metoda roditelja, razvoj njihovog vaspitnog stila i na njihovu odluku koje vrednosti će da prenesu deci, dok se makro-teorije ne bave pitanjem kakav uticaj imaju na devijantno ponašanje odlike onih društava, čiji su ekonomski, pravni i kulturni sistemi decenijama nestabilni, kao ni onih čiji se društveni sistem urušio i još uvek se nije reetablirao. Na osnovu ove analize može da se zaključi da uprkos važnoj ulozi koju roditelji imaju za usvajanje/sprečavanje antisocijalnog ponašanja, okvire u kojima će oni tu ulogu obavljati određuju karakteristike datog društva. Ključne riječi: teorije porekla, porodica, delinkvencija, deca, mladi
The paper is dealing with the problem of violent behaviour in the reality show "Couples", which i... more The paper is dealing with the problem of violent behaviour in the reality show "Couples", which is broadcasted on Happy TV, a commercial television with a national frequency in Serbia. Based on the idea that the conditions in reality shows are conducive to violence due to a large amount of character interaction and little plot and guided by the results of the research that studied violent behaviours in reality shows in the UK, our research aimed to determine which forms of violent behaviour are most prevalent in this reality show, in what situations and under what circumstances violent behaviours mostly occur, as well as who commits violence most often. The results showed that the most common forms of violence were direct emotional/psychological violence, that the most frequent and diverse violent behaviour was expressed by the Production and TV hosts, that nearly all the violent behaviour of participants were a reaction to the Production‘s and hosts’ provocation and manipulation, as well as that individuals, who have a history of violent behaviour, most often behaved violently during the show. The obtained results proved that the Production of this reality show intends to provoke conflicts and violent behaviours, to compensate for the lack of story.
Крајем XX и почетком XXI века научна јавност је почела да се бави проучавњем проблема омладинског... more Крајем XX и почетком XXI века научна јавност је почела да се бави проучавњем проблема омладинског насиља, који је постао све учесталија појава у свим друштвима, без обзира на њихов степен друштвеног развоја. Проучавање насилничког понашања младих у српском друштву има кратку традицију. Прво велико истраживање појавног облика насиља међу основношколским и средњошколским узрастом је почело 2006. године у оквиру УНИЦЕФ-овог пројекта „Школа без насиља“, након чега су истраживања ове појаве узела маха, мада их још увек нема у довољном броју. Истраживања која се баве овом тематиком често се фокусирају на основношколски узраст, док се питањем омладинског насиља бави врло мали број. Циљ овог рада јесте да се најпре позабави методолошким тешкоћама које се јављају приликом проучавања омладинског насиља, а онда и да анализира специфичности доступних емпиријских истраживања омладинског насиља у нашем друштву.
Кључне речи: методолошке специфичности, омладинско насиље, емпријиско
In Serbia, beginning teachers are under constant pressure since they are obliged to follow and im... more In Serbia, beginning teachers are under constant pressure since they are obliged to follow and implement all education laws and by-laws which determine the accountabilities of all the stakeholders of the educational system, even though during the initial teacher education they do not meet with the mentioned legislation. Beginning teachers are also required to implement different teaching methods, to adjust classroom conditions and instruction to the students’ individual needs. This often becomes a barrier and what is more, schools often lack the capacity to provide enough support for beginning teachers, while the existing accredited professional development programs do not cover the necessary content. A way to bridge the gap between the initial teacher education and the existing offer of professional development programs is to identify the types of support the beginning teachers need and to create professional development programs tailored especially for them. Driven by this proposition, the Regional Centers for Professional Development in Serbia conducted a research study among teachers who have up to 5 years of work experience in order to create a program that fully meets their needs. The results of the research will be presented in this paper. Key words: initial teacher education; in-service training; needs of beginning teachers.
Rad ima cilj da objasni značaj porodice kao faktora u vodećim mikro- i makro-teorijama porekla de... more Rad ima cilj da objasni značaj porodice kao faktora u vodećim mikro- i makro-teorijama porekla delinkvencije i da utvrdi uloge koje joj one dodeljuju u objašnjenju etiologije ovakvog ponašanja. Analiza je pokazala da mikro-teorije kao posebno značajnu ističu socijalizaciju i vaspitnu ulogu porodice kojom se oblikuju kako konformistički, tako i antisocijalni obrasci ponašanja, dok makro-teorije glavne uzroke devijantnosti pronalaze u strukturalnim karakteristikama društva, a porodicu prepoznaju kao faktora koji posreduje između društva i deteta. Analizom su utvrđeni i nedostaci proučavanih teorija. S obzirom na to da se baziraju na istraživanjima sprovedenim u SAD-u i zapadnoevropskim zemljama, one ne mogu u potpunosti da se primene na objašnjenje etiologije delinkvencije u svim društvima. Pored toga, mikro-teorije ne uzimaju u obzir karakteristike društva koje mogu da utiču na izbor vaspitnih metoda roditelja, razvoj njihovog vaspitnog stila i na njihovu odluku koje vrednosti će da prenesu deci, dok se makro-teorije ne bave pitanjem kakav uticaj imaju na devijantno ponašanje odlike onih društava, čiji su ekonomski, pravni i kulturni sistemi decenijama nestabilni, kao ni onih čiji se društveni sistem urušio i još uvek se nije reetablirao. Na osnovu ove analize može da se zaključi da uprkos važnoj ulozi koju roditelji imaju za usvajanje/sprečavanje antisocijalnog ponašanja, okvire u kojima će oni tu ulogu obavljati određuju karakteristike datog društva. Ključne riječi: teorije porekla, porodica, delinkvencija, deca, mladi
The paper is dealing with the problem of violent behaviour in the reality show "Couples", which i... more The paper is dealing with the problem of violent behaviour in the reality show "Couples", which is broadcasted on Happy TV, a commercial television with a national frequency in Serbia. Based on the idea that the conditions in reality shows are conducive to violence due to a large amount of character interaction and little plot and guided by the results of the research that studied violent behaviours in reality shows in the UK, our research aimed to determine which forms of violent behaviour are most prevalent in this reality show, in what situations and under what circumstances violent behaviours mostly occur, as well as who commits violence most often. The results showed that the most common forms of violence were direct emotional/psychological violence, that the most frequent and diverse violent behaviour was expressed by the Production and TV hosts, that nearly all the violent behaviour of participants were a reaction to the Production‘s and hosts’ provocation and manipulation, as well as that individuals, who have a history of violent behaviour, most often behaved violently during the show. The obtained results proved that the Production of this reality show intends to provoke conflicts and violent behaviours, to compensate for the lack of story.
Крајем XX и почетком XXI века научна јавност је почела да се бави проучавњем проблема омладинског... more Крајем XX и почетком XXI века научна јавност је почела да се бави проучавњем проблема омладинског насиља, који је постао све учесталија појава у свим друштвима, без обзира на њихов степен друштвеног развоја. Проучавање насилничког понашања младих у српском друштву има кратку традицију. Прво велико истраживање појавног облика насиља међу основношколским и средњошколским узрастом је почело 2006. године у оквиру УНИЦЕФ-овог пројекта „Школа без насиља“, након чега су истраживања ове појаве узела маха, мада их још увек нема у довољном броју. Истраживања која се баве овом тематиком често се фокусирају на основношколски узраст, док се питањем омладинског насиља бави врло мали број. Циљ овог рада јесте да се најпре позабави методолошким тешкоћама које се јављају приликом проучавања омладинског насиља, а онда и да анализира специфичности доступних емпиријских истраживања омладинског насиља у нашем друштву.
Кључне речи: методолошке специфичности, омладинско насиље, емпријиско
In Serbia, beginning teachers are under constant pressure since they are obliged to follow and im... more In Serbia, beginning teachers are under constant pressure since they are obliged to follow and implement all education laws and by-laws which determine the accountabilities of all the stakeholders of the educational system, even though during the initial teacher education they do not meet with the mentioned legislation. Beginning teachers are also required to implement different teaching methods, to adjust classroom conditions and instruction to the students’ individual needs. This often becomes a barrier and what is more, schools often lack the capacity to provide enough support for beginning teachers, while the existing accredited professional development programs do not cover the necessary content. A way to bridge the gap between the initial teacher education and the existing offer of professional development programs is to identify the types of support the beginning teachers need and to create professional development programs tailored especially for them. Driven by this proposition, the Regional Centers for Professional Development in Serbia conducted a research study among teachers who have up to 5 years of work experience in order to create a program that fully meets their needs. The results of the research will be presented in this paper. Key words: initial teacher education; in-service training; needs of beginning teachers.
Papers by Lidija Terek
Ključne riječi: teorije porekla, porodica, delinkvencija, deca, mladi
Keywords: television, reality show, violent behaviour, provocation, manipulation
Кључне речи: методолошке специфичности, омладинско насиље, емпријиско
during the initial teacher education they do not meet with the mentioned legislation. Beginning teachers are also required to implement different teaching methods, to adjust classroom conditions and instruction to the students’ individual needs. This often becomes a barrier and what is more, schools often lack the capacity to provide enough support for beginning teachers, while the existing accredited professional development programs do not cover the necessary content. A way to bridge the gap between the initial teacher education and the existing offer of professional development programs is to identify the types of support the beginning teachers need and to create professional development programs tailored especially for them. Driven by this proposition, the Regional Centers for Professional Development in Serbia conducted a research study among teachers who have up to 5 years of work
experience in order to create a program that fully meets their needs. The results of the research will be presented in this paper.
Key words: initial teacher education; in-service training; needs of beginning teachers.
Ključne riječi: teorije porekla, porodica, delinkvencija, deca, mladi
Keywords: television, reality show, violent behaviour, provocation, manipulation
Кључне речи: методолошке специфичности, омладинско насиље, емпријиско
during the initial teacher education they do not meet with the mentioned legislation. Beginning teachers are also required to implement different teaching methods, to adjust classroom conditions and instruction to the students’ individual needs. This often becomes a barrier and what is more, schools often lack the capacity to provide enough support for beginning teachers, while the existing accredited professional development programs do not cover the necessary content. A way to bridge the gap between the initial teacher education and the existing offer of professional development programs is to identify the types of support the beginning teachers need and to create professional development programs tailored especially for them. Driven by this proposition, the Regional Centers for Professional Development in Serbia conducted a research study among teachers who have up to 5 years of work
experience in order to create a program that fully meets their needs. The results of the research will be presented in this paper.
Key words: initial teacher education; in-service training; needs of beginning teachers.