Journal of BATHINVS Association ACTA ILLYRICA / Godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS ACTA ILLYRICA Online ISSN 2744-1318, 2018
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Dioces... more The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the no...
Since its beginning, the Mount Athos has been the center of Orthodox monasticism. In this area, numerous monastic communities of different ethnic origin were formed. This theocratic monastic republic was a unique spiritual space in which diverse spiritual influences intertwined. In this paper we will try to show how the spiritual relations between Byzantium and medieval Serbia and Russia developed in the area of the Mount Athos in the period from the 11th to the 15th centuries. First of all, we WILL deal with the issues of mutual spiritual and cultural influences between these three Orthodox countries. Also, we will try to show how political changes in the period of three centuries have influenced the spiritual relations between these countries. We will try to show what the influence of the Serbian state was in this period in the area of the Mount Athos. By analyzing historical sources and relevant literature, we will try to show how important the significance of the Mount Athos was for the spiritual and political relations of the mentioned countries of the Orthodox East.
Света Гора је од свог настанка представљала центар православног монаштва. На овом простору формирале су се бројне монашке заједнице различитог етничког порекла. Ова теократска монашка република је била јединствен духовни простор на коме су се преплитали разнородни духовни утицаји. У овом раду покушаћемо да прикажемо како су се развијали духовни односи Византије и средњовековне Србије и Русије простору Свете Горе у периоду од XI до XV века. Пре свега бавићемо се питањима међусобних духовних и културних утицаја између ове три православне државе. Такође, покушаћемо да прикажемо како су политичке промене у периоду од три столећа утицале на духовне односе између ових држава. Покушаћемо да прикажемо какав је био утицај српске државе у на простору Свете Горе. Анализирајући историјске изворе и релевантну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо колики је био значај Свете Горе за духовни и политичке односе поменутих држава православног Истока.
Кључне речи: Свет Гора, Византија, средњовековна Србија, средњовековна Русија, духовни односи, Православна Црква.
Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у Југоисточној Европи: међународни научни зборник/ уредник Растислав Стојсављевић=Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings/editor Rastislav Stojsavljević, 2021
Атила Пфајфер, Сомборска синагога, Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у југоисточној Европи, уред. Раст... more Атила Пфајфер, Сомборска синагога, Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у југоисточној Европи, уред. Растислав Стојисављевић, Нови Сад 2021, 395-426.
(Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija, Somborska sinagoga, Sinagoge i jevrejsko nasleđe u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, ured. Rastislav Stojisavljević, Novi Sad 2021, 395-426)
На територији града Сомбора јеврејска заједница је присутна од 18. века. Са порастом њене бројности јавила се потреба за организовањем верског живота. После првобитног периода када се верска служба одвијала у импровизованим објектима, половином шездесетих година 19. година саграђена је синагога. Она је представљала центар религијског и културног живота Јевреја овог града. Током холокауста страдао је велики број сомборских Јевреја, што је директно утицало на судбину локалне синагоге. Као верски објекат, егзистирала је до 1947. године, када је прешла у посед државе. Користећи историјске изворе и доступну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо историјат сомборске синагоге. Сматрамо да историја сомборских Јевреја треба да добије истакнутије место у локалној култури сећања. Надамо се да ће овај рад пружити скромни допринос у том настојању.
Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija ,The Sombor Synagogue, Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings, ed. Rastislav Stojsavljević, Novi Sad 2021, pp. 395-426.
The Jewish community has been present on the territory of the city of Sombor since the 18th century. With the increase in its number, there was a need to organize religious life. After the original period when the religious service took place in improvised buildings, a synagogue was built in the mid-1860s. It was the center of religious and cultural life of the Jews of this city. During the Holocaust, a large number of Sombor Jews were killed, which directly affected the fate of the local synagogue. As a religious building, it existed until 1947, when it became the property of the state. Using historical sources and available literature, we will try to present the history of the Sombor synagogue. We believe that the history of Sombor's Jews should get a more prominent place in the local culture of remembrance. We hope that this work will make a modest contribution to this endeavor.
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Dioces... more The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the non-Rom...
Смедеревски крај и Подунавље кроз историју, уред. Александар Кадијевић, Светозар Бошков, Борис Стојковски, Смедерево-Нови Сад 2019., 2019
Небојша Карталија, Слика Смедерева у наративним изворима позног средњег века, Смедеревски крај и ... more Небојша Карталија, Слика Смедерева у наративним изворима позног средњег века, Смедеревски крај и Подунавље кроз историју, уред. Александар Кадијевић, Светозар Бошков, Борис Стојковски, Смедерево-Нови Сад 2019, 67-79. (Nebojša Kartalija, Image of Smederevo in The Narrative Sources of The Late Middle Ages)
Since its foundation, Smederevo has played an important role in the history of Serbian Despotate. The role of this city for the Serbian medieval state was multiple. Smederevo was the capital, a mayor financial center and an important military stronghold. The significance of Smederevo was not limited to the internal politics of medieval Serbia. As a strategically important city between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, Smederevo has played a significant role in the policies of the two countries. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the historical reception of Smederevo's image by analyzing narrative sources, primarily travel accounts and chronicles. Using historical sources, relevant literature and the results of archaeological research, we will try to reconstruct the role of Smederevo in the turbulent Balkan relations in the Late Middle Ages.
Смедерево је од свог настанка играло значајну улогу у историји српске Деспотовине. Улога овог града у српској средњовековној држави Била је вишеструка. Смедерево је Било престоница, трговачки центар и значајно војно упориште. Значај Смедерева није Био ограничен само на унутрашњу политику средњовековне Србије. Као стратешки веома Битан град између Краљевине Угарске и Отоманског царства, Смедерево је заузимало значајну улогу у политици ове две државе. Циљ овог рада је да анализом наративних извора, пре свега путописа и хронике, прикажемо каква је историјска рецепција слике Смедерева. Користећи историјске изворе, релевантну литературу и резултате археолошких истраживања, покушаћемо да реконструишемо какву је улогу Смедерево имало у турбулентним Балканским односима у периоду позног средњег века.
Voyages and Travel Accounts in Historiography and Literature: Voyages and Travelogues From Antiquity To The Late Middle Ages, ed. Boris Stojkovski, Budapest 2020, 2020
Throughout history, the Balkans have been a meeting place for numerous peoples and cultures. This... more Throughout history, the Balkans have been a meeting place for numerous peoples and cultures. This area was the borderline between the two great spheres of civilization: the Latin West and the Orthodox East. The ethnic image of the Balkan Peninsula has undergone drastic changes on several occasions during Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. In the period from the fourth to the seventh century, there were various Turkic, Germanic, and Slavic ethnic elements influencing the area. At the beginning of the seventh century, the Byzantine Limes collapsed, which enabled a deeper penetration of the Slavs into the interior of the Balkan Peninsula. During this period, Serbs and Croats settled. In the middle of the ninth century, the Turkish population of Bulgarians settled, which in the following period underwent a gradual process of Slavicization. The last in a series of migrations took place at the end of the ninth century when the Hungarians settled in Pannonia. In this paper, we will look at the perception of the interior of the Balkans in the period from the eleventh to the fourteenth century. First of all, we will discuss the sources that speak about the perception of the Balkan, that is, the territories of medieval Hungary, and to a lesser extent Serbia and Bulgaria.
Апстракт: Средњи век је представљао доба вере, али и доба честих сукоба. Борбе за територију, економску и политичку превласт, као и верска нетрпељивост су били основни фактори у сукобима средњег века. У овом раду размотри ћемо улогу монаштва Немањићке Србије у спољним и унутрашњим сукобима припаднике ове српске династије. Анализирајући историјске изворе и литературу покушаћемо да представимо утицај монаштва на превазилажење, како унутардинастичких сукоба међу Немањићима, тако и његову улогу у решавању међудржавних конфликата између средњовековне Србије и њених суседа.
MONASTICSM OF NEMANJIĆ SERBIA IN FOREIGN AND INTERNAL CONFLICTS (XII-XIV CENTURIES) The Middle Ages represented the age of faith, but also the period of frequent conflicts. The struggle for territory, economic, political domination, and also religious intolerance were the main factors in the conflicts of the Middle Ages. In this paper we will consider the role of monasticism of Nemanjić Serbia in the external and internal conflicts of the members of this Serbian dynasty. By analyzing historical sources and literature, we will try to present the influence of monasticism on the overcoming of internal conflicts between members of Nemanjić dynasty and its role in solving interstate conflicts between medieval Serbia and its neighbors.
Neka razmatranja o gospodarstvu Zapadnog Ilirika od IV do VI stoljeća
Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Ud... more Neka razmatranja o gospodarstvu Zapadnog Ilirika od IV do VI stoljeća Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
U članku se razmatraju pojedini aspekti kasnoantičkoga gospodarstva u provincijama Panonske dijeceze (Zapadnog Ilirika) od IV do VI stoljeća. Poglavita pozornost usmjerena je na dvije južnopanonske provincije i Dalmaciju. Cilj je opisati opće ekonomske tijekove, osobito u vezi s time kako su političke, etničke i demografske promjene tijekom navedenog razdoblja utjecale na gospodarske prilike. Prvenstveni je oslonac na pisane izvore, pri čemu se na umu ima njihova sporadičnost i tendencioznost, a zapažanja se nastoje dovesti u smislenu vezu s dostupnim arheološkim podacima. Analizira se pitanje ekonomskog potencijala raznih gospodarskih aktera, mjesnih zajednica, lokalnih zemljoposjednika, crkve i državnih vlasti, odnosno udjela središnje uprave u vođenju, održavanju i oživljavanju provincijskoga gospodarstva. Pažnja se posvećuje i gospodarskom stanju u provincijama pod nerimskom vlašću.
Some Considerations on the Economy of Western Illyricum from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the non-Roman rule. During the fourth century Western Illyricum was an area of lively economic activity that was largely oriented to meet state needs. Written sources testify to certain products that had a supraregional character, but one may conclude that the Norican textiles were the only product that was of greater importance in broad-range and long-distance trade. In written sources Pannonia is singled out as a province rich both in agricultural products and in merchandise, but these were primarily consumed locally. Next to cities and towns, the biggest consumer was the army. The raw materials were also of supraregional importance, especially the iron from Dalmatia and Noricum as well as the stone material. The Norican marble was still quarried in the fourth century and transported to Pannonia and Italy as well. Moreover, the Dalmatian stone was one of the more sought-after items from the fourth to sixth centuries, both as a raw material and as a finished product. One of the most important products which was based on a locally accessible raw material was coinage. Western provinces were at a time supplied to a large degree with coins of the Siscia mint. Of course, it should be borne in mind that regionally mined monetary metals weren’t only used to fulfill the capacities of local mints. Locally available wood and stone materials were also important as a building material and especially used in the extensive works to strengthen the Danube frontier by restoration and construction of forts in the second half of the fourth century. To a certain extent this is also true for later times, the fifth and sixth centuries, considering the erection of hillforts in the interior of Dalmatia and in Noricum, as well as in strategic positions along the eastern Adriatic coast and on the islands. It could be argued that one of the greatest resources of the late Roman Western Illyricum, and particularly Pannonia which is singled out for it in written sources, were its people. This refers to lesser extent to slaves who are likely to have been acquired in frequent conflicts along the frontier as well as in military campaigns across the border during the fourth century. The area of Illyricum was well-known in the later Roman Empire as a recruiting ground, which continued even after a significant part of Western Illyricum was already dominated by barbarian groups. The large size of population, if judged by what is claimed in written sources, was likely to have been a good basis for general internal consumption, which is why the western Illyrian provinces were also major importers of goods, even the goods that were produced locally, such as wine and olive oil in Dalmatia. In addition, demand for luxury products and better quality goods has also to be taken into account. That is why high-quality olive oil from the Zadar area could be exported to Italy despite the local deficit of this product in Dalmatia. The quality of raw material as well as the skillful manufacturing and workmanship of the art product itself were the reason why the sarcophagi of the Salona-Brač workshops were still in demand in the sixth-century Italy. The production capabilities and the volume of import were also influenced by general military and demographic circumstances. The exposure of the Danube areas, the collapse of the Danube frontier and frequent wars and campaigns had an extremely adverse effect on the demographic condition throughout this period both due to violent deaths and capture as well as displacement of people, to which losses caused by the epidemics such as the bubonic plague in the mid-sixth century have to be added. Even if the image of Pannonia devoid of people as portraited by the sixth century written sources is exaggerated, there is no doubt that the number of inhabitants decreased significantly in comparison to the fourth century. This great demographic decline contributed, much more than the other factors, to the far-reaching deterioration of the urban structures and disappearance of cities and towns, which, along with the permanent withdrawal of the Roman army, inflicted an irreparable blow to the economy as production capabilities and demand were greatly reduced. To be sure, at least until the mid-fifth century Pannonia still imported the goods, but to what degree the political instability had an affect is shown by the example of Valeria where the import of African pottery was discontinued in the early fifth century as the province came under the control of the Hun groups. On the other hand, the limited possibilities of import could encourage the local production. Regardless of the fact that the new rulers such as the Ostrogoths were very keen in preserving the late Roman traditions, little could be done for the more lasting recovery of at least some Pannonian regions. The vitality was preserved in Dalmatia, especially in its coastal area, for a long period, and, to a certain extent, in Noricum for much of the fifth century. At certain periods Dalmatia even experienced more positive demographic impacts due to the population influx from the more endangered regions. The relative economic strength of Dalmatia was supported with the efforts of the state authorities (the Ostrogothic ones perhaps even more than the Eastern Roman ones) as well as the needs of the Church. It is worth pointing out that the war between Ostrogoths and Eastern Romans surely gave a boost to the Dalmatian economy since Salona became a permanent military base, and the stay of the imperial army spurred an increasing demand for raw materials and products due to logistics needs. The province’s relative prosperity is also indicated by a demand for luxury goods and the import of products from the eastern and southern Mediterranean. Favorable circumstances lasted until the last decade of the sixth century, which saw new overwhelming challenges to the late antique economy in Dalmatia that ultimately crushed the previous growth.
Сава представља једну од најзначајнијих личности српске ист... more СВEТИ САВА У СРПСКОЈ ИСТОРИЈИ И ДРАМИ Сава представља једну од најзначајнијих личности српске историје. Његова биографија је одувек побуђивала интересовање, како историчара, тако и уметника. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора, историографских дела прикажемо какав је био значај Светог Саве у српској средњовековној историји и каква је рецепција његовог лика била у српској историјској драми до краја XX века.
SAINT SAVA IN SERBIAN HISTORY AND DRAMA Saint Sava is one of the most important figures of Serbian history. His biography has always caused the interest of both historians and artists. We will try to show through the analysis of historical sources, historiography works what was the significance of St. Sava in Serbian medieval history and what kind of reception his character had in the Serbian historical drama to the end of the 20th century.
Colloqia Russica Vol. 8, Religions and beliefs of Rus’ (9th-16th centuries), Krakow 2018., 2018
In this paper we’ll try to give detailed reconstruction of spiritual relations of mediaeval Serbi... more In this paper we’ll try to give detailed reconstruction of spiritual relations of mediaeval Serbia and Rus’ on the Mount Athos in period from the 12th to the 14th century. Since its beginning, the Mount Athos has been the center of Orthodox monasticism. In this territory, numerous monastic communities of different ethnic origin were formed. In the spiritual and cultural sense, both Serbia and the Rus’ belonged to the so-called Byzantine Commonwealth. In this particular area these two countries have entered into closer spiritual relations during reign of the Nemanjić dynasty. The youngest son of Stefan Nemanja, Rastko, played a decisive role in this process. He had went to the Mount Athos accompanied by the Rus’ monks, where he became the monk in the Rus’ monastery of St. Panteleimon. Relations between the Serbian and Rus’ monastic communities on Athos continued throughout the 13th and 14th centuries. The Serbian emperor Dušan became the patron of the monastery of St. Panteleimon. The famous Serbian monk and writer Isaia lived and worked in this monastery during the late 14th century. All this data indicate significant and intensive contacts of the Nemanjić dynasty with the monastic community from Rus’ during the 12th-14‘h centuries.
The authors aim to present the way in which two Arabic sources, each other’s contemporaries, depi... more The authors aim to present the way in which two Arabic sources, each other’s contemporaries, depict Southern Hungary and Serbia. Those are Andalusian traveler Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī and famous Arabic geographer Al-Idrīsī. Both of them paid their visits to Southern Hungary and Serbia during their travels in the mid 12th century. The key aim of the paper is to present two completely different accounts written by two Muslim scholars. The first one, Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī, being a devoted Muslim, almost completely dedicates his account on the Muslims of Hungary, whilst Al-Idrīsī is more interested in different aspects of the economy, nature and inhabitants of the country itself. Both of these sources are valuable in numerous ways. They present the view of the two Islamic scholars, but also they are very important as sources that fulfill the other contemporary works of the Byzantine and the Western provenance. They are also unique sources, especially Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī, since he is the only one who writes about the everyday life of the Hungarian Muslim population from the 12th century. Al-Idrīsī, on the other side, is a very interesting source for the Orthodox Greek population in Southern Hungary and represents, in view of this topic, one of the most important written sources. Concentrating on other in the Geography of Al-Idrīsī, and showing the interest in self in the Mu’rib of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī make these two sources complementary and give a different picture of the Southern Hungary and Serbia in the middle of the 12th century.
The aim of this paper is to present contributions of famous Serbian medievalists to researching history of the province of Vojvodina. Their articles and articles about their work appeared in the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad (1928-1940). In addition to biographical information of afore mentioned historians, presented here is their work related to the medieval history of Vojvodina. Two of them, Mihailo Dinić and Stanoje Stanojević actively participated in the work of the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad. Another topic of this article is life and work of the first modem Serbian historiographer Ilarion Ruvarac who gave great contribution to researching the past of Vojvodina.
Keywords: Herald of the Historical Society in Novi Sad, historiography, medievalists, medieval history, historical geography, Mihailo J. Dinić, Stanoje Stanojević, Ilarion Ruvarac.
Abstract:Тhe aim of this paper is to present th... more SAINT JOVAN VLADIMIR IN SERBIAN HISTORY AND DRAMA Abstract:Тhe aim of this paper is to present the figure of Saint Jovan Vladimir in Serbian history and drama. We will try to analyze historical sources, historiographical findings and literary works and to present how figure of this Dioclea ruler and the first Serbian saint has changed over time and what is his reception in Serbian history and historical drama of the late 19th and mid-20th century.
Апстракт: Циљ овог рада је да прикажемо лик Св. Јована Владимира у српској историји и драми. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора, историографских закључака и драмских дела сагледамо како се мењао поглед на личност овог дукљанског владара и првог српског светитеља током времена и каква је његова рецепција у историји и српској историјској драми с краја XIX и средине XX века. Кључне речи: Јован Владимир, Косара, Дукља, Бугарска, Византија, историја, српска историјска драма.
Beloš (1110/1115–1198) was one of the most important figures in the Balkan region
in the twelfth ... more Beloš (1110/1115–1198) was one of the most important figures in the Balkan region in the twelfth century. He was son of Serbian Grand Prince Uroš I and brother of Hungarian queen Helena. During his life he was a Hungarian ban and palatine (1144–1157; 1163) and Serbian Grand Prince (1163). As an uncle of King Géza II, Beloš actively participated in as far as forming of the Hungarian foreign policy was concerned.The Kingdom of Hungary interfered in conflicts among princes after the death of Vladimir II Monomakh (1125) onwards. The objective of this work is to show Grand Prince Beloš from a point of view of the Hungarian-Rus’ relations. The analysis of the sources and literature aims to show how one person (namely Beloš in this case) could affect the situation in the principalities and their relations with the Kingdom of Hungary.
Serbian-Hungarian relations in the transition from 11th to 12th century were
characterized by the... more Serbian-Hungarian relations in the transition from 11th to 12th century were characterized by the tendency of opposition against aggressive Byzantine foreign policy. The aim of this paper is to show how Byzantine foreign policy influenced closer relations between Serbia and Hungary in the period of reign Serbian Grand princes of Rascia from Vukan and up to the reign of Stefan Nemanja
Key words: Serbia, Hungary, Byzantine empire, Rascia grand princes, Stefan Nemanja
The paper presents a medieval history in the territory of contemporary Vojvodina through the arti... more The paper presents a medieval history in the territory of contemporary Vojvodina through the articles published in the (Herald) Journal of the Historical Society of Novi Sad from 1928 to 1940. A significant part of the paper was dedicated to the issues of historical geography. The historical borders of Srem were determined, and a period of forming County of Mačva as an administrative region of the Hungarian kingdom. The church history of Srem was presented from early Middle Ages to the first half of the fifteenth century. Toponymic analyses showed various historical influences in Vojvodina. Slavic, Hungarian and Turkish influence was evident in the toponyms of this region. The settling of Serbs in the southern Hungary was conditioned by the Turkish invasions in the Balkans. The church organization existed in Sirmium for the longest period of time, as witnessed by the influence diocese of Srem. In a confessional sense, Hungary was diverse. Besides the majority of Catholics who lived in it, there were Orthodox Serbs, Hussites and Bogomils. A fact that the Catholic Church worked on religious unification of the Kingdom of Hungary was proven by the work of the inquisitors in the territory where Catholics lived mixed with other confessions, primarily in Srem. It began in the early fifteenth century, and it lived through its full force at the end of the century. Serbs were settled under the leadership of their despots and feudal lords. Serbs had influence on the increasing military and economic power of the Kingdom of Hungary. They settled in Srem, Banat, and Bačka to a lesser extent. The paper presents a brief description of the history of medieval cities Bač and Bečej. In addition to the analysis of the articles published in the Journal, there is mentioned a recent literature related to the medieval history of Vojvodina.
Journal of BATHINVS Association ACTA ILLYRICA / Godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS ACTA ILLYRICA Online ISSN 2744-1318, 2018
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Dioces... more The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the no...
Since its beginning, the Mount Athos has been the center of Orthodox monasticism. In this area, numerous monastic communities of different ethnic origin were formed. This theocratic monastic republic was a unique spiritual space in which diverse spiritual influences intertwined. In this paper we will try to show how the spiritual relations between Byzantium and medieval Serbia and Russia developed in the area of the Mount Athos in the period from the 11th to the 15th centuries. First of all, we WILL deal with the issues of mutual spiritual and cultural influences between these three Orthodox countries. Also, we will try to show how political changes in the period of three centuries have influenced the spiritual relations between these countries. We will try to show what the influence of the Serbian state was in this period in the area of the Mount Athos. By analyzing historical sources and relevant literature, we will try to show how important the significance of the Mount Athos was for the spiritual and political relations of the mentioned countries of the Orthodox East.
Света Гора је од свог настанка представљала центар православног монаштва. На овом простору формирале су се бројне монашке заједнице различитог етничког порекла. Ова теократска монашка република је била јединствен духовни простор на коме су се преплитали разнородни духовни утицаји. У овом раду покушаћемо да прикажемо како су се развијали духовни односи Византије и средњовековне Србије и Русије простору Свете Горе у периоду од XI до XV века. Пре свега бавићемо се питањима међусобних духовних и културних утицаја између ове три православне државе. Такође, покушаћемо да прикажемо како су политичке промене у периоду од три столећа утицале на духовне односе између ових држава. Покушаћемо да прикажемо какав је био утицај српске државе у на простору Свете Горе. Анализирајући историјске изворе и релевантну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо колики је био значај Свете Горе за духовни и политичке односе поменутих држава православног Истока.
Кључне речи: Свет Гора, Византија, средњовековна Србија, средњовековна Русија, духовни односи, Православна Црква.
Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у Југоисточној Европи: међународни научни зборник/ уредник Растислав Стојсављевић=Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings/editor Rastislav Stojsavljević, 2021
Атила Пфајфер, Сомборска синагога, Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у југоисточној Европи, уред. Раст... more Атила Пфајфер, Сомборска синагога, Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у југоисточној Европи, уред. Растислав Стојисављевић, Нови Сад 2021, 395-426.
(Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija, Somborska sinagoga, Sinagoge i jevrejsko nasleđe u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, ured. Rastislav Stojisavljević, Novi Sad 2021, 395-426)
На територији града Сомбора јеврејска заједница је присутна од 18. века. Са порастом њене бројности јавила се потреба за организовањем верског живота. После првобитног периода када се верска служба одвијала у импровизованим објектима, половином шездесетих година 19. година саграђена је синагога. Она је представљала центар религијског и културног живота Јевреја овог града. Током холокауста страдао је велики број сомборских Јевреја, што је директно утицало на судбину локалне синагоге. Као верски објекат, егзистирала је до 1947. године, када је прешла у посед државе. Користећи историјске изворе и доступну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо историјат сомборске синагоге. Сматрамо да историја сомборских Јевреја треба да добије истакнутије место у локалној култури сећања. Надамо се да ће овај рад пружити скромни допринос у том настојању.
Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija ,The Sombor Synagogue, Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings, ed. Rastislav Stojsavljević, Novi Sad 2021, pp. 395-426.
The Jewish community has been present on the territory of the city of Sombor since the 18th century. With the increase in its number, there was a need to organize religious life. After the original period when the religious service took place in improvised buildings, a synagogue was built in the mid-1860s. It was the center of religious and cultural life of the Jews of this city. During the Holocaust, a large number of Sombor Jews were killed, which directly affected the fate of the local synagogue. As a religious building, it existed until 1947, when it became the property of the state. Using historical sources and available literature, we will try to present the history of the Sombor synagogue. We believe that the history of Sombor's Jews should get a more prominent place in the local culture of remembrance. We hope that this work will make a modest contribution to this endeavor.
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Dioces... more The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the non-Rom...
Смедеревски крај и Подунавље кроз историју, уред. Александар Кадијевић, Светозар Бошков, Борис Стојковски, Смедерево-Нови Сад 2019., 2019
Небојша Карталија, Слика Смедерева у наративним изворима позног средњег века, Смедеревски крај и ... more Небојша Карталија, Слика Смедерева у наративним изворима позног средњег века, Смедеревски крај и Подунавље кроз историју, уред. Александар Кадијевић, Светозар Бошков, Борис Стојковски, Смедерево-Нови Сад 2019, 67-79. (Nebojša Kartalija, Image of Smederevo in The Narrative Sources of The Late Middle Ages)
Since its foundation, Smederevo has played an important role in the history of Serbian Despotate. The role of this city for the Serbian medieval state was multiple. Smederevo was the capital, a mayor financial center and an important military stronghold. The significance of Smederevo was not limited to the internal politics of medieval Serbia. As a strategically important city between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, Smederevo has played a significant role in the policies of the two countries. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the historical reception of Smederevo's image by analyzing narrative sources, primarily travel accounts and chronicles. Using historical sources, relevant literature and the results of archaeological research, we will try to reconstruct the role of Smederevo in the turbulent Balkan relations in the Late Middle Ages.
Смедерево је од свог настанка играло значајну улогу у историји српске Деспотовине. Улога овог града у српској средњовековној држави Била је вишеструка. Смедерево је Било престоница, трговачки центар и значајно војно упориште. Значај Смедерева није Био ограничен само на унутрашњу политику средњовековне Србије. Као стратешки веома Битан град између Краљевине Угарске и Отоманског царства, Смедерево је заузимало значајну улогу у политици ове две државе. Циљ овог рада је да анализом наративних извора, пре свега путописа и хронике, прикажемо каква је историјска рецепција слике Смедерева. Користећи историјске изворе, релевантну литературу и резултате археолошких истраживања, покушаћемо да реконструишемо какву је улогу Смедерево имало у турбулентним Балканским односима у периоду позног средњег века.
Voyages and Travel Accounts in Historiography and Literature: Voyages and Travelogues From Antiquity To The Late Middle Ages, ed. Boris Stojkovski, Budapest 2020, 2020
Throughout history, the Balkans have been a meeting place for numerous peoples and cultures. This... more Throughout history, the Balkans have been a meeting place for numerous peoples and cultures. This area was the borderline between the two great spheres of civilization: the Latin West and the Orthodox East. The ethnic image of the Balkan Peninsula has undergone drastic changes on several occasions during Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. In the period from the fourth to the seventh century, there were various Turkic, Germanic, and Slavic ethnic elements influencing the area. At the beginning of the seventh century, the Byzantine Limes collapsed, which enabled a deeper penetration of the Slavs into the interior of the Balkan Peninsula. During this period, Serbs and Croats settled. In the middle of the ninth century, the Turkish population of Bulgarians settled, which in the following period underwent a gradual process of Slavicization. The last in a series of migrations took place at the end of the ninth century when the Hungarians settled in Pannonia. In this paper, we will look at the perception of the interior of the Balkans in the period from the eleventh to the fourteenth century. First of all, we will discuss the sources that speak about the perception of the Balkan, that is, the territories of medieval Hungary, and to a lesser extent Serbia and Bulgaria.
Апстракт: Средњи век је представљао доба вере, али и доба честих сукоба. Борбе за територију, економску и политичку превласт, као и верска нетрпељивост су били основни фактори у сукобима средњег века. У овом раду размотри ћемо улогу монаштва Немањићке Србије у спољним и унутрашњим сукобима припаднике ове српске династије. Анализирајући историјске изворе и литературу покушаћемо да представимо утицај монаштва на превазилажење, како унутардинастичких сукоба међу Немањићима, тако и његову улогу у решавању међудржавних конфликата између средњовековне Србије и њених суседа.
MONASTICSM OF NEMANJIĆ SERBIA IN FOREIGN AND INTERNAL CONFLICTS (XII-XIV CENTURIES) The Middle Ages represented the age of faith, but also the period of frequent conflicts. The struggle for territory, economic, political domination, and also religious intolerance were the main factors in the conflicts of the Middle Ages. In this paper we will consider the role of monasticism of Nemanjić Serbia in the external and internal conflicts of the members of this Serbian dynasty. By analyzing historical sources and literature, we will try to present the influence of monasticism on the overcoming of internal conflicts between members of Nemanjić dynasty and its role in solving interstate conflicts between medieval Serbia and its neighbors.
Neka razmatranja o gospodarstvu Zapadnog Ilirika od IV do VI stoljeća
Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Ud... more Neka razmatranja o gospodarstvu Zapadnog Ilirika od IV do VI stoljeća Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
U članku se razmatraju pojedini aspekti kasnoantičkoga gospodarstva u provincijama Panonske dijeceze (Zapadnog Ilirika) od IV do VI stoljeća. Poglavita pozornost usmjerena je na dvije južnopanonske provincije i Dalmaciju. Cilj je opisati opće ekonomske tijekove, osobito u vezi s time kako su političke, etničke i demografske promjene tijekom navedenog razdoblja utjecale na gospodarske prilike. Prvenstveni je oslonac na pisane izvore, pri čemu se na umu ima njihova sporadičnost i tendencioznost, a zapažanja se nastoje dovesti u smislenu vezu s dostupnim arheološkim podacima. Analizira se pitanje ekonomskog potencijala raznih gospodarskih aktera, mjesnih zajednica, lokalnih zemljoposjednika, crkve i državnih vlasti, odnosno udjela središnje uprave u vođenju, održavanju i oživljavanju provincijskoga gospodarstva. Pažnja se posvećuje i gospodarskom stanju u provincijama pod nerimskom vlašću.
Some Considerations on the Economy of Western Illyricum from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the non-Roman rule. During the fourth century Western Illyricum was an area of lively economic activity that was largely oriented to meet state needs. Written sources testify to certain products that had a supraregional character, but one may conclude that the Norican textiles were the only product that was of greater importance in broad-range and long-distance trade. In written sources Pannonia is singled out as a province rich both in agricultural products and in merchandise, but these were primarily consumed locally. Next to cities and towns, the biggest consumer was the army. The raw materials were also of supraregional importance, especially the iron from Dalmatia and Noricum as well as the stone material. The Norican marble was still quarried in the fourth century and transported to Pannonia and Italy as well. Moreover, the Dalmatian stone was one of the more sought-after items from the fourth to sixth centuries, both as a raw material and as a finished product. One of the most important products which was based on a locally accessible raw material was coinage. Western provinces were at a time supplied to a large degree with coins of the Siscia mint. Of course, it should be borne in mind that regionally mined monetary metals weren’t only used to fulfill the capacities of local mints. Locally available wood and stone materials were also important as a building material and especially used in the extensive works to strengthen the Danube frontier by restoration and construction of forts in the second half of the fourth century. To a certain extent this is also true for later times, the fifth and sixth centuries, considering the erection of hillforts in the interior of Dalmatia and in Noricum, as well as in strategic positions along the eastern Adriatic coast and on the islands. It could be argued that one of the greatest resources of the late Roman Western Illyricum, and particularly Pannonia which is singled out for it in written sources, were its people. This refers to lesser extent to slaves who are likely to have been acquired in frequent conflicts along the frontier as well as in military campaigns across the border during the fourth century. The area of Illyricum was well-known in the later Roman Empire as a recruiting ground, which continued even after a significant part of Western Illyricum was already dominated by barbarian groups. The large size of population, if judged by what is claimed in written sources, was likely to have been a good basis for general internal consumption, which is why the western Illyrian provinces were also major importers of goods, even the goods that were produced locally, such as wine and olive oil in Dalmatia. In addition, demand for luxury products and better quality goods has also to be taken into account. That is why high-quality olive oil from the Zadar area could be exported to Italy despite the local deficit of this product in Dalmatia. The quality of raw material as well as the skillful manufacturing and workmanship of the art product itself were the reason why the sarcophagi of the Salona-Brač workshops were still in demand in the sixth-century Italy. The production capabilities and the volume of import were also influenced by general military and demographic circumstances. The exposure of the Danube areas, the collapse of the Danube frontier and frequent wars and campaigns had an extremely adverse effect on the demographic condition throughout this period both due to violent deaths and capture as well as displacement of people, to which losses caused by the epidemics such as the bubonic plague in the mid-sixth century have to be added. Even if the image of Pannonia devoid of people as portraited by the sixth century written sources is exaggerated, there is no doubt that the number of inhabitants decreased significantly in comparison to the fourth century. This great demographic decline contributed, much more than the other factors, to the far-reaching deterioration of the urban structures and disappearance of cities and towns, which, along with the permanent withdrawal of the Roman army, inflicted an irreparable blow to the economy as production capabilities and demand were greatly reduced. To be sure, at least until the mid-fifth century Pannonia still imported the goods, but to what degree the political instability had an affect is shown by the example of Valeria where the import of African pottery was discontinued in the early fifth century as the province came under the control of the Hun groups. On the other hand, the limited possibilities of import could encourage the local production. Regardless of the fact that the new rulers such as the Ostrogoths were very keen in preserving the late Roman traditions, little could be done for the more lasting recovery of at least some Pannonian regions. The vitality was preserved in Dalmatia, especially in its coastal area, for a long period, and, to a certain extent, in Noricum for much of the fifth century. At certain periods Dalmatia even experienced more positive demographic impacts due to the population influx from the more endangered regions. The relative economic strength of Dalmatia was supported with the efforts of the state authorities (the Ostrogothic ones perhaps even more than the Eastern Roman ones) as well as the needs of the Church. It is worth pointing out that the war between Ostrogoths and Eastern Romans surely gave a boost to the Dalmatian economy since Salona became a permanent military base, and the stay of the imperial army spurred an increasing demand for raw materials and products due to logistics needs. The province’s relative prosperity is also indicated by a demand for luxury goods and the import of products from the eastern and southern Mediterranean. Favorable circumstances lasted until the last decade of the sixth century, which saw new overwhelming challenges to the late antique economy in Dalmatia that ultimately crushed the previous growth.
Сава представља једну од најзначајнијих личности српске ист... more СВEТИ САВА У СРПСКОЈ ИСТОРИЈИ И ДРАМИ Сава представља једну од најзначајнијих личности српске историје. Његова биографија је одувек побуђивала интересовање, како историчара, тако и уметника. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора, историографских дела прикажемо какав је био значај Светог Саве у српској средњовековној историји и каква је рецепција његовог лика била у српској историјској драми до краја XX века.
SAINT SAVA IN SERBIAN HISTORY AND DRAMA Saint Sava is one of the most important figures of Serbian history. His biography has always caused the interest of both historians and artists. We will try to show through the analysis of historical sources, historiography works what was the significance of St. Sava in Serbian medieval history and what kind of reception his character had in the Serbian historical drama to the end of the 20th century.
Colloqia Russica Vol. 8, Religions and beliefs of Rus’ (9th-16th centuries), Krakow 2018., 2018
In this paper we’ll try to give detailed reconstruction of spiritual relations of mediaeval Serbi... more In this paper we’ll try to give detailed reconstruction of spiritual relations of mediaeval Serbia and Rus’ on the Mount Athos in period from the 12th to the 14th century. Since its beginning, the Mount Athos has been the center of Orthodox monasticism. In this territory, numerous monastic communities of different ethnic origin were formed. In the spiritual and cultural sense, both Serbia and the Rus’ belonged to the so-called Byzantine Commonwealth. In this particular area these two countries have entered into closer spiritual relations during reign of the Nemanjić dynasty. The youngest son of Stefan Nemanja, Rastko, played a decisive role in this process. He had went to the Mount Athos accompanied by the Rus’ monks, where he became the monk in the Rus’ monastery of St. Panteleimon. Relations between the Serbian and Rus’ monastic communities on Athos continued throughout the 13th and 14th centuries. The Serbian emperor Dušan became the patron of the monastery of St. Panteleimon. The famous Serbian monk and writer Isaia lived and worked in this monastery during the late 14th century. All this data indicate significant and intensive contacts of the Nemanjić dynasty with the monastic community from Rus’ during the 12th-14‘h centuries.
The authors aim to present the way in which two Arabic sources, each other’s contemporaries, depi... more The authors aim to present the way in which two Arabic sources, each other’s contemporaries, depict Southern Hungary and Serbia. Those are Andalusian traveler Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī and famous Arabic geographer Al-Idrīsī. Both of them paid their visits to Southern Hungary and Serbia during their travels in the mid 12th century. The key aim of the paper is to present two completely different accounts written by two Muslim scholars. The first one, Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī, being a devoted Muslim, almost completely dedicates his account on the Muslims of Hungary, whilst Al-Idrīsī is more interested in different aspects of the economy, nature and inhabitants of the country itself. Both of these sources are valuable in numerous ways. They present the view of the two Islamic scholars, but also they are very important as sources that fulfill the other contemporary works of the Byzantine and the Western provenance. They are also unique sources, especially Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī, since he is the only one who writes about the everyday life of the Hungarian Muslim population from the 12th century. Al-Idrīsī, on the other side, is a very interesting source for the Orthodox Greek population in Southern Hungary and represents, in view of this topic, one of the most important written sources. Concentrating on other in the Geography of Al-Idrīsī, and showing the interest in self in the Mu’rib of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġarnāṭī make these two sources complementary and give a different picture of the Southern Hungary and Serbia in the middle of the 12th century.
The aim of this paper is to present contributions of famous Serbian medievalists to researching history of the province of Vojvodina. Their articles and articles about their work appeared in the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad (1928-1940). In addition to biographical information of afore mentioned historians, presented here is their work related to the medieval history of Vojvodina. Two of them, Mihailo Dinić and Stanoje Stanojević actively participated in the work of the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad. Another topic of this article is life and work of the first modem Serbian historiographer Ilarion Ruvarac who gave great contribution to researching the past of Vojvodina.
Keywords: Herald of the Historical Society in Novi Sad, historiography, medievalists, medieval history, historical geography, Mihailo J. Dinić, Stanoje Stanojević, Ilarion Ruvarac.
Abstract:Тhe aim of this paper is to present th... more SAINT JOVAN VLADIMIR IN SERBIAN HISTORY AND DRAMA Abstract:Тhe aim of this paper is to present the figure of Saint Jovan Vladimir in Serbian history and drama. We will try to analyze historical sources, historiographical findings and literary works and to present how figure of this Dioclea ruler and the first Serbian saint has changed over time and what is his reception in Serbian history and historical drama of the late 19th and mid-20th century.
Апстракт: Циљ овог рада је да прикажемо лик Св. Јована Владимира у српској историји и драми. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора, историографских закључака и драмских дела сагледамо како се мењао поглед на личност овог дукљанског владара и првог српског светитеља током времена и каква је његова рецепција у историји и српској историјској драми с краја XIX и средине XX века. Кључне речи: Јован Владимир, Косара, Дукља, Бугарска, Византија, историја, српска историјска драма.
Beloš (1110/1115–1198) was one of the most important figures in the Balkan region
in the twelfth ... more Beloš (1110/1115–1198) was one of the most important figures in the Balkan region in the twelfth century. He was son of Serbian Grand Prince Uroš I and brother of Hungarian queen Helena. During his life he was a Hungarian ban and palatine (1144–1157; 1163) and Serbian Grand Prince (1163). As an uncle of King Géza II, Beloš actively participated in as far as forming of the Hungarian foreign policy was concerned.The Kingdom of Hungary interfered in conflicts among princes after the death of Vladimir II Monomakh (1125) onwards. The objective of this work is to show Grand Prince Beloš from a point of view of the Hungarian-Rus’ relations. The analysis of the sources and literature aims to show how one person (namely Beloš in this case) could affect the situation in the principalities and their relations with the Kingdom of Hungary.
Serbian-Hungarian relations in the transition from 11th to 12th century were
characterized by the... more Serbian-Hungarian relations in the transition from 11th to 12th century were characterized by the tendency of opposition against aggressive Byzantine foreign policy. The aim of this paper is to show how Byzantine foreign policy influenced closer relations between Serbia and Hungary in the period of reign Serbian Grand princes of Rascia from Vukan and up to the reign of Stefan Nemanja
Key words: Serbia, Hungary, Byzantine empire, Rascia grand princes, Stefan Nemanja
The paper presents a medieval history in the territory of contemporary Vojvodina through the arti... more The paper presents a medieval history in the territory of contemporary Vojvodina through the articles published in the (Herald) Journal of the Historical Society of Novi Sad from 1928 to 1940. A significant part of the paper was dedicated to the issues of historical geography. The historical borders of Srem were determined, and a period of forming County of Mačva as an administrative region of the Hungarian kingdom. The church history of Srem was presented from early Middle Ages to the first half of the fifteenth century. Toponymic analyses showed various historical influences in Vojvodina. Slavic, Hungarian and Turkish influence was evident in the toponyms of this region. The settling of Serbs in the southern Hungary was conditioned by the Turkish invasions in the Balkans. The church organization existed in Sirmium for the longest period of time, as witnessed by the influence diocese of Srem. In a confessional sense, Hungary was diverse. Besides the majority of Catholics who lived in it, there were Orthodox Serbs, Hussites and Bogomils. A fact that the Catholic Church worked on religious unification of the Kingdom of Hungary was proven by the work of the inquisitors in the territory where Catholics lived mixed with other confessions, primarily in Srem. It began in the early fifteenth century, and it lived through its full force at the end of the century. Serbs were settled under the leadership of their despots and feudal lords. Serbs had influence on the increasing military and economic power of the Kingdom of Hungary. They settled in Srem, Banat, and Bačka to a lesser extent. The paper presents a brief description of the history of medieval cities Bač and Bečej. In addition to the analysis of the articles published in the Journal, there is mentioned a recent literature related to the medieval history of Vojvodina.
Papers by Nebojsa Kartalija
Since its beginning, the Mount Athos has been the center of Orthodox monasticism. In this area, numerous monastic communities of different ethnic origin were formed. This theocratic monastic republic was a unique spiritual space in which diverse spiritual influences intertwined. In this paper we will try to show how the spiritual relations between Byzantium and medieval Serbia and Russia developed in the area of the Mount Athos in the period from the 11th to the 15th centuries. First of all, we WILL deal with the issues of mutual spiritual and cultural influences between these three Orthodox countries. Also, we will try to show how political changes in the period of three centuries have influenced the spiritual relations between these countries. We will try to show what the influence of the Serbian state was in this period in the area of the Mount Athos. By analyzing historical sources and relevant literature, we will try to show how important the significance of the Mount Athos was for the spiritual and political relations of the mentioned countries of the Orthodox East.
Keywords: Mount Athos, Byzantium, medieval Serbia, medieval Russia, spiritual relations, Orthodox Church.
Света Гора је од свог настанка представљала центар православног монаштва. На овом простору формирале су се бројне монашке заједнице различитог етничког порекла. Ова теократска монашка република је била јединствен духовни простор на коме су се преплитали разнородни духовни утицаји. У овом раду покушаћемо да прикажемо како су се развијали духовни односи Византије и средњовековне Србије и Русије простору Свете Горе у периоду од XI до XV века. Пре свега бавићемо се питањима међусобних духовних и културних утицаја између ове три православне државе. Такође, покушаћемо да прикажемо како су политичке промене у периоду од три столећа утицале на духовне односе између ових држава. Покушаћемо да прикажемо какав је био утицај српске државе у на простору Свете Горе. Анализирајући историјске изворе и релевантну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо колики је био значај Свете Горе за духовни и политичке односе поменутих држава православног Истока.
Кључне речи: Свет Гора, Византија, средњовековна Србија, средњовековна Русија, духовни односи, Православна Црква.
UDK 27-9(495.02)"04/14"(082)
COBISS.SR-ID 261136396
(Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija, Somborska sinagoga, Sinagoge i jevrejsko nasleđe u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, ured. Rastislav Stojisavljević, Novi Sad 2021, 395-426)
На територији града Сомбора јеврејска заједница је присутна од 18. века. Са порастом њене бројности јавила се потреба за организовањем верског живота. После првобитног периода када се верска служба одвијала у импровизованим објектима, половином шездесетих година 19. година саграђена је синагога. Она је представљала центар религијског и културног живота Јевреја овог града. Током холокауста страдао је велики број сомборских Јевреја, што је директно утицало на судбину локалне синагоге. Као верски објекат, егзистирала је до 1947. године, када је прешла у посед државе. Користећи историјске изворе и доступну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо историјат сомборске синагоге. Сматрамо да историја сомборских Јевреја треба да добије истакнутије место у локалној култури сећања. Надамо се да ће овај рад пружити скромни допринос у том настојању.
Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija ,The Sombor Synagogue, Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings, ed. Rastislav Stojsavljević, Novi Sad 2021, pp. 395-426.
The Jewish community has been present on the territory of the city of Sombor since the 18th century. With the increase in its number, there was a need to organize religious life. After the original period when the religious service took place in improvised buildings, a synagogue was built in the mid-1860s. It was the center of religious and cultural life of the Jews of this city. During the Holocaust, a large number of Sombor Jews were killed, which directly affected the fate of the local synagogue. As a religious building, it existed until 1947, when it became the property of the state. Using historical sources and available literature, we will try to present the history of the Sombor synagogue. We believe that the history of Sombor's Jews should get a more prominent place in the local culture of remembrance. We hope that this work will make a modest contribution to this endeavor.
Since its foundation, Smederevo has played an important role in the history of Serbian Despotate. The role of this city for the Serbian medieval state was multiple. Smederevo was the capital, a mayor financial center and an important military stronghold. The significance of Smederevo was not limited to the internal politics of medieval Serbia. As a strategically important city between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, Smederevo has played a significant role in the policies of the two countries. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the historical reception of Smederevo's image by analyzing narrative sources, primarily travel accounts and chronicles. Using historical sources, relevant literature and the results of archaeological research, we will try to reconstruct the role of Smederevo in the turbulent Balkan relations in the Late Middle Ages.
Смедерево је од свог настанка играло значајну улогу у историји српске Деспотовине. Улога овог града у српској средњовековној држави Била је вишеструка. Смедерево је Било престоница, трговачки центар и значајно војно упориште. Значај Смедерева није Био ограничен само на унутрашњу политику средњовековне Србије. Као стратешки веома Битан град између Краљевине
Угарске и Отоманског царства, Смедерево је заузимало значајну улогу у политици ове две државе. Циљ овог рада је да анализом наративних извора, пре свега путописа и хронике, прикажемо каква је историјска рецепција слике Смедерева. Користећи историјске изворе, релевантну литературу и резултате археолошких истраживања, покушаћемо да реконструишемо какву је улогу Смедерево имало у турбулентним Балканским односима у периоду позног средњег века.
ISBN: 978-86-6065-570-9; ISBN: 978-86-900599-1-1; ISBN: 978-86-6065-571-6 (online).
Апстракт: Средњи век је представљао доба вере, али и доба честих сукоба. Борбе за територију, економску и политичку превласт, као и верска нетрпељивост су били основни фактори у сукобима средњег века. У овом раду размотри ћемо улогу монаштва Немањићке Србије у спољним и унутрашњим сукобима припаднике ове српске династије. Анализирајући историјске изворе и литературу покушаћемо да представимо утицај монаштва на превазилажење, како унутардинастичких сукоба међу Немањићима, тако и његову улогу у решавању међудржавних конфликата између средњовековне Србије и њених суседа.
The Middle Ages represented the age of faith, but also the period of frequent conflicts. The struggle for territory, economic, political domination, and also religious intolerance were the main factors in the conflicts of the Middle Ages. In this paper we will consider the role of monasticism of Nemanjić Serbia in the external and internal conflicts of the members of this Serbian dynasty. By analyzing historical sources and literature, we will try to present the influence of monasticism on the overcoming of internal conflicts between members of Nemanjić dynasty and its role in solving interstate conflicts between medieval Serbia and its neighbors.
Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
U članku se razmatraju pojedini aspekti kasnoantičkoga gospodarstva
u provincijama Panonske dijeceze (Zapadnog Ilirika) od IV do VI stoljeća. Poglavita pozornost usmjerena je na dvije južnopanonske provincije i Dalmaciju. Cilj je opisati opće ekonomske tijekove, osobito u vezi s time kako su političke, etničke i demografske promjene tijekom navedenog razdoblja utjecale na gospodarske prilike. Prvenstveni je oslonac na pisane izvore, pri čemu se na umu ima njihova sporadičnost i tendencioznost, a zapažanja se nastoje dovesti u smislenu vezu s dostupnim arheološkim podacima. Analizira se pitanje ekonomskog potencijala raznih gospodarskih aktera, mjesnih zajednica, lokalnih zemljoposjednika, crkve i državnih vlasti, odnosno udjela središnje
uprave u vođenju, održavanju i oživljavanju provincijskoga gospodarstva. Pažnja se posvećuje i gospodarskom stanju u provincijama pod nerimskom vlašću.
Some Considerations on the Economy of Western Illyricum from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries
Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written
sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the non-Roman rule. During the fourth century Western Illyricum was an area of lively economic activity that was largely oriented to meet state needs. Written sources testify to certain products that had a supraregional character, but one may conclude that the Norican textiles were the only product that was of greater importance in broad-range and long-distance trade. In written sources Pannonia is singled out as a province rich both in agricultural products and in merchandise, but these were primarily consumed locally. Next to cities and towns, the biggest consumer was the army. The raw materials were also of supraregional importance, especially the iron from Dalmatia and Noricum as well as the stone material. The Norican marble was still quarried in the fourth century and transported to Pannonia and Italy as well. Moreover, the Dalmatian stone was one of the more sought-after items from the fourth to sixth centuries, both as a raw material and as a finished product. One of the most important products which was based on a locally accessible raw material was coinage. Western provinces were at a time supplied to a large degree with coins of the Siscia mint. Of course, it should be borne in mind that regionally mined monetary metals weren’t only used to fulfill the capacities of local mints. Locally available wood and stone materials were also important as a building material and especially used in the extensive works to strengthen the Danube frontier by restoration and construction of forts in the second half of the fourth century. To a certain extent this is also true for later times, the fifth and sixth centuries, considering the erection of hillforts in the interior of Dalmatia and in Noricum, as well as in strategic positions along the eastern Adriatic coast and on the islands. It could be argued that one of the greatest resources of the late Roman Western Illyricum, and particularly Pannonia which is singled out for it in written sources, were its people. This refers to lesser extent to slaves who are likely to have been acquired in frequent conflicts along the frontier as well as in military campaigns across the border during the fourth century. The area of Illyricum was well-known in the later Roman Empire as a recruiting ground, which continued even after a significant part of Western Illyricum was already dominated by barbarian groups. The large size of population, if judged by what is claimed in written sources, was likely to have been a good basis for general internal consumption, which is why the western Illyrian provinces were also major importers of goods, even the goods that were produced locally, such as wine and olive oil in Dalmatia. In addition, demand for luxury products and better quality goods has also to be taken into account. That is why high-quality olive oil from the Zadar area could be exported to Italy despite the local deficit of this product in Dalmatia. The quality of raw material as well as the skillful manufacturing and workmanship of the art product itself were the reason why the sarcophagi of the Salona-Brač workshops were still in demand in the sixth-century Italy. The production capabilities and the volume of import were also influenced by general military and demographic circumstances. The exposure of the Danube areas, the collapse of the Danube frontier and frequent wars and campaigns had an extremely adverse effect on the demographic condition throughout this period both due to violent deaths and capture as well as displacement of people, to which losses caused by the epidemics such as the bubonic plague in the mid-sixth century have to be added. Even if the image of Pannonia devoid of people as portraited by the sixth century written sources is exaggerated, there is no doubt that the number of inhabitants decreased significantly in comparison to the fourth century. This great demographic decline contributed, much more than the other factors, to the far-reaching deterioration of the urban structures and disappearance of cities and towns, which, along with the permanent withdrawal of the Roman army, inflicted an irreparable blow to the economy as production capabilities and demand were greatly reduced. To be sure, at least until the mid-fifth century Pannonia still imported the goods, but to what degree the political instability had an affect is shown by the example of Valeria where the import of African pottery was discontinued in the early fifth century as the province came under the control of the Hun groups. On the other hand, the limited possibilities of import could encourage the local production. Regardless of the fact that the new rulers such as the Ostrogoths were very keen in preserving the late Roman traditions, little could be done for the more lasting recovery of at least some Pannonian regions. The vitality was preserved in Dalmatia, especially in its coastal area, for a long period, and, to a certain extent, in Noricum for much of the fifth century. At certain periods Dalmatia even experienced more positive demographic impacts due to the population influx from the more endangered regions. The relative economic strength of Dalmatia was supported with the efforts of the state authorities (the Ostrogothic ones perhaps even more than the Eastern Roman ones) as well as the needs of the Church. It is worth pointing out that the war between Ostrogoths and Eastern Romans surely gave a boost to the Dalmatian economy since Salona became a permanent military base, and the stay of the imperial army spurred an increasing demand for raw materials and products due to logistics needs. The province’s relative prosperity is also indicated by a demand for luxury goods and the import of products from the eastern and southern Mediterranean. Favorable circumstances lasted until the last decade of the sixth century, which saw new overwhelming challenges to the late antique economy in Dalmatia that ultimately crushed the previous growth.
Сава представља једну од најзначајнијих личности српске историје. Његова биографија је одувек побуђивала интересовање, како историчара, тако и уметника. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора, историографских дела прикажемо какав је био значај Светог Саве у српској средњовековној историји и каква је рецепција његовог лика била у српској историјској драми до краја XX века.
Saint Sava is one of the most important figures of Serbian history. His biography has always caused the interest of both historians and artists. We will try to show through the analysis of historical sources, historiography works what was the significance of St. Sava in Serbian medieval history and what kind of reception his character had in the Serbian historical drama to the end of the 20th century.
The aim of this paper is to present contributions of famous Serbian medievalists to researching history of the province of Vojvodina. Their articles and articles about their work appeared in the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad (1928-1940). In addition to biographical information of afore mentioned historians, presented here is their work related to the medieval history of Vojvodina. Two of them, Mihailo Dinić and Stanoje Stanojević actively participated in the work of the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad. Another topic of this article is life and work of the first modem Serbian historiographer Ilarion Ruvarac who gave great contribution to researching the past of Vojvodina.
Keywords: Herald of the Historical Society in Novi Sad, historiography, medievalists, medieval history, historical geography, Mihailo J. Dinić, Stanoje Stanojević, Ilarion Ruvarac.
Abstract:Тhe aim of this paper is to present the figure of Saint Jovan Vladimir in Serbian history and drama. We will try to analyze historical sources, historiographical findings and literary works and to present how figure of this Dioclea ruler and the first Serbian saint has
changed over time and what is his reception in Serbian history and historical drama of the late 19th and mid-20th century.
Апстракт: Циљ овог рада је да прикажемо лик Св. Јована Владимира у
српској историји и драми. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора,
историографских закључака и драмских дела сагледамо како се мењао поглед на
личност овог дукљанског владара и првог српског светитеља током времена и каква је
његова рецепција у историји и српској историјској драми с краја XIX и средине XX века.
Кључне речи: Јован Владимир, Косара, Дукља, Бугарска, Византија, историја,
српска историјска драма.
in the twelfth century. He was son of Serbian Grand Prince Uroš I and brother of Hungarian
queen Helena. During his life he was a Hungarian ban and palatine (1144–1157; 1163) and Serbian Grand Prince (1163). As an uncle of King Géza II, Beloš
actively participated in as far as forming of the Hungarian foreign policy was concerned.The Kingdom of Hungary interfered in conflicts among princes after the death of Vladimir II Monomakh (1125) onwards. The objective of this work is to show Grand Prince Beloš from a point of view of the Hungarian-Rus’ relations. The analysis of the sources and literature aims to show how one person (namely Beloš in this case) could affect the situation in the principalities and their relations with the Kingdom of Hungary.
characterized by the tendency of opposition against aggressive Byzantine foreign policy. The aim of this paper is to show how Byzantine foreign policy influenced closer relations between Serbia and Hungary in the period of reign Serbian Grand princes of Rascia from Vukan and
up to the reign of Stefan Nemanja
Key words: Serbia, Hungary, Byzantine empire, Rascia grand princes, Stefan Nemanja
borders of Srem were determined, and a period of forming County of Mačva as an administrative region of the Hungarian kingdom. The church history of Srem was presented from early Middle Ages to the first half of the fifteenth century. Toponymic analyses showed various historical influences in Vojvodina. Slavic, Hungarian and Turkish influence was evident in the toponyms of this region. The settling of Serbs in the southern Hungary was
conditioned by the Turkish invasions in the Balkans. The church organization existed in Sirmium for the longest period of time, as witnessed by the influence diocese of Srem. In a confessional sense, Hungary was diverse. Besides the majority of Catholics who lived in it, there were Orthodox Serbs, Hussites and Bogomils. A fact that the Catholic Church worked on religious unification of the Kingdom of Hungary was proven by the work of the inquisitors in the territory where Catholics lived mixed with other confessions, primarily in Srem. It began in the early fifteenth century, and it lived through its full force at the end of the century.
Serbs were settled under the leadership of their despots and feudal lords. Serbs had influence on the increasing military and economic power of the Kingdom of Hungary. They settled in Srem, Banat, and Bačka to a lesser extent. The paper presents a brief description of the history of medieval cities Bač and Bečej. In addition to the analysis of the articles published in the Journal, there is mentioned a recent literature related to the medieval history of Vojvodina.
Since its beginning, the Mount Athos has been the center of Orthodox monasticism. In this area, numerous monastic communities of different ethnic origin were formed. This theocratic monastic republic was a unique spiritual space in which diverse spiritual influences intertwined. In this paper we will try to show how the spiritual relations between Byzantium and medieval Serbia and Russia developed in the area of the Mount Athos in the period from the 11th to the 15th centuries. First of all, we WILL deal with the issues of mutual spiritual and cultural influences between these three Orthodox countries. Also, we will try to show how political changes in the period of three centuries have influenced the spiritual relations between these countries. We will try to show what the influence of the Serbian state was in this period in the area of the Mount Athos. By analyzing historical sources and relevant literature, we will try to show how important the significance of the Mount Athos was for the spiritual and political relations of the mentioned countries of the Orthodox East.
Keywords: Mount Athos, Byzantium, medieval Serbia, medieval Russia, spiritual relations, Orthodox Church.
Света Гора је од свог настанка представљала центар православног монаштва. На овом простору формирале су се бројне монашке заједнице различитог етничког порекла. Ова теократска монашка република је била јединствен духовни простор на коме су се преплитали разнородни духовни утицаји. У овом раду покушаћемо да прикажемо како су се развијали духовни односи Византије и средњовековне Србије и Русије простору Свете Горе у периоду од XI до XV века. Пре свега бавићемо се питањима међусобних духовних и културних утицаја између ове три православне државе. Такође, покушаћемо да прикажемо како су политичке промене у периоду од три столећа утицале на духовне односе између ових држава. Покушаћемо да прикажемо какав је био утицај српске државе у на простору Свете Горе. Анализирајући историјске изворе и релевантну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо колики је био значај Свете Горе за духовни и политичке односе поменутих држава православног Истока.
Кључне речи: Свет Гора, Византија, средњовековна Србија, средњовековна Русија, духовни односи, Православна Црква.
UDK 27-9(495.02)"04/14"(082)
COBISS.SR-ID 261136396
(Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija, Somborska sinagoga, Sinagoge i jevrejsko nasleđe u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, ured. Rastislav Stojisavljević, Novi Sad 2021, 395-426)
На територији града Сомбора јеврејска заједница је присутна од 18. века. Са порастом њене бројности јавила се потреба за организовањем верског живота. После првобитног периода када се верска служба одвијала у импровизованим објектима, половином шездесетих година 19. година саграђена је синагога. Она је представљала центар религијског и културног живота Јевреја овог града. Током холокауста страдао је велики број сомборских Јевреја, што је директно утицало на судбину локалне синагоге. Као верски објекат, егзистирала је до 1947. године, када је прешла у посед државе. Користећи историјске изворе и доступну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо историјат сомборске синагоге. Сматрамо да историја сомборских Јевреја треба да добије истакнутије место у локалној култури сећања. Надамо се да ће овај рад пружити скромни допринос у том настојању.
Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija ,The Sombor Synagogue, Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings, ed. Rastislav Stojsavljević, Novi Sad 2021, pp. 395-426.
The Jewish community has been present on the territory of the city of Sombor since the 18th century. With the increase in its number, there was a need to organize religious life. After the original period when the religious service took place in improvised buildings, a synagogue was built in the mid-1860s. It was the center of religious and cultural life of the Jews of this city. During the Holocaust, a large number of Sombor Jews were killed, which directly affected the fate of the local synagogue. As a religious building, it existed until 1947, when it became the property of the state. Using historical sources and available literature, we will try to present the history of the Sombor synagogue. We believe that the history of Sombor's Jews should get a more prominent place in the local culture of remembrance. We hope that this work will make a modest contribution to this endeavor.
Since its foundation, Smederevo has played an important role in the history of Serbian Despotate. The role of this city for the Serbian medieval state was multiple. Smederevo was the capital, a mayor financial center and an important military stronghold. The significance of Smederevo was not limited to the internal politics of medieval Serbia. As a strategically important city between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, Smederevo has played a significant role in the policies of the two countries. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the historical reception of Smederevo's image by analyzing narrative sources, primarily travel accounts and chronicles. Using historical sources, relevant literature and the results of archaeological research, we will try to reconstruct the role of Smederevo in the turbulent Balkan relations in the Late Middle Ages.
Смедерево је од свог настанка играло значајну улогу у историји српске Деспотовине. Улога овог града у српској средњовековној држави Била је вишеструка. Смедерево је Било престоница, трговачки центар и значајно војно упориште. Значај Смедерева није Био ограничен само на унутрашњу политику средњовековне Србије. Као стратешки веома Битан град између Краљевине
Угарске и Отоманског царства, Смедерево је заузимало значајну улогу у политици ове две државе. Циљ овог рада је да анализом наративних извора, пре свега путописа и хронике, прикажемо каква је историјска рецепција слике Смедерева. Користећи историјске изворе, релевантну литературу и резултате археолошких истраживања, покушаћемо да реконструишемо какву је улогу Смедерево имало у турбулентним Балканским односима у периоду позног средњег века.
ISBN: 978-86-6065-570-9; ISBN: 978-86-900599-1-1; ISBN: 978-86-6065-571-6 (online).
Апстракт: Средњи век је представљао доба вере, али и доба честих сукоба. Борбе за територију, економску и политичку превласт, као и верска нетрпељивост су били основни фактори у сукобима средњег века. У овом раду размотри ћемо улогу монаштва Немањићке Србије у спољним и унутрашњим сукобима припаднике ове српске династије. Анализирајући историјске изворе и литературу покушаћемо да представимо утицај монаштва на превазилажење, како унутардинастичких сукоба међу Немањићима, тако и његову улогу у решавању међудржавних конфликата између средњовековне Србије и њених суседа.
The Middle Ages represented the age of faith, but also the period of frequent conflicts. The struggle for territory, economic, political domination, and also religious intolerance were the main factors in the conflicts of the Middle Ages. In this paper we will consider the role of monasticism of Nemanjić Serbia in the external and internal conflicts of the members of this Serbian dynasty. By analyzing historical sources and literature, we will try to present the influence of monasticism on the overcoming of internal conflicts between members of Nemanjić dynasty and its role in solving interstate conflicts between medieval Serbia and its neighbors.
Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
U članku se razmatraju pojedini aspekti kasnoantičkoga gospodarstva
u provincijama Panonske dijeceze (Zapadnog Ilirika) od IV do VI stoljeća. Poglavita pozornost usmjerena je na dvije južnopanonske provincije i Dalmaciju. Cilj je opisati opće ekonomske tijekove, osobito u vezi s time kako su političke, etničke i demografske promjene tijekom navedenog razdoblja utjecale na gospodarske prilike. Prvenstveni je oslonac na pisane izvore, pri čemu se na umu ima njihova sporadičnost i tendencioznost, a zapažanja se nastoje dovesti u smislenu vezu s dostupnim arheološkim podacima. Analizira se pitanje ekonomskog potencijala raznih gospodarskih aktera, mjesnih zajednica, lokalnih zemljoposjednika, crkve i državnih vlasti, odnosno udjela središnje
uprave u vođenju, održavanju i oživljavanju provincijskoga gospodarstva. Pažnja se posvećuje i gospodarskom stanju u provincijama pod nerimskom vlašću.
Some Considerations on the Economy of Western Illyricum from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries
Acta Illyrica: godišnjak Udruženja BATHINVS 2, 2018
The paper examines a number of aspects of the late antique economy in the provinces of the Diocese of Pannonia from the fourth to sixth centuries. Particular attention is paid to two southern Pannonian provinces and Dalmatia. The aim is to outline general economic trends, especially in regard to how the political, ethnic and demographic changes affected economic conditions during this period. Written
sources are in the main focus for the analysis, while, at the same time, their randomness and tendency are borne in mind. The observations derived from written sources are attempted to be meaningfully linked to available archaeological record. The analysis is also focused on the question of economic potential of various economic actors, regional communities, local landowners, the Church and state authorities, i.e. the share of central government in managing, maintaining and revival of provincial economy. Attention is also paid to the economic situation in the provinces under the non-Roman rule. During the fourth century Western Illyricum was an area of lively economic activity that was largely oriented to meet state needs. Written sources testify to certain products that had a supraregional character, but one may conclude that the Norican textiles were the only product that was of greater importance in broad-range and long-distance trade. In written sources Pannonia is singled out as a province rich both in agricultural products and in merchandise, but these were primarily consumed locally. Next to cities and towns, the biggest consumer was the army. The raw materials were also of supraregional importance, especially the iron from Dalmatia and Noricum as well as the stone material. The Norican marble was still quarried in the fourth century and transported to Pannonia and Italy as well. Moreover, the Dalmatian stone was one of the more sought-after items from the fourth to sixth centuries, both as a raw material and as a finished product. One of the most important products which was based on a locally accessible raw material was coinage. Western provinces were at a time supplied to a large degree with coins of the Siscia mint. Of course, it should be borne in mind that regionally mined monetary metals weren’t only used to fulfill the capacities of local mints. Locally available wood and stone materials were also important as a building material and especially used in the extensive works to strengthen the Danube frontier by restoration and construction of forts in the second half of the fourth century. To a certain extent this is also true for later times, the fifth and sixth centuries, considering the erection of hillforts in the interior of Dalmatia and in Noricum, as well as in strategic positions along the eastern Adriatic coast and on the islands. It could be argued that one of the greatest resources of the late Roman Western Illyricum, and particularly Pannonia which is singled out for it in written sources, were its people. This refers to lesser extent to slaves who are likely to have been acquired in frequent conflicts along the frontier as well as in military campaigns across the border during the fourth century. The area of Illyricum was well-known in the later Roman Empire as a recruiting ground, which continued even after a significant part of Western Illyricum was already dominated by barbarian groups. The large size of population, if judged by what is claimed in written sources, was likely to have been a good basis for general internal consumption, which is why the western Illyrian provinces were also major importers of goods, even the goods that were produced locally, such as wine and olive oil in Dalmatia. In addition, demand for luxury products and better quality goods has also to be taken into account. That is why high-quality olive oil from the Zadar area could be exported to Italy despite the local deficit of this product in Dalmatia. The quality of raw material as well as the skillful manufacturing and workmanship of the art product itself were the reason why the sarcophagi of the Salona-Brač workshops were still in demand in the sixth-century Italy. The production capabilities and the volume of import were also influenced by general military and demographic circumstances. The exposure of the Danube areas, the collapse of the Danube frontier and frequent wars and campaigns had an extremely adverse effect on the demographic condition throughout this period both due to violent deaths and capture as well as displacement of people, to which losses caused by the epidemics such as the bubonic plague in the mid-sixth century have to be added. Even if the image of Pannonia devoid of people as portraited by the sixth century written sources is exaggerated, there is no doubt that the number of inhabitants decreased significantly in comparison to the fourth century. This great demographic decline contributed, much more than the other factors, to the far-reaching deterioration of the urban structures and disappearance of cities and towns, which, along with the permanent withdrawal of the Roman army, inflicted an irreparable blow to the economy as production capabilities and demand were greatly reduced. To be sure, at least until the mid-fifth century Pannonia still imported the goods, but to what degree the political instability had an affect is shown by the example of Valeria where the import of African pottery was discontinued in the early fifth century as the province came under the control of the Hun groups. On the other hand, the limited possibilities of import could encourage the local production. Regardless of the fact that the new rulers such as the Ostrogoths were very keen in preserving the late Roman traditions, little could be done for the more lasting recovery of at least some Pannonian regions. The vitality was preserved in Dalmatia, especially in its coastal area, for a long period, and, to a certain extent, in Noricum for much of the fifth century. At certain periods Dalmatia even experienced more positive demographic impacts due to the population influx from the more endangered regions. The relative economic strength of Dalmatia was supported with the efforts of the state authorities (the Ostrogothic ones perhaps even more than the Eastern Roman ones) as well as the needs of the Church. It is worth pointing out that the war between Ostrogoths and Eastern Romans surely gave a boost to the Dalmatian economy since Salona became a permanent military base, and the stay of the imperial army spurred an increasing demand for raw materials and products due to logistics needs. The province’s relative prosperity is also indicated by a demand for luxury goods and the import of products from the eastern and southern Mediterranean. Favorable circumstances lasted until the last decade of the sixth century, which saw new overwhelming challenges to the late antique economy in Dalmatia that ultimately crushed the previous growth.
Сава представља једну од најзначајнијих личности српске историје. Његова биографија је одувек побуђивала интересовање, како историчара, тако и уметника. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора, историографских дела прикажемо какав је био значај Светог Саве у српској средњовековној историји и каква је рецепција његовог лика била у српској историјској драми до краја XX века.
Saint Sava is one of the most important figures of Serbian history. His biography has always caused the interest of both historians and artists. We will try to show through the analysis of historical sources, historiography works what was the significance of St. Sava in Serbian medieval history and what kind of reception his character had in the Serbian historical drama to the end of the 20th century.
The aim of this paper is to present contributions of famous Serbian medievalists to researching history of the province of Vojvodina. Their articles and articles about their work appeared in the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad (1928-1940). In addition to biographical information of afore mentioned historians, presented here is their work related to the medieval history of Vojvodina. Two of them, Mihailo Dinić and Stanoje Stanojević actively participated in the work of the Herald of historical society of Novi Sad. Another topic of this article is life and work of the first modem Serbian historiographer Ilarion Ruvarac who gave great contribution to researching the past of Vojvodina.
Keywords: Herald of the Historical Society in Novi Sad, historiography, medievalists, medieval history, historical geography, Mihailo J. Dinić, Stanoje Stanojević, Ilarion Ruvarac.
Abstract:Тhe aim of this paper is to present the figure of Saint Jovan Vladimir in Serbian history and drama. We will try to analyze historical sources, historiographical findings and literary works and to present how figure of this Dioclea ruler and the first Serbian saint has
changed over time and what is his reception in Serbian history and historical drama of the late 19th and mid-20th century.
Апстракт: Циљ овог рада је да прикажемо лик Св. Јована Владимира у
српској историји и драми. Покушаћемо да анализом историјских извора,
историографских закључака и драмских дела сагледамо како се мењао поглед на
личност овог дукљанског владара и првог српског светитеља током времена и каква је
његова рецепција у историји и српској историјској драми с краја XIX и средине XX века.
Кључне речи: Јован Владимир, Косара, Дукља, Бугарска, Византија, историја,
српска историјска драма.
in the twelfth century. He was son of Serbian Grand Prince Uroš I and brother of Hungarian
queen Helena. During his life he was a Hungarian ban and palatine (1144–1157; 1163) and Serbian Grand Prince (1163). As an uncle of King Géza II, Beloš
actively participated in as far as forming of the Hungarian foreign policy was concerned.The Kingdom of Hungary interfered in conflicts among princes after the death of Vladimir II Monomakh (1125) onwards. The objective of this work is to show Grand Prince Beloš from a point of view of the Hungarian-Rus’ relations. The analysis of the sources and literature aims to show how one person (namely Beloš in this case) could affect the situation in the principalities and their relations with the Kingdom of Hungary.
characterized by the tendency of opposition against aggressive Byzantine foreign policy. The aim of this paper is to show how Byzantine foreign policy influenced closer relations between Serbia and Hungary in the period of reign Serbian Grand princes of Rascia from Vukan and
up to the reign of Stefan Nemanja
Key words: Serbia, Hungary, Byzantine empire, Rascia grand princes, Stefan Nemanja
borders of Srem were determined, and a period of forming County of Mačva as an administrative region of the Hungarian kingdom. The church history of Srem was presented from early Middle Ages to the first half of the fifteenth century. Toponymic analyses showed various historical influences in Vojvodina. Slavic, Hungarian and Turkish influence was evident in the toponyms of this region. The settling of Serbs in the southern Hungary was
conditioned by the Turkish invasions in the Balkans. The church organization existed in Sirmium for the longest period of time, as witnessed by the influence diocese of Srem. In a confessional sense, Hungary was diverse. Besides the majority of Catholics who lived in it, there were Orthodox Serbs, Hussites and Bogomils. A fact that the Catholic Church worked on religious unification of the Kingdom of Hungary was proven by the work of the inquisitors in the territory where Catholics lived mixed with other confessions, primarily in Srem. It began in the early fifteenth century, and it lived through its full force at the end of the century.
Serbs were settled under the leadership of their despots and feudal lords. Serbs had influence on the increasing military and economic power of the Kingdom of Hungary. They settled in Srem, Banat, and Bačka to a lesser extent. The paper presents a brief description of the history of medieval cities Bač and Bečej. In addition to the analysis of the articles published in the Journal, there is mentioned a recent literature related to the medieval history of Vojvodina.