A vi lookalike which supports nearly all of the vi/ex commands, in both visual mode and colon mode.
Like vi/ex, elvis stores most of the text in a temporary file instead of RAM. This allows it to edit files that are too large to fit in a single process' data space. Elvis runs under BSD UNIX, AT&T SysV UNIX, MINIX, MS-DOS, Atari TOS, Coherent, OS9/68000, VMS, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Elvis is just as awful to use as vi, so someone will like it. Version 1.8pl14 (1995-09-04). FTP Delft, FTP PDX. E-mail: Steve Kirkendall <[email protected]>.Last updated: 1995-11-16
Nearby terms:
ELMAGUIDE ♦ ELMAMETA ♦ ELP ♦ ELSIE ♦ Elvis ♦ elvish ♦ EM ♦ EM-1 ♦ EMA ♦ Emacs
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