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Grenoble INP Laurent Ros

Research Master 2 SIPT

Lecture Notes in « INFORMATION THEORY»

October 2010

[Cov03] T.M. Cover, J.A. Thomas, “ Elements of Information Theory”, Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition, 2006.
[Mac03] David J.C. MacKay “Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithm”, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003
[Gal68] R.G. Gallager, « Information Theory and reliable communication », Wiley, 1968
[Pro00] J.G. Proakis, « Digital Communications », MacGraw Hill, 2000.
[Bat97] Gérard Battail, « Théorie de l’information : application aux techniques de communication », collection
pédagogique de Télécommunication, MASSON, 1997
[Aug07] François Auger, « Introduction à la théorie du signal et de l’information , cours et exercices », collection
Sciences et Technologies, éditions Technip, 1999
[Weh03] Louis Wehenkel, Théorie de l’Information et du codage, cours de l’Université de Liege, 2003
[Rou70] E. Roubine, « Introduction à la théorie de la communication. Tome III : Théorie de l’information », collection
MASSON et Cie, 1970
[Spa87] A. Spataru, « Fondements de la théorie de la transmission de l’information », presses polytechniques
romandes, complément au traité d’électricité, 1987

[Jou95] Geneviève Jourdain, « Théorie de l’Information », polycopié de cours DEA SIPT (INPG), 1992
[Bri01] Jean Brini, « cours de Théorie de l’information », polycopié de cours 2° année ENSERG 2001/2002



Information Theory for the (source and Noisy-channel) coding

I Information theory main tools: measure of information
I.1 History and introduction
I.2 Information content of an outcome (one emitted symbol)
I.3 Entropy or average information content of an ensemble (discrete source)
I.4 Various entropies between two random variables and Mutual Information
I.5 Entropy of Markov sources : an introduction, Data processing theorem.

II Source Coding (or Data Compression):

II.1 Introduction
II.2 Characterization of an encoding
II.3 The source coding theorem (first Shannon theorem)
II.4 Source coding techniques: Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman coding.

III Channel Capacity and Noisy-channel coding theorem (discrete case):

III.1 channels » of information theory
III.2 Capacity of a discrete memoryless channel
III.3 The Noisy-Channel coding (or fundamental) theorem
(second Shannon theorem)

IV Introduction to information theory in the case of a continuous channel

Case of a continuous channel with Additive White Gaussian Noise, entropy and capacity formula,
Appendix : geometric representation of signals and fundamental theorem in the continuous case,
performance of various modulations compared to the limits of the information theory.

These lectures notes (and Problem Sessions) presents an introduction to Information Theory. The illustrated context
especially turned to communication theory (initial context for which information theory was developed by Claude
Shannon), but the scope of information theory is of course much wider.

The Figure 1 gives a block diagram of a (point-to-point) communication system :

Étage RF Signal
Modulateur M émis
signal Emetteur
voies O
S U B formation D x(t)
Codage Codage I Transpo. HF
SOURCE Codage Codage
Source Canal symboles Amplification
Source bits Canal bits I
(numérique a[m] FI filtrage
ou numérisée)
Q /
Source normalisée
Perturbations Canal RF
(bruit, échos, brouilleurs …) physique

Étage RF
Démodulateur Récepteur
S’ U’ B’ r(t)
DESTINA- Décodage
Décodage Décodage
Décodage Demod I/Q Filtrage,
TAIRE Source
Source Canal
Canal Egalisation Amp faible bruit
bits bits FI Signal
Synchronisation Transpo. HF reçu
Décision bits CAG
Destinataire normalisé « Canal » binaire de capacité C (théorie de l’information)

Débits binaires (bit/s) : Db (S) ≥ Db (U) ≤ Db(B) « Canal » normalisé

FI: fréquence intermédiaire, typiquement 70MHz à 400 MHz

* Décodage canal avec décisions « dures » RF: radio-fréquences, typiquement 900 Mhz à 5 GHz

Figure 1: Typical block diagram of a digital transmission via carrier modulation

In the emission stage, the aim is to transform a digital source (discrete symbols stream) into an analog (digitally-
modulated) signal x(t) :
 with a first CODING part, which can be separated in "source coding" and "channel coding" that transforms the
pattern of discrete symbols ‘ S ' in a different pattern of discrete symbols ‘ B '
 then a DIGITAL MODULATION part that transforms the pattern of symbols ‘ B ’in the analog signal x(t) matched
to the support of transmission.

Information theory provides an insight on the coding/decoding (source and channel) parts, which will be especially
developed in the course (with discrete random variables). Note that it makes also elegant lighting on the performance of
digital modulations, as it will be briefly mentioned with the last part devoted to the continuous random variables and
AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel.


Symbol rate of a discrete source X: D(X) , in symb/sec or bauds

For a digital source X, the Symbol Rate or Baud-rate D(X) is the number of items (symbols) that is produced on
average per unit of time (second). Hence, if X emits symbols once every T seconds, the Symbol Rate or Baud-rate is
(1/T) symbols per second. (Be careful, the symbol rate is a data-rate generally different to the "information rate" that
will be defined in Information Theory).

Note that D(X) do not give all the knowledge about the Data flow, and we have also to specify the radix (size) Q of the
alphabet Ax = {x1, x2, …, xQ } from which the symbols are taken. It can be sometimes useful to consider an equivalent
bit rate (or binary rate) denoted Db (X) and defined by :

Db(X) = D(X). lb (Q) , in bit / sec

Remarks : lb(Q) = ln(x) / ln(2) is the base 2 logarithm, in bit/symb.

The definition for Db(X) is always valid, that is to say even if lb(Q) is not an entire number.
And for binary symbols (Q = 2) , Db (X) = D (X).

Appendix : Point to point communication or communication network?

Many digital transmission systems operate today in a network where cohabit several transmitters and receivers. In
addition to the physical link between two elements, new issues appears as: how much information can be carried over a
wireless network with a multiplicity of nodes, and how should the nodes cooperate to transfer information?
This introductory course does not directly adress these issues in dealing mainly with the case of the point-to-point link,
but we give below some references in "Network Information Theory" :

• T.M. Cover, J.A. Thomas, " chapter 15: Network Information Theory" from "Elements of information Theory" ,
Wiley and Sons, edition 2006,
• Ephremides, b. Hajek, "Information Theory and communication networks: an Unconsummated Union", IEEE
Trans. It Information theory, vol. 44, n ° 6 October 1998,
• L.L. Xie, P.R. Kumar, "A network information Theory for Wireless. Communication: Scaling Laws and optimal
Operations" , IEEE Trans. On information Theory, flight 50, n ° 5, May 2004,
• Chia-Ping Chen, "Network Information Theory" , race of National Sun Yat - Sen University,

I. Information Theory main tools :
Measure of information

I.1 History and introduction

Information Theory (I.T.) was born in the context of the statistical theory of communications. Its methods, mainly
mathematical, are useful to evaluate the performance of a digital communications system. It deals with the more
fundamental aspects of the communications systems, from only probabilistic models of the physical sources or

- 1928, Hartley: first attempt to scientific definition of a quantitative measure of information.

- 1948 C. Shannon: introduces the new concept of "quantitative measure of information " from a mathematical
way, and deduces the main consequences about fundamental limits on compressing and reliably
communicating data: real beginning of the " information theory".
Initial paper: Claude E. Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Bell System Technical
Journal, vol. 27, pp. 379-423 and 623-656, July and October, 1948

• A scientific theory of information needs first starting with a scientific definition of the word "information" with so
a precise meaning which may differ from common language. It seeks to assign a numeric quantity to measure
information content of messages by using the emission probabilities of different messages. The idea of
“information” is closely related to that of “uncertainty” or “surprise”. The meaning of "information" is very
restrictive, since it does not concern “message importance or meaning”, nor personality of the recipient
("subjective" aspect).
• The scope of the theory exceeds that of the engineering problem of the transmission of information, it is also a
considerable summary power to explain sometimes surprising experiences in areas as diverse as Physics
(thermodynamic, optical, radiation,...), statistical inference, natural language processing, biology, or even as
sociology, economy...
• Applied to communications, the (initial) aims of the I.T. was to characterize source, channel and recipient to
evaluate the theoretical limits of transmission according to various settings and adequate coding / decoding
processes. It provides measurable quantities on :
1. the amount of information issued by a discrete symbols source
2. maximum amount of information (or information rate) at which reliable communication can take place over
a noisy channel
It should be noted that the knowledge of symbol rates (of the source, of the channel) is not enough to assess 1. or
2., since for example :
- a source which emits the same symbol 1000 times / second does not carry information,
- a channel that transmits 1000 symbols per second do not carry the same amount of information if the error
probability Pe = 10 -1 or Pe =10-6.

Today, a research field of I.T. concerns not only the point to point (Shannon) link but more the capacity and
optimization of complex networks communication systems (Cf chapter "foreword").

I.2 Information content of an outcome (one emitted symbol)

The quantity of information associated with the realization of an event among N possible objectively reflects the
“uncertainty” or the degree of “surprise” of the event. It is therefore especially large as the probability of the event was
small (Note: large uncertainty before the event occurs  large information content (or surprise) after).

Suppose a probabilistic experiment that involves an outcome s chosen from a set of N finished elementary events
(results) or possible alternatives : As = { s1 , s2 , …, sN } .
The sample space As is such that si ∩ sj = ∅ , ∀i, j, i≠j and E = (s1 U s2 U … U sN) is the certain event.
To each possible outcome is assigned a probability p(si ) ∈ [0, 1] still noted pi , with of course Pr( E ) = ∑p
i =1
i =1 .
Most of the time in the course, the N elementary elements will represent the possible outputs of a discrete source S at a
given time. As is then the source alphabet, and pi is the probability that the output will be the symbol si.

• Τhe source output S can be modeled by a discrete random variable (RV), where the events should be noted {S = s i }
and the related probabilities Pr ({S = s i }) , or also pS(si), for the probability mass function of S. But we will most often
use abbreviated notations si and p(si ) .
• In case of experiment with more than one outcome, (si , uj ) will still correspond to the event {S = s i }∩ {U = u j }
taken in a joint sample space of dimension NS × N U , where S and U are 2 RV (with respective dimensions NS and NU).

Information content of an outcome

The amount of information gained after observing the event S = si (the symbol emitted by the source S for example)
which occurs with probability pi is defined by :

h (si ) = – K . Ln (pi ) where K is a real positive constant that depends on the chosen unit

Properties: the function f = - log has been chosen because it only (among continuous monotonic functions) exhibits the
two following important properties :
- h (si ) > h (sj ) for pi < pj , that is to say h(si ) = f(pi) is a decreasing function of the event probability pi .
- additivity for independent events: so that the observation of two statistically independent events (emission of two
symbols for example) si1 and si2 provides a cumulative information: h (s i1 , si2) = h (s i1 ) + h(si2)
Indeed, independence leads to p(si1 , si2) = pi1 × pi2 and then to f (p(si1,_si2)) = f (p(si1)) + f(p(si2)) .

- the defined amount of information is always a positive quantity.
- If the source emits the symbol s with probability p = 1, the associated quantity of information is zero: h (s) = 0
for the certain event.

Unit of information
Choose the constant K is to choose one information Unit. This is equivalent to choose the base (b) of the logarithm :
h(si ) = - log(b) (pi ), with then K = 1 / ln (b) ,
Different choices for different units: base b = e => natural unit (nit): b = 10 => decimal unit or Hartley,...
Standard choice today (used in the course) is to use a logarithm of base b = 2
=> log binary: lb (x) = log 2 (x) = ln (x) / ln (2) :

h(si) = – lb( p(si) ) , unit Sh (Shannon)

The resulting Unit Information is called the “Shannon” ( Sh ), and is part of the International System of Units.
Note: initially (initial paper of C. Shannon, old books,...) the unit Sh was referred to as "bit" for "binary unit", but it
may be confused with the binary digit (binary alphabet symbol) that carries 1 Sh information only if the two possible
states are equiprobable (p (0) = p (1) = ½).

Examples and remarks:

• for a discrete binary source , with alphabet As = {0, 1},
- if p (0) = p (1) = 1 / 2 => h (0) = h (1) = 1 Sh
- if p (0) = 0.2 and p (1) = 0.8 => the observation of a 0 corresponds to an information content h (0) = 2.32 Sh.
the observation of a 1 leads to h (1) = 0,32 Sh

• for a source S, with N equiprobable messages :h(si ) = - lb (1/N ) = lb (N)

- information gained by a decimal number, when the 10 number are equiprobable: lb (10) = 3.32 Sh
- if N = 2n (built from n-bit) => h(si) = n Sh

• information gained by the events:
- drawing one card among 32: -lb(1/32) = 5 Sh.
- drawing two cards respectively in 2 different sets of 32 cards: 5 SH + 5 Sh = 10 Sh.

I.3 Entropy or Average information content of a Random Variable (or discrete memoryless source)
I.3.a) Discrete Memoryless Source (dms, or « simple » source) S :

Each interval of time, a (stationary) discrete source produces one symbol taken in the N-size Alphabet As = { s1 , s2 , …,
sN } with the fixed set of probabilities {p1, …, pN}. Moreover, we shall assume then, that successive symbols are
generated independently and with the same distribution. Such sources are called discrete memoryless sources (dms), or
simple sources.

Model : a discrete (stationary) source can then be modeled as a sequence of random variables (with time index i = 1,
2,...,m,) called also stochastic process : Σm = S[1] , S[2], ..., S[m] , in which all RV S[i] are generated with the same
distribution defined by the set As and probability mass function (or set of probabilities) {pn}n =1…N . In the case of a
dms, all S[i] ’s are moreover generated independently.
And for one given trial of the source, σm = sα 1, sα 2 , … , sα m with 1 ≤ αi ≤ N and sαι ∈ As, the probability of the
given sequence σm is simply given by p(sα) 1, sα 2 , … , sα m ) = pα 1 × pα 2× … × pα m , thanks to the independence.

Vocabulary Note: the word "symbol" refers here the elements of the source. Depending on context, these elements can
be letters, words of several letters..., and we may use the appropriate vocabulary.

I.3.b) Entropy of the discrete memoryless source S : average information content per source symbol :
H ( S ) = E{ h( S ) } = − ∑ p n lb( p n ) in Sh/symb
n =1

The entropy sets also the average uncertainty in terms of probability of the random experiment : S→ { sn }.

Notes :
• p× lb(p) = 0 if and only if p = 1 or p = 0 (in limit).
• H(S) depends only on the probabilities on the symbols in the alphabet As of the source, and not on the specific
values of the set As. Note that there exists a slight abuse of notation : H(S) is a number, and not a function of the
random process S, as one would expect. When it is convenient, we may interchangeably write the entropy H(S) or
H(p1, p2 , … , pN), or also HN(p1, p2 , … , pN-1) , where (p 1 , p 2 , … , p N. ) is the set of probabilities, and N is the
radix of the alphabet.
• We have obviously the same computation formula for H(S) if S is not a dms source (a sequence of RV) but just
one RV characterized by the ensemble {As ; {pn}n =1…N }. Entropy is then a measure of uncertainty of the RV. For
memoryless sources, the (average) entropy H(S) is merely the entropy of each (successive) symbol.
Appendix : But in case of sources with memory, the (average) entropy (or entropy rate per channel use) of the
source will be defined (in section I.5) as the joint entropy of the successive symbols normalized by the number of
successive symbols, or equivalently (for a stationary source) as the conditional entropy of one symbol given all the
previous generated symbols.

Example for a binary (dms) source : p = probability of "0", 1-p = probability of "1".
H(S) = H2(p) = - p.lb(p) – (1-p).lb(1-p)
H2(p) is the binary entropy function (Cf figure 2), frequently encountered in IT problems.
 entropy is maximized at 1 sh per trial (1 Sh/symb) when the 2 possible outcomes (binary symbols) are equally
probable. One binary item (or bit) vehicle 1 Sh only if the 2 possible states are equiprobable (p = 0.5).
 the average information amount H (S) tends to zero when one of the two symbols becomes much more
frequent (or rare) than the other.

(Sh/digit) 0.8




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 2: Entropy of an unbalanced binary dm source, versus the probability of one of the 2 symbols

Other examples:
• Alphabet with N equiprobable letters : H ( S ) = H [N]
= −∑ lb( N
) = lb( N ) Sh/symb
N n =1
=> for a radix of the alphabet N = 4, we have => H = 2 Sh/symb

• French alphabet: assuming 27 equiprobable letters {a , …, z, _ (space character) }, H. = lb(27) = 4.75 Sh / symb.
But actually, in a French text, successive letters are not independent (not a dms) and not equiprobable. An appropriate
measure of H. would lead about 1 to 2 Sh/symb : additional constraints => decrease entropy!

The below fundamental Gibbs’ inequality will be a very useful lemma for the course of information theory:

Gibbs’ inequality :
Consider two probability distributions {p1, p2, …, pK} and {q1, q2, …, qK } that are defined over the same alphabet of
K elements A= { a1, …, aK} : (i.e. with p = ∑ q = 1, and p , q ∈ [0; 1] )
k ∑ k k k
k =1 k =1
- there is inequality : ∑p
k =1
k . lb (
)≤0 ∑

(i.e. − pk . lb(pk ) ≤ − pk . lb (qk ) )
k =1 k =1

- where equality holds only if : « pk = qk ; ∀ k = 1 …K »

This can be proven by making use of the property of the logarithm : « ∀x ∈ ℜ+, ln(x) ≤ x-1 » (equality holds only at
x = 1) with x = qk / pk , next multiplying by p k , and then summing for all k.

Some properties of entropy:

• continuity: entropy H(S) = H (p 1 , p2 ,..., p N. ) is a continuous function over each variable pi on [0, 1 [
• symmetry: from all the variables pi : ∀i, j H(p1,…, pi, … , pj, … , pN) = H(p1,…, pj, … , pi, … , pN)
• lower and upper bounds: H(S) is always positive and upper-bounded :

0 ≤ H(S) ≤ lb(N)

Exercice : prove these lower and upper bounds and their relative necessary and sufficient conditions for the set of
probabilities :

1- H(S) = 0  pk = 1 for some k, and the remaining probabilities in the set are all zero.
2- H(S) = lb(N)  pk = 1/N for all k = 1 …N, which corresponds to an alphabet with an uniform probabilities
(Demonstration for the upper-bound from Gibbs’ inequality applied to q k = 1/N and to pk ).

=> an upper bound of H(S) is H [N] = lb( N ) : H(S) is therefore maximum when successive independent
symbols of the (dms) source are equiprobable, p n = 1/N, which corresponds to maximum uncertainty.

I.3.c) Redundancy of a source S : fractional difference between H(S) and its maximum possible value H [N] (that
could be allowed with the same radix of alphabet, N)
R(S ) = 1 -
lb( N )
We get 0 ≤ R (S) ≤ 1. The redundancy allows to assess the degree of use of the alphabet by the source (full use when
R(S) = 0).

I.3.d) Information Rate (per second) of a source S :

Entropy expresses the average amount of information per symbol of a discrete source S. We can also define the
average amount of information per unit of time, that is Sh / second ), which is named in the course “Information Rate”
(or also “Entropy per second") :

Information Rate :
Ht (S) = H(S) . D(S) in Sh/sec
where D(S) : symbol rate (symb/sec)

Notes: do not confuse the information rate Ht (S) (in Sh/sec) with the (literal equivalent) bit rate Db(S ) (in bit/sec).
We always have : Ht(S) ≤ Db(S) = D(S).lb(N) since H(S) ≤ lb (N)

example information rate : with binary alphabet (N = 2) and Db (S) = 34 Mbit / sec
- Equi-probable binary alphabet (p1 = p2= 0,5) => H(S) = 1 Sh/bit, Ht(S) = 34 MSh/sec,
redundancy R(S) = 0;.

- binary alphabet such as (p1 = 0.2; p 2 = 0.8) => H(S) = 0.72 sh/bit, H.t(S) = 24.5 MSh/sec.
redundancy R(S) = 28 %;

I.3.e) Extension of a discrete source :

Consider an original source S characterized by an N-size Alphabet As = { s1 , s2 , …, sN }and a set of probabilities {p1,
…, pN}. It will be useful to consider blocks rather than individual symbols, with each block consisting of k successive
symbols. We may view each such block. as being produced by a k-th order extended source denoted Sk, with an
alphabet Ask, that has Nk distinct blocks (or word of k letters): xj = sj1 sj2 … s jk , for j = 1 … Nk and all sji in As.

Extension of a discrete memoryless source and Entropy :

for a dms, the probabilities of the words are: p(xj) = p(sj1 ) . p(sj2 ) … p( sjk ),

the entropy of the k-th order extension of the dms is : H( Sk ) = k .H(S), in Sh / word of k letters

This property will be immediately deducted from the upcoming results about dependence between 2 sources (I.4).

exercise: We consider alphabet with 3 letters A, B, C and respective probabilities : pA = 0.7; pB = 0,2 ; pC = 0,1 ;
• source S1: emits successively independent letters,
• source S2: emits successively independent words, each word is built from 2 independent letters,
• source S3: emits successively independent words, each word is built from 2 non- independent letters.
The probabilities of the 9 possible words are given :
pAA = 0.6; pAB = 0.1; pAC = 0; pBA = 0.06; pBB = 0.1; pBC = 0.04; pCA = 0.04; pCB = 0; pCC = 0.06.

Compute the entropies H(S1), H(S2) and H(S3). .

I.4 Various entropies between two Random Variables and mutual information:
Advertisement : we consider in this part the entropies and related functions between two discrete R.V. X and Y, to
measure their degree of resemblance. These concepts are especially important when dealing with one source with
memory (X and Y are then not independent and represents symbols of two different time). In other hand, X and Y
might be interpreted as input / output of a noisy channel, as in Ch2.III. More basically, as for the entropy, the definition
of the new functions will directly hold if X and Y are two discrete memoryless source (sequence of independent RV),
disseminating messages more or less similar.

Let X and Y be 2 discrete Random Variable with respectively two sample space or alphabets Ax = {x 1 , x 2 ,..., x N } and
Ay = {y1 , y2 ,..., yM } , and two set of probabilities Px = {p (x1 ), p (x2 ),..., p (xN )} and Py = { p(y1), p(y2), …, p(yM ) } .
(X, Y) may be regarded as a virtual source emitting at one instant a two-letter word (xi , yj ).

I.4.a) Background : joint, marginal, and conditional probabilities

• joint probabilities : the couple of RV (X,Y) is defined on a joint sample space Ax∩Ay (cardinal product) with
cardinal N×M, with a set of N×M joint probabilities joint p(x i , y j ) .
=> Pr (X = x i ; Y = y j) = Pr (X = x i ∩ Y = y j), denoted in abbreviated form p(x i , y j ) .

probability that the word (x i , y j ) is at the output of the virtual source.

• marginal probabilities (or also a prior probabilities) : p( xi ) = ∑ p( xi , y j ) and p ( y j ) = ∑ p ( xi , y j )
j =1 i =1

=> p (x i ) : probability that the letter xi be the first letter of the word (regardless of what happens on the second letter).

we have therefore relationships : ∑∑
i =1 j =1
p ( x i , y j ) = ∑ p ( xi ) = ∑ p ( y j ) = 1
i =1 j =1

• conditional probabilities : p ( xi / y j ) (or also a posteriori or transition probabilities)

p(x i / yj ) is the probability that the event X = xi will occur given the knowledge that the event Y= yj has already
occurred (also denoted Pr (X = xi | Y= yj ) in more rigorous notation). When we have the knowledge that Y= y j is
happened, the set of possible events (word (xi , yj ), originally cartesian product Ax × A y of cardinal N× M has been
reduced to the set of N events Ax × { y j }.
The new set of probabilities are the N conditional probabilities: { p(x1 / yj), p( x2 / yj), …, p( xN / yj) }.
p ( xi , y j )
The relationship between joint and marginal probabilities is : p ( xi / y j ) =
p( y j )

Exercise : set the fundamental total probability axiom (p(yj) in function of p(yj / xi) and p(xi))

I.4.b) Joint entropy H(X, Y)

The average uncertainty (or amount of average information by word) of the pair (X, Y) is given by joint entropy :

H ( X , Y ) = E { h ( X , Y ) } = - ∑ ∑ p ( xi , y j ) . lb ( p ( xi , y j ) )

i =1 j =1

• If X and Y are independent, sum of the marginal entropies: H (X, Y) = H (X) + H(Y)
• if X = Y, then H (X, Y) = H (X) = H (Y)
• General case: joint observation of (X, Y) brings less information that the sum of the information made by separated
observations :

0 ≤ H(X,Y) ≤ H(X) + H(Y)

Proof using Gibbs’inequality: with pk = p(xi , yj), q k = p (xi ).p (y j ), for the K = NxM values of k.
Actually, H(X, Y) ≥ Max {H(X) ; H(Y)}

I.4.c) Conditional entropy H(X / Y):
Average remaining uncertainty (or ambiguity) in X after knowledge of Y (or amount of information remains to acquire
for X when Y is known) is given by the conditional entropy of X given Y :

H ( X / Y ) = - ∑∑ p ( x i , y j ) . lb ( p ( x i / y j ) )

i =1 j =1

It corresponds to the expected value of g(X, Y) = - lb{ p(X | Y) }, which can be computed in summing with the joint
probability mass function p(xi, yj) of the pair (X,Y).

This expression can also be obtained by returning to the elementary information associated with xi conditionally to yj :
h(xi / yj) = - lb( p(xi / yj) :

• uncertainty in X when Y is known and equal to Y = y j :

H(X /Y = y j ) = ∑ p( x
i =1
i /y j ) . h ( x i / y j ) = - ∑ p ( x i /y j ) . lb ( p ( x i / y j ))
i =1

• uncertainty in X knowing Y, averaged over all possible values of Y:

H(X / Y ) = ∑ p( y
j =1
j ) . H(X / Y = y j )

Using the definition of conditional probabilities leads to the first definition of H(X / Y).

Relationships between the entropies:

H(X / Y) = H(X, Y) – H(Y)
proof from the definition of H(X, Y) and using : p (xi , yj) = p(yj). p(xi / yj),

Interpretation as a chain rule, and generalize to the case of n R.V. with n > 2 ?

Special Cases :
• If X and Y are independent, then H(X / Y) = H(X)
• If X = Y, then H(X / Y) = 0

General case: from the bounds on H(X, Y), we can deduce the following bounds :
0 ≤ H(X/Y) ≤ H(X)

=> conditional entropy H(X/Y) is less than or equal to the information content provided by X, since knowledge of Y
may reduce uncertainty on X.

I.4.d) mutual information I(X ; Y) : (average) amount of information shared by X and Y in Sh /symb
That is the amount of information that one RV contains about the other.
I(X; Y) is a measure of the gap to the independence between X and Y, with the equivalent definitions:

I(X ;Y) = H(X) + H(Y) - H(X,Y)

I(X ; Y) = H(X) – H(X/Y) ; I(X ; Y) = H(Y) – H(Y/X)

• If X and Y independent, then I(X ; Y) = 0;.

• If X = Y, then I(X_;_Y) = H (X) = H (Y)
• General case:
0 ≤ I(X ;Y) ≤ H(X) ; and 0 ≤ I(X ;Y) ≤ H(Y) ;

the Venn diagram summarizes the definition of the mutual information as well as relations between different entropies
that have been defined in paragraph I:

H(X, Y)

H(X/Y) I(X,Y) H(Y/X)

Figure 3: Venn diagram

The calculation of the information shared between X and Y may be done directly from the marginal and joint
probabilities :
N M  p ( xi , y j ) 
I(X ;Y ) = + ∑ ∑ p( x i , y j ) . lb 
 p(x ).p(y ) 

i =1 j =1  i j 

Appendix :
1) it is sometimes considered in particular in communication (X : input, Y: output of a channel) that the (average)
mutual information I(X;Y) is more important than the entropy. That is why in some books, one begins to set
I(X;Y) from (elementary) mutual information i(x,y) and the definition of entropy can be deducted:
• i(xi , yj) = lb{ p(xi /yj)/p(xi )} = i(yj_,_xi_) => information provided about the event X = x i , about the
occurrence of the event Y = yj ,
• I(X ; Y) = E{ i(xi , yj) } and then h(xi) = i(xi , yj) is the self information of the event, and H(X) =I(X ; X).

2) I(X, Y) can also be interpreted as the “relative entropy” (or Kullback Leibler distance) between the joint
probability p(xi , yj) and the product distribution p(xi)p(yj)

3) Extension : if we consider 3 discrete R.V. X , Y, and Z, the Conditional mutual information of X and Y given Z
I ( X ;Y Z ) = H ( X Z ) −H ( X Y , Z ) p( x i , y j z k )
is defined by : ( = ∑∑∑ p ( xi , y j , z k ).lb( ))
i =1 j =1 k =1 p ( x i z k ). p ( y j z k )

Application Exercise
Consider the case of two binary discrete memoryless sources X, Y such as:
- X emits symbols “0” and “1”, with equiprobability.
- the emission of Y depends on X in this way : "1" is emitted if X emits “0”, else “0” or “1” can be emitted with
Compute various probabilities, entropies and mutual information for the system (X, Y)?

I.5 Markov Source: an introduction
Until now: source without memory (independence of successive symbols). In practice, there is often time dependence
between the symbols x[n] issued by the source at time indices n.

(1.5.a) Entropy of a Markov Source (of order M = 1):

Let X be a source with N possible symbols {x 1 , x 2 ,..., x N }, where the state X [n + 1] at time “ n + 1” depends on the
state X [n] at the previous instant “ n” according to the transition matrix M :

Pr( X[n+1] / X[n] )

X[n+1] x1 … xN
x1 p1 / 1 pN / 1

xN p1 / N pN / N

With pi / j = Pr(X[n+1] = xi | X[n] = xj ) and then : ∑p
i =1
i/ j = 1, ∀j = 1, ..., N

The dependency on the past is summarized to that of the last state that is reached.
(for a more accurate formulation, X [1] -> X [2] -> … -> X [n ] -> X [n + 1] forms a Markov chain, see Appendix 1.5.B)
• At time « n » : system is characterized by a probability set P[n] ={p1[n] , p2 [n] , …, pN[n]} for different states {x1 ,
x2 , …, xN }, with pj [n] = Pr { X[n] = xj }

• At time « n+1 » : the set of probabilities changes P[n+1] = { p1[n+1] , p2 [n+1] , …, pN[n+1] } , with
pi [n + 1] = ∑ pi / j . p j [n], ∀i = 1, ..., N
j =1
which gives in algebraic formulation :
P[ n +1] = P[ n ] . M

• Stationary state of the system : It can be proved that if the matrix is such that “all states communicate
effectively" (i.e. if it is possible to go with positive probability from any state of the Markov chain to any other
state in a finite number of steps), the system reached (as n -> +∞) a stationary distribution (the set of probability P *
= {p 1 , p2 ,..., p N } is then unchanging from on time “n” to the next “n+1”).

Notes :
- the stationary distribution P* is unique and reached (more or less quickly) whatever the starting set of
probabilities P[0] . Of course, if the initial state of a the Markov chain is drawn according to the stationary
distribution ( P[0] = P * ) then the Markov chain forms a stationary process.
- P * is therefore solution of the linear system : P = P . M , with additional condition ∑p
i =1
i =1 .

• Entropy (or Entropy rate) of the Markov source: the per symbol entropy of the source, or “entropy rate” (denoted
H(X) or H ( X ) and defined in appendix) plays the role of entropy for sources with memory. When the source is with
memory, the knowledge of previous symbols makes less unexpected symbol which will be issued. There is thus an
entropy reduction resulting from taking into account the past issued symbols. For a first order stationary Markov
source, H ( X ) is equal to the conditional entropy of the source at one time, given the previous state (denoted
HM=1(X)). Then, for an order 1 Markov source, the entropy can be computed when the stationary distribution is
reached, as :
def def N N
H M =1 ( X ) = H ( X [ n+1] X [ n ] ) with H ( X [ n+1] X [ n ] ) = − ∑∑ ( pi / j . p j ) × lb( pi / j )
j =1 i =1

Which is also equivalent, according to the conditional entropy definition (Cf I.4), to the average value of the
uncertainty in X, given the different possible previous states :
H M =1 ( X ) = ∑ p j .H ( X [ n ] / X [ n − 1] = x j ) with H ( X [ n ] / X [ n − 1] = x j ) = −∑ pi / j . lb( pi / j )
j =1 i =1

Appendix note for the most general case of a (not necessary Markov nor stationary) source with memory:
Let the source defined by a sequence of R.V. X [1] , X [ 2 ] ,..., X [ n ] with possible dependancy between R.V. but not
necessary a Markov process, nor a stationary process.

- Entropy Rate : it is basically a measure of the uncertainty per output symbol of the source. The general definition of
the (per symbol) entropy, or “entropy rate” is : H ( X ) = lim .H ( X [1] , X [ 2] ,..., X [ n ] ) , in Sh/symbol.
n →∞ n
- for stationary processes, the entropy rate can also be computed as the conditional entropy of the last
random variable given the past. Then H ( X ) = lim H ( X [ n ] X [1] , X [ 2 ] ,..., X [ n−1] )
n →∞

- for a stationary Markov chain, the entropy rate is reduced to H ( X ) = H ( X [ n ] X [ n−1] ) , where the conditional
entropy is calculated using the given stationary distribution.

(1.5.b) Appendix 1: Markov Chain and "Data Processing Theorem":

The source with memory (order 1) introduced, (In 1.5.a) represents actually a Markov chain:
X[1] ->X[2] ->X[3] -> …->X[n-1] ->X[n] -> …

Markov chain: Let X, Y, Z, be 3 discrete random variables with finite alphabets. They are said to form a Markov
chain in the direction X -> Y-> Z if and only if Z is independent of X conditionally to the knowledge of Y :

• Pr(Z = z | Y = y, X = x) = Pr(Z = z | Y = y)

Or in an equivalent way

• Pr(Z = z , Y = y , X = x) = Pr( X = x ). Pr( Y = y | X = x). Pr(Z = z | Y = y)

Data Processing Theorem: If X-> Y -> Z form a Markov chain, then : I(X; Z) ≤ I(X; Y)

No processing on Y can increase the information that Y contains about X

1.5.c) Annexe 2 : extension to a Markov source with order M : symbole sent at time « n » depend on the M
previous symbols, send at time « n-1 » to « n-M ». Generalization of the case M=1.

The source X est is known with the knowledge of the transit (or a priori conditional) probabilities :
Pr(xi / X j ) = Pr( x[n] = xi / X j ) , with X j the state for the M previous symbols.

( p( x / X j) ) = - ( p( )
H (X / X j) = - ∑ p( x
i =1
i / X j ) . lb i ∑ p(
i =1
X i / X j ) . lb X i / X j)

with X i = ( x[n], …, x[n-M+1] ) ; X j = ( x[n-1], …, x[n-M] )

The entropy (or entropic rate) of the (stationary) source can be computed by using the conditional probabilities :

HM (X ) = - ∑
j =1
p( X j ) . H ( X / X j )

Which depends on the transit probabilities p(Xi, Xj), contained in the transit matrix T(NM x NM) where Tij= p(Xi, Xj).

It can be proved that HM(X) is a decreasing sequence so that :

0 ≤ HM(X) ≤ HM-1(X) ≤ ... ≤ H1(X) ≤ H0(X) ≤ lb(N)
With H0(X) : entropy of the memoryless source.

The main tools of Information Theory have been introduced, we now will see how they may apply to the problems of
source and channel coding, in order to obtain theoretically achievable limits.

File of Information Theory n°0 : Measure of information, General tools

Exercice 1 : Dice
Let the random experiment « rolling of two fair dice », and the following Random Variable (R.V.) :
1. P1 assigned to 0 for even outcome of die 1, else to 1 for odd outcome of die1.

2. X1 represents the outcome (die 1).

3. X2 represents the outcome (die 2).

4. X12 represents couple of outcomes (die 1, die 2).

5. Σ represents the sum of both outcomes (die 1 + die 2).

Compute and Comment :

A) the amount of information associated to the following events :

{X1 = 4} ; {P1 = 0} ; {X2 = 2 } ; { Σ = 6} ; { X12 = (4,2) } ; { X12 = (4,2) | Σ = 6 }

B) the Entropies of the R.V. X1 ; P1 ; X12 ; Σ

Answers : h{X1 = 4} = 2,585 Sh; h{ P1 = 0 } = 1 Sh; h{ Σ = 6 } = 2,845 Sh; h{ X12 = (4,2) } = 5,17 Sh; h{ X12 = (4,2) | Σ=6} = 2,325
Sh ; H(X1) = 2,585 Sh/die; H(P1) = 1Sh/state ; H(X12) = 2H(X1); H(Σ) = = 3,2744 Sh / number

Exercice 2 : extension for 3 R.V., chain rule, and Data Processing Theorem
Let 3 discrete Random Variables X, Y, Z with finite alphabet. Prove and comment (by a diagram) the 3
following properties ( for memory : Pr( X = x , Y = y | Z = z) = Pr( X = x | Y = y , Z = z) .Pr( Y = y | Z = z) ) :

(1) H(X, Y, Z) = H(X) + H(Y|X) + H(Z | Y, X)

N.B : via the conditional entropy H(Y , Z | X) = H(Y | X) + H(Z | Y, X)

(2) I( (X ,Y) ; Z) = I(X ; Z) + I(Y ; Z | X)

N.B. : via the definition of conditional mutual information : I (Y ; Z X ) = H (Y X ) − H (Y Z , X )

(3) « Data Processing Theorem » : If X-> Y-> Z form a Markov Chain, then I(X ; Z) ≤ I(X ; Y).
(i.e. PX,Y,Z (x,y,z) = PX (x).PY|X (y|x) PZ|Y (z|y) <=> X and Z conditionally independant given Y)

N.B. : - via the expression of I((Y, Z) ; X) in function of I(X ;Z) and next I(X ;Y)

- via I(X ;Z |Y) = 0 (to be checked for a Markov chain X -> Y-> Z)

Cf Answers in [Weh03] Louis Wehenkel, Théorie de l’Information et du codage, cours de l’Université de Liege,
2003 : http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~lwh/Info/ .

II. Source Coding (Data Compression)

II.1 Introduction

S Codage U Canal
messages Source
Source symboles élémentaires Q-aire (normalisé)
N-aire L : longueur moyenne Au= {u1, ..uQ}
As ={s1, ..sN} d’un mot code en général bits (Q=2)

Source normalisée

Figure 4: Adaptation of the source to the channel

We have seen in the part I.1 than the maximum entropy ( lb (Q) if Q is the size of the alphabet) of a discrete source was
achieved when different symbols were equally probable, with additional hypothesis of independency between
successive symbols. When the source symbols are not equi-probable or / and not independent, the source presents some
redundancy, which means that the natural source alphabet is not used optimally (carries a quantity of information less
than its potential). We are then interested in more efficient representation of data generated by the discrete source.

• Major objective of source encoding: transforming the "source + source encoder " into a "standardized" source :
- (almost) without redundancy, so that the bit rate is reduced ( Db(U) ≤ Db (S) bit/sec) for a real time transmission
(assumed by default).

- without Loss of Information (only “Lossless compression method” are considered in the course) : The amount of
information (in Sh) of all messages to be transmitted is retained after coding.
Thus, for a real time transmission of the source, the information rate (flow of information per second) is the same
after coding: Ht (U) = Ht (S), in Sh /sec .

N.B: real-time transmission means here that the natural emission duration of the source is respected, equal to the total
number of symbols of the source to be transmitted multiplied by the baud-rate of the source D(S). Example: If the total
sequence of source messages results from 1 hour of video output of a digital camera, the emission will last one hour.

• Other function of source encoding: necessary conversion between the alphabet of the source As = {s1, s2, sN } and
the alphabet in input of the channel Au = {u1, u2, uQ }. The N-ary source alphabet may be very different depending on
the situation, but the input alphabet of the channel is more often binary: Q = 2.
Example: to map the alphabet of N = 26 letters of a text to binary symbols. The direct conversion of the letters into 5-
bit binary sequence is possible but not efficient (2 5 = 32 > 26).

It should be noted at this stage (source encoding/decoding study) that ideal channel (noiseless channel) that routes
symbols without error is assumed. The hypothesis of a channel without error is however plausible if a “standardized”
channel, that means "channel + channel coding " is used (Cf figure 1).

Vocabulary note: to avoid confusion in the chapter II, we will reserve the word "symbol" (or elementary symbols, or
encoded symbols) to designate the elements resulting from the source coding (elements of the Q-ary alphabet, with
most often Q = 2 for a binary source code). On the other hand, the word "message" will designate the N-ary symbols
(also called “letter” or “source letter”) issued by the discrete original source, or the Nk-ary symbols obtained after k-th
order extension of the source. The term "code-word" shall designate a sequence of symbols resulting from the encoding
of 1 given message.

II.2 characterization of a source encoding
II.2a) definitions:
• Source code : is a mapping from the messages of the source (N-ary letters {si , i=1…N} ∈ As first, or later
generalization with extended words of k letters, Ask ) to the set of finite length strings of symbols from a Q-ary
alphabet (code-words or sequences Ci = {u1(i) , …, uli(i) } composed of li Q-ary elementary symbols uj(i) ∈ Au, with i
= 1 … N first, and later i = 1 … Nk ). We get a fixed- to variable-length coding.

• length li of the codeword Ci (in symbols): positive integer equal to the number of elementary symbols in the code-
word Ci , used to represent the source message si.

The encoding process of the source S : consists to encode the sequence of source messages (letters or later words of k
letters) by concatenating the code-words corresponding to each message.

 use of variable- length code-words to achieve Data compression.

• Average code-word length L (or (Expected-) length of the code ):

{ }
L = E li = ∑ p ( si ) . li , in elementary symbols (per code-word, or per message)
i =1

L indicates the compactness of the code: the more L is low and the more (equivalent) output bit rate D(U) will be
D(U) = D(S).L => Db(U) = D(S).L.lb(Q), with most often binary symbols (lb(Q) = 1).
D(S) in message /sec, D(U) in (elementary) symbols /sec, Db(U) in bit /sec

When the source encoding is lossless, there must be the following relationship between the entropies before and
after source encoding:
H(U) =
(H(S) in Sh/message, H(U) in Sh/symb. )
this is in agreement with the conservation of information rate: D(U) = L.D(S) and H(U) = H(S)/L => Ht(U)= Ht(S)

We can already infer a lower bound for L (lossless code):

L ≥ = L min
since the output entropy H(U) cannot exceed the maximum possible value lb(Q) for the (secondary or standardized)
source U using Q-ary symbols (Cf I.3).

• Coding efficiency of the source encoder (0 ≤ η ≤ 1) is defined as :

L min H(S)
η = =
L L. lb(Q)
Or also η = H(U) / lb (Q ) .
We check immediately that efficiency is derived by comparing the equivalent bit rate Db(U) = D(U).lb(Q), in bit/sec,
to the information rate Ht(U), in Sh/sec : η = H t (U) / D b (U ) .

• Code redundancy is by definition 1- η.

It also corresponds to the redundancy of the secondary source U (source S + source encoding): R(U) = 1-η
Indeed, by definition, the U redundancy is (Cf I.3): R(U) = 1 - H (U) /lb (Q)

Anticipating on later, we give an example to illustrate that source coding permits to reduce redundancy and so the bit
rate. The main idea is that data compression can be achieved by assigning short code-words to commonly occurring
(more probable) messages and longer code-words to less frequent messages.

construction of a binary (Q = 2) code source for a source delivering N = 4 different letters :

Alphabet Source: As = { s1; s2; s3; s4}

Probabilities: Pr = {0,64; 0.16; 0.1; 0.1}

C1 C2 C3 C4
Example of code C ={ 0 10 110; 111}, alphabet of output elementary symbols: Au={0, 1}
code-words Lengths: l1= 1, l2=2, l3=3, l4=3 symbols

Average code-word length: L = 0, 64 x 1 + 0, 16 x 2 + 0.1 x 3 + 0.1 x 3 => L = 1,56 symbols

Sequence of messages ; s1 s2 s1 s1 s3 s1 s4 s1 s1 s2 s1 => direct cod.: 22 bits
Sequence of coded symbols: 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 => Cod. C: 17 bits

Characterization of the source S :

-entropy: H(S) = 1.5 sh/letter (< 2 Sh, max.with N = 4)
-redundancy: R(S) = 25 %
We assume a baud rate of source S, D(S) = 17 Mmessage/sec or Db (S) = D(S) .lb (N) = 34 Mbps
=> information rate: Ht(U) = Ht(S) = H(S). D(S) = 25.5 MSh/sec

With the code C, the (average) bit rate in output of the source encoder is: D (U) = D(S) .L = 26,52 Mbit/sec
That is a bit rate reduced by 22 % by the code source C.
In output of the encoder :
- entropy: H(U) = H(S) / L = 0,962 sh/ bits*
- redundancy: R(U) = 1 - H(U) / lb (Q) = 3.8 %: the redundancy has been well decreased
- coding efficiency: η = 1-R(U) = 96.2 %
We check L = 1, 56 ≤ Lmin = H (S) / L = 1.5 symbols

II.2b) Functional Requirements for codes

Let us consider some restrictions on variable length code to allow decoding without ambiguity, so that any original
messages sequence can be reconstructed perfectly from the encoded sequence. A code with this necessary feature is
called “uniquely decodable”. Moreover, we are generally interested in a special class of uniquely decodable codes,
called “instantaneous codes” .

• uniquely decodable codes: for each finite length source sequence of N-ary messages, the corresponding sequence of
Q-ary coded symbols is different from the sequence of coded symbols corresponding to any other source sequence.
Such a code is therefore:

1. “non-singular” : each source letter is mapped to a different non-empty codeword, i.e. the mapping from
source letters to codewords is one-to-one (otherwise lossy coding)

example: code C’ = {0, 10, 110, 110} is not regular

2. “distinguishable” (or “separable”): the beginning and the end of the successive code-words is found without
ambiguity when observing a sequence of encoded symbols (no matter what the original sequence of letters

example: code C ' {1, 10, 110, 111} = is non-singular but not “distinguishable”

received sequence "110" => s1s2 or s3?

Sufficient conditions (but not optimum for Data Compression !) to have a “distinguishable” code : use code-
words with constant lengths, or use a separator or...

Appendix: necessary and sufficient condition for a code to be “uniquely decodable” is that its extension is non singular.
(The extension of a code is the mapping of finite length source sequences to finite length symbols strings, obtained by
concatenating for each letter of the source sequence the corresponding codeword produced by the original code).

• Instantaneous codes : special class of “uniquely decodable codes” such as the decoding of each successive codeword
can be accomplished as soon as the end of its receipt, without waiting for receipt of the beginning of the future code-
word. The end of a codeword is immediately recognizable, and therefore there is no need of separator.
Instantaneous codes satisfy a restriction (which will be stated) known as the “prefix condition”.

examples: code C’’ = {0, 01, 011, 0111} is “uniquely decodable” but not “instantaneous” (uses separator "0")
code C = {0; 10; 110, 111} is “instantaneous”

Prefix Condition
A code is instantaneous if and only if (iif) no code-word is the prefix of any other code-word.
For this reason, an “instantaneous code” is also called a “prefix code” (or “prefix-condition code”).

=> graphical representation of any code by a (Q-ary) tree, where :

- each node represents a sequence of symbols, depending on the path from the root to this node,
- each node has up to Q branches (children) representing possible values “0”, “1”,…, “Q-1” of the symbols,
(the root node has Q branches for the Q possible values of the first symbol of the codewords leading),
- one code-word is represented by a node, and then N nodes are code-words
(but all nodes are not codewords! All the other nodes have “no sense” for this code).

Example with Q = 2 : root (and possibly each node) is divided into 2 branches (“0”, “1”)

=> prefix condition: each codeword is represented by a leaf (terminal nodes) in the tree,
(since no codeword can be the descendent of any other codeword).

Kraft Inequality :
Necessary and Sufficiency Condition for the existence of an instantaneous Q-ary code with given code-word lengths :
For any instantaneous code over an alphabet of size Q, the code-word lengths (l1, l2, …, lN) must satisfy the inequality :
- ln
n =1
Conversely, for any given set of codeword lengths that satisfy this inequality, there exists an instantaneous code with
these code-word lengths.

N.C. : one count the total number of excluded terminal nodes of the full Q-ary tree
- Construct a “full” Q‐ary tree with Q N terminal nodes (nodes at level lN = length of the longest codeword), where
we assume l1 ≤ l2 ≤ … lN .
- Prefix condition => choice of a code-word with length li eliminates its descendant, and then excludes
l −l i l −l i l
Q N terminal nodes of the full tree => necessarily : Q N ≤ QN

S.C. (Converse): For a given set of lengths satisfying the Kraft’s inequality => we can construct the Q‐ary tree of an
instantaneous code (label the first node of length l1 for codeword 1, and remove its descendant from the tree. Then label
the first remaining node of depth l2 as codeword 2, etc.).

MacMillan theorem : generalizes the Kraft theorem as a NCS for existence of uniquely decodable code, with the same

=> Important consequence : it is always possible to replace an “uniquely decodable code” by an “instantaneous code”
with the same set of code-word lengths (and then the same efficiency).

Hence, the class of uniquely decodable codes, although larger, does not offer any further choices for the set of
codeword lengths than the class of instantaneous codes.
• Codes “ absolutely optimal ” : instantaneous codes such that L = Lmin .
Equality can only occur when the coding output alphabet Au is used with equal probability p(u1)=p(u2)= ... = 1/Q,
and with independence between successive symbols (we get a DMS of symbols after absolutely optimal code, if exists).
This implies necessarily than the probability distribution of the source messages must be:
p(si) = p(Ci) = Q -li , for i = 1, …, N.
Such a pmf (where li are integers) is called Q-adic with respect to Q.
It should be noted that for absolutely optimal codes, Kraft-MacMillan inequality is an equality.

Remarks :
- this result can also be proved directly by Gibbs inequality under constraint of Kraft-Mac Millan condition for
the codeword lengths (see direct proof of Source coding theorem).
- a Q-adic pmf, allowing to perfectly match the codeword lengths is a very special (rather meretricious) case.
But how do we match the instantaneous code to an arbitrary source ? The answer to this problem lies in
applying the source encoder on blocks (or words) of k letters rather than on individual letters.

II.3 Source Coding theorem ( first Shannon theorem)

A source being given, is it possible to get an achievable limit to the lossless data compression (or to the resulting baud-
rate) thanks to an appropriate encoding ? First Shannon theorem answers in terms of asymptotic property source
encoding :

Shannon's source coding theorem (or "noiseless coding theorem")

Let S be a stationary discrete source S of alphabet size N, with H(S) the entropy per letter (or entropy rate in case of
source with memory). It is possible to use an instantaneous encoding process (possibly operating on blocks of k source
letters) with a code alphabet of size Q, in such a way that the average codeword lengths (expressed in elementary Q-ary
symbols per letter) is as close as desired to the lower bound Lmin = H (S) /lb (Q):

L = Lmin + ε, ∀ ε >0 ,

In other words, it is always possible to find a prefix source coding bringing to an (equivalent) binary rate after coding,
def def
Db (U ) = D(U )lb(Q) in bits/sec, as close as desired to the information rate of the source H t ( S ) = H ( S ) D( S ) in Sh/sec:

Db(U) = Ht(S) + ε’, ∀ε’ >0


Thus, there exists an encoding process such as:

- the efficiency of the code is as close as desired to 1,
- entropy in output encoding, H(U), is as close as desired to lb(Q),
- elementary symbols after coding ui are as close as desired to the uniform distribution, with independence between
successive symbols.

The key of the theorem lies in the use of large fixed-length blocks of the source output (large value for k) to perform
the coding (i.e. the mapping to variable-length codewords) , as revealed by the two fundamental results (steps A and B)
given in the proof of the theorem.

Elements of Proof of the source coding therorem (in case of Discrete Memoryless Source):
A. first lemma:
For a source without memory S, it is possible to assign codewords to the source letters in such a way that the prefix
condition is satisfied and the average length of the codewords, L, satisfies :

H (S) H (S)
≤ L ≤ +1
lb(Q) lb(Q)

Such construction allows therefore already an approach of optimal encoding messages (with an overhead of 1 symbol).

Proof (exercise) : prove this first lemma in using “absolutely optimum” codes properties (easy ! ).

Other (direct) proof : Gibbs inequality applied with pi = p(si) , and qi = Q / σ , with the necessary normalization
coefficient σ = ∑ Q- li , leads to :
i =1
H ( S ) = - ∑ p i . lb ( p i ) ≤ ∑p i . l i . lb(Q ) + lb( σ ) = L.lb(Q) + lb( σ )
i =1 i =1

Under constraint of Kraft-Mac Millan condition, σ ≤ 1, and then : H(S) – L . lb(Q) ≤ lb(σ) ≤ 0

Firstly, we confirm a proof of the necessary lower bound L ≥ H(S) / lb(Q).

Secondly, we have equality H(S) = L. lb (Q) if and only if (iif) :
• σ = 1 (Kraft-Mac-Millan equality) , and
• p(si ) = qi = Q (Gibbs equality condition), (1)
that is codewords lengths must be such as: li = - lb( pi ) / lb(Q) .(2)

Now two cases have to be considered :

(1) Q-adic pmf : if there exists a set of N integers { li , i = 1 ... N} satisfying the above condition (2)
=> lengths of code-words of an “absolutely optimal code” (i.e. with efficiency = 100%)
(2) Otherwise, in the general case where logQ(1/pi) may not equal an integer, we can round it up to choose the N
integer word lengths li such as: - lb( pi ) / lb(Q) ≤ li < - lb ( pi ) / lb (Q) + 1 .(3)

Note that this set of lengths satisfies the Kraft-Mac Millan inequality.
The lemma is proved by multiplying .(3) by pi and by summing over i = 1 to N.

Remark : the code obtained thanks to the procedure .(3) is sometimes called “Shannon code”. It is generally not an
optimal code (others codes can often achieve better efficiency), but is enough to prove the lemma, and next the source
coding theorem when applied to Sk, the k-th order extension of S (see B.),

B. Application of the first lemma to Sk (kth-order extension of the discrete memoryless source S) :
For a source without memory S, it is possible to assign Nk code-words to the alphabet Ask containing the Nk possible
blocks of k source letters in such a way that the prefix condition is satisfied and the average length of the codewords
per source letter, L, satisfies :
H (S) H (S) 1
≤ L ≤ +
lb(Q) lb(Q) k

Finally, it is possible to choose the size of blocks, k , large enough so that L = Lmin + ε, ∀ ε >0, which proves the
(asymptotic) Shannon's source coding theorem, for any discrete memoryless source.

First lemma applied to Sk : k-th order extension of S, with a Q-ary prefix condition code used to encode blocks of k
letters. Note that the entropy of the dms extended source is H(Sk) = k.H(S), and that average length of the codewords
Lk is expressed in Q-ary symbols by words of k letters, and then in average L = Lk / k.

- the proof of the Shannon’s source coding theorem has been given for discrete memoryless source for mathematical
convenience, but can be generalized for any stationary source with memory (and then for Markov sources). In this
general case, the lower-bound Lmin = H ( S ) / lb(Q) is computed from the entropy per letter (or entropy rate), H (S ) .
- source coding theorem confirms the major role of the concept of entropy for DATA COMPRESSION field. The
entropy H indicates the (achievable) minimum average number of bits required to (binary) encode a discrete source.
- distinction between the binary information unit (" Sh "), and the symbols of the binary alphabet (often referred to as
"bits" or "digits"): this is only after an ideal source encoding (reaching the lower bound in the theorem) that each binary
symbol can carry a quantity of information equal to 1 Shannon. In all other cases, it carries a lower amount of

Appendix: other interpretation of entropy and source coding theorem, from the notion of “typical sequences set”
[Mac03] [Cov03].

II.4 source coding techniques

There exist practical methods to design efficient codes. The most used algorithms are:
Shannon-Fano coding,
Huffman coding,
Lempel-Ziv algorithm,

Applied in: fax systems, commands "pack", "compress", "gzip" in UNIX,...

We present in the following two instantaneous source-coding algorithms, assuming that the letters of the source are
coded individually (k=1). These algorithms can of course be used to code the k-th order extension of the source (then 1
source message = 1 word of k letters), what is moreover necessary to improve efficiency, but at the price of an
increased complexity.

II.4.a) Shannon-Fano codes

We know to get the length L minimum, the lengths of the codewords should be li = - lb (pi ) / lb(Q) if the results were
integers, which is usually not the case. The present algorithm will attempt to approach this condition (giving the same
length for nearly the same probability of occurrence), in an easy (sub-optimal) procedure to implement.

Algorithm is presented in the particular case of a binary code ( Q = 2 ) but is easily generalized for Q >2.
It is based on the following procedure, which can be represented using a tree:

1) Arrange the source messages such as the probabilities are in the descending order
2) Divide the list of messages into two ( Q ) subsets as balanced as possible, in the sense of the sum of elementary
probabilities messages.
3) Assign respectively the symbol “0” and “1”, ( up to … Q-1 ) to the first and second ( up to Q-1 ) subsets (root
divided into Q = 2 branches)
4) Repeat the steps 2) 3) with each subset (nodes divided into 2 (or Q) new branches) until that the operation
becomes impossible (then each message has become a corresponding code-word leaf on the tree).

We note that since there may be an ambiguity in the choice of the subsets in each dichotomy, the Shannon-Fano code is
not unique.

Example 1 : Source S with 5 messages with respective probabilities : 0,4 ; 0,19 ; 0,16 ; 0,15 ; 0,1.
Case of a binary Shannon-Fano code delivers respective codewords : 00, 01, 10, 110, 111
with: L=2,25 symb., Lmin = H(S)/1 = 2,15 symb. => efficiency η = Lmin/L=95,6%, redondancy = 4,4%

Example 2 : Source S with 2 letters {A,B} with respective probabilities: pA = 0,8 and pB = 0,2.
1) Case of a direct (fixed length) coding (codewords 0 and 1) : L=1 symb. (/letter), η = H(S)/(L.1) = 72,2%,
2) Case of a binary Shannon-Fano coding of S2 , second-order extension of S: messages {AA, AB, BA, BB} with
probabilities {0,64 ; 0,16 ; 0,16 ; 0,04} have respectively the corresponding codewords : 0, 10, 110, 111.
with : L2=1,56 symb. (per word of 2 letters) => efficiency η = H(S2)/(L2.1) = 2H(S)/L2 = 92,56%,
3) Case of a binary Shannon-Fano coding of S3 , order 3- extension of S : messages {AAA, AAB, ABA, BAA,
ABB, BAB, BBA, BBB} with probabilities {0,512 ; 0,128 ; 0,128 ; 0,128 ; 0,032 ; 0,032 ; 0,032 ; 0,008} have
respectively the corresponding codewords : 0, 100, 101, 110, 11100, 11101, 11110, 11111.
with : L3=2,184 symb. (per word of 3 letters) => efficiency η = H(S3)/(L3.1) =3H(S)/L3 = 99,17%,

II.4.b) Huffman codes

The Huffman code is optimum in the sense that no other instantaneous code for the same alphabet (and same
probabilities distribution) can have a better efficiency (i.e. a lower expected length). In particular, the code efficiency
obtained by Huffman algorithm is greater than or equal to the code efficiency obtained by Shannon-Fano algorithm.
But this efficiency is ≤ 1 (optimum code is not necessarily absolutely optimal code !)

It can be proved that an instantaneous optimum code must satisfies the following properties:
- the shorter codewords are assigned to source messages with higher probabilities,

- lengths of the two (Q) longest ( i.e. less likely) codewords are equal
- the two (Q) longest codewords differ only in the last symbol (and correspond to the two least likely source messages).

Algorithm is presented in the particular case of a binary code ( Q = 2 ) but is easily generalized for Q >2.
It is based on the following procedure, which can be represented by using a tree:

1) Arrange the “outputs” (source messages in the initial iteration) in decreasing order of their probabilities.
2) Combine the two (Q) least probable messages together into a single new “output” (node of the tree) that
replaces the two (Q) previous ones, and whose probability is the sum of the corresponding probabilities.
3) If the number of remaining “outputs” is 1 (the remaining node is the root of the tree), then go to the next step;
otherwise go to step 1 (and increment the number of iterations), with a new list to be arranged, with a number
of “outputs” reduced.

For encoding (assignment of the Q-ary symbols to the different nodes, we have to proceed backward i.e. from the
root of the tree (last iteration node) to the different terminal nodes (including first iteration nodes):

4) Assign arbitrary “0” and “1” (up to “Q-1”) as first symbol of the 2 (Q) words (nodes) corresponding to the 2
(Q) remaining outputs (last iteration node with sum = 1).
5) If an output is the result of the merger of 2 (Q) outputs in a preceding iteration, append the current word
(node) with a “0” and “1” (up to “Q-1”) to obtain the word (node) for the preceding outputs and repeat 5). If
no output is preceded by another output in a preceding iteration, then stop (first iteration).

Example 1 : Source S with 5 messages with respective probabilities: 0,4; 0,19; 0.16; 0,15; 0,1.
Case of a binary Huffman source encoding : a set of codewords: 1, 000, 001, 010, 011
with: L = 2, 2 symb., Lmin = H (S) / 1 = 2, 15 symb. => efficiency η = Lmin/L=97,7%, redundancy = 2.3 %

Example 2 : Source S with 2 letters {A, B} with respective probabilities : pA = 0.8 and pB = 0.2.
- case of a binary Huffman encoding of S 2 , order 2– extension of S, delivering messages {AA, AB, BA, BB} with
probabilities {0,64; 0,16; 0,16; 0,04} for codewords: 0, 11, 100, 101.
We get L = 1, 56 symb. and an efficiency η = 92,56 %: idem code Shannon-Fano
- case of a binary Huffman encoding of S3 , order 3- extension of S, delivering messages {AAA, AAB, ABA, BAA,
ABB, BAB, BBA, BBB} with probabilities {0,512; 0,128; 0,128; 0,128; 0,032; 0,032; 0,032; 0,008} for a
possible set of respective codewords: 0, 100, 101, 110,. 11100, 11101, 11110, 11111.
We gets L = 2, 184 symbols and an efficiency η = 99,17 %, same as for Shannon-Fano code in this example.

Comments on the (lossless) coding source:

- CAUTION, no reduction of information: data compression but not information compression !
- The more redundant is the source, the more useful could be the source encoding.
- Need to have knowledge of a statistical description of the source. In practice, estimation of the messages frequency
(which may be adaptive) from the observation
- Source encoding makes the messages more vulnerable to errors in transmission, which cause the multiplication of
errors after source decoding. “Channel encoder” will reintroduce redundancy, which obviously will reduce the bit-rate
reduction gained by the source encoder.

File of Information Theory n°1 : Source coding, Information rate

Exercise 1: application. A "Quality system” in output of a production line provides for each product
(with a regular rate) a test result among 3 states: { B (OK), D (defective), V (to be checked / tuned).
with the respective probabilities : 60 %, 10 %, 30 %.

180000 products are tested during one hour. The result of this control has to be sent in real-time via a binary
modem with a maximum bit-rate 96 bit/sec, assumed without error.

1°) What is the Baud Rate of messages of the source S ? Infer whether it is possible to make a (lossless)
transmission using a direct (i.e. fixed length) binary encoding: {B, H, V} => {00, 11, 01} ?

2°) Compute the entropy ( Sh /letter ), redundancy and information rate ( sh/sec ) of the discrete source S
assumed without memory ?

3°) With an ideal binary source encoding process, what is the minimum “average length of the code”
theoretically possible to achieve, and the minimum possible bit-rate after coding Db_min ?
Is then the (lossless) transmission possible through the modem?

4°) Huffman coding : to possibly reduce throughput, we use a source Huffman encoder. What is the
expected length of the code, the code efficiency, and the resulting bit-rate ?

5°) Order 2 extension: to further reduce the bit-rate, individual letters are not encoded separately, but
Huffman coding is applied to groups of 2 letters. Check that 1 possible result of encoding is as follows:
BB => 1, BV => 000, VB => 001, VV => 0100, DB => 0110,.
DB => 0111, DV => 01011, VD => 010100, DD => 010101
What is then the bit rate after coding ? Conclude.
Appendix question A1) Answer to 4) and 5) with a Shannon-Fano coding ?

6°) Source with memory S’: it is now assumed that there is a dependency between the State of the product
tested at instant n and the State of the product tested at previous instant n-1 , according to:
PR (S [n + 1] / S [n])
(n +1) (B) (V) (D)
(B) 0.7 0.3 0
(V) 0.6 0.3 0.1
(D) 0 0.3 0.7

• compute the (stationary) probabilities of the 3 states and check their agreement with the general statement,
• compute the new entropy, as well as redundancy, and information rate of S. Conclusion.

Exercise 2: Source coding with imposed code-words length.

Let a memoryless source with size alphabet N = 6 . We want to apply an instantaneous code to this source.
2.1) Give the minimum size of the code alphabet Q allowing to have:
a) 1 codeword of length 1, and 5 codewords of length 2.
b) 2 codewords of length 2, and 4 codewords of length 3.
Give example of such a code with its tree for each case.

2.2) For the two previous cases, specify the efficiency of the code if it is assumed that the probabilities of the
N messages are {1/12; 1/8; 1/8; 1/8; 1/6; 3/8}, in choosing the best mapping for the codeword lengths.

III. Channel capacity and coding

III.1 "Channels" of the Information Theory

III.1.a) Introduction:
As seen in introduction chapter (figure 1), the Information Theory channel may include different blocks (or parts of
block) of the communication chain. If we restraint our study to digital (binary or Q-ary ) messages, the channel entry is
discrete, but its output may be discrete or continuous.

Discrete output : a "hard" decision is taken into the demodulator output. For example, for binary output: bits 0 or 1 are
decided by the use of a threshold applied to an analog signal in the demodulator output, that provides to the decoder a
sequence of binary elements. The information loss is irreversible, but allow simple decoding algorithms, working with
binary elements.
Continuous output : one “soft” decision is issued out of demodulator that provides the decoder a sequence of "analog"
output samples. The performance of the decoder to “soft” entries is best, but with an increase in the complexity of
algorithms for decoding.

The two major channels are discrete channel model, and Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) continuous channel
model. If the channel is memoryless, the output “symbol” at a given time depends statistically only on the
corresponding input symbol (no inter-symbol-interference).

In the present chapter, we consider only the Discrete Memoryless (stationary) Channel (DMS).
The AWGN continuous channel will be only evocated in chapter IV.

III.1.b) characterization of a Discrete Memoryless Channel: probability transition matrix

Canal discret
SOURCE (avec
(avec perturbations)
Alphabet N-aire Alphabet M-aire
{x1, ..xN} {y1, ..yM}

pour N = M = 2: canal discret avec alphabet binaire {0, 1}

Figure 5: Discrete Channel

We note: X: channel input, from an input finite alphabet Ax = {x1, …, xN}, with N-ary symbols
Y: channel output, from an output finite alphabet Ay = {y1, …, yM },with M-ary symbols

- if M = N : in most often cases (= 2 for binary symbols),

- if M > N: creation of intermediate levels.
- if M < N: merger of levels (indistinguishable levels).

The channel is characterized by the link between the entry and the output, with a probabilistic model.
Only matrix containing the conditional à priori probabilities p{ yj / xi } for i = 1... N, j = 1... M (or à posteriori
probabilities p{ xi / yj } ) characterize the channel, independently of the source (probabilities p(xi) ), unlike entropies
H(X,Y), H(Y/X), H(X/Y), ….

 p(y1 / x1 ) ... p(y M / x1 ) 
 
 
Transition Matrix [P (Y/X)], size N x M: [ P (Y / X )] =  p(y j / xi ) 
 
 
 p(y1 / xN ) p(y M / xN ) 

The transmission channel is therefore a random type operator from the X space into the Y space.
- the sum of elements in a row is equal to 1: ∑ p(y
j / xi ) = 1, ∀ i = 1...N , but it is not the case for the columns.

∑ p(y
- p(y j ) = j / xi ) . p(xi ) , and in a (row) vector form [P (Y)] = [P (X)] .[P(Y/X)] .
i =1
- special case: the matrix of a noiseless channel is square and equal to the identity matrix.

III.1.c) Specific types of discrete memoryless channels: "uniform" channels

• Uniform Channel for the Inputs: the symbol issued at the input can be transformed into M symbols in output, with
the same set of probabilities, whatever the issued symbol xi : channel disrupts the same way the different symbols input.
( each row of [P (Y/X)] is a permutation of each other row, whatever the index of the row, i).

Thus, H(Y/X) is independent of p (xi ) and can be summarized in this special case to H const = H (Y / X = xi ), ∀i :

− ∑ p ( y j / xi ) . lb( p ( y j / xi ) ) ∀i = 1...N
def M
H (Y / X ) = H (Y / X = xi ) =
j =1

1 − p − q p q
example: N = 2, M = 3: [ P (Y / X )] = 
 q 1− p − q p 

• Uniform Channel for the Outputs: the channel transition matrix [P (Y/X)] has the same set of probabilities on the
different columns, whatever the index of the column j.
(each column of [P (Y/X)] is a permutation of each other column, whatever the index of the column, j).
1 0
example: N = 3, M = 2: [ P(Y / X )] =  0 1 
 
0,5 0,5
For such a channel, an uniform input distribution (p(xi ) = 1/N) leads to an uniform output distribution (p(yj)=1/M) :
if p(xi)=1/N ∀i , then p(y j ) = ∑ p( x ). p( y
i j / xi ) = 1/ N . ∑ p( y j / xi ) is well independent of j.
i =1 i =1

• Symmetric channel: doubly Uniform Channel (uniform for the inputs and for the outputs), with N = M.
Example: binary symmetric channel (BSC), N = M = 2, p = p(y2/x1) = p(y1/x2);
Note: p = Pe: (binary) error probability ( Pe = p(x2 , y1) + p(x1 , y2) ) ; [P(Y / X)] =  1− p p 
 p 1− p 
This is the most widely used model for digital data transmissions.
"symmetric": errors are evenly spread over the 2 symbols. The conditional entropy H(Y/X) does not depend on
symbols probabilities. H(Y/X) is equal to the entropy of an unbalanced binary source (with probability p for a given
symbol, 1-p for the other).

III.2 a Capacity of discrete memoryless channel

III.2.a) Entropies, Mutual information, and definition of the channel capacity:
Let X and Y be 2 sources respectively in input and output of the channel.

Interpretations given the specific function of X and Y:

H(X): amount of average information applied at the input of the channel. Also amount of average information of the
source (after occurrence) = average uncertainty (before occurrence )

H(Y): average uncertainty at receiver (one part due to the information from X, one other part due to the noise/errors ):
H (Y) = I(X ; Y) + H (Y/X)
H(Y/X): "average channel error" = average uncertainty on Y knowing X, due to transmission errors
I(X;Y): average information shared by X and Y, and then well conveyed.

We have :
I(X ; Y) = H(X) – H(X/Y)
H(X/Y) : ambiguity (or equivocation) = average amount of information non conveyed, lost because of noise.
I(X ; Y) : measures the average amount of information really transmitted by the channel.

The capacity (per symbol) C of a discrete memoryless channel is defined as the largest average mutual information
I(X;Y) that can be transmitted over the channel in one channel use (one symbol), maximized over all possible input
probability assignments (assuming that X is a DMS source connected in input):

The channel capacity per symbol (or channel use) :

C = Max { I(X ; Y) } , in Sh/symb .

The channel capacity is intrinsic to the channel, whereas entropies and mutual information depend on the symbols
distributions of the source. C is the largest average amount of information that can be transmitted over the
communication channel. The Shannon’s channel coding theorem will give the major significance of the concept of
capacity (as the upper bound on the amount of information that actually can be reliably transmitted) .

The capacity per unit of time (second) is obtained by multiplying per the channel baudrate Dc = D(X) :
The channel capacity per second:
Ct = C . D(X) , in Sh/sec

- the maximum value of I(X,Y) for a certain distribution of p(xi) does exist (since the function is continuous, and the
maximization is over a closed bounded region)
- the calculation of the capacity may be complex, and does not always take an analytical form,
- we check obviously that C ≤ lb(N) Sh / symb and Ct ≤ Db(X) bit/sec.

III.2.b) Capacity of special channels

• Noiseless channel: deterministic lossless channel, with N = M, and [P (Y/X)] = identity (=> H(Y/X) = 0 and H (X/Y)
= 0 ). The set of probabilities at the input channel that maximizes I (X, Y) also maximizes H(X), with thus p(xi) = 1/N,
∀ i. We get : C = max { I(X;Y) } = Max { H(X) } = lb(N).
Without noise, an equiprobable input distributiontry (obtained through ideal source encoding) ensures the more
efficient transmission. But in presence of noise, it is generally not true.

• Uniform Channel for the Inputs: : we have proved in this case that H(Y/X) = Hconst was independent of p (x i ). Then:
C ≤ lb(M) + ∑ p (y j / xi) . lb ( p( y j / xi ) )
C = Max { H(Y) } - Hconst obtained in maximizing H(Y):
j =1

Equality holds if it exists (it is not always the case) a set of input probabilities { p(xi) } such that the output
probabilities, { p(yj) } be equi-probable.

• Uniform Channel for the Outputs: : in the general case, no further conclusion à priori for the capacity computation.

• Symmetric channel : the channel being uniform for the inputs, the capacity is obtained by maximizing H(Y). The
channel being uniform for the outputs, we have shown (Cf III.1.c) that the absolute maximum for H(Y) (i.e.
lb(M)) exists since the set of input probabilities p(xi ) that makes the outputs Y uniformly distributed exists : it
corresponds to the choice of an uniform input distribution p(xi) = 1/N. We then get :
C = lb(M) + ∑ p(y j / xi) . lb ( p( y j / xi ) )

j =1

Therefore, for a symmetric channel, the maximization of the mutual information I(X, Y) is achieved by using the
inputs with equal probability.

example of the Symmetric Binary Channel (SBC) : we denote Pe = p(0/1) = p(1/0) => 1 - Pe = p(0/0) = p(1/1);
(p(0/1) is here directly the binary probability of error)

C = Max { H (Y) - H(Y/X) } = Max { H (Y)} - H(Y/X) } since channel is Uniform with respect to the inputs.
With: max { H (Y) } = lb(2) = 1 ; corresponding to uniform distribution fot {p (y j )}, obtained from uniform
distribution for {p (x j )} :
H (Y/X) = H (Y/X = xi ) = Pe .lb (P e ) + (1 - Pe ) .lb(1- Pe ) => corresponds to H2(Pe). Then :

C = 1 + Pe .lb(Pe) + (1 - Pe ) .lb (1 - Pe ) = 1 - H2 (Pe)

example: C = 0.92 sh/digit for Pe = 10-2.

C 1

0 Pe
0 0.5 1

Figure 6: Capacity of the Symmetric Binary Channel versus the binary probability of error

- for a SCB "without disturbance" (Pe = 0): C is absolutely maximum, and H(X/Y) = 0, H(Y) = H (X)
=> C = max { H (X)} = lb {2} Sh/digit, obtained for a set of equiprobable xI .
- for a SBC "completely disturbed” (Pe = 0.5) : C = O sh/digit => no information is transmitted!

III.3 Channel coding and fundamental theorem

III.3.a) introduction
• A noiseless channel, is characterized only by its Baudrate , Dc = D(B) Symb/sec, and by the size of its alphabet, Q.
The capacity of such a channel is given by lb(Q) sh/symb and corresponds to the maximum average amount of
information that can be error-free transmitted, obtained thanks to (ideal) source coding that makes equiprobable
input symbols.

Without loss of generality, we assume a standardized source U (real source + source coding) without redundancy,
where H(U) = lb(Q) is entropy, with equi-probable and independent symbols, and Q is the size of the alphabet.
(and channel “input”: B; output: B’; size of channel alphabet (both input/output) : Q )

When the channel is noisy :

• The maximum amount of information shared between channel output and input decreases ( C < lb (Q))), and we also
have to consider the quality of the transmission. However, to be usable, communication must be reliable, with a
sufficiently low probability of error (<ε), or with a sufficiently low ambiguity : H(B/B’) <‘ ε ' , knowing that the
amount of well transmitted average information (CF III.2.a) is given by:
I(B ; B’) = H(B) – H(B/B’)

• If the standardized source U was directly connected to the channel input (B = U), H(B) would be absolutely
maximum ( = lb (Q) ) but H(B/B’) would then depend on the noisy channel ( ≥ lb (Q) - C), and may be too strong
according to the imposed quality criteria ( ε ') (or would correspond to a probability of error Pe >ε).

• To improve the reliability, the sequence of messages of the standardized source must be transformed by a so-called
channel coding process, with the complementary channel decoding process in channel output..
This channel coding is necessary redundant to allow the decrease (in average) of H(B/B’). We have necessary to
satisfy H(B) ≤ C to get H(B/B’) ≈ 0+ and I(B ; B’) ≈ C- .

Note that the channel coding will put back redundancy of a special sort, by introducing statistical dependence
between the successive input symbols of the channel in B (but possibly with still equi-probable symbols).

U Codage B B’ Décodage
Codage Canal
Canal discret
discret Décodage
SOURCE Canal Canal
Canal (avec
(avec perturbations)
perturbations) Canal
normalisée Alphabet Q-aire Alph. Q-aire Alph. Q-aire Alph. Q-aire normalisé
{u1, ..uQ}
C : capacité

En général Q = 2

Figure 7: Inserting a channel encoding to protect the binding

In summary :
Objective of the channel coding : protect the messages against disturbance of the channel, to make a noisy channel
behave like a noiseless channel. It introduces redundancy by a coding process designed to make the noisy received
signal decodable.

• When the channel encoder is applied, we have between the input and output of the encoder:
- reduction of the standardized entropy: H (B) / lb (Q) < H (U) / lb (Q) = 1 sh/digit;
Since redundancy R(B) > 0 => 1 digit is less informative after the channel encoding
- conservation of the information rate (for real time transmission) : Ht (B) = Ht (U) sh/sec;
since the encoding is lossless => channel encoding does not add nor remove information.

=> increase in the (equivalent) Binary rate (for real time transmission): Db(B) >Db(U) bit/s;
Indeed, the redundancy is positive: Db(B) > Ht(B) = Ht(U) = Db(U)

III.3.b) characterization of a channel coding

Channel encoding inserts redundant bits (or symbols) sequentially (convolutive codes) or per blocks (block codes).
We focus only on block-code in the following.

• Block - coding case, code (n, k): We get a fixed- to fixed-length coding (k => n)
The symbols of the standardized source U are grouped into k symbols (Qk possible messages of the k-th order extension
of the source, Uk) : mi = ui1 … uik , with 1 < i1, …, ik < Q .
Each message is mapped by the encoder into an unique code-word of n Q-ary symbols, with n > k.
Thus, there is an application from the Qk messages (with length k symbols) to the Qk word-codes (with fixed-length n
symbols): 1 code = 1 set of Qk code-words among Qn possible.

k bits de données (message) (n-k) bits de contrôle

un mot code = 1 bloc de taille n bits

Figure 8: A systematic (n, m) block coding format, (with binary symbols: Q = 2)

Note: The source B is with memory. It may issue equi-probable symbols with H(B) < Hmax = lb (Q) because of

In order to achieve a real time data transmission, the baud-rate after channel coding must be increased with a n/k ratio:
D(B) =(n/k) D(U) symb/sec

channel encoding rate:

ρcc = 1 – k/n = (n-k)/n
corresponds to the redundancy of the encoded source, R(B) (or redundancy of the code), if the standardized source U
was well without redundancy.
Indeed : (average) entropy after channel encoding is H(B) = H(U).k/n,
then the redundancy after coding R(B) = 1 - H(B) /lb(Q) with lb(Q) = H (U) here.

• Efficiencies (information theory): with respect to the channel capacity, we can define :
- channel coding efficiency : ηK = H (B) /C
- channel use efficiency : ηCA = I(B,_B’) /C
(ηca ≤ ηK since I(B, B’) ≤ H(B))

Note: these efficiencies does not reflect the reliability of the transmission.

• decoding: after transmission in a noisy channel, the decoding requires a rule of decision.
Each received noisy codewords r j ( j = 1... Qn possible ), is translated into a message mi :
Maximum A Postériori : { mi such as: Prob(mi / rj) maximum }
The Maximum à Postériori criteria leads to the minimum of the probability of error Ped.
It is equivalent to use a Maximum Likelihood criteria in case of uniform probabilities for the messages :
Maximum Likelihood { mi such as: Prob( rj / mi) maximum}

We will then measure a binary error probability Ped, by comparing bits before encoding and after decoding.

Basic example of the “repetition code”: to improve the reliability but at the expense of information rate (in reasoning
at constant baudrate Dc in the channel) :
repeat R = 2r + 1 time every bit of source U: can be regarded as a block code (R, 1) encoding.
At the receipt of a block of R bits, if more than r bits are equal to "1", we decide “1”, otherwise we decide “0”.
• for SBC, R = 3 repetition, and Pe = 10 -2 : block code (3, 1)
enhancement of the reliability : Ped = 3.10 -4 versus Pe = 10 -2 without channel coding:
- error probability Ped = pr. 2 or 3 errors / message = 3Pe2(1 - Pe) + Pe3 = 3.10 -4 ,
Non - efficient code :
- redundancy: R( Β) = ρcc = 66.7 %, H(B) = 1/3 sh/digit for H(U) = 1 Sh/digit
- channel coding efficiency: ηK = (1/3)/0.92 = 36.2%.
because (with a SBC): C = 1 + Pe .lb(Pe) + (1 - Pe) .lb (1-Pe ) = 0.92 Sh/digit for Pe = 10-2 .
- information rate Ht(U) = Ht(B) = H(B).D(B), i.e. a rate divided by 3 compared to the situation without
coding in reasoning at constant baudrate Dc in the channel (else Dc had to be multiplied by 3, in
reasoning at constant Information rate instead of constant Dc).

• conclusion: with R repetitions, the probability of error Ped decreases, but the information rate Ht(U) must be divided
by R. When R →∞, Ped → 0 but Ht(U) → 0 , therefore very limited interest!

⇒ C. Shannon proves a quite remarkable result (unexpected in 1948) concerning the existence of efficient codes :

III.3.c) channel coding theorem

Shannon's channel coding theorem (or : « Noisy channel theorem », « fundamental theorem of information theory »)

If (and only if) the information rate of the source U is less or equal to the channel capacity (both expressed per unit of
time), i.e. Ht (U) ≤ Ct Sh/sec, there exists a channel coding scheme allowing transmission over a memoryless
channel as reliable as desired, that is with an average probability of symbol error after decoding arbitrary small :

Ped < ε , ∀ ε real > 0 ,

In other words, a redundancy rate R(B) close > 1 – C / lb(Q), is theoretically enough possible to have reliable error-
free transmission.

Note: Ht (U) ≤ Ct sh/sec and Ht(U) = Ht (B)  H(B).D(B) ≤ C.D (B) sh/symb  H(B) ≤ C Sh/symb .
NSC of the second Shannon’s theorem: the entropy of the encoded source (i.e. after channel coding) in input of the
channel should be less or equal to the capacity expressed per channel use (Sh per symbol).

example: SBC with Pe = 10 -2 , Q =2 and a given Binary rate in the channel Db (B) = D(B) = Dc = 34 Mbps .
And we desire a minimum information rate Ht (U) ≥ Ht0 = 30MSh/s *;
(Either a minimum bit rate Db (U)) of 30 Mbps, assuming the source U without redundancy)

We have:

C = 0.92 Sh/digit, Ct = 0, 92.D(B) = 31.3 MSh/sec < Db(B) = 34 Mbps .
source U without redundancy => H(U) = 1 sh/digit, and Ht(U) = Db(U) = Db(B). k/n

(If we haven’t added redundancy in the channel coding, it would be: Ht(U) = H(U).D(B) = 1. Db (B) > Ct = 31.3
MSh/sec=> impossible to get transmission as reliable as desired (2nd Shannon’s theorem not satisfied).

• respect of 2nd Shannon ‘s theorem: => maximum limit for the coding rate k/n such that : Ht(U) = (k/n). Db (B) < Ct
then (k/n) < 92 % , corresponding to a code rate ρcc > 8 % <=> ∃ codes / Ped <ε .

• constraint “information rate Ht (U) ≥ Ht0 = 30MSh/s”=> lower limit for the k/n ratio such that : (k/n). Db (B) > Ht0
10,88 %
then (k/n) ≥ 88.2%, corresponding to a rate of encoding ρcc ≤ 10,

Final conclusion : to pass at least an information of Ht0 and satisfy the 2nd Shannon’s theorem, the (k/n) ratio must
satisfy :

Ht0 < (k/n).Db(B) < Ct A.N. : 88.23% ≤ k/n ≤ 92 %,

but it is only a necessary (but not sufficient) condition to get a reliable communication => find a good code!

Key of the proof of the 2nd Shannon’s theorem : (the proof is in the book of G. Battail for example):
Bound: as soon as information rate Ht (= Ht(U)) is less than the channel capacity Ct , it can be proved that there exist
codes allowing to achieve a decoding error probability Ped such as:

Ped ≤ 2 – n . F( Ht )

- F(Ht) is a function called "reliability" function: non-négative, zero for HT ≥ Ct, decreasing with Ht if Ht < Ct.
- n is the size of blocks

F(Ht ) Ped
Ht = 0,9.Ct
Ht = 0,5.Ct
Ht 0 n

Figure 9: Allure of the “reliability” function versus the information rate (left), and of th Error Probability after
decoding versus the block size n, for a constant k/n ratio (right)

In other words,
• for a given code rate or a given redundancy (ρcc = 1 (- k/n)), increasing the size of blocks n can reduce the Error
Probability Ped, with Ped → 0 for n→∞ !

• price to be paid :
- delay in the transmission due to the coding / decoding process
- complexity increase due to the coding-decoding process

• it is a theorem of existence, which does not say how to build efficient codes, which fed research during 50 years!
(The Shannon’s proof of the theorem is based on the use of a random encoding).
• channel encoding theorem gives meaningless to the concept of channel capacity: Ct .

File of Information Theory n°2 : Channel capacity .

Exercice 1 : Capacity of specific channels

Calculate the capacity of different (discrete memoryless) channels below, and give a (or the) set of input
probability to maximize the Mutual Information :
0,9 0,1
1.1) Z-channel, with transition matrix P (Y / X ) = 
0 1 

1.2) channel such that :

x1 y1
x2 1
x3 y2

0, 5 0,5 0 0 
1.3) channel such that P (Y / X ) = 
 0 0 0, 5 0,5

Exercice 2 : theoretical limit of reliable transmission over a « Symmetric Binary Channel »

Binary data have to be transmitted over a noisy modem, with maximum tuning bit rate Dc_max = 96 kbit/s,
modeled by a SBC with error probability Pe = 3.10 –2 (∀ Dc < Dc_max). We want to improve the reliability
by inserting a channel coding (a systematic block code) between the (assumed perfect) source coding (bit
rate = 64,5 kbit/s in output, without redundancy) and the channel.

1°) Does theoretically exist a channel coding allowing real time transmission with arbitrary low binary error
probability after decoding (< 10-12, for example).

2°) What is then the possible range of redundancy (or code-rate) for this channel coding ?

Appendix Question : A1) If bit rate was fixed to Dc_max, what would be the maximum information rate of
the source to guarantee the existence of channel encoding bringing the desired reliability ?


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