RTD Pt100 Estandar Din-Iec-751
RTD Pt100 Estandar Din-Iec-751
RTD Pt100 Estandar Din-Iec-751
°C Ω= °C Ω °C Ω °C Ω
–200 18.52 20 107.79 240 190.47 460 267.56
–195 20.68 25 109.73 245 192.29 465 269.25
–190 22.83 30 111.67 250 194.10 470 270.93
–185 24.97 35 113.61 255 195.91 475 272.61
–180 27.10 40 115.54 260 197.71 480 274.29
–175 29.22 45 117.47 265 199.51 485 275.97
–170 31.33 50 119.40 270 201.31 490 277.64
–165 33.44 55 121.32 275 203.11 495 279.31
–160 35.54 60 123.24 280 204.90 500 280.98
–155 37.64 65 125.16 285 206.70 505 282.64
–150 39.72 70 127.08 290 208.48 510 284.30
–145 41.80 75 128.99 295 210.27 515 285.96
–140 43.88 80 130.90 300 212.05 520 287.62
–135 45.94 85 132.80 305 213.83 525 289.27
–130 48.00 90 134.71 310 215.61 530 290.92
–125 50.06 95 136.61 315 217.38 535 292.56
–120 52.11 100 138.51 320 219.15 540 294.21
–115 54.15 105 140.40 325 220.92 545 295.85
–110 56.19 110 142.29 330 222.69 550 297.49
–105 58.23 115 144.18 335 224.45 555 299.12
–100 60.26 120 146.07 340 226.21 560 300.75
–95 62.28 125 147.95 345 227.96 565 302.38
–90 64.30 130 149.83 350 229.72 570 304.01
–85 66.31 135 151.71 355 231.47 575 305.63
–80 68.33 140 153.58 360 233.21 580 307.25
–75 70.33 145 155.46 365 234.96 585 308.87
–70 72.33 150 157.33 370 236.70 590 310.49
–65 74.33 155 159.19 375 238.44 595 312.10
–60 76.33 160 161.05 380 240.18 600 313.71
–55 78.32 165 162.91 385 241.91 605 315.31
–50 80.31 170 164.77 390 243.64 610 316.92
–45 82.29 175 166.63 395 245.37 615 318.52
–40 84.27 180 168.48 400 247.09 620 320.12
–35 86.25 185 170.33 405 248.81 625 321.71
–30 88.22 190 172.17 410 250.53 630 323.30
–25 90.19 195 174.02 415 252.25 635 324.89
–20 92.16 200 175.86 420 253.96 640 326.48
–15 94.12 205 177.69 425 255.67 645 328.06
–10 96.09 210 179.53 430 257.38 650 329.64
–5 98.04 215 181.36 435 259.08 655 331.22
0 100.00 220 183.19 440 260.78 660 332.79
5 101.95 225 185.01 445 262.48
10 103.90 230 186.84 450 264.18
15 105.85 235 188.66 455 265.87
Lake Shore Cryotronics, 575 McCorkle Blvd. Westerville, OH 43082-8888. Visit Our Website: www.lakeshore.com.
(614) 891-2243 – Phone, (614) 891-1362 – Fax, E-Mail: sales@lakeshore.com, service@lakeshore.com.
Permissible Deviations for Class A and Class B Platinum Sensors
Permissible Deviations
Measuring Class A Class B
Temp. °C Ω °C Ω °C
The permissible deviations for platinum
–200 ±0.24 ±0.55 ±0.56 ±1.3
resistance elements (uncalibrated) are
determined by the following equations –100 ±0.14 ±0.35 ±0.32 ±0.8
(in accordance with DIN IEC 751): 0 ±0.06 ±0.15 ±0.12 ±0.3
100 ±0.13 ±0.35 ±0.30 ±0.8
Permissible Deviation – Class A 200 ±0.20 ±0.55 ±0.48 ±1.3
°C = ±(0.15 + 0.002 [t] 300 ±0.27 ±0.75 ±0.64 ±1.8
400 ±0.33 ±0.95 ±0.79 ±2.3
Permissible Deviation – Class B 500 ±0.38 ±1.15 ±0.93 ±2.8
°C = ±(0.3 + 0.005 [t] 600 ±0.43 ±1.35 ±1.06 ±3.3
650 ±0.46 ±1.45 ±1.13 ±3.6
Where [t] is the temperature value in °C. 700 — — ±1.17 ±3.8
800 — — ±1.28 ±4.3
850 — — ±1.34 ±4.6
Form Number F038-00-00 Revision 0 — ©2000 Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. — 18 January 2000