Marginalia 105
Marginalia 105
Marginalia 105
Bulletin bibliographique des études sur les littératures et le film populaires n° 105
septembre 2020
les remords et les désirs refoulés de la
GÉNÉRALITÉS civilisation moderne.
Déom) populäre Unterhaltungsliteratur, Lüneburg,
Nouvelles recherches sur la novellisation (Jan Dieter von Reeker, 2029-2020, 3 Bände.
Baetens) 1. - der Boom nach 1945, 271 pages.
2. - vom Kaiserreich zum Dritten Reich: 40
LES BIBLIOTHEQUES « ROSE » ET Jahre populäre Lesestoffe, 371 pages
« VERTE » 3.- die Zeit von 1855 bi 1905 : Moritaten-
Entretien avec Sophie Marvaud, novélisatrice sänger, Kolporteure und Frauenromane, 349
chez Hachette jeunesse (2005-2016) (Prisca pages.
« Pas de baratin… » Les Galapiats (Pierre GILTON, Donna L., Multicultural and Ethnic
Gaspard-Huit), de l’écran au roman (Laurent Children's Literature in the United States,
Déom) Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield, 2020, xiii,
Novellisation des mangas Dragon Ball, One 419 pages.
Piece et Naruto : recréation d’un objet
transculturel (Bounthavy Suvilay) HAGEBEUCKER, Christoph, Exotik im Dritten
L’émission dont vous êtes le héros. Reich: das Koloniale in Populären Medien
Novélisations « interactives » de jeux télévisés und die Mobilisierung der Deutschen,
(Laurent Bozard) Hamburg, Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2019, vii, 483
La novellisation dans la stratégie transmédiale
de Casterman (années 1960 - années 1980) HO, Tammy Lai-Ming, Neo-Victorian
(Florian Moine) Cannibalism: A Theory of Contemporary
Du poème filmique aux livres illustrés de Adaptations, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan/
photographies, les films d’Albert Lamorisse Springer International Publisging, 2019, viii,
(Laurence Le Guen) 150 pages.
La novellisation comme « pont des arts »
(Ivanne Rialland) HOMBRECHER, Hartmut und Christoph BRÄUER
DES AUTONOVELLISATIONS POUR LA (dir.), Zeit-Spiegel: Kinder und Jugend-
JEUNESSE literatur der Jahre 1925 bis 1945,
L’Île au trésor de Stevenson, le roman de la Göttingen, Wallstein, 2019, 198 pages.
carte ? Étude sur l’hypothèse d’une
novellisation cartographique (Sabrina Messing) JASANOFF, Maya, Le Monde selon Joseph
Où sont les anti-anti-adaptations ? Dave Conrad, Paris, Albin Michel, 2020, 432 pages.
Eggers coscénariste et adaptateur de Where
the Wild Things Are (Fanny Geuzaine) JIMENEZ BARCO. Javier, Chicago-Marte por
Stratégies novellisatrices à l’origine du mini- 15 Centavos: Una Historia de las Revistas
roman (Stéphanie Delneste) Pulp, Madrid, Diabolo, 2020, 320 pages.
Mettre en mots un esprit pop : les (dir.), Charles Seasfield in Europa und den
novellisations de Bibi & Tina et de Hanni & USA, Wien, Praesens Verlag, 2020, 224 pages.
Nanni (Élodie Malanda)
Une lecture palimpseste des contes : le roman LE QUELLEC COTTIER, Christine, Blaise
du film Descendants (Bochra Charnay) Cendrars: un homme en partance,
Les Premiers de Xabi Molia. Une novellisation Lausanne, Presses polytechniques et univer-
littéraire du genre superhéroïque pour une sitaires romandes, 2019, 191 pages.
jeunesse prolongée (Chris Reyns-Chikuma)
Les aventures de Tintin dans la littérature MARCOU, Loïc & Bernard ALAVOINE (dir.), Le
américaine (Frederic Tuten et Alexander Irvine) Roman populaire en Grèce, dans Le
(Maaheen Ahmed & Benoît Glaude). Rocambole, no 90, printemps 2020, 176
pages. Bulletin des Amis du roman populaire.
FIELDS, Hanna, Playing with the Book: Dans le paysage des romans populaires, la
Victorian Movable Picture Books and the Grèce occupe une place particulière. Pays d’une
Child Reader, Minneapolis, University of culture ancienne dont l’héritage a marqué toute
Minnesota Press, 2019, 253 pages, l’Europe, elle a longtemps été dépendante de
ce qui s’écrivait ailleurs. Mais le phénomène
GALLE, Heinz J., Volksbücher und Heft- des romans populaires ne l’a pas épargné,
romane: Streifzüge durch über 100 Jahre même s’il est arrivé plus tardivement. Les
lecteurs grecs se plongèrent d’abord dans des
romans français traduits dès 1845. Les STEMMMAN, Anna, Raüme der Adoleszenz:
Mystères de Paris de Sue donnèrent naissance deutschsprachige Jugendliteratur der
à d’autres « mystères », puis des romans Gegenwart in topographischer Perspek-
historiques furent publiés dans la seconde tive, Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler, 2019, x, 216
partie du dix-neuvième siècle. C’est avec le pages.
vingtième siècle que le roman populaire grec
prend véritablement son essor.
A tous mes correspondants
MATHISON, Ymitri, Growing up Asian
American in Young Adult Fiction, Jackson, Signalez-moi toute nouvelle publication
University Press of Mississippi, 2018, ix, 237 (livres ou numéros spéciaux de revue)
Je me ferai un plaisir de les présenter
dans le bulletin.
Ryse: Son of Romeand Total War, as well as Far East reveals important truths about their
recent comics, and examples from both these differences and common bonds. By
media are analysed in the volume. Finally, investigating their traditions of humor, by
interviews with two artists offer insight into the paying close attention to what kinds of comedy
ways in which practitioners understand and cross national boundaries or what gets lost in
engage with the complex reception of these translation, this study leads us to a deeper
themes. understanding of each other and ourselves.
HUNTER, I. Q. & Matthew MELIA (eds.), The Marginalia est disponible
Jaws Book: New Perspectives on the gratuitement par courriel
Classic Summer Blockbuster, London,
Bloomsbury USA Academic, 2020, 256 pages.
Want to receive Marginalia (free) ?
HUTCHINSON, Pamela, Pandora's Box (Die Send e-mail adress to
Büchse der Pandora), London, British Film
Institute, (BFI Film Classics), 2020, 112 pages.
Parlez-en à vos collègues et amis
KELLER, Sarah, Anxious Cinephilia: Plea-
sure and Peril at the Movies, New York,
Columbia University Press, (Film and Culture SIEDELMAN, Marco, Stories from the
Series), 2020, 320 pages. Trenches: Adventures in Making High
Octane Hollywood Movies with Cannon
LOMBARD, Philippe, Louis de Funès à Paris: Veteran Sam Firstenberg, Editions
les aventures d'un acteur en vadrouille, Moustache, 2020, 755 pages.
Paris, Parigramme, 2020, 95 pages. The book chronicles the life and career of
legendary Sam Firstenberg in 755 pages fully
LOMBARD, Philippe, Michel Audiard: le livre loaded with badass film history and stories
petit mais costaud, Paris, Hugo Image, 2020, from the trenches with over 50 exclusive
222 pages. interviews and photos from Firstenberg's
archives. But the book is not only for those
LOMBARD, Philippe, Sous la casquette de who love Cannon Films, it's also a must read
Michel Audiard: les secrets de ses grandes for everyone out there who dreams of
répliques, Malakoff, Dunod, 2020, 192 pages. becoming a film director, and for those who are
interested in film history.
MALA, Irene, El universo Tim Burton: viaje
illustrado a la maravillosa fabrica de seres TRUNICK, Austin, The Cannon Film Guide,
peculiares, Barcelona, Planeta, 2020, 232 vol. 1 : 1980-1984, Albany (GA), BearManor
pages. Media, 2020, 558 pages.
“The Cannon Film Guide is the greatest book
MATHIJS, Ernest & Jamie SEXTON (eds.), The anyone could ever write about the greatest
Routledge Companion to Cult Cinema, New movie studio that ever was. And is.”—Mike
York & London, Routledge, 2020, xx, 499 McPadden, author of Teen Movie Hell and
pages. Heavy Metal MoviesThe Cannon Film Guide
Volume I explores forty films and franchises
McGEE, Mark Thomas, Teenage Thunder - A produced by The Cannon Group, the most
Front Row Look at the 1950s Teenpics, prolific b-movie studio of the 1980s, during the
Albany (GA), BearManor Media, 2020, 258 company’s first five years under the command
pages. of cult film legends Menahem Golan and Yoram
Globus. Through in-depth studies and behind-
MITCHELL, Gregg, The Beginning of the the-scenes stories from the people who made
End: How Hollywood - and America - them, this volume examines such beloved,
Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the VHS-era classics as the Breakin’, Missing in
Bomb, New York, The New Press, 2020, 272 Action, Hercules, and Death Wish movies,
pages. Revenge of the Ninja, Ninja III: The
Domination, The Apple, Bolero, Exterminator 2,
MÙGICA, Felipe, Japan Extreme: las The Last American Virgin, and many more.
peliculas mâs bizarras, extrañas y
delirantes del cine japonés, Independently UVA, Christian, Sergio Leone: Cinema as
Published, 2019, 361 pages. Political Fable, New York & Oxford, Oxford
Universiy Press, 2020, 144 pages.
NATHAN, Ian, Ridley Scott: A Retros-
pective, Barnes (UK), Palazzo Editions, 2020, VERNE, Jérôme, Indiana Jones: le guide
240 pages. historique: 1890-1920, Renne, Jérôme
Verne, 2019, 410 pages.
RAIMOND, di Antonio & Rocco, Sylvester
Stallone: Non Arrendersi Mai, Independently WALKER, BRENT E., Mack Sennett's Fun
published, 2020, 240 pages. Factory: A Historical and Filmography of
his Studio and His Keystone and Mack maîtres et valets de Downton Abbey, les
Sennett Comedies, Jefferson (NC), gangsters de Peaky Blinders, et
McFarland, 2020, 671 pages. les royals de The Crown !
WHITTAKER, Maureen, Jeremy Brett - DREESE, Janice, Mad Men Trivia: Questions
Playing a Part, London, MX Publishing, 2020, and Facts about American Periode Drama
468 pages. Television Series, Independently Published,
2020, 79 pages.
ZAGARRIO, Vito di, Francis Ford Coppola.
Un sogno lungo il cinema, Soveria Mannelli, HARMES, Marcus, Meredith & Barbara, The
Rubbettino, 2020, 376 pages. Church on British Television: from The
Coronation to Coronation Street, Cham,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 264 pages.
BATISTION, Régine & Daniel ANNEN (dir.), COLLECTIF, Italian Mysteries, dans
Les Littératures suisses entre faits et Mystery Readers Journal, vol. 36, no 2,
fiction, Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de summer 2020.
Strasbourg, 2019, 254 pages. ARTICLES
Contient, entre autres l'étude suivante : Italy—The Mystery Setting by Robert J. Stern
JEANNERET, Sylvie, " Fictionnalité et factualité Donna Leon by Jack Erickson
dans le roman policier en Suisse romande: Joël “It’s the System, Not the People”: Conor
Dicker, Joseph Incardona, Sebastien Meier." Fitzgerald’s Alec Blume Series by David Clark
Food—A Critical Element in the Inspector
BRIASCO, Luca, Tre passi nel buio. Il noir, Montalbano Mysteries by Joan Leotta
il thriller e il giallo raccontati dai maestri Italy’s (In)Famous Son by Lisa Black
del genere: Massimo Carlotto, Luca An Introduction to Gang Life: Tuscany, c.1940
d'Andrea , Maurizio De Giovanni, Roma. by Jay A. Gertzman
Minimum Fax, (Filigrana), 2018, 106 pages. Place, Food, Language and Sleaze: Setting in
Italian Mysteries by Elizabeth Immirzi
crime fiction, Roma, Carocci, (Le Bussole), Music and Murder, Italian-style by Paul Adam
2018, 140 pages. “You See But You Do Not Observe” by Rona
CARTA, Eleonora, Breve storia della Community Policing in Italy by Grace Brophy
letteratura gialla, Pérouse, (Parva), Of Operas and Artichokes by Shelley Costa /
2019, 64 pages. Stephanie Cole
The Little Drummer by Sandrone Dazieri
CASE PUNNETT, Ian, Toward a Theory of Italy: Land of Beauty, Mystery, and Inspiration
True Crime Narratives, London & New York, by Rich DiSilvio
Routledge, 2019, 128 pages. Working in Italy by David Hewson
An Italian Parking Ticket by Russell Hill
CATALANO, Walter, Guida alla letteratura The Lightning Bolt by Jack Erickson
noir, Bologna, Odoya, (Odoya Library), 2018, In the Beginning (and Ending)… Italy by Joseph
431 pages. LeValley
The Italian Art Job by Larry Mild
CHIHAIA, Matei (dir.), A violencia como Bella Italia by Arthur Kerns
marco interpretativo de la investigación Sicilian Murder by Alec Peche
literaria una mirada pluridisciplinar a la One Writer’s Origins (with Apologies to Ms.
narrativa hispanoamericana contempo- Welty) by Vito Racanelli
ránea, Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, Boat Memories by Sebastian Rotella
2019, 303 pages. The Diavolo in the Details by David P. Wagner
Turn to Stone: Quarantined in Florence with
CLARKE, Clare, British Detective Fiction Ellie Stone by James W. Ziskin
1891-1910: The Successors to Sherlock COLUMNS
Holmes, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, (Crime Mystery in Retrospect: Reviews by Lesa
Files), 2020, 178 pages. Holstine, Lexa M. Mack, D.R. Ransdell, L.J.
The book’s case-study format examines a Roberts, Lucinda Surber, Nicola Trwst
range of detective series-- created by L.T. In Short: Italian Short Stories by Marvin
Meade; C.L. Pirkis; Arthur Morrison; Fergus Lachman
Hume; Richard Marsh; Kate and Vernon The Children’s Hour: Mysteries Set in Italy by
Hesketh-Prichard― that filled the pages of a Gay Toltl Kinman
variety of periodicals, from plush monthly Just the Facts: A New Patron Saint for Cops? by
magazines to cheap newspapers, in the years Jim Doherty
while Sherlock was dead. Readers will be Real Italy Mysteries by Cathy Pickens
introduced to an array of Crime Seen: Guido and Salvo, the Two
detectives―professional and amateur, male Commissari by Kate Derie
and female, old and young; among them a From the Editor’s Desk by Janet A. Rudolph
pawn-shop worker, a scientist, a British
aristocrat, a ghost-hunter. The study of these COLLECTIF, Senior Sleuths, dans Mystery
series shows that there was life after Sherlock Readers Journal, vol. 36, no 3, Fall 2020.
and proves that there is much to learn about ARTICLES
the development of the detective genre from I Want to Be Mrs. Pollifax When I Grow Up by
the successors to Sherlock Holmes. Patricia Cook
Marlowe’s Last Bow by Jonathan Woods Edward Gorey, Detective by C J Verburg
Supreme Senior Sleuths by Robert J. Stern Mysteries After Sixty by Livia Washburn
Difficult Endings by John Harvey Mystery in Retrospect: Reviews by Sandie
Yooper Sleuthing in the Golden Years by Deb Herron, Lesa Holstine, L.J. Roberts, Lucinda
Baker Surber
Senior Sleuths Can Be Geezers or Geezerettes In Short: You’re Never Too Old by Marvin
by Mike Befeler Lachman
The Silvering Sleuth by Baron R. Birtcher Just the Facts: A Cop for Three Quarters of a
Cat Caliban and M.J. Smith by D. B. Borton Century! by Jim Doherty
My Senior Sleuth by Garry Disher Real Italy Mysteries by Cathy Pickens
Observations Lead to Older Detective Duo by Crime Seen: Miss Marple and Beyond by Kate
Carl Brookins Derie
Sixty is the New Forty by Robert Dugoni POV: The First Hundred Years Are the Hardest
Write the Age You Know by Kaitlyn Dunnett by Rita Lakin
How Quickly Does Your Detective Age? by
Martin Edwards COZZI, Luigi & Enrico LUCERI, Giallo pulp. La
Subjected to History’s Judgment by Daniel storia del romanzo poliziesco italiano,
Friedman - A Conversion with Bronson by L.C. Roma, Profondo Rosso, (Orrizonti), 2018, 304
Hayden - Detectives of a Certain Age by pages.
Richard Helms
A Different Kind of Sleuth by Russell Hill CROVI, Luca, La storia del giallo in 50
Confronting Golden Ageism by Helen Jacey investigatori, Milano, Centauria, 2019, 152
From the Golden Girls to Jessica Fletcher: The pages.
Road to Poppy Harmon by Lee Hollis
Where Age Is an Edge by Ron Katz ELHEFNAWY, Nader, Paramilitary Action-
Senior Sleuths and Older Writers: A Adventure Fiction: A History, Independently
Conversation by Ellen Kirschman and Terry Published, 2020, 229 pages.
Rancho de Taos by Gay Toltl Kinman ESCRIBA, Alex Martin, Jordi Canal i ARTIGAS,
White-Haired Love by Chris Knopf A quemarropa: La epoca clásica de la
Who You Calling Senior? by Vicki Lane novela negra y policiaca, Editorial Alrevés,
Why I Wrote the Gladdy Books by Rita Lakin 2019, 268 pages.
“See You Later” But Not “Goodbye” by Gayle
Leeson FORSHAW, Barry, Crime Fiction: A Reader's
The World’s Oldest Working Cop by Peter Guide, Harpenden (UK), Oldcastle Books,
Lovesey 2020, 416 pages. Foreword by Ian Rankin.
My Senior Sleuths Are Still on the Case by Ed
Lynskey GRAMSCI, Antonio, Sherlock Holmes &
Sleuths of a Certain Age by Annette Mahon Padre Brown. Note sul romanzo poliziesco,
Old Age Can Be Deadly, Unless You Are the Fog Éditore Maroetti, (I Melogrami), 2019, 72
Ladies by Susan McCormick pages.
A Senior Author Tries Sleuthing by Rosemary
Mild GREGORIOU, Christina, David PLATTEN et
Molly and the Inspector by Larry Mild Gigliola SULLIS (eds.), Retold Resold
Sneaking Into the Life of My Protagonist by Transformed. Crime Fiction in the Global
Radine Trees Nehring Era, Milano, Éditore Mimesis international,
Better than a Homicide Detective by Richard 2019, 168 pages.
Considering Writing a Senior-Themed Cozy
Mystery? I Did. Here’s What I Learned by Carol Un site à consulter régulièrement pour les
Novis nouveautés sur le film populaire et les
Senior Sleuths: Not Dead Yet! by Ang Pompano littératures de genre
A Much Younger Sleuth by Cynthia Riggs
Murder and Mayhem in a Modern Noir Style by
M. Glenda Rosen (aka Marcia Rosen)
Old Folks Are Just Neat by Nancy Swing
Why My Protagonist Is a “Woman of a Certain
Age” by Ilene Schneider
historiques, littéraires et sociaux qui ont
A SIGNALER favorisé l'émergence de ce genre et décrit les
rapports qu'il entretient avec le monde
LACOURBE, Roland, Vincent BOURGEOIS, contemporain.
Philippe FOOZ et Michel SOUPART, Sur la
piste du Limier: autopsie d'une collection, LENTINI, Dina, Il romanzo poliziesco
Semper Aenigma, 2020, 374 pages. contemporaneo tra tension morale e
À la sortie du second conflit mondial, les impegno sociale.
éditions Albin Michel lancent une nouvelle Saggi su Maj Sjöwall e Per Wahlöö, Anne Perry,
collection de romans policiers sous le titre Claude Izzo, Alicia Gimenez Bartlett, Qiu
générique du Limier. Leur but est de faire la Xialong, Moussa Konaté.
liaison avec la grande époque de l’âge d’or du Milano, editore Delos Digital, (Convoy), 2019,
roman-problème et de proposer au public 208 pages.
francophone, sevré durant cinq années de
romans anglo-saxons, les grands auteurs LESSER, Wendy, Scandinavian Noir: In
d’outre-Manche et d’outre-Atlantique. La Pursuit of a Mystery, New York, Farrar,
destinée du Limier sera prise en main par Strauss & Giroux, 2020, 288 pages.
Alexandre Ralli qui fut le directeur littéraire de With vivid storytelling and an astonishing
L’Empreinte, l’une des plus brillantes collections command of the literature, Wendy
de romans policiers d’avant-guerre. Dans les Lesser’s Scandinavian Noir: In Pursuit of a
années qui suivent, Le Limier va publier plus de Mystery illuminates the vast, peculiar world of
cinquante romans anglo-saxons (et un seul Scandinavian noir―first as it appears on the
roman francophone), renouant avec page, then as it grows in her mind, and finally,
L’Empreinte par la réédition puis la parution de in the summer of 2018, as it exists in reality.
romans inédits d’Ellery Queen, mais aussi Guided by sharp criticism, evocative travel
d’écrivains célèbres comme Freeman Wills writing, and a whimsical need to discover “the
Crofts, Francis Beeding ou Nicholas Blake, tout difference between existence and imagination,
en proposant de nouveaux auteurs qui vont reality and dream,” Scandinavian Noir is a
devenir des classiques comme Dorothy Bowers, thrilling and inventive literary adventure from a
Melba Marlett, Shelley Smith, F. Addington masterful writer and critic.
Symonds, Michael Innes ou Fredric Brown.
Durant ses huit années d’existence, Le Limier a LYLE, D. P., More Forensics and Fiction:
soutenu un niveau unique de qualité, d’audace, Crime Writer's Morbidly Curious Questions
d’originalité et d’innovation dans les annales du Expertly Answered, Calabasas (CA),
roman policier classique, et mérite sa place de Suspense Publishing, 2020, 320 pages.
collection la plus prestigieuse de l’immédiat This compilation of medical and forensic
après-guerre. science questions from crime writers around
the world provides insight into medical and forensic science as well as a glimpse into the
lacourbe/sur-la-piste-du-limier-édition- writer's creative mind. How do hallucinogenic
couleur/paperback/product-zrppg8.html drugs affect a blind person? Will snake venom
injected into fruit cause death? How would you
perform CPR in a helicopter? What happens
when someone swallows razor blades? How
long does it take blood to dry? Can DNA be
LAVERGNE, Elsa de, La Naissance du roman
obtained from a half-eaten bagel? D. P. Lyle,
policier français: du Second Empire à la
MD, answers these and many more intriguing
Première Guerre Mondiale, Paris, Classiques
questions. The book is a useful and
Garnier (Classiques jaunes, no 707. Série:
entertaining resource for writers and
essais, no 15), 2020, 413 pages. Ed. or.: 2009.
screenwriters, helping them find the
Cette étude retrace la naissance du roman
information they need to frame a situation and
policier français depuis la fin du Second Empire
write a convincing description.
jusqu'à la Première Guerre mondiale. Elle
trouve son origine dans les romans judiciaires
McCARTHY, Conor, Outlaws and Spies:
d'Émile Gaboriau (1836-1873), le «père du
Legal Exclusion in Law and Literature,
roman policier français» et prend fin avec le
Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2020,
début des grands cycles d'aventures policières
248 pages.
de la Belle Époque, ceux d'Arsène Lupin et de
By reading two bodies of literature not
Rouletabille. Elle dégage les facteurs
normally read together – the outlaw literature
and espionage literature – Conor McCarthy Mis à part leur statut de détective chevronné,
shows how these genres represent and critique quel est le point commun entre Hercule Poirot,
the longstanding use of legal exclusion as a Reginald Wexford et Adam Dalgliesh ? Tous
means of supporting state power. Texts sont nés de l'imaginaire d'une écrivaine. Le
discussed range from the medieval Robin Hood roman policier est affaire de femmes,
ballads, Shakespeare’s history plays, and d'Anglaises tout particulièrement : Agatha
versions of the Ned Kelly story to contemporary Christie, Ruth Rendell, P. D. James. Ces
writing by John le Carré, Don DeLillo, Ciaran « reines du crime », comme se plaît à les
Carson and William Gibson. appeler la critique anglo-saxonne, ont façonné
le genre du polar. Et si cette tradition féminine
MANNION, Elizabeth & Brian CLIFF (eds.), s'est épanouie, c'est avant tout grâce à un
Guilt Rules All: Irish Mystery, Detective, contexte politique et social propice au
and Crime Fiction, Syracuse University Press renouveau. Alternative féminine et féministe au
(Irish Studies), 2020, 304 pages. roman d'aventure, le polar a cristallisé les
The essays collected here connect their angoisses, les modes et les mutations. Dans la
immediate subjects—contemporary Irish crime deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, les auteures
writers—to Irish culture, literature, and history. se sont faites enquêtrices ; elles ont questionné
Anchored in both canonical and emerging leur époque, remis en cause l'ordre patriarcal,
themes, this collection draws on established repensé le marché de la littérature, donné
Irish studies discussions while emphasizing naissance à un nouveau modèle d'héroïne
what is new and distinct about Irish crime émancipée. Plus que de simples fictions, les
fiction. récits de détectives ont redessiné les contours
de la société anglaise.
MARTIGNANI, Luca, Realismo sovversivo.
Sociologia del genere noir, Verona, Editore SCHMIDT-CRUZ, Cynthia, Argentina Noir:
Ombre Corte, (Cartografia), 2018, 113 pages. New Millenium Crime Novels in Buenos
Aires, Albany, Suny Press, 2019, xiv, 292
OTT, Paul, Mord im Alpenglühen: der pages.
Schweizer Kriminalroman - Geschichte
und Gegenwart, Zürich, Chronos, 2020, 347 UHR, John & Shaun CROWE, Novel Politics:
pages. Studies in Australian Political Fiction,
Hinter den Namen der Autorinnen und Autoren Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 2020,
verbergen sich spannende Lebensläufe, xiv, 164 pages.
unerwartete Zusammenarbeiten werden ans
Licht gebracht und Pseudonyme aufgedeckt. VOGT, Jochem, Schema und Variation: 13
Die Bibliografie enthält über 2000 Werktitel und Versuche zum Kriminalroman, Hannover,
biografische Angaben. Wehrhahn Verlag, 2020, 373 pages.
Fast Alles über Krimis in 13 einfachen Sätzen –
PIAS. Giuliana, "Noir" Sardegna: Percorsi Schiller, Sherlock, Schirach: Kriminal-
controculturali e indagini storiche nel Fallgeschichten seit dem 18. Jahrhundert – Zur
romanzo poliziesco contemporaneo, Verteidigung von Detektivgeschichten. Von
Firenze, Editore Cesati, 2019, 177 pages. Chesterton bis Chandler – High or Low? Modern
Noir Sardegna prende in esame romanzi di oder vormodern? Der Kriminalroman als
Giulio Angioni, Flavio Soriga, Marcello mittlere Literatur – Triumph des Thrillers?
Fois, Luciano Marrocu e Giorgio Todde. Mankell und andere – Krimis statt Religion?
Abbracciando tematiche socio-antropologiche Kracauer und der Rationalismus – Vom Nutzen
e storiche, questi scrittori sono accomunati non des Sündenbocks – Brecht und die Krimis. Eine
solo dalla capacità di far evolvere il genere Spurensuche – Krimis, Antikrimis,
poliziesco ma anche dall’elaborazione di un Gedankenkrimis: Dürrenmatts Experimente –
discorso controculturale che ci invita a rileggere Kurze Lobrede auf die Jahrhundertautorin
criticamente fatti storici e culturali al fine di Patricia Highsmith – Die endlosen
svelare, ed eventualmente smentire, i valori e i Schattenkriege des John le Carré – Klein-
luoghi comuni che hanno alimentato Auschwitz auf der Schwäbischen Alb: Uta Maria
l’immaginario collettivo sulla realtà sarda, e più Heim – Ein Rosen-, Ketzer-, Liebes- und
generalmente italiana, ieri e oggi. Detektivroman anno 1143
the Russian State and the National History
A PROPOS DES AUTEURS Canon : Ilya Gerasimov
10. An Instructional Manual for the Nation:
Boris Akunin’s History of the Russian State
BARABAN, Elena V. & Stephen M. NORRIS, Stephen M. Norris
The Akunin Project: The Mysteries and Part V. New Pseudonyms and Projects: Anatoly
Histories of Russia's Bestselling Author, Brusnikin and Akunin-Chkhartishvili
Toronto, University of Toronto Press Scholarly 11. "Under the Wide-Branching Cranberry":
Publishing, 2020, 352 pages. Stiob and Allusion in Anatoly Brusnikin’s Ninth
The Akunin Project is the first book to study the Savior: Yekaterina Severts
fiction and popular history of Grigorii 12. The Family Album: Ordinary People in
Chkhartishvili, one of the most successful Extraordinary Circumstances :Elena V. Baraban
writers in post-Soviet Russia. In the first two Part VI. Boris Akunin as a Literary and
decades of the twenty-first century, Commercial Project
Chkhartishvili has published over sixty books 13. Socialist Realism Inside-Out: Boris Akunin
under the pen names Anatolii Brusnikin, Anna and Mass Literature for the Elite
Borisova, Akunin-Chkhartishvili, and most Bradley Gorski
commonly, Boris Akunin. His series featuring 14. Boris Akunin and Cross-Media Marketing
the tsarist secret policeman Erast Fandorin has Natalia Erlenkamp
sold over 15 million books in Russia alone, 15. Conclusion: A Dozen Questions for Boris
making Akunin one of the bestselling authors of Akunin
the post-Soviet era. Combining intertextuality, Appendices: Excerpts from Boris Akunin's
allusions, pastiche, and other markers of Untranslated Works
postmodern playfulness, many of Akunin’s 1. Grigorii Chkhartishvili, "If I Were a
works have been translated into English and Newspaper Magnate: Notes of a Restless Cow"
have also been adapted for film and television. (1999), translated by Bradley Gorski
Akunin’s public profile has been further 2. "A New Karamzin Has Appeared" and
enhanced by his active involvement in mass "General Introduction" to Boris Akunin, The
political protests against Vladimir Putin. The History of the Russian State, translated by
author left Russia in 2014 and currently lives in Stephen M. Norris
Western Europe as an ex-pat. 3. Excerpt from Boris Akunin, Spy Novel
TABLE OF CONTENTS (2005), translated by Stephen M. Norris
1. Introduction: The Akunin Project 4. Excerpt from Anatoly Brusnikin, The Ninth
Elena V. Baraban and Stephen M. Norris Savior, translated by Yekaterina Severts
2. Interview with Grigorii Chkhartishvili: Boris List of Works by Boris Akunin
Akunin Introduces the Edited Volume
Part I. Postmodern Detektiv: The Erast BARNETT, Stuart, And Then There Were
Fandorin Series None: A Cultural History, Lanham (MD),
3. In Search of a Hero: Boris Akunin’s Death of Rowmand and Littlefield, 2020, 224 pages.
Achilles : Elena V. Baraban From its original publication in 1939 to the
4. Rewriting Homer: Boris Akunin’s Postmodern successful 2015 BBC adaptation, And Then
Approach : Judith Kalb There Were None has held a consistent grip on
Part II. Amateur Detectives: The Sister Pelagia the public imagination, and this book discusses
Trilogy and Adventures of Nicholas Fandorin the reasons for the phenomenal success of the
5. Tempting the Reader into a Search for novel. The author explores the background and
Meaning: Boris Akunin’s Pelagia Trilogy context of the novel, including the meaning
Claire Whitehead behind the scandalous original title. The story’s
6. "A Little Theory": Boris Akunin’s "Crime and life as a play is also considered, particularly as
Punishment" : Zara Torlone Christie’s re-written ending radically alters the
Part III. Buried Secrets and Historical Spies in impact and meaning. Film adaptations are also
Akunin’s Works discussed, as each one reveals its own cultural
7. The Mysteries of Moscow: In Which Boris concerns and biases.
Akunin Impersonates a French Writer and
Reveals a Buried Secret: Elizabeth Richmond- BROOKER, Joseph, Jonathan Lethem and
Garza the Galaxy of Writing, London & New York,
8. Spying on the Past: Boris Akunin’s History of Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, ix, 215 pages.
Espionage: Stephen M. Norris Reading Lethem in relation to five themes
Part IV. Re-Writing the History of Russia crucial to his work, Joseph Brooker considers
9. L’État, C’est Tout: Boris Akunin’s History of influence and intertextuality; the role of genres
such as crime, science fiction and the Western; ROWLAND, Peter, E. W. Hornung: The
the imaginative production of worlds; Emergence of a Popular Author, 1866-
superheroes and comic book traditions; and the 1898, Washing & London, Academia Press,
representation of New York City. 2019, 306 pages.
Peter Rowland's superb literary biography
BROTTO, Denis & Attilio MOTTA, Georges traces Hornung's (le créateur du personnage de
Simenon: la letteratura al cinema, Padua, Raffles) rise to fame and fortune, as the writer
Marsilio, 2020, 160 pages. deftly turned his hand to comedy, romance,
and drama. In the process, the book untangles
CLAUSSON, Nils, Arthur Conan Doyle's Art the intricate literary network of Victorian
of Fiction: A Revaluation, Newcastle upon London and Hornung's relationships with some
Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, of its leading figures, including his brother-in-
xvii, 384 pages. law Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's, and their
collaborative ventures.
DI PAOLO, Paolo, Alfabeto Camilleri, Milano,
Sperling & Kupfer, 2019, 166 pages. SNYDER, Robert Lance, Eric Ambler's
Novels: Critiquing Modernity, Lanham (MD),
MALET, Léo, Dédicrasses, Bordeaux, Éditions Lexington Books, 2020, 176 pages.
Ex-Nihilo, 2020, 240 pages. Introduction et Eric Ambler's first six novels released between
commentaires littéraires par Ralph Messac. 1936 and 1940 quickly established his
Préface par Michel Besnier. reputation as a master craftsman of intrigue
Correspondance de Léo Malet avec Mme et M. and espionage narratives. Far less often
Messac. Avec reproduction de toutes les discussed are the twelve Cold War novels he
couvertures et de toutes les dédicaces en published, after an eleven-year hiatus as a
couleurs. screenwriter, between 1951 and 1981. This
study argues that his entire corpus manifests
MALET, Léo, Mon vieux Guérif, Paris (?), late modernism's impulse toward a broadly
Éditions de la Grande Batelière, 2020, 296 social, political, and cultural critique of the
pages. times.
La correspondance de Léo Malet avec François
Guérif. WEXLER, Bruce, The Mysterious World of
Lettres & dédicaces pour "collectionnaures Sherlock Holmes, New York, Skyhorse
avertis" de Léo Malet à François Guérif (1972- Publishing, , 2020, 192 pages.
1989). Postface: A cause d'un livre qui n'a This unique companion is a collector's dream,
jamais été publié. Reproduction de toutes les allowing fans to delve into the criminal
couvertures et toutes les dédicaces en environment of foggy, gas-lit Victorian London-
couleurs. the world of the all-time greatest detective.
The book brings to life the elements of
MARTIN, Andy, Reacher Said Nothing: Lee Holmes's success, the crime scene of his day,
Child and the Making of Make Me, London, his history in film and television, and the
Polity Press, 2020, 280 pages. present-day Holmes legacy. Featured
Reacher Said Nothing is a one-of-a-kind meta- throughout are famous figures such as
book, an uncompromising account in real time Holmes's faithful sidekick, Dr. Watson; his
of the genesis, evolution and completion of a nemesis, Professor Moriarity; and Sherlock
single work, Make Me. While unveiling the art Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Filled
of writing a thriller Martin also gives us a with more than 150 images-many of the works
unique insight into the everyday life of an by the great original illustrators of Conan
exemplary writer. From beginning to end, Doyle's stories-this volume presents an
Martin captures all the sublime confidence, excellent mix of information to satisfy legions
stumbling uncertainty, omniscience, of Holmes collectors, mystery fans, and
cluelessness, ecstasy, despair, and heart- historians fascinated by a bygone era.
thumping suspense that go into writing a
number-one bestseller.
Appropriation, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan/ 2020, 43 pages.
Springer International, 2020, 356 pages.
Approaches Nordic noir from a unique angle, in CALLAHAN, Dan, The Camera Lies: Acting
terms of adaptation, appropriation, translation for Hitchcock, New York, & Oxford, Oxford
and related phenomena. Brings together University Press, 2020, 272 pages.
international experts to analyse the global
circulation, influence and impact of Nordic noir. CAPINO, José B., Martial Law Melodrama :
Explores original ideas and becomes the first Lino Brocka's Cinema Politics, Oakland
book to focus on the production and marketing (CA), University of California Press, 2020, xxix,
of Nordic noir. 294 pages.
Sommaire détaillé sur le site de Palgrave
Macmillan : COLLECTIF, Le Parrain: les archives inédites de la trilogie, Édition de L'Imprévu,
86573 (Hors collection), 2020, 160 pages.
BARATTI, Alessandro, Le Deuxième souffle, DI MARINO, Stefano & Michele TETRO, Guida
de Jean-Pierre Melville, Rome, Gremese & al cinema noir, Bologna, Odoya, (Odoya
Saint-Denis sur Sarthon, Éditions de Grenelle, Library), 2018, 608 pages.
(Les meilleurs films de votre vie), 2019, 142
pages. EL-KHOURY, Toufic, Aliénation et détermi-
nisme dans le film noir classique (1944 -
BECK, George, Law Enforcement in Ameri- 1949), Paris, L'Harmattan, (Champs visuels),
can Cinema, 1894-1952, Jefferson (NC), 2020, 224 pages.
McFarland, 2020, 141 pages,
Much scholarship has focused on portrayals of GERMAIN, Stéphane, Les Tontons flingueurs
the criminal in early American cinema, yet little et le cinéma d'Audiard, Pigna (Corse),
has been written about depictions of the Éditions Casa, (Cahiers d'été), 2020, 64 pages.
criminal’s antagonist. This history examines
how different on-screen representations shifted GLOVER, Allen, TV Noir: Dark Drama on the
public perception of law enforcement—initially Small Screen, New York, The Overlook Press,
seen as a suspicious or intrusive institution, 2020, 256 pages.
then as a power for the common good. Hundreds of noir dramas have been produced
for television, featuring detectives and femmes
BERZSENYI, Christyne, Columbo: A Rhetoric fatales, gangsters, and dark deeds, continuing
of Inquiry with Resistant Responders, week after week, with a new disruption of the
Bristol (UK), Intellect Ltd, 2020, 224 pages. social order. In TV Noir, television historian
This book is an analysis of the hit television Allen Glover presents the first complete study
series Columbo and the investigative methods of the subject. Deconstructing its key elements
of its eponymous main character. In the iconic with astute analysis, from NBC’s adaptation of
detective show, which aired from 1968 to Woolrich’s The Black Angel to the anthology
2003, Lieutenant Columbo was known for his programs of the ’40s and ’50s, from the classic
Socratic method of rhetorical inquiry. Feigning period of Dragnet, M Squad, and 77 Sunset
ignorance and employing a barrage of Strip to neo-noirs of the ’60s and ’70s
questions about minute details, the detective including The Fugitive, Kolchak, and Harry O.,
enacts a persona of "antipotency," or counter this is the essential volume on TV noir.
authoritativeness, to affect the villains'
underestimation of his attention to HANSEN, Kim Toft, Steven PEACOCK & Sue
inconsistencies, abductive reasoning, and Turbull (eds.), European Television Crime
rhetorical efficacy. Drama and Beyond, Cham, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2018, xv, 294 pages.
BOILLAT, Alain, En cas de malheur: de The chapters, all written by leading television
Simenon à Autant-Larat (1956-1958). and crime fiction scholars, provide readings of
Essai de génétique scénaristique, Genève, crime dramas such as the Swedish-Danish The
Librairie Droz, (Arts), 2020, 376 pages. Bridge, the Welsh Hinterland, the
Spanish Under Suspicion, the Italian Gomorrah,
BRADLEY, Christopher, CSI Las Vegas Trivia the German Tatort and the Turkish Cinayet. By
: Crime Scene Investigation. Everything examining both European texts and the
You Want to Know About the TV Series ‘Europeanness’ of various international dramas,
CSI Las Vegas, Independentily Published, this book ultimately demonstrates that
transnationalism is at the very core of TV crime Court, (Popular Culture and Philosophy, 133),
drama in Europe and beyond. 2020, 256 pages.
In 1933 the crime writer Erle Stanley Gardner,
HYDER, Paul, Hitchcock's Vertigo: A himself a practicing lawyer, unleashed the
Personal Journey through the Greatest character Perry Mason in the novel The Case of
Film Ever Made, Independently Pubished, the Velvet Claws. Perry Mason entered into
2020, 145 pages. public consciousness as a new conception of
the role of the defense lawyer, so that millions
KERMODE, Mark, Les Évadés, Talence, of Americans came to expect every criminal
Éditions Akiléos, (BFI Les Classiques du trial to have its “Perry Mason moment.”
cinéma), 2020, 96 pages. In the 1950s the Perry Mason TV show had a
phenomenal success, and Mason came to be
MARCUS, Greil, The Manchurian Candidate, identified with Raymond Burr. Now Perry Mason
London, British Film Institute, (BFI Film has again been restored to life in the HBO
Classics), 2020, 96 pages. series starring Matthew Rhys and John Lithgow.
Meanwhile, the eighty-two original Erle Stanley
OLDHAM, Joseph, Paranoid Visions: Spies, Gardner novels continue to sell thousands of
Conspirations and the Secret State in copies each week.
British Television Drama, Manchester,
Manchester University Press, 2020, 232 pages. ROCHE, David & Cristelle MAURY (eds.),
Paranoid visions explores the history of the spy Women Who Kill : Gender and Sexuality in
and conspiracy genres on British television, Film and Series of The Post-Feminist Era,
from 1960s Cold War series through 1980s London & New York, Bloomsbury Academic,
conspiracy dramas to contemporary ‘war on 2020, 368 pages.
terror’ thrillers. It analyses classic dramas The book is structured in three parts: Neo-
including Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Edge of femmes Fatales; Action Babes and Monstrous
Darkness, A Very British Coup and Spooks. This Women. Films examined include White Men Are
book will be an invaluable resource for Cracking Up (1994); Hit & Miss (2012); Gone
television scholars interested in a new Girl (2014); Terminator (1984); The Walking
perspective on the history of television drama Dead (2010); Mad Max: Fury Road (2015);
and intelligence scholars seeking an analysis of Contagion (2011) and Ex Machina(2015)
the popular representation of espionage with a among others.
strong political focus, as well as fans of cult
British television and general readers SCHECHTER, Harold, Ripped from the
interested in British cultural history. Headlines ! The Shocking True Stories
Behind the Movies' Most Memorable
PALMER, Scott V., John Le Carré on Film & Crimes, Little A (Amazon), 2020, 374 pages.
Television, Cypress Hills Press, 2020, 134 The necktie murders in Alfred
pages. Hitchcock’s Frenzy; Chicago’s Jazz Age crime of
John Le Carre became a full-time authour after passion; the fatal hookup in Looking for Mr.
the overwhelmiong success of The Spy Who Goodbar; the high school horrors committed by
Came in From the Cold, in 1963. Prior to that, the costumed slasher in Scream. These and
he had worked in the British Secret Service, other cinematic crimes have become part of
both at MI5 and MI6. He has written numerous pop-culture history. And each found inspiration
noveels over the past 60 years, and sixteen of in true events that provided the raw material
them have been filmed, 10 for the cinema and for our greatest blockbusters, indie art films,
6 for television. This reference book deals with black comedies, Hollywood classics, and
those sixteen productions, providing year of grindhouse horrors. So what’s the reality
release, directorial credits, complete cast behind Psycho, Badlands, The Hills Have
listings, running times, numerous photographs, Eyes, A Place in the Sun, Arsenic and Old Lace,
and a synopsis of each story. and Dirty Harry? How did such tabloid-ready
killers as Bonnie and Clyde, body snatchers
RESTIVO, Angelo, Breaking Bad and Cine- Burke and Hare, Texas sniper Charles Whitman
matic Television, Durham, Duke University Jr., nurse-slayer Richard Speck, exert their
Press, 2019, 209 pages. power on the public imagination and become
the stuff of movie lore?
RIVERA, Heather L. & Robert ARP (eds.),
Perry Mason and Philosophy: The Case of THOMSON, David, Murder and the Movies,
the Awesome Attorney, Chicago, Open London, Yale University Press, 2020, 240p.
While unpacking classics such as Seven,Kind 2020, 380 pages.
Hearts and Coronets,Strangers on a Train,The
Conformist,The Godfather, and The Shining, SIMPSON, Paul, Bond vs Bond: The Many
the author offers a disconcerting sense of how Faces of 007, Race Point Publishing, 2020,
the form of movies makes us accomplices in 208 pages. Revised and Updated.
this sinister narrative process. By turns
seductive and astringent, very serious and TOLAN, Metin & Joachim STOLZE, Shaken,
suddenly hilarious, Murder and the Movies Not Stirred: James Bond in the Spotlight of
admits us into what Thomson calls "a warped Physics, New York, Springer, 2020, 206
triangle": the creator working out a compelling pages.
death; the killer doing his and her best; and
the entranced reader and spectator trying to
cling to life and a proper sense of decency.
perspective, the book explores the domains of CATALANO, Walter, Gian Filippo PIZZO &
literary, pictorial, filmic, televisual and popular Andrea VACCARO (dir.), Guida ai narratori
cultural texts in English from the eighteenth italiani del fantastico. Scrittori di
century to the present day. fantascienza, fantasy e horror made in
Italy, Bologna, Odoya, (Odoya Library), 2018,
BLACKWELL, Laird, The Supernatural and 350 pages.
Fantastic in Short Detective Fiction : A
Survey 1841-2000, Jefferson (NC), CAVE, Stephen, Kanta DIHAL & Sarah DILLON
McFarland, 2020, 240 pages. (eds.), AI Narratives: A History of Imagi-
The “locked room” mystery—which often uses native Thinking about Intelligent
the fantastic as a red-herring to eventually be Machines, Oxford & New York, Oxford
debunked by reason and logic—has long been University Press, 2020, xii, 424 pages.
among the most popular subgenres of
detective fiction, but it is not the only type of CLEMENT, Christian, Literatur und
celebrated detective story. This book also Apokalypse: Perspektiven einer anthropo-
explores stories featuring almost supernaturally sophisch orienterten Hermeneutik,
gifted detectives, stories where the Würtzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2020,
supernatural is truly encountered, and stories 235 pages.
with ambiguous endings. Almost 500 detective
stories from 1841-2000, in which the fantastic COLLECTIF, Mélusine, secrets d'une fée,
or supernatural plays a central role, are catalogue d'exposition, Milano, Silvana
discussed and analyzed. Although not all the Editoriale, 2019, 192 pages + 16 pages de
stories are judged to be successful as detective planches.
tales, in the great majority, the fantastic
enlivens the tale and deepens the mystery COLLOGNAT, Annie & Bernadette CHOPPIN, et
without weakening the detective elements. al., Ex Machina - Machines, automates et
robots dans l'Antiquité, Paris, Belles lettres,
BRIONI, Simone & Daniele COMBIERATI, 2020, 342 pages.
Italian Science Fiction: The Other in Des robots qui parlent latin et grec ? Il ne s’agit
Literature and Film, Cham, Palgrave pas de science-fiction mais bien de la fabuleuse
Macmillan, (Studies in Global Science Fiction), histoire des machines de l’Antiquité et de leurs
2019, 289 pages. ingénieurs de génie, du mythique Héphaïstos,
This book explores Italian science fiction from dieu de la forge et patron des « techniciens »,
1861, the year of Italy’s unification, to the qui inventa le premier automate de l’histoire,
present day, focusing on how this genre helped aux réalisations surprenantes des «
shape notions of Otherness and Normalness. In mécaniciens » grecs et romains dans tous les
particular, Italian Science Fiction draws upon domaines de la « haute technologie ».
critical race studies, postcolonial theory, and À travers une centaine de textes en traduction,
feminist studies to explore how migration, cet ouvrage montre sous un angle original et
colonialism, multiculturalism, and racism have divertissant aussi bien les robots imaginés par
been represented in genre film and literature. les poètes que les ingénieuses mécaniques des
savants alexandrins ainsi que les premières
BRIONI , Simone & Daniele COMBERIATI, réflexions des philosophes sur la question de
Ideologia & reppresentazione. Percorsi l’intelligence artificielle.
attraverso la fantascienza italiana, Sommaire sur Fabula :
Mimesis, (Fantascienz e societa), 2020, 196p.
BUDRYS, Algis, Beyond the Outposts: automates-et-robots-dans-l-39-
Essays on SF and Fantasy, Ansible Editions, antiquite_97259.php
2020, 378 pages. (
Recueil de 45 essais. Introduction et notes par DAVISON, Carole Margaret & Monica
David Langford. GERMANIA (eds.), Scottish Gothic: An
Edinburgh Companion, Oxford, Oxford
BYRNE-SMITH, Dan (ed.), Science Fiction, University Press, 2020, 257 pages.
Cambridge, The MIT Press, 2020, 238 pages. Borderlands of identity and the aesthetics of
disjuncture: an introduction to Scottish Gothic /
CAMILLETTI, Fabio, Guida alla letteratura Carol Margaret Davison and Monica Germanà --
gotica, Bologna, Odoya, (Odoya Library), "The Celtic Century" and the genesis
2018, 255 pages. or Scottish Gothic / Nick Groom -- The politics
and poetics of the "Scottish Gothic: from Brazil, etc) alongside regional manifestations of
Ossian to Otranto and beyond / Carol Margaret the Gothic (the US south and the Caribbean) as
Davison -- Robert Burns and well as transnational movements of the Gothic
the Scottish bawdy politic / Hamish Mathison -- within the Americas. The reflections on national
Scottish Gothic drama / Barbara A.E. Bell -- traditions of the Gothic in this volume add to
Scottish Gothic poetry / Alan Riach -- Calvinist the critical body of literature on specific
and Covenanter Gothic / Alison Milbank -- languages or particular nations
Gothic Scott / Fiona Robertson -- Gothic Hogg
/ Scott Brewster -- "The singular wrought out FAVRO, Terri, Generation Robot: A Century
into the strange and mystical": Blackwood's of Science Fiction, Fact and Speculations,
Edinburgh magazine and the transformation of New York, Skyhorse Publishing, 2018, 231
terror / Robert Morrison -- Gothic Stevenson / pages.
Roderick Watson -- J.M. Barrie's Gothic: Generation Robot covers a century of science
ghosts, fairy tales and lost children / Sarah fiction, fact and, speculation—from the 1950
Dunnigan -- The "nouveau frisson": Muriel publication of Isaac Asimov’s seminal robot
Spark's Gothic fiction / Gerard Carruthers -- masterpiece, I, Robot, to the 2050 Singularity
Scottish Gothic and the moving image: a tale when artificial and human intelligence are
of two traditions / Duncan Petrie -- New predicted to merge. Beginning with a childhood
Frankensteins; or, the body politic / Timothy C. informed by pop-culture robots in movies, in
Baker -- Queer Scottish Gothic / Kate Turner -- comic books, and on TV in the 1960s to
Authorship, "ghost-filled" islands and the adulthood where the possibilities of self-driving
haunting femininw cars and virtual reality are daily conversation,
contemporary Scottish female Gothic / Monica Terri Favro offers a unique perspective on how
Germanà. our relationship with robotics and futuristic
technologies has shifted over time. Peppered
DEMSON, Michael & Christopher R. CLASON with pop-culture fun-facts about Superman’s
(eds.), Romantic Automata: Exhibitions, kryptonite, the human-machine relationships in
Figures, Organisms, Lewisburg, Bucknell the cult TV show Firefly, and the sexual and
University Press, 2020, viii, 253 pages. moral implications of the film Ex Machina,
Recent scholarship in post-humanism, post- Generation Robot explores how the techno-
colonialism, disability studies, post-modern triumphs and resulting anxieties of reality bleed
feminism, eco-criticism, and radical Orientalism into the fantasies of our collective culture.
has significantly affected the critical discourse
on this topic. In engaging with the work and FENNEL, Jack, Rough Beasts: the
thought of Coleridge, Poe, Hoffmann, Mary Monstrous in Irish Fiction, 1800-2000,
Shelley, and other Romantic luminaries, the Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2019, vi,
contributors to this collection open new 285 pages.
methodological approaches to understanding In this book, various monsters from Irish
human interaction with technology that strives literature are considered in different historical
to simulate, supplement, or supplant organic contexts, to illustrate the role of horror and
life. monstrosity in Ireland's history and culture. In
both English- and Irish-language texts, from
DOTOLI, Giovanni & Mario SELVAGGIO, Le the Act of Union to the death of the Celtic
Vampire dans la poésie française: XIXe- Tiger, hordes of night-creatures arise in times
XXe siècles : anthologie, Paris, L'Harmattan, of crisis, embodying chaos and absurdity.
(L'orrizzonte, 60), 2020, 477 pages. Préface Building upon the critical framework
d'Alain Rey, illustrations d'Emma Virginia established in Irish Science Fiction (2014), this
Puggioni. study looks at the specific ways in which
ghosts, malevolent magicians, shape-shifters,
EDWARDS, Justin D. & Sandra Guardini cryptids and the corporeal undead oppose
VASCONCELOS (eds.), Tropical Gothic in human agency by 'breaking history'.
Literature and Culture: The Americas
New York, Routledge, 2019, 274 pages. FENNEL, Jack (ed.), SCI-FI: a Companion,
Tropical Gothic examines Gothic within a New York, Oxdord, et al., Peter Lang, 2019,
specific geographical area of ‘the South’ of the viii, 239 pages,
Americas. In so doing, we structure the book
around geographical coordinates (from North to GARCIA, Patricia, Teresa-LOPEZ-PELLISA y
South) and move between various national Raquel VELAZQUEZ (dir.), Expresiones del
traditions of the gothic (Mexico, Argentina, horror en la ficciòn hispánica, Madrid,
Aluvión Editorial, 2019, 157 pages. texts situate memory as a crucial mode of
utopian agency.
GELDER, Ken, Adapting Bestsellers
Fantasy, Franchise and the Afterlife of HANSON, Clare, Genetics and the Literary
Storyworlds, Cambridge, Cambridge Univer- Imagination, Oxford & New York, Oxford
sity Press, 2019, 90 pages. University Press, 2020, 224 pages.
This Element looks at adaptations of bestselling
works of popular fiction to cinema, television, HEHOLT, Ruth & Melissa EDMUNSON (eds.)
stage, radio, video games and other media Gothic Animals: Uncanny Otherness and
platforms. It focuses on 'transmedia the Animal With-Out, Cham, Palgrave
storytelling', building its case studies around Macmillan, 2020, 310 pages.
the genre of modern fantasy: because the This book begins with the assumption that the
elaborate storyworlds produced by writers like presence of non-human creatures causes an
J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling and George R. R. always-already uncanny rift in human
Martin have readily lent themselves to assumptions about reality. Exploring the dark
adaptations across various media platforms. side of animal nature and the ‘otherness’ of
animals as viewed by humans, and employing
GIFFORD, James, A Modernist Fantasy: cutting-edge theory on non-human animals,
Modernism, Anarchism & The Radical eco-criticism, literary and cultural theory, this
Fantasy, Victoria (BC), ELS Editions, 2018, book takes the Gothic genre into new territory.
xiii, 287 pages.
A Modernist Fantasy unearths a legacy of JOSHI, S. T., 21st-Century Horror: Weird
politically radical and formally experimental Fiction at the Turn of the Millenium,
modernist fantasy fiction, a red thread running Independently Published, 2018, 277 pages
from the 1890s to the 1970s. But the
recuperation of that lost tradition is as - The Development of the Weird Tale,
important as revising the critical traditions that Independently Published, 2019, 234 pages.
excluded it from the start, an exclusion that
challenges how we understand modernism - Weird Fiction In the Later 20 th Century,
itself. Idependently Published, 2019, 366 pages.
GILL, Josie, Biofiction: Race, Genetics and - Apostles of the Weird, Hornseau (UK), PS
the Contemporary Novel, London, Publishing, 2020, 33 pages.
Bloomsbury Academic, (Explorations in Science
and Literature), 2020, x, 217 pages. - The Advance of the Weird Tale,
Reading works by leading contemporary writers Independently Publishing, 2020, 242 pages.
including Zadie Smith, Kazuo Ishiguro, Octavia
Butler and Colson Whitehead, Biofictions LENHART, Corinna, Savage Horrors: The
demonstrates how ideas of race are produced Intrinsic Raciality of the American Gothic,
at the intersection of science and fiction, which Bielfeld, transcript Verlag, 2020, 286 pages.
together create the stories about identity,
racism, ancestry and kinship which characterize LUBKOWITZ, Anneke, Haunted Spaces in
our understanding of race today. Twenty-First British Nature Writing, Berlin
& Boston, De Gryuter, 2020, vi, 293 pages.
HAHN, Marie, Unheimliche Gegenwart:
Inszenierung und Funktionalisierungen LYONS, John D. (dir.), The Dark Thread
des Unheimlichen in der deutsch- from Tragical Histories to Gothic Tales,
sprachigen Gegenswartliteratur, Dresden, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2019, vi,
Thelem, 2019, 145 pages. 257 pages.
Over fourteen essays, contributors highlight the
HANSON, Carter, Memory and Utopian connections between works from early
Agency in Utopian/Dystopian Literature: modernity and subsequent texts from the
Memory of the Future, New York & London, eighteenth through the twentieth centuries, in
Routledge, 2020, xviii, 199 pages. which incidents such as murder, cannibalism,
Through a series of close readings of poisoning, the burial of the living, the failed
utopian/dystopian novels informed by theory burial of the dead, and subsequent apparitions
and dialectics, Hanson provides a case study of ghosts that haunt the household unite "high"
history of how and why memory emerged as a and "low" cultural traditions.
problem for utopia, and how recent dystopian
MASSAG, Kurt, Charakterentwicklung in
NEWELL, Jonathan, A Century of Weird geographies and generations. Maria Sachiko
Fiction, 1832-1937: Disgust, Metaphysics, Cecire follows children’s fantasy as it
and the Aesthetic of Cosmic Horror, Cardiff, transforms over the twentieth and twenty-first
University of Wales Press, 2020, 241 pages. centuries—including the rise of diverse
counternarratives and fantasy’s move into
PARKER, Elizabeth, The Forest and the “high-brow” literary fiction.
Ecogothic: The Deep Dark Woods in the
Popular Imagination, Cham, Palgrave SCARSELLA. Alessandro, Il fantastico nel
Macmillan, 2020, ix, 308 pages. mondo latino. Ricezioni di un modo
This work introduces the trope of the Gothic letterario tra Italia, Spagna e Portogallo,
forest, as well as important critical contexts for Milano, Biblion edizioni, 2018, 441 pages.
its discussion, and examines the three main
ways in which this trope manifests: as a living, SERRANO, Carman A., Gothic Imagination
animated threat; as a traditional habitat for in Latin American Fiction and Film,
monsters; and as a dangerous site for human Albuquerque, University of Mexico Press, 2019,
settlement. This book will appeal to students xiii, 245 pages.
and scholars with interests in horror and the The book examines both the modernistas of the
Gothic, ecohorror and the ecoGothic, nineteenth century and the avant-garde writers
environmentalism, ecocriticism, and popular of the twentieth century, including Huidobro,
culture more broadly. Bombal, Rulfo, Roa Bastos, and Fuentes.
Looking at the Gothic in Latin American
PUSSE, Tina-Karen, Heike SCHWARZ & literature and film, this book is a
Rebecca DOWNES (eds.), Madness in the groundbreaking study that brings a fresh
Woods: Representations of the Ecological perspective to Latin American creative culture.
Uncanny, Berlin, Peter Lang, 2020, 244 pages.
SMOLDERS, Olivier, Nosferatu contre
RAYDON, Valéry, Le Cortège du Graal : du Dracula, Bruxelles, Les Impresssions
mythe celtique au roman arthurien, nouvelles, (La fabrique des héros), 2019, 125
Marseille, Terre de promesse, (Au coeur des pages.
mythes), 2019, 406 pages. Lorsqu'en 1922, le réalisateur allemand F. W.
Murnau réalise une des toutes premières
ROMAN, Steven, From the Stars...A adaptations cinématographiques de Dracula, le
Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to roman de Bram Stoker, il rebaptise le vampire
Vampirella's Classic Horror Adventure, en Nosferatu. Chef-d'œuvre du cinéma muet
Sunnyside (NY), Starwarp Concept, 2020, 308 expressionniste, son film reste à ce jour une
pages. des réussites les plus envoûtantes du cinéma
fantastique. Depuis lors, de nombreux films ont
RICKELS, A. Laurence, Critique of Fantasy: poursuivi l'éloge du célèbre vampire,
Beetween a Crypt and a Datemark (Vo. 1), abandonnant le plus souvent la sombre
Santa Barbara (CA), Punctum Books, 2020, mélancolie de Murnau pour donner libre cours à
254 pages. une imagination délirante mêlant calèches au
galop dans la nuit, château médiéval, chauve-
ROSENDAHL, Thomsen & Jacob WAMBERG souris inquiétantes, jeunes femmes hurlant de
(eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of terreur, effets de cape et rivières de sang.
Posthumanism, London, Bloomsbury Cependant, de Nosferatu aux innombrables
Academic, 2020, 472 pages. Draculas, il n'y a pas qu'un jeu de patronymes.
SACHIKO CECIRE, Maria, Re-Enchanted: the SOSNOWSKI, Saul, Escritos con voces:
Rise of Children Fantasy in the Twentieth entrevistas a adolfo Bioy Casares, Jorge
Century, Minnesota, University of Minnesota Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Carlos
Press, 2019, 345 pages. Fuentes, Manuel Puig, Augusta Roa Basto,
Focusing on works by authors such as J. R. R. Madrid, Del Centro Editores, 2018, 218 pages.
Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Susan Cooper, Philip
Pullman, J. K. Rowling, and Nnedi TRANTER, Kieran, Living in Technical
Okorafor, Re-Enchanted uncovers a new Legality: Science Fiction and Law as
genealogy for medievalist fantasy—one that Technology, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Universiy
reveals the genre to be as important to the Press, 2020, 256 pages.
history of English studies and literary
modernism as it is to shaping beliefs across
BRADFORD, Richard, Orwell, A Man of Our
Science Fiction Studies Time, London, Bloomsbury Caravel, 2020, 294
no. 141, vol. 47, Part 2 pages.
July 2020
CAMILLI, Coralie, La fin de l'innocence: une
ARTICLES relecture du Procès de Kafka, Paris,
l'Harmattan, 2020, 72 pages.
Anna Louise Bedford and Donald Silverberg :
A Women of the Pulps: Leslie F. Stone CHARAZENG, Yannick, Hommage à J. R. R.
Mark Taylor : Olaf Stapledon and Telepathy in Tolkien: promenade en Terre du Milieu,
Literature of Cosmic Exploration Paris, Ynnis, 2020, 159 pages.
Valentina Salvatiera : Science-fictional Multilin-
gualism in Urslua K. Le Guin COMO, James, C. S. Lewis: A Very Short
Kelly McDevitt: Childhood sexuality as Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Posthuman Subjectivity in Octavia E. Butler's 2019, xxii, 134 pages.
David W. Jackson: Landscape and Science DANESI, Marcel, Blending Logic and
Fiction Film. Imagination: The Puzzle Art of Lewis
Carroll, New York, Nova Science Publishers,
REVIEWS-ESSAYS 2020, ix, 175 pages.
Nicole LOBDELL: Never Dead: Mary Shelleys DE SIO, Rosario, Chi ha paura di H. P.
Frankenstein. Review of : Lovecraft ? Orrore e mostri in letteratura,
Carol Margaret Davison & Mary Mulvey-Roberts Günzburg, Germany, Oakmond Publishing,
(ed.s), Global Frankenstein, Palgrave, 2018 2020, 291 pages. Presentazione: Gianfranco De
Francesca Saggini & Anna Enrichetta Soccio Turris & Sebastiano Fusco.
(eds.), Transmedia Creatures: Frankenstein's
Afterlives, Bucknell UP, 2018 DETERLING, Klaus, Magie des Poetischen
Steven SHAPIRO: Money for Nothing. Raum: E.T.A. Hoffmans Dichtung und
David M, Higgins & Hugh C, O'Connell (eds.), Weltbild, Berlin, wvb Wissenschaftlicher
Special Issue:" Speculative Finance/Speculative Verlag, 2020, 327 pages.
Fiction, in CR: The New Centennial Review,
19,1, Spring 2019. DIMENT, Galya (ed.), H.G. Wells and all
Things Russian, London, Antham Press, 2019,
xiv, 328 pages.
VALLON, Sylvie (coord.), Vampires: cinéma,
beaux-arts, séries, catalogue d'exposition, ELLER, Jonathan R., Brabdbury Beyond
Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Appolo, Champaign, University of Illinois,
Palais, 2019, 256 pages. 2020, 336 pages.
WRIGHT, Angela & Dale TOWNSHEND (eds.), GARTH, John, The Worlds of J. R. R.
The Cambridge History of the Gothic, Tolkien: The Places that Inspired Middle-
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Earth, New York, Princeton University Press,
Vol. 1: Gothic in the Eighteenth Century, 2020, 208 pages.
xviii, 500 pages.
Vol. 2: Gothic in the Nineteenth Century, GREEN, Richard & Rachel ROBINSON-GREENE,
xviii, 500 pages. His Dark Materials and Philosophy,
Chicago, Open Court, (Popular Culture &
Philosophy), 2020, 256 pages.
A PROPOS DES AUTEURS GRUESSER, John, Edgar Allan Poe and his
Nineteenth Century American Counter-
parts, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020,
ANDERSON, Melanie R. & Lisa KRÖGER (eds.), 184 pages.
Shirley Jackson, Influences and Con-
fluences, London & New York, Routledge, HAFDAHL, Meg & Florence KELLY, The
2019, x, 205 pages. Science of Stephen King: The Truth Behind
Pennywise, Jack Torrance, Carrie, Cujo,
and More Iconic Characters from the
Master of Horror, New York, Skyhorse MARINA, Paino, Il Barone et il Viaggiatore e
Publishing, 2020, 264 pages. altri studi su Italo Calvino, Venezia, Marsilio,
2019, 199 pages.
HENKE, Ina, Weiblichkeitsentwürfe bei E.
T. A. Hoffmann: Rat Krespel, Das öde Haus, PAZDZIORA, John Patrick, Haunted
und Das Gelübte, im Kontext Intersektionale Childhood in George MacDonald, Leiden &
Narratologie, Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, 2020, Boston, Brill, in Scottish Cultural Review of
xiv, 296 pages. Language and Literature, vol. 29, 2020.
JUNG, Carl Gustav, Conférences sur Aurélia, RENARD, Nils & Quentin FELTGEN, (dir.),
de Nerval: de l'art psychologique et Tolkien et la Terre du Milieu. Un monde de
visionnaire, Vincennes, La Fontaine de Pierre, Palimpsestes, Paris, Éditions Rue d'Ulm,
2020, 234 pages. 2020.
Bien qu'il soit surtout connu pour son œuvre
KEKUS, Filip, Nerval fantaisiste, Paris, fondatrice d'écrivain, J. R. R. Tolkien était
Classiques Garnier, 2019, 884 pages. également un universitaire réputé, spécialiste
d'anglais médiéval, philologue, polyglotte. Son
LE GUIN, Ursula K., Danser au bord du légendaire, autant que ses travaux
monde: mots, femmes, territoires, Paris, académiques, n'ont de cesse de toucher au
éditions de l'éclat, (Premiers secours), 2020, cœur du langage et du récit — qu'ils
285 pages. considèrent comme inextricablement liés — et
Recueil de 24 conférences et essais publiés en dévoilent des aspects multiples et divers,
entre 1976 & 1988. qu'il serait impossible d'épuiser. Si, dans
l'imaginaire collectif, l'affiliation bien réelle de
LYNSKEY, Dorian, The Ministry of Truth: l’œuvre tolkienienne au genre littéraire de la
The Biography of George Orwell's 1984, fantasy paraît en exclure une approche plus
New York, Doubleday, 2019, 368 pages. académique, de nombreux travaux (thèses,
ouvrages, articles, colloques…) ne lui en ont
MAGISTRALE, Tony, Stephen King and pas moins été consacrés depuis plus d'une
American History, London & Routledge, vingtaine d'années.
2020, 180 pages.
RODDEN, John, Becoming George Orwell:
McBRIDE, Sam, Tolkien's Cosmology: Life and Letters, Legend and Legacy,
Divine Beings and Middle-Earth, Kent Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020, xiii,
(Ohio), Kent State University Press, 2020, xvi, 360 pages.
285 pages.
SNYDER, Christopher A., Hobbit Virtues:
MILLER, Gerald Alva Jr., Understanding Rediscovering Virtue Ethics through J.R.R.
William Burrourghs, Columbia, The Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the
University of South Carolina Press, 2020, 145 Rings, New York, Pegasus Books, 2020, 272
pages. pages.
MINGRONE, Michele, Sara VETTORI & Caterina ST EPONDYLE, Antoine, L'Étoffe dont sont
SCARDILLO, Luoghi di Lovecfat: Novissima tissés les vents: une analyse de La Horde
guida ad uso del viagiatore, Battipaglia, du Contrevent d'Alain Damasio, Rennes,
NPE, (Horror), 2020, 240 pages. Éditions Goater, 2019, 125 pages. Analyse
précédée de 2 nouvelles: Les contes du
MUNDZIK, Fabrice, Résurgences préhis- ventemps (Alain Damasio) et Steppe back
toriques dans l'oeuvre de J.-H. Rosny aîné: (Mélanie Fievet). Contient des entretiens
étude, Tourcoing, Association Flatland, (Les recueillis et publiés en performance musicale
cahiers archéobibliographiques), 2020, 51 en 2017 par Antoin St Epondyle.
NEAL, Mark & Jerry ROOT, The Neglected C. Robert E. Howard & Conan le Barbare
S. Lewis: Exploring the Riches of His Most
Overlooked Books, Brewster (MA), Paraclete CARNEY, Jason Ray, The Dark Man: Journal
Press, 2020, 196 pages. of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies,
independently Published, 2020, 100 pages.
HALBROCK PONCE, Felix, Fantasy eroico nel BRADLEY, S. A., Screaming for Pleasure:
cinema: Conan e altri barbari, How Horror Makes you Happy and
Independently published, 2020, 72 pages. Healthy, San Leandro (CA), Coal Cracker
Press, 2018, 288 pages.
THOMAS, Roy, Barbarian Life: A Literary
Biography of Conan the Barbarian (vol.1), CARRADORI, Giuseppe, The Great Tomato
Pulp Hero Press, 2018, 322 pages. War: la guida definitiva sui Killer
Tomatoes, Independently Published, 2020,
THOMAS, Roy, Barbarian Life: A Literary 125 pages.
Biography fo Conan the Barbarian, Pulp
Hero Press, 2019, 292 pages. CHAFFINS, Benjamin Lee, Discovering
Tokusatsu: Interviews with The Makers of
TOOGOOD, Richard, The Conan Companion: Godzilla, Gamera, Ultraman and Other
A Publishing History and Collector's Guide, Kaiju Eiga, Independently Published, 2020,
Independently Published, 2020, 107 pages. 128 pages.
Foreword by Roy Thomas. Illustrations: Blas
Gallego. CLAYTON, Wickham, See ! Hear ! Cut ! Kill !
Experiencing Friday the 13th, Jackson,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& University Press of Mississipi, 2020, 256 pages.
BOCCIA, L. et al., (dir.), John Carpenter. DANTZLER, Perry, Super Skills, Super
l'antieroe del cinema americano, Roma, Reading: Literacy and Television
Weird Book, 2020, 208 pages. Superheroes, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
2020, 203 pages.
BOOKER, Keith M., Historical Dictionary of The author uses six superhero television shows
Science Fiction Cinema, Lanham (MD), to show how literacy is portrayed in superhero
Rowman & Littlefield, 2020, 505 pages. media and how it reflects and shapes cultural
ideas of literacy. The shows covered are Arrow, GAILLARD, Claude, Cyborgs versus androï-
The Flash, Gotham, Jessica Jones, Luke des: l'homme-machine au cinéma,
Cage and Daredevil. Châtillon, Omaké Books, (Hors collection),
2020, 192 pages.
DIAZ AGUIRRE, Laura de & Igeno AZAHARA De la série TV L'homme qui valait 3
HERRERO, La Historia tras Outlander: milliards aux films Terminator ou Robocop, en
Temporada 2, ; Edicion, 2020, passant par quelques perles délirantes issues
182 pages. du cinéma Bis ( Eliminators, Atomic
Cyborg, Digital Man...), Claude Gaillard dresse
DONNAR, GLEN, Troubling Masculinities: un panorama réjouissant, entre humour et
Terror, Gender, and Monstrous Others in analyse, de la thématique mi-homme, mi-
American Film Post-9/11, Jackson, machine, de l'androïde à l'être synthétique.
University Press of Mississippi, 2020, 248 Outre un focus sur de nombreuses oeuvres,
pages. dont quelques chefs-d'oeuvre ( Blade Runner)
et séries B inventives ( Hardware, Cherry
ELLINGER, Kat, Daughters of Darkness, 2000...), le livre présente également un
Auteur Publishing in Partnership with Liverpool historique du personnage cyborg des années
University Press, (Devil's Advocate), 2020, 120 60 (avec notamment Cyborg 2087 (1966) une
pages. quasi-ébauche de Terminator) jusqu'à nos
jours (série TV Westworld...).
FALOTICO, Stefano, John Carpenter, Prince
of Darkness, Youcanprint, 2018, 138 pages. GILMORE, Brad, Back from the Future: A
[auto-édité] Celebration of the Greatest Time Travel
Story Ever Told, Paris, Mango, 2020, 164
FLORENCE, Kelly & Meg HAFDAHL, Science of pages.
Women in Horror: The Special Effects,
Stunts and True Stories Behind Your GLOYN, Liz, Tracking Classical Monsters in
Favorite Fright Films, New York, Skyhorse Popular Culture, London & New York,
Publishing, 2020, 270 pages. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, 228 pages.
What is it about ancient monsters that popular
FRANÇAIX, Pascal, Teen Horror: de Scream culture still finds so enthralling? Why do the
à It Follows, Aix-en-Provence, Rouge Profond, monsters of antiquity continue to stride across
2020, 413 pages. the modern world? In this book, the first in-
L'adolescence et le cinéma d'horreur depth study of how post-classical societies use
entretiennent une longue relation, affective the creatures from ancient myth, Liz Gloyn
autant que conflictuelle. De la fin des années reveals the trends behind how we have used
1950 à nos jours, le genre "horrifique" s'est monsters since the 1950s to the present day,
nourri et a évolué en fonction de sa cible and considers why they have remained such a
d'élection : cette catégorie d'âge en constante powerful presence in our shared cultural
mutation qu'est le public adolescent. Qu'en est- imagination. She presents a new model for
il de l'adolescence au tournant du XXIe siècle ? interpreting the extraordinary vitality that
Quels enjeux, quels conflits sont sollicités par classical monsters have shown, and their
le cinéma d'horreur contemporain dans son enormous adaptability in finding places to dwell
évocation des teenagers ? En quoi la teen in popular culture without sacrificing their
horror des années 2000 diffère-t-elle du connection to the ancient world.
modèle élaboré au cours des années 1970 et Her argument takes her readers through a
1980 ? Convoquant plus d'une cinquantaine de comprehensive tour of monsters on film and
films (de Scream à lt Follows), l'auteur insiste television, from the much-loved creations of
sur les angoisses matérialisées par les Ray Harryhausen in Clash of the Titans to the
monstres de la teen horror, sur les rapports de monster of the week in Hercules: The
pouvoir et les rapports de sexe qu'elle évoque Legendary Journeys, before looking in detail at
et qui ne sont plus les mêmes que jadis. Il the afterlives of the Medusa and the Minotaur.
s'agit de sortir des théories figées pour montrer
comment l'imaginaire et les réalités auxquels GODWIN, Kenneth, Dune, The David Lynch
renvoie cette catégorie filmique ne sont pas Files, vol. 2 : Six Months Behind the
immuables. La teen horror, plus ample et plus Scenes of one of the Biggest Science
radicale qu'on peut le croire, rend compte des Fiction Movies Ever Made, Albany,
bouleversements de la société qu'elle dépeint. BearManor Media, 2020, 300 pages.
GOLIOT-LÉTÉ, Anne, Shining, de Stanley HARRYHAUSEN, Vanessa, Ray Harryhausen:
Kubrick, Éditions Lormont, Le Bord de l'eau, Titan of Cinema, Edinburgh, National
(Cinéfocales), 2020, 192 pages. Galleries of Scotland, 2020, 208 pages.
GREVEN, David, The Bionic Woman and HAWKINS, Sunny, Deleuze and The Gynesis
Feminist Ethics: An Analysis of the 1970s of Horror: From Monstrous Births to the
Television Series, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, Birth of the Monster, London & New York,
2020, 142 pages. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, 247 pages.
The Bionic Woman, created by Kenneth Applying Deleuze's schizoanalytic techniques to
Johnson, was a 1970s pop culture film theory, Deleuze and the Gynesis of
phenomenon.Starring Lindsay Wagner as Jaime Horror demonstrates how an embodied
Sommers, the series follows Jaime’s evolution approach to horror film analysis can help us
from a young woman vulnerable to an understand how film affects its viewers and
exploitative social order, to a fierce individualist distinguish those films which reify static,
defying a government that sees her as hegemonic, “molar” beings from those which
property. Beneath the action-packed surface of prompt fluid, nonbinary, “molecular”
Jaime’s battles with Fembots, themes such as becomings. It does so by analyzing the politics
the chosen family, technophobia, class passing, of reproduction in contemporary films such
the cyborg, artificial beings, and a growing as Ex Machina; Mary Shelley's Frankenstein;
racial consciousness receive a sophisticated Mad Max: Fury Road; the Twilight saga; and
treatment. the original Alien quadrilogy and its more
recentprequel, Prometheus and Alien:Covenant
GRIMM, Joshua, Ex Machina, Leighton
Buzzard (UK), Auteur Publishing, with Liverpool HELLER-NICHOLAS, Alexandra, 1000 Women
University Press, 2020, 120 pages. in Horror, 1895-2018, Albany, BearManor
Ex Machina (2014) impressed critics and Media, 2020, 600 pages.
audiences alike with its bold ideas and all-too- Featuring a selected filmography of over 700
realistic depiction of the unexpected feature films directed or co-directed by women,
consequences of constructing a sentient being. this book also features interviews with Rutanya
In his feature directorial debut, Alex Garland Alda, Tara Anaïse, Tonjia Atomic, Anna Biller,
uses efficient storytelling, a compelling Axelle Carolyn, Aislinn Clarke, BJ Colangelo,
narrative, and heady concepts to create a Mattie Do, Julia Ducournau, Jordan Hall,
modern science fiction masterpiece that Catherine Hardwicke, Katherine Kean, Karen
explores gender, scientific advancement, and Lam, Izzy Lee, Barbara Magnolfi, Marsha
the very concept of humanity, all in a Mason, Donna McRae, Patrushkha Mierzwa,
compelling, suspenseful film. Hannah Neurotica, Alexandra Paul, Isabel
Peppard, Cassandra ‘Elvira’ Peterson, Debbie
HALLENBECK, Bruce G., Poe Pictures: The Rochon, Mia’Kate Russell, Gigi Saul Guerrero,
Film Legacy of Edgar Alan Poe, Sheffield Elizabeth Shepherd, Jen and Sylvia Soska,
(UK), Tomahawk Press, 2020, 256 pages. Brinke Stevens, Barbie Wilde and Silvana
Foreword by Roger Corman. Zancolò.
HAND, Richard J. & Jay McROY (eds.), Gothic HUTCHINSON, Steve, The Horror Movie
Film: An Edinburgh Companion, University Bible, Independently Published, 2020, 612
of Edinburgh Press, 2020, 256 pages. pages.
This anthology explores the resilience and
ubiquity of the Gothic in cinema from its JEANTET, Nicolas & Ivan Vania HOLODILINE,
earliest days to its most contemporary Godzilla: ère Showa, Oyonnax, LBM Éditions,
iterations. Fifteen newly commissioned 2019, 178 pages.
chapters by prominent scholars in the field of
Gothic and cinema studies examine the myriad JOHNSON, David Kyle & William IRWIN (eds.),
ways that filmmakers mobilise Gothic conceits Black Mirror and Philosophy: Dark
across multiple film genres and in conjunction Reflections, Lanham (MD), Eiley-Blackwell,
with several significant film styles. 2019, 384 pages.
HARRISON, Rebecca, The Empire Strikes KIRKMAN, Robert, Walking Dead: Negan
Back, London, British Film Institute (BFI Film dans le texte: souvenirs salaces et
Classics), 2020, 112 pages. observations obscènes du méchant le plus
emblématique de Walking Dead, Paris,
Delcourt, 2019, 107 pages. Street? Which film was based on the infamous
skin-wearing murderer Ed Gein?
KOENIG, Walter, Beaming Up and Getting Unearth the terrifying and true tales behind
Off: Life Before and Beyond Star Trek, some of the scariest Horror movies to ever
Jacobs/Brown, 2020, 375 pages. haunt our screens, including the Enfield
poltergeist case that was retold in The
KORD, Susanne, 12 Monkeys, Leighton Conjuring 2 and the serial killers who inspired
Buzzard (UK), Auteur Publishing in partnership Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs.
with Liverpool University Press, (Constel- Behind the Horror dissects these and other
lations), 2020, 120 pages. bizarre tales to reveal haunting real-life stories
of abduction, disappearance, murder, and
LEMAY, John, The Big Book of Japanese exorcism.
Giant Monster Movies: Showa Completion
(1954-1989), Bicep Books, 2020, 380 pages. MELVILLE, Jonathan, A Kind of Magic:
Foreword by Neil Riebe. Making the Original Highlander, Polaris,
2020, 320 pages.
LENNARD, Dominic, Brute Force: Animal
Horror Movies, New York, State University of MORSIANI, Alberto & Elodie RUHIER,
New York Press, 2020, 276 pages. L'Invasion des profanateurs de sépulture
In Brute Force, Dominic Lennard takes a close de Don Siegel, Rome, Gremese International,
look at a range of cinematic animal attackers, (Les meilleurs films de notre vie), 2020, 123
including killer gorillas, sharks, snakes, bears, pages
wolves, spiders, and even a few dinosaurs.
Lennard argues that animal horror is not so NEMETH, Jim & Bob MADISON, It Came
much a focused genre as it is an impulse, from...The Stories and Novels Behind
tapping into age-old fears of becoming prey. At Classic Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction
the same time, these films expose conflicts and Films, Parkville (MD), Midnight Marquee Press,
uncertainties in our current relationship with 2020, 340 pages.
animals. Movies considered include King
Kong, Jaws, The NEWTON, Michael, Rosemary's Baby, London,
Grey, Them!, Arachnophobia, Jurassic British Film Institute, (BFI Film Classics), 2020,
Park, Snakes on a Plane, An American 136 pages.
Werewolf in London, and many more. Drawing
on insights from film studies, art history, OCTAVIO, Lopez, Hace Un Million de Ãnos:
cognitive science, and evolutionary Todo el Cine de Dinosaurios (1941 -1987),
psychology, Brute Force is an engaging critical Madrid, Diabolo Ediciones, 2020, 290 pages
exploration—and appreciation—of cinema’s
many bad beasts. O'HARA, Helen, Les Super-héros du cinéma,
Éditions de l'Imprévu, (Hors collection), 2020,
MANN, Craig Ian, Phases of the Moon: A 208 pages.
Cultural History of the Werewolf Film,
Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2020, PAGLIA, Camille, The Birds, London, British
256 pages. Film Institute, (BFI Film Classics), 2020, 120
MATHIAS, Nikita, Disaster Cinema in
Historical Perspective: Meditations of the PEIRSE, Alison (ed.), Women Make Horror:
Sublime, Amsterdam University Press, (Film Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre, New
Culture in Transition), 2020, 374 pages. Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 2020, 270
McNEILL, Dustin & Travis MULLINS, Taking Women Make Horror is the first book-length
Shape: Developing Halloween from Script study of women filmmakers in horror film, the
to Scream, Harker Press, 2019, 378 pages. first all-women edited book on horror film, and
the first book to call out the male-bias in
MELLOR, Lee, Behind the Horror: True written histories of horror and then to
Stories that Inspired Horror Movies, New illuminate precisely how, and where, these
York, DK, 2020, 288 pages. histories are lacking. It re-evaluates existing
Which case of demonic possession inspired The literature on the history of horror film, on
Exorcist? What horrifying front-page story women practitioners in the film industry and
generated the idea for A Nightmare on Elm approaches to undertaking film industries
research. It establishes new approaches for Paul's Martian of the 1930s), blob-like B-movie
studying women practitioners and illuminates aliens of the 1950s, "realistic" aliens as
their unexamined contribution to the formation featured in the 1977 movie Close Encounters of
and evolution of the horror genre. The book the Third Kind (supposedly based on the real
focuses on women directors and screenwriters alien found at Roswell), monstrous aliens such
but also acknowledges the importance of as H.R. Giger's creature in Ridley Scott's 1979
women producers, editors and movie Alien, the friendly alien (a thin creature
cinematographers. It explores narrative and with hands and a tortoise-like head) that's the
experimental cinema, short, anthology and "hero" of Spielberg's 1982 movie, E.T.: The
feature-filmmaking, and offers case studies of Extra-Terrestrial, aerial predator aliens with
North American, Latin American, European, giant wings (as created by Wayne Barlow for
East Asian and Australian filmmakers, films and his book Expedition, in 1990)--and many more.
SUTTON, Paul, The Art of the Horror Film
PELOSATO, Alain, Virus et pandémies par le Press Advert: Alraune to Alien, 1918-
cinéma fantastique, Givors, SFM éditions, 1979, Independently Published, 2020, 306
2020, 116 pages. pages.
In this pioneering collection, he presents and
RIVERA, Heather L. & Elxander E. HOOKE preserves more than 550 rare black-and-white
(eds.), The Twilight Zone and Philosophy: horror film adverts from around the world. The
A Dangerous Dimension to Visit, Chicago, adverts tell a history of the horror film, from
Open Court (Popular Culture and Philosophy), the silent cinema of Germany and the Hammer
2018, 264 pages. Horrors of England, through to Italian Zombies
and Ridley Scott's Alien.
RUDY, Jill & Pauline GREENHILL, Fairy-Tale
TV, London & New York, Routledge, 2020, 270 TADOLINI, Federico, Il cinema horror
pages. italiano, 1970-1990, Ravenna, Sensoinverso
Edizioni, 2020, 228 pages.
SAMERDYKE, Michael, The Horrible Possible
and the Horrible Impossible: Thoughts on TERRY, Paul, The X-Files : Official Archives:
the Horror Film, Independently Published, Cryptids, Biological Anomalies, and
2020, 438 pages. Parapsychic Phenomena, New York, Harry A.
Abrams, 2020, 224 pages.
SCHWAIGER, Tobias M., Darstellungen des
Unbeobachten: Eckpunkte einer Medien- THOMPSON, Jeff, Nights of Dan Curtis: The
theorie des Science-Fiction Films, Television Epics of the Dark Shadows,
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2019, Ideas Into Books Westviews, 2020, 302 pages.
226 pages.
TORAL, Raul, Magnifico dia para un
SKAL, David J., Fright Favorites: 31 Movies exorcismo: la saga completa de "El
to Haunt Your Halloween and Beyond, Exorcista", Arroyo De La Miel, Applehead
Running Press Adult, (Turner Classic Movies), Team Creaciones, 2020, 562 pages.
2020, 224 pages.
VAULT, George, El cine gore : una historia
SMILEY, Mark, Lost Trivia: Facts, Funny sangrienta: 1) de los origines à los anos
Things About the Famous TV Series Lost, 70, 2020, 163 pages, vol. 2, de los anos 80
Independently Published, 2020, 57 pages. al nuevo milenio, 2020, 128 pages,
Independently Published, 2020.
SPANIER, Jerry, Genderkonstruktion im
Superheldinnen-Genre am Beispiel von VETTORATO, Marco, Il signore degli
Supergirl in den Medien Comic und TV zombie: biografia artistica di George A.
Serie, München, Grin Verlag, 2020, 100 pages. Romero, Roma, WriteUp Site, 2020, 232
STEIN, Michael, Alien Invasion: The History
of Aliens in the Pop Culture, San Diego WALSH, John, Flash Gordon: The Official
(CA), IDW Publishing, 2020, 176 pages. Story of the Film, London, Titan Books, 2020,
Readers will meet aliens with eyes on stalks, 192 pages.
robot aliens (as in H.G. Wells' The War of the
Worlds), barrel chested aliens (as per Frank R.
ZIEGLER, Damien, A.I. Intelligence artifi- Remediating the Documentary: Photography
cielle ou l'adieu à la mélancolie, Paris, and Drawn Images in Mickey au camp de Gurs
Lettmotif, 2020, 260 pages. — Charlotte F. Werbe
Regard Au cœur des ténèbres : une étude
intermédiatique du point de vue (transposition,
BANDES DESSINÉES négociation, dissonance) dans les adaptations
graphiques de l’œuvre de J. Conrad — Gregory
Gap or Gag? On the Myth of the Gutter in
Comics Scholarship— Jan Baetens
Beuren’s vast output is the first all-inclusive cleansing to South American animators
history of one of moviedom’s most successful reflecting on torture and civil war, from
and least-known filmmakers. Vietnam-era protest films to the films of the
French Resistance, from firsthand memories of
ETTY, John, Graphic Satire in the Soviet Hiroshima to the haunting work of Holocaust
Union: Krokodil's political Cartoons, survivors, the animated medium has for more
Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2019, than a century served as a visual repository for
vii, 266 pages. some of the darkest chapters in human
history. It is a tradition that continues even to
FÄGERSTEN, Kristy Beers, Language Play in this day, in animated shorts made by Russian
Contemporary Swedish Comic Strips, dissidents decrying the fighting in Ukraine,
Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, 2020, xi, 203 American soldiers returning from Iraq, or
pages. Middle Eastern artists commenting on the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Arab Spring, or
GERSTEIN, David, J. B. KAUFMAN & Bob IGER, the ongoing crisis in Yemen.
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Ultimate
History, Berlin, et al., Taschen. 2020, 512 KURTTI, Jeff & Michael GOLDMAN, The
pages.[40th Anniversary Edition] Making of The Lion King: Behind the
Scenes Stories from the New Live-Action
GIESEN, Rolf, Bienenstich und Hakenkreuz: Classic, New York, Hachette Book Group
Zeichentrick aus Dachau - die Deutsche (Disney Editions Deluxe), 2020, 224 pages.
Zeichenfilmmm GmBH, Frankenthal,
Mühlbeyer Filmbuchverlag, 2020, 166 pages. LÜTHY, Corinne, Reto ULRICH & Antonio URIBE
(eds.), Kaboom ! Of Stereotypes and
HANLEY, Tim, Betty and Veronica: The Superheroes - African Comics and Comics
Leading Ladies of Riverdale, Lanham (MD), on Africa / Africanische Comics und
Rowmand & Littlefield, 2020, 240 pages. Comics zu Afrika, Basel, Basler Afrika
Bibliographien, 2020, 155 pages.
HATFIELD, Charles & Bart BEATY (eds.),
Comics Studies: A Guide Book, New MAAHEEN, Ahmed, Monstrous Imaginaries:
Brunswick (NJ), Rutgers University Press, the Legacy of Romanticism in Comics,
2020, 322 pages. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2020,
viii, 235 pages.
HERNANDEZ CANO, Eduardo, La Mémoire du Engaging with Romanticism and the many
franquisme dans le roman graphique, monsters created by Romantic writers and
Neuilly, Atlande, (Clefs Concours. Espagnol), artists such as Mary Shelley, Victor Hugo, and
2020, 476 page. Goya, Ahmed maps the heritage, functions,
and effects of monsters in contemporary
HONESS ROE, Annabelle, Aardman comics and graphic novels. She highlights the
Animations: Beyond Stop-Motion, London & persistence of recurrent Romantic features
New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, 274 through monstrous protagonists in English- and
pages. French-language comics and draws out their
implications. Aspects covered include the dark
HOLZEN, Aleta-Amirée von, Maskierten Romantic predilection for ruins and the sordid,
Helden: zur Doppelidentität in Pulp-Novels the solitary protagonist and his quest,
und Superheldencomics, Zürich, Chronos nostalgia, the prominence of the spectacle as
Verlag, 2019, 420 pages. well as excessive emotions, and above all, the
monster’s ambiguity and rebelliousness.
KORNHABER, Donna, Nightmares in the
Dream Sanctuary: War and Animated OSMOND, Andrew, Spirited Away, London,
Films, Chicago, The University of Chicago British Film Institute, (BFI Film Classics), 2020,
Press, 2020, xix, 279 pages. 128 pages.
Generation after generation, artists have
turned to this most fantastical of mediums to PRECUP, Mihaela, The Graphic Lives of
capture real-life horrors they can express in no Fathers: Memory, Representations, and
other way. From Chinese animators depicting Fatherhood in North American Autobio-
the Japanese invasion of Shanghai to Bosnian graphical Comics, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan,
animators portraying the siege of Sarajevo, 2020, 244 pages.
from African animators documenting ethnic
REISNER, Henriette, Von Propaganda bis This book chronicles the history of filming
Poesie: der frühe sowetische Animations- Westerns on location, from shooting on the
Film im Spiegel politischer und East Coast in the early 1900s; through the use
ästhetischer Debatten, Göttingen, Vanden- of locations in Utah, Arizona, and California in
hoeck & Ruprecht, 2020, 278 pages. the 1940s and 1950s; and filming Westerns in
Mexico, Spain, and other parts of the world in
STREETEN, Nicola, UK Feminist Cartoons the 1960s. Also studied is the relationship
and Comics: A Critical Survey, Cham, between the filming location timeline and the
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 293 pages. evolving motion picture industry of the
The time frame is 1970 to 2019, chosen as twentieth century, and how these factors
representative of a significant historical period shaped audience perceptions of the "Real
for the development of feminist cartoon and West."
comics activity and of feminist theory and
practice. Research methods include archival ANDES, Stephen J. C., Zorro's Shadow: How
data collection, complemented by interviews a Mexican Legend Became America's First
with selected cartoonists. Visual and textual Superhero, Chicago, Chicago Review Press,
analysis of specific examples draws on 2020, 304 pages.
literature from humour theory, comics studies Long before Superman or Batman made their
and feminist theory. first appearances, there was Zorro. Born on the
pages of the pulps in 1919, Zorro fenced his
WILLIAMS, Paul, Dreaming the Graphic way through the American popular imagination,
Novel: The Novelization of Comics, New carving his signature letter Z into the flesh of
Brunswick (NJ), Rutgers University Press, evildoers in Old Spanish California. Zorro is the
2020, xiv, 259 pages. original caped crusader, the first hero to have a
The term “graphic novel” was first coined in band called the Avengers, and the character
1964, but it wouldn’t be broadly used until the who laid the blueprint for the modern American
1980s, when graphic novels such superhero.
as Watchmen and Maus achieved commercial
success and critical acclaim. What happened in BLOSSER, Fred, Sons of Ringo: The Great
the intervening years, after the graphic novel Spaghetti Western Heroes, Vancouver, Black
was conceptualized yet before it was widely Stone Press, 2020, 202 pages.
recognized? Dreaming the Graphic An informal Readers Guide to the pistoleros,
Novel examines how notions of the graphic bounty hunters, mercenaries, and desperadoes
novel began to coalesce in the 1970s, a time of of the Italian Western.
great change for American comics, with
declining sales of mainstream periodicals, the BUSCOMBE,Edward, Impitoyable, Talence,
arrival of specialty comics stores, and (at least Akileos, (BFI Classiques du cinéma), 2020, 96
initially) a thriving underground comix scene. pages.
Surveying the eclectic array of long comics
narratives that emerged from this fertile CREMONINI, Laura, La Rivoluzione e i
period, Paul Williams investigates many texts Western Italiani, Independently Published,
that have fallen out of graphic novel history. 2020, 188 pages.
This book examines the Western genre in the for gun violence which American law seems
period since Westerns ceased to be a regular ever-eager to adopt.
feature of Hollywood filmmaking. For most of
the 20th Century, the Western was a major LEVY, Bill, Lawman: A Companion to the
American genre. The production of Westerns Classic TV Western Series, Albany (GA),
decreased in the 1960s and 1970s; by the BearManor Media, 2020, 246 pages.
1980s, it was apparent that the genre occupied
a less prominent position in popular culture. LIBERMAN, Alexandre Michel, Words on
After an extended period as one of the most Westerns: 18 Years of Written Reviews on
prolific Hollywood genres, the Western entered Western Movies, Independently Published,
its “afterlife”. What does it now mean for a 2020, 174 pages.
Hollywood movie to be a Western, and how
does this compare to the ways in which the MARTIN, L. J., One Eyed Jacks: A Retro-
genre has been understood at other points in spective: The Only Film Directed by Marlon
its history? Brando, Independently Publishd, 2020, 167
GREENLAND, David R., Bonanza: A Viewer's
Guide to the TV Legend, Albany (GA), MATHESON, Sue, Women in the Western,
BearManor Media, 2020, 170 pages. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2020,
360 pages.
HAHLBROOK, Felix Ponce, Italo-Western and As the Western matured, women’s roles
More...A Filmic Guide, Independently became more complex and modern –
Published, 2020, 175 pages. transmitting a subtle cultural coding about the
nature of westward expansionism, heroism,
HAUSS, Michael, Spaghetti Western ! family life, manliness and American femininity.
(vol.1), Independently Published, 2019, 178 In Women in the Western, a range of
pages. international scholars explores the changing
roles of women in the genre through case
HAUSS, Michael, The Spaghetti Western studies of classic films like Broken
Digest (Issue One), Independently Published, Arrow (1950) and The Searchers (1956), and
2020, 200 pages. contemporary films and TV series like Wind
River (2017) and Justified (2010–15).
HILDEBRANDT, Jeff, Gunsmoke Memories: Considering traditional and intertextual
Stories Behind the Story, Independently representations of women in the Western, the
Published, 2020, 36 pages. book charts the significant shifts in Hollywood’s
transmission of gender values and
IVANOV, Vassa, Ride the High Country: expectations.
Screenplay, Independently Published, 2020,
92 pages. PALMER, Scott V., The Rifleman: The Series,
Cypress Hills Press, 2019, 348 pages.
IVANOV, Vassa, Maverick: The Screenplay,
Independently Published, 2020, 146 pages. PALMER, Scott V., Wanted Dead or Alive:
the Series, Cypress Hills Press, 2018, 198 p.
JOYCE, Justin, Gunslinging Justice: The
American Culture of Violence in Westerns
and the Law, Manchester (UK), Manchester
University Press, 2020, 264 pages.
This book is a cultural history of the interplay RÉCITS DE
between the Western genre and American gun
rights and legal paradigms. From muskets in GUERRE
the hands of landed gentry opposing tyrannical
government to hidden pistols kept to ward off
potential attackers, the historical development
of entwined legal and cultural discourses has
sanctified the use of gun violence by private AHLSTROM, Laura J. & Franklin G. MIXON Jr.,
citizens and specified the conditions under (eds.), War Movies and Economics:
which such violence may be legally Lessons from Hollywood' Adaptations of
justified. Gunslinging justice explores how the Military Conflicts, New York, Routledge, 122
Western genre has imagined new justifications pages.
The authors of the chapters included in this film’s historical moment, came to view it as a
edited collection work to illustrate economics quasi-documentary about an unfathomable
lessons portrayed in adaptations such as Band secret world.Sean M. Maloney uses Dr.
of Brothers, Conspiracy, The Dirty Strangelove and other genre classics like Fail
Dozen, Dunkirk, Memphis Belle, Saving Private Safe and The Bedford Incident to investigate a
Ryan, Schindler’s List, Spartacus, Stalag 17, curious pop cultural contradiction. Nuclear
and Valkyrie. Aspects of these stories show crisis films repeatedly portrayed the failures of
how key economic principles of scarcity, limited the Cold War’s deterrent system. Yet the
resources, and incentives play important roles system worked. What does this inconsistency
in military conflict. tell us about the genre? What does it tell us
about the deterrent system, for that matter?
ALONGE, Giaime, Un'Ambigu leggenda.
Cinema italiano e Grande Guerra, Bologna, MARRS, Cody, Not Even Past: The Stories
Il Mulino. (Saggi), 2020, 184 pages. we Keep Telling about the Civil War,
Baltimore (MD), Johns Hopkins University
CIMBALA, Paul A., The Historian's Red Press, 2020, 240 pages.
Badge of Courage: Reading Stephen
Crane's Masterpiece as Social and Cultural MECKE, Jochen & Marina Ortrud HERTRAMPF
History, Santa Barbara (CA), Prager, (dir.), Ästhetiken des Schrekens: der Erste
(Historian' Annotated Classics), 2020, 342 Weltkrieg in Literatur und Film -
pages. Esthétiques de l'horreur: la Grande Guerre
dans la littérature et le cinéma, München,
CHAULET ACHOUR, Christiane, Échos AVM édition, 2019, 330 pages.
littéraires d'une guerre: oeuvres
algériennes et guerre de libération, MULLER, Gilbert H., Hemingway and the
Boudouaou, Algérie, Dar Khettab, 2019, 151 Spanish Civil War: The Distant Sound of
pages. Battle, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, xviii,
259 pages.
DYER, Geoff, "Broadsword calling Danny
Boy" : Watching Where Eagles Dare, New MUSIAL, Aleksandra, Victimhood in
York & London, Vintage, 2020, 128 pages. American Narratives of the War in
Vietnam, London, Routledge, 2020, 213
HABERLAND, Detlef & Csilla MIHALY & pages.
Magdolna OROSZ (eds.), Literarische Bilder This book revisits the American canon of
vom Ersten Weltkrieg: exemplarischen novels, memoirs, and films about the war in
Analysen, Wien, Praesens Verlag, 2019, 208 Vietnam, in order to reassess critically the
pages. centrality of the discourse of American
victimization in the country’s imagination of the
LE FANU, Sarah, Something of Themselves: conflict, and to trace the strategies of
Kipling, Kingsley, Conan Doyle and the representation that establish American soldiers
Anglo-Boer War, New York, Oxford University and veterans as the most significant victims of
Press, 2020, xiii, 381 pages. the war.
LUGGIN, Johanna & Sebastian FINK (eds.), RUHE, Cornelia, La Mémoire des conflits
Battle Description as Literary Texts: A dans la fiction française contemporaine,
Comparative Approach, Wiesbaden & Leiden & Boston, Brill/Rodopi, 2020.
Heidelberg, Springer Fachmedien GmbH, 2020, La littérature française contemporaine porte un
x, 372 pages. vif intérêt au déchiffrement de la guerre sous la
paix, à l’histoire des conflits sanglants du XXe
MALONEY, Sean M., Deconstructing Dr. siècle et de leurs séquelles pour la vie civile.
Strangelove: The Secret History of Nuclear Les protagonistes des textes de Maurice Attia,
War Films, Lincoln (NE), Potomac Books, de Mathias Énard, de Jérôme Ferrari, de
2020, 498 pages. Laurent Gaudé, d’Alexis Jenni, de Laurent
King of the Cold War crisis film, Dr. Mauvignier et de Wajdi Mouawad sont bien
Strangelove became a cultural touchstone from souvent des vétérans, des revenants qui
the moment of its release in 1964. The duck- tardent à vraiment ‘revenir’ de la guerre.
and-cover generation saw it as a satire on
nuclear issues and Cold War thinking. SANTIAÑEZ, Nil, The Literature of Absolute
Subsequent generations, removed from the War: Transnationalism and World War II,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, histórica: el problema de la representación
vii, 273 pages. en la novela latinoamericana de finales
des siglo XX, London & Postdam, Inolas
SCHNEIDER, Anne (dir.), La Littérature de Publishers, 2020, 258 pages.
jeunesse, veilleuse des mémoires: les
grands conflits du XXe siècle en Europe ALEXANDER, John H., Walter Scott's Books:
racontés aux enfants, Mont-saint-Aignan, Reading the Waverley Novels, London &
Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, New York, Routledge, 2019, xiii, 234 pages.
2020, 280 pages.
ARIÉ, Florence & Alain KORKOS, Filmer la
SCRANTON, Roy, Total Mobilization: World légende: comment l'Amérique se raconte
War II and American Literature, Chicago & sur grand écran, Paris, Les Prairies
London, The University of Chicago Press, 2019, ordinaires, 2019, 437 pages.
276 pages.
BRERO, Thalia & Sébastien FARRÉ (dir.), The
SEELBACH, Sabine & Ulrich (dirs.), Der Historians: les séries TV décryptées par
Dreissigjährige Krieg: Ereignis und les historiens, Genève, Georg Éditeur,
Narration, Leidin & Boston, Brill-Rodopi, 2018, (Maison de l'Histoire), 2020, 138 pages.
378 pages.
CARVER, Stephen, The Author who Outsold
SIMPSON, Hannah, Megan GIRDWOOD & Dickens: the Life and Work of W. H.
Patrick BURLEY (eds.), Writing Bodily Ainsworth, Barnsley, Pen & Sword History,
Resistance in World War Literature, 2020, 255 pages.
Hempstead (NY), Hofstra University, 2020, 162
pages. DA SILVA, David, Cultural Studies et
Hollywood: le passé remanié, Paris,
VÉRAY, Laurent, Avènement d'une culture Lettmotif, (Hors collection), 2020, 370 pages.
visuelle de guerre: le cinéma en France de L’auteur a effectué de nombreuses interviews
1914 à 1928, Paris, Nouvelles éditions Place & de réalisateurs (José Padilha, David Mackenzie,
Ministère des Armées, 2019, 539 pages. Andrew Dominik, John Sayles), scénaristes
En s'appuyant sur un corpus riche et varié, ce (Lee Hall, Jeffrey Caine) et producteur (T.G.
livre retrace les usages du cinéma entre 1914 Herrington) pour enrichir son travail d’analyse
et 1928. Il analyse la place de la presse filmée, des films historiques hollywoodiens
des documentaires et des fictions de guerre en contemporains.
France. En les situant dans leur contexte social,
nous saisissons mieux leurs spécificités et leur DE SILVA, Jennifer Mara (ed.), The Borgia
évolution. On peut alors parler de l'avènement Family: Rumor and Representation, New
d'une culture visuelle de guerre. York & London, Routledge, 2020,, xi, 304
WALLENBROCK, Nicole Beth, The Franco-
Algerian War through a Twenty-First GAUTIER, Alban Moyen-Âge en séries, dans
Century Lens: Film and History, London & Médiévales, no 78, Presses universitaires de
New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, 224 Vincennes, 2020.
pages. Médiévales aborde la présence du Moyen Âge
dans les séries télévisées à travers neuf
WIERZOCH, Janina, Homes/Fronts: panoramas thématiques ou études de cas. Les
contemporary War in British Literature, contributions se fondent sur l’étude de séries à
Drama and Film, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, visée historique qui ont parfois la prétention de
2020, 284 pages. restituer un Moyen Âge réel (Thierry la Fronde,
Vikings, The Last Kingdom, Knightfall, Marco
Polo, ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, The Bastard
ROMANS ET FILMS Executioner, etc.), de séries inspirées d’œuvres
ou de motifs littéraires médiévaux (Merlin,
HISTORIQUES Chasseurs de dragons, Kaamelott, etc.), mais
aussi de séries de fantasy dont l’univers est
perçu par leurs concepteurs et par le public
comme moyenâgeux, ou du moins relié à une
ACEDEVO, Martinez & Jamie ALEXANDRA, De forme de Moyen Âge (Game of Thrones, Xena :
la novela del dictator a la nueva novela Warrior Princess, etc.).
GREINER, Rasmus, Histospheres: zur 1994-2010, Newcastle upon Tyne (OK),
Theorie und Praxis des Geschichtfilms, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 223
Berlin, Bertz + Fischer, 2020, 223 pages. pages.
Since the early days of cinema, filmmakers
GRENOUILLET, Corinne & Anthony MANGEON have been intrigued by the lives and loves of
(dir.), Mémoires de l'événement: cons- British monarchs. The most recent productions
tructions littéraires des faits historiques by ITV and Netflix show that the fascination
(XIXe-XXIe siècles), Strasbourg, Presses with British royalty continues unabated both in
universitaires de Strabourg, 2020, 380 pages. Britain and around the world. This book
examines strategies of representing power and
HALLER, Andreas J., Mythische Räume der the staging of myths of power in seven popular
Gesetzlosigkeit in Erzählungen über Robin films about British monarchs that were made
Hood, Klaus Störtebeker und Jesse James: after the mid-1990s revival of the royal genre.
von der Typologie des Helden zur
Topologie der Gesellschaft, Baden-Baden, KLOESTER, Jennifer, Georgette Heyer's
Ergon Verlag, 2020, 459 pages. Regency World, Sourcebooks, 2020, 400
HARTY, Kevin J. (ed.), Medieval Women on From the fascinating slang, the elegant
Film: Essays on Gender, Cinema and fashions, the precise ways the bon ton ate,
History, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2020, 277 drank, danced, and flirted, to the shocking real
pages. life scandals of the day, Georgette Heyer's
Preface 1 Regency World takes you behind the scenes of
Medieval Women on Film: An Introduction Heyer's captivating novels.
(Kevin J. Harty) 3
Liberating Guinevere: Female Desire on Film LERNER, Paul & Frank STERN (eds.),
(Amy S. Kaufman) Feuchtwanger and Judaism: History,
Adversary, Sister, Scapegoat: Morgan le Fay on Imagination, Exile, Oxford, New York, et al.,
Film (Usha Vishnuvajjala) 33 Peter Lang, 2019, xii, 289 pages.
Isolde on the Silver Screen: Enraptured,
Resolute and Shrewd (Joan Tasker Grimbert) LOPEZ GREGORIS, Rosario (ed.), The Hero
Maid Marian: Neomedievalism and the Reloaded: The Reinvention of the Classical
Misogyny in the Reel (Valerie B. Johnson) 68 Hero in Contemporary Mass Media,
The Women of Fritz Lang’s Medieval Epic, The Masterdam, Philadelphia, John Benjamins
Nibelungen; or, Two Queens and a Nazi Publishing Company, 2020, xiv, 160 pages.
(Donald L. Hoffman) 86
Through a Woman’s Eyes: Liv Ullmann’s Kristin MORGAN, Glyn & Charul PALMER-PATEL (eds.),
Lavransdatter (Joseph M. Sullivan) 103 Sideways in Time: Critical Essays on
Gender, Violence and Medievalism in La Passion Alternate History Fiction, Liverpool,
Béatrice (Andrew B.R. Elliott) 116 Liverpool University Press, 2019, viii, 203
Lady Godiva on Film: Icon of Faith, Icon of pages.
Feminism or Erotic Alternate history is a genre of fiction that,
Simulacrum (Sandra Gorgievski) 132 although connected to science fiction, has its
Hidden in Plain Sight: Heloise in Clive Donner’s own rich history and lineage. With its roots in
Stealing Heaven (Kristin L. Burr) 147 the writings of ancient Rome, alternate history
Catty Queen Consort, Lioness in Winter and matured into something close to its current
Loyal Queen Mother: form in the essays and novels of the nineteenth
Images of Eleanor of Aquitaine in Film (Fiona century. In more recent years a number of
Tolhurst) 163 highly acclaimed novels have been published as
The Lady Is for Burning: The Cinematic Joan of alternate histories, by authors ranging from
Arc and Her Screen Avatars (Kevin J. Harty) bestselling science fiction writers to Pulitzer
182 prize-winning literary icons. The popularity of
the genre is reflected in its success on
JACKSON-HOULSTON, C. M., Gendering television, where original concepts have been
Walter Scott: Sex, Violence and Romantic developed alongside adaptations of classic
Period Writing, London & New York, texts such as Philip K. Dick's The Man in the
Routledge, 2019, xii, 270 pages. High Castle.
Foreword 9
KINZLER, Julia, Representing Royalty: Introduction
British Monarchs in Contemporary Cinema, Part I: Points of Divergence 37
Napoleon as Dynamite: Geoffroy’s Napoléon Introduction: “Love Dares You” 9
Apocryphe and Science Fiction as Alternate One. “It’s About Power”: The Rise of the
History 39 Whedonesque Dominant Woman, or
‘It Is One Story’: Writing a Global Alternate Whedomme
History in Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Years of Two. “Love Keeps Her in the Air”: Radical
Rice and Salt Sexual Pluralism Aboard Firefly Serenity 61
Forever Being Yamato: Alternate Pacific War Three. “The Breakable Ones”: Disabled
Histories in Japanese Film and Anime 70 Sexualities in Joss Whedon’s Superhero
‘Her Dreams Receding’: Gender, Astronauts, Narratives 87
and Alternate Space Ages in Ian Sales’ Apollo Four. “Majestic Creature of Legend”:
Quartet 86 Human/Animal Hybridity and Zoophilia in the
Time and Affect After 9/11: Lavie Tidhar’s Buffyverse 112
Osama: A Novel 100 Five. “The Hammer Is My Penis”: Queer and
Part II : Manipulating the Genre 115 Heteronormative Sexualities in Dr. Horrible’s -
The Subjective Nature of Time and the Sing-Along Blog 135
Individual’s (In)Ability to Inflict Social Change Six. “They Want to See Us Punished”:
Between the Alternate and the Apocryphal: Subverting the Sexual Tropes of the Slasher
Religion and Historic Place in Aguilera’s La Film in The Cabin in the Woods 156
locura de Dios Seven. “To Bind Me, or Undo Me”: Dominance
Weird History / Weird Knowledge: and Submission in Joss Whedon’s Much Ado
H. P. Lovecraft versus Sherlock Holmes in About Nothing 178
Shadows Over Baker Street Afterword: Reconsidering Whedonversal
Quest for Love: A Cosy Uchronia? Sexualities in the #MeToo Era 203
Agency and Continuity in Televisual Alternate
History Texts. CHERRY, Flore, L'écriture érotique: romans,
lettres, SMS, blog : toutes les clés pour
exprimer le désir, Paris, La Musardine, 2020,
173 pages.
& ERDMAN, Dan, Let's Go Stag: A History of
Pornographic Film from the Invention of
ROMANCE Cinema to 1970, London & New York,
Bloomsbury Academic, (Global Exploitation
Cinema), 2020, 272 pages
ALLAN, Jonathan, Men, Masculinities and
MARE, Alexandre, Sexe ! Le Trouble du
Popular Romance, London & New York,
héros, Bordeaux, Les Moutons électriques,
Routledge, 2020, xii, 144 pages.
(Hélios), 2020, 272 pages.
Popular romance novels, perhaps more than
Hunains, trop humains, les héros de notre
any other genre, explore sexuality and gender,
imaginaire populaire cachent pourtant une des
creating an ideal space in which to consider
facettes les plus profondes de leur personnalité
and explore theoretical models that think
afin de nous apparaître spéciaux. Mais qu'en
seriously about gender. The romance novel has
est-il des secrets de leur jouissance? La vie
long been criticized and celebrated by feminist
sexuelle de Wonder Woman est-elle
critics. How can these novels maintain,
épanouissante ? Peut-on faire l'amour avec
according to some, feminist ideals, while also
Superman ? Que cache vraiment Batman ?
upholding what Raewyn Connell has long
Pourquoi Groucho Marx cherche-t-il absolument
theorized as "hegemonic masculinity"?
à être drôle - et d'ailleurs, est-il drôle ?
Pourquoi King Kong effraie-t-il autant les
BACH, Susanne (dir.), Erotik in Literatur &
jeunes femmes ? Depuis le village des
Theater, Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag,
Schtroumpfs jusqu'à la plage d'Alerte à Malibu,
2019, 302 pages.
en passant par l'Homme invisible, Tarzan,
Conan ou James Bond, une exploration de la
CALL, Lewis, Sexualities in the Works of
position héroïque et d'un éros au secret.
Joss Whedon, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
2020, 250 pages. Foreword by Mary Ellen
Foreword by Mary Ellen Iatropoulos 1
Preface: “Kinky Business” 5 That's All, Folks