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Bulletin bibliographique des études sur les littératures et le film populaires n° 64



MARS 2010

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Marie Aycard publiés en 1840 et 1842 ! »
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DREW, Bernard A., Literary Afterlife :

Rappel : la rubrique intitulée « Géné- Posthumous Continuations of 325 Author’s
ralités » présente des ouvrages dans Fictional Characters, Jefferson (NC),
lesquels on mélange les genres, les McFarland, 2009, 420 pages.
inclassables, les études sur le roman et le « This is an encyclopedic work, arranged by
film d’aventures, l’humour et le comique, broad categories and then by original authors,
la culture populaire en général, ainsi que of literary pastiches in which fictional
certaines « curiosités » éditoriales... characters have reappeared in new works after
the deaths of the authors that created them. It
includes book series that have continued under
LITTÉRATURE a deceased writer’s real or pen name,
undisguised offshoots issued under the new
COELSCH-FOISNER, Sabine (ed.), H i g h writer’s name, posthumous collaborations in
Culture versus Popular Culture, Heidelberg, which a deceased author’s unfinished
Universitäts Verlag Winter, (Wissenschaft und manuscript is completed by another writer,
Kunst, 12), 2009, xi, 208 pages. unauthorized pastiches, and “biographies” of
DIMMOCK, Matthew & Andrew HADFIELD literary characters. »
(eds.), Literature and Popular Culture in
Early Modern England, Farnham (UK), & EARLE, David, Re-Covering Modernism :
Burlington (VT), 2009, xi, 219 pages. Pulp, Paperbacks, and the Prejudice of
F o r m , Farnham (UK), & Burlington (VT),
DOSSIER : « Vingt-cinq ans après », dans Le Ashgate, 2009, vii, 246 pages.
Rocambole, no 48-49, 2009, 325 pages. EARLE, David, All Man ! Hemingway, 1950’s
« Sous ce titre, Le Rocambole rappelle les Mens Magazines, and the Masculine
différentes étapes des recherches dans le Persona, Kent, Ken State University Press,
domaine de la littérature populaire, en partant 1999, 177 pages.
des travaux publiés dans les années 1950 et
retrace, à partir de 1984 de manière très ERISMAN. Fred, From Birdwomen to
détaillée, les nombreuses activités, les diverses Skygirls : American Girls’s Aviation
manifestations et surtout les publications de Stories, Fort Worth (TX), Texas Christian
chercheurs souvent isolés et en dehors des University Press, 2009, 261 pages.
lieux de recherches institutionnels. Les « Close on the heels of the American public’s
exemples de Maurice Dubourg et de Francis early enthusiasm over the airplane came
Lacassin sont ici mentionnés. Le bilan est plus aviation stories for the young. From 1910 until
qu'encourageant et il invite et incite à the early 1960s, they exalted flight and painted
poursuivre les chantiers ouverts. Ce dossier the airplane as the most modern and
présente également un ensemble de réflexions adventuresome of machines. Most of the books
théoriques et des exemples de recherches. were directed at boys; however, a substantial
C'est un véritable manuel du chercheur en number sought a girls’ audience.
littérature populaire qui est ici édité. Dans ce Erisman’s account of several aviation series
même numéro du Rocambole, le lecteur trouve and other aviation books for girls fills a gap in
de belles "Révélations de Rocambole" sur la the history and criticism of American popular
« Série Blonde », première collection du Fleuve culture. It examines the stories of girls who
Noir, sur le sous-genre « Eros et guerre » took to the sky, of the sources where authors
(avec reproduction de quelques couvertures...) found their inspiration, and of the evolution of
et les éditions Grand Damier avec leurs aviation as an enterprise open to all. »
multiples collections. Et des "Révélations" sur
B. R. Bruss et Roger Vilatimo aussi, et quelques FANTINA, Richard, Victorian Sensational
démasquages. _Et encore un complément au Fiction : The Daring Work of Charles
dossier "Eugène Sue à l'étranger" (n°42), avec Reade, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010,
un texte rare de Sue publié en préface à un 224 pages.
roman espagnol._Et une étude de Maïa Peyré « Sensation fiction emerged in the 1860s, and
sur le cycle "La Roue du temps". Et le sixième immediately generated alarm as many critics
épisode du feuilleton théorique de Colas Duflo viewed the genre as a threat to prevailing
sur Fantômas : "Le Policier apache, ou le Victorian values. Charles Reade, along with
péritexte éditorial populaire "._Et trois récits de Wilkie Collins and Mary Elizabeth Braddon, was
among the most well-known sensation Literature and Popular Culture, Lanham
novelists. With its explicit critique of power (MD), Lexington Books, mars 2010.
relations in the fields of medicine, criminal Moral dilemmas and the narrative arts / John
justice, and sexual mores, Reade’s work M. Parrish and Margaret S. Hrezo -- Dilemmas
anticipates Michel Foucault’s theories of stability and regime change. The Deadwood
elaborated a century later. Reade’s work also dilemma: freedom versus law / Paul Cantor --
provides rare glimpses of alternative sexualities Political assassination in popular fiction and
and gender identities in nineteenth-century political thought: Trotsky, Arendt, and Stephen
fiction. » King / Charles Turner -- Dilemmas of public
leadership. Of Hoplites and Hobbits: Dilemmas
GABRIELE, Alberto, Reading Popular Culture of Leadership in Aeschylus’ the Suppliants and
in Victorian Print : Belgravia and J. R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings / A. Craig
S e n s a t i o n a l i s m , New York, Palgrave Waggaman -- Defining dilemmas down: the
MacMillan, (Nineteenth-Century Major Lives case of 24 / John M. Parrish -- Dilemmas of
and Letters), 2009, 275 pages. institutional evil. Modes of moral reasoning in
« Reading Popular Culture in Victorian Print: Belgravia Uncle Tom’s Cabin / Joel Johnson -- The crisis
and Sensationalism is a comprehensive study of of slavery in Harry Potter / Susan McWilliams --
the whole run of the monthly periodical Belgravia Dilemmas of community and choice.
under the direction of Mary Elizabeth Braddon. Responsible life in Paradise / Margaret Seyford
It traces the material history of the magazine, Hrezo -- Amoral dilemmas and the temptation
its production and global distribution while at to tyranny in A simple plan / Travis D. Smith.
the same time placing its history and content in
the context of Victorian popular culture and LHÔTE, Jean-Marie, Bizarre : anthologie,
Victorian discursive formations. Among the Paris, Berg International, 2009, 672 pages.
questions Reading Popular Culture in Victorian Print « La revue B i z a r r e , « revue littéraire et
investigates are the status of authors in the artistique » fortement influencée par le
marketplace, the innovative place Belgravia surréalisme, donne, de 1953 à 1968, 48
holds in the history of print culture, the rhetoric livraisons. Fondée par Michel Laclos, éditée par
of sensationalism in fiction, journalism and pre- Eric Losfeld puis, à partir de 1955, par Jean-
cinema, the representation of trade with India, Jacques Pauvert elle annonce, par son titre
and the use of urban space as a branding même, ses ambitions et son contenu. Laclos et
strategy. It makes the claim that the periodical ses auteurs se passionnent pour les sujets les
is the sensation novel of the 1860s. » plus étranges et affichent des goûts
éclectiques. Grands amateurs de littérature, ils
GIRONDE,Michel (dir.), Les Mémoires de la consacrent le premier numéro à Gaston Leroux
violence. Littérature, peinture, photo- et au roman policier, un autre – dirigé par
graphie, cinéma, Paris, L’Harmattan, (Groupe Raymond Queneau – aux fous littéraires, un
Eidos-Retina), 2009, 244 pages. autre encore à Raymond Roussel. Ils sont
« Le passé du XXème siècle, avec son cortège parmi les premiers à parler de science fiction et
d'horreurs, semble hanter, tel un spectre, les abordent également la question des
productions artistiques contemporaines._Les « monstres » qui nous entourent. Raymond
succès controversés des Bienveillantes de Queneau, mais aussi Jean-Christophe Averty,
Jonathan Littell ou de Inglorious Basterds de Michel Leiris, Jean-Marie Lhôte ou François
Quentin Tarentino attestent que le besoin de Caradec contribuent à la revue. Bizarre accueille
mémoire est toujours aussi vivace, mais également de nombreux dessinateurs refusés
interrogent les modes de revenance du par les grands organes de presse.
passé. » Annonciatrice des bouleversements de Mai 68,
la revue Bizarre a occupé une place considérable
GOKULSING, K. Moti & Wimal DISSANAYAKE dans le paysage culturel français.
(eds.), Popular Culture in a Globalized Ce livre reprend en fac-similé une sélection des
India, London & New York, Routledge, 2009, meilleures pages de tous les numéros de
xx, 285 pages. Bizarre, chacun précédé d’une notice qui en
HAMEL, Pierre, Promenades poétiques dans précise le contenu complet, afin de donner au
l’oeuvre de Pierre Benoit, Montigny-le- lecteur un aperçu du foisonnement intellectuel
Bretonneux, Yvelinédition, (Le dormeur du val), et artistique des 15 années d’existence de la
2009, 278 pages. revue. »

HREZO, Margaret S. & John M. PARRISH (eds.), MATUS, Jill L., Shock, Memory and the
Damned if You Do : Dilemmas of Action in Unconscious in Victorian Fiction,

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, BAROT, Emmanuel et al., Camera politica :
x, 247 pages. [Avec entre autres des études de dialectique du réalisme dans le cinéma
The Mystery of Edwin Drood et Dr Jekyll and politique et militant, Paris, J. Vrin,
Mister Hyde] (Philosophie et cinéma), 2009, 126 pages.
BINDER, Nora Annika, Kurzweilig
SPARKS, Tabitha, The Doctor in the Neurosen : zum Faszinationspotential von
Victorian Fiction : Family Practices, Farham Ally McBeal und M o n k , Marburg, Tectum
(UK), Burlington (VT), Ashgate, 2009, 177 Verlag, 2009, 177 pages.
pages. BLEEK, Jennifer, Blick und Welt :
Doctoring the marriage plot : Harriet filmästhetische Konstruktionen beim
Martineau’s Deerbrook and George Eliot’s frühen Terence Malik, München, Fink Verlag,
Middlemarch -- Textual healing : George 2009, 231 pages.
MacDonald’s Adela Cathcart -- Medical BOUTET, Marjolaine & Marc CHALVIN, Les
malpractice at mid-century : Braddon’s The Séries télé pour les nuls, Paris, Éditions
doctor’s wife and Gaskell’s Wives and Générales First, (Pour les nuls), 2009, 348
daughters -- Myopic medicine and far-sighted pages.
femininity : Wilkie Collins’s Armadale and Heart
and science -- New women, avenging doctors : BOWMAN, Paul, Theorizing Bruce Lee. Film-
Gothic medicine in Bram Stoker and Arthur Fantasy-Fighting Philosophy, Amsterdam &
Machen -- The "fair physician" : female doctors New York, Rodopi, 2010, 255 pages.
and the late-century marriage plot -- « Theorizing Bruce Lee is a unique work, which
Conclusion : "the overstimulated nerve ceases uses cultural theory to analyse and assess
to respond" : Arthur Conan Doyle’s medical Bruce Lee, and uses Bruce Lee to analyse and
modernism. assess cultural theory. Lee is shown to be a
major ‘event’ in both global film and global
UHLMANN, Anthony (ed.), Literature and popular culture – a figure who’s central to
Sensation, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, many intercultural encounters, texts, and
2009, 322 pages. practices. Many key elements of film and
The essays in this volume cover literature and cultural theory are employed to theorize Bruce
sensation in all its facets, drawing upon a Lee, and Lee is shown to be a complex – and
range of approaches from evolutionary theory, consequential – multimedia, multidisciplinary
theories of mind, perception, philosophy and and multicultural phenomenon. Theorizing
aesthetics. The works considered are drawn Bruce Lee is essential reading for anyone
from various literary periods and genres, from interested in Bruce Lee in popular culture and
the nineteenth century to contemporary prose as an object of academic study. »
and poetry, including experiments in new
media. 'Literature and Sensation' offers CHIBNAL, Stephen, The British B Film,
detailed and subtle readings of literature London, British Film Institute, 2009, 256
according to the sensations they represent, pages.
incite, or evoke in us, and will be of interest to This is the first book to provide a thorough
readers of literary theory, ethics and examination of the British 'B' movie, from the
aesthetics, and theorists of new media art. war years to the 1960s. The authors draw on
[Sommaire très fourni disponible ici : archival research, contemporary trade papers
http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy0905/200937 and interviews with key 'B' filmmakers to map
9849.html the 'B' movie phenomenon both as artefact and
as industry product, and as a reflection on their
1. Big Ships and Little Ships: The Bs at War -
CINÉMA & TÉLÉVISION 2. 'What's on with it?' The Rise and Fall of the
3. The 'B' Factories: Companies, Studios and
BANDINI, Nicola, Filmwaffen : von Producers - 4. Behind the Scenes - 5. On the
Babelsberg bis Hollywood : Kinohelden Screens
und ihre Waffen : Spezialeffekte und ihre 6. The Men from the Yard - 7. Britain in the Bs
M a c h e r , Bad Ems, VSMedien, 2008, 115 - 8. The Best of the Bs Appendix Revolving Bs:
pages. Les armes des héros dans le film de Second Features on the Gaumont British,
guerre, le western, les polars et autres films de Odeon and Rank Circuits
gangsters, la fantasy, la science-fiction.

CAPUA, Michelangelo, William Holden : A
Biography, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, LOCKE, Brain, Racial Stigma on the
viii, 203 pages. Hollywood Screen from World War II to
CHRISTIANSON, Eric & Christopher PARTRIDGE the Present : The Orientalist Buddy Film,
(eds.), Holy Terror : Understanding New York, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2009, 208
Religion and Violence in Popular Culture, pages.
Oakville (CT), Equinox Pub., 2010, 256 pages. Introduction: Two's Company: Flash Gordon
COLLECTIF, Gossip Girl : le guide de la (1980) and Lethal Weapon (1987, 1989, 1992,
série, Enghien-les-Bains, Éditions Premium, 1998) _Strange Fruit: Bataan (1943) _White
(Bio), 2010, 96 pages. and Black to the Brink: China Gate (1957),
DAMOUR, Christophe, Al Pacino, le dernier Pork Chop Hill (1959), All the Young Men
tragédien, Paris, Scope, (Jeux d’acteurs), (1960) _The Blaxploitation Buddy Film: Three
2009, 127 pages. the Hard Way (1974), Cleopatra Jones and the
DECHANT, Katja, Soap Operas als Casino of Gold (1975), Brotherhood of Death
Alltagsratgeber ? Kulturalanalytische (1976) _The Orientalist Buddy Film and the
Beobachtungen zu konstruierten Weib- 'New Niggers': Blade Runner (1982, 1992,
lichkeit in D e s p e r a t e Housewives, 2007) _Ghosts of Los Angeles: Rising Sun
Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 112 (1993) _'Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto': T h e
pages. Matrix (1999) and the Virtual Asian _Pearl
DEHÉE, Yannick & Christian-Marc BOSSÉNO Harbor Eclipsed?: The Last Samurai (2003),
(dirs.), Dictionnaire du cinéma populaire Crash (2004).
français, Paris, Nouveau Monde, 2009, 887
pages. [nouvelle édition]. McNAIR, Brian, Journalists on Film : Heroes
and Villains, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University
DE VITO, John & Frank TROPEA, Epic Press, 2010, 256 pages.
Television Miniseries : A Critical History, « In this book, leading journalism studies
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2009, 219 pages. scholar Brian McNair explores how journalists
« To paraphrase silent movie queen Norma have been represented through the prism of
Desmond in Billy Wilder’s classic 1950 film one of our key cultural forms, cinema. Drawing
Sunset Boulevard, “The epic miniseries are big! on the history of cinema since the 1930s, and
It’s television that got small!” This is especially with a focus on the period 1997-2008, McNair
true when one compares such iconic epic explores how journalists have been portrayed
miniseries as Rich Man, Poor Man (1976), in film, and what these images tell us about the
R o o t s (1977), H o l o c a u s t (1978), Shogun role of the journalist in liberal democratic
(1980), The Winds of War (1983), War and societies. Separate chapters are devoted to the
R e m e m b r a n c e (1988-89) and Angels in subject of female journalists in film, foreign
America (2003) to today’s ordinary television correspondents, investigative reporters and
programming. This work traces the historical other categories of news maker who have
trajectory of the epic miniseries and delves into featured regularly in cinema. »
the character archetypes and themes that recur MILLS, Brett, The Sitcom, Edinburgh,
in the genre, giving close critical attention to Edinburgh University Press, 2009, 182 pages.
more than 40 miniseries. A filmography is MÜHLBEYER, Harald, Perception is a
included. » Strange Thing : die Filme von Terry Gillian,
Marburg, Schüren, 2010, 240 pages.
FOUBERT, Jean, L’art audio-visuel de David PEARSON, Sidney A., Print the Legend :
Lynch, Paris, L’Harmattan, (Champs visuels), Politics, Culture, and Civic Virtue in the
2009, 254 pages. Biblio., pp. 199-212. Filmo., Films of John Ford, Lanham (MD), Rowman &
pp. 213-219. Littlefield, 2009, x, 195 pages.
FRANGIONI, David, Clint Eastwood Icon : PORTER, Darwin, Steve McQueen King of
The Essential Film Art Collection, San the Cool : Tales of a Lurid Life, New York,
Rafael (CA), Insight Editions, 2009, 208 pages. Blood Moon Productions, 2009, 466 pages.
JULLIER, Kaurent & Jean-Marc LEVERATTO,
Les Hommes-objets au cinéma, Paris, RIMGAILA, Salys, The Musical Comedy
Armand Colin, (Les fiches de Monsieur Films of Grigorii Aleksandrov : Laughing
Cinéma), 2009, 128 pages. Matters, Bristol, Intellect, 2009, 352 pages.
LANGNER, Julia, Verzweifelte Hausfrauen ? « Grigorii Aleksandrov's musical comedy films,
Erscheinungsformen der Macht in created with composer Isaak Dunaevskii, were
Desperate Housewives, Marburg, Tectum the most popular Russian cinema of the 1930s-
Verlag, 2009, 146 pages. 1940s. This study presents the untold history

of the films, situating them in the Stalin era, 'Superheroes! Capes and Crusaders in Comics
and suggesting new interpretations of and Films' »
individual films. »
SUTTON, David, Hollywood Blockbusters :
SAINT-MAURICE, Thibaut de, Philosophie en The Anthropology of Popular Movies,
séries, Paris, Ellipses, 2009, 176 pages. Oxford, Berg Publishers, 2010, 192 pages.
« Au programme : 24 Heures Chrono - la « Why do 'Jaws', 'Field of Dreams', 'The Big
morale, le devoir - Alias - le sujet, la Lebowski', and 'The Godfather' remain
conscience_Desperate Housewives - le bonheur strikingly popular in this age of fragmented
- Dexter - la justice - Dr House - la raison et le audiences and ever-faster spin cycles?
réel, la vérité - Grey’s Anatomy - le travail - "Hollywood Blockbusters: The Anthropology of
Les Experts - la démonstration, théorie et Popular Movies" argues that these films
expérience - Lost - la société - Nip/Tuck - la continue to captivate audiences because they
matière et l’esprit - Prison Break - la play upon underlying tensions and problems in
liberté_Rome - l’histoire - Six Feet Under - American culture, much like the myths that
l’existence et le temps - The Soprano - anthropologists study in non-Western
l’inconscient, etc. » contexts. »

SCHNURR, Sebastian, Die Darstellung der Toubib or not toubib ? TV la question !

Gewalt im US-amerikanischen Spielfilm :
zwischen (Selbst)-Zensur und Freedom of ENGUERRAND, Sabot & Véronique MEGLIOLI,
Speech, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Dr. House : pourquoi est-il aussi
2009, 104 pages. méchant ?, Enghien-les- Bains, Premium,
SOLOMON, Matthew, Disappearing Tricks : (Bio), 2009, 195 pages.
Silent Film, Houdini, and the New Magic of LUCAS, Mark, Mister Hugh Laurie et docteur
the Twentieth Century, Champaign (IL), House : bilan complet, Lausanne, Favre,
University of Illinois Press, 2010, 200 pages. 2010, 207 pages.
SPONAGLE, Michele, Dog River Confi- ROSIN, James, Quincy M. E. : The
dential : The Super, Even More Complete Television Series, Duncan (OK), BearManor
Corner Gas Guide, Toronto, Penguin Bokks of Media, 2009, 208 pages.
Canada, 2009, 211 pages. [Corner Gas est une
série tv canadienne très populaire)
STEINWENDER, Harald, Sergio Leone : er
war einmal in Europa, Berlin, Bertz + ABONNEMENTS
Fischer, (Depp Focus), 2009, 400 pages.

STULLER, Jennifer K., Ink-Stained Amazons (version imprimée seulement)

and Cinematic Warriors : Superwomen in Un an : 4 numéros
Mythology, London, I.B. Tauris, 2010, 272
Canada : 9$ - France : 13 euros
pages. Préface de Roz Kaveney.
« From 'Wonder Woman' to Buffy Summers, USA : 12$ - Europe : 13 euros
Emma Peel to Sydney Bristow, 'Charlie's
Angels' to 'The Powerpuff Girls', Superwomen Pour les correspondants français et/ou européens,
are more than just love interests or sidekicks j’accepte tout mode de paiement négociable dans
who stand by their Supermen. In her new une banque française.
book, Stuller shows how the female hero in
modern mythology has broken through the Chèques ou mandats à l’ordre de
boy's club barrier of tradition and reveals the NORBERT SPEHNER
pivotal role of high-heeled crime fighters in 565, rue de Provence
popular culture. Featuring spies and sexuality, Longueuil (Qué.), Canada J4H 3R3
daddy's girls and super-mothers, this is a
comprehensive, engaging and thought-
provoking guide to female detectives, meta-
humans and action heroines, as well as their
creators, directors, performers, and
consumers. The book also includes a glossary
of modern mythic women, from Aeon to Zoe,
as well as a foreword by acclaimed cultural
commentator Roz Kaveney, author of

Barbey-d'Aurevilly: Lo fantástico como
necesidad - María Goicoechea de Jorge:
ÉCRITS SUR Ciborgmanía: Las fantasías posthumanas -
María Rosa Burillo Gadea: El fenómeno de la

L’IMAGINAIRE entropía en la narrativa fantástica de Pynchon -

Asunción López-Varela Azcárate: Complejidad,
tecnología y escenarios culturales de lo
fantástico - Aurora Conde Muñoz: De magos,
héroes y tumbas - Pilar Andrade Boué: El doble
como elemento fantástico en el cine - Juan G.
Etxeberria: Lo Fantástico: La razón produce
monstruos ... pero se disfrutan en el cine -
Arturo Villarrubia Jiménez-Momediano: Cine y
literatura de ciencia ficción: crónica de un
divorcio - David Felipe Arranz Lago: La
homogeneización del discurso fantástico
posmoderno: Sergéi Lukyanenko, Timur
Bekmambetov y Guillermo del Toro.

BALLESTÉ, Jacques & Solange HIBBS (dirs.),

Le Temps des possibles : regards sur
l’utopie en Espagne au XIXe siècle,
Carnières-Morlanwelz (Belgique), Lansman,
(Hispania, 12), 2009, 163 pages.
Vampire unters Uns !, Remda-Teichel,
Edition Roter Drache, 2009, 124 pages.

BERTHIN, Christine, Gothic Hauntings :

LITTÉRATURE Melancoly Crypts and Textual Ghosts, New
York, Palgrave Macmillan, mai 2010, 216
ALTHANS, Katrin, Aboriginal Gothic in Black pages.
Australian Literature and Film, Göttingen, Introduction - Transgenerational Haunting: The
Niedersachs,V & R Unipress, 2010, 246 pages. Subject as Other - Discourse and its Other: The
Figural and the Real - Gothic as Poetics_The
ANDRADE, Pila, Arno GIMBER & Maria Melancholy Crypt of Frankenstein - Secretions
GOICOECHEA (dirs.), Espacios y tiempos de and Secretaries: The Secret of Dracula- The
lo fantastico : una mirada desde el siglo Raising of the Dead: Art and Melancholy.
X X I , Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, etc, Peter
Lang, 2010, 293 pages. CAMPBELL, Lori M., Portals of Power :
Contenido: David Roas: La risa grotesca y lo Magical Agency and Transformation in
fantástico - Felipe González Alcázar: Notas Literary Fantasy, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
sobre algunos valores de lo fantástico en la (Critical Explorations in SF and Fantasy),
poética - Arno Gimber: Sueños de deseos y 2010, 224 pages.
sueños de horror. Configuraciones románticas PART I. Women and Other Magical Creatures:
de lo fantástico - Jorge Blas Relaño: Música y Portals in Romance and Fairy Tale - 1. Who
dimensiones oníricas en el romanticismo “Wears the Pants” in Faërie? The Woman
alemán: de Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder a Question in William Morris’s The Wood Beyond
ETA Hoffmann - Isabel García Adánez: La the World 2. “For I am but a girl”: The
esperpéntica pesadilla de la historia alemana: Problem of Female Power in Ford Madox Ford’s
Alemania. Un cuento de invierno de Heinrich Heine - The Brown Owl PART II :Charms, Places, and
Sela Bozal: El discurso fantástico en la Little Girls: Portals in Children’s Literature - 3.
literatura y los dibujos de Kubin - Carmen E. Nesbit and the Magic Word: Empowering
Gómez García: ¿Sueño o visión? Lo fantástico Child and Woman in Real-World Fantasy - 4.
en el expresionismo alemán: El loco de Georg Lost Boys to Men: Romanticism and the Magic
Heym - Javier del Prado Biezma: Función of the Female Imagination in J.M. Barrie’s Peter
ideológica de lo fantástico en Victor Hugo - Pan and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret
María Luisa Guerrero: L'Ensorcelée de Jules Garden PART III - Haunted Houses and the

Hidden Self: Portals in the Gothic, Low Fantasy, Paris, L’Harmattan, (Approches littéraires),
and Science Fiction - 5. Confronting Chaos at 2009, 476 pages.
the In-Between: William Hope Hodgson’s The CLUTE, John, Canary Fever : Reviews,
House on the Borderland - 6. The Society Harold Wood (UK), Beccon, 2009, xii, 415
Insider/Outsider and the Sympathetic pages.
Supernatural in Fantastic Tales by Edith COVERLEY, Merlin, Utopia, Harpenden (UK),
Wharton and Oscar Wilde PART IV - Pocket Essentials, 2009, 160 pages.
Haunting History: The Portal in Modern/ COLLANI, Tania, Le merveilleux dans la
Postmodern Fantasy - 7. One World to Rule prose surréaliste européenne, Paris,
Them All: The Un-Making and Re-Making of the Hermann, (Savoir. Lettres), 209, 512 pages.
Symbolic Portal in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of Thèse de doctorat remaniée, 2005.
the Rings - 8. Harry Potter and the Ultimate
In-Between: J.K. Rowling’s Portals of Power - COLLINS, Jo& John JERVIS (eds.), Uncanny
9. Portals Between Then and Now: Susan Modernity. Cultural Theories, Modern
Cooper, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, Neil Anxieties, New York, Palgrave Macmillan,
Gaiman, and Jonathan Stroud. Introduction; J.Collins & J.Jervis - Uncanny
Presences; J.Jervis - Night and the Uncanny;
CASTILLO, David R., Baroque Horrors : E.Bronfen_Uncanny Reflections, Modern Illusions:
Roots of the Fantastic in the Age of Sighting the Modern Optical Uncanny; T.Gunning
Curiosities, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan - As it Happened... Borderline, the Uncanny and
Press, mars 2010, 200 pages. the Cosmopolitan; J.Donald - Access Denied:
[Sur l’horreur et le macabre dans la littérature Memory and Resistance in the Contemporary
espagnole entre 1500 et 1700] Ghost Film; S.Brewster - The Uncanny After
Introduction: a taste for the macabre in the Freud: The Contemporary Trauma Subject and
age of curiosities -- Miscellanea: the garden of the Fiction of Stephen King; R.Luckhurst -
curiosities and macabre theater -- Sins of our 'Neurotic Men' and a Spectral Woman: Freud,
fathers (and spouses): the preternatural in Jung and Sabina Spielrein; J.Collins - The Urban
baroque exemplary tales -- Zayas’ bodyworks: Uncanny; J.Wolfreys - Profane Illuminations,
protogothic moral pornography or a baroque Delicate and Mysterious Flames: Mass Culture
trap for the gaze -- Monsters from the deep: and Uncanny Gnosis; M . S a l e r - 'On the
Lozano’s La cueva de Hercules and the politics Psychology of the Uncanny': Ernest Jentsch;
of horror. translated by R.Sellars - Terrorism and the Uncanny,
or, The Caves of Tora-Bora; David Punter
CHEN, Fan Fan (ed.), Fantastic Literature :
Six Lectures, Taïwan, Laboratory of Fantastic COVERLEY, Merlin, Utopia, Harpenden (UK),
Literature and the New Rhetoric Press, National Pocket Essentials, 2009, 160 pages.
Dong Hwa University, 2009, 225 pages. DI FOLCO, Philippe (dir.), Le Dictionnaire de
Préface de FanFan Chen – A propos du genre la mort, Paris, Larousse, (In Extenso), 2010,
fantastique comme exemple de la recherche en 1136 pages.
littérature générale et comparée (Roger DOSSIER, Fantasmagories du Moyen Age,
Bozzetto) – Panorama sur la science-fiction in Senefiance, no 56, Presses de l,Université
(Roger Bozzetto) – La littérature fantastique au de Provence, décembre 2009. [sommaire
Japon (Chikawi Shinoda) – Kyoka Izumi & chargé avec, entre autres, des textes sur
K o y r a H i r i j i (Chikawi Shinoda) – The Tolkien, C. S.Lewis, Dumas].Ce numéro est
Construction of Fantastic Spaces : Tlön, Les dirigé par Elodie Burle-Errecade et Valérie
Cités obscures and The Cognitive Power of Naudet.
Fiction (Alessandro Ribéri) – Séminaire sur DUGGETT, Tom, Gothic Romanticism :
Cortazar (Alessandro Ribéri) [Texte en englais, Architecture, Politics and Literary Form,
en français et en chinois] New York, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2010, 240
CHIANG, Doug, Sci-Fi Art : créer un univers
de science-fiction, Paris, Fleurus, 2009, 143 FAY, Thomas (ed.), The Philosophy of
pages. Ed. or. : Mechanika: Creating the Art Horror, Lexington (KY), University Press of
of Science Fiction, 2008. Kentucky, (The Philosophy of Popular Culture),
CHORDAS, Nina, Forms in Early Modern 2010, 272 pages.
Utopia : The Ethnography of Perfection, Introduction / Thomas Fahy -- Horror and the
Burlington (VT), Ashgate, 2010, 150 pages. Idea of Everyday Life: On Skeptical Threats in
CHRAÏBI, Aboukar & Carmen RAMIREZ (eds.), Psycho and The Birds / Philip J. Nickel --
Les Mille et une nuits et le récit oriental, Through a Mirror, Darkly: Art-Horror as a

Medium for Moral Reflection / Philip Tallon -- are examined in texts by Bachmann, Fouqué,
The Justification of Torture-Horror: Retribution Fontane, Goethe, Nietzsche, Nelly Sachs,
and Sadism in Saw, Hostel, and The Devil’s Thomas Mann and Wagner, and these and
Rejects / Jeremy Morris -- Hobbes, Human many others confirm that metamorphosis is
Nature, and the Culture of American Violence in used historically, scientifically, for religious
Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood / Thomas Fahy purposes; to highlight identity, sexuality, a
-- Making Their Presence Known: TV’s Ghost- dream state, or for metaphoric, metonymic or
Hunter Phenomenon in a "Post-" World / allegorical reasons. »
Jessica O’Hara -- The Vampire with a Soul:
Angel and the Quest for Identity / Amy Kind -- GARBER, Klaus, Arkadien. Ein Wunschbild
Ideological Formations of the Nuclear Family in der europäischen Literatur, München, Fink
The Hills Have Eyes / Lorena Russell -- Verlag, 2009, 160 pages.
Zombies of the World, Unite: Class Struggle
and Alienation in Land of the Dead / John Lutz GOMEL, Elana, Postmodern Science Fiction
-- The Fall of the House of Ulmer: Europe vs. and Temporal Imagination, New York,
America in the Gothic Vision of The Black Cat / Continuum, (Continuum Literary Studies),
Paul A. Cantor -- From Domestic Nightmares to 2010, 192 pages.
the Nightmare of History: Uncanny Eruptions of Introduction: Time enough for world -- Time
Violence in King’s and Kubrick’s Versions of The machines: H.G. Wells and the invention of
Shining / John Lutz -- "Hot with Rapture and postmodernity -- Strangled by the time loop:
Cold with Fear": Grotesque, Sublime, and paradoxes of determinism -- ’My name is
Postmodern Transformations in Patrick might-have-been’: contingency, counter-
Süskind’s Perfume / Susann Cokal -- Shock factuals and moral choice -- Everyday
Value: A Deleuzean Encounter with James apocalypse: the ethics and aesthetics of the
Purdy’s Narrow rooms / Robert F. Gross -- end of time -- Conclusion: Beyond millennium.
Making Monsters: The Philosophy of
Reproduction in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein GRECO, Pietro, L’astro narrante : la luna
and the Universal Films Frankenstein and The nella scienza e nella letteratura italiana,
Bride of Frankenstein / Ann C. Hall -- Kitsch Milano. Springer Italia, 2009, 294 pages.
and Camp and Things That Go Bump in the GRÜNBERG, Marion, Frauenbilder in
Night; or, Sontag and Adorno at the (Horror) Schwartz. Die stilbildenden Wirkung
Movies / David MacGregor Johnston. weiblicher Imagos und Einfluss auf die
Entwicklung weiblicher Gothics, Saar-
FERLAMPIN-ACHER, Christine & Denis HÜE, brücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 272
Mythes et réalités du roi Arthur, Rennes, pages.
Éditions Ouest-France, (Histoire), 2009, 127
pages. HAUSMANN, Matthias, Die Ausbildung der
FREUD, Sigmund, L’Inquiétante étrangeté, Anti-Utopie im Frankreich des 19.
Paris, Interférences, 115 pages. Réédition de Jahrhunderts. Von Charles Nodier über
ce texte fondamental datant de 1919. Avec des Emile Souvestre und Jules Verne zu Albert
photomontages de Paula Ginemez. R o b i d a , Heidelberg, Winter Universitäts
Verlag, (Studia Romanica, 150), 2009, 612
GALLAGHER, David, Métamorphosis. pages.
Transformation of the Body and the Die Studie versucht, eine Forschungslücke zu
Influence of Ovid’s metamorphosis on schließen, indem sie die Geschichte der Anti-
Germanic Literature of the Nineteenth and Utopie, die bislang noch nicht umfassend als
Twentieth Centuries, Amsterdam, New York, eigenständige Gattung behandelt worden ist,
Rodopi, 2009, 470 pages. von ihren Anfängen bis hin zur Etablierung
« Specifically selected texts for analysis include desjenigen literarischen Modells nachzeichnet,
Jeremias Gotthelf’s Die schwarze Spinne das durch die großen Gattungsvertreter des 20.
(1842) with the terrifying metamorphoses of Jahrhunderts (Samjatin, Huxley, Orwell) zum
Christine into a black spider, the Paradigma wurde. Dieses Modell wurde bereits
metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa in Kafka’s Die von bislang zu wenig beachteten französischen
Verwandlung (1915), ambiguous Anti-Utopien des 19. Jahrhunderts erreicht,
metamorphoses in E. T. A. Hoffmann’s D e r wobei Emile Souvestres Le monde tel qu'il sera
goldne Topf (1814), Hermann Hesse’s Piktors (1845) und Jules Vernes Frühwerk Paris au XXe
V e r w a n d l u n g e n (1925), Der Steppenwolf siècle (1863) eine Schlüsselstellung
(1927) and Christoph Ransmayr’s Die letzte einnehmen.
Welt (1988). Other mythical metamorphoses

HEILMAN, Eric, Les Utopies à l’épreuve de créateur et sa créature, la science et
l’art : Ilotopie, Montpellier, Entretemps; l'imaginaire se mêlent.
Ilotopie, 2008, 223 pages.
HÖTTE, Kristina, Der mythische und der
HESSEL, Stephen & Michèle HUPPERTS (eds.), moderne Dracula. Vampirismus bei Bram
Fear Itself : Reasoning the Unreasonable, Stoker’s Dracula und in dem Fall Fritz
Amsterdam/New York, et al., Rodopi, 2010, Haarman, dem « Vampire von
xiii, 178 pages. Hannover », München, Grin verlag, 2009, 84
Stephen Hessel: Introduction pages.
Early Modern Reflections on Fear
Madeleine Harwood: “Witches, live witches! HUGUES, William & Andre Smith (eds.),
The house is full of witches!” The Concept of Queering the Gothic, New York &
Fear in Early Modern Witchcraft Drama Manchester, Manchester University Press,
Stephen Hessel: Horrifying Quixote: The Thin 2009, xii, 195 pages.
Line between Fear and Laughter Introduction: Queering the gothic / William
Feminised Fear Hughes and Andrew Smith -- 'Love in a
Laura Hubner: Pan’s Labyrinth, Fear and the convent': or, Gothic and the perverse father of
Fairy Tale queer enjoyment / Dale Townshend -- 'Do you
Susan Yi Sencindiver: Sexing or Specularising share my madness?': Frankenstein's queer
the Doppelgänger: A Recourse to Poe’s “Ligeia” gothic / Mair Rigby -- Daniel Deronda's Jewish
Fear at the Movies panic / Royce Mahawatte -- 'That mighty love
Steven Allen: Bringing the Dead to Life - which maddens one to crime': medicine
Animation and the Horrific masculinity, same-sex desire and the gothic in
Eric K.W. Yu: A Traditional Vengeful Ghost or Teleny / Diane Mason -- Gothic landscapes,
the Machine in a Ghost? Narrative Dynamics, imperial collapse and the queering of Adela
Horror Effects, and the Posthuman in Ringu Quested in E.M. Forster's A passage to India /
Fear, Power, and Politics Ardel Thomas -- Antonia White's Frost in May:
Michèle Huppert: Terrified and Terrifying: An gothic mansions, ghosts and particular
Examination of the Defensive Organisation of friendships / Paulina Palmer -- Devouring
Fundamentalism desires: lesbian gothic horror / Gina Wisker --
C. Ferguson McGregor: Rending the Terror- 'The taste of blood meant the end of
Horror Nexus: The Manifest Lie and its Role in aloneness': vampires and gay men in Poppy Z.
Facilitating Acts of Illegitimate Political Violence Brite's Lost souls / William Hughes -- Michael
Societal Fear Jackson's queer funk / Steven Bruhm -- Death,
Henriette Dahan Kalev: Zionism, Post-Zionism art, and bodies: queering the queer gothic in
and Fear of Arabness Will Self's Dorian / Andrew Smith.
Belinda Morrissey and Kristen Davis: Fear and
Horror in a Small Town: The Legacy of the ILIE, Paul, The Grostesque Aesthetic in
Disappearance of Marilyn Wallman. Spanish Literature : from Golden Age to
Modernism, Newark, Juan de la Cuesta, (Juan
HEUDIN, Jean-Claude, Robos et avatars : le de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs), 2009, 300
rêve de Pygmalion, Paris, Odile Jacob, pages.
(Sciences), 2009, 157 pages. ILLMERT, Horst, Bibliographie Science
Depuis l'aube de l'humanité, l'homme tente de Fiction & Fantasy : Buch-Erstausgaben,
reproduire le vivant. Parmi les légendes qui ont 1945-1995 : 50 Jahre alternative Welt-
influencé cette quête, le mythe de Pygmalion entwürfe in Deutschland, Wiesbaden, O.
tient une place particulière. Aidé par Vénus Harrassowitz, 1998, 363 pages.
dans la genèse d'une beauté artificielle, le roi INSUA, Mariela & Lygia Rodrigues Vivianna
antique succomba à son irrésistible charme. PERES (eds.), Monstruos y prodigios en la
Depuis, les descendantes de Galatée ont pris literatura hispanica, Madrid, Iberoamericana
de multiples formes : des statues vivantes aux & Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2009, 272
automates, des robots aux cyborgs et aux pages.
clones, des intelligences artificielles aux JACKSON, Kevin, Bite : A Vampire
avatars, jusqu'aux fantômes qui hantent la Handbook, London, Portobello Books, 2009,
mémoire de nos ordinateurs. Ce livre 160 pages.
rassemble une collection d'images JAHN, Angela, Die Unsterblichkeit des
spectaculaires qui illustrent l'évolution des künstlichen Menschen in der Literatur,
robots et des avatars. Il nous révèle les Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2009, 86 pages.
tendances d'un avenir symbiotique où le

JONES, Gwyneth, Imagination/Space : to the Neo-Victorian, New York, palgrave,
Talks and Essays on Fiction, Feminism, Macmillan, 2009, x, 245 pages.
Technology and Politics, Seattle (WA), KORYNCINSKA, Monica, Der « realismo
Acqueduct Press, 2009, 264 pages. magico » und die phantastischen
« Imagination/Space: Essays and Talks on Literatur : ein interkultureller Vergleich,
Fiction, Feminism, Technology, and Politics Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 120
collects twenty-one pieces of nonfiction by pages.
Gwyneth Jones, the 2008 recipient of the KÜLLMER, Carolin Miriam, Der weibliche
Science Fiction Research Association's Pilgrim Vampir in der Literatur des 19.
Award, which is conferred annually on science Jahrhunderts, München, Grin Verlag, 2009,
fiction's premiere critics for lifetime 136 pages.
achievement. The contents of Imagina- LEE, Robert A., Gothic to the Multicultural :
tion/Space range from Jones's acceptance Idioms of Imagining in American Literary
speech for the Pilgrim Award to her detailed Fiction, Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi,
notes on shadowing a scientist in a lab in (Costerys), 2009, 543 pages.
preparation for writing her Philip K. Dick MIES, Juliane, Neue Monster : postmoderne
Award-winning novel, Life, to her critical Horrortexte und ihre Authorinnen, Köln,
reconsideration of the feminist sf canon. Her Böhlau Verlag, (Literatur-Kultur-Geschlecht,
sharp analyses and observations make this a 56), 2010, 304 pages.
must-read for anyone who cares about MILLER, J. Hillis, The Medium is the Maker :
feminism, science fiction, or both. » Browning, Freud, Derrida and the New
Telepathics Ecotechnologies, Brighton (UK)
KELLER, Jost, Den Bösen sind sie los, die & Portland (OR), Sussex Academic Press, 2009,
Bösen sind gebleiben : die Säkulisierung xiii, 93 pages.
des Teufels in der Literatur um 1800, MONNET, Agnieska Soltysik, The Poetics and
Duisburg, Universität’s Verlag, Rhein-Rhur, Politics of American Gothic : Gender and
2009, 455 pages. Slavery in Nineteenth-Century American
Literature, Farnham (UK) & Burlington (VT),
KELSO, Sylvia, Three Observations and a Ashgate, 2010, 200 pages.
Dialogue : Around and About SF, Seattle,
Aqueduct Press, (Conversation Pieces), 2009, PAIK, Peter Yoonsuk, From Utopia to
122 pages. Apocalypse : Science Fiction and the
« The correspondence with Lois McMaster Politics of Catastrophe, Minneapolis,
Bujold about the Vorkosigan Novels] became University of Minnesota Press, 2010, 232
"Letterspace: In the Chinks Between Published pages.
Fiction and Published Criticism," which is « In From Utopia to Apocalypse, Peter Y. Paik shows
published here. Also included are "Third Person how science fiction generates intriguing and
Peculiar: Reading between Academic and SF- profound insights into politics. He reveals that
Community Positions in (Feminist) Sf"," a the fantasy of putting annihilating omnipotence
critical essay discussing the intricacies of an to beneficial effect underlies the revolutionary
Australian feminist scholar writing about projects that have defined the collective
science fiction; "Tales of Earth: Terraforming in upheavals of the modern age. Paik traces how
Recent Women's Sf"," which considers this political theology is expressed, and indeed
colonialism in science fiction by women; and literalized, in popular superhero fiction,
"Loud Achievements: Lois McMaster Bujold's examining works including Alan Moore and
Science Fiction through 1997," which closely Dave Gibbons’s graphic novel Watchmen, the
examines Bujold's Vorkosigan novels. » science fiction cinema of Jang Joon-Hwan, the
manga of Hayao Miyazaki, Alan Moore’s V for
KERNER, Charlotte, Die Fantastischen 6. Die Vendetta, and the Matrix trilogy. Superhero
Lebensgeschichte von Stephen King, Philip fantasies are usually seen as compensations for
K. Dick, Stanislas Lem, J. R. R. Tolkien, individual feelings of weakness, victimization,
Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Landsberg, and vulnerability. But Paik presents these
Beltz, 2010, 304 pages. fantasies as social constructions concerned with
KNIGHT, Stephen Thomas, Merlin : Know- questions of political will and the disintegration
ledge and Power Through the Ages, Ithaca, of democracy rather than with the psychology
Cornell University Press, 2009, xvii, 275 pages. of the personal. »
KONTOU, Tatiana, Spiritualism and
Women’s Writing : from the fin de siècle PERLICH, John & David WHITT (eds.),
Millenial Mythmaking : Essays on the

Power of Science Fiction and Fantasy SAMUEL, Lawrence R., Future : A Recent
Literature, Films and Games, Jefferson History, Austin, University of Texas Press,
(NC), McFarland, 2010, 212 pages. 2009, 244 pages.
P r e f a c e : “There and Back Again…” The shape of things to come, 1920-1939 –
1.Contrasting Colors - 1.Sorting Heroic Great days comings, 1940-1945 – The best is
Choices: Green and Red in the Harry Potter yet to come, 1946-1964 – Future shock, 1965-
Septology_(KIRSTIN CRONN-MILLS a n d 1979 – The empire strikes back, 1980-1994 –
JESSICA SAMENS) - 2. The Complexity of Evil The matrix, 1995.
in Modern Mythology: The Evolution of the
Wicked Witch of the West (JASON EDWARDS SANTAMARIA, Simonetta, Vampiri : da
and BRIAN KLOSA) - 3. Polysemous Myth: Dracula a Twilight, Roma, Gremese, 2009,
Incongruity in Planet of the Apes (RICHARD 191 pages.
Champions - 4. The Hero with the Thousand- (eds.), Figurazioni del possibile : sulla
and-First Face: Miyazaki’s Girl Quester in fantascienza femminista, Pavona, Iacobelli,
Spirited Away and Campbell’s Monomyth (DEE 2008, 152 pages.
GEORTZ) - 5. The Odyssey of Madame Souza: SCHLESAK, Dieter, Der Tod und der Teufel;
A Heroine’s Quest in The Triplets of Materialen zu Vlad der Todesfürst. Die
Belleville_(DAVID WHITT) - 6. Rethinking the Dracula-Korrektur, Ludwisburg, Pop Verlag,
Monomyth: Pan’s Labyrinth and the Face of a 2009, 229 pages.
New Hero(ine) (JOHN PERLICH) - No VAN NESS, Sara J., Watchmen as Literature
B o u n d a r i e s - 7. Actors and Their Mythic A Critical Study of the Graphic Novel,
Heroes: From the Doctor to Captain Kirk Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, 219 pages.
(DJOYMI BAKER) - 8. Running Free in Angelina WALSER, Melanie, Vampire Literature as a
Jolie’s Virtual Body: The Myth of the New Reflection on Society’s Other, München,
Frontier and Gender Liberaton in Second Life Meidenbauer, Martin, 2010, 114 pages.
(ELLEN GORSEVSKI) - 9. So Where Do I Go WARNES, Christopher, Magical Realism and
from Here? Ghost in the Shell and Imagining the Postcolonial Novel : Between Faith and
Cyborg Mythology for the New Millennium_(JAY Irreverence, New York, Palgrave Macmillan,
SCOTT CHIPMAN) - Epilogue: “Always in 2009, 208 pages.
Motion Is the Future…” WASSON, Sarah, Urban Gothic of the
Second World War : Dark London, New
PLASCHKA, Oliver, Verlorene Arkadien : das York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 224 pages.
pastorale Motiv in der englischen und WENK, Christian, Abjection, Madness and
amerikanischen fantastischen Literatur : Xenophobia in Gothic Fiction, Berlin,
H.P Lovecraft, James Branch Cabell, Mervy Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, 2008, 287
Peake, William Gibson, thèse, Université de pages.
Heidelberg, 2009, 272 pages. YARGON, Werwölfe, Vampire & Bestin der
Nacht, Leipzig, Bohmeier, 2010, 88 pages.
POWERS, Kimberly, Escaping the Vampire : YOUNGQUIST, Paul, Cyberfiction : After the
Desperate for the Immortal Hero, Colorado Future, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010,
Springs, David C. Cook, 2009, 192 pages. 272 pages.
Attention : propagande religieuse pour jeunes ZAHNIA, Susanne, Monsters on the Margin –
filles en mal d’amour ! The Abject in Literature : A Study of the
POZZUOLI, Alain, La Bible Dracula : Phantom of the Opera, Dracula and She,
dictionnaire du vampire, Paris, Le Pré aux Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag, 2009, 188 pages.
Clercs, 2010, 653 pages. « The first part of the book introduces the
Beau titre antinomique...La Bible... Dracula ! reader to Kristeva’s theory of the abject. After
Esentiellement une remise à jour des deux defining the terms abject and monster, it will
versions précédentes de ce dictionnaire. be shown that these two concepts can be
successfully linked. In the second part of the
PYRHÖNEN, Heta, Bluebeard Gothic : Jane book, the theoretical insights will be used for
Eyre and its Progeny, Toronto, Toronto the analysis of three monster stories from the
University Press, 2009, 404 pages. late 19th and early 20th century, namely Henry
RUAUD, André-François, Le Dico féérique 1 : Rider Haggard’s She, Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Le règne humanoïde, Lyon, Les Moutons and Gaston Leroux’s The Phantom of the
électriques, (Bibliothèque des miroirs, 6), Opera. By concentrating on a period of
2010, 304 pages. approximately 30 years it will be shown that
the problems,

spellbound. His Black Magic novels like The
SCIENCE FICTION STUDIES Devil Rides Out created an oddly seductive and
no 110, March 2010 luxurious vision of Satanism, but in reality he
was as interested in politics as occultism.
THE 2009 SFS SYMPOSIUM: HISTORIES OF Wheatley was closely involved with the secret
SCIENCE FICTION intelligence community, and this powerfully
researched study shows just how directly this
Rob Latham. Introduction drove his work, from his unlikely warnings
Roger Luckhurst: Science Fiction and Cultural about the menace of Satanic Trade Unionism to
History his role in a British scheme to engineer a
De Witt Douglas Kilgore: Difference Engine: revival of Islam. Drawing on a wealth of
Aliens, Robots, and Other Racial Matters in the unpublished material, Phil Baker examines
History of Science Fiction Wheatley’s key friendship with a fraudster
Veronica Hollinger.: A History of the Future: named Eric Gordon Tombe, and uncovers the
Notes for an Archive full story of his sensational 1922 murder. Baker
OTHER ARTICLES also explores Wheatley’s relationships with
Laurel Bollinger : Symbiogenesis, Selfhood, occult figures such as Rollo Ahmed, Aleister
and Science Fiction Crowley, and the Reverend Montague
Lisa Swanstrom : Capsules and Nodes and Summers, the shady priest and demonologist
Ruptures and Flows: Circulating Subjectivity in who inspired the memorably evil character of
Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash Canon Copely-Syle, in To The Devil – A
Robert P. Fletche : The Hacker and the Daughter. »
Hawker: Networked Identity in the Science
Fiction and Blogging of Cory Doctorow BERNARDEZ, Aurora & Carles Alvarez GARRIGA
REVIEW-ESSAY (eds.), Julio Cortazar : papeles inespe-
Umberto Rossi. A Curate’s Egg: Baxter’s J.G. rados, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Alfaguara,
Ballard’s Surrealist Imagination: Spectacular 2009, 486 pages.
Authorship BINDER, Hartmut, Gustav Meyrink : ein
Leben im Bann der Magie, Prag, Vitalis,
2009, 784 pages.
anxieties and scientific developments of the
BLOOM, Harold (ed. + intro.), Ray Bradbury,
late Victorian era influenced and determined
New York, Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2010,
the character of the monster. 
246 pages. (Rééd.).
BOLDY, Steven, A Companion to Jorge Luis
A PROPOS DES AUTEURS Borges, Woodbridge, Tamesis, 2009, x, 208
BURNS, Jennifer, Goddess of the Market :
ANDRE-DRIUSSI, Michael (ed.), The Wizard Ayn Rand and the American Right, Oxford &
Knight Companion : A Lexicon for Gene New York, Oxford University Press, 2009, 369
Wolfe’s The Knight and the Wizard, Albany pages.
(CA) , Sirius Fiction,2009, 132 pages. BUTLER, Rex, Borges’s Short Stories :A
« The Wizard Knight Companion is a brief Reader’s Guide, New York, Continuum,
alphabetical dictionary for Gene Wolfe's two- (Reader’s Guides), 2010, 192 pages.
volume The Wizard Knight series. Its entries CAVALLERO, Dani, The Mind of Italo
identify the characters in the novel, dive into Cavino : A Critical Exploration of His
the mysteries in the text, and explore the Thoughts and Writings, Jefferson (NC),
Norse, Celtic, and Arthurian sources for names NcFarland, 2010, 210 pages.
and words in the novels. It includes a map of
the region, a cosmology, and a synopsis of the CHASSAGNOL, Monique (dir.), Peter Pan,
narrative. » Paris, Autrement, (Figures mythiques), 2010,
Le même éditeur vient de rééditer Lexicon 174 pages. [En collaboration avec Nathalie
Urthus (1994) : 1200 entrées, 440 pages. Prince et Isabelle Cani]
Se subdivise ainsi : Prologue (M. Chassagnol) –
BAKER, Phil, The Devil is a Gentleman : The I. Naissance et renaissance d’un personnage
Life and Times of Dennis Wheatley, Cambs (M. Chassagnol) – II. Désirs d’enfance (M.
(UK), Dedalus Books, 2009, 699 pages. Chassagnol) – III. Peter Pan, un conte à
« One of the giants of popular fiction, with total rebours (Nathalie Prince) – IV. Le siècle de
sales of around fifty million books, Dennis Peter Pan (Isabelle Cani) – Epilogue : Peter Pan
Wheatley held twentieth-century Britain passeur vers l’âge adulte. + Biblio.

CLARKE, Amy M., Ursula K. le Guin’ Journey
to Post-Feminism, Jefferson, (NC), McFar- Back in the Twilight Zone
land, 2010, 212 pages.
COLLECTIF, Miscellanées : recueil de textes
2006-2009 [Aloysius Bertrand], La
Madeleine, Association pour la mémoire
d’Aloysius Bertrand, 2009, 144 pages.
COSTES, Alexandre, Boris Vian : le corps de
l’écriture. Une lecture psychanalytique du
désir d’écrire vianesque, Limoges, Lambert-
Lucas, 2009, 254 pages.

DOSSIER : Vies imaginaires, in Spicilège –

Cahiers Marcel Schwob, no 2, Société Marcel
Schwob, 2009, 134 pages.
Ce deuxime numéro des cahiers Marcel
Schwob est consacré à Vies imaginaires. Il est
accompagné du fac-similé du manuscrit de
BAPTISTE, Tracey, Stephenie Meyer,
« L’essai sur l’art de la biographie », texte de la
Philadelphia (PA), Chelsea House, (Who Wrote
préface à Vies Imaginaires.
What ?), 2010, 112 pages.[Biographie]
Sommaire sur le site de Fabula.org.
BEAHM, George, Bedazzled : A Book about
Stephenie Meyer and The Twilight
EWERS, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Edgar Allan Poe.
Phenomenon, Nevada City (CA), Underwood
Essai, Paris, Zulma, (le Visage Vert), 2009, 94
Books, 2009, 256 pages.
BRUNER, Kurt & Olivia, The Twilight
Auteur de Mandragore et de L’Araignée, Hanns
Phenomenon : Forbidden Fruit or Thrist
Heinz Ewers (1871-1943), généralement plus
Quenching Fantasy, Shippenburg (PA),
connu pour ses contes cruels et son goût de la
Destiny Image, 2009, 173 pages.
provocation, se livre ici à un exercice
HOPKINS, Ellen (ed.), A New Dawn : Your
d’admiration inattendu. C’est l’occasion pour
Favorite Authors on Stephenie Meyer’s
l’esthète allemand d’analyser le processus
Twilight Series, Dallas, BenBella Books,
créatif chez Edgar Poe et de définir sa
(Smart Pop), 2009, 186 pages. [Nvle édition]
conception de l’Artiste. En complément à l’essai
ROBERTS, Dave, The Twilight Gospel : The
d’Ewers, notre édition propose des variations
Spiritual Roots of the Stephenie Meyer
autour du Corbeau : l’original d’Edgar Poe
Vampire Saga, Toronto, Monarch Books,
(1849), ainsi que la traduction allemande
2009, 160 pages.
(inédite) d’Ewers et une traduction française
SCHANTIN, Diane, Parables from Twilight :
peu connue de William L. Hughes, illustrées par
A Bible S t u d y, Bloomington (IN),
John Tenniel, C. J. Staniland et Gustave Doré.
AuthorHouse, 2009, 80 pages.
SPENCER, Liv, Love Bites : The Unofficial
FERNANDEZ FERRE, Antonio, Ficciones de
Saga of Twilight, Toronto, ECW Press, 160
Borges : en las galerias del laberinto,
Madrid, Catedra, 2009, 527 pages.
FISCH, Audrey A., Frankenstein. Icons of
Modern Culture, Westfield (UK), Helm
Information, 2009, xiii, 306 pages.
FLYNN, Annette U., The Quest for God in the GASQUET, Lawrence, Lewis Carroll et la
Work of Borges, London & New York, persistance de l’image, Pessac, Presses
Continuum, (Continuum Literary Studies Universitaires de Bordeaux, (Gulf Stream),
Series), 2009, x, 220 pages. 2009, 304 pages.
FORD, Paul (ed.), Yours, Jack : The GEORGE, Jodi-Anne, B e o w u l f (Reader’s
Inspirational Letters of C. S. Lewis, Guides to Essential Criticism), New York,
London, Harper, 2008, vi, 391 pages. Palgrave, Macmillan, 2010, 192 pages.
GAIMAN, Neil, Don’t Panic : Douglas GREEN, André, L’Aventure négative :
Adam’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the lecture psychanalytique de Henry James,
Galaxy,London, Titan Books, 2009, xii, 275 Paris, Hermann, (Psychanalyse), 2009, 159
pages. pages.

LILJA, Hans-Ake, Lilja’s Library : The World
DRACULA STUDIES of Stephen King, Forest Hill (MD), Cemetary
no 11, December 2009 Dance Publishers, 2010, 512 pages.
Lilja's Library: The World of Stephen King is a
Brigitte Boudreau, "Mother Dearest, Mother brand new massive collection of over 150 of
Deadliest: Object Relations Theory and the those reviews, over 40 of those interviews, and
Trope of Failed Motherhood in Dracula." pp. 5- other special features of interest to King
22. readers everywhere. If you've never been to
Peter Golz, "Fear and Laughing in Sunnydale: the website, you're in for a real treat as you
Buffy vs. Dracula." pp. 23-41. catch-up with over 500 pages of articles and
Duncan Light, "When Was Dracula First features that are sure to please any kind of
Translated into Romanian?" pp. 42-60. Stephen King fan, from the general reader to
Susan Parlour, "Vixens and Virgins in the the die-hard collector. And for Lilja's constant
Nineteenth-Century Irish Novel: Represen- readers, there's original material in this special
tations of the Feminine in Bram Stoker's volume that has never appeared anywhere on
Dracula." pp. 61-80. his website before, and every article and
review has been updated and revised for this
release.You have to see the table of contents to
understand just how much great material is in
GREEN, Raquel Atena, Borges y Revista
this massive book, but just a few of the
multicolor de los sabados. Confabulados
interviews include: Stephen King (twice!),
en una scritura de la infamia, New York,
Frank Darabont, Marsha DeFilippo, Mick Garris,
Berlin, et al., Peter Lang, 2010, 196 pages.
Peter Straub, and many other people who have
GUSKE, Anke, Setting Out to Explore the
been involved in King's prolific career. The
Place of Evil in the Mind : Erklärung des
reviews include detailed commentary on well-
Bösen in der englischen Gothic Novel
known works by and about Stephen King, along
1764-1824, thèse, Freie Universität, Berlin,
with details about the rare works you might not
2009, 217 pages.
have heard of, including the original scripts for
HELLER, Anne C., Ayn Rand and the World
Hearts in Atlantis, Stud City, and dozens of
She Made, New York, Doubleday/Nan A.
others; the original pilot for The Dead Zone
Talese, 2009, 592 pages.
that never aired on TV;
HOLLINGSWORTH, Christopher (ed.), Alice
Beyond Wonderland : Essays for the
Twenty-First Century, Iowa City, University
Press, 2009, xxviii, 227 pages.
JENZ, Gabriele, Der König von Narnia – Ein A SIGNALER :
übersetzungsvergleich : die deutsche BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE HARRY POTTER
übertragungen von C. S. Lewis, The Lion, SUR INTERNET
The Witch and the Wardrobe : eine
übersetzungskritische Untersuchung, Il y a quelques semaines, je m’apprêtais à faire
Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 128 un numéro hors série sur les études consacrées
pages. à Harry Potter quand je suis tombé sur le site
KEMPF, Sabrina, Intermediale Weltreise : remarquable de Cordélia Rémi qui avait déjà
Jules Verne Le Tour du monde en 80 jours (bien) fait tout le travail. Alors pour une
in Roman, Theater und Film, Saarbrücken, compilation exhaustive des études sur le
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 156 pages. phénomène Harry Potter, on se rend sur le site
KLOCZKO, Édouard J., L’Encyclopédie des suivant:
elfes : d’après l’oeuvre de J. R. R. Tolkien,
Paris, Le Pré aux Clercs, (Fantasy), 2008, 182
KNIGHT, Denis D., The Selected letters of
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Tuscaloosa (AL),
University of Alabama Press, 2009, xxv, 367
KÖBEL, Jana, Ann Radcliffe und die
Sentimentale Tale of Terror : die sensible
Heldin im englischen Schauerroman des
18. Jahrhunderts, Saarbrücken, VDM verlag www.eulenfeder.de/hpliteratur.html
Dr. Müller, 2008, 116 pages.

MÜLLER, Klaus, Hans Christian Andersen legendary Californian author and, ultimately,
und die Heterogenität der Moderne, makes a compelling case for the philosophical
Tübingen, Francke Verlag, 2009, vii, 238 and psychoanalytic significance of Philip K.
pages. Dick’s popular and influential science fiction.
NAHSON, Daniel, La Critica del mito :
Borges y la literatura como sueno de vida, ROGAK, Lisa, Haunted Heart : The Life and
Madrid, Iberoamericana & Frankfurt am Main, Times of Stephen King, New York, St
Vervuert, 2009, 362 pages. Martin’s Griffin, 2010, 336 pages.
NANNICI STREITBERGER, Chiara M.C., La SCHEMMEL, Bernhard (idée) & Winfried
Revanche de la discontinuité : boule- SCHLEYER (Texte), E.T.A. Hoffmann und
versements du récit chez Bachmann, sein Werk, Bamberg, Museen der Stadt
Calvino & Perec, Berlin, et al., Peter Lang, Bamberg, (Schriften der Stadt Bamberg),
(Nouvelle poétique comparatiste), 2009, 322 2009, 63 pages.
pages. SCHMEUSER, Amelie, Das Phantastische in
OSTUNI, Ricardo A., Borges y el tango, den Märchen E.T.A. Hoffmanns, Saar-
Buenos Aires, Lumire, 2009, 79 pages. Préface brücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 140
de Leon Benaros. pages.
OVEN, James A.(ed.), Secrets of the Dragon SCHMIDT, Petra, Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Riders : Your Favorite Authors on und Mircea Eliades Domnisoara Christina
Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle : aus quellengeschichtlicher Sicht
Completely Unauthorized, Dallas (TX), SCHULTHE, Hendrik, Hainish – Die fremd-
BenBella Books, (Smart Popo), 2010, 192 vertrauten Welten der Ursula K. Le Guin :
pages. Ethnologie trifft Science F i c t i o n,
PECHMANN, Alexander (dir.), Frankenstein Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 228
(Mary Shelley), München dtv, 2009, 299 pages. pages.
Le roman est complèté par du matériel critique SCHWEIKERT, Rudi, Die Jules-Verne-Welten
et des études sur sa genèse, sa réception, in Arno Schmidts « Die Schule der
etc... Atheisten », München, Text & Kritik, 2009,
140 pages.
PYRHÖNEN, Heta, Bluebeard Gothic : Jane SENDING, Anja, Gustav Meyrinks Der
Eyre and its Progeny, Toronto, University of Golem . Phantastische Literatur im
Toronto Press, 2009, 304 pages. Kontext des Fin de siècle, Saarbrücken, VDM
« Bluebeard,' the tale of a sadistic husband Verlag Der. Müller, 2008, 124 pages.
who murders his wives and locks away their SKULKI, Birgit, Die mediale Verkörperung
bodies, has inspired hundreds of adaptations des Bösen : am Beispiel Bram Stoker’s
since it first appeared in 1697. In Bluebeard D r a c u l a , mémoire, Université de Vienne
Gothic, Heta Pyrhönen argues that Charlotte (Wien), 2009, 122 pages.
Brontë's 1847 classic Jane Eyre can be seen as STETOFF, Rebecca, Stephen King, Salt Lake
one such adaptation, and that although critics City (UT), Benchmark Books, (Today’s Writers
have been slow to realize the connection, and Their Works), 2010, 160 pages.
authors rewriting Brontë's novel have either SUSINA, Jan, The Place of Lewis Carroll in
intuitively or intentionally seized on it. » Children’s Literature, New York, Routledge,
(Children’s Literature and Culture), 2010, xvi,
RAUCHFUSS, Marcus, The Stars are Right ! 232 pages.
Der Cthulhu Mythos 70 Jahre nach STOYE, Sebastian, Zwiegesichtige Zaube-
Lovecrafts Tod : eine Untersuchung über rer : Merlins und Clinschors Vervandte in
die Einflüsse einer literarischen Idee auf Tolkien’s Der Herr der Ringe, Saarbrücken,
Medien und Subkulturen, Saarbrücken, VDM VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 100 pages.
verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 88 pages. TORERO-IBAD, Alexandra, Libertinage,
science et philosophie dans le
RICKELS, Laurence A., I Think I Am : Philip matérialisme de Cyrano de Bergerac, Paris,
K. Dick, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Campion, (Libre pensée et littérature
Press, 2010, 432 pages. clandestine, 34), 2009, 660 pages
« I Think I Am: Philip K. Dick explores the VINCENT, Bev, The Stephen King Illus-
science fiction author’s meditations on psychic trated Companion, New York, Fall River Press
reality and psychosis, Christian mysticism, [Barnes & Noble], 2009, 176 pages.
Eastern religion, and modern spiritualism. WINNIGTON, G. Peter, Mervyn Peakes Vast
Covering all of Dick’s science fiction, Rickels Alchemies : The Illustrated Biography,
corrects the lack of scholarly interest in the London, P. Owen, 2009, 314 pages.

SPEHNER, Norbert, Dracula, (écrits sur Oakes, Margaret J.: "Secret Domination or
Dracula, et Bram Stoker en trois Civic Duty: The Source and Purpose of Magical
Power in Harry Potter."
volumes ), Marginalia, hors série 10,
Carey, Brycchan: "Hermione and the House-
11, 12, janvier 2010, 32, 41 et 31 pages. Elves Revisited: J.K. Rowling, Antislavery
Documents en ligne : Campaigning, and the Politics of Potter."
Bealer, Tracy L.: "(Dis)Order and the Phoenix:
www.scribd.com/marginalia Love and Political Resistance in Harry Potter."
Friedman, Leslee: "Militant Literacy: Hermione
Granger, Rita Skeeter, Dolores Umbridge, and
the (Mis)use of Text."
Johnson, Michael K: "Doubling, Transfiguration,
and Haunting: The Art of Adapting Harry Potter
for Film."

DERRA, Sylvia, Rezeption der Harry-Potter

Bücher : Beschreibungen, Analysen, Erklä-
runsansätzte, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr.
Müller, 2009, 196 pages.
GUNELIUS, Susan, Harry Potter : un succès
mondial démystifié, Paris, Economica, 2009,
xv, 173 pages.
KARG, Ina & Iris MENDE, Kulturphänomen
Harry Potter : Multiadressiertheit und
internationalität eines nationalen Literatur
–und Medienevents, Götiingen, V & Unipress,
2010, 258 pages.
KNAP, Anja, Rassistiche Tendenzen bei den
Harry Potter Antagonisten ? Eine sozialpä-
dagogische Studie zu den harry Potter
Büchern, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller,
2008, 140 pages.
KUZMUTZ, Olaf (dir.), Harry, hol doch mal
ANATOL, Giselle Liza, Reading Harry Potter den Besen ! Ein Kerhaus nach zehn Potter-
Again : New Criticial Essays, Santa Barbara Jahren, Wölfenbuttel, Bundesakademie für
(CA), ABC-Clio, 2009, 237 pages. kulturelle Bildung, 2009, 104 pages.
Anatol, Giselle Liza: "Introduction." Kutzmutz, Olaf: "Vorbemerkung."
Damour, Lisa: "Harry the Teenager: Muggle Kutzmutz, Olaf/Wilharm, Sabine: "'Es war Liebe
Themes in a Magical Adolescence." auf den ersten Buchstaben.' Olaf Kutzmutz im
Stephens, Rebecca L.: "The Lightning Bolt Scar Gespräch mit P o t t e r -Illustratorin Sabine
as a Lightning Rod: J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Wilharm."
Series and the Rhetoric of the Extreme Right." Draesner, Ulrike: "Ist das fair? Anmerkungen
Duthie; Peggy Lin: "The Potterverse and the zu Harry Potter auf deutsch."
Pulpits: Beyond Apologia and Bannings." Kutzmutz, Olaf/Humann, Klaus: "'Wir haben
Donaher, Patricia/Okapal, James M.: den Kehraus schon lange hinter uns.' Olaf
"Causation, Prophetic Visions, and the Free Will Kutzmutz im Gespräch mit Potter-Verleger
Question in Harry Potter." Klaus Humann."
Hopkins, Lisa: "Harry Potter and Narratives of Kutzmutz, Olaf: "Die heile Welt des Horrors.
Destiny." Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz und
Lavoie, Chantel M.: "The Good, the Bad, and Stephen Kings Puls."
the Ugly: Lies in Harry Potter." Manz, Katrin: "Die Post-Potter-Ära. Ein Blick
Gallardo-C., Ximena/Smith, C. Jason: "Happily auf Ersatzlesestoffe und ihre Machart."
Ever After: Harry Potter and the Quest for the Bräunlein, Jürgen: "'Ich hatte für mein Leben
Domestic." genug Ärger.' Potters Parallelwelt adieu!."
Anatol, Giselle Liza: "The Replication of
Victorian Racial Ideology in Harry Potter." LINZER, Claudia, « Mudbloods » und
Rangwala, Shama; "A Marxist Inquiry into J.K. « Halfbreeds » : Rassismus und Identi-
Rowling's Harry Potter Series." tätszuschreibung in den Harry Potter

Romanen, Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2009, 318 lawsuit: Utilizing the archetypal hero's journey
pages. texte de la thèse :"Mudbloods" und as part of case strategy."
"Halfbreeds". Der Umgang mit dem Thema Burge, Mark Edwin: "Who wants to be a
der "rassischen" Identitäts-zuschreibung muggle? The diminished legitimacy of law as
bei Harry Potter, mit besonderem magic."
Schwerpunkt auf Band 5, 6 und 7. Wien Kleinberger, Daniel S.: "Agents of the good,
2008 (MA thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität servants of evil: Harry Potter and the law of
Wien, Austria). agency."
Dickerson, Darby: "Professor Dumbledore's
RUAUD, André-François, Les nombreuses wisdom and advice."
vies de Harry Potter, Lyon, les Moutons
électriques, (La Bibliothèque rouge, vol. 17),
2009, 288 pages. A SIGNALER

THOMAS, Jeffrey E. & Franklin G. SNYDER Sur les chemins du

(eds.), Harry Potter and the Law, Durham merveilleux
(NC), Carolina Academic Press, 2010, 422
pages. Le bulletin bibliographique de Jean-Luc Triolo
Gava, John/Paterson, Jeannie Marie: "What est publié mensuellement sur le site
role need law play in a society with magic?" www.actusf.com
Liemer, Susan P.: "Bots and gemots: Anglo-
Saxon legal references in Harry Potter." Par ailleurs, Triolo a une grosse liste de livres
Barton, Benjamin H.: "Harry Potter and the québécois (SF/Fantasy/Fantastique) ainsi que
half-crazed bureaucracy." des revues à vendre. Les personnes intéressées
Morriss, Andrew P.: "Moral choice, wizardry, peuvent le contacter à l’adresse :
law, and liberty: A classical liberal reading of
the role of law in the Harry Potter series." jean-luc.triolo(AT)wanadoo.fr
Schwabach, Aaron: "Harry Potter and the
unforgivable curses."
Rapp, Geoffrey Christopher: "Sirius Black: A
case study in actual innocence." CINÉMA & TÉLÉVISION
Watson, Geoffrey R.: "The persecution of Tom
Riddle: A study in human rights law." ANON, Torchwood : The Official Magazine
Fishman, Joel: "Punishment in the Harry Potter Yearbook, London, Titan Books, 2009, 94
novels." pages.
Wright, Danaya C.: "Hogwarts, the family, and BASSIL-MOROZOW, Helena Victor, Tim
the state: Forging identity and virtue in Harry Burton : The Monster and the Crowd , a
Potter." Post-Jungian Perspective, New York,
Law, Wendy N./Teller, Anna K.: "Harry Potter Routledge, 2010, 216 pages.
and the development of moral judgment in BECKMANN, Annika et al., (dirs.), Horror als
children." Alltag : Texte zu Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
Loffredo, Ben: "Harry Potter and the curse of Berlin, Verbrecher Verlag, 2010, 280 pages.
Davis, Benjamin G.: "When Harry met Martin: BISHOP, Kyle William, American Zombie
Imagination, imagery, and the color line." Gothic : The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the
Sulentic, Alison McMorran: "Harry Potter and Walking Dead in Popular Culture, Jefferson
the image of God: How house-elves can help us (NC), McFarland, 2010, 247 pages.
to understand the dignity of the person." This book provides a cultural and critical
Snir, Avichai/Levy, Daniel: "Economic growth in analysis of the cinematic zombie tradition,
the Potterian economy." starting with its origins in Haitian folklore and
Gouvin, Eric J.: "The magic of money and tracking the development of the subgenre into
banking." the twenty-first century. Closely examining
Schooner, Heidi Mandanis: "Gringotts: The role such influential works as Victor Halperin’s
of banks in Harry Potter's wizarding world." White Zombie, Jacques Tourneur’s I Walked
Ledwon, Lenora: "Harry Potter goes to law with a Zombie, Lucio Fulci’s Zombi 2, Dan
school." O’Bannon’s The Return of the Living Dead,
Beazley, Mary Beth: "Which spell: Learning to Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later, and, of course,
think like a wizard." Romero’s entire “Dead” series, it establishes
Robbins, Ruth Anne: "Harry Potter as client in a the place of zombies in the Gothic tradition.

CALLAGHAN, Richard, Assigned : The Unof- C h a p t e r , London, BBC Books, 2010, 704
ficial and Unautorized Guide to Sapphire pages.
and Steel, Prestatyn (UK), Telos Publishing, DIBS, Basma, Dracula : Vom Monster zum
2010, 200 pages. [Série de SF britannique, Liebhaber für die Ewigkeit. Horrorfilm-
1979-1982] inhalte und die Ängste einer Gesellschaft,
« Sapphire & Steel charted the efforts of two Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 144
mysterious 'agents', named Sapphire (Joanna pages.
Lumley) and Steel (David McCallum), as they
were given a number of 'assignments'. DRENKPOHL, Ann-Kristin, Maschinen
featuring everything from a faceless man and a Sprechen : Science Fiction, Wien, Passagen
vengeful soldier, to living nursery rhymes and a Verlag, 2009, 202 pages.
time-trapped motorway cafe.The series was Technik. Macht. Stimme. Mit Beginn der
innovative, intelligent and terrifying, and it has Science Fiction im 19. Jahrhundert treten
stayed in the memories of all who saw it. » vermehrt sprechende Automaten auf. Die
Versuche des Menschen, seinen Schöpfungen
CASAS, Quim, Jesus Garay : cineasta de
Sprache einzuhauchen, sind vielfältig. Die
l’obsessio, Filmoteca de Catalunya, Portic,
Autorin analysiert ausgewählte Dialoge in Film
(Cineastes, 12), 2009, 210 pages.
und Literatur.
CELKO, Max, Das Konzept Exploitation und
das jugendliche Publikum : Strategien und
FICHTER, Martin, David Bordwell on T h e
Wirkunsweisen von Jugendmarketing bei
Planet of the Apes : die neoformalische
Horror-und Science Fiction Medien,
Filmtheorie und das New-Holllywood-
Saarbrücken, VDM verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 216
Cinema, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller,
2009, 424 pages.
FITZPATRICK, Liza, Avatar : le livre, Paris,
CHOI, Jinhee & Mitsuyo WADA-MARCIANO
L’Archipel, 2009, 105 pages. Traduction de :
(eds.), Horror to the Extreme : Changing
The Art of Avatar : James Cameron’s Epic
Boundaries in Asian Cinema, Hong King,
A d v e n t u r e , New York, Harry N. Abrams,
Hong Kong University Press, (TransAsia :
Préface de Peter Jackson. Avant-propos de Jon
Screen Culture), 2009, ix, 273 pages.
Landau. Postface de James Cameron.
« This book compares production and
GINATTA, Laura, Il Futuro e gia passato. La
consumption of Asian horror cinemas in
fantascienza da Blade Runner a M a t r i x,
different national contexts and their
Recco, le Mai, 2009, 352 pages.
multidirectional dialogues with Hollywood and
GODULLA, Alexander, Öffentiliche Kommu-
neighboring Asian cultures. Individual essays
nikation im Science-Fiction Film : Median
highlight common themes including technology,
der Gegenwart im Spiegel der Zukunft,
digital media, adolescent audience sensibilities,
Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 180
transnational co-productions, pan-Asian marke-
ting techniques, and variations on good vs. evil
GRAF, Natascha, Düstere Bilder, skurrile
evident in many Asian horror films.
Gestalten und märchenhafte Welten : drei
Contributors include Kevin Heffernan, Adam
Filme Tim Burtons im Vergleich, Marburg,
Knee, Chi-Yun Shin, Chika Kinoshita, Robert
Tectum verlag, 2009, 125 page.
Cagle, Emilie Yeh Yueh-yu, Neda Ng Hei-tung,
Hyun-suk Seo, Kyung Hyun Kim, and Robert
HANTKE, Steffen, American Horror Film :
Hyland. »
The Genre at the Turn of the Millenium,
Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2010,
COMPAGNON, Beatrice, Femmes fatales;
275 pages.
Analyse von fantastischer Literatur und
They don’t make ’em like they used to: on the
deren Verfilmung nach Finné am Beispiel
rhetoric of crisis and the current state of
von C a r m i l l a und Bruges-la-Morte,
American horror cinema / Steffen Hantke --
Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 132
Bloody America: critical reassessments of the
trans/-national and of graphic violence. The
CURTI, Roberto, Demoni e dei. Dio, el
American horror film? globalization and
diavolo, la religione nel cinema horror
transnational U.S.-Asian genres / Christina
americano, Torino, Lindau, (Saggi), 2009, 20
Klein -- A Parisian in Hollywood: ocular horror
in the films of Alexandre Aja / Tony Perrello --
DAVIES, Russell T. & Benjamin COOK, Dr.
"The pound of flesh which I demand":
Who : The Writer’s Tale : The Final
American horror cinema, gore, and the box
office, 1998-2007 / Blair Davis and Kial Natale

-- A (post)modern house of pain: FearDotCom LEUTRAT, Jean-Louis, Un autre visible » le
and the prehistory of the post-9/11 torture film fantastique au cinéma, Le Havre, De l’indice
/ Reynold Humphries -- The usual suspects: éditeur, 2009, 262 pages.
trends and transformations in the subgenres of
American horror film. Teenage traumata: MELCHIOR, Ib & Robert SKOTAK, Six Cult
youth, affective politics, and the contemporary Films from the Sixties, Albany (GA),
American horror film / Pamela Craig and Martin BearManor Media, 2009, 296 pages.
Fradley -- Traumatic childhood now included: Les six « chefs-d’oeuvre » présentés sont :
Todorov’s Fantastic and the uncanny slasher Repticulus, The Angry Red Planet, Journey to
remake / Andrew Patrick Nelson -- Whither the the Seventh Planet, The Time Travelers,
serial killer movie? / Philip L. Simpson -- A Robinson Crusoe on Mars, Planet of the
return to the graveyard: notes on the spiritual Vampires. Toute un époque !
horror film / James Kendrick -- Look back in
horror: managing the canon of American horror PARKIN, Lance & Lars PEARSON (eds.), Time,
film. Auteurdemmerung: David Cronenberg, Unicorporated 1 : The Doctor Who Fanzine
George A. Romero, and the twilight of (North) Archives, Des Moines (IA), Mad Norvegian
American horror auteur / Craig Bernardini -- Press, 2009, 268 pages.
How the masters of horror master their PFETCHER, Martin, It Looked Like but it
personae: self-fashioning at play in the Wasn’t : das Groteske in Filmen von David
masters of horror DVD extras / Ben Kooyman - Lynch, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller,
- "The kids of today should defend themselves 2009, 140 pages.
against the ’70s": simulating auras and RADEMACHER, Marco, Der Herr der Ringe
marketing nostalgia in Robert Rodriguez and als Prototyp des Filmgenres Fantasy, Saar-
Quentin Tarantino’s Grindhouse / Jay McRoy -- brücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 76
Afterword. Memory, genre, and self- pages.
narrativization, or, why I should be a more RICHARD, Andy, Asian Horror, Harpenden
content horror fan / David Church. (UK), Kamera Books, 2010, 160 pages.
RICHTER, Thomas, Faszinierend. Star Trek
HAYWARD, Philip (ed.), Terror Tracks : und die Wisschenchaften, Bd. 2, Kiel,
Music, Sound and Horror Cinema, London, Ludwig Verlag, 2010, 264 pages.
Equinox, 2009, x, 286 pages. ROBB, Brian J., Timeless Adventures : How
JENEWEIN, Henri-Paul, Stop Motion : von Doctor Who Conquered TV, Harpenden (UK),
Willis H. O’Brien und Ray Harryhasuen zu Kamera Books, 2009, 256 pages.
Tim Burton, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. RUSSELL, Gary, The Torchwood Encyclo-
Müller, 2009, 96 pages. pedia, London, Random House UK, 2009, 192
KING, Stephen, Stephen King Goes to the
Movies, Burton (MI), Subterranean Press, SANDERS, Steven (ed.), The Philosophy of
2009, 400 pages. Science Fiction Film, Lexington, University of
The #1 bestselling author reflects on the Lexington Press, (Philosophy and Popular
filming of five of his most popular short stories, Culture), 2010, 240 pages.
each tale included in this collection. Those Preface and Acknowledgments
movies are The Shawshank Redemption, 1408, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
Children of the Corn, The Mangler, and Hearts Fiction Film : Steven M. Sanders
in Atlantis.Includes an introduction, his brief Part 1. Enigmas of Identity and Agency
personal commentary, and behind-the-scenes What Is It to Be Human? Blade Runner and
insights by Stephen. Dark City : Deborah Knight and George
McKnight - Recalling the Self: Personal Identity
KRAMER, Peter, 2001 : Space Odyssey, in Total Recall : Shai Biderman - Picturing
London, British Film Institute, (BFI Film Paranoia: Interpreting Invasion of the Body
Classics), 2010, 96 pages. Snatchers : Steven M. Sanders - The
KULLSTROM, Chris, Monster Parties and Existential Frankenstein : Jennifer L. McMahon
Games : Fifteen Film-Based Activities, Part 2. Extraterrestrial Visitation, Time
jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2009, 218 pages. Travel, and Artificial Intelligence
LASAGNA, Roberto & Lino MOLINARIO, I film Technology and Ethics in The Day the Earth
di Dario Argento, Alessandria, Ed. Falsopiano. Stood Still : Aeon J. Skoble - Some Paradoxes
(Falsopiano Light), 2009, 176 pages. of Time Travel in The Terminator and 12
Monkeys : William J. Devlin
2001: A Philosophical Odyssey : Kevin L.

Stoehr - Terminator-Fear and the Paradox of BUFFY, THE VAMPIRE SLAYER
Fiction : Jason Holt à l’université !
Part 3. Brave Newer World: Science
Fiction Futurism
The Dialectic of Enlightenment in Metropolis
Jerold J. Abrams - Imagining the Future, Aux États-Unis, la série Buffy est très prisée
Contemplating the Past: The Screen Versions of par les intellectuelles féministes, d’où une
1984 : R. Barton Palmer - Disenchantment and prolifération incroyable de « buffy studies ».
Rebellion in Alphaville : Alan Woolfolk - The J’avais d’abord envisagé de publier un numéro
Matrix, the Cave, and the Cogito - Mark T. hors série de Marginalia sur le sujet, mais
Conard comme dans le cas de Harry Potter, j’ai été
devancé, notamment par Alysa Hornyk e t
SHALL, Andrew & Robin STOATE, Back to the Derik A. Badman qui ont chacun un site
Future, London, British Film Institute, (BFI bibliographique remarquablement fourni sur le
Film Classics, 2010, 120 pages. sujet :
SPITZ, Elisabeth, Die Darstellung der Hexe
in Serien der letzten vierzig Jahre : eine http://www.alysa316.com/buffology
empirische Studie, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag
Dr. Müller, 2009, 272 pages. http://slayageonline.com/essays/slayage
TSIKA, Noah, Gods and Monsters, Vancouver 7/Badman.htm
(BC), Arsenal Pulp Press, (Queer Film Classic),
2009, 120 pages.
WASSERER, Annabel, Buffy : Im Bann der A SIGNALER
Dämonen : Lieben, leben und Sterben in
Sunnydale. Eine wissenscaftliche Ausein- Bibliography of Fantastic Films
andersetzung mit der Thematik der Serie, Bibliographie des fantastischen Films
Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 188 La remarquable banque de données
pages. bibliographiques multilingues établie par
WATSON, Devin, Horror Screenwriting : HOLGER SCHNELL
The Nature of Fear, Studi City (CA), Michael se trouve à l’adresse suivante :
Wiese Productions, 2009, 167 pages.
WIECZOREK, Kirsten, Englische Fantasy- http://www.bibfan.de
Romane und ihre filmästhetiche Umset-
zung : dargestellt an Herr der Ringe, Harry
Potter und der Stein der Weisen und Die
Nebel von Avalon, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag
Dr. Müller, 2008, 68 pages.
WILHELM, Maria & Dirk MATHISON, James
Cameron’s Avatar :The Movie Scrapbook,
The International Review
New York, Harperfestival, 2009, 48 pages.
of Science Fiction
WILHELM, Maria, Dirk MATHISON, et al.,
no 104, autumn 2009
Avatar : Rapport confidentiel sur l’histoire
biologique et sociale de la planète
Pandora, Paris, M. Lafon, 2009, 221 pages. Viewpoints
WOOD, Robert E., Destination : Moonbase Graham Sleight: Editorial
Alpha : The Unofficial and Unauthorized Letters from Ursula Le Guin and Alan Myers
Guide to Space : 1999, Prestatyn (UK), Telos Papers
Publishing, 2010, 300 pages. Jason Bourget: Biological Determinism,
ZIEGENHAGEN, Sandra, Zuschauer-Engage- Masculine Politics and the Failure of
ment : die neue Währung der Libertarianism in Robert A. Heinlein's The Moon
Fernsehindustrie am Beispiel der Serie is a Harsh Mistress - A. Robin Hoffman: The
Lost, Konstanz, UVK – Verlag, (Alltag, Medien Problem of Distance: Families and Land(s) in
und Kultur), 2009, 183 pages. Mary Shelley's The Last Man - Catherine Coker:
The Friends of Darkover: An Annotated
Vous publiez ? Bibliography and History - Lee Skallerup: Re-
Faites-nous le savoir ! Evaluating Suvin: Brown Girl in the Ring as
Vous changez d’adresse ? Effective Magical Dystopia - Gerard Gaylard:
idem ! Postcolonialism and the Transhistorical in Dune

even improve the social world that has been
récits et films threatened and fractured by a crime, usually
that of murder. It is a characteristic of much

policiers detective fiction that the detective, the

pursuer, is a social outsider: this status creates
a complex web of relationships between
detective, institutional life and dominant and
subversive moralities. »
Note : faussement annoncé dans le
numéro 63 sous le titre : Pursuit of Evil .

JAMES, P.D., Talking About Crime Fiction,

Oxford (UK), The Bodleian Library, 2009, 144
« Talking about the craft of detective writing
and sharing her personal thoughts and
observations on one of the most popular and
enduring forms of literature, P.D. James
LITTÉRATURE examines the challenges, achievements and
potential of a genre which has fascinated her
for nearly fifty years as a novelist. From the
tenant of 221b Baker Street to the Village
BESARON, Pablo, La Conspiracion : ensayos
Priest from Cubhole in Essex, from the Golden
sobre el complot en la literatura
Age of detective writing between the wars to
argentina, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Simurg,
the achievements of the present and a glimpse
2009, 183 pages.
at the future, P.D. James explores the
BOEHMER, Elleke & Stephen MORTON (eds.),
metamorphosis of a genre which has gripped
Terror and the Postcolonial, Hoboken (NJ),
and entertained the popular imagination like no
Wiley-Blackwell, (Blackwell Concise Companion
other type of novel. »
to Literature and Culture), 2009, 395 pages.
BÜTTNER, Manfred & Christine LEHMAN, Von
KABATCHNIK, Amnon, Blood on the Stage,
Arsen bis Zielfahndung. Das aktulelle
1925-1950 : Milestone Plays of Crime,
Handbuch für Krimiauthorinnen und
Mystery and Detection : An Annotated
Neugierige, Hamburg, Argument Verlag,
Repertoire, Lanham (MD), the Scarecrow
2009, 250 pages.
Press, 2009, 868 pages.
In Blood on the Stage, 1925-1950: Milestone
DE LAËT, Danny, Les 4 faces du Polar,
Plays of Crime, Mystery, and Detection: An
Montracol, Librarie Jérôme Serme, 2010, 24
Annotated R e p e r t o i r e , author Amnon
pages. Deuxième volume de L’Inventaire des
Kabatchnik continues the focus of his previous
magazines policiers en France.
volume (1900-1925) and provides an overview
Consacré à la revue fétiche et mythique de
of the most important and memorable
François Guérif. Disponible - en exclusivité pour
theatrical works of crime and detection of this
la France – au prix de 8 euros (+ 2,50 euros
period. Addressing the development of this
d,expédition pour la France métropolitaire)
genre in the legitimate theatre, Kabatchnik
auprès de la Librairie Jérôme Serme, Le Village,
discusses more than 150 full-length plays
013010 Montracol et sur le site Le Rayon
produced between 1925 and 1950.
Populaire :
KNIGHT, Stephen, Crime Fiction since
1800 : Detection, Death, Diversity, New
EVANS, Mary, The Imagination of Evil :
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 336 pages.
Detective Fiction and the Modern World,
[Nvle édition , 2004, augmentée]
London & New York, Continuum, (Continuum
LECERCLE, François, Marie LAURENCE et Zoé
Literary Studies), 2009, 192 pages.
SCHWEITZER (dirs.), Réécriture du crime :
« In this monograph, Mary Evans examines
l’acte sanglant sur la scène (XVIe-XVIIIe),
detective fiction and its complex relationship to
in Littératures classiques, no 67, Paris,
the modern and to modernity. She focuses on
Honoré Champion, automne 2009, 252 pages.
two key themes: the moral relationship of
detection (and the detective) to a particular
social world and the attempt to restore and

LINDNER, Christopher (ed.), The James Colmeiro: Del barrio chino a la ciudad global –
Bond Phenomenon : A Critical Reader, el largo viaje de Pepe Carvalho / Antonio
Manchester, Manchester University Press, Marcos Sánchez: Entre la luz y la tragedia – la
2010, 272 pages. Rééd., 2003. Marsella de Jean Claude Izzo / José Antonio
Contents :Preface to the Second Edition - Select Cordón: La paradoja de los géneros – La
Bond Chronology - Introduction / Christoph novela negra en el ámbito editorial / Enric Sullà
Lindner - Part I: Reading 007 - 1 The Moments Álvarez: El gran reloj no oara nunca o cómo
of Bond / Tony Bennett & Janet Woollacott - 2 escapar de una situación límite – A propósito
Narrative Structures in Fleming / Umberto Eco de „El gran reloj“ de Kenneth Freeling y sus
- 3 Licensed to Look: James Bond and the adaptaciones al cine / Javier Sánchez
Heroism of Consumption / Michael Denning - 4 Zapatero: El reflejo de la ciudad en „Días
Criminal Vision and the Ideology of Detection in contados“ – análisi comparatista y estudio de la
Fleming’s 007 Series / Christoph Lindner - 5 adaptción / María Marcos Ramos: ETA y el cine
‘Entertainment for Men’: Uncovering the español – un territorio en conflicto / Francisco
Playboy Bond / Claire Hines - Part II: Javier Frutos Esteban: Crimen y ciudad en el
Screening 007_6 A Licence to Thrill / James cine de los origens (1897 – 1912) / Joaquín
Chapman - 7 The James Bond Films: Leguina: Ciudad en negro / Lluís Gutiérrez:
Conditions of Production / Janet Woollacott - 8 Jazz y blues en la novela negra americana /
Creating a Bond Market: Selling John Barry’s José Ángel Mañas: Madrid bajo la mirada de un
Soundtracks and Theme Songs / Jeff Smith - 9 outsider / Antonio Jiménez Barca: Asesino en la
Doctor No: Bonding Britishness to Racial M-30 – Madrid y la novela negra / Joaquín
Sovereignty / Cynthia Baron - 10 Hard-Wear: Guerrero-Casasola: Y Dashiell Hammett no
The Millennium, Technology, and Brosnan’s llegó … - la Cosecha Roja Mexicana / Jorge
Bond / Martin Willis - 11 Body Politics and Sánchez Cabezudo: Cine negro para una ópera
Casino Royale: Gender and (Inter)National prima / Juan Madrid: Vidas por oficio / Amir
Security / Colleen M. Tremonte and Linda Valle: Los nudos invisibles.
Racioppi - Part 3: Re-thinking 007 - 12 ‘Under
the very skirts of Britannia’: Re-reading MAYNARD, Katherine, Jarod KEARNEY & James
Women in the James Bond Novels / Christine GUIMOND, Revenge versus Legality : Wild
Bold - 13 Pussy Galore / Elisabeth Ladenson - Justice from Balzac to Clint Eastwood and
14 Britain’s Last Line of Defence: Miss Abu Ghraib, New York Routledge, 2010, 224
Moneypenny and the Desperations of Filmic pages.
Feminism / Tara Brabazon - 15 Dial ‘M’ for MEYHOFF, Kartsen Wind, F o r b r y d e l s e n s
Metonym: Universal Exports, M’s Office Space elementer. Kriminalliteraturens historia
and Empire / Paul Stock - 16 Kamasutra Bond- fra Poe til Ellroy, Kopenhage, Informations
ing / Ajay Gehlawat - 17 James Bond’s Penis / Forlag, 2009, 455 pages.
Toby Miller - 18 ‘The World Has Changed’: NIEBURHR, Gary Warren, Caught Up in
Bond in the 1990s - and Beyond? / Jim Leach - Crime. A Reader’s Guide to Crime Fiction
19 Shaken, Stirred, Pixellated: Video Gaming and Nonfiction, Westport (CT), Greenwood
as Bond / Stefan Hall - Select Bibliography- Press, 2009, 304 pages.
Index NISSI, Maria, Silent Cowboys and Verbose
Detectives. Masculinity as Rhetoric in
MACKIE, Erin, Rakes, Highwaymen, and Owen Wister, Dashiell Hammett, and
Pirates : The Making of the Modern Raymond Chandler, Saarbrücken, VDM
Gentleman, Baltimore (MD), Johns Hopkins Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, 64 pages.
University Press, 2009, x, 231 pages. NUSSER, Peter, Der Kriminalroman,
Stuttgart, Metzler Verlag, 2009, viii, 223
MARTIN ESCRIBA, Alex & Sanchez ZAPATERO pages. [4e édition]
(eds.), Geografias en negro. Escenarios de
genero criminale, Barcelona, Montesinos, ORR, Stanley, Darkly Perfect World :
2009, 300 pages. Colonial Adventure, Postmodernism, and
Escenarios de la teoría; II. Escenarios de la American Noir, Columbus (OH), Ohio State
creación, III. Escenarios de la ficción. Die University Press, mai 2010, 296 pages.
Beiträger haben entweder einen akademischen The continental operations of Dashiell Hammett
oder einen journalistischen Hintergrund – es -Raymond Chandler’s semi-tropical romance -
schreiben: Iván Martín Cerezo: Breve Late romantic adventure and film noir -
urbanización del género policiaco / Àlex Martín Veterans of noir : rewriting the good war with
Escribà: Análisis de un escenario negro – Chester Himes, Dorothy B. Hughes, and John
Barcelona como identidad literaria / José E. Okada - Noir and the postmodern novel - To

look at him or read him : the confidence man ZIMMERLING, Katja, Die Kriminalautorin :
in postmodernist film noir - Conclusion. als Beobachterin der zeitgenössischen
Connected guys : the reconstructed subject of britischen Gesellchaft und Kultur,
1990s film noir. Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009, ,
148 pages.
RZEPKA, Charles & Lee HORSLEY (eds.), A
Companion to Crime Fiction, Malden (MA), A NOTER
Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 616 pages [recueil de
47 essais sur le polar] Le site Polar Noir de notre ami Etienne Borgers
SAXTON, Kirsten, Narrative of Women and change d’adresse :
Murder in England, 1680-1760, Farnham
(UK), Burlington (VT), Ashgate, 2009, 151 http://polarnoir.net16.net/
SCHMIDT, Jochen, Gangster, Opfer, Detek- SUR LA SCÈNE QUÉBÉCOISE
tive. Eine Typengeschichte des Kriminal-
romans, 2009, Hillesheim, KBV Verlag, 1150
Dire que le polar québécois est mal-aimé est
pages. [Réédition, 1989]. un euphémisme. Il est surtout peu connu et
SMITH, Jeff, The Presidents We Imagine :
mériterait d’être découvert. Fait curieux, c’est
Two Centuries of White House Fictions on
en Pologne que l’on trouve les études les plus
The Page, on the Stage, Onscreen, and
intéressantes à son sujet...
O n l i n e , Madison, University of Wisconsin
Press, (Studies in American Thought and
SAWICKA, Sylwia, « les utopies sociales dans le
Culture), 2009, 391 pages.
roman policier québécois : La Trace de
TIEMANN, Hans-Peter, Krimis für Kids : l ’ e s c a r g o t , de Benoît Bouthillette et L a
Hochspannung im deutschen Unterricht,
Vengeance d’un père de Pan Bouyoucas », in
Kerpen, Kohl Verlag, 2009, 48 pages. [ouvrage
Transcanadiana, no 2, 2009, pp. 178-189.
SAWICKA, Sylwia, « Zombi Blues, de Stanley
TREUHEIT, Norbert (dir.), Literarischer
Péan : esthétique du jazz dans le polar
Krimi-Kalender 2010, Cadolzburg, Verlag Ars montréalais », in La Perspective interdisci-
vivendi, 2009, 53 pages.
plinaire des études françaises et
francophones (Anna Kielisczyk & Ewa Pilecka,
WETZEL, Michael & Stefan HÖLTGEN (dirs.),
dirs.), LEKSEM, Lask, 2009, pp. 331-336.
Killer/Culture : Serienmord in der populär
SAWICKA, Sylwia, « Le roman d’espionnage
Kultur (Medien/Kultur), Berlin, Bertz & Fischer
québécois face aux enjeux de la modernité :
Verlag, 2010, 160 pages.
l’étude des romans de Jean-Jacques Pelletier »,
Der Serienmord ist von Anfang an kein in De la fondation de Québec au Canada
alleiniger Gegenstand der Kriminalistik. Die
d’aujourd’hui (1608-2008) : rétrospec-
Täter faszinieren die Öffentlichkeit seit Jack the tives, parcours et défis, (Krysztof Jarosz, et
Ripper derartig, dass sich etliche kulturelle
al., ), Katowice, Para, 2009, pp. 255-262.
Bereiche den Serienkillern angenommen haben
und an ihrer Ästhetisierung arbeiten: Neben
Ma compilation annuelle des polars
Literatur und bildender Kunst sind dies vor
québécois et canadiens parus en 2009 est
allem Film, Comics, Pop-Musik, Videospiele und disponible sur le site de la revue Alibis :
Fernsehserien. Der Sammelband Killer/Culture
stellt die verschiedenen Zugangsweisen zum www.revue-alibis.com
Serienmord in der Kunst und den Medien vor
und analysiert die breit gefächerten Beispiele in
A lire aussi :
kriminologischer, soziologischer, psychoanaly-
SPEHNER, Norbert, « Les mystères de Nikola
tischer, zensur-, begriffs- und kunstges-
Tesla », in Alibis, no 32, vol. 8, no 4, autome
chichtlicher Perspektive: Damit liegt einer der 2009, pp. 109-118.
ersten Versuche vor, das Phänomen in seiner
TESSIER, Mario, « Le détectibe en toge...et
ganzen kulturellen Breite darzustellen. antique », in Alibis, no 33, vol. 9, no 1, hiver
2010, pp. 91-112. [sur le polar historique]
A venir sur le site de la revue Alibis une
WITTKOWSKI, Joachim (dir.), Auf Streife im
compilation du roman d’espionnage publié en
Revier. Der Krimi im Ruhrgebiet, Bottrop,
français depuis le début du siècle, compilation
Verlag Henselowsky Boschmann, 2009, 175 qui complète mon article sur l’espionnage qui
doit paraître dans le numéro 34 de la revue.

KAMPA, Daniel, et al., (dirs.), Georges
A PROPOS DES AUTEURS Simenon, sein Leben in Bildern, Zürich,
Diogenes verlag, 2009, 335 pages.

BARNES, Nigel, A Dream within a Dream : KEIRANS, James E., John Dickson Carr in
The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, London (UK) & Paperback (An English Language Biblio-
Chester Springs (PA), Peter Owen, 2009, 348 graphy), special issue no 12 of CADS (Crime
pages. and Detective Stories), 2009, 80 pages.
BLACKSTOCK, Peter (ed.), Secret Symbol Avec 32 illustrations de couvertures en
Original Masonic Document Behind Dan couleurs + 755 editions en langue anglaise.
Brown’s Bestseller, London, Profile Books, Publié par Geoff Bradley, 9 Vicarage Hill, South
2009, 256 pages. Benfleet, Essex SS17 1PA, England.
CABELL, Craig, Ian Rankin & Inspector
Rebus : The Officila Story of the KUHN, Cynthia & Lance RUBIN (eds.),
Bestselling Author and The Ruthless Reading Chuck Palahniuk : American
Detective, London, John Blake Publishing, Monsters and Literary Mayhem, New York,
2010, 288 pags. [Biographie autorisée] Routledge, (Routledge Studies in Contem-
CARDWELL, Margaret (ed. + introduction + porary Literature, vol. 2), 2009, vii, 231 pages.
notes ), The Mystery of Edwin Drood
(Charles Dickens), Oxford & New York, LEAHY, Aoife, The Victorian Approach to
Oxford University Press, 2009, xxiv, 239 pages. Modernism in the Fiction of Dorothy
COLLECTIF, James Bond Encyclopedia, New Sayers, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2009,
York & London, Dorling Kindersley, 2009, 333 203 pages.
pages. « Sayers’ admiration for the Victorian sensation
COLLINS, Tim, Les Secrets révélés du author Wilkie Collins is widely recognised. This
Symbole perdu, Paris, le Pré aux Clercs, book examines Sayers’ attention to equally
2010, 165 pages. important Victorian influences from John
CONANT, Jennet, The Irregulars : Roald Ruskin and George Eliot to Oscar Wilde,
Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime particularly in relation to the topic of education.
Washington, New York, Simon & Schuster, She often questions the boundaries between
2008, xx, 391 pages. “popular” and “serious” literature. Sayers’
COQUET-CARDINAL, Dominique, Identité de personal views on the connections between
l’écriture et écriture de l’identité dans mid-Victorian, late Victorian and high
« The New York Trilogy » de Paul Auster, modernist authors are also considered. »
Metz, Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, Centre de
recherches Écritures, 2009, 510 pages. MACASKILL, Hilary, Agatha Christie at
DIXON, Brian A., Sex for Dinner, Death for Home, London, Frances Lincoln, 2009, 144
Breakfast : James Bond and the Body, pages.
doctorat –PhD, University of Rhodes island, « This book will explore and illustrate the
2009, 167 pages. significance of Devon in her work and of
FERRARI, Grazia, L’uomo in noir : indagine Greenway in particular - its magnificent
su Carlo Lucarelli, Reggio Emilia, Aliberti, gardens, its beautiful setting on the estuary,
2009, 238 pages. and her relationship with its servants and staff
GIACOMETTI, Eric & Jacques RAVENNE, Le - another favourite Christie motif. Illustrated
Symbole retrouvé : Dan Brown et le with rarely-seen archive images and evocative
mystère maçonnique, Paris, Fleuve Noir, photographs of Greenway and the surrounding
2009, 277 pages. countryside, Agatha Christie at Home provides
GÖHRE, Frank, Seelenlandschaften. Annäh- an insight into the life and work of a much-
rungen. Rückblicke, Bielefeld, Pendragon loved author. »
Verlag, 2009, 222 pages.
GREER, John Michael, Les Secrets du NINDL, Sigrid, Wolf Haas und sein
Symbole perdu, Montréal, les Éditions du kriminalliterarisches Sprachexperiment,
Jour, 2010. Ed. or. : Secrets of The Lost Berlin, Schmidt, 2010, 326 pages.
Symbol : The Unauthorized Guide to PAGE, Leanne Nicole, Masochistic Pleasures
Secret Societies, Hidden Symbols & of Detection in the Sensations Novels of
M y s t i c i s m , Woodbury (MN), Llewellyn Wilkie Collins, mémoire de maîtrise,
Publications, 2010, 240 pages. Vancouver, University of British Columbia,
HAYES, Kevin, Edgar Allan Poe, Chicago, The 2009. [ressource électronique].
University of Chicago Press, 2009, 192 pages.

REDMOND, Christopher, Sherlock Holmes
H a n d b o o k , Toronto, Dundurn, 2009, 336 CINÉMA & TÉLÉVISION
pages. [2e edition]
SCHENKAR, Joan, The Talented Miss High- BRUNCKHORST, Inga, Gentleman’s Girls
smith : The Secret Life and Serious Art of and Guns. James Bond und die Frauen,
Patricia Highsmith, New York, St. Martin’s Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2009, 99 pages.
Press, 2009, 704 pages. « James Bond, ein ewiger Macho der
SCHWEIGGERT, Alfons, Edgar Allan Poe und Leinwand?Inga Brunckhorst interpretiert in
König Ludwig II. Anatomie einer Geistes- exemplarischen Filmen das dort gezeichnete
freundschaft, St Ottilien, EOS Verlag, 2008, Männer- und Frauenbild. Die Filmanalyse
176 pages. erlaubt symptomatisch Rückschlüsse auf eine
SIMPSON, Philip L., Making Murder : The Divergenz zwischen idealen und realen
Fiction of Thomas Harris, Santa Barbara Rollenvorstellungen. »
(CA), Praeger, 2009, 328 pages.
SINCLAIR, David, Sherlock Holmes’s BUSFIELD, Steve, The Wire Re-Up : The
L o n d o n , London, Robert Hale, 2009, 224 Guardian’s Guide to the Greatest TV Show
pages. Ever Made, London, Guardian Books, 2009,
SNODGRASS, Mary Ellen, Reading Nora 304 pages.
R o b e r t s , Portsmouth (NH), Heinemmann CHASE, David, The Sopranos : The Classic
Educational Books, (Pop Lit Book Club), 2009, Quotes, Kennebunkport (ME), Cider Mill Press,
160 pages. 2009, 128 pages.
TAYLOR, Greg, The Guide to Dan Brown’s
The Lost Symbol :Freemasonery, Noetic FREDERIKSEN, John C., Honey West, Albany
Science, and the Hidden History of (GA), Bear Manor Media, 2009, vii, 215 pages.
America, s.l., Daily Grail Publishing, 2009, 220 [série tv policière américaine, 30 épisodes,
pages. 1965-1966]
THOMAS, Thierry, Cependant Fantômas,
Paris, La Pionnière, 2009, 40 pages. [Contient GRAYSMITH, Robert, The Girl in Hitchcock’s
16 reproductions des illustrations de couverture Shower, New York, Berkley Books, 2010, 320
des éditions de fantômas publiées de 1911 à pages.
1913 réalisées à partir des aquarelles originales Enquête sur la doublure de Janet Leigh (la
deGino Starace. scène de la douche dans Psycho)... qui, croyez-
le ou non, a été assassinée à coups de couteau
WADDELL, Nathan, Modern John Buchan : A par un tueur en série fétichiste, adepte des
Critical Introduction, Newcastle, Cambridge films d’Alfred !
Scholars, 2009, x, 147 pages.
« This book offers an introduction to the LANCRY, Pierre-Jean, Les Tontons
breadth and diversity of the literary and non- flingueurs : l’album culte, Toulouse, Milan,
literary work of John Buchan (1875-1940). It 2009, 93 pages.
stakes a claim for him as an engaged LARKE-WALSH, George S., Motion Picture
interpreter of twentieth-century modernity, and Mobsters : Masculinity, Technicity, and the
provides evaluative readings of his output. In Mafia from The Godfather to the Sopranos,
addition to demonstrating how Buchan’s work Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, 304 pages.
complicates the reductive view of early
twentieth-century literature as neatly LETORT, Delphine, Du film noir au néo-
cordoned-off into “low” and “high” forms of noir : mythe et stéréotypes de l’Amérique
production, this book discusses his theories of ( 1 9 4 1 - 2 0 0 8 ) , Paris, et al., L’Harmattan,
empire and imperialism, his account of 2010, 330 pages.
historiography, and his response to the First Cet ouvrage retrace la filiation esthétique et
World War. » thématique entre le film noir et ses avatars
(polar, néo-noir). Fiction urbaine et criminelle,
WEBER, John, An Illustrated Guide to The oeuvre de propagande ou acte subversif, le film
Lost Symbol, New York, Pocket books, 2009, noir explore la face sombre de l'Amérique à
192 pages. travers le récit de personnages marginaux dont
l'indépendance d'esprit est tantôt glorifiée
(détective privé), tantôt condamnée (femme

LIARDET, Didier, Anthologie des séries THOMSON, David, The Moment of Psycho :
d’espionnage américaines et britanniques, How Alfred Hitchcock Taught America to
Draguignan, Éditions Yris, 2009, 256 pages. Love Murder, New York, Basic Books, 2009,
LUDWIG, Corinne Franke, The 24 Universe. 183 pages.
How a Television Series Promotes the War TZIOUMAKIS, Yannis, The Spanish Prisoner,
on Terror, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2009,
Müller, 2009, 64 pages. xi, 154 pages. [Film à suspense de David
MILLER,, Frederic P., et al. (eds.), Associated Mamet (1997)]
British Corporation, Emma Peel, The New WILD, Christiane, Frauenfiguren by David
Avengers, List of The Avengers Episodes, Lynch : der Einfluss des Film Noir auf die
Get Smart, I Spy, Mauritius, Alphascript Heldinnen von Blue Velvet und Mulholland
Publishing, 2009, 136 pages. Drive, Saarebrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller,
MOORE, Roger, My Word is Bond, New York, 2009, 124 pages.
It Books, 2009, 336 pages. WITTKOWER, D. E., (ed.), Mr. Monk and
MORTON, Lisa & Kent ADAMSON, Savage Philosophy, Chicago, Open Court, (Popular
Detours : The Life and Work of Ann Culture and Philosophy), 2010, 288 pages.
Savage, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, 248 « Mr. Monk and Philosophy is a carefully and
pages. + 85 photos. [Vie et oeuvre d’Ann neatly organized collection of eighteen chapters
Savage qui a a brillé dans Detour, un film noir divided into exactly six groups of precisely
qui a fait d’elle une des 10 meilleurs femmes three chapters each. Drawing on a wide range
fatales du cinéma] of philosophers—from Aristotle and Diogenes,
MÖSSMER, Margit, Run Away or Die Trying : to Siddhartha Gautama and St. Thomas
die Verfolgungsjagd im Film, Saarbrücken, Aquinas, to David Hume and Karl Popper—the
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010, 124 pages. authors ask how Adrian Monk solves his cases,
NOLAN, Petra, Harboiled Heroes, Deadly why he is the way he is, how he thinks, and
Dames : Modernity and 1940s Film Noir, what we can learn from him. »
Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 308

PROSTEDER, Magdalena, Referenzsysteme
bei Quentin Tarantino : Untersuchung der
Stilmerkmale und exemplarische Analyse
von Death Proof, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag
Dr. Müller, 2009, 108 pages.
PULVER, Andrew, Night and the City, London,
British Film Institute, (BFI Film Classics), 2010,
96 pages. [Film noir, Jules Dassin, 1950]
ROSIN, James, Adventures in Paradise :
The Television Series, Philadelphia (PA),
Autumn Road Company, 2009, 144 pages.
[Série TV d’aventures dans les mers du Sud
(1959-1962) avec Gardner McKay.]
RUDITIS, Paul, Bones : The Forensic Files
(Season 3), London, Titan Books, 2009, 160 Note : comme il y a relativement peu de titres,
pages. j’ai regroupé les études littéraires et les livres
SCHNEIDER, Martin, Zwischen Held und sur le cinéma.
Bedrohung : die Figur des Vigilanten im
modernen Hollywood Kino, Sarrebrück, VDM BARSON, Michael, True West : An Illus-
Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010, 112 pages. trated Guide to the Heyday of the
STATTLEGGER, Eva, Film Noir und Hard- Western, Fort Worth (TX), Texas Christian
Boiled Fiction : Klassiker des Film Noir und University Press, 2008, 175 pages. Préface de
ihre literarischen Vorgänger, Saarbrücken, Robert B. Parker.
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008, 144 pages. Boasting hundreds of rare and colorful movie
TAVERNIER, Bertrand, Pas à pas dans la posters, pulp magazines, comic books, comic
brume électrique, Paris, Flammarion, 2009, strips, television memorabilia, advertisements,
267 pages. [Récit de tournage] paperback books, record album jackets, toys,
THIELLEMENT, Pacôme, La Main gauche de and clothing, True West covers such hugely
David Lynch. Twin Peaks et la fin de la popular television series as Gunsmoke, T h e
télévision, Paris, Presses Universitaires de Lone Ranger, and Bonanza, along with classic
France, mai 2010, 144 pages. western novels, including S h a n e , The

Searchers, Welcome to Hard Times, and that ROSIN, James, Wagon Train : The
epic of all epics, Lonesome Dove. It also bows Television Series, Philadelphia (PA), The
to the icons who ruled the silver screen—Tom Autumn Road Company, 2008, 270 pages.
Mix, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, John Wayne, and A look back at the memorable television series
Clint Eastwood, to name a few. (1957 - 1965) depicting the emotion and
hardship of the traveling pioneers agaist the
DONATI, Roberto (dir.), Sergio Leone : backdrop of the western frontier. Featuring
l’America, la nostalgia e el mito, commentary from several of the series lead
Alessandria, Falsopiano, 2009, 256 pages. actors and guest stars. Included are episode
FOURNY, Jean-François, Les Tourments de summaries, photos and bigraphies. A must
Sam Peckinpah : du vieil Ouest à l’état de have companion guide for any fan of the show.
sécurité nationale, Biarritz, Séguier, 2009,
107 pages. ROSSO, Stefano (dir.), Le frontiere del Far
HAINSCH, Wolfgang, Autobiographie als West : forme di rappresentazione del
Verteidigung : Karl Mays Mein Leben und grande mito americano, Milano, Shake, (il
Streben, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, libri di acoma), 2008, 187 pages.
2008, 104 pages. Introduzione: attualità di un genere sempre al
HERTFURTNER, Robert, Western von tramonto, di Stefano Rosso / La tesi della
Gestern ? Postklassiche Formen des frontiera tra mito e storia, di Bruno Cartosio
umgangs mit den Konventionnen des Dagas, pistolas y cuernos de chivo: la
Westergenres in Spiel mir das Lied vom rappresentazione del ribelle e del fuorilegge
Tod und McCabe, Saarebrücken, VDM Verlag messicano nel corrido di frontiera, di Erminio
Dr. Müller, 2008, 124 pages. Corti / Il cinema western visto dagli indiani.
JACKSON, Ronald, 50 Years ot The Vendetta e violenza in Sentieri selvaggi di John
Television Western, Bloomington (IN), Ford e Indian Killer di Sherman Alexie, di
AuthorHouse, 2008, 372 pages. Giorgio Mariani / Post-western esemplari:
KOTAR S. L. & J. E. GESSLER, Riverboat : The Lonesome Dove, di Larry McMurtry e Blood
Evolution of a Television Series, 1959- Meridian di Cormac McCarthy, di Stefano Rosso
1961, Albanay (GA), BearManor Media, 2009, “Indians walk softly”: il mito della wilderness e
300 pages. dei suoi abitanti, di Marcella Schmidt di
Friedberg / Sempre in sella. Costruzioni e
MACNEIL, Denise Mary, The Emergence of ricostruzioni del mito del cowboy tra geopolitica
the American Frontier Hero, 1682-1826, popolare e relazioni internazionali, di Elena
New York, Palgrave Macmillan, (American dell’Agnese / Western o northern?, di Sergio
Literature Readings in the Twenty-First Arecco / Lontano ovest: ai margini della
Century), 2010, 240 pages metropoli, di Nuccio Lodato / Una buona
The American Frontier Hero in Mary lezione. Scazzottate nel western classico, di
Rowlandson's Narrative of the Captivity and Stefano Ghislotti / Appunti su un motivo
Restauration _Mythological Roots of the American paesaggistico del genere western, di Barbara
Frontier Hero _Mary Rowlandson, Puritan Hero Grespi.
_Mothering the Adamic Hero _Transcending
Gendered English American Social SANDERS, Alain, Le Who’s Who des
Positions: Gender and Racial Multiplicity in The cowboys chantants, Anet, Atelier Fol’fer, (Go
Female American; or, the Adventures of Unca Eliza West), 2009, 165 pages.
Winkfield _Dancing between Ferocity and SEUL, Jürgen, Old Shatterhand vor
Delicacy in Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep- Gericht : die 100 Prozesse des
Walker by Charles Brockden Brown Schriftstellers Karl May, Bamberg, Karl-May
_Reconstituting the American Frontier Hero verlag, 2009, 623 pages.
through James Fenimore _Mary Rowlandson in SPINDLER, Robert, Recent Westerns :
Jeans: The John Ford/John Wayne Film T h e Deconstruction and Nostalgia in Contem-
Searchers and the Mary Rowlandson Heroic porary Western Film, Marburg, Tectum
Archetype. Verlag, 2008, 127 pages.
VIENNE, Patrick, « D’ouverture en fermeture :
ORELLANA, Margarita de , Filming Pancho : l’image du désert dans le western », in
How Hollywood Shaped the Mexican L’Imaginaire du désert au XXe siècle (Jaël
Revolution, London, Verso Books, 2009, 206 Grave, dir.), Paris, et al., L’Harmattan (Là-
pages. Préface de Kevin Brownlow. bas), 2009, 189 pages.
RITZER, Ivo, Walter Hill :Welt in Flamen,
Berlin, Bertz & Fischer, 2009, 288 pages.

GLUNTZ, Claudia & Thomas F. SCHNEIDER,
RÉCITS DE GUERRE Krieg und Literatur/War and Literature,
Göttingen, V&R unipress , 2009, 179 pages.
(vol. XIV, 2008).
GRAFTY, Julian, Chapaev, London, I.B. Tauris,
(Kinofiles Filmmakers Companions), 2010, 128
pages. [Le film de guerre russe que Staline
aurait visionné une cinquantaine de fois...]
HANNA, Emma, The Great War on the Small
Screen : Representing the First World War
in Contemporary Britain, Edinburgh,
Edinburgh University Press, 2009, viii, 190
Note : comme il y a relativement peu de titres, pages.
j’ai regroupé les études littéraires et les livres KAGELMAN, Andre, Der Krieg und die Frau :
sur le cinéma. Thea von Harbous Erzählwerk zum Ersten
Weltkrieg, Kassel, Media Net-Ed., 2009, 361
ARICH-GERZ, Bruno, Mittelbau-Dorau : pages.
American and German Representations of KELLNER, Douglas, Cinema Wars :
a Nazi Concentration Camp : Literature, Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-
Visuel media and the Culture of Memory Cheney Era, Hoboken (NJ), Wiley-Blackwell,
from 1945 to the Present, Bielefeld, 2009, 279 pages.
Transcript verlag, 2009, 180 pages. LAMBERTI, Elena & Vita FORTUNATI (dirs.),
BISKUPSKI, M.B.B., Hollywood’s War with Memories and Representations of War :
Poland, 1939-1945, Lexington, University The Case of World War I and World War
Press of Kentucky, 2009, 362 pages. II, Amsterdam, New York, Rodopi, 2009, vii,
343 pages. [Sommaire détaillé sur le site de
BARRETT, Jenny, Shooting the Civil War : Rodopi]
Cinema, History and American National MILBERG, Doris, World War II on the Big
Identity, London, I. B. Tauris, (Cinema and Screen, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2010, 224
Society), 2009, xii, 220 pages. pages.
« No fewer than seven hundred Civil War films O’SAUGHNESSY, Martin, La Grande illusion,
have been made by Hollywood from early silent London, I. B. Tauris, 2009, 126 pages.
days to the present, from the epoch-making RAABE, Bianca, Filmkriege ? Visualisie-
Birth of a Nation, through The Red Badge of Courage rungsformen gewaltsamer Konflikte,
and Gone With the Wind to the recent Glory, Ride Marburg. Tectum Verlag, 2009, 257 pages.
with the Devil and Cold Mountain. This readable and TESSIER, Laurent, Le Vietnam, un cinéma
innovative book on the American Civil War as d’apocalypse, Paris, Éditions du Cerf & Condé
presented in Hollywood cinema goes deep into sur Noireau, Éditions Corlet, 2009, 315 pages.
the best of these films, arguing that rather VENNER, Dominique, Ernst Jünger : un
than belonging to a single genre, Civil War autre destin européen, Monaco & Paris,
films are to be found across genres, as Éditions du Rocher, 2009, 234 pages.
domestic melodramas, Westerns or combat [Biographie]
films for example. As such, they have fresh ZILER, Ulrike, « I have no gun, but I can
insights to give into the war and into America's spit » : satirische Darstellungen des
sense of itself. » Zweiten Weltkriegs und des Vietnam-
kriegs : eine Untersuchung ausgewählter
BURUCCA, Constanza, Confronting the amerikanischen und britischer Romane,
« Dirty War » in Argentine Cinema, 1983- Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter lang, 2010,
1993 : Memory and Gender in Historical xiv, 320 pages.
Representations, Woodbrige, Suffolk (UK),
Rochester (NY), Tamesis, 2009, 231 pages. Ils nous informent (vous devriez
CROSTHWAITE, Paul, Trauma, Postmo- prendre exemple...) : Roger Bozzetto,
dernism and the Aftermath of World War
Jean-Louis Sarro, Jerome Serme,
II, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, vii,
Françoise Hache-Bissette, Nathalie
222 pages.
FAVRET, Mary A., War at a Distance : Prince, Thomas Przybilka, Jordi Canal,
Romanticism and the Making of Modern Philippe Gindre, Guy Astic, Paul
W a r t i m e , Princeton, Princeton University Bleton, Elizabeth Miller, Stéphane
Press, 2010, ix, 262 pages. Bourgoin. Merci à tous...

« La première partie de ce livre fait le point sur
Bandes dessinées la place d’Astérix dans la culture française. La
deuxième se penche sur les relations entre les
créateurs de bandes dessinées, les
archéologues et les historiens : les uns ont lu
enfants les bandes dessinées qui ont marqué
leur imaginaire et leur façon de se représenter
l’Antiquité, les autres lisent les travaux des
historiens et dessinent les objets qu’ils ont mis
au jour.La troisième partie dresse le portrait du
quartier, une cité en pleine expansion,
qu’Uderzo habita pendant dix ans. »

MAGUIRE, Gregory, Making Mischief : A

Maurice Sendak Appreciation, New York,
Harper/Collins Morrow, 2009, 200 pages.
PORRET, Michel (dir.), Objectif Bulles :
En raison d’un manque d’espace, (la Bandes dessinées et histoire, Genève,
version imprimée de ce bulletin ne peut Georg, 2009, 302 pages.
excéder 30 pages) les titres concernant le ROSENBERG, David & Pierre STERCKEX,
film d’animation sont reportés au prochain Vraoum ! Trésors de la bande dessinée et
numéro. art contemporain, Lyon, Fage éditions &
Paris, Maison Rouge, 2009, 224 pages.
BERONÄ, David A., Le Roman graphique : ROUSSEL, Isabelle, Imaginaire des anges et
des origines aux années 1950, Paris, des superhéros dans la bande dessinée, in
Éditions de la Martinière, 2009, 255 pages. Les Cahiers Robinson, no 26, Arras,
Introduction par Peter Kuper. Université d’Artois, 2010, 256 pages.
COLLECTIF, Astérix & compagnie, Paris, Les SAMSON, Jacques, Benoit PEETERS & Chris
Éditions Albert, 2009, 48 pages. [Publié à WARE, La Bande dessinée réinventée,
l’occasion du 50e anniversaire d’Astrix] Bruxelles, Les Impression Nouvelles, (Réfle-
COMTOIS, Pierre, Marvel Comics in the xions faites), 2010, 160 pages.
1960s : An Issue-by-Issue Field Guide to a SPIEGELMAN, Art & Françoise MOULY (eds.),
Pop Culture Phenomenon, Raleigh (NC), The Toon Treasury of Classic Children’s
TwoMorrows Publishing, 2009, 224 pages. Comics, New York, Abrams Comics, (A Toon
DUFFY, Damien & John JENNINGS, Out of Book), 2009, 350 pages.
Sequence : Underrepresented Voices in VERHOEST, Eric & Micha KAPETANOVIC (dirs.),
American Comics, Champaign (IL), Krannert Regards croisés de la bande dessinée
Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, 2008, 151 belge, Gent, Snoeck, 2009, 229 pages.
pages. Avec des textes de Sheanon K. Garrity, VAN NESS, Sara J., Watchmen as Litera-
Jerry Craft, et al., ture : A Critical Study of the Graphic
DUNCAN, Randy & Matthew J. SMITH, The Novel,2010, 219 pages.
Power of Comics : History, Form and
Culture, New York, Continuum, 2009, x, 346
pages. Introduction par Paul Levitz.
GARCIA, Bob, Hergénéalogies, Paris,
McGuffin Éditions, 2008, 121 pages.
GASCA, Luis & Roman GUBERN, Diccionario
de onomatopeyas del comic, Madrid,
Catedra, 2009, 428 pages.
ISABELLA, Tony, 1000 Comics You Must
Read, Iola (WI), Krause Publications, 2009,
271 pages.
KANE, Brian M., The Definitive Prince
Valiant Companion, Seattle (WA), Fanta-
graphics Books, 2009, 160 pages.

LESCURE, Jean-Claude (dir.), Drôles de

Gaulois : autour d’Astérix, Paris, Berg
International, 2010, 208 pages.


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