Business Management Paper 2 HL
Business Management Paper 2 HL
Business Management Paper 2 HL
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Business management
Higher level
Paper 2
2 hours 15 minutes
Instructions to candidates
y Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
y A clean copy of the business management formulae sheet is required for this examination
y Section A: a
nswer one question.
y Section B: a
nswer two questions.
y Section C: answer one question.
y A calculator is required for this examination paper.
y The maximum mark for this examination paper is [70 marks].
8820 – 5012
7 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2020
–2– 8820 – 5012
Section A
Jill created Jill’s Jeans, which operates as a sole trader. JJ makes custom-design jeans.
Jill designs all the jeans and sells them online and at local markets.
Table 1: Budgeted and actual figures for the year ending 31 October 2020
(i) a profit and loss account for the budgeted figures and the actual figures
(show all your working);[3]
(c) Explain one possible economy of scale from which JJ has benefitted. [2]
–3– 8820 – 5012
Dan, a young entrepreneur, is planning to start his own small business making hand-made
wooden garden benches – Beautiful Benches (BB).
Table 2: Forecasted sales revenue for BB for the first four months
of operation, starting 1 January 2021 (all figures in $)
January 2000
February 1000
March 2500
April 3000
To be competitive, BB offers its customers credit. They pay 50 % when they buy a bench and
50 % one month later.
Marketing 200
Utilities 180
Dan was advised to pay close attention to BB’s working capital cycle.
(b) Prepare a monthly cash flow forecast for BB for the first four months of operation. [6]
(c) Explain one strategy that BB could use to significantly improve its forecasted cash flow
for January 2021. [2]
Turn over
–4– 8820 – 5012
Section B
Answer two questions from this section.
3. MusiCology
MusiCology (MC) is a private limited company. Rob, the chief executive officer (CEO),
founded it to encourage young people to play musical instruments, believing that too many
young people either prefer to just listen to music or are abandoning traditional methods
of making music in favour of generating it on computers. MC’s mission statement is:
“MusiCology supports the playing of real music by real musicians on real instruments.”
The business relies heavily on social media.
Because MC has not been profitable, Rob asked Abbi, a technology specialist and successful
provider of venture capital, for financial support. Abbi agreed, but insisted that MC organize a
live music concert in six months that would be broadcast globally. She also thinks that MC’s
mission statement needs updating.
Abbi is confident that, with her social media connections and influence, the concert will be
successful. She has contacted several artists, asking them to play, and their responses have
been positive. The concert will also be pay-per-view*. Some artists have agreed to play for
free, and several musical instrument manufacturers will sponsor the event. Abbi predicts
significant profits.
Rob likes the idea of the concert, but he doubts MC has the ability and resources to organize
such an event. He is also concerned that some musicians will play computer-generated
music, and fears a negative reaction on social media.
* pay-per-view: a system that allows businesses to charge for premium content that
otherwise might be shown for free
(b) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for MC of having a mission statement. [4]
(c) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for MC of using venture capital to
provide financial support. [4]
4. ExotIce
ExotIce (EI) is a private limited company producing and selling ice cream from a centrally
located shop in a large capital city. Lena, the founder and chief executive officer (CEO), owns
80 % of the shares. Her two daughters, who travel the world to find new and exotic natural
ingredients for new flavours, each own 10 % of the shares. The family value their freedom in
the decision-making process and the collaborative and supportive nature of EI’s culture.
A strong brand name and brand loyalty has led to rapid growth in EI’s market share.
However, long queues (lines) are forming and the number of customer complaints is
increasing. Lena is worried about the negative impact on EI.
(b) Explain the importance of people and processes in EI’s extended marketing mix. [4]
(c) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for EI of using a focus group. [4]
(d) Recommend which of the two strategic growth options, Option 1 or Option 2,
EI should implement. [10]
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–6– 8820 – 5012
Fort Industries (FI) manufactures aircraft. Jacques Fort founded the business in 1957 as a
private limited company. He owned 100 % of the shares and managed the company strictly,
making most of the decisions himself. FI grew through both internal and external growth.
Later, it began to manufacture aircraft parts for other manufacturers.
Jacques led his workforce by using Taylor’s motivation theory. He regularly set clear
objectives and monitored his employees carefully. Employees had to meet international
quality and safety standards. Although Jacques was controlling, employees had job security
and believed that he had their best interests at heart.
FI became a public limited company in 1988 and grew. Jacques found this transition difficult.
He liked privacy and rarely spoke to the media. This had to change. Employees also began
to ask for less supervision, wider spans of control and greater control over quality standards.
Jacques retired in 2000 and his son, Henri, took over as CEO. Henri consults widely with his
executive team and line managers on all decisions.
Recently, FI has been struggling with liquidity. Henri implemented strict cost controls and
analysed the following ratios (see Table 5).
Table 5: Liquidity ratios for FI for 2019 and 2020 and industry averages for 2020
FI Industry averages
Often, FI has to delay payment to creditors. Employees are concerned that by saving money,
safety standards at FI have been reduced.
(b) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for FI of motivating its employees using
Taylor’s motivation theory. [4]
(c) Explain two reasons why Jacques may have found the transition difficult when FI
became a public limited company. [4]
Section C
Answer one question from this section. The organizations featured in sections A and B and in the
paper 1 case study may not be used as a basis to your answer.
7. With reference to an organization of your choice, discuss the ways in which innovation can
influence organizational change.[20]