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Notice of Meeting Draft Agenda TC71SC8 2022 v3

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com - 2023-04-19 12:26:38

ISO/TC 71/SC 8 N 182

ISO/TC 71/SC 8 "Environmental management for concrete and concrete structures"

Secretariat: JISC
Committee manager: Fujimoto Satoshi Dr


Document type Related content Document date Expected action

Meeting / Agenda Meeting: VIRTUAL 17 Nov 2022 2022-11-15 INFO

Replaces: N 181 Notice_of_meeting_draft_agenda_TC71SC8_2022_v2

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-19 12:26:38

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-19 12:26:38


Date Reference
2022-09-20 ISO/TC 71/SC8

N 181
Number and title of TC/Numéro et titre du TC
TC71 Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete
Secretariat/Secrétariat Meeting/Réunion
JISC, Japan
Meeting dates / Dates de la réunion:
Host/Invitant Place/Lieu
Password: 447718

Tel: +81-28-689-6207

P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one
month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting,
the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation.

Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the
delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month
before the opening of the meeting.

Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la
présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être
représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière

Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi
que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un mois
au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion.

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alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-19 12:26:38

Notice of meeting / Draft agenda

Page 2

DRAFT Agenda for the 13th meeting of ISO/TC71/SC8 Environmental management for concrete
and concrete structures, 17th, November, 2022, Zoom

1. Opening of the meeting (UTC+0 11:00, 17th, November 2022)

2. Roll call of delegates
3. Work environment: Presentation on the Code of Conduct
Direct link to Code of Conduct
4. Adoption of the agenda
5. Appointment of the drafting committee
6. Minutes of the 12th TC71/SC8 meeting N172
7. Report of the Secretariat
7.1 Membership of ISO/TC71/SC8

7.2 Voting result of ISO/CD 13315-3 N175

7.3 Voting result of ISO/DIS 13315-1 N177

7.4 Voting result of SR ballot for ISO 13315-4 N178

8. Status of all items of the programme of work and action to be taken

8.1 ISO/FDIS 13315-1 "Environmental management for concrete and

concrete structures – Part 1: General principles"

8.2 ISO/PWI 13315-5 "Environmental management for concrete and

concrete structures – Part 5: Execution of concrete structures

8.3 ISO/PWI 13315-7 "Environmental management for concrete and N180

concrete structures – Part 7: End of life phase including recycling
concrete structures"

8.4 Addition of SDGs on SC website

8.5 Others
9. Items for future work
10. Report from ISO/TC71/SC8 liaisons
10.1 ISO/TC59/SC17
10.2 ISO/TC146/SC1
10.3 ISO/TC207
10.4 ISO/TC323
11. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting
12. Any other business
13. Approval of resolutions
14. Closure of the meeting (UTC+0 13:00, 17th, November 2022)

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