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Morocco, like other arid and semi-arid countries, faces a growing water shortage, necessitating the exploration
of alternative solutions. This study investigates the potential use of untreated urban wastewater for irrigation and
environmental impact mitigation, focusing on El Jadida as a case study. Throughout the year 2023, from January
to December, a comprehensive characterization of physico-chemical, heavy metal, and biological parameters of
this unconventional water source was conducted to account for seasonal variations, particularly between rainy and
sunny periods. Samples were collected at the inlet of the El Jadida wastewater pre-treatment plant (WWTP) to as-
sess the city’s net pollution levels. Results indicate high values for chemical oxygen demand (COD = 741 mg/L),
biological oxygen demand (BOD5 = 344 mg/L), organic load (BOD5/COD ratio = 2.2), and biodegradability,
suggesting a strong need for biological treatment. Despite compliance with discharge standards, concentrations
of heavy metals such as mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn), and fluoride ions (F–) ex-
ceed Moroccan irrigation water quality thresholds by 90%, 66.7%, 21.8%, 33.3%, and 86.1%, respectively. There-
fore, advanced chemical treatment is highly recommended to mitigate environmental impact and ensure safe reuse
for irrigation. The novelty of this study lies in evaluating the suitability of El Jadida’s wastewater for irrigation and
environmental impact mitigation, underscoring the critical need for effective treatment solutions to enhance water
sustainability in Morocco. Future research will focus on optimizing water treatment processes.
Keywords: urban wastewater reuse, irrigation, environmental feasibility, sustainable development, heavy metals,
water sustainability.
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
exacerbated by the overexploitation of aquifers, The present study contributes to the field by
leading to high mineralization that alters fresh- conducting a comprehensive year-long assessment
water ecosystems (Ez-zaouy et al., 2022). Several of El Jadida’s wastewater quality, emphasizing
factors threaten and degrade water quality (Bahir its suitability for various applications, notably ir-
and Ouhamdouch 2020), including population rigation and environmental impact mitigation. By
growth (Huang et al.), industrial pollution (Cheng meticulously analyzing physicochemical, heavy
and Xu, 2023; Ji and Ma, 2022; Faouzi et al., metal, and biological parameters, including sea-
2023), and climate change (Galliari et al., 2021), sonal variations, this research aims to inform ro-
increasing the degree of salinity, particularly in bust decision-making processes and precautionary
coastal regions (Zamrsky et al., 2020). Besides, measures. The findings not only underscore the
rapid industrialization, population growth, and need for effective wastewater treatment strategies
anthropogenic activities in North Africa (Haouas but also advocate for water conservation efforts es-
et al., 2023) in Morocco, have led to increased sential for sustainable development in Morocco.
water consumption and pollution, affecting the Overall, this work highlights the novelty of an
quality of tropical river ecosystems (Qalmoun et in-depth investigation of wastewater quality over
al., 2022; Bounoua et al., 2020). Climate change one year, its implications for multiple applica-
is exacerbating these problems by altering rainfall tions and its contribution to decision making and
patterns and causing more extreme and unpre- environmental management.
dictable weather conditions, impacting on water
availability and quality (Abdelmajid et al., 2021).
On the other hand, characterizing the compo- MATERIALS AND METHODS
sition of wastewater, including industrial, domes-
tic, and clinical sources, at the inlet of wastewater Description of the study area
treatment plants (WWTPs) is crucial to ensure their
safety and proper operation through informed deci- Located on the Atlantic coast, El Jadida ben-
sion-making and precautionary measure. Essential efits from a temperate climate characterized by
parameters such as temperature (T), pH, electrical mild winters and hot summers, temperatures rang-
conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), total ing from 17 °C to 30 °C, and humidity levels up
suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand to 90%. El Jadida is estimated to have 846.659 in-
(COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), habitants in 2023, and covers an area of 3.357.85
heavy metals and bacteriological content play a vi- km², resulting in a population density of 252 in-
tal role in understanding the nature of wastewater habitants/km². The current industrial zone, created
and selecting appropriate treatment methods (As- in 1976, covers an area of 117 ha and includes 90
sal et al., 2024; El Fadili et al., 2022d; Ben Ali et industrial units (Johari et al., 2022). Companies in
al., 2023). This enables the selection of suitable the industrial zone cover a wide range of industrial
treatment processes in WWTPs, guaranteeing ef- and service-related activities (food processing,
fective treatment and minimizing environmental textiles and leather, para-chemistry, etc.). The city
impact. This approach facilitates the recovery and generates nearly 200000 m3 of wastewater daily.
reuse of water for a variety of purposes, including
irrigation and industrial processes, thereby reduc- The sampling
ing the demand for freshwater resources. WWTPs
not only mitigate pollution by removing contami- The current study required the collection of
nants, but they also recover valuable resources well-distributed water quality data over time in or-
such as biogas for energy production and nutrients der to characterize and assess the possible environ-
for fertilizers. By ensuring that only safe water mental impacts of El Jadida’s wastewater. The raw
is discharged into natural water bodies, WWTPs wastewater samples selected for analysis were taken
help preserve biodiversity and prevent the prolif- from the primary sewer upstream of the El Jadida
eration of harmful algae. Consequently, they play wastewater treatment plant, as shown in Figure 1. All
a key role in mitigating climate change through samples were collected from the primary sewer over
energy-efficient processes and by being designed one year considering monthly sampling frequency
to withstand extreme weather events, thus ensur- (January to December 2023). A monthly sampling
ing a sustainable and safe water supply for future frequency was observed at the designated sampling
generations (Nguyen et al., 2022). point. Samples were collected and stored at 4 °C in
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
aseptic containers compliant with NF EN 25667-1 collected in sterile containers, and all measuring
and ISO 5667 standards, protected from light to pre- equipment used was pre-calibrated according to the
vent any physicochemical contamination (Tenodi et manufacturer’s instructions. Temperature, pH, elec-
al., 2020, El Fadili et al., 2022a). Samples for heavy trical conductivity, and dissolved oxygen were mea-
metals were collected separately and some drops of sured using a portable multi-parameter instrument
nitric acid were added to prevent the precipitations. (a Multi 3630 manufactured by WTW (Germany)).
Samples were then stored at 4 °C in the dark during
Physical and chemicals wastewater analysis transport to the laboratory, where they were analyzed
to the same standard as mentioned above. Analyses
The samples were collected every hour for 24 of TSS, BOD5, COD, nitrogen and phosphorus com-
h on the scheduled sampling date, using analysis pounds, and the other remaining parameters were
parameters compliant with the methods prescribed carried out using the methods recommended by AF-
by the NF EN ISO 5667-1 standard. They were NOR standards as presented in Table 1.
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
Table 2. Summarizes the detailed findings related to the physicochemical analyses conducted on raw wastewater
samples collected at the inlet of the El Jadida WWTP during the study period
T Conductivity Dissolved COD BOD5 TSS
Month pH
(°C) (µS·cm-1) oxygen (mg·L-1) (mg·L-1) (mg·L-1)
January-23 18.8 7 7460 0.01 917 401 188
February-23 18.8 7.7 7230 0 722 304 122
March-23 20.4 7.6 6600 0.1 847 363 245
April-23 22.3 7.2 6660 0 709 310 192
May-23 21.8 7.4 4330 0.01 110 363 21
June-23 26.5 7.4 4520 0.1 934 412 304
July-23 25.5 7.2 4090 0 639 281 238
August-23 26 7.1 4260 0 660 235 250
September-23 25.2 7.1 4300 0 754 338 337
October-23 22.6 6.8 5080 0 709 301 232
November-23 20.7 7 4010 0 949 421 300
December-23 17.8 6.9 2410 0.01 950 407 213
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
Figure 2. The boxplots for (a) temperature, (b) pH, (c) conductivity and (d) TSS
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
phenomenon, which generates unpleasant odors, Table 3. COD/BOD5 monthly wastewater ratio for the
is illustrated in Table 1, which shows the monthly city of El Jadida
variation in DO in the city’s wastewater. Oxygen Date
Biodegradability index
depletion in raw wastewater is also due to the
January-23 2.3 Highly biodegradable
cellular respiration of microorganisms present in
February-23 2.4 Highly biodegradable
the effluent. These microorganisms, proliferating
March-23 2.3 Highly biodegradable
thanks to abundant organic matter, consume the
oxygen available for their growth and metabo- April-23 2.3 Highly biodegradable
lism. The greater the quantity of organic matter, May-23 1.7 Highly biodegradable
the higher the oxygen demand, inevitably leading June-23 1.8 Highly biodegradable
to a drop in DO concentration. July-23 2.3 Highly biodegradable
Wastewater analysis reveals high concentra- August-23 2.8 Highly biodegradable
tions of organic matter, as evidenced by the 5-day September-23 2.2 Highly biodegradable
COD and BOD5 values presented in Figure 3. October-23 2.4 Highly biodegradable
COD values ranged from 610 to 949 mg·L-1 (O2), November-23 2.2 Highly biodegradable
with an average of 741 mg·L-1 (O2, well above the December-23 2.3 Highly biodegradable
authorized limits for direct wastewater discharge
as defined by Moroccan regulations (Faouzi et al.,
2023). Similarly, BOD5 values range from 235 to wastewater evaluated in this study can be consid-
421 mg·L-1, with an average of 344 mg·L-1, indi- ered of domestic origin and biodegradable, which
cating a particularly high biodegradable organic may require biological treatment before discharge
matter content. into the receiving environment to avoid an accu-
These high COD and BOD5 concentrations are mulation of the organic load in a confined space.
due to significant domestic and industrial inputs.
Discharges of foodstuffs, household products, and Nutrients
pharmaceuticals from domestic sources, as well as
wastewater from agri-food, chemical, and textile Abundant and irregular wastewater discharg-
activities, contribute significantly to the organic es can lead to the proliferation of photosynthetic
matter load of wastewater. Sewage system man- algae in the aquatic environment. This phenome-
agement problems, such as leaks, overflows, and non is mainly due to excessive inputs of nutrients,
inadequate treatment, can also aggravate the situ- particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, which can
ation. COD and BOD5 values do not comply with lead to eutrophication.
Moroccan discharge standards. The biodegrad- Analysis of the physicochemical parameters
ability ratio R = DBO5/DCO varies from 1.7 to 2.8 of wastewater discharges revealed high concentra-
as shown in Table 3, with an average of 2.2. The tions of Kjeldah nitrogen, as shown in Figure 4,
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
ranging from 41 to 115 mg·L-1 with an average This non-compliance is limited mainly be-
of 78 mg·L-1, and, ranging from 15 to 24 mg·L-1 tween April and June, possibly due to discharges
with an average of 20 mg·L-1. These values far from certain industries such as paper mills, tan-
exceed the regulatory limits set by the Moroccan neries, or chemicals such as detergents, bleaching
standard (Zhou et al., 2022). agents, and preservatives. All these factors may ex-
plain the increase in sulfide levels, which must be
treated to preserve aquatic life after discharge into
Sulfate SO4 and Free sulfide S2-
the sea and protect infrastructure against corrosion.
Sulfate is an essential nutrient for the growth
of plant and animal tissues. Its ability to be reduced Heavy metals
and oxidized by chemical and microbiological
The heavy metals content in treated wastewa-
pathways makes it an important link in the glob-
ter was examined in this paper and compared with
al sulfur cycle. In this study, as the graph shows the permissible limits of reject set by the decree n°
in Figure 5b, sulfate levels remained within the 2-04-553. As observed in Table 4, the measured
range specified by the Moroccan discharge stan- concentrations of all heavy metals complied with
dard, from 66 to 485 mg·L-1, with an average of the Moroccan discharge standards.
183 mg·L-1. However, as shown in Figure 5a, free To ensure precise quantification of heavy
sulfide ranges from 0.4 to 2.3 mg·L-1, with an aver- metal concentrations, we employed atomic ab-
age of 1 mg·L-1, exceeding the discharge limits set sorption spectroscopy (AAS) using an advanced
by the Moroccan standard (Oliveira et al., 2020). spectrometer (Anwar et al., 2024). This analytical
Figure 5. The monthly variation of (a) Free sulfide, and (b) sulfate.
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
Table 4. Heavy metal concentrations and discharge the quantitative ratio R = FC/FS. According to the
limit values according to Moroccan standards criteria defined by Borrego and Romero (Borrego
Parameter Reject value* Limit value** et al., 1983), contamination of animal origin is
Mercury < 0.01 0.01 characterized by an R ratio of less than 0.7, while
Cadmium 0.03 0.25 contamination of human origin has an R ratio of
Arsenic 0.05 0.1 over 4. Mixed contamination of predominantly
Barium < 0.01 1 animal origin is characterized by an R-ratio of
Hexavalent chromium < 0.01 0.2 between 0.7 and 1. Uncertain origin corresponds
Copper total 1 2
to an R-ratio of between 1 and 2, while mixed
contamination of predominantly human origin is
Zinc total 0.49 5
characterized by an R-ratio of between 2 and 4.
Selenium < 0.01 0.1
In the case of our effluent, the FC/FS ratio is 7
Fluoride 7.2 20
greater than 4, indicating human fecal pollution
Cyanides 0.06 0.5
(Arab and Arab, 2017).
Cobalt < 0.01 0.5 Our microbiological analysis revealed the ab-
Iron total 0.55 5 sence of Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae, which is a
Manganese 0.3 2 favorable indicator of the quality of our discharges.
Silver Ag < 0.01 0.1
Total Tin < 0.01 2.5
Evaluation of examined water
Note: Heavy metal content in effluents from the city
suitability for irrigation
of El Jadida, **Discharge limit values in accordance
with Moroccan standards for liquid Several factors collectively influence the
quality of irrigation water, encompassing pa-
rameters such as pH, temperature, alkalinity,
technique offers exceptional accuracy and sensi- and salinity (El Fadili et al., 2022b). In this
tivity, enabling us to accurately determine even context, Wilcox’s diagram, along with mul-
trace levels of heavy metals in wastewater (Iqbal tiple indices (SAR, MHR, %Na, KI, and PI),
et al., 2022). Other parameters, such as fluoride, were simultaneously calculated to evaluate the
and cyanides, have also been analyzed, as they suitability of the analyzed water for irrigation,
may present risks to human health and the envi- considering both its anionic and cationic com-
ronment if thresholds are exceeded. Meeting dis- position. The obtained results are depicted in
charge limits is crucial, and this analysis confirms Table 5. Firstly, the pH values fell within the
all elements were within the acceptable range ac- recommended range for agricultural purposes,
cording to Moroccan liquid discharge standards ranging from 6.5 to 8.5.
(Achkir et al., 2023; Touzani et al., 2023). Sodium plays a vital role in irrigation water.
Yet, if its levels exceed those of Ca2+ and Mg2+, it
Bacteriological parameters can notably decrease soil permeability by saturat-
ing soil cation exchange complexes (Tran et al.,
In the course of this study, we observed that 2021). In this context, several irrigation param-
September had the highest biodegradability rate eters were introduced. The results showed that
of the year 2023. As a result, it was selected for generated wastewater is not suitable for irriga-
the biological and microbiological analyses. tion. For example, SAR (12.7) was more than the
These analyses revealed concentrations of permissible limit of 10, SAR, KR, and PI values
total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal strepto- exceeded the allowable values of 10, 1, and 60,
cocci of 7.0 × 106/100 ml, 2.8 × 105/100 ml and respectively. In terms of metallic pollution, the
4.0 × 104/100 ml, respectively. These parameters most studied heavy metals in wastewater exhib-
serve as indicators to determine the origin of fecal ited values higher than the limits set by the Mo-
contamination, which is established by calculating roccan and FAO (Soumbara and El Ghini, 2023)
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
Table 6. Heavy metal and ions concentrations and water quality standards for irrigation in Morocco
Parameter Reject value* Limit value**
Mercury < 0.01 0.001
Cadmium 0.03 0.01
Arsenic 0.05 0.1
Aluminum 6.39 5
Copper total 1 2
Zinc total 0.49 2
Selenium < 0.01 0.02
Fluoride 7.2 1
Cyanides 0.06 1
Cobalt < 0.01 0.5
Iron total 0.55 5
Manganese 0.3 0.2
Note: *Heavy metal and ions content in effluents from the city of El Jadida. **Discharge limit values according to
Moroccan irrigation water quality standards
(Canton, 2021), the Table 6 compares the heavy the Moroccan standard for irrigation water qual-
metal concentrations measured at the inlet to the ity, while the other heavy metals (As, Cu, Zn, Se,
wastewater pre-treatment plant (WWTP) with the Co, Fe, etc.) comply with the standard. Overall,
permissible limits set by the Moroccan standard the irrigation water does not comply with the Mo-
for irrigation water. roccan regulations. The bacteriological param-
The analysis reveals that the heavy metals and eters show that although Salmonella and Vibrio
ions concentrations of Hg, Cd, Al and Mn exceed cholerae are absent, which is a favorable indicator
the authorized thresholds. Even if the other heavy of water quality, the concentrations of total co-
metals comply with the standard, the irrigation liforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci
water as a whole remains non-compliant with exceed the threshold limits of the irrigation water
Moroccan regulations (Sahraoui et al., 2024). quality standard and consequently these waters
do not require bacteriological treatment.
Finally, effective regulation of physicochem-
CONCLUSIONS ical, biological, and heavy metal parameters re-
quires a combination of biological and chemical
This work aims to assess the degree of pol- treatment. Based on the results of our research
lution, characterize El Jadida’s wastewater, into wastewater quality monitoring, its treat-
and evaluate its suitability for discharge into ment is urgently required to mitigate adverse
the natural environment and for reuse in irriga- effects on human health and the environment,
tion. the wastewater was evaluated exhaustive- thereby promoting sustainable water manage-
ly based on its physicochemical, heavy metal, ment practices amidst climate change and wa-
and biological parameters. ter scarcity challenges in Morocco. This critical
As a results, the physicochemical param- initiative lays the foundation for future studies
eters studied, including COD, BOD5, suspended focusing on reclaiming treated water for sustain-
solids and electrical conductivity, indicate non- able agricultural practices, thus advancing water
compliance by exceeding the thresholds set by sustainability efforts in the region.
Moroccan wastewater quality standards. The
COD and BOD5 values were three times higher Acknowledgments
than the prescribed limits, while suspended sol-
ids and conductivity were almost 1.5 times and The authors would like to thank the technical
twice higher, respectively. Additionally, Analysis staff of the El Jadida wastewater treatment plant
reveals that the heavy metals concentration such for their invaluable help during the sampling pro-
as Hg, Cd, Al, and Mn, along with ion of Fluoride cess and all those who contributed directly or in-
(F-), exceed authorized thresholds. authorized by directly to the realization of this work.
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2024, 25(10), 31–41
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