cesta 6eme
cesta 6eme
cesta 6eme
She is wearing a
blue skirt, green shirt and a blue headscarf.
CEG-GBEGOUROU Année Scolaire 2018 -
2019 On Fridays, William goes to the mosque. He wears a
(N’DALI) Durée : 1h 30 mn green and yellow bubu and his father wears a white shirt, a red
Classe : 6ème Coef : 01
tie and black trousers. He likes to wear his bubu to the mosque.
SEMESTRE Unpublished
A- La réaction à un texte écrit
II – COMPETENCES A EVALUER Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
- Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réagir de façon précise et - Exprimant des appréciations sur le texte
appropriée à des messages lus. - Reconnaissant les détails du texte ;
- Compétence disciplinaire n° 3 : Produire de façon précise et - Montrant ta maîtrise du vocabulaire et de la grammaire du
appropriée des textes de types et de fonctions variés. texte
Tâche :
Have we chosen material progress and forgotten the
CEG-GBEGOUROU Année Scolaire 2018- rights of animals? Animals have been on this earth a lot longer
2019 than we have but we have endangered their existence.
(N’DALI) Durée: 1 h 30 mn We have already killed many species and we have begun
Classe : 5ème Coef : 01 to destroy the lives of many others.
1er DEVOIR SURVEILLE DU SECOND From Adventures in English, page 66
SEMESTRE Vocabulary:
To poison: empoisonner
A- Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : régir de façon cohérente et The earth: la terre
appropriée à des messages lus. The sea: la mer
B- Compétence disciplinaire n°3 : produire de façon The sky: le ciel
appropriée des textes de type et de fonction variés. Species: espèces
Spoiled: souillé/pollué
A-Réaction à un texte lu:
Contexte :
Tâche: Tu montreras que tu à compris le texte ci-dessous après
L’homme est un danger pour la nature. Il détruit la nature l’avoir lu en :
dans le but de satisfait ses besoins vitaux. Le texte ci-dessous - Reconnaissant les détails du texte ;
s’inscrit dans ce contexte. Tu es invité(e) à le lire et à réagir aux - Montrant ta maitrise du vocabulaire et de la grammaire du
items qui te seront soumis. texte.
Support: Consignes :
Text: Where have all the animals gone? Item 1: Write « True » or « False » for these statements.
Modern man has destroyed the habitats of hundreds of 1) Modern man is the man of today.
animals. We have poisoned the earth and sky. We have spoiled 2) Industrial progress has given us only benefits.
the seas, rivers and deserts. 3) Human beings have been on earth longer than animals.
We have brought disaster to the forests. Industrial 4) Modern man has destroyed animals.
progress has given us many benefits. But the benefits have also
taken away many of our natural resources. Item 2: Answer these following questions on the text.
1) Who has destroyed the habitats of hundred of animals?
2) What have we brought to forests?
3) Where have animals been a lot longer than we have? Consigne:
Writing: Copy and complete the following paragraph with:
rainy- dirty- risky- healthy.
Item 3: Match the words in column A with their definitions Paragraph:
in column B.
Column A: Words Column B: Definitions Modern man has put animals at risk through
his………..entreprise. He has covered his environment with dirt
1- earth a- large natural streams of water
2- Sky b- In accordance with nature and it has become a ……..environment. He cannot be in good
3- rivers c- the planet where we live
4-natural d- The atmosphere high above earth that health because his environment is not ………The season during
looks blue. which it rains is a ……………..season.
Item 4: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or GOOD LUCK!
1- Modern man (to start) destroying nature since 1900.
2- We can (to protect) our environment.
3- What about (to kill) animals?
4- Animals (to be) on earth for fifty years.