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Curriculum Vitae

Florida State University, Mod Langs, Distinguished Research Professor
Daniel Eisenberg Curriculum Vitae Current as of May 16, 2005 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 University Experience . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Visiting Professor Appointments . . . . . . 4 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Annotated Lists of Suggested Dissertation Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Brief Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Encyclopedia Articles . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Software Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Papers and Invited Lectures . . . . . . . . 32 Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Courses Taught . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Theses Directed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Departmental Service (see also Editorships) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 University Service (see also Editorships) . 40 Community Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Service to the Profession (see also Editorships and Congresses Organized) . . . . . . 42 Editorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Book Manuscripts Reviewed . . . . . . . . . 45 Applications Reviewed . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Congresses Organized . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Honors at Florida State University . . . . 46 Honors in Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Grant Applications (successful unless otherwise indicated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 1 Curriculum Vitae 2 Contact Information Address and phone: (not posted online; inquire by email) Email: daniel(dot)eisenberg(at)projectcb(dot)com, daniel(dot)eisenberg(at)bigfoot(dot)com, or deisenbe(at)nycap(dot)rr(dot)com. Sending messages simultaneously to all addresses is recommended. Home Page: http://www.bigfoot.com/~daniel.eisenberg Education Ph.D., Brown University, 1970 [1971]. Dissertation topic: “An Edition of a Sixteenth-Century Romance of Chivalry: Diego Ortúñez de Calahorra’s Espejo de príncipes y caballeros [El Caballero del Febo]” (subsequently published in the Clásicos Castellanos series of Editorial Espasa-Calpe). M.A., Brown University, 1968. Thesis topic: “An Introduction to the Study of Alfonso X’s General Estoria” (subsequently published in Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie). B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1967. Major: Romance Languages. Diplo`ma de Estudios Hispánicos, Curso para Extranjeros, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1966. Canisteo Central School, Canisteo, New York, 1963. University Experience Associate Dean of Liberal Arts and Director, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Excelsior College (formerly Regents College), 1998–2003. Curriculum Vitae 3 Assistant to the Dean of Arts and Sciences for Information Technology, Northern Arizona University, 1997–98. Department Chair, Modern Languages Department, Northern Arizona University, 1996–97. Distinguished Research Professor, Florida State University, 1992–96. Professor, Florida State University, 1978–92. Associate Professor, Florida State University, 1974–78. Assistant Professor, City College, City University of New York, 1973–74. Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1970–73. Instructor, Lincoln Adult School, Lincoln, Rhode Island, 1967–70. Visiting Professor Appointments Taught On-Line Course, “Problems of Electronic Text: English and Non-English,” for Connect.Ed (affiliated with the New School for Social Research, New York), 1989. University of California at Davis, Fall quarter, 1980. University of California at Los Angeles, Winter quarter, 1980. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, July and August, 1976. Books Critical edition, Diego Ortúñez de Calahorra, Espejo de príncipes y cavalleros [El Cavallero del Febo], Clásicos Castellanos, Volumes 193–198. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1975. cii + 1772 pp. [Translation: Curriculum Vitae 4 The Mirror of Knightly Deeds (The Knight of the Sun).] REVIEW ARTICLES: Karl Kohut, “Humanismo y novelas de caballerías. Algunas razones para leer una despreciada novela de caballerías,” Iberoromania, Neue Folge, 10 (1979), 63–76 [Translation: Humanism and Romances of Chivalry. Some Reasons to Read a Rejected Romance of Chivalry]; Bernhard König, “Claridiana, Bradamante und Fiametta. Zur ‘Doppelliebe’ des Caballero del Febo und zu den italienischen Quellen der ‘Primera parte’ des Espejo de príncipes y caballeros (Anlässlich der Neuausgabe durch Daniel Eisenberg),” Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 30 (1979), 228–50 [Translation: “Claridiana, Bradamante and Fiametta. On the ‘Double Love’ of the Knight of the Sun and on the Italian Sources of Part I of the Mirror of Knightly Deeds, Newly Edited by Daniel Eisenberg.] REVIEWS: Ann Wiltrout, American Hispanist, 2.10 (September, 1976), 18–19; James Ray Green, Jr., Journal of Hispanic Philology, 1 (1977), 245–48; Joseph Jones, Hispania, 60 (1977), 390–91; José Antonio Míguez, Arbor, 96 (1977), 139– 40; John Keller, Hispanic Review, 46 (1978), 392–93; Frank Pierce, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 55 (1978), 155; Alberto Sánchez, Anales Cervantinos, 15 (1976), 269–73; Bodo Müller, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 95 (1979), 699–700; Sharon Ghertman Dahlgren, Romance Philology, 36 (1983), 577–84; Anonymous, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 13 (1977), 91; Informaciones (Madrid), April 22, 1976; El adelantado de Segovia, July 4, 1976; Hierro (Bilbao), April 30, 1976; Región (Oviedo), July 9, 1976; La mañana (Lérida), April 1, 1976; Tribuna Médica, April 2, 1976; Sábado gráfico, 983 (March 31–April 6, 1976). “Poeta en Nueva York”: Historia y problemas de un texto de Lorca. Barcelona: Ariel, 1976. 222 pp. [Original English title: The Textual Tradition of “Poet in New York.”] REVIEW ARTICLE: Nigel Dennis, “On the First Edition of Poeta en Nueva York,” Ottawa Hispánica, 1 (1979), 47–83. REVIEWS: Mildred Adams, Hispanic Review, 46 (1978), 106– 08; Jacqueline Minett de Millán, Modern Language Review, 73 (1978), 682–85; D. R. Harris, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 55 (1978), 169–70; Gustav Siebenmann, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 95 (1979), 702–03; Luis Monguió, Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 29 (1980), 236–37; Klaus Pörtl, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 33 (1982), 397–98; Carl Cobb, Journal of Spanish Studies: Twentieth Century, 5 Curriculum Vitae 5 (1977), 249–50; Manuel Camarero, Estafeta Literaria, October 10, 1977; Miguel García–Posada, Ínsula, 367 (June, 1977), 10; Anonymous, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 14 (1978), 88; Suzanne Byrd, Hispania, 61 (1978), 382; La Vanguardia (Barcelona), January 20, 1977; El correo español (Bilbao), January 9, 1977; El Vigía (Barcelona), January 7, 1977; Tele–Express, December 8, 1976; Hoja del Lunes, January 24, 1977; Europeo, January 22, 1977; Reseña, 102 (1977); Hierro (Bilbao), February 4, 1977; F. Azúa, Diario de Barcelona, December 11, 1976; La Nación [Buenos Aires], September 28, 1977, Sec. 4, p. 5. Critical Edition, Federico García Lorca, Songs, translated (1929) by Philip Cummings with the assistance of the author. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1976. xi + 187 pp. REVIEWS: Francesca Colecchia, American Hispanist, 2.17 (April, 1977), 15; D. R. Harris, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 55 (1978), 76; Allen Josephs, Hispania, 61 (1978), 381– 82; Joseph W. Zdenek, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos [Alabama], 15 (1981), 138–39; Anonymous, Choice, 13 (1976), 1303; Anonymous, Booklist, 73 (1976), 450; A. P. Debicki, World Literature Today, 51 (1977), 423; Rosemary Neiswender, Library Journal, 102 (1977), 389; Anonymous, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 13 (1978), 88; Edmund L. King, Hudson Review, 31 (1979), 694–96. The Castilian Romances of Chivalry in the Sixteenth Century: A Bibliography. Research Bibliographies and Checklists, 23. London: Grant and Cutler, 1979. 116 pp. REVIEWS: Frank Pierce, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 58 (1981), 80–81; Raymond E. Barbera, Hispania, 64 (1981), 634– 35; Bernhard König, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 32 (1981), 386– 90; Harvey L. Sharrer, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 6 (1982), 163–64; Augusta E. Foley, Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 44 (1982), 747–48. Romances of Chivalry in the Spanish Golden Age. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 1982. xvii + 182 pp. REVIEWS: Sydney Cravens, Cervantes, 2.2 (1982), 191–92; Marilyn Olson, La Corónica, 11 (1982), 96–98 and 378; Frank Pierce, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 7 (1982), 65–67; Alberto Sánchez, Anales Cervantinos, 29 (1982), 224–26; Keith Whinnom, Modern Language Review, 78 (1983), 941; James Curriculum Vitae 6 Ray Green, Jr., MLN, 98 (1983), 287–88; Mary Lee Cozad, South Atlantic Review, 48 (1983), 127–31; Cristina González, Bulletin Hispanique, 85 (1983), 183–85; Edwin Williamson, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 61 (1984), 194–95; Joseph R. Jones, Hispanic Review, 52 (1984), 529–30; Francisco Márquez Villanueva, Romance Philology, 38 (1985), 415–18; Nieves Baranda, Anuario de Filología Española, 2 (1985), 556–57. Facsimile edition, with introduction (47 pp.) to Alejo Venegas del Busto, Primera parte de las Diferencias de libros que ay en el universo. Barcelona: Puvill, 1983. [Translation: The Varieties of Books in the Universe, Part I.] REVIEWS: Francisco Márquez Villanueva, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 9 (1985), 172–75; reprinted in Papeles del Rinconcillo [Seville], 2 [1985], 51–54); J. Ruano de la Haza, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 11 (1986), 208–10; Kurt Baldinger, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 100 (1984), 759–60. Cervantine Correspondence of Thomas Percy and John Bowle. Exeter Hispanic Texts. Exeter, 40: University of Exeter, 1987. xxii + 74 pp. REVIEWS: John J. Allen, Hispanic Review, 57 (1989), 234; Frank Pierce, Modern Language Review, 85 (1990), 477; Franco Meregalli, Rassegna Iberistica, 38 (1990), 46–47. A Study of “Don Quixote.” Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 1987. xxiv + 317 pp. REVIEWS: Carroll Johnson, Hispanic Review, 57 (1989), 95–97; Edward H. Friedman, Hispania, 71 (1988), 822–23; Eduardo Urbina, South Central Review, 6 (1989), 110–12; Anthony Close, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 12 (1987), 62– 66; Antonia Fernández, Íncipit, 7 (1987), 195–97; Hans-Jorg Neuschäfer, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 104 (1988), 573; Gareth A. Davies, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 67 (1990), 188; Alberto Sánchez, Anales Cervantinos, 27 (1989), 277–79; Monique Joly, Romanische Forschungen, 102 (1990), 112–15; Lesley Lipson, Modern Language Review, 85 (1990), 470–71; Catherine Larson, Cervantes, 11.2 (1991), 103–05; Alan Soons, Iberoromania, 37 (1993), 144–46. Las “Semanas del jardín” de Miguel de Cervantes. Salamanca: Diputación de Salamanca, 1988 [1989]. 194 pp. [Translation: Miguel de Cervantes’ “Weeks in the Garden.”] Curriculum Vitae 7 REVIEW ARTICLES: Antonio Cruz Casado, “Una recuperación: Las semanas del jardín, de Miguel de Cervantes,” Angélica, 2 (1992), 239–48; reprinted in Anales cervantinos, 30 (1992), 163–73, and in Boletín de la Real Academia de Ciencias, Bellas Letras y Nobles Artes de Córdoba, 122 (1992), 297–302 [translation: “A Recovery: Cervantes’ Weeks in the Garden”]; Dennis Madrigal, “Elementos cervantinos en Las semanas del jardín,” Revista de Estudios Generales [Puerto Rico], 5 (1990–91), 35–56 [translation: “Cervantine Elements in The Weeks in the Garden”]; Francisco López Estrada, “Las fronteras de Cervantes: ¿Las Semanas del jardín restituidas?,” Ínsula, 516 (December, 1989), 4 [translation: “The Frontiers of Cervantes: The Weeks in the Garden Recovered?”]. REVIEWS: James Parr, Cervantes, 10.2 (1990), 101–02; Anthony Close, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 14 (1990), 305–08; Lilia E. F. de Orduna, Íncipit, 9 (1989), 199–202; Carlos Romero, Confronto letterario, 7 (1990), 219–23. Estudios cervantinos. Barcelona: Sirmio, 1991 [1992]. 153 pp. [Translation: Cervantine Studies.] REVIEWS: Fernando Lázaro Carreter, ABC Cultural, 28 de febrero de 1992, p. 7; Charles Oriel, Cervantes, 12.2 (1992), 151–54; J.S., El correo gallego, 9 de febrero de 1992, Revista, p. 8; Julio Baena, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 17 (1992), 74–76; John G. Weiger, Hispanic Review, 62 (1994), 544–45; Francisco A. Marcos Marín, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 110 (1994), 691–92. Actas del coloquio El erotismo y la brujería en Cervantes. Co-editor (with José Antonio Cerezo). Cervantes, 12.2 (1992). 148 pp. [Translation: Acts of the Conference on Eroticism and Witchcraft in Cervantes.] Cervantes y “Don Quijote.” Barcelona: Montesinos, 1993. 124 pp. [Translation: Cervantes and “Don Quijote.”] REVIEWS: Cristóbal Cuevas, ABC Literario, 8 de octubre de 1993, p. 13; Francisco del Valle, “Cervantes y Eisenberg,” Diario de Córdoba, 28 de octubre de 1993, p. 28; Ángel Sánchez, Cervantes, 14.1 (1994), 97–98; José Luis Bartolomé, Heraldo de Aragón, 17 de junio de 1993; Alberto Sánchez, Anales cervantinos, 31 (1993), 302–03; John A. Jones, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 72 (1995), 430; Michael McGaha, Indiana Journal of Hispanic Literature, 6–7 (1995), 265–66. Curriculum Vitae 8 International Colloquium on the Construction of Character in the Works of Cervantes. Selected Papers. Editor. Cervantes, 15.1 (1995). 166 pp. La interpretación cervantina del “Quijote.” Translated by Isabel Verdaguer. Madrid: Compañía Literaria, 1995. 260 pp. [Translation: Cervantes’ Interpretation of the “Quijote.”] REVIEWS: Emilio Sola, La esfera (suplemento cultural de El mundo), 24 de febrero de 1996, 19; C[arlos] G[arcía] G[ual], Babelia (suplemento cultural de El país), 17 de febrero de 1996, 15; Cristóbal Cuevas, ABC Cultural, 12 abril 1996, 15; Miguel Luque Calvo, Almírez (Centro Asociado de la UNED, Córdoba), 11 (1997), 332-35: Graciela Redoano, Íncipit, 16 (1996 [1997]), 296–300; Antonio Cruz Casado, Angélica, 7 (1995–96), 295–300 María Victoria Reyzábal, Cuadernos del Lazarillo 14 (enero-junio 1998): 63–65; Blas Matamoro, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 558 (1996), 137-138. Enrique Rodríguez Cepeda, Edad de Oro, in press. Los territorios literarios de la historia del placer. I Coloquio de Erótica Hispana. Editor (with José Antonio Cerezo and Víctor Infantes). Madrid: Libertarias, 1996 [recd. 1997]. [Title translated: The Literary Territories of the History of Pleasure. I Colloquy of Spanish Erotica.] Bibliografía de los libros de caballerías castellanos (with Maricarmen Marín Pina). Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2000. 516 pp. [Translation: Bibliography of Castilian Romances of Chivalry.] REVIEWS: Víctor Infantes, Noticias bibliográficas, 80 (March-April, 2001), 16–17. La biblioteca de Cervantes: Una reconstrucción. Montilla (Spain): Manuel Ruiz Luque, in press. [Translation: Cervantes’ Library: A Reconstruction.] Curriculum Vitae 9 Articles “Más datos bibliográficos sobre libros de caballerías españoles,” Revista de Literatura, 67–68 (1968), 5–17. [Translation: “More Bibliographic Data on Spanish Chivalric Books.”] “Búsqueda y hallazgo de Philesbián de Candaria,” Miscellanea Barcinonensia, 11 (1972), 147–57. [Translation: “Search for and Discovery of Philesbián de Candaria.”] “The General Estoria: Sources and Source Treatment,” Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 89 (1973), 206–27. “Who Read the Romances of Chivalry?,” Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 20 (1973), 209–33. “Pero Pérez the Priest and His Comment on Tirant lo Blanch,” Modern Language Notes, 88 (1973), 321–30. “Don Quijote and the Romances of Chivalry: The Need for a Reexamination,” Hispanic Review, 41 (1973), 511– 23. Reprinted in Spanish translation by Arcadio Díaz Quiñones, “Don Quijote y los libros de caballerías: Necesidad de un reexamen,” Sin Nombre, 6.2 (October-December, 1975), 54–65. “Notas sobre la Caragicomedia,” Iberoromania, 3 (1971), 213–19. [Translation: “Notes on the Caragicomedia.”] “Dos textos primitivos de Poeta en Nueva York,” Papeles de Son Armadans, 74 (1974), 169–74. [Translation: “Early Versions of Two Poems from Poet in New York.”] “Cervantes’ Don Quijote Once Again. An Answer to J. J. Allen,” in Estudios literarios de hispanistas norteamericanos dedicados a Helmut Hatzfeld con motivo de su 80 aniversario, ed. Josep M. Solá-Solé, Alessandro Crisafulli, and Bruno Damiani (Barcelona: Hispam, 1974), pp. 103–10. Curriculum Vitae 10 “Un texto en prosa atribuido a Lorca,” Ínsula, 339 (February, 1975), 1 and 12. [Translation: “A Prose Text Attributed to Lorca.”] “Musical Settings of Lorca Texts,” García Lorca Review, 2 (1975), 29–35. “Additions and Corrections,” García Lorca Review, 4 (1976), 32–33. “Textos en prosa atribuidos a Lorca,” in Textos y documentos lorquianos (Tallahassee, 1975), pp. 3–16. [Translation: “Prose Texts Attributed to Lorca.”] “Lorca en Nueva York,” in Textos…, pp. 17–36. [Translation: “Lorca in New York.”] “Una visita con Jean-Louis Schonberg,” in Textos…, pp. 37–50. [Translation: “A Visit with Jean-Louis Schonberg.”] “The Pseudo-Historicity of the Romances of Chivalry,” Quaderni Ibero-Americani, 45–46 (1974–75), 253–59. “Dos conferencias lorquianas (Nueva York y La Habana, 1930),” Papeles de Son Armadans, 79 (1975), 197– 212. [Translation: “Two Lectures by Lorca (New York and Havana, 1930).”] “Cuatro pesquisas lorquianas,” Thesaurus, 30 (1975), 520–38. Reprinted, without permission, by Poesía Hispánica, 2a época, 289 (January, 1977), 24–32. [Translation: “Four Lorca Investigations.”] “Two Problems of Identification in a Parody of Juan de Mena,” in Oelschläger Festschrift, Estudios de Hispanófila, 36 (Chapel Hill: Hispanófila, 1976), pp. 157–70. “Enrique IV and Gregorio Marañón,” Renaissance Quarterly, 29 (1976), 21–29. “A Catalogue of Lorca’s Drawings,” García Lorca Review, 4 (1976), 13–31. “El rucio de Sancho y la fecha de composición de la Segunda Parte de Don Quijote,” Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 25 (1976), 94–102. The revised English original, “Sancho’s rucio and the Date of Composition of Don Quijote, Part II,” was published in Studies in the Spanish Golden Age: Curriculum Vitae 11 Cervantes and Lope, ed. Dana E. Drake and José Madrigal (Miami: Universal, 1977), pp. 21–32. “Cinco textos lorquianos de la revista gallo,” Papeles de Son Armadans, 83 (1976), 61–75. [Translation: “Five Lorca Texts from the Magazine gallo.”] “A Chronology of Lorca’s Visit to New York and Cuba,” Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 24 (1977), 233–50. “La regla breve y muy compendiosa de fray Juan de Hempudia,” Archivo Ibero-Americano, 37 (1977), 63–81. [Translation: “The Brief but Very Complete Rule of Fray Juan de Hempudia.”] “Un texto lorquiano descubierto en Nueva York (La presentación de Sánchez Mejías),” Bulletin Hispanique, 80 (1978), 134–37. [Translation: “A Lorca Text Discovered in New York.”] “Does the Picaresque Novel Exist?” Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 26 (1979), 203–19. “Il diario de Philip Cummings,” pp. 204–18, “Lorca a New York: Testi e documenti,” pp. 219–40, and “Cronologia della visita di Lorca a New York,” pp. 289–304 of Federico García Lorca: Materiali, ed. Ubaldo Bardi and Ferrucio Masini (Naples: Pironti, 1979). These are translations of previously published material. “La España del Siglo de Oro desde un punto de vista norteamericano,” in Actas del Sexto Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas (Toronto: Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Toronto, 1980), pp. 225–28. [Translation: “Golden Age Spain from an American Perspective.”] “An Early Censor: Alejo Venegas,” in Medieval, Renaissance and Folklore Studies in Honor of John Esten Keller (Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1980), pp. 229–41. “Toward a Bibliography of Erotic Pulps,” Journal of Popular Culture, 15 (1982), 175–84. “On Editing Don Quixote,” Cervantes, 3.1 (1983), 3–34 and 160. Curriculum Vitae 12 “Alfonsine Prose: Ten Years of Research,” La Corónica, 11 (1983), 220–30. “El Bernardo de Cervantes fue su libro de caballerías,” Anales Cervantinos, 21 (1983), 103–17. [Translation: “Cervantes’ Bernardo was His Romance of Chivalry.”] “Teaching Don Quixote as a Funny Book,” in Approaches to Teaching “Don Quixote,” ed. Richard Bjornson (New York: Modern Language Association, 1984), pp. 62–68. “Cervantes and Tasso Reexamined,” Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 31 (1984), 305–17. “The Romance as Seen by Cervantes,” El Crotalón. Anuario de Filología Española, 1 (1984), 177–92. “Cervantes, Lope, and Avellaneda,” in Josep Maria SolàSolé: Homage, Homenaje, Homenatge (Barcelona: Puvill, 1984), II, 171–83. “Did Cervantes Have a Library?” in Hispanic Studies in Honor of Alan D. Deyermond: A North American Tribute, ed. John S. Miletich (Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1986), pp. 93–106. “Las publicaciones de la Editorial Séneca,” in Homenaje a Pedro Sainz Rodríguez (Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española, 1986), I, 225–33; also in Revista de Literatura, 94 (1985), 267–76. [Translation: “The Publications of Editorial Séneca.”] “Nuevos documentos relativos a la edición de Poeta en Nueva York y otras obras de García Lorca,” Anales de Literatura Española [Alicante], 5 (1986–87), 67–107. [Translation: “New Documents Regarding the Publication of Poet in New York and Other Works of García Lorca.”] “La biblioteca de Cervantes” [a reconstruction], in Studia in Honorem prof. Martín de Riquer, II (Barcelona: Quaderns Crema, 1987), 271–328. [Translation: “Cervantes’ Library.”] Curriculum Vitae 13 “The Electronic Journal,” Scholarly Publishing, 20 (1988), 49–58. An earlier version was published in Editors’ Notes, 7.1 (Spring, 1988), 11–17. “Reaction to the Publication of the Sonetos del amor oscuro,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 65 (1988), 261–71. Reprinted in Homosexual Studies on Literary Themes, ed. Wayne Dynes and Stephen Donaldson (New York: Garland, 1992), pp. 129–39. “La teoría cervantina del tiempo,” Actas del IX Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (Frankfurt: Klaus Dieter, 1989), I, 433–39. [Translation: “Cervantes’ Theory of Time.”] “Problems of the Paperless Book,” Scholarly Publishing, 21 (1989), 11–26. “In-House Typesetting on a Tight Budget,” Scholarly Publishing, 21 (1990), 205–20. “Processing Electronic Manuscripts on the PC,” Scholarly Publishing, 22 (1991), 93–108. An earlier version was published in Editors’ Notes, 9.1 (Spring, 1990), 20–30. “Repaso crítico de las atribuciones cervantinas,” Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 38 (1990), 477–92. [Translation: “Critical Review of Cervantine Attributions.”] “The British Library Catalog of Early Spanish Books” (review article), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 14 (1990), 287–93. “Cervantes’ Consonants,” Cervantes, 10.2 (1990), 3–14. “Unanswered Questions about Lorca’s Death,” Angélica [Lucena, Spain], 1 (1990), 93–107. “Don Quijote, el romanticismo y el renacimiento de lo caballeresco,” Ínsula, 538 (1991), 16–17. [Translation: “Don Quijote, Romanticism and the Rebirth of Chivalry.”] “Lorca and Censorship: The Gay Artist Made Heterosexual,” Angélica [Lucena, Spain], 2 (1991), 121–45. “Granada y 1492,” Ideal [Granada], January 2, 1992, supplement, p. 57. Curriculum Vitae 14 “Las Semanas del jardín de Cervantes,” Actas del X Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, ed. Antonio Vilanova (Barcelona: PPU, 1992), I, 607–11. [Translation: “Cervantes’ Weeks in the Garden.”] “Cisneros y la quema de los manuscritos granadinos,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 16 (1992), 107–24. [Translation: “Cisneros and the Burning of the Granadine Manuscripts.”] Available online at http://bigfoot.com/~Daniel.Eisenberg/cisneros.htm. Cumulative Index to Journal of Hispanic Philology, Volumes 1–16, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 16 (1992), 362–416. “Tasks Involved in Editing and Producing the Journal of Hispanic Philology,” Editors’ Notes, 11.2 (1992), 23–28. “The Story of a Cervantine Discovery,” Manuscripts, 45 (1993), 13–21. “‘Esta empressa,’ no ‘está impressa,’” Cervantes, 13.2 (1993), 125–26. [Translation: “‘This project,’ not ‘it is printed.’”] “Noches en los jardines de España,” Angélica [Lucena], 5 (1993), 177–84. [Translation: “Nights in the Gardens of Spain.”] Available on-line at: http:// www.bigfoot.com/~Daniel.Eisenberg/noches.htm “Una temprana guía gay: Granada (Guía emocional) de Gregorio Martínez Sierra (1911),” Erotismo en las letras hispánicas. Aspectos, modos y fronteras, ed. Luce López-Baralt y Francisco Márquez Villanueva, Publicaciones de la Nueva revista de filología hispánica (Mexico City: El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios, 1995), pp. 111–20. [Translation: “An Early Gay Guidebook: Granada (An Emotional Guidebook), by Gregorio Martínez Sierra (1911).”] “El problema del acceso a los libros de caballerías,” Ínsula, 584–85 (1995), 5–7. [Translation: “The Problem of Access to Romances of Chivalry.”] Curriculum Vitae 15 “El buen amor heterosexual de Juan Ruiz.” In Los territorios literarios de la historia del placer. I Coloquio de Erótica Hispana. Madrid: Libertarias, 1996 [recd. 1997]. 49–69. Revised English translation: “Juan Ruiz’s Heterosexual ‘Good Love.’” In Queer Iberia, ed. Gregory Hutcheson and Josiah Blackmore, Duke University Press, 1999. 250–74. “Cervantes, autor de la Topografía e historia general de Argel, publicada por Diego de Haedo,” Cervantes, 16.1 (1996), 32–53. [Translation: “Cervantes, author of the Topography and General History of Algiers, published by Diego de Haedo.”] An earlier version, without notes, was published in Aljamía [Rabat, Morocco], 6 (1994), 19–27. “A Hispanist’s View of the Boom in Spanish Enrollments,” ADFL [Association of Departments of Foreign Languages] Bulletin, 28.3 (Spring, 1997), 46– 47. “Que nos falta una edición crítica del Quijote” [without footnotes]. VI Juicio Crítico Literario [de] Los Académicos de la Argamasilla (n.p., but Ciudad Real, Spain, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1996), 37–61. “[Que] nos falta una edición crítica del Quijote” [with footnotes]. Palabra crítica (Estudios en homenaje a José Amezcua), ed. Serafín González García y Lillian von der Walde (México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana—Unidad Iztapalapa y Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1997 [1998]), 302–14. [Translation: “We Lack a Critical Edition of Don Quijote.”] “Dos pintores de marginados,” Diario de Córdoba, May 5, 1995, pp. cv-cviii. [Translation: “Two Painters of Lower-Class Figures.”] Reprinted as “Pintar viviendo,” in Zurcidos mediterráneos. Estudio de la obra plástica de Isabel Jurado Cabañes y Rafael Aguilera Baena (Lucena [Spain]: Ayuntamiento, 1999), 91–102. [Translation: “Painting by Living.”] Curriculum Vitae 16 “Pasado, presente y perspectivas del teléfono erótico,” El cortejo de Afrodita. Ensayos sobre literatura hispánica y erotismo [Actas del Segundo Coloquio Internacional de Erótica Hispana], Analecta Malacitana (Málaga, Spain), anejo 11 (Málaga, 1997), 105–14. [Translation: “Past, Present, and Possibilities of Phone Eroticism.”] “Inexactitudes y misterios bibliográficos: las primeras ediciones de Primaleón,” Scriptura (Lérida, Spain), 13 (1997), 173–78. [Translation: “Bibliographical Errors and Mysteries: The First Editions of Primaleón.”] “El abuelo paterno de Cervantes, el licenciado Juan de Cervantes” (with Krzysztof Sliwa), Cervantes, 17.1 (1997), 106–14. [Translation: “Cervantes’ Paternal Grandfather, the Licenciate Juan de Cervantes.”] “El Quijote y los libros de caballerías.” El universitario europeo, 7.19 (1997), supplement El cuaderno, 32. [Translation: “The Quijote and the Romances of Chivalry.”] “Foreign Language Instruction through Interactive Television at Northern Arizona University,” ADFL [Association of Departments of Foreign Languages] Bulletin, 29.3 (Spring, 1998), 20–23. Untitled review article of John Dagenais, The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture: Glossing the Libro de buen amor, in forum “Manuscript Culture in Medieval Spain,” La Corónica, 27.1 (1998), 133–36. “¿Por qué volvió Cervantes de Argel?” In “Ingeniosa invención”: Essays on Golden Age Spanish Literature for Geoffrey L. Stagg in Honor of his EightyFifth Birthday. Ed. Ellen Anderson and Amy Williamsen. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1999. 241–53. [Translation: “Why Did Cervantes Return from Algiers?”] “Balance del cervantismo de Francisco Rodríguez Marín,” Actas del Coloquio “Cervantes en Andalucía,” Estepa (Spain): Ayuntamiento, 1999. 54–64. Curriculum Vitae 17 “El convenio de separación de Cervantes y su mujer Catalina,” Anales Cervantinos, 35 (1999), 143-49. [Translation: “The Separation Agreement of Cervantes and his wife Catalina.”] Also published in Silva. Studia philologica in honorem Isaías Lerner, coord. Isabel Lozano-Renieblas and Juan Carlos Mercado (Madrid: Castalia, 2001), 227–32. “Fostering Student-Faculty Community through Online Chat,” Journal of Graduate Liberal Studies, 5 (1999), 129–42. “Introduction [La escondida senda]” (1–21), “Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de” (46–49), and “García Lorca, Federico” (pp. 74–78), in Hispanic Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes. A Bio-Critical Sourcebook, ed. David William Foster (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999). “Los textos digitales de las obras de Cervantes,” Cervantes 1547-1997. Jornadas de investigación cervantina, ed. Aurelio González. Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 1999. 53–61. “Invenciones y escándalos cívicos en el cervantismo oficial,” Desviaciones lúdicas en la crítica cervantina. Primer Convivio Internacional de Locos Amenos. Memorial Maurice Molho, ed. Antonio Bernat Vistarini y José María Casasayas. Salamanca—Palma de Mallorca, Ediciones Universidad Salamanca—Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2000. 93–105. [Translation: “Civic Fantasies and Scandals Related to Cervantes.”] “Meditación sobre Cervantes y Granada,” Premio de Poesía Miguel de Cervantes 2000, Colección Arabuleila de Poesía, Armila (Granada): Ayuntamiento de Armila—Asociación Cultural “Armillat,” 2000. 13–16. Also in Cervantes 22.2 (2002), 5–7. “Rico, por Cervantes.” Review article of Don Quijote de la Mancha, ed. Francisco Rico. Hispanic Review, 68 (2001), 84–88. Curriculum Vitae 18 “An Interview with Dale Wasserman,” Cervantes, 20.1 (2001), 83–94. Edition of John Bowle, A Letter to Dr. Percy, Cervantes, 20.1 (2001), 95–146. “Estado actual del estudio de los libros de caballerías castellanos,” Volver a Cervantes. Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Lepanto, 1/8 de octubre de 2000, ed. Antonio Bernat Vistarini. Palma: Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2001. 531–36. [Translation: “The Present State of the Study of Castilian Romances of Chivalry.”] “Los autores italianos en la biblioteca de Cervantes.” Cervantes en Italia. Actas del X Coloquio de la Asociación de Cervantistas. Ed. Alicia Villar Lecumberri. Palma de Mallorca: Asociación de Cervantistas, 2001 [2002]. 87–92. “¿Cuán Queer Fue Iberia?” La Corónica, 30.1 (2001), 236-38; collective “Obras citadas” on pp. 260-65. “Publications of E. C. Riley” (with Jeremy Robbins), Cervantes, 22.1 (2002), 17-26. Edition of “Entremés de los romances” (with Geoffrey Stagg), Cervantes, 22.2 (2002), 151-74. “Publications of John Jay Allen,” Cervantes, 23.1 (2003), 52-61. “Los trabajos del biógrafo cervantino” (review article of Donald P. McCrory, No Ordinary Man. The Life and Times of Miguel de Cervantes), Cervantes, 23.1 (2003), 235–49. “No hubo una Edad ‘Media’ española,” Propuestas teórico-metodológicas para el estudio de la literatura hispánica medieval, ed. Lillian van der Walde. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México–Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2003. 511–20. “Homosexuality in the Spanish Renaissance.” Written for Siting Queer Masculinities, 1550-1800, ed. Katherine O’Donnell and Michael O’Rourke, Madison: Uni- Curriculum Vitae 19 versity of Wisconsin Press, but then not accepted by the editors. “¿Qué escribió Cervantes?” Sobre Cervantes, ed. Diego Martínez Torrón. Alcalá de Henares: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, 2003. 9–26. “R. Merritt Cox (1939–1987): Pioneer of John Bowle Studies,” Cervantes, 23.2 (2003 [2004]): 5–8 (with George Greenia). “La edición del Quijote de John Bowle. Sus dos emisiones,” Cervantes, 23.2 (2003 [2004]): 45–84. Edited John Bowle, “Correspondence,” Cervantes, 23.2 (2003 [2004]): 119–40. Edited Joseph Baretti, Tolondron. Speeches to John Bowle about his Edition of Don Quixote, together with Some Account of Spanish Literature, Cervantes, 23.2 (2003 [2004]): 141–274. “Cervantes y la guerra de Irak.” XIV Coloquio Cervantino Internacional. Don Quijote [sic] en el Siglo XXI. Guanajuato en la geografía del Quijote. Guanajuato: Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato, Museo Iconográfico del Quijote [sic]–Fundación Cervantina de México–Universidad de Guanajuato, 2004. 2949. “La supuesta homosexualidad de Cervantes,” Hommage à Augustin Redondo. Madrid: Castalia, 2004. 000–00. Columns “The Chivalric University,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 6 (1982), 177–78. “Book Review Policies,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 7 (1982), 1–3. “The Golden Years,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 7 (1983), 85– 86. “Writing with a Word Processor,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 7 (1983), 165–67. Curriculum Vitae 20 “The Trouble with Language Textbooks,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 8 (1983), 1–5. “‘Una uña de la gran bestia,’” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 8 (1984), 93–98. [Translation: “A Nail of the Great Beast.”] “Un sueño,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 9 (1984), 1–2. [Translation: “A Dream.”] “If Cervantes Were Alive Today,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 9 (1985), 101–04. “Grammatical Sexism in Spanish,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 9 (1985), 189–96. “In Costa Rica,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 10 (1985), 1–6. “In Tallahassee,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 10 (1986), 97– 101. “Two Letters to Editors: On Footnotes, On Chivalry,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 10 (1986), 199–201. “Speaking a Language,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 11 (1986), 1–3. “United Faculty of Florida,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 11 (1987), 97–101. “Bolivia,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 11 (1987), 193–98. “Jaén,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 12 (1987), 1–2. “Graffiti in Granada, May, 1988,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 12 (1988), 89–91. Found and edited “La musique andalouse marocaine,” by Younes Chami, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 12 (1988), 181–89. “The Journal of Hispanic Philology Style and Electronic Manuscript Guide,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 13 (1988), 1– 5. “Machu Picchu and Cuzco,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 13 (1989), 97–101. “Cuzco to Lima,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 14 (1989), 1–4. Found and edited “Correo para la muerte (Carta amarga a José Luis Hidalgo),” by Ramón de Garciasol, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 14 (1990), 129–41. “Quito to Chiriquí,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 15 (1990), 1– 6. “Nicaragua to Tallahassee,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 15 (1991), 97–101. “What I Have Learned about Spanish from 23 Years of Teaching It,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 16 (1991), 3–9. “De Tallahassee a Montgomery,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 16 (1992), 257–62. [Translation: “From Tallahassee to Montgomery.”] “What is a University?,” Virtual University Journal, October 1998, http://www.mcb.co.uk/virtual-university-press/column/ eis2.htm. Curriculum Vitae 21 “Vision of a Virtual University II,” Virtual University Journal, November 1998, http://www.mcb.co.uk/virtual-universitypress/column/eis2.htm. “The Vision of a Virtual University (III). Beyond the Academic in the Virtual University,” Virtual University Journal, January 1999, http://www.mcb.co.uk/virtual-university-press/column/ eis3.htm. “Cheating in the Virtual University,” Virtual University Journal, February 1999, http://www.mcb.co.uk/virtual-universitypress/column/eis4.htm. “La hija de Diego de Miranda,” Cervantes, 20.1 (2000), 5–6. “The Possessive of Cervantes is Cervantes’,” Cervantes, 20.2 (2000), 5–6. “‘Sancho, gobernador,’ ¿una novela cervantina?,” Cervantes, 21.1 (2001), 3–4. “Meditación sobre Cervantes y Granada,” Cervantes 22.2 (2002), 5–7. Previously in Premio de poesía “Miguel de Cervantes” 2000 (Armilla, Granada: Ayuntamiento de Armilla y Asociación Cultural “Armillat,” 2001), 13–16. “An Answer to Stephen Hart,” Hispanic Research Journal, 5 (2004) 277. Annotated Lists of Suggested Dissertation Topics Journal of Hispanic Philology, 13 (1988), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 13 (1989), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 14 (1989), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 14 (1990), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 15 (1990), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 15 (1991), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 15 (1991), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 16 (1991), Journal of Hispanic Philology, 16 (1992), [MLA] Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter, 5–7. [MLA] Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter, 27–30. [MLA] Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter, [MLA] Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter, 7–11. 85–87. 172–74. 115–17. 198–201. 84–87. 176–77. 267–71. 85–88. 356–58. 18.2 (July, 1991), 1, 18.3 (November, 1991), 19.2 (July, 1992), 6–8. 19.3 (November, 1992), Curriculum Vitae 22 Brief Notes “An Unknown Toledan Printer: Juan de Zea,” Romance Notes, 13 (1972), 529–30. Abstract of dissertation, Dissertation Abstracts International, 32 (1972), 5179A-80A. “Américo Castro” (Necrology), Hispanófila, 47 (1973), 1–2. “Dígalo Portugal, Barcelona y Valencia: Una nota sobre la popularidad de Don Quijote,” Hispanófila, 52 (1974), 71–72. Summary of “Current Research of Castilian Romances of Chivalry: Traditional Approaches,” La corónica, 2.2 (Spring, 1974), 13–14. “The City College Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,” La corónica, 2.2 (Spring, 1974), 3–4. “Four Photos of Lorca in Vermont,” García Lorca Review, 2 (1974), unpaged. “Needed Editions of Romances of Chivalry” (position paper), La corónica, 3.1 (Fall, 1974), 6. Abstract of “Enrique IV and Gregorio Marañón,” La corónica, 3.2 (Spring, 1975), 3–4. “Un barbarismo: ‘libros de caballería,’” Thesaurus, 30 (1975), 340–41. Abstract of lecture in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Boletín de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Año 1, Nos. 8–9 (October-November, 1975), 4. Abstract of “Amadís de Gaula and Amadís de Grecia,” La corónica, 4.1 (Fall, 1975), 11. “Victor Rudolph Bernhardt Oelschläger” (biography and bibliography), in Oelschläger Festschrift, Estudios de Hispanófila, 36 (Chapel Hill: Hispanófila, 1976), pp. 15– 21. “Additions and Corrections to ‘Musical Settings of Lorca Texts,’” García Lorca Review, 4 (1976), 32–33. “A Seville, 1549 Edition of the Sergas de Esplandián,” Journal of Hispanic Philology, 1 (1976), 61–63. Abstract of “Lorca’s Sonetos del amor oscuro,” South Atlantic Bulletin, 42 (1977), 109–10. “More on libros de caballería and libros de caballerías,” La corónica, 5.2 (Spring, 1977), 116–18. “How I Wasted $4500 on a Microcomputer System,” Editors’ Notes, 1.2 (Fall, 1982), 13–15. “In the Black on 300 Subscribers: Some Advice for New Journal Editors,” Editors’ Notes, 2. 2 (Fall, 1983), 33–37. “Two Spanish Notary Public Documents Relating to Slaves,” Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, 6.1 (Spring, 1985), 36–37. Curriculum Vitae 23 “Making Mailing Easier,” Editors’ Notes, 6.2 (Fall, 1987), 32. “An Alternative to E-Mail: Fax,” Editors’ Notes, 10.1 (Spring 1991), 46–47. “El coloquio ‘El erotismo y la brujería en Cervantes,’” Montilla, año XIII, nº 122 (Diciembre, 1992), 22. “Introducción” (with José Antonio Cerezo Aranda), Actas del coloquio “El erotismo y la brujería en Cervantes,” Cervantes, 12.2 (Fall, 1992), 5–6. “Aron David Kossoff (1918–1995),” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies [Glasgow], 73 (1996), 245–47. Encyclopedia Articles Cervantes, Góngora, Guillén de Castro, Juan de la Cueva, Quevedo, Espinel, Bécquer, Fernán Caballero, Clarín for the American Academic Encyclopedia (Princeton: Aretê, 1981). Published electronically by Grollier’s Electronic Encyclopedia. Spain, Granada, Sephardic Judaism, Juan II and Enrique IV, Cervantes, Lorca, Cernuda, Manuel de Falla, Antonio Pérez, Manuel Azaña, and Lautréamont for the Encyclopedia of Homosexuality (New York: Garland, 1990). Homosexuality (398–99), Slavery (758–59), and Ibn al-Khat§b (416–17) for Encyclopedia of Medieval Iberia, ed. Michael Gerli (New York: Routledge, 2003). History of Word Processing, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, vol. 49 (New York: Dekker, 1992), pp. 268–78, and the Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology (forthcoming). Book Reviews Manual Alvar. El romancero. Tradicionalidad y pervivencia. Barcelona: Planeta, 1970. Modern Language Notes, 87 (1972), 343– 45. John J. O’Connor. “Amadis de Gaule” and its Influence on Elizabethan Literature. New Brunswick: Rutgers, 1970. Hispanófila, 45 (1972), 83–85. Francisco Delicado. La lozana andaluza, ed. Bruno Damiani. Madrid: Castalia, 1969. Hispanófila, 46 (1972), 79–80. Curriculum Vitae 24 Garcilaso de la Vega. Poesías castellanas completas, ed. Elias Rivers. Madrid: Castalia, 1969. Hispanófila, 46 (1972), 81–82. Theodore S. Beardsley, Jr. Hispano-Classical Translations 1482– 1699. Pittsburgh: Duquesne, 1970. Quaderni Ibero-Americani, 41 (1972), 61. “Libro de buen amor” Studies, ed. G. B. Gybbon-Monypenny. London: Tamesis, 1970. Quaderni Ibero-Americani, 41 (1972), 62. This review was also published in Hispanófila, 47 (1973), 77–78. Julio Rodríguez-Puértolas. Estudios de literatura española. Madrid: Gredos, 1970. Modern Language Notes, 88 (1973), 406. Samuel G. Armistead and Joseph H. Silverman. Folk Literature of the Sephardic Jews. Volume I. The Judeo-Spanish Ballad Chapbooks of Yacob Abraham Yoná. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1972. Modern Language Notes, 88 (1973), 407–08. June Hall Martin. Love’s Fools: Aucassin, Troilus, Calisto and the Parody of the Courtly Lover. London: Tamesis, 1972. Modern Language Notes, 88 (1973), 408–10. Eduardo Sarmiento. Concordancias a las obras de Garcilaso de la Vega. Madrid: Castalia, 1970. Hispanófila, 47 (1973), 78–79. James Chatham and Enrique Ruiz-Fornells. Index to Hispanic Dissertations. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1970. Hispanófila, 47 (1973), 89–90. Bernard Gicovate. San Juan de la Cruz. New York: Twayne, 1971. Hispanófila, 51 (1974), 74. James Burke. History and Vision: The Figural Structure of the Caballero Zifar. London: Tamesis, 1972. Modern Language Notes, 89 (1974, published 1975), 320–21. (Joint review, with Ray Green.) Alban Forcione. Cervantes, Aristotle, and the Persiles. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970. Ruth El Saffar. Novel to Romance. A Study of Cervantes’s “Novelas ejemplares.” Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1974. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 23 (1974, published 1975), 420–22. C. Bruce Fitch. “A Clue to the Genealogy of the Gran Conquista de Ultramar,” Romance Notes, 15 (1974), 578–80. Olifant, 2.3 (February, 1975), 219. (Article review.) Francisco Rico. Alfonso el Sabio y la “General estoria.” Barcelona: Ariel, 1972. Modern Language Notes, 90 (1975), 299– 300. Crónica de 1344, ed. Diego Catalán and María Soledad de Andrés. Volume I. Madrid: Gredos, 1971. Hispanófila, 42 (1975), 84– 85. Armando Durán. Estructura y técnicas de la novela sentimental y caballeresca. Madrid: Gredos, 1973. Hispanic Review, 43 (1975), 425–29. Curriculum Vitae 25 Joseph L. Laurenti and Joseph Siracusa. Federico García Lorca y su mundo: Ensayo de una bibliografía general. The World of Federico García Lorca: A General Bibliographic Survey. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. Journal of Spanish Studies: Twentieth Century, 3 (1975), 157–78. Otis H. Green. The Literary Mind of Medieval and Renaissance Spain, ed. John E. Keller. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1970. Quaderni Ibero-Americani, Nos. 45–46 (1974– 75), 301–02. David W. Foster. Christian Allegory in Early Hispanic Poetry. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1970. Quaderni Ibero-Americani, Nos. 45–46 (1974–75), 302–04. Manuel Durán. Cervantes. New York: Twayne, 1974. Renaissance Quarterly, 28 (1975), 413. Ian Gibson. The Death of Lorca. London: Allen and Chicago: O’Hara, 1973. Hispanic Review, 44 (1976), 138–39. Henry Ettinghausen. Francisco de Quevedo and the Neostoic Movement. London: Oxford University Press, 1972. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 25 (1976), 150–51. Libros de caballerías hispánicos, ed. José Amezcua. Madrid: Alcalá, 1973. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 25 (1976), 138–39. H. Salvador Martínez. El “Poema de Almería” y la épica románica. Madrid: Gredos, 1975. Hispania, 59 (1976), 543. Roger M. Walker. Tradition and Technique in “El Libro del Cavallero Zifar.” London: Tamesis, 1975. Hispania, 59 (1976), 543–44. Robert M. Flores. The Compositors of the First and Second Editions of “Don Quixote,” Part I. London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1975. Hispania, 59 (1976), 954–55. Antonio de Nebrija. Vocabulario de romance en latín, ed. Gerald J. MacDonald. Philadelphia: Temple, and Madrid: Castalia, 1973. Hispanófila, 58 (1976), 85–86. Peter Boyd-Bowman. Léxico hispanoamericano del siglo XVI. London: Tamesis, 1971 (1972). Hispanófila, 58 (1976), 85–86. Dorothy Sherman Severin. Memory in “La Celestina.” London: Tamesis, 1970. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 25 (1976), 407. Adrienne Mandel. “La Celestina” Studies: A Thematic Survey and Bibliography, 1824–1970. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1971. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 25 (1976), 408. Fernando de Rojas. Celestine, or the Tragick-Comedie de Celestina, ed. Mac E. Barrick. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1973. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 25 (1976), 409–10. Pierre Heugas. La Célestine et sa descendance directe. Bordeaux: Institut d’Études Ibériques et Ibéro-américaines de Curriculum Vitae 26 l’Université de Bordeaux, 1973. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 25 (1976), 410–12. Hilkert Weddige. Die “Historien vom Amadis auss Franckreich.” Dokumentarische Grundlegen zur Entstehung und Rezeption. Weisbaden: Steiner, 1975. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 1 (1977), 157–58. Alice M. Pollin, ed. A Concordance to the Plays and Poems of Federico García Lorca. Ithaca and London: Cornell, 1975. Modern Language Review, 72 (1977), 723–24. Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz. De Isidoro al Siglo XI. Ocho estudios sobre la vida literaria peninsular. Barcelona: El Albir, 1976. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 2 (1978), 138. Anthony Cárdenas, Jean Gilkison, John Nitti, and Ellen Anderson, compilers. Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts (Literary Texts, Edition-2). Madison, Wisconsin: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1977. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 3 (1979), 178–82. F. González Ollé. Manual bibliográfico de estudios españoles. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1976. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 3 (1979), 305–06. “Mio Cid” Studies, edited by A. D. Deyermond. London: Tamesis, 1977. Juan Manuel Studies, edited by Ian Macpherson. London: Tamesis, 1977. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 4 (1980), 169– 71. Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies on Spain and Portugal in Honour of P. E. Russell, edited by F. W. Hodcroft, D. G. Pattison, R. D. F. Pring-Mill, and R. W. Truman. Oxford: The Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1981. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 5 (1981), 229–30. John Lihani. Bartolomé de Torres Naharro. Boston: Twayne, 1979. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos [Alabama], 16 (1982), 144–45. James R. Chatham and Carmen C. McClendon, with Enrique Ruiz-Fornells and Sara Matthews Scales. Dissertations in Hispanic Languages and Literatures. An Index of Dissertations Completed in the United States and Canada. Volume Two: 1967– 1977. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1981. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 6 (1981), 73–74. Federico García Lorca, Poeta en Nueva York. Tierra y luna. Edición crítica de Eutimio Martín. Barcelona: Ariel, 1981. Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea, 8 (1983), 228–30. Carroll B. Johnson. Madness and Lust: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Don Quixote. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1983. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 7 (1983), 155–57. Brian Dutton, with Stephen Fleming, Jineen Krogstad, Francisco Santoyo Vázquez and Joaquín González Cuenca. Catálogo-Índice Curriculum Vitae 27 de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1982. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 7 (1983), 213–14. Robert M. Flores. Sancho Panza through Three Hundred Seventy-five Years of Continuations, Imitations, and Criticism, 1605– 1980. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1982. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 61 (1984), 507–08. William M. Moseley, Glenroy Emmons, and Marilyn C. Emmons, comps. Spanish Literature, 1500–1700: A Bibliography of Golden Age Studies in English and Spanish. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood, 1984. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 9 (1985), 255–57. Paul Binding, Lorca: The Gay Imagination. Ángel Sahuquillo, Federico García Lorca y la cultura de la homosexualidad. Lorca, Dalí, Cernuda, Gil-Albert, Prados y la voz silenciada del amor homosexual. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 65 (1988), 415–16. [D. E. Rhodes.] Catalogue of Books Printed in Spain and of Spanish Books Printed Elsewhere in Europe before 1601 now in the British Library, second edition. Journal of Hispanic Philology, 14 (1990), 287–93. Siete siglos de autores españoles. Journal of Hispanic Philology 16 (1991 [1992], 66. Jean Canavaggio. Cervantes. Cervantes, 12.1 (1992), 119–24. L.P. Harvey. Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 70 (1993), 263–64. Eric J. Ziolkowski. The Sanctification of Don Quixote. From Hidalgo to Priest. Modern Language Review, 88 (1993), 1011–12. José Antonio Cerezo. Bibliotheca Erotica sive Apparatus ad catalogum librorum eroticorum (Ad usum privatum tantum). Cuadernos del sur (Diario de Córdoba), 25 noviembre 1993, p. V/31. Ellen D. Lokos. The Solitary Journey. Cervantes’s “Voyage to Parnassus.” Indiana Journal of Hispanic Studies, 2.2 (1994), 243–45. Antonio Orejudo, ed. Cartas de batalla. La corónica, 24 (1995), 223–24. Edwin Williamson, ed. Cervantes and the Modernists: The Question of Influence. Modern Language Review, 92 (1997), 766–67. Diego Catalán. La Estoria de España de Alfonso X. Creación y evolución. Journal of Hispanic Research, 4 (1995–96 [1999]), 295–96. John Dagenais. The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture: Glossing the Libro de buen amor. In forum “Manuscript Culture in Medieval Spain.” La Corónica, 27.1 (1998), 133–36. Noel Fallows. Un texto inédito sobre la caballería del Renacimiento español: Doctrina del arte de la caualleria, de Juan Curriculum Vitae 28 Quijada de Reayo. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies [Liverpool], 76 (1999), 390. Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quijote. Ed. Francisco Rico. Hispanic Review, 68 (2001), 84-88. Miguel de Cervantes. Obras completas. Ed. Florencio Sevilla. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. Ed. Salvador Fajardo and James A. Parr. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies [Liverpool], 78 (2001), 252. Barbara Simerka and Christopher B. Weimer, eds. Echoes and Inscriptions. Comparative Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literature. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 79 (2002), 561-62. Arsenio Lope Huerta. Los Cervantes de Alcalá. Cervantes 22.1 (2002), 165-66. Diana de Armas Wilson. Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 80 (2003), 130–31. David R. Castillo. (A)Wry Views: Anamorphosis, Cervantes, and the Early Picaresque. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 80 (2003), 588-89. “Los trabajos del biógrafo cervantino” (review article of Donald P. McCrory, No Ordinary Man. The Life and Times of Miguel de Cervantes), Cervantes, 23.1 (2003), 235-49. Jean Canavaggio. Cervantes entre vida y creación. Bulletin of Spanish Studies [Glasgow], 81 (2004), 104-05. Chris Lowney. A Vanished World. Medieval Spain’s Golden Age of Enlightenment. In press in the newsletter of the Association of Research Historians of Medieval Spain. The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes. Ed. Anthony J. Cascardi. Hispanic Review, in press. Libros de caballerías (De Amadís al Quijote). Poética, lectura, representación e identidad. Ed. Eva Belén Carro Carbajal, Laura Puerto Moro, and María Sánchez Pérez. José Manuel Lucía Megías, ed. Antología de libros de caballerías castellanos. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, in press. José Manuel Lucía Megías. Imprenta y libros de caballerías. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, in press. Antonio López Alonso. Molimientos, puñadas y caídas acaecidos en el Quijote. Cervantes, manco y bien manco. Enfermedad y muerte de Cervantes. Cervantes, in press. Sylvia Roubaud-Bénichou. Le roman de chevalerie en Espagne. Entre Arthur et Don Quichotte. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, in press. Howard Mancing. Cervantes Encyclopedia (review article). Modern Language Review, in press. Curriculum Vitae 29 Software 13 macros for desk-top publishers using WordPerfect 5.0; 13K plus 26K of documentation. Disk 26, WordPerfect Support Group. P.O. Box 130, McHenry, MD 21541. (See The WordPerfectionist, 4.1 [1990], 15.) 12 macros for desk-top publishers using WordPerfect 5.1; 15K plus 41K of documentation. Disk 29, WordPerfect Support Group, P.O. Box 130, McHenry, MD 21541. (See The WordPerfectionist, 4.4 [1990], 15.) Software Reviews Multilingual Scholar, version 3.1. Hispania, 72 (1989), 466–67. Master Journal Editor, version 1.0. Editors’ Notes, 9.2 (Fall, 1990), 49–50. Grammatik in Spanish. La corónica, 23.2 (Spring, 1995), 118–22. Spanish Grammar Amigo. La corónica, 24.2 (Spring, 1996), 190–91. Papers and Invited Lectures “Romances of Chivalry: Myth and Reality,” Departmental Colloquium, Brown University, October, 1969. “Pero Pérez the Priest and His Comment on Tirant lo Blanch,” Twenty-Fifth Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 28, 1972. “Who Read the Romances of Chivalry?” Spanish 2 Section, Modern Language Association Convention, December 28, 1972. “Current Research on Spanish Romances of Chivalry: Traditional Approaches,” Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, December 28, 1973. “Un texto lorquiano descubierto en Nueva York: La presentación de Sánchez Mejías,” Fifth Congress of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Bordeaux, September 2, 1974. “Needed Editions of Romances of Chivalry,” Modern Language Association Convention, December 28, 1974. “Enrique IV and Gregorio Marañón,” Twenty-Eighth Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 25, 1975. Curriculum Vitae 30 “Research on Don Quijote,” Modern Language Association Convention, December 27, 1975. “Amadís de Gaula and Amadís de Grecia,” Third Romances of Chivalry Seminar, Modern Language Association convention, December 27, 1975; also before Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, SUNY Albany, April 25, 1977. “Does the Picaresque Novel Exist?” Twenty-Ninth Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 24, 1976. “The Relevance of Hispanism,” Department of Romance Languages, University of Florida, Gainesville, May 11, 1976. “A Poesia de Garcia Lorca,” Instituto Mineiro de Cultura Hispánica, September 8, 1976. “Sancho’s rucio and the Date of Composition of Don Quijote, Part II,” Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, October 15, 1976. This paper was previously read before the Florida State University chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, October 14, 1974. “Lorca’s Sonetos del amor oscuro,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), Spanish II Section, November 5, 1976. “Lorca Texts, 1926–1976,” Lorca Seminar, Modern Language Association Convention, December 28, 1976. “The Romances of Chivalry in the Sixteenth Century,” Brown University, December 13, 1976. “La España del Siglo de Oro desde un punto de vista norteamericano,” Sixth Congress of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Toronto, August 1977. “In Defense of the Author, and Anthony Close,” Modern Language Association Convention, December 28, 1979. “Does the Picaresque Novel Exist?” University of California at Riverside, February 22, 1980; University of California at Santa Barbara, February 28, 1980; UCLA, March 11, 1980. “Lorca en Nueva York,” and “La muerte de García Lorca,” Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, January 1981. “Overland from Bolivia,” Sigma Delta Pi and the Inter-American Studies Program, Florida State University, September 24, 1981. “Alphonsine Prose: Ten Years of Research,” Modern Language Association Convention, December 29, 1981. “On Editing Don Quixote,” Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Winston-Salem, October 8, 1982; Cervantes Society of America, San Francisco, December 29, 1982. “Cervantes’ Purposes in Don Quixote,” L.I.T. (Undergraduate Literary Honorary Society), Florida State University, November 9, 1982. “The Taboo Topic in Lorca’s Social Criticism: Sexuality,” Modern Language Association Convention, Los Angeles, December 27, 1982. Curriculum Vitae 31 “El Bernardo de Cervantes fue su libro de caballerías,” Octavo Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Providence, August 26, 1983. “Voting for No Agent,” Florida State University forum on Collective Bargaining, October 3, 1984. “Reaction to the Publication of Lorca’s Sonetos del amor oscuro,” Thirty-Eighth Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, April 26, 1985. “Cervantes’ Theory of Time,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, November 1, 1985. “A Fragment of Cervantes’ Lost Semanas del jardín,” American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, New York, November 29, 1985. “La teoría cervantina del tiempo,” Ninth Congress of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Berlin, August 19, 1986. “Medieval Studies from a Journal Editor’s Perspective,” Westfield College [University of London] Medieval Spanish Research Seminar, March 19, 1987. “The Cervantine Canon and the Semanas del jardín,” Plenary paper, Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, Manchester, March 28, 1987. “Juan Ruiz’s buen amor: A New Hypothesis,” Forty-Second Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 28, 1989. “Las Semanas del jardín de Cervantes,” Décimo Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Barcelona, August 25, 1989. “Repaso crítico de las atribuciones cervantinas,” Plenary paper, II Coloquio de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), November 9, 1989. “From Typesetting to Desktop Publishing: Problems and Pleasures of Editorial Control,” Conference of Editors of Learned Journals, Modern Language Association of America convention, Washington, December 28, 1989. “Las Semanas del jardín, un año después,” Coloquio “Respuesta del archivo de la cortesía,” Universidad de Barcelona, April 15, 1990. “Los libros de caballerías españoles desde el Amadís al Bernardo de Cervantes,” Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), May 7, 1990. “Cervantes and the Origins of the Novel in Spain,” Tulane University, February 7, 1991. “Lorca and Censorship: The Gay Artist Made Heterosexual,” Duke University Museum, March 23, 1991; Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, February 22, 1992. “Unanswered Questions about Lorca’s Death,” Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, Belfast, March 26, 1991. Curriculum Vitae 32 “¿Por qué volvió Cervantes de Argel?” Primer Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Almagro (Ciudad Real, Spain), June 24, 1991. “La respuesta de Cervantes a los libros de caballerías” and “El influjo de Cervantes en los libros de caballerías,” Seminario Amadís de Gaula y Tirant lo blanch, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander (Spain), July 26, 1991. “Cervantine Discovery: A Lost Work Recovered,” Friends of the Florida State University Library, October 14, 1991. “The Critical Edition of the Works of Cervantes,” Center for Scholarly Editions, Modern Language Association of America convention, San Francisco, December 28, 1991. “Why I Am No Longer a Member of United Faculty of Florida,” Academic Governance Conference, Florida State University, October 23, 1992. “Cervantes as a Ghost Writer,” Modern Language Association convention, New York, December 30, 1992. “El buen amor heterosexual de Juan Ruiz,” Primer Coloquio de Erótica Hispana, Montilla (Córdoba, Spain), June 19, 1993. “Cervantes, autor de la Topografía de Argel publicada por Diego de Haedo,” Castro del Río (Córdoba, Spain), November 8, 1993; VI Coloquio de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), November 11, 1993; Instituto Cervantes, Rabat, Morocco, May 2, 1994; Instituto Cervantes, Fez, Morocco, May 5, 1994. “La interpretación cervantina del Quijote,” Seminario, Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), October 31, November 1 and 2, 1994 (6 hours total). [Translation: “Cervantes’ Interpretation of Don Quixote.”] “Cervantes y los libros de caballerías,” Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), October 21, 1994. [Translation: “Cervantes and the Romances of Chivalry.” “La biblioteca de Cervantes,” Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), November 3, 1994. “La Historia natural del amor, de Helen Fisher,” Posada del Potro, Córdoba, Spain, November 10, 1994 (with José Antonio Cerezo). “Enigmas en torno a la muerte de Federico García Lorca,” CasaMuseo García Lorca, Fuentevaqueros (Granada, Spain), November 12, 1994. “Pasado, presente y perspectivas del teléfono erótico,” Segundo Coloquio Internacional de Erótica Hispana, Lucena (Córdoba, Spain), November 13, 1994. “Que nos falta una edición crítica del Quijote,” plenary paper, VII Coloquio de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real, Spain), November 10, 1995. Curriculum Vitae 33 “Loss of Detail in OnLine Bibliography Sources,” Humanities OnLine (H-Net) Annual Meeting, with the American Historical Association, Atlanta, January 6, 1996. “Cervantes’ Separation Agreement,” Cervantes Society of America, in conjunction with the Forty-Ninth Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 18, 1996. “Cervantine Studies as a Mirror of Spain,” Colloquies in Conflict: Cervantes and His Postmodern Constituencies (Southern California Cervantes Symposium), UCLA, May 23, 1996. “Cervantes y la verdad,” Sixth Iberian Literatures Colloquium, University of New Mexico, February 15, 1997. “Electronic Texts of Cervantes’s Works,” Southern California Cervantes Symposium, UC Riverside, April 26, 1997. “Northern Arizona University’s Distance Education Network,” Associate of Departments of Foreign Languages (ADFL) West, Colorado Springs, June 29, 1997. “Invenciones y escándalos cervantinos en la arquitectura. Lo falso celebrado y lo genuino denostado,” Primer Congreso Internacional de Locos Amenos, Menorca, October 24, 1997. “Faculty Perceptions of Distance Education,” Washington Higher Education Secretariat Retreat, Annapolis, November 3, 1997. “Los textos digitales de las obras de Cervantes,” Jornadas de Investigación Cervantina, Colegio de México, Mexico City, November 13, 1997. “Was Cervantes a Homosexual?” Cervantes Society of America, UCLA, January 24, 1998. “La supuesta homosexualidad de Cervantes,” VIII Coloquio Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, El Toboso (Toledo), May 24, 1998. “The Fairy Kingdom of Granada,” Queer Middle Ages Conference, City University of New York–New York University, November 7, 1998; also at 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 5, 2001. “Balance del cervantismo de Francisco Rodríguez Marín,” Cervantes en Andalucía, Estepa (Sevilla), December 4, 1998. “El convenio de separación entre Cervantes y su mujer Catalina,” VIII Coloquio Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Villanueva de los Infantes (Ciudad Real), May 3, 1999. “Estado actual del estudio de los libros de caballerías castellanos,” IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Lepanto (Nafpaktos, Greece), October 5, 2000. “A Frenetic Reader in an Idle Age: The Reverend John Bowle,” 2001 Annual Southern California Cervantes Symposium,” University of Southern California, April 7, 2001. “‘Tanta sangre derramastes de paganos’: How to Teach the Literature of the Conquerors.” 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 3, 2001. Curriculum Vitae 34 “Los autores italianos en la biblioteca de Cervantes.” X Coloquio de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Academia de España, Rome, September 27, 2001. “Iberia is even Queerer than We Thought.” Return to Queer Iberia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 20. 2001. (Published as “¿Cuán queer fue Iberia?”) “Cervantes’ View of the Attack on Iraq,” Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Retreat, Rensselaerville, New York, April 4, 2003. “El granadino cervantino: Cenotia.” Fifteenth Annual Southern California Cervantes Symposium, UC Riverside, April 19, 2003. “What Did Cervantes Write?” 47th Annual Fordham Cervantes Lecture, April 30, 2003. “Two Approaches to Choosing a Course Management System: One That Worked and Another That Didn’t.” First Annual Northeast Region WebCT Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, May 20, 2003. “Course-Integrated Library Services: Examples from Excelsior College” (with Judith Smith). First Annual Northeast Region WebCT Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, May 20, 2003. “Cervantes y la guerra de Irak.” XIV Coloquio Cervantino Internacional, Don Quijote [sic] en el Siglo XXI. Guanajuato, Mexico, August 26, 2003. “Los orígenes ingleses del cervantismo. La figura de John Bowle.” Universidad de Huelva, 2004. “John Bowle: The Man who Made Don Quixote a Classic,” Don Quixote: The First 400 Years, Hofstra University, November 5, 2004. “Cervantes contable,” “El Quijote, taller de existencialidad,” Instituto Cervantes, New York, March 4, 2005. “Cervantes, el mundo musulmán y la guerra de Irak,” Foro Armas y Letras, Toledo, Spain, March 29, 2005. “No hay una primera parte de Don Quijote,” “El Quijote, taller de existencialidad,” Instituto Cervantes–Fundación Tres Culturas, Seville, Spain, April 1, 2005; Boston University, April 16, 2005. (Originally planned but not given at El Quijote desde América, Univ. Autónoma de Puebla, México, Feb. 16-18, 2004.) “Un tema virgen: Cervantes y la castidad,” El Quijote en/clave de mujeres,” Valdepeñas, Spain, November 15-19, 2005. “El texto del Quijote visto a través de los traductores al inglés,” “El texto del Quijote,” Barcelona, November 17-19, 2005. Curriculum Vitae 35 Translations “The Wonder of Living at Night,” by Luis Antonio de Villena, Nomad, 5 (1993), 10. “Love is Always Real” and “The Pervert’s Confession,” by Luis Antonio de Villena, unpublished. Courses Taught Undergraduate: Spanish language, all levels Business Writing in Spanish History of Spanish Literature Cervantes (for majors and non-majors, also freshman seminar) Technology and Values Graduate: History of the Spanish Language Graduate Reading Course in Spanish Medieval Spanish Literature Golden Age Spanish Literature Twentieth-Century Spanish Literature Cervantes: Don Quijote Cervantes and Western Civilization (Humanities Ph.D. program) Cervantes: Novelas ejemplares Lorca Research Methods and Bibliography Dissertation Writing Techniques Curriculum Vitae 36 Theses Directed Angelo de Salvo, “The Persiles and the City of God.” Krzysztof Sliwa, “Lista e índices de los documentos cervantinos.” Krzysztof Sliwa, “Los primeros cien años de biografía cervantina.” Franklyn Suliveres, “An Electronic Edition of Don Quijote Part I.” Shelbie Legg, “El último de la fila: The Men and their Music.” Patricia Baker, “An Edition of the Chivalric Romance Arderique.” Departmental Service (see also Editorships) Northern Arizona University, Department of Modern Languages: Department Chair, 1996–97. Florida State University, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics: Coordinator, Spanish and Portuguese Division, 1994–96. Member, Executive Committee, 1994–96. Co-chair, Distance Learning Committee, 1995–96. Member, Undergraduate Program Committee, 1995–96. Faculty advisor, student electronic journal project, 1995– 96. Head, Departmental Web Page project, 1995–96. Chairman, search committee, Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature, 1995–96. Chairman, Ad Hoc Merit Policy Committee, 1995. Member, Merit Raise Committee, 1995. Played role (Juez) in play, El juez de los divorcios, by Miguel de Cervantes, 1995. Graduate student advisor, 1994–95. Member, Graduate Program Committee, 1994–95. Curriculum Vitae 37 Chairman, search committee, Assistant and Associate Professor positions, Latin American literature, 1994–95. Played role (Marqués de Sade) in play, El nuevo mundo, by Carlos Somigliano, 1994. Chairman, search committee, Assistant in Modern Languages (language pedagogy), 1994. Founding member, departmental Technology Committee, 1993–96. Member, Newsletter and Publicity Committee, 1993–96. Member, M.A./Ph.D. Examination Panel, 1992–94. Secretary, Committee to rewrite departmental Operating Procedures, 1992. Library committee chairman and library liaison, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Florida State University, 1980–1996. Responsible for ordering over 10,000 books, primarily in Spanish, and increasing yearly spending by some 500%. University of North Carolina: Undergraduate advisor, 1972–73. University Service (see also Editorships) Excelsior College (formerly Regents College) Chair, Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research, 2003. Chair, Graduate Council, 2000–2003. Chair, search committee for four criminal justice positions, 2002. Member, International Programs Committee, 2003. Western Governors’ University Member first faculty council meeting to define A.A. degree requirements (proficiencies). Consultant reviewing technology degree programs. Northern Arizona University: Member, Arts and Sciences Digital Image Group, 1998. Member, Arts and Sciences Technology Task Force, 1997–98. Member, PEAKS (Peoplesoft) Implementation Team, 1997. Member, President’s Study Group on Information Resources; Platforms Subcommittee, 1997. Curriculum Vitae 38 Panel member, Television Broadcast on “Teaching Locally and Globally,” April 11, 1997 Member, University Curriculum Committee, 1996–97. Member, Arts and Sciences Budget Committee, 1996–97. Florida State University: Section moderator, “Women and Men in World War II and its Aftermath,” 21st Annual Conference on Literature and Film, Genre and Gender in Film and Literature, January 27, 1996 Member, Humanities Reading Room Committee, 1995. Section leader, semester-long Freshman Year Experience program, 1993. Member, Dissertation Fellowships Committee, 1993. Faculty fellow, Landis Hall (dormitory), 1991–92. Faculty fellow, Kellum Hall (dormitory), 1990–91. Member, Serials Subcommittee, Faculty Senate Library Committee, 1988–89. Member, Circulation Subcommittee, Faculty Senate Library Committee, 1987–88. Member, Faculty Senate Library Committee, 1987–90. Section leader, semester-long freshman orientation course, “The University Experience,” 1982. Member, Academic Press and Publications Board, 1979–81. President, Florida State Chapter, United Faculty of Florida, 1978. Member, campus-wide committee to revise student evaluation instrument (SIRS), 1977. Executive Committee member, United Faculty of Florida (statewide), 1979. Budget Committee member, United Faculty of Florida (statewide), 1979. Member representing Florida State University in statewide Union Senate, United Faculty of Florida, 1978–79. Bargaining Team Member, United Faculty of Florida, Local 1440 American Federation of Teachers (statewide), 1977–79. Played a major role in obtaining a special appropriation for purchase of library materials, putting FSU at number 5 in the nation, 1977–78. Section Moderator, Comparative Literature Symposium on “The Freedom to Create: The Artist’s Right to Interpret Reality,” Tallahassee, January 30, 1976. Building organizer, Florida State Chapter, United Faculty of Florida, 1976. Curriculum Vitae 39 University of North Carolina: Faculty fellow, Experimental College, University of North Carolina, 1972–73. Community Service Albany, New York Ne’imah, Jewish Community Chorus, 1999–2001. Memorial Concert Band of Colonie, B= clarinet, E= clarinet, 2001–2003, 2005-. Flagstaff, Arizona: Prepared and offered two courses on Don Quixote for the community, as supporting activities to Man of La Mancha production, 1997. Member Coconino Community College Distance Education Task Force, 1997–1998. Member (tenor), Flagstaff Light Opera Company, 1996–98. Bass Clarinet, Flagstaff Community Band, 1996–98. Tallahassee, Florida: B= Clarinet, Big Bend Community Orchestra, 1996. E= and Bass Clarinet, Capital City Band, 1993–96. Volunteer interpreter on call, St. Thomas Catholic Church (migrants), 1993–96. Volunteer health educator, teaching prevention of pregnancy and of sexually transmitted diseases to teenage groups, Planned Parenthood of North Central Florida, 1992–94. Member, Technical Advisory Board, Planned Parenthood of Tallahassee, 1982–83. Volunteer health educator, Planned Parenthood of Tallahassee, 1981–83. Suicide prevention counselor, Telephone Counseling and Referral Service, Tallahassee, 1981–82. Curriculum Vitae 40 Service to the Profession (see also Editorships and Congresses Organized) Set up and run two listservs for the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs, 1998–date. Set up and ran listserv for Association of Departments of Foreign Languages (MLA), 1996–2000. Set up and ran listserv for the Arizona Foreign Language Articulation Task Force, 1996–1998. “Vocal” of the Asociación de Cervantistas, 1995–date. Executive Committee, Cervantes Society of America, 1990–92. Executive Committee, Cervantes Society of America, 1982–84. Chairman, Spanish Medieval Language and Literature Division, Modern Language Association, 1980; organized and presided over meeting, Modern Language Association Convention, Houston, December 28, 1980. Organized and presided over seminar on “The Journal Editor and the Microcomputer,” Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, December 29, 1979. Organized and presided over Spanish I section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association Meeting, November 2, 1979; chair of Nominating Committee. Secretary, Spanish Medieval Language and Literature Division, Modern Language Association, 1979. Organized and presided over Spanish I section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association Meeting, Atlanta, November 10, 1978. Nominating Committee, Spanish I Section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), 1976–77. Co-chairman of section on History of Ideas, Sexto Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Toronto, August 26, 1977. Curriculum Vitae 41 Chairman, Spanish I Section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), 1976–77. Organized and presided over Spanish section, Second Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Tallahassee, March 6, 1976. Executive Committee, Spanish Medieval Language and Literature Division, Modern Language Association, 1976–81. Secretary, Spanish I Section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), 1976–77. Organized and chaired section on Spanish Romances of Chivalry, Modern Language Association Convention, December 28, 1974. Organized and chaired section on Spanish Romances of Chivalry, MLA Convention, December 28, 1973. Editorships Editor, Cervantes, journal of the Cervantes Society of America, 2000–2006. Founder and co-Editor, H-Cervantes (Moderated listserv or electronic journal/ discussion group), 1996– date. Co-Editor, H-musTXT (moderated listserv or electronic journal/discussion group), 1995–2002. Senior member of Editorial Board, Anuario bibliográfico cervantino, 1995–date. Member, Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, 2nd edition, 1994–95. Associate Editor, Cervantes, 1993–2000. Editorial Board, Pro-Lope, 1992–date. Contributing Editor, Encyclopedia of Homosexuality (New York: Garland Press, 1990). Member, Executive Committee, Edición crítica de las Obras completas de Cervantes, 1990–94. Curriculum Vitae 42 Editorial Board, Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 1980–date. Founder and Editor, Journal of Hispanic Philology, 1976–92 (48 issues). Associate Editor, United Action (United Faculty of Florida, statewide), 1977–78. Editor, United Faculty (United Faculty of Florida, Florida State University), 1976–78. Editor, FSU Polyglot (Florida State University Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics), 1975– 78. Curriculum Vitae 43 Book Manuscripts Reviewed University Press of Kentucky University of Illinois Press University of Toronto Press Cornell University Press University Presses of Florida Houghton-Mifflin Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs University College, Dublin Asociación de Cervantistas University of Exeter Press Applications Reviewed National Endowment for the Humanities Canada Council MacArthur Foundation Congresses Organized “El erotismo y la brujería en la obra cervantina,” Montilla (Córdoba), Spain, November, 1991 (with José Antonio Cerezo). [Translation: Eroticism and Witchcraft in the Works of Cervantes.] Proceedings published in Cervantes 12.2 (1992). http://www. h-net.org/~cervantes/csa/bcsaf92.htm Primer Coloquio de Erótica Hispana, Montilla (Córdoba), Spain, June, 1993 (with José Antonio Cerezo). [Translation: First Colloquium on Hispanic Eroticism.] Coloquio “La creación del personaje en las obras de Cervantes,” Castro del Río (Córdoba), Spain, Curriculum Vitae 44 November, 1993 (with José Antonio Cerezo and Carlos Castilla del Pino). [Translation: Character Creation in the Works of Cervantes.] Proceedings published in Cervantes 15.1 (1995). http://www. h-net.org/~cervantes/csa/bcsas95.htm Segundo Coloquio de Erótica Hispana, Lucena (Córdoba), Spain, November, 1994 (with Antonio Cruz Casado and José Antonio Cerezo). [Translation: Second Colloquium on Hispanic Eroticism.] Coloquio “Perspectivas en los estudios cervantinos/ Homenaje a José María Casasayas,” Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real), Spain, November, 1995 (with Pedro Padilla). [Translation: Perspectives in Cervantine Studies/ Homage to José María Casasayas.] Coloquio Internacional “Cervantes en Andalucía,” Estepa (Sevilla), Spain, December, 1998 (with Pedro Ruiz Pérez). Coloquio internacional “Cervantes y el conflicto de religiones en España y Norte de África en el siglo XVI,” Melilla, Spain, September 2002 (with José Antonio Cerezo). (Cancelled because of political situation.) Honors at Florida State University Named Distinguished Research Professor, 1992. Honorary Member, Sigma Delta Pi, November, 1974. Honors in Spain Corresponding member of the Real Academia de Buenas Letras. Ambassador of Wine of the City of Montilla (Córdoba). Curriculum Vitae 45 Académico de la Argamasilla, Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real). Sole member from outside of Spain on Executive Committee charged by the Asociación de Cervantistas with preparing a new Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Cervantes, 1990–94. Grant Applications (successful unless otherwise indicated) Smith Fund, University of North Carolina, 1970 Smith Fund, University of North Carolina, 1971 Smith Fund, University of North Carolina, 1972 National Endowment for the Humanities, 1972 American Philosophical Society, 1975 Florida State University Foundation, 1978 National Endowment for the Humanities, 1978 (not funded) Bibliographical Society of America, 1983 National Endowment for the Humanities, 1984, with Thomas Lathrop (not funded) Guggenheim Foundation, 1985 (not funded) Asociación de Cervantistas, Spain, 1989 Asociación de Cervantistas, Spain, 1990 Committee on Faculty Research Support award, Florida State University, 1990 Asociación de Cervantistas, Spain, 1991 City of Montilla, Spain, 1991 City of Montilla, Spain, 1993 City of Castro del Río, Spain, 1993 Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Spain, 1994 City of Argamasilla de Alba, Spain, 1995 City of Estepa, Spain, 1998 Cities of Estepa and Villanueva de los Infantes, Spain, 1999 Curriculum Vitae 46 National Endowment for the Humanities funds H-Net, the umbrella organization for H-Cervantes, the scholarly listserv which I started.