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About what I did when I suspected I had found part of Cervantes' lost <i>Semanas del jardín</i>
Wasserman is the author of <i>Man of la Mancha</i>.
El cervantismo al que llamo "oficial" es el de una entidad oficial: un ayuntamiento, una diputación, una junta o un ministerio.
Publicado bajo el nombre de mi estudiante, Krzysztof Sliwa, pero en gran parte mío.
Introducción de Daniel Eisenberg Introducción de Phyllis S. Emerson (traducida por Mauricio A. López Langenbach) Cronología (traducida por Mauricio A. López Langenbach) Indice: [A] [B] [C] [Ch] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [Ll] [M]... more
Introducción de Daniel Eisenberg Introducción de Phyllis S. Emerson (traducida por Mauricio A. López Langenbach) Cronología (traducida por Mauricio A. López Langenbach) Indice: [A] [B] [C] [Ch] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [Ll] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] Deletions from and additions to the Index
Research Interests:
Hay varias.
Una breve biografía, escrita por encargo de Liceus.
La ausencia de Granada y granadinos en sus escritos sugiere que tenía que callarse, que algo de la historia oficial le molestaba.
Research Interests:
El pueblo de España que más inventa cursilerías para resaltar la importancia de Esquivias de Cervantes. Pero los esquivianos van mucho más allá de los datos y documentos para inventarse una Esquivias cervantina que, para decirlo con... more
El pueblo de España que más inventa cursilerías para resaltar la importancia de Esquivias de Cervantes. Pero los esquivianos van mucho más allá de los datos y documentos para inventarse una Esquivias cervantina que, para decirlo con palabras y claras y bien colocadas, no tiene pies ni cabeza.
Name on the title page of a fundamental work on Algiers in Cervantes' day, whose authorship is disputed. The dispute is not about whether Haedo was the author; everyone agrees he was not. It is about who the real author was. Haedo... more
Name on the title page of a fundamental work on Algiers in Cervantes' day, whose authorship is disputed. The dispute is not about whether Haedo was the author; everyone agrees he was not. It is about who the real author was.

Haedo facilitó la publicación aparte de un libro, el único contemporáneo sobre el Argel en que vivió Cervantes. Literatura de testimonio, quiere documentar los horrores que ha visto. Para facilitar la conquista de la ciudad por el rey Felipe II, proporciona mucha información sobre las defensas de la ciudad.

Se disputa la autoría de la obra. Todos están conformes en que el autor no fue Haedo, benedictino que jamás visitó Argel.
Tras el auge de ls estudios cervantinos de 1980-2004, y mecenas de una generación de cervantistas.
Research Interests:
La identificación de estos textos como cervantinos es de mi antiguo profesor Francisco Rico. Lo que hice yo es editarlos.
Research Interests:
Un anticipo de mi posición, tema de un libro pronto publicado por la Diputación de Salamanca (cuyo director de publicaciones perdió por ello su trabajo): el "Diálogo de Selanio y Cilenia, sobre la vida del campo" es un fragmento del... more
Un anticipo de mi posición, tema de un libro pronto publicado por la Diputación de Salamanca (cuyo director de publicaciones perdió por ello su trabajo): el "Diálogo de Selanio y Cilenia, sobre la vida del campo" es un fragmento del perdido <i>Semanas del jardín</i> de Cervantes, y su único autógrafo literario.

La versión oficial de esta colaboración es un archivo de todo un tomo sin modo para llegar fácilmente al escrito buscado:

Research Interests:
La traducción de este artículo está en la Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes, Universidad de Alicante
Research Interests:
Lo que Cervantes hablaba era "buen toledano".
In this book Carroll Johnson studies Don Quixote’s madness from a sexual point of view, treating him as though he were a real person and tracing his actions back to their unspoken motivations. His thesis is easily stated. Alonso Quixano’s... more
In this book Carroll Johnson studies Don Quixote’s madness
from a sexual point of view, treating him as though he were a real
person and tracing his actions back to their unspoken motivations.
His thesis is easily stated. Alonso Quixano’s insanity is not caused
by the reading of romances of chivalry, but by unresolved sexual
tension and the pressures of middle age. The concept of "midlife crisis", though not called that, existed in Cervantes's day.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
It is certainly possible that Cervantes committed homosexual act(s), and his contemporaries thought it more than possible. But the evidence for it is weak. If he wanted homosexual pleasures, his departure from Algiers is inexplicable.... more
It is certainly possible that Cervantes committed homosexual act(s), and his contemporaries thought it more than possible. But the evidence for it is weak. If he wanted homosexual pleasures, his departure from Algiers is inexplicable. Boys were for Cervantes a nuisance. He rejects all sexuality, hetero as well as homo, which is only to be indulged in because we have to reproduce (the Catholic position). He was, however, a supporter of nonsexual amorous relations, which in his view were only possible between men.
Se han supuesto dos cosas: 1) que el término "romance" en el Siglo de Oro se refiere a un género de poemas narrativos folclóricos, octosilábicos y con rima asonante y 2) Cervantes los admiraba, y los cita a menudo en <i>Don Quijote</i>... more
Se han supuesto dos cosas: 1) que el término "romance" en el Siglo de Oro se refiere a un género de poemas narrativos folclóricos, octosilábicos y con rima asonante y 2) Cervantes los admiraba, y los cita a menudo en <i>Don Quijote</i>

Este ensayo se propone demostar que ninguna de estas suposiciones es correcta. Para el siglo XVI y Cervantes, los romances viejos no eran poesía y menos una foma métrica, sino historia: historia caballeresca, igual que los libros de caballerías. Igual que ellos, ofrecían historia equivocada e incluso mentirosa, y ensalzaron a héroes extranjeros ficticios en vez de los auténticos héroes españoles. Cervantes los ataca en <i>Don Quijote</i>, igual que los libros de caballerías y por los mismos motivos. Su papel en la obra es menor, pues los libros de caballerías, leídos por nobles, representaban, en opinión de Cervantes, un peligro a la nación mucho mayor.
Research Interests:
Note that this review, written 45 years ago (I write this is 2017), does not reflect my current thinking on Cervantes; see my <i>A Study of "Don Quixote"</i>, or better, the revised Spanish translation, <i>La interpretación cervantina del... more
Note that this review, written 45 years ago (I write this is 2017), does not reflect my current thinking on Cervantes; see my <i>A Study of "Don Quixote"</i>, or better, the revised Spanish translation, <i>La interpretación cervantina del "Quijote"</i>.
Espero haber demostrado, en mi "¿Tenía Cervantes una biblioteca?", que disponía de los reales (monedas) necesarios para formarse una. Ahora, basándome en los muchos libros y autores que menciona, y sugerencias de eruditos, como E.C. Riley... more
Espero haber demostrado, en mi "¿Tenía Cervantes una biblioteca?", que disponía de los reales (monedas) necesarios para formarse una. Ahora, basándome en los muchos libros y autores que menciona, y sugerencias de eruditos, como E.C. Riley y John Bowle, de libros que probable que conociera aunque no los menciona, he intentado reconstruirla. Hay índices onomático, de materias, de fechas y lugares, y de lenguas de composición. Intenté citar toda la bibliografía relevante de los autores mencionados en el "Canto de Calíope" y en <i>Viaje del Parnaso</i>.

Aunque una versión más corta apareció en un homenaje a Riquer, esta versión nunca se ultimó. Me cansé de trabajar en cosas que no solo no me ganan nada, ni me ayudan en la carrera, y ¿agradecimiento? Cuatro gatos.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
This file shows in yellow all the cuts made by the editors of <i>Modern Languages Review</i>.
Diego de Argel, cuyo nombre aparece en la portada, no estuvo nunca en Argel, y menciona textos que le habían sido entregados. Los eruditos modernos están en rara unanimidad en una cuestión cervantina, que Haedo no escribió la obra. En... more
Diego de Argel, cuyo nombre aparece en la portada, no estuvo nunca en Argel, y menciona textos que le habían sido entregados. Los eruditos modernos están en rara unanimidad en una cuestión cervantina, que Haedo no escribió la obra. En esta ponencia propongo que el autor fue el gran escritor preso en Argel entonces, el único autor allí, Miguel de Cervantes. Este fue militar y pudo escribir la información militar contenida en la obra, hecha para facilitar una limpia de piratas por Felipe II que no se produjo. Los paralelos entre los escritos de Cervantes y el de "Haedo" son tan cercanos que dejan a un erudito moderno "sumido en la perplejidad".
Research Interests:
Just as there is no edition of the Spanish text suitable for every reader and every purpose, there is no one translation that one can choose and dismiss thr others. The translators' statements about the text, if any, are analyzed, and how... more
Just as there is no edition of the Spanish text suitable for every reader and every purpose, there is no one translation that one can choose and dismiss thr others. The translators' statements about the text, if any, are analyzed, and how key points are treated is examined.
<i>Romances</i>, commonly translated as "ballads", narrative poems, have a role in <i>Don Quixote</i> second only to that of the romances of chivalry (<i>libros de caballerías</i>), the reading of which led to the protagonist's madness.... more
<i>Romances</i>, commonly translated as "ballads", narrative poems, have a role in <i>Don Quixote</i> second only to that of the romances of chivalry (<i>libros de caballerías</i>), the reading of which led to the protagonist's madness. However, the <i>romances</i> were taken at the time to be historical works, not poetry. Like the romances of chivalry, for Cervantes they were reading to be condemned for inaccuracies, not celebrated. At the time, "romance" was not a metrical form.
Cervantes no era pobre. Disponía de fondos y ganas de formarse su propia biblioteca.

(Una versión puesta al día se encuentra al principio de <i>La biblioteca de Cervantes: Una reconstrucción</i>.)
There is a typo (gratuitous correction by an editor, just like Cervantes suffered) in the second sentence. There should be no accent on "Que".
This is a negative review.
Donde dice "madre", debe decir "madrastra".
Cervantes pasó un año en Italia, pero cinco en la ciudad de Argel. Aquellos años constituyen lo que Zamora Vicente describió como "un hecho primordial en la vida de Cervantes," que la divide "en dos mitades" (239). Se examinan los motivos... more
Cervantes pasó un año en Italia, pero cinco en la ciudad de Argel. Aquellos años constituyen lo que Zamora Vicente describió como "un hecho primordial en la vida de Cervantes," que la divide "en dos mitades" (239). Se examinan los motivos para que escogiera volver a la pudibunda España de Felipe II.

Sobre el tema, es relevante el artículo de Michael McGaha, "Hacia la verdadera historia del cautivo Miguel de Cervantes", <i>Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos</i>, 20, 1996, pp. 540-546.
La ascendencia judaica, por los dos padres, de Cervantes es innegable. Se repasa las razones para esta posición. Don Quijote -- lector, escritor, pensador, viajero -- también era "cristiano nuevo", mientras Sancho, ignorante y vulgar, es... more
La ascendencia judaica, por los dos padres, de Cervantes es innegable. Se repasa las razones para esta posición. Don Quijote -- lector, escritor, pensador, viajero -- también era "cristiano nuevo", mientras Sancho, ignorante y vulgar, es "cristiano viejo" (términos usados en la época para referirse a la posible ascendencia judaica de una persona).
... 2001a. “Iam erat hora diluculi. Cuando apareció otro Dominus Quixotus.” Silva. Studia philologica in honorem Isaías Lerner. Ed. ... Sin lugar: Asociación de Cervantistas, 2004. v. 2004b. CervantesSaavedra, Miguel de.... more
... 2001a. “Iam erat hora diluculi. Cuando apareció otro Dominus Quixotus.” Silva. Studia philologica in honorem Isaías Lerner. Ed. ... Sin lugar: Asociación de Cervantistas, 2004. v. 2004b. CervantesSaavedra, Miguel de. L&amp;#x27;Enginyós cavaller don Qui-xot de la Manxa. ...
A few good essays, but omits more than it includes. And the worst copy-edited book I've ever seen from Cambridge University Press; many misprints.
This article does not reflect the author's current thinking; see <i>A Study of "Don Quixote". Computer generated abstract: ... Perez is one of the most significant among the minor characters of Part I of the Quijote. ... making the... more
This article does not reflect the author's current thinking; see <i>A Study of "Don Quixote".  Computer generated abstract:  ... Perez is one of the most significant among the minor characters of Part I of the Quijote. ... making the central statement a question, a suggestion that was refuted by Centeno. ... that we are to take him seriously when he calls Turpin a true historian and Ariosto a Christian poet-his ...
A review article of Howard Mancing's <i>Cervantes Encyclopedia</i>. See separate file with the text as I wrote it, with the editors' cuts highlighted in yellow, posted here on academia.edu. One way to find it is to click on my name, then... more
A review article of Howard Mancing's <i>Cervantes Encyclopedia</i>.

See separate file with the text as I wrote it, with the editors' cuts highlighted in yellow, posted here on academia.edu. One way to find it is to click on my name, then choose Cervantes section.

Mancing cut off all communication with me after this review.

And 19 more

Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Lorca's works have not been completely available due to governmental (Spanish) censorship, in the Franco period, and the manipulative censorship of his family, intended to make his works with homosexual themes unavailable, and to hamper... more
Lorca's works have not been completely available due to governmental (Spanish) censorship, in the Franco period, and the manipulative censorship of his family, intended to make his works with homosexual themes unavailable, and to hamper researchers who called the family's Denial of his homosexuality into question.
An anslysis of the reaction of the Spanish to the anonymous publication of the first edition of Lorca's homosexual <i>Sonetos de amor oscuro</i>, which his heirs had not permitted to be published, objecting especially to the word "oscuro"... more
An anslysis of the reaction of the Spanish to the anonymous publication of the first edition of Lorca's homosexual <i>Sonetos de amor oscuro</i>, which his heirs had not permitted to be published, objecting especially to the word "oscuro" (dark).
Research Interests:
Se comparan dos libros que tratan la homosexualidad de Federico. El libro de Sahuquillo es mucho más recomendable que el de Binding.
Una visita al lorquista desgraciado Jean-Louis Schonberg (seudónimo), el primero a defender, en un libro, que la ejecución de Lorca tuvo un origen personal, no político. Cartas suyas, y una carta importante del historiador Ignacio Olagüe.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
su mundo: Ensayo de una bibliografía general. The world of Federico García Lorca: A General Bibliographic Survey. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1974. viii + 282 pp.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Lorca and Philip Cummings were, briefly, lovers, the high point of Cummings' life. Cummings translated Lorca's book <i>Canciones</i> (<i>Songs</i>) with Lorca's direct participation, the only such translation in Lorca's case.
Yo (Daniel Eisenberg) no escribí nada de este ensayo, pero estoy más que contento con su recuperación mía Fue una aventura: el encontrar y entonces fotocopiar (difícil por su tamaño) tomos de ejemplares encuadernados juntos, uno de cada... more
Yo (Daniel Eisenberg) no escribí nada de este ensayo, pero estoy más que contento con su recuperación mía  Fue una aventura: el encontrar y entonces fotocopiar (difícil por su tamaño) tomos de ejemplares encuadernados juntos, uno de cada número publicado. Distaba varios años el disponer de un móvil con cámara. Y picarlo todo.
Research Interests:
The clearest statement ever published on the relation of Lorca's death with sexuality. Schonberg at that time well-known and controversial, not to say disreputable, in Lorca circles because of his 1966 book, in which he clearly says that... more
The clearest statement ever published on the relation of Lorca's death with sexuality. Schonberg at that time well-known and controversial, not to say disreputable, in Lorca circles because of his 1966 book, in which he clearly says that Lorca was not assassinated for historical motives, although he does not reveal his documentation.  Schonberg is a pseudonym; his true name is Louis de Stinghamber Schonberg. After visiting Schonberg at his home near Nice, he shared his documentation. He was somewhat of a crackpot seen in person.

The other two items in the book are not reproduced here because they were súbseqienly republished elsewhere. The article on Schonberg was never reprinted (and who would have wanted to publish it?), and needed "rescueing" here.
Research Interests:
"This edition is inaccurate on every level". It is not to be used; any alternative is better.
El epíteto salado aplicado a Francisco García Lorca por el traductor Rolfe Humphries fue "goddam pokey son of a bitch".
Research Interests:
Ian Gibson's account of Lorca's death has serious shortcomings: he has made invaluable contributions of facts, but slips on the interpretation of these facts. See my review of his </i>The Death of Lorca</>, which he pointedly never... more
Ian Gibson's account of Lorca's death has serious shortcomings: he has made invaluable contributions of facts, but slips on the interpretation of these facts. See my review of his </i>The Death of Lorca</>, which he pointedly never mentions in any of the reprints of his book, or subsequent biographical studies.
Research Interests:
Cuatro investigaciones sueltas relacionadas a la visita de Federico García Lorca a Nueva York en 1929-30: 1. La matrícula de Columbia University (entrevista con su profesora) 2. Documentos de los dormitorios de Columbia University 3. El... more
Cuatro investigaciones sueltas relacionadas a la visita de Federico García Lorca a Nueva York en 1929-30:

1. La matrícula de Columbia University (entrevista con su profesora)
2. Documentos de los dormitorios de Columbia University
3. El "Stanton" de "El niño Stanton"
4. Sofía Megwinoff (compañera de clase)
Informe periodístico de una conferencia neoyorquina del torero Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, presentado por Federico García Lorca.
Se publicó en <i>Anales Cervantinos</i>, tomo 21, 1983, páginas 103-117. Esta versión primitiva no se ha digitalizado. Ofrezco la versión revisada como el Capítulo 2 de <i>La interpretación cervantina del 'Quijote'</i>.
Author: José Manuel Lucía Megías; María Carmen Marín Piña; Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua
Publisher: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, Alcalá de Henares
Se ha hecho mucho en este nuevo campo decestudio. En 2000, quedaron cosas por hacer.
Las notas están en un segundo archivo. Estos archivos son de la Biblioteca  Virtual Cervantes.

Introducción a la edición de este texto de 1555, último "éxito" de los libros de caballerías en Castilla.
If truck drivers are the arrieros of today's world, and truckstops the ventas, university professors are surely the caballeros andantes. No other profession is as mobile: like the knights-errant, we are constantly running off to this or... more
If truck drivers are the arrieros of today's world, and truckstops the ventas, university professors are surely the caballeros andantes. No other profession is as mobile: like the knights-errant, we are constantly running off to this or that corner of the country, or the world, to pursue research, to meet with each other, or I suspect, for no other reason than that we enjoy it and society sanctions it. The means by which a scholar enters the profession, which, like the chivalric world, runs on honra, fama, and oral exchange of information , resemble to a surprising degree the medieval world as portrayed in the Spanish libros de caballerías. In the chivalric books, the knight seeks to be dubbed by the person of highest status he can convince to do it, because some of the honor of the person conferring knighthood " rubs off " on the acolyte. Is not the same true of our doctoral-granting institutions? There is a historical parallel between the " thesis " which new scholars must defend against all comers (and still do, in some
Research Interests:
Continuation of "Un barbarismo: Libros de caballería".
See the much longer second part (a reply to an objection): "More on 'libros de caballería' and 'Libros de caballerías'
Page 1. Romances of Chivalry in the Spanish Golden Age Review Author[s]: Joseph R. Jones Hispanic Review, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Autumn, 1984), 529-530. ... By Daniel Eisenberg. Newark, de: Juan de la Cuesta: 1982. xviii+182 pages. ...
Don Quijote was above all things a man who had read a great deal, especially romances of chivalry, which are also the stated topic of the book of which he is the protagonist. it hardly seems possible to reach a satisfactory understanding... more
Don Quijote was above all things a man who had read a great deal, especially romances of chivalry, which are also the stated topic of the book of which he is the protagonist. it hardly seems possible to reach a satisfactory understanding of his personality or of the novel <i>Don Quijote</i> without rereading some of his favorite books.

PLEASE NOTE: this article does not represent my current thinking on the topic. On it, see my <i>A Study of "Don Quixote"</i>, or the revised Spanish translation, <i>La interpretación cervantina del "Quijote"</i>.
Se coloca aquí con permiso de las Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
Research Interests:
... By Daniel Eisenberg ... Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 26; Luis Crist6bal Ponce de Le6n and ffiigo L6pez de Mendoza, 28; Fernando de Arag6n, 29; Mencfa de Mendoza, 32; Pero Alvarez Osorio was almost certainly in his 30&amp;amp;#x27;s;... more
... By Daniel Eisenberg ... Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 26; Luis Crist6bal Ponce de Le6n and ffiigo L6pez de Mendoza, 28; Fernando de Arag6n, 29; Mencfa de Mendoza, 32; Pero Alvarez Osorio was almost certainly in his 30&amp;amp;#x27;s; Charles de Lannoy, 36; Pedro Fajardo, 39; Diego ...
Se ven actitudes revolucionarias y anarquistas  en Granada diez años después de la muerte del caudillo.
En el quinto centenario (1992) apenas se menciona el acontecimiento de mayor envergadura durante el año para los contemporáneos: la conquista (nunca "reconquista") de Granada.
Llegué a ser hispanista por la música. "Hasta cierto punto mi carrera de hispanista ha sido un esfuerzo para entender [<i>Iberia</i> de Albéniz]". Examino las visiones diferentes de la historia de España reflejadas en su música clásica.
Cardenal Cisneros, Queen Isabela's confessor, publicly burned about 5000 manuscripts in Arabic in recently-conquered Granada, as many as could be found, except those dealing with medicine. This act of weakness largely wiped out the... more
Cardenal Cisneros, Queen Isabela's confessor, publicly burned about 5000 manuscripts in Arabic in recently-conquered Granada, as many as could be found, except those dealing with medicine. This act of weakness largely wiped out the sophisticated culture of  Nasrid (Islamic) Granada.

El Cardenal Cisneros, en 1500 reunió todos los manuscritos árabes que pudo encontrar en Granada, y con excepción de los de contenido médico (que están en El Escorial), los quemó en la Plaza de Bibarambla. Se perdió casi toda la cultura nazarí: poesía, historia, coranes.
El cénit de la historia de España es al-Andalus. No se trata de una edad oscura entre dos períodos de esplendor, ambos cristianos, sino lo contrario. La Córdoba del califato fue la ciudad más grande y más culta de todo el Mediterráneo.... more
El cénit de la historia de España es al-Andalus. No se trata de una edad oscura entre dos períodos de esplendor, ambos cristianos, sino lo contrario. La Córdoba del califato fue la ciudad más grande y más culta de todo el Mediterráneo. Los cristianos (con la ayuda de los yihadistas almohades), destruyeron la civilización de al-Andalus.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
En ningún otro país occidental la homosexualidad (actos sexuales entre varones) ha contribuido a la formación del concepto de la nación.
Safe sex practices ("safer sex" as a term was unknown at the time) can greatly reduce, but not eliminate, the chances of contracting an STI. Reducing number of partners (it was not uncommon for men to have sex with multiple partners in... more
Safe sex practices ("safer sex" as a term was unknown at the time) can greatly reduce, but not eliminate, the chances of contracting an STI. Reducing number of partners (it was not uncommon for men to have sex with multiple partners in one day) and the use of the condom greatly rduces the risk. However, some men report that risky sex is hotter and more fulfilling.
Things I, or occasionally others, felt possibly deserved study.
Research Interests:
Article from <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i>
Research Interests:
Perez, a Spanish courtier, is the most important (in his day) person who was charged with sodomy. He fled the country, never to return.
Research Interests:
Masturbation is a sexual activity with little or no chance of STI (sexually transmitted infections) transmission.
Research Interests:
Discusses marriages (at the time, heterosexual only, except in Denmark) of those primarily or incidentally homosexual.
Research Interests:
Commissioned for the volume <i>Siting Queer Masculinities, 1550-1800</i>, ed. Katherine O’Donnell and Michael O’Rourke, but then (a unique case for me) not accepted for publication. I did not inquire why, and no reason or suggestions for... more
Commissioned for the volume <i>Siting Queer Masculinities, 1550-1800</i>, ed. Katherine O’Donnell and Michael O’Rourke, but then (a unique case for me) not accepted for publication. I did not inquire why, and no reason or suggestions for improvement were given.

The volume, called "strange" in a review (by Gert Hekma
<i>European History Quarterly</>, v39 n1 (2009): 168-169, http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/02656914090390010636) was published in 2005.
For my comments on the Spanish renaissance, see "No hubo una edad media española".
Juan Ii was "homosexual", although the concept was not known at the time. His son Enrique IV was publicly accused of being a "puto" (receptive sodomite), but his behavior is better explained as an illness.
Homosexuality was a key symbolic issue throughout the Iberian middle ages.
An article from the first <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i> (Garland, 1990).
An article from the first <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i> (Garland, 1990).
An article from the first <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i> (Garland, 1990).
Research Interests:
An article from the first <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i> (Garland, 1990).
The words "la escondida senda", removed by the editor David Foster, are from the poem of Fray Luis de León which begins: Qué descansada vida la del que huye el mundanal ruïdo y sigue la escondida senda por donde han ido los pocos sabios... more
The words "la escondida senda", removed by the editor David Foster, are from the poem of Fray Luis de León which begins:

Qué descansada vida
la del que huye el mundanal ruïdo
y sigue la escondida
senda por donde han ido
los pocos sabios que en el mundo han sido.
En ningún otro país ha sido la homosexualidad, o el rechazo de ella, central a la identidad de la nación.
Research Interests:
Gregorio Marañón, an early endocrinologist (physician), believed that homosexuality was caused by an endocrine disorder (a theory now totally discredited). He applied this diagnosis to Enrique IV of Castile, Spain's most disreputable king... more
Gregorio Marañón, an early endocrinologist (physician), believed that homosexuality was caused by an endocrine disorder (a theory now totally discredited). He applied this diagnosis to Enrique IV of Castile, Spain's most disreputable king and the only one to be called homosexual ("puto") while alive. This article analyzes Marañón's position and proposes another interpretation for Enrique's behavior.
Article published in the first <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i>, Garland, 1990.
Article published in the first <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i>, Garland, 1990.
Research Interests:
Article published in the first <i>Encyclopedia of Homosexuality</i>, Garland, 1990.
Se ha discutido bastante el índole del "buen amor" juanruizano, sin llegar a una conclusión aceptada. Este trabajo propone por primera vez que el amor que condena es el dirigido a muchachos (donceles, garçones). En su lugar recomiende a... more
Se ha discutido bastante el índole del "buen amor" juanruizano, sin llegar a una conclusión aceptada. Este trabajo propone por primera vez que el amor que condena es el dirigido a muchachos (donceles, garçones). En su lugar recomiende a las viudas, especialmente las bajas ("dueña chica").

La version en inglés (abajo) contiene correcciones.
What Juan Ruiz meant by "good love" has been the subject of much discussion. This article proposes, for the first time, that the love he was condemning was the love of boys. Instead he recommends widows, especially short ones ("dueña... more
What Juan Ruiz meant by "good love" has been the subject of much discussion. This article proposes, for the first time, that the love he was condemning was the love of boys. Instead he recommends widows, especially short ones ("dueña chica"), as an alternative.
An early gay guide, written to introduce the gay traveler to magical Granada, Spain. Maurophilia (remembering Islamic Spain positively).
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Kossoff was a fondly-remembered Hispanist and professor at Brown University.
Por lo general no conocemos a los anónimos o poco conocidos censores oficiales de libros. En el caso de Venegas disponemos de muchos datos. Se examina el papel de la censura en la España del siglo dieciséis.
Una introducción a este hombre, sus circunstancias y sus escritos.
Regla breve y muy compendiosa para saber rezar el officio divino segun la costumbre de la iglesia romana ansi para los religiosos, como para clerigos.
Research Interests:
An important figure in southern Spain's (Granada) transition from Islam to Catholicism.
Research Interests:
Si alguien no puede identificar la biblioteca aludida, es la Hispanic Society of America.
Research Interests:
Does not include articles in the few issues published after my relinquishing the editorship.
Research Interests:
Inspirado por Homero Serís, <i>Guía de nuevos temas de literatura española</i> (Nueva York: Hispanic Society, 1973), todavía valioso. El texto que merece editarse y estudiarse; el manuscrito que se deteriora y que hay que rescatar; la... more
Inspirado por Homero Serís, <i>Guía de nuevos temas de literatura española</i> (Nueva York: Hispanic Society, 1973), todavía valioso. El texto que merece editarse y estudiarse; el manuscrito que se deteriora y que hay que rescatar; la pista que Ud. no tiene el tiempo para seguir; la cuestión que le interesa que alguien estudie; el tema que se presenta pero que no va a investigar, ni sus alumnos tampoco: para todo ello ofrecemos este fichero.
Research Interests:
Un conjunto de libros, más un manuscrito, encontrados tras una pared de una casa, en Barcarrota, que se reformaba.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Slavery was primarily an Andalusian (Moorish) phenomenon. Slaves were better treated, and had more rights, than in the American South.
Research Interests:
Ibn alZamrak was the last major writer of Islamic Spain. He was the first to write on Andalusian history as a whole. He was a poet and wrote in other areas, common at the time, when scholars did not specialize. He was killed when accused... more
Ibn alZamrak was the last major writer of Islamic Spain. He was the first to write on Andalusian history as a whole. He was a poet and wrote in other areas, common at the time, when scholars did not specialize. He was killed when accused of heresy, though it may be his having offended the Granadian emir (king), and the herest charges a smokescreen.
The term "picaresque", whose definition is the subject of a long-running debate, has no meaning that everyone accepts. In Spain, there is reason to question its validity as a genre. This article was called "a pertinent critique of sloppy... more
The term "picaresque", whose definition is the subject of a long-running debate, has no meaning that everyone accepts. In Spain, there is reason to question its validity as a genre.

This article was called "a pertinent critique of sloppy thinking" in the <i>Year's Work in Modern Language Studies</i>.
Highly critical review
This article was published on-line in Virtual University Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, May 1998. The URL for that publication is: http://www.openhouse.org.uk/virtual-university-press/vuj/Issue2/Eisenberg.htm. You are viewing the article as... more
This article was published on-line in Virtual University Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, May 1998. The URL for that publication is: http://www.openhouse.org.uk/virtual-university-press/vuj/Issue2/Eisenberg.htm. You are viewing the article as archived on my personal web site,
Research Interests:
At Regents College (renamed Excelsior College), which does not even have traditional classrooms, inter-student as well as student-faculty intereaction takes place online.
Research Interests:
The many tasks involved in producing a scholarly journal in the pre-Windows era.
Spanish language textbooks have serious problems.
The electronic journal DANIEL EISENBERG This screen-based scenario envisions a weekly national Chaucerian seminar and other permutations in traditional scholarly communication An electronic journal exists only in electronic media, not on... more
The electronic journal DANIEL EISENBERG This screen-based scenario envisions a weekly national Chaucerian seminar and other permutations in traditional scholarly communication An electronic journal exists only in electronic media, not on paper. While no such ...
Problems of the paperless book DANIEL EISENBERG The foundations of electronic publishing have been established, but questions and limitations still restrict its use in scholarly publishing We are, with electronic publication,... more
Problems of the paperless book DANIEL EISENBERG The foundations of electronic publishing have been established, but questions and limitations still restrict its use in scholarly publishing We are, with electronic publication, approximately where printing was in the year 1469.г ...
... ERIC #: EJ555694. Title: Shifting Enrollment Patterns: A Forum. Authors: Gonzalez, Cristina; Siskin, H. Jay; Mandrell, James; Compitello, Malcolm Alan; Klein, Carol Ebersol; Wilson, Donna M.; Riley, Mark; Fein, David A.; Eisenberg,... more
... ERIC #: EJ555694. Title: Shifting Enrollment Patterns: A Forum. Authors: Gonzalez, Cristina; Siskin, H. Jay; Mandrell, James; Compitello, Malcolm Alan; Klein, Carol Ebersol; Wilson, Donna M.; Riley, Mark; Fein, David A.; Eisenberg, Daniel; Theis, Mary. ...
Para el resumen, véase el texto original, "A Letter to Dr. Percy."
Research Interests:
Los carteos entre John Bowle, primer editor moderno de <i>Don Quijote</i>, y varias personas, entre ellos el librero Gabriel de Sancha y Juan Antonio Pellicer. El carteo con el primer medievalista, Thomas Percy, está en volumen aparte.... more
Los carteos entre John Bowle, primer editor moderno de <i>Don Quijote</i>,  y varias personas, entre ellos el librero Gabriel de Sancha y Juan Antonio Pellicer.

El carteo con el primer medievalista, Thomas Percy, está en volumen aparte.

Nótese la corrección, en entrada aparte.

En mi archivo (pdf) la tipografía es diferente y no hay probblemas con palabras como "años". Ignoro cómo corregir lo que academia.edu hizo con mi archivo.
Research Interests:
A public letter, published in 1777 and never reprinted until now, in which Bowle, under guise of a letter to his friend the medievalist Thomas Percy, explains in detail his plans for editing <i>Don Quixote</i>, with maps and a sample of... more
A public letter, published in 1777 and never reprinted until now, in which Bowle, under guise of a letter to his friend the medievalist Thomas Percy, explains in detail his plans for editing <i>Don Quixote</i>, with maps and a sample of the index and of his proposed annotated map, and "A List of the Romances which have in numerous Instances illustrated the Text of Don Quixote."

There is a misprint in Bowle's title page, on p. 97: says "Don Quijote", should say "Don Quixote".

A Spanish translation is available; search for "Una carta al Dr. Percy".
There has been a lot of confusion about just what Bowle published in 1781: two editions? One in Salisbury amd the other in London? Actually there was one edition but two of what bibliographers call emisions. The only difference is in... more
There has been a lot of confusion about just what Bowle published in 1781: two editions? One in Salisbury amd the other in London? Actually there was one edition but two of what bibliographers call emisions. The only difference is in title pages, and in the first volume, Bowle's dedicatory letter to Francis, Earl of Huntington.
Research Interests:
Two eighteenth-century scholars - one (Percy) the first medievalist and literary antiquarian, the other (Bowle) the first Cervantine scholar and Hispanist - exchange letters. Both were great enthusiasts of the Spanish <i>libros de... more
Two eighteenth-century scholars - one (Percy) the first medievalist and literary antiquarian, the other (Bowle) the first Cervantine scholar and Hispanist - exchange letters. Both were great enthusiasts of the Spanish <i>libros de caballerías</i> (romances of chivalry), though in different ways. Both of them loved <i>Don Quijote</i>, though for different reasons.
John Bowle fue el primero a quien se aplicó el término "hispanista", además de cervantista. Su edición es la primera para la cual se cotejaron varias ediciones, la primera con anotaciones, índices y líneas numeradas.
Research Interests:
Bowle, more than any other single person, established <i>Don Quixote</i> as a classic, a work on the level of ancient Latin and Greek authors.
Joseph Baretti, an Italian living in England, ridicules Bowle and his edition.
Research Interests:
An influential gay pornographer of the 1970's and 1980's.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Important early gay pornographer, influential in the birth of gay BDSM
Research Interests:
This is the version as of March 30, 2017.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
El teléfono erótico, cuya historia se dibuja, permite extremos de morbo de otra forma imposibles o peligrosos.
Remarks on Tallahassee's and Florida State Universities's plusses and minuses
Research Interests:
Comments on the South, in which I lived from 1970-73 and 1974-96.

Observaciones sobre la cultura del Sur de los Estados Unidos, donde viví de 1970-73 y 1974-96.
Research Interests:
Fifth and final installment of a trip from Brazil to the U.S. in 1981.
Research Interests:
4th installment of a trip from Brazil to the U.S. by land, in 1981.

Cuarta entrega de la narración de un viaje del Brasil a EE.UU. por tierra, en 1981.
Research Interests:
Third installment of a trip from Brazil to the U.S., in 1981.
A trip in 1981.
Research Interests:
Where Castilla ends and Andalucía begins
Observations and experiences from a trip to Bolivia in 1981.
Observations on life in Tallahassee and teaching at Florida State University

Journal of Hispanic Philology, vol. 10, no. 2, 1986, pp. 97–101.
Virtual University Journal, November 1998
Research Interests:
The need for contact outside of classes in an online university.
The problems of over-enrollment in Spanish, compared with under-enrollment in other languages.
Giving preference to speaking in teaching language avoids exposure to written foreign ideas.
Research Interests:
These are reflections on involvement in and disillusionment with a union. Although some years have gone by it is an experience not yet put behind me, and it is a story I feel the need to tell.
A B-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 26 revisions since 2018-09-09 (+86 days), 6 editors, 43 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics Expelled Because of Their Color is a bronze... more
A B-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 26 revisions since 2018-09-09 (+86 days), 6 editors, 43 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics Expelled Because of Their Color is a bronze sculpture, 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, by John Thomas Riddle, Jr. It is located on the
The 60,000-square-foot (5,600 m 2) facility has a 300-seat auditorium, 5,000-square-foot art gallery, and Small Business Resource Center. [1] Since its opening, the Center has hosted more than 38 major exhibits and served more than... more
The 60,000-square-foot (5,600 m 2) facility has a 300-seat auditorium, 5,000-square-foot art gallery, and Small Business Resource Center. [1] Since its opening, the Center has hosted more than 38 major exhibits and served more than 895,000 customers. [2][dead link] It is the sixth-largest library in the Broward County Library System and the third of its kind in the nation. [3] 1.1 History [ edit ] Samuel F. Morrison, while director of the Broward County Libraries Division, was inspired to build an ethnically-focused library after a visit to the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History. [2] At that time, the Auburn Avenue Research Library and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York City were the only two research libraries in African-American culture in the nation. Morrison, however, was determined to "build a library in the African-American area, with county funds." [4] 1.2 Funding [ edit ] Between 1990 and 1995, Morrison engaged in numerous conversations and negotiations with county officials on the construction of the library. [4] Funds had already been saved to replace the smaller Von D. Mizell Branch Library in Fort Lauderdale. The Broward County Commission had provided the land and $5 million towards the new library. Morrison,
A B-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 26 revisions since 2018-09-09 (+86 days), 6 editors, 43 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics Expelled Because of Their Color is a bronze... more
A B-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 26 revisions since 2018-09-09 (+86 days), 6 editors, 43 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics Expelled Because of Their Color is a bronze sculpture, 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, by John Thomas Riddle, Jr. It is located on the
A B-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 26 revisions since 2018-09-09 (+86 days), 6 editors, 43 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics Expelled Because of Their Color is a bronze... more
A B-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 26 revisions since 2018-09-09 (+86 days), 6 editors, 43 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics Expelled Because of Their Color is a bronze sculpture, 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, by John Thomas Riddle, Jr. It is located on the
An unassessed article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 10 revisions since 2019-01-31 (+151 days), 2 editors, 214 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,077) • See full page statistics
An unassessed article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 34 revisions since 2019-01-28 (+52 days
An unassessed article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 7 revisions since 2019-02-01 (+151 days), 1 editor, 150 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,077) • See full page statistics The Baltimore riot of 1919 occurred between... more
An unassessed article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 7 revisions since 2019-02-01 (+151 days), 1 editor, 150 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,077) • See full page statistics The Baltimore riot of 1919 occurred between 11 PM October 1, 1919, until 2 AM October 2. It is at the end of the Red Summer riots of 1919. A small group of soldiers from Fort Meade (one paper says 4, another 7) were walking on Spring Street when a bottle thrown from a house hit one of them. "The doughboys began yelling at the negroes and daring them to leave their homes." [1] There was fear that a riot would develop. [2] Baltimore police were called and they forced the soldiers to leave the area.
Research Interests:
A start-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 44 revisions since 2018-10-03 (+103 days), 9 editors, 75 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics A Treatise on the Patriarchal, or... more
A start-class article from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 44 revisions since 2018-10-03 (+103 days), 9 editors, 75 pageviews (30 days), created by: Deisenbe (36,061) • See full page statistics A Treatise on the Patriarchal, or Cooperative System of Society as it Exists in Some Governments and Colonies in America, and in the United States, Under the Name of Slavery, with its Necessity and Advantages was the first serious published defense of slavery in the United States, after its independence. Written by Florida planter and Quaker Zephaniah Kingsley, it was first published under the signature "A Resident of Florida" in 1828, although Kingsley's name is found at the end of the Preface. It was reprinted in 1829, 1833, and 1834, indicating significant readership. [1]:xi No other pro-slavery writing in the United States was reprinted as many times. Kingsley believed that "free people of color", better treated in Spanish Florida than in the American South, should be allowed to own property, and other rights, and made the case that they were beneficial to the country in which they lived. Contents [hide] 1 Kingsley's "Address to the Legislative Council of Florida" 2 The Treatise 2.1 Blacks are suited for a hot climate 2.2 Nations with slaves are stronger 2.3 The virtues of negros 2.4 Racial mixing as policy 2.5 Kingsley's notes 3 Reception 4 References 5 External links
Former self-styled Confederate embassy in Washington, D.C.
A project to assist and encourage those who are trying to remove monuments of the Confederate States of America.
Research Interests:
A former museum in the Texas Capitol that closed in 1988.
Research Interests:
A short-lived radio station of Addison Mizner (see article on him here on Academia)
Research Interests:
A template is standard text that can be fixed nserted anywhere by specifying the template. Of this template, only the Former Populated Places and Plantations are my work.
Research Interests:
In the former offices of the leading slave-trading firm, Franklin amd Armfield, is a museum about slavery in the U.S.
Research Interests:
Just as anyone may write a Wikipedia article. anyone may create a category.
Research Interests:
Just as anyone can write an article, anyone can create a category. My work in this area began with writing the Florida A&M Hispital, followed by Provident Hospital (Ft. Lauderdale) and Tabernacle Community Hospital and Health Center
Research Interests:
Just as anyone can write a Wikipedia article, anyone can create a category.
Research Interests:
Just as anyone can write an article in Wikipedia, anyone can set up a category.
Research Interests:
Wikipedia articles are categorized; just as anyone can write an article, anyone can set up a category.
Research Interests:
Boca Raon’s first city hall, now its welcome center and historical museum
Research Interests:
Brief history of a closed hospital.
Research Interests:
A river battle, followed by siege, which was the longest sustained conflict of what would later be called the First Seminole War.
Research Interests:
The Citadel is today (2018) South Carolina’s Military College. This article describes South Carolina’s other military college, The Arsenal, destroyed during the burning of Columbia in the American Civil War. Both began as arsenals,... more
The Citadel is today (2018) South Carolina’s Military College. This article describes South Carolina’s other military college, The Arsenal, destroyed during the burning of Columbia in the American Civil War. Both began as arsenals, constructed after the 1822 revolt of slave Denmark Vesey, to assure that any other slave revolt in South Carolina could be easily suppressed.
Research Interests:
Sizable but little-known community of maroons (escaped slaves) in Spanish Florida
Research Interests:
A review of the riots in Miami which left 3 dead. Mentions causes (lack of economic opportunity).
Research Interests:
Ading new material on his Hispanism and storytelling
Research Interests:
The most successful of the short-lived black junior colleges in Florida
Research Interests:
A conservative group, committed to racial segregation, who controlled the Florida legislature for several decades in the mid-20th century.
Research Interests:
An important hospital, chronically underfunded, that had to close as a result of desegregation
Research Interests:
Sections I wrote for the article. As of today (June 2, 2017) The 5th Dimension song sentence is not included.
This is a section of a longer article not written by me, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Tallahassee,_Florida
Research Interests:
LIKE THE EDITOR OF a text, a translator is creating a text as well. The translator must, of course, choose a text (or perhaps multiple versions of a text) in the original language. Given the heated debate over the text of Don Quixote... more
LIKE THE EDITOR OF a text, a translator is creating a text as well. The translator must, of course, choose a text (or perhaps multiple versions of a text) in the original language. Given the heated debate over the text of Don Quixote during the last thirty years, and the lack of a general consensus about which of the several competing editions is most worthy of use, (1) it may be helpful to examine how the translators have approached the question of the work&#39;s text. As will be seen, some are aware of the problems and carefully explain how they have handled the text, while others are less informative or seemingly ignorant of the whole situation. First the translations will be reviewed chronologically; then we will examine how the translators have handled some key textual points. The earliest translators are the ones who go into the greatest depth about textual questions. John Ormsby is the earliest translator (1885) whose version is still in current use, free for the taking on th...
Para mi vecina, Alicia de Colombi-Monguio &quot;Lo que necesitamos es una vida de Cervantes escrita con criterio estrictamente cientifico. Es decir, que ano por ano como ya hizo Cotarelo en sus Efemerides cervantinas--diga lo que se sabe,... more
Para mi vecina, Alicia de Colombi-Monguio &quot;Lo que necesitamos es una vida de Cervantes escrita con criterio estrictamente cientifico. Es decir, que ano por ano como ya hizo Cotarelo en sus Efemerides cervantinas--diga lo que se sabe, lo que se ha escrito; que analice, juzgue y pondere el valor de los datos y de las deducciones. En una palabra, que sepamos a que atenernos y que se nos diga que hay de fantasia y de verdad en el inmenso cumulo de publicaciones sobre Cervantes. Y todo lo que se descubra o deduzca de nuevo, estudiarlo aparte. Es necesario, sobre todo, proceder con seriedad y no decir nada sin senalar las fuentes bibliograficas; no repetir lo que esta trillado o escondido en esta o aquella publicacion y hacer historia sucinta de como se ha ido descubriendo lo que sabemos de la vida de Cervantes&quot; (Mohedano 376). Esto hace cincuenta anos, y los consejos no han sido atendidos. Todavia &quot;carecemos de una biografia critica digna de este nombre.&quot; (2) Cierto, y la falta de esta insigne biografia ya comienza a ser lugar comun en los estudios cervantinos, tema de &quot;estados de la cuestion,&quot; como hace pocos anos lo era la falta de una edicion critica. (3) En el siglo XX, solo ha habido dos que avanzaron significativamente nuestro conocimiento. La de Fitzmaurice-Kelly, injustamente olvidada, puso en forma narrativa los datos contenidos en los documentos publicados por Perez Pastor en 1897 y 1902. (4) Cincuenta anos despues, Astrana publico, en siete tomos, La vida ejemplar y heroica de Cervantes, &quot;con mil documentos hasta ahora ineditos y numerosas ilustraciones y grabados de epoca,&quot; como puntualizo el mismo autor. Su titulo ya da una idea de su orientacion, y el subtitulo, del egoismo de su autor. Y desde Astrana, no ha habido ninguna biografia erudita o cabal, solamente popularizaciones de mayor o menor hondura. Carecemos, pues, de una biografia critica. La tarea de elaborarla no es nada apetecedora; por algo no la ha escrito el mismo Canavaggio. Pocas figuras--ninguna, en Espana--presentan dificultades parecidas. Fuentes no faltan, aunque no son exactamente las que quisieramos. Apenas existe su epistolario. (5) Viajo mucho y se mudo con frecuencia; por ello hay que conocer la vida cotidiana y literaria de varias ciudades y paises. Apenas hay escritos de sus contemporaneos sobre el; comentarios sueltos de alguna palabra o epiteto aqui y alla, si, pero los escritos sobre Cervantes que pasan de una pagina o son hostiles (el prologo de Avellaneda), o puede haberlos escritos el mismo Cervantes. (6) Tampoco se preocupo ningun amigo en reunir y publicar sus textos ineditos, como hicieron Boscan y Pacheco para Garcilaso y Herrera respectivamente. Textos supuestamente autobiograficos los hay, desde luego. Cervantes fue &quot;autobiografo insustituible,&quot; en el giro de Astrana (3: 75), pero el Cervantes pintado en ellos no es sino otro de sus personajes. (7) Y no lo olvidemos: ni la libertad de prensa, ni de expresion ni incluso de pensamiento existieron en aquel supuestamente dorado siglo. Siempre tenemos que leer entre las lineas y meditar los silencios, si pretendemos conocer como era el hombre Miguel de Cervantes. Quien quisiera reconstruir el mundo de una persona desaparecida tiene que leer los libros que este leyo. Es, por ejemplo, lo que para Coleridge hizo John Livingston Lowes en su clasico The Road to Xanadu. Pero las lecturas de Cervantes eran amplisimas, anos enteros sin television ni peliculas, con los libros como su principal diversion, consuelo y amistad. Por consiguiente, ninguno de nosotros puede ni podra nunca leer todos esos libros. (8) Ni se puede hacer, con la misma penetracion, lo que ha hecho Pedro Ruiz Perez para Herrera. Este factor por si solo hace imposible que un biografo pueda conocerle a fondo. Sus libros trataron de todo lo divino y humano, y Cervantes, entre las otras muchas cosas que era, fue un investigador. Se creia capaz de escribir sobre &quot;el universo todo&quot; (Don Quijote, II, 44) e investigo el amor y los celos, las hierbas, la magia, la caballeria historica, la historia patria y la historia y teoria literarias. …
... [Helena Percas de Ponseti responded to this note by Daniel Eisenberg with ... FJ.] 2 Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino mostró la falsedad de esta carta en “La carta de Cervantes al Cardenal Sandoval y Rojas,” NRFH, 16 ... Martín de Riquer, II... more
... [Helena Percas de Ponseti responded to this note by Daniel Eisenberg with ... FJ.] 2 Antonio Rodríguez-Moñino mostró la falsedad de esta carta en “La carta de Cervantes al Cardenal Sandoval y Rojas,” NRFH, 16 ... Martín de Riquer, II (Barcelona: Quaderns Crema, 1987), 271-328 ...
... Library, Steven Smith de Texas A&amp;amp;amp;amp;M University, María Cristina Guillén Bermejo de la Bi-blioteca Nacional de Madrid, Victòria Casals de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, Miguel Marañón Ripoll del Instituto Cervantes, Helen... more
... Library, Steven Smith de Texas A&amp;amp;amp;amp;M University, María Cristina Guillén Bermejo de la Bi-blioteca Nacional de Madrid, Victòria Casals de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, Miguel Marañón Ripoll del Instituto Cervantes, Helen Williams de West Sussex, Inglaterra, Julie Home, Clerk to ...