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Hip-hop in South Africa has been on a roller coaster ride since its emergence as a protest tool among non-white youths against apartheid in the early 1980s. Although the collapse of apartheid in the early 1990s opened up an era of... more
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      Social MediaMinority StudiesHip-Hop/RapGraffiti
Street art to jeden z fenomenów współczesnej sztuki. Uwodzi rozmachem, oryginalnością, jest wyrazem nieskrępowanej wyobraźni i nieograniczonej pomysłowości twórców. Łamie konwencje, niesie ze sobą posmak rebelii, pewnej nielegalności,... more
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      Installation ArtPublic ArtStreet ArtMexican Muralism
TESIS DOCTORAL COMPLETA Proyecto de investigación artístico y social que a través del estudio de las principales influencias, herramientas, una selección de fuentes filmográficas y bibliográficas y entrevistas personales, pretende... more
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      Street ArtGraffitiUrban ArtPintura
Özet: Küreselleşme çağında enformasyon zaman ve mekân hızını aşmıştır. Küreselleşme sürecindeki yaygın medya söylemi savaşları, özgürlük mücadelelerini, ekonomik çelişkileri, gelir dağılımındaki eşitsizlikleri vb. görmezlikten... more
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      GraffitiBanksySosyal MedyaYeni medya
This essay analyzes discourses and narratives of men who frequent the washrooms at public venues in Havana. The graffiti on toilet room walls works as an articulator of micro markets of sexual communication and gender/sexual relations. In... more
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      Discourse AnalysisQueer StudiesCommunicationCruising Sex
This dissertation investigates homo- and bisexuality in the Roman world, by focusing primarily on Pompeii’s graffiti. Scratched on walls, street facades, public buildings, within the domus and often inserted in paintings or frescoes,... more
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A presente pesquisa é o resultado de teoria e prática envolvendo literatura e arte urbana. A partir de leituras e constatações da obra literária As Cidades Invisíveis de Ítalo Calvino, iniciamos comparações entre as cidades imaginadas do... more
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      GraffitiItalo CalvinoVisual Arts
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      Social Studies EducationArts EducationGraffitiVisual Arts
Slightly earlier version of chapter 7, 'Political graffiti', of my 'Expressing identities in the Basque arena', Oxford: James Currey, 2006, pp.151-61
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      Political AnthropologyNationalismAnthropology Of ArtSociology of Arts
Gabriela Ferrada es una pintora de street art, nacida en la ciudad de Chillán, Chile. Tiene estudios en Trabajo Social, magíster en Estudios Culturales y Gestión Cultural, y es la presidenta de la Agrupación Pintarte, desde el 2009 hasta... more
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    • Graffiti
The aim of this paper is to establish a link between the code-switch "tags" in Junot Díaz's work and some formal resources of graffiti artists, in particular their emblematic "tagz." These elements are read together to attest to a battle... more
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      Latin American StudiesAmerican StudiesSpanish LinguisticsContemporary American Literature
Interview with George Freeman from radio station 95bFM on The Wire program. Broadcast on March 27, 2015 [Duration: 12 minutes, 47 seconds]. Audio recording: http://95bfm.com/assets/sm/220550/3/Graffiti.mp3
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      Street ArtContemporary GraffitiGraffitiGraffiti, Street Art and Writing
Pasakojimą apie Pompėjus paprastai mėgstu pradėti citata iš klasikinio miesto studijoms skirto Camillo Sitte (1843–1903) veikalo „The City Reader“ , kuriame Pompėjai tampa racionalios miesto erdvės pavyzdžiu, kuriame susipina... more
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      Urban HistoryPompeii (Archaeology)GraffitiMarketing discourses and urban and architecture production
Unistrokes and Graffiti are stylus-based text entry techniques. While Unistrokes is recognized in academia, Graffiti is commercially prevalent in PDAs. Though numerous studies have investigated the usability of Graffiti, none exists to... more
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      GraffitiEmpirical StudyStylus
গ্রাফিতির হাল-হকিকত, এর ফ্যাশন বনাম রেবেল সত্ত্বা, অল্টারনেটিভ নাকি এক্সপোজার পিয়াসী আর্টিস্টদের স্টেপিং স্টোন এবং বিবিধ খুচরা বিষয় নিয়ে এই বছরের গোড়ার দিকে বসা হইছিলো আর্টিস্ট রনি আহম্মেদের সাথে। গ্রাফিতি নিয়ে আলাপ করতে চাইলেও... more
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      Urban StudiesCounter CultureBangladeshGraffiti
Graffiti in Palace of Ludwigsburg - part of the conference about historical Graffiti in Munich 2017. Here a selection of my article. Flyer of publication:... more
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      Graffiti in historyGraffitiAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Historical Graffiti
This article is based on ethnographic work with two ‘‘crews’’ of young graffiti artists in southern Mexico City. The crews share certain characteristics with gangs or urban tribes, but more with ‘‘communities of practice’’: they live in... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesYouth StudiesEducation and Youth Exclusion
עיר שסועה לה יחדיו מהי יפו? ״מוזיאון הנַכְּבָּה״ / ״פנינת נדל״ן״ / ״כלת פלסטין״ / ״בולגריה הקטנה״ / ״קהילה תורנית מתחדשת״/ ״ג׳נטריפיקציה״? יפו קרועה בין דימויים וכוחות המלווים אותה לאורך מאה שנות המאבק על המקום. איזה סיפור ניתן לספר על... more
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      Visual StudiesUrban PlanningIsrael/PalestineUrbanism
A draft proposal for a paper about graffiti
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    • Graffiti
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      CriminologyCritical CriminologyCultural CriminologyUrban Graffiti
Los conventos novohispanos poseían, desde el siglo XVI, espacios destinados como cárceles para encerrar a religiosos que violaran la Regla o las Constituciones. Estos lugares, conocidos como cárceles, son quizá de los más difíciles de... more
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      Graffiti in historyGraffitiAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Arqueología De La Arquitectura
En la defensa del graffiti surgen múltiples aristas generales: ¿quién define qué es arte? En el siguiente texto se utiliza el graffiti como pretexto para esbozar un tema mucho más amplio, la noción misma del arte en el siglo XXI.
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      Urban GraffitiContemporary GraffitiGraffitiContemporany Graffiti
Esta ponencia fue leída como parte de la mesa Ciudad y Museo en el marco del Encuentro Artes Visuales y Curaduría en Hispanoamérica, realizado del 13 al 15 de noviembre del 2019 en Lima, Perú.
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      GraffitiArt VandalismArtesMural painting
La calle es de quien la camina, los stickers de quien los mira. En este ensayo, utilizando elementos diversos como entrevistas, historia, análisis sociológico, filosofía y diseño gráfico, rastrea los orígenes del sticker urbano en México,... more
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      Street ArtGraffiti in historyGraffitiVisual Arts
ÖZ Halktan doğan imgelerin, görsellerin toplumsal anlamları üzerine düşünmek ve onları etnografik bilgi nesnesi olarak kabul etmek kültürü anlamada zengin bir çerçeve sağlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda grafiti ve sokak sanatı hem kendine özgü... more
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      Street ArtGraffitiAthens
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      OpticsVisual AnthropologyEveryday AestheticsResistance (Social)
Eesti keelne õppematerjal põhikooli ja gümnaasiumi õpilastele tänavakunsti ja grafiti kujunemisloost. Tänavakunstis kasutatavad tehnikad. Tekstifaili lisa on slaidimaterjal, mille leiab Google Drive'i lingilt:... more
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      Art HistoryEducationArts EducationStreet Art
Im öffentlichen Raum sind Mitteilungen an allen möglichen und unmöglichen Orten zu finden, nicht zuletzt auf den Hosenböden mancher Passanten. Aber auch an gebauter Infrastruktur finden sich Mitteilungen: Bilder, Texte und Mischungen aus... more
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      Urban GraffitiGraffitiTaggingGraffiti, Street Art and Writing
This panel set out to explore the popular and scholarly literature on graffiti and street art, to assess what has been accomplished in these fields, and where scholarly research in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and allied... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
This paper develops a pragmatist definition of street art acknowledging its essential subversiveness, while drawing implications at the level of street art’s political and social function. By developing an insight from Irvine (2012), the... more
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      Urban GeographyAestheticsVisual StudiesSpace and Place
Quelle est la place du graffiti dans l'art, quel rôle joue-t-il dans l'enrichissement artistique d'une ville comme Bruxelles, quels sont ses pratiques, ses véritables artistes ? De la rue aux galeries, l'auteur analyse tous les... more
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      Street ArtGraffitiBrusselsBruxelles
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      Tourism StudiesGentrificationUrban GraffitiContemporary Graffiti
This chapter looks at street art and its relationship to peace efforts. Specifically, it examines how street art is used as a medium to express the concerns, needs and wants of societal groups whose everyday lives are affected by... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEveryday AestheticsPeace MovementsAesthetics and Politics
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine Archaeology
Les rapports entre exil et street art sont complexes. D'une part, les artistes de rue ressemblent aux migrants dont le nomadisme perpétuel caractérise le monde contemporain. D'autre part, le street art a ses propres raisons d'être qui ne... more
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      Contemporary ArtExileStreet ArtGraffiti
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      Chicana/o StudiesGraffitiChicano and Latino Literature, Culture and Art
This thesis focuses on the visual message made by the new Neo-muralist movement in México City, taking as a protagonist the collective of art Germen crew. The study asks: What is the message behind Mexican Neo-muralism, taking into... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPublic ArtPolitics
Keynote presentation based on my most recent book, "Street Art and the Environment".
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Graffiti in the public realms are commonly described as destruction of public and/or private property, and offensive to public taste. But does this dictum also apply to the removal of the same graffiti? Could this not be regarded as... more
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      Street ArtUrban GraffitiGraffitiGraffiti, Street Art and Writing
Political Protest Graffiti is an increasingly visible form of rhetoric that provides a democratizing space to enable its disenfranchised peoples to articulate their own narratives. As a form of visual activism, the George Floyd Protest... more
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      SociologyPsychologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesVisual Studies
par Elvira GONZÁLEZ et Bernat OLIVER, dans "La pierre comme porteur de messages du chantier de construction et de la vie du bâtiment. Actes du XXIe Colloque International de Glyptographie (du 8 au 14 juillet 2018, Amay, Belgique)" ISBN... more
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      GraffitiAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)Mallorca
1971 Laurea in Filosofia presso l'Università di Catania con una dissertazione su "Paul Th. D'Holbach e il Sistema della natura", con votazione di 110 e lode 1971-75 attività di "esercitatrice" presso la stessa Università 1976-77... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SlaverySaints' CultsHistory of the Mediterranean
Recent Developments in Sociology and Social Work All parts of this publication are protected by copyright. Any utilization outside the strict limits of the copyright law, without the permission of the publisher, is forbidden and liable to... more
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      Cultural StudiesStreet ArtGraffiti
A wide range of Arabic language variation in form, code choice and orthographic script was wielded by Lebanese political protestors in their graffiti and political placards in Beirut in 2015. That summer, civil protests spilled out into... more
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      Middle East StudiesSociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyArabic Language and Linguistics
Since the beginning of the 21 st century, art in " publicly accessible spaces " (Bengtsen, 2018: 125) has received significant attention within a number of academic fields, including most recently cognitive semiotics, which integrates... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)CreativityVisual RhetoricMetaphor
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Social HistoryLatin EpigraphyGraffiti in history
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      GraffitiLiterary studiesHispanic
Talk about street art's democratic impact and ability to encourage people to explore their everyday environments. Given in connection with the opening of Danish photographer Søren Solkær's exhibition "Surface" at Øksnehallen in Copenhagen... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of CultureVisual Sociology