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This paper explores consumer habits in the Republic of Serbia regarding the purchase of clothes. The aim of the research was to answer the following questions: where do the citizens of Serbia buy clothes most often, how often do they go... more
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      Consumer BehaviorMarket ResearchConsumer ResearchFashion Retailing
The paper presents a new method that automates the process of extracting graphic information from reference images and integrating the data into patchwork garments design. The main stages of the transition from a 2D reference image to the... more
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      Computer GraphicsGarments ManufacturingClothesQuilting
Мода и стил - това са понятия, неразривно свързани едно с друго. Между тези две явления има и винаги е имало симбиоза. Модата се променя постоянно, а въвеждането на нови модни стилове се случва ежедневно. Стилът обаче надхвърля честите... more
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryDress StudiesAnthropology of Dress
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    • Clothes
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesRhetoricFashion design
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      RitualNorwayGraduate StudentClothes
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      DesignDesign MethodsResearch into DesignMetodologías De Diseño
O presente trabalho visa analisar os discursos mercadológicos sobre roupas ditas não binárias (genderless) tanto nas lojas de departamento multinacionais quanto em lojas brasileiras que não possuem abrangência internacional. Para isso... more
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      Gender StudiesClothesFashion
This paper deals with the fact that from the 18th century to modern day, our clothes have been designed based on the gender assumptions. The first chapter provides a starting point for understanding why clothes are gendered by... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and GenderGender and Sexuality
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesLawJewish Law
În Bucovina din cele mai vechi timpuri, portul popular pune în evidenţă talentul şi sensibilitatea pentru frumos a locuitorilor acestor zone.Adevărată artă populară, portul popular al românilor bucovineni, ca şi folclorul în întregul lui,... more
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      History of clothing and fashionClothesClothes MakingMuseum traditional clothes
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      Visual CommunicationRoman ArtClothes
Україна в Центрально-Східній Європі. – Київ: Інститут історії України НАНУ, 2021. — Вип. 19-20. – C. 211-221. Стаття присвячена встановленню того, чи позначала французька лексема ‟un caleço(n)ˮ у відомій праці французького... more
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      French LiteratureDress StudiesHistory of DressUkrainian Studies
Poruszane zagadnienia: identyfikacja pochówków, ubiór narodowy polski a moda zachodnia, charakterystyka ubioru zachodniego, pochówki mężczyzn w stroju zachodnim zadokumentowane w szczuczyńskich kryptach.
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      Archaeology of burialshistory of PolandCatholic Church HistoryClothes
The dissertation is a fundamental comprehensive research. According to archaeological and iconographic data the costume of the Chernyakhiv – Sîntana de Mureş Culture bearers that had not been systematically studied before was... more
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      Costume (Art History)BeadsArchaeology / Cultural Anthropology / EthnologyClothes
This paper presents a thermal model for the prehistoric origins and development of clothing. A distinction is drawn between simple and complex clothing, a distinction which has implications for palaeolithic technological transitions and... more
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      HistorySocial TheoryPalaeoclimatologyClimate Change
The fashion of shopping for men’s formal shirts online has certainly made great strides. People today from all over the globe currently very much depend on Indian global shopping sites when it comes to buying men’s formal shirts by going... more
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      ClothingClothesMenswearClothes Collections
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Pilgrimage
One of the understudied geographies of the world economy is the large-scale export of second-hand clothing form the global North to Africa. The consumption and re-use of clothing traces a transnational gradient of inequality between the... more
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      International TradeMozambiqueClothes
African clothing industries have declined since the implementation of economic liberalization policies in the early 1980s whilst used-clothing imports to Africa have increased. The general effects of economic liberalization on African... more
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A critical analysis and reflection surrounding the reappropriation of popular culture by the American pop singer Madonna.
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesPopular CultureGender and Sexuality Studies
Many historical sources touched on field influences between Morocco and the Mediterranean environment especially at their cultural and social levels such as dressing-up in the latest European-Turkish fashion. And rushing to have the... more
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      History of the MediterraneanMoroccan Colonial HistoryClothes
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    • Clothes
An explanation on how the Ottoman modernization created a "new women" by looking in terms of education, women associations, women periodicals, jornals, and how all the process influenced daily life and clothes of women.
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      Women's StudiesOttoman HistoryOttoman StudiesFashion History
L’étude de la parure dans les sépultures offre des informations majeures pour la reconstitution potentielle de costumes préhistoriques, malgré tout un ensemble de biais et d’imprécisions. Ces informations sont sous exploitées à l’heure... more
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      Paleolithic EuropeUpper PaleolithicGravettianPalaeolithic venus figurines
Folktale is the name given to the products of folk literature created on the basis of the deep effect of any event or literal product left a trace in the society in oral culture. It is a long winded type of narration about real or... more
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      ClothesExaminationKerem ile Aslı
Sui Hanedanlığı’nın2 sona ermesinin ardından 618 yılında Tang Hanedanlığı3 kurulmuş ve Çin’de yeni bir dönem başlamıştır. Tang dönemi Çin’in ekonomik, siyasi ve kültürel alanda hızla geliştiği bir dönemdir. Bu dönemde Çin’in Batı Bölgesi4... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultureTang Dynasty
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Sophia Jobim (1904-1968) foi colecionadora, museóloga, professora de indumentária da Escola Nacional de Belas Artes, feminista, jornalista, colunista de moda, figurinista, criadora e diretora do Liceu Império (1932) e do Museu de... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignMuseums
This contribution represents the first attempt to provide a complete overview of the Renaissance works related to ancient clothing (de re vestiaria) composed between the mid-fifteenth and mid-seventeenth centuries. The structure, approach... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesClassical ArchaeologyIconography
Las líneas argumentativas del presente ensayo están divididas en dos secciones. En la primera parte, a partir de los principales resultados del balance bibliográfico, se expone una breve contextualización geográfica, lingüística,... more
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This paper addresses a neglected area of research in Shakespeare's Hamlet, and aims at providing fresh insights into this play text which promotes a cold atmosphere and a dark climate. Even though scholars have produced varied and... more
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      English LiteratureShakespeareClimateHamlet
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      SemioticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)SociologyCultural Studies
Эта глава коллективной монографии рассказывает  о процессах трансформации одежды русских крестьян Сибири,  отход от "традиционного" костюма в 1920-х гг.
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryPeasant StudiesFashion History
During the restoration of St. Bernard’s liturgical vestments, cloth fragments were selected from the chasuble, the braiding, the gloves, the miter and the chalice veil. The samples were characterized chromatically by means of the Munsell... more
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      TechnologySilkMiddle AgesClothes
Fancy some Nike trainers or a Lacoste shirt? If you're shopping in Kosovo, the chances are that it isn't the brand-name item you imagined. Some 90 per cent of so-called "brand-name" clothes being sold in Kosovo are likely fakes, Kosovo's... more
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      KosovoTrade MarksImportExports
Français L’article prend pour point d’entrée le port de l’uniforme par les hommes employés dans les métiers du hall de l’hôtellerie de luxe afin de montrer en quoi l’uniforme masculin, loin de n’être que le levier d’une virilisation... more
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      Sociology of WorkMasculinity StudiesSocializationStudies On Men And Masculinity
Cet article porte sur la question des lois somptuaires dans le Japon des Tokugawa, en particulier des lois régulant le costume en fonction des statuts sociaux. Pour comprendre ces lois et le contexte politique et social de leur émergence... more
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      Consumption and Material CultureSocial statusEdo-period JapanConspicuous Consumption
The study’s research model suggests that store design and ease of shopping are associated with customer retention through a mediated pathway in which store design and ease of shopping influence perceived store satisfaction, which in turn,... more
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      DesignBrand LoyaltyCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Loyalty
Fashion Digital Memories EUROPEANA FASHION SYMPOSIUM 2017 Venice, May 22-23, 2017 Conservation/Explication: The Costume Institute’s use of digital technologies for the preservation and interpretation of its Charles James collection by... more
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      Fashion designFashion TheoryDress StudiesAnthropology of Dress
Sommario: Premessa. 1. Contenuto del legato di lana. 2. Contenuto del legato di vestimentum. 3. Il caso dell'abito confezionato (prima dell'apertura della successione) con la lana legata. Abstract: Ulpiano e Paolo si occupano del caso di... more
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      Roman LawClothesWarpingWeaving/looms
Semiotische Kernpunkte 1. Die Prägnanzaspekte von Zeichen werden bei den Körper- und Bekleidungs- zeichen besonders deutlich. Beide können kulturell elaboriert und damit kon- ventionalisiert werden. 2. Die Bekleidung trägt neben der... more
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      Human EvolutionFashion TheoryEcological AnthropologyVisual Semiotics
The work analyses the production and marketing of purple in Roman times. The analysis of merchants related to the sale of purple, purpurarii, and merchants of the best fabrics and dresses, vestiarii, allow access to visitors were the... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyRoman Economy
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      Fashion TheoryFashion ethics and sustainabilityFashion HistoryFashion Marketing
This paper is in two parts: please find the second part by going into the files listed above.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCriminal JusticeMythology
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      AdvertisingFashion HistoryFashion (Everyday Life Studies)Fashion Studies
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Shopping for mens clothes online too will save you quite a lot of time. There are often restricts to the amount of mens dress clothing which you can take into a dressing room at once, therefore in case you are looking to try on various... more
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      ClothingMens clothingClothesMenswear
ÖZET: Masallar, kökleri en eskiye dayanan, anlatım ve motif zenginliğine zaman içerisinde zenginlik katarak günümüze kadar gelmeyi başarabilen, en canlı sözlü kültür öğelerinden biridir. Derinlerinde birçok mana barındıran bu anlatmalar,... more
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      AnatoliaFolk and Fairy TalesMasalAnadolu