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This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesEthicsNormative Ethics
CHAPTER 9 Romance, Rights, Recognition, Responsibilities and Radicalism: Same-Sex Couples' Views on Civil Partnership and Marriage Victoria Clarke University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Carole Burgoyne University of... more
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      Debate over Same-Sex MarriageLGBTQ psychologySame Sex MarriageGay marriage
This article defends the thesis that, in light of the postulates of liberal ethics, it is not possible to put forward universal arguments in support of any form of marriage. The existing forms of marriage should be either deemed unjust or... more
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      LiberalismJusticeDebate over Same-Sex MarriageMarriage
Christian Century 131, no. 22 (29 October 2014): 22–27
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      Sexual EthicsDebate over Same-Sex MarriageSame Sex Marriage
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      Social DemographyEuropean StudiesDebate over Same-Sex MarriageSame-sex families
This paper tries to respond to the same sex marriage objections through a constitutional point of view. The reasons to prevent it are arguments based on iusnaturalism that are against rule of law, because they don’t follow the political... more
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      Derecho de FamiliaSame Sex MarriageMatrimonioDerecho Natural
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      LawFamily LawMarriage and DivorceCohabitation
Using the contemporary issue of equal access to marriage for same-sex couples as a case study, we examine two distinctive frameworks within which social advocacy may be pursued. We argue that when we speak as psychologists, we use a... more
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      SociologyPsychologyMental HealthGay And Lesbian Studies
Four decades ago Linda Mercadante began the discussion about homosexuality in JETS with a book review. Her review closed with the hope that the ensuing discussion would be characterized by more compassion, more study and re-examination... more
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      Sexual EthicsHomosexualitySame Sex MarriageGay marriage
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      Comparative LawEuropean Court of Human RightsSame Sex Marriage
Few people know that Buddhists played an important role in the struggle for marriage equality.
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      ReligionBuddhismQueer StudiesAnthropology
Across the United States, voters in many states have enacted initiative constitutional amendments that abrogate protections for equality and fundamental rights. In most cases, state supreme courts have upheld the validity of these... more
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      JurisprudenceComparative LawConstitutional LawSouth Asia
Against Equality is an argument in support of those who dare to be different, a collection of essays that stand in stark contrast to an ever-growing LGBT mainstream working towards assimilation, and, arguably, cultural erasure. Never ones... more
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      Queer StudiesTransgender StudiesFamily LawGender and Sexuality
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      HomophobiaPrejudice (Psychology)Same Sex MarriageSexual prejudice
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      ReligionSocial MovementsTax reformPolitics
Cosa succede quando il diritto esige un certo comportamento, o nega una certa opportunità, ma questo appare inaccettabile ai cittadini perché in conflitto con le ragioni ultime che giustificano le loro azioni? Il queste situazioni, il... more
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      Death PenaltySame Sex MarriageFilosofia del DirittoFilosofía del Derecho
I diritti umani appaiono ormai oggetto di una tutela frammentata e diffusa tra Carte e Corti nello scenario internazionale. Sul piano formale, infatti, da una parte la tutela “rigida” delle Costituzioni nazionali dovrebbe garantire il... more
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawFamily studiesHuman Rights Law
En España, la Ley 13/2005, que reconoció el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, fue objeto de un recurso de inconstitucionalidad ante el Tribunal Constitucional, que todavía está pendiente de resolución. Nuestro objetivo es examinar... more
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    • Same Sex Marriage
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      Family LawLaw and ReligionReligious PluralismDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
While what feels like the entirety of the gay and lesbian movement is marching in unison towards some vague notion of equality, the Against Equality collective has been quietly assembling a digital archive to document the critical... more
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      Queer StudiesFamily LawGender and SexualityDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
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      Constitutional LawConstitutional TheoryIrish Constitutional LawSame Sex Marriage
This article presents ancient Roman texts dealing with the topic of same-sex weddings with the purpose of examining the reliability of these sources and contributing to the understanding of this element of the ancient tradition. In order... more
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      ClassicsSexualityM. Valerius MartialisGreek and Roman Sexualities
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      Sociology of FamiliesFamily studiesSexualityGender and Sexuality
Until 2016 Italy did not recognise same-sex marriage. The Italian Civil Code stated that marriage was between a man and a woman. The new law of 20th May 2016, n° 76 , finally recognized same-sex civil partnerships and granted most of the... more
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      Global CitizenshipLGBT IssuesDebate over Same-Sex MarriageItalian Law
This article provides an analysis of the arguments against same-sex marriage as they crystallised in the “No” campaign. The campaign tapped into 'six factors for change' in an attempt to hinder social equality and reverse shifts in the... more
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      LawQueer StudiesFeminist TheoryHuman Rights
When fighting for the legalisation of same-sex marriage, it will be important to do so in a way which will not marginalise gay men and lesbians, who are ‘different’ from the heterosexual norm. A challenge merely based on a claim to formal... more
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      Sexual OrientationSame Sex MarriageEquality and Non Discrimination
I analyze three case studies of marriage equality activism and marriage equality–based groups after the passage of Proposition 8 in California. Evaluating the JoinTheImpact protests of 2008, the LGBTQ rights group GetEQUAL, and the group... more
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      Social MovementsQueer StudiesNew MediaQueer Theory
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      Debate over Same-Sex MarriageMarriageSame Sex Marriage
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      SociologySociology of EducationHuman RightsLGBT Issues
Same-sex marriage throws into relief the nature of Jewish marriage, and what is Jewish about it - and the nature of marriage itself, partly through an examination of Jesus' radical revision of Jewish marriage in Mark 10 - and the... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
This is an assignment done by me for my undergraduate third year for the subject of sociology of cinema. here I discuss two social issues in current Sri Lanka and how several movies take an eye to them.
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      Same Sex MarriageSri Lankan CinemaMovie criticsracism in Cinema
Malgré le renouvellement méthodologique que connaît le droit international privé des Etats européens et américains ces dernières années, les techniques actuelles semblent insuffisantes à assurer une coordination satisfaisante des ordres... more
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      European LawPrivate International LawSame Sex MarriageDroit International Prive
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      HomosexualitySame Sex Marriage
This is the substantive introduction to an edited collection that explores questions that open up in the aftermath of legal reforms in the name of equality. It draws together equality issues such as equal marriage for same-sex couples,... more
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      LawFamily LawLegal ReformEquality
This article proposes a re-examination of the institution of marriage in light of the eschatology of the Eastern Church and the theological discourse on the topic developed by three thinkers of the Reformed tradition, namely Kierkegaard,... more
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      Orthodox TheologyDebate over Same-Sex MarriageEastern Orthodox Liturgical TheologyMarriage (History)
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      ReligionSociologySociology of FamiliesSociology of Religion
Le présent volume réunit quatre rapports nationaux sur la situation des homo-bitrans- sexuel-le-s élaborés à partir d’une enquête par entretiens réalisée en 2015 en France, Islande, Italie et Espagne. Cette étude a pris corps dans le... more
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      LGBT IssuesSame-sex familiesSame-sex relationshipsSame-sex marriage
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      Legislative HistorySame Sex MarriageReferendumsEuropean Convention on Human Rights
After the Supreme Court's decision to extend marriage benefits to LGBTQ couples across the country, prominent brands turned to social networks to share their support and enthusiasm. Images of same-sex couples, equality, and traditional... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesLGBT IssuesSame Sex MarriageInstagram
Los trabajos que componen el presente libro son el resultado de más de un año de estudio y reflexión realizado por diversas iglesias de la Iglesia Evangélica Española (en adelante IEE), pertenecientes a los presbiterios de Cataluña,... more
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      EthicsTheologyProtestantismHomosexuality and Literature
The rhetoric of equality is a suffocating vacuum that denies the possibility of imaging radical queer futures beyond the realm of the material here and now. Through a critical case study of the recent national gay marriage campaign in... more
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      Queer StudiesSexualityGender and SexualityDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
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      ChristianityQueer StudiesTheologyQueer Theory
Souvent évoqués dans les médias, la vie des gays et les enjeux de la visibilité comme de la réalité au quotidien des couples de même sexe méritaient une étude scientifique sérieuse. C'est chose faite avec le travail de Courduriès qui... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesSex and GenderFamily studies
Social relationships—both quantity and quality—affect mental health, health behavior, physical health, and mortality risk. Sociologists have played a central role in establishing the link between social relationships and health outcomes,... more
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      BereavementPopulation HealthMarriage and DivorceGender and Race
The cobbler scam is one of the biggest scams of India involving around 1600cr. of money. This money was meant to be provided to the poor cobblers at low rates if interest and tax modifications. The money however did not reach the cobblers... more
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      Same Sex MarriageDivorceMarijuana LegalizationMedical evidence in court case
In Joslin v. New Zealand (2002), the UN Human Rights Committee rejected the claim that marriage equality could be grounded in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Some scholars have argued that emerging state... more
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawCivil RightsSame Sex Marriage
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      Queer StudiesTheologyQueer TheologyQueer Theory