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The argument in this chapter is that, even if many do not like the implications of the decision, it is difficult to argue that Burns v Burns - which concerned a claim by a cohabitant to share in the beneficial interest of a family home... more
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      LawFamily LawFamily Property LawEquity and Trusts
In this paper, with linear regressions to investigate how relationships dissolution affects sexual attitudes and behaviors, the authors address the stereotype that newly single people seek multiple sexual partners. Although the newly... more
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      SexFamilyGenderLife course
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      DemographyCohabitationInstitutional ResearchInterpersonal Relationship
ฝรั่งเศสเป็นประเทศรัฐเดี่ยว มีระบอบการปกครองแบบประชาธิปไตย โดยในสาธารณรัฐที่ 5 หลังมีการประกาศใช้รัฐธรรมนูญในปี 1958 นั้นทำให้มีกลไกเป็นแบบกึ่งประธานาธิบดี (Semi-Presidential Systems) คือมีทั้งประธานาธิบดีและนายกรัฐมนตรี... more
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      LawFamily LawMarriage and DivorceCohabitation
Qui si spiega brevemente perché le pratiche di coabitazione in senso stretto, che vedono cioè la condivisione dello spazio prettamente domestico e la convivenza «sotto lo stesso tetto e dietro la stessa porta» di persone non appartenenti... more
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      Housing PolicyCohabitationDomestic Space
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      Succession LawCohabitationInheritance Law
Marriage practices in the Islamic Republic of Iran have evolved in the twenty-first century as unfulfilled expectations of emotional intimacy in marriages have caused an increase in divorce rates and the tendency to postpone marriage and... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Co wiemy o polskich parach mieszkających razem bez ślubu? Tekst oferuje krótkie podsumowanie wiedzy płynącej z dotychczasowych badań ilościowych, wzbogacając je o wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 2011 roku w Poznaniu. Przy tej okazji,... more
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      FamilySociology Of IntimacyCohabitationIntimacy
Здійснений аналіз півпрезидентської моделі державного правління, роз’яснено підходи з приводу тлумачення півпрезиденталізму. Окреслені контури, в межах яких здійснюється операціоналізації півпрезидентських систем. Розглянуто типи та фази... more
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      GovernmentCohabitationSemi-presidentialismSemi Presidentialism Regime
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      Domestic ViolenceFamily LawCohabitationFamily and cohabitation law
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      SociologyQualitative ResearchCohabitationRomantic Relationships
Despite considerable evidence that certain life-course transitions can play a significant role in helping some offenders abandon crime, several fundamental issues remain unresolved. In this dissertation, I examine the links between crime... more
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      CriminologyCohabitationDesistanceLife-Course Criminology
This essay offers a comprehensive discussion of the law of cohabitation. The reader is presented with a detailed history of the social change that took place in society that allowed for the recognition and acceptance of cohabiting... more
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      Feminist TheoryProperty LawLegal HistoryEquity and Trusts
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      Family LawMarriage and DivorceCohabitationMarital Separation, Divorce and Children
Il prossimo 15 dicembre, in due sessioni, mattina (9.30-13) e pomeriggio (15-18.30), si terrà presso l'aula Odeion della Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia della Sapienza un workshop dedicato alla presenza delle religioni sul territorio... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistory of ReligionSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of space
This chapter considers the landmark family property decisions of the House of Lords in Pettitt v Pettitt [1970] AC 777 and Gissing v Gissing [1971] AC 886 through the prism of imputed common intention, an idea advanced by Lord Diplock in... more
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      Family LawProperty LawFamily Property LawLegal History
Cohabitation is evolving from deviant lifestyle to one that is a normative experience for young men and women in the developing countries. Shortage of on-campus accommodation predisposes tertiary students to adopt cohabitation as an... more
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      CohabitationAcademic PerformanceStudent of University of IbadanEffects of Students Hostel Accommodation on Academic Performance
We examine data from a national survey of 15 – 27 year olds in the Philippines to assess attitudes toward marriage and cohabitation, and we analyze the marital and nonmarital union experiences of 25 – 27 year olds. We find that attitudes... more
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Recently, the concern about premarital sex around the world has increased dramatically. There have been substantial changes in the practice of premarital partnership among the youths and unmarried adults. Specifically, premarital sex has... more
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      CohabitationPremarital SexSex Before Marriage
This paper cites the Biblical and scientific bases for why cohabitation is dangerous and counterproductive to the well-being of the couples who cohabit, to their future spouses (since most marry someone else than the one[s] with whom they... more
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      CohabitationChurchMarriageGender Differences
This paper adopted an ecological approach to study early marriage among Eastern Visayan youth aged 15–24 years. Using data from the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study, we examined selected individual characteristics and... more
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      CohabitationAdolescent SexualityMarriageBronfenbrenner
We are living in a time when the heavenly foundation of the institution of marriage is widely misunderstood. Western (European) culture, same as most other cultures all over the world, views marriage very differently than the Bible... more
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      Marriage & Family TherapyDebate over Same-Sex MarriageMarriage and DivorceCohabitation
The aim of this paper is to analyze both sections of Clement of Alexan‐ dria’s Protrepticus (1, 2‐5) and Eusebius of Caesarea’s Laus Constantini (14, 5) in which the Christian authors allude to the figure of Orpheus in light of the... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory of Religion
Comment vivre au quotidien avec cet Autre que représente l'Étranger ? Par l'étude des " Turcs " musulmans installés à Venise au XVIe siècle, ce mémoire de recherche analyse l'histoire d'une rencontre, celle du citoyen de la République et... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance Studies
Relationships form the essence of personality and contribute to the individual’s wellbeing. Keeping in view the significance that relationships may have on an individual, it becomes compelling to examine relationship quality, the central... more
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      Well-BeingCohabitationRomantic RelationshipsFriendship
Le rap sénégalais a fini de marquer son empreinte dans l’univers musical national et africain. Il s’est démarqué des autres genres par son style mais surtout par la façon dont les langues sont employées dans les textes. En effet, on y... more
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      GenreCohabitationMusiqueHip hop
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      AnthropologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityCohabitation
This article is based on a historical survey of the terminology used to refer to cohabitation without marriage. Over the years different terms have been applied to it, leading to the current difficulty of finding a suitable term for a new... more
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      CohabitationMarriage and Family
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      CohabitationPastoral Care and Counselling
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      ArchitectureCommunity DevelopmentCohabitationUniversity
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      Family LawCohabitationSame-sex relationships
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      CohabitationSocial HousingCollaborative Housing
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      Comparative LawFamily LawCohabitationFORTHCOMING
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Present the case for and against the assertion that cohabitation is appropriate for Christians in the 21st century, and give your reasoned conclusion. The essay seeks to present the case for and against cohabitation being appropriate... more
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      EthicsReligion and SexualitySexualitySexual Ethics
Neither in England, nor in Germany, nor in all Canadian provinces, does the law provide specic rules for the redistribution of property for unmarried cohabitants after the breakdown of their relationship. Instead, courts apply the law of... more
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      CohabitationLaw of RestitutionLaw of trustsFamily and cohabitation law
This paper considers the possible reform of the law governing property rights upon the termination of a close personal relationship, taking as its point of departure the Law Commission’s Discussion Paper on Home-Sharing (2002). Having... more
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      LawFamily LawProperty LawFamily Property Law
De nombreuses villes de la francophonie se sont investies à promouvoir le Vivre ensemble de diverses façons. Ceci étant, la notion de Vivre ensemble demeure souvent floue en dépit des nombreuses politiques et des nombreux programmes en... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDiversityImmigrationUrban Planning
Résumé La Magione, quartier populaire du centre historique de Palerme, fait l’objet depuis plusieurs années d’un important programme de renouvellement urbain visant à promouvoir l’installation de citadins aisés. Cet article se donne pour... more
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      GentrificationCohabitationPublic SpaceUrban Renewal
Family not founded on marriage is specifically characterized as respect marriage. The choice to create a family without marriage needs to be grasped as the will of avoiding the specific regulation of marriage. The social formations which... more
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      Family LawDebate over Same-Sex MarriageCohabitationMarriage
Premarital cohabitation in Poland, although still not as widespread and common as in many western countries, is becoming an attractive form of being in an intimate relationship for a growing number of young adults. This state of things –... more
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La nuova regolamentazione delle “convivenze di fatto” (l. n. 76/2016) contiene, nei suoi penetrali, previsioni che attengono alla sfera personale e che sembrano preludere al varo di discipline d’indole generale, capaci di proiettarsi ben... more
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      Informed ConsentCohabitationLiving willTestamento Biologico
The Marseton #2 site is a Weaver ring midden in the Mississippi Valley of Mercer County, Illinois, that was buried by a catastrophic flood event a few centuries after the site had been abandoned. Analysis of the more than 740,000 ceramic... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCohabitationCeramics (Archaeology)Illinois Archaeology
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      European HistorySocial DemographyDemographyFamily studies
This book is the outcome of the international conference “Beyond Conflicts: Cultural and Religious Cohabitations in Alexandria and in Egypt between the 1st and the 6th cent. CE,” held in Naples (Federico II University) from 17th to 19th... more
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      ReligionChristianityGnosticismAncient Egyptian Religion
The diffusion of temporary job contracts in contemporary European societies has raised concern that these jobs, even while deemed useful for combating unemployment, may also constitute a source of insecurity and precariousness for young... more
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      CohabitationItalyMarriageFamily Formation
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      ChristianityEthicsSexual EthicsChristian Ethics
The high demands placed from a society on individuals may impact the perceived work-life balance of individuals in cohabiting and married relationships. Work-life imbalances may lead to poor communication, which can impact the feelings of... more
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      Marital DysfunctionMarital researchCohabitationWork-life issues