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In this paper, as a final year student at the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Pretoria, in fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Divinity Theology qualification, I aim to explore the history of Sexuality... more
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      Religion and SexualitySexualityTheological AnthropologySexual Ethics
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesEthicsNormative Ethics
Art and Pornography presents a series of essays which investigate the artistic status and aesthetic dimension of pornographic pictures, films, and literature, and explores the distinction, if there is any, between pornography and... more
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      PsychologyAestheticsArtDomestic Violence
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryNormativity (Gender)Personal Relationships
Christian Century 131, no. 22 (29 October 2014): 22–27
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      Sexual EthicsDebate over Same-Sex MarriageSame Sex Marriage
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      Human RightsSexualitySexual EthicsMoral Theology
This essay analyzes the origin of sexuality and its relationship with the institution. The issue is addressed from the perspective of psychoanalysis (Freud, Lacan), anthropology (Claude Lévi-Strauss) and philosophy (Foucault, Butler,... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophySex and GenderSexuality
Four decades ago Linda Mercadante began the discussion about homosexuality in JETS with a book review. Her review closed with the hope that the ensuing discussion would be characterized by more compassion, more study and re-examination... more
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      Sexual EthicsHomosexualitySame Sex MarriageGay marriage
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      EthicsSexualityGender and SexualityGender
niekoľko eticko-filozofických poznámok k minuloročnému 40. výročiu encykliky Humanae Vitae o odmietnutí umelej antikoncepcie
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    • Sexual Ethics
Introduction to August Adam's classic work of the same title.
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      HistoryGerman StudiesEthicsMoral Psychology
Some reflections, post Augustine, on the association of sex with sin. Includes a reading of Yahwist's tale of creation and expulsion and a postmortem on what I take to be the instructive failure of the essay.
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      Religion and SexualityAugustineSexual Ethics
У доповіді проаналізовано феномен селфі як наслідок поступового збільшення соціальної дистанції між людьми, відповідного перенесення реального життя у віртуальний простір і вибуху так званого «кліпового мислення», коли лайки та світлини... more
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      Sexual ViolenceSexual EthicsSelfieSelfies
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      ReligionCanon LawAestheticsEthics
On July 21, 2021, journalists from Catholic Substack "The Pillar" published what they considered an expose of a priest who used the gay dating app Grindr. The controversy surrounding the story suggests the need for a Catholic ethic of... more
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      PrivacyTheological EthicsSexual EthicsCatholic Social Ethics
This paper presents a Platonist and Indo-hellenistic ascetic and renunciant view of sexual desire and sexuality and the necessity of celibacy on the spiritual path and concludes that for the many who won't be celibate contemplative... more
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      Animal EthicsSexual EthicsZoophiliaMidas Dekkers
Social media has emerged as a powerful mechanism for the circulation of counter-hegemonic and feminist discourses of sexual violence (Michael Salter, 2013). There is now a burgeoning scholarship on the utility of social media for... more
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      CriminologyFeminist TheoryInternet StudiesSexual Violence
I'm including in this bibliography monographs and edited volumes explicitly engaged with (predominantly) Christian religion and theology (with some nods to biblical studies and pastoral care) since about 2000 (with a couple important... more
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      ChristianityTheologySystematic TheologyQueer Theology
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      Applied EthicsPersonal and Moral AutonomySexual EthicsAutonomy
In Leaving and Coming Home: New Wineskins for Catholic
Sexual Ethics, ed. David Cloutier, 62-84. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2010.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy
In this study, I aimed to subject to philosophical analysis the scientific data from biological science researches that are conducted into the phenomenon of homosexuality in order to give philosophical interpretation to it thereby... more
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      African StudiesGender StudiesPhilosophyEthics
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryLoveSexual Ethics
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      EthicsSexual EthicsChristian EthicsEvangelicalism
A description of an educational approach towards dealing with nocturnal emission, essentially predicated on a philosophy of ignoring the matter and focusing on other issues.
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      Jewish StudiesReligion and SexualitySexual EthicsHuman Sexuality
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      Sexual EthicsHomosexualityNew Testament Studies
An examination of philosophical arguments in favour of a pro-choice position. (It is a contribution to a book on Ireland's Eighth Amendment).
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      Sexual EthicsMoral PhilosophyAbortionPractical Ethics
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      Sexual EthicsEmbryo Adoption
The teachings about homosexuality in various religions differ, so they cannot specify therapeutic goals regarding sexual orientation. The psychological consensus-opinion emerges as a valid alternative-if it is recognized as spiritual.... more
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      GlobalizationSpiritualityScience and ReligionConsciousness
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      Virtue EthicsConservatismMonogamyInformed Consent
Naturally every parent would want to have the best of everything and of anything for their child. They resort to the most unconventional ways to give their child the best of life could offer. A sick child for instance for a parent would... more
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      Sexual EthicsMoral TheologyCatholic Moral Theology
Argues for the correct understanding of two fragments of Epicurean ethics.  Changes text of one fragment (change substantially accepted in Marcovich's 1999 edition).
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      Textual CriticismSexual EthicsEpicureanism
何善斌,〈同志釋經的困局〉。米特樂,戴浩輝編,《神學與生活 神學年刊 百年賀歲文集》,期36 (2013)。香港︰信義宗神學院,頁189-202。
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      Queer TheologySexual EthicsHomosexuality and LiteratureHomosexuality
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      Sexual EthicsPhilosophy of Love and Sex
Analyzed features of modern youth attitudes about sexuality, their psychological roots. Considered the basic factors of sexual attitudes. Marked changes that have occurred in relation to sexuality. Keywords: sexuality, attitude,... more
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      Sex and GenderSexualityGender and SexualityMen's Sexuality
Is there anything wrong with using your smart phone to find consensual sex as quickly and conveniently as possible? This paper sets the question in the wider context of the philosophy of technology and explores the moral reservations it... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of TechnologySexual EthicsMoral Philosophy
An analysis of the debate between Elizabeth Anscombe and Herbert McCabe on the morality of contraceptive acts. The paper was delivered at the symposium on Anscombe's philosophy at the Anscombe Centre for Bioethics in 2017.
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      PhilosophyGender and SexualitySexual EthicsMoral Theology
There is a link between, on the one hand, subtle or blatant attempts to alter Orthodox Christian moral teaching on homosexuality and, on the other, a secularist mindset that positions all human good within the limits of earthly life. A... more
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      Spiritual FormationSexual EthicsPastoral TheologyChristian Spirituality
Reviews past attitudes toward the relationship between sexuality and spirituality. Notes some sources of the negative attitude prevalent in Western civilization. Relates authors' own understanding of sexuality as a complex phenomenon that... more
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      Sexual EthicsBernard LonerganPastoral CareSpiritual Development
Historically, the Christian church was united in firm opposition to both homosexuality and contraception. Today most evangelical Christians continue to oppose the former but have embraced the latter. This paper argues that there is a... more
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      ContraceptionSexual EthicsChristian EthicsHomosexuality
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral Therapy
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      Sexual EthicsSexual Minority ResearchSexual IdentityMormonism
The purpose of this essay is to explore, and clarify, some key features in Aquinas’ account of the virtue of temperance, with an eye to answering some common objections raised against a positive evaluation of temperance. In particular, I... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
This study focuses on the issue of fornication in 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, primarily regarding the identity of the "vessel," and not defrauding one's brother. The full article can be read on Patheos onine.... more
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      Pauline LiteratureSexual EthicsApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters1 Thessalonians
One of the more vexing issues facing pastors today is the question of premarital sexual ethics. Simply put, we pastors are not quite certain how to counsel singles and teens regarding appropriate sexual boundaries. Of course, we clearly... more
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      Sexual EthicsPremarital Sex
With the cultural reckoning of the #MeToo movement, current conversations are largely revolving around how to give and receive consent properly. Sexual consent is based on the sexual choices and preferences of the people involved.
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      Sexual EthicsAutonomySexual Consent
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyFamily Therapy
Today we are living in a world where one finds so many possibilities, wealth in abundance and freedom. Each society is struggling to become self-directing, where people can decide and act without much dependence on others. It is true that... more
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      FamilySexual EthicsMoral TheologyTheology of Religions
There is a need to broaden the analysis of abuse within the Catholic Church to include any excessive use or application of power, authority, and influence that would detriment, damage and demoralize its members. In this light, the paper... more
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      ReligionChristianityClinical PsychologySoutheast Asian Studies