Recent papers in Justice
Postmodernism argues that historical reality is constructed by historians and the written documents they study, and that historical truth is shaped by and reflects the perspective of the historian. Conclusions are subjective and... more
When seeking drug reform we should avoid the deeply entrenched anti-drug narratives that have dominated drug policy debate. These narratives are often rooted in fallacy, distortion and sweeping generalisations, whereas, reform must... more
Health care is ubiquitous in the lives of industrialized people. Yet, every medical development, technique, and procedure impact the environment. Green Bioethics synthesizes environmental ethics and biomedical ethics, thus creating an... more
This Court should not follow the Panel’s suggestion that Petersons’ challenge to personal jurisdiction be waived because no party made this argument to either this Court or the Court of Appeals. Under our system of government, the role of... more
Two prominent scholars on the history of natural rights disagree sharply on many issues, but they agree in opining that Aquinas did not have such a doctrine: Michel Villey, La formation de la pensée juridique moderne: cours d'histoire de... more
Il tema della libertà costituisce nel pensiero ricoeuriano un elemento sorgivo della sua riflessione, che progressivamente diventa un fiume carsico: un che di sommerso che tuttavia riemerge di tanto in tanto nella sua scrittura. Alla luce... more
Nizam al-Mulk’s Siyasat-Nama and Yusuf Khass Hajib’s Kutadgu Bilig have had an enormous influence on the concept of public administration in the Turkish tradition. A review of the management literature shows that intellectual curiosity... more
Aboriginal incarceration rates are much higher than the general Australian population. Moreover, indigenous women represent 34% of the total number of inmates. As if this wasn't enough, the legal and welfare systems are removing... more
Çağdaş siyaset teorisinde John Rawls'ın idealize ettiği adalet fikrinin yarattığı eleştirel ortam çok geniş ve takibi zor bir literatürün önünü açmıştır. Adalet kavramını merkezine alan çalışmaların işgal ettiği alan ve bu tartışmalardaki... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
The global COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a justice crisis. It also brings to light multiple ongoing, underlying social crises. The COVID-19 crisis is actively revealing crises of energy sovereignty in at... more
ABSTR.~kCT. The problem of multiprogram scheduling on a single processor is studied from the viewpoint of the characteristics peculiar to the program functions that need guaranteed service. It is shown that an optimum fixed priority... more
This paper considers the issues involved in developing a programme for youth justice practitioners. Contemporary youth justice practice occurs in an increasingly managerialist and punitive context raising questions about how best to... more
U radu je prikazan sustav socijalnih i pravosudnih intervencija prema djeci i mladima rizičnog ponašanja u Republici Francuskoj, temeljem zakonskih propisa i službenih statistika relevantnih društvenih institucija. Uz komentar specifi... more
Les MARC sont aujourd’hui sous les feux de la rampe et nombreux sont les travaux qu’ils ont déjà suscités. Les questions sont nombreuses, qui interrogent notamment leur place dans l’arsenal judiciaire existant, leur capacité à s’imposer... more
Froestad, J. & Shearing, C. 2011. Re-imagining Justice from the Bottom Up. In: Carnelley, M. & Hoctor, S. Eds. Law, Order and Liberty: Essays in Honour of Tony Matthews. Scottsville: University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Press, 237-250.
Rising rates of unionization in university settings suggest that campus labour disputes are likely to become an increasingly relevant issue. The research question in the current analysis asked which factors contributed to students'... more
GODOY, M. G.. Justiça e Democracia: o Liberalismo Igualitário de John Rawls, o Procedimentalismo de Jürgen Habermas e a Proposta de Carlos Santiago Nino. In: Clèmerson Merlin Clève. (Org.). Constituição, Democracia e Justiça: aportes para... more
Around 2.5 million children participate in judicial proceedings across the European Union (EU) every year, affected by parental divorce or as victims of, or witnesses to, crime. Although their effective participation in such proceedings... more
Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTransformations of education in changing Europe are multifaceted. One of the latter is the process of strengthening the cooperation among universities in this part of the world. This... more
Abstract,In this comparative,survey,of seventy-three Russians and ninety-two US managers, we explore differences and similarities in ethical decision-making among respondents from these two countries within a business context. Using... more
The question whether a socially mobile society is conducive to subjective well-being (SWB) has rarely been investigated. This paper fills this gap by analyzing the SWB effects of intergenerational earnings mobility and equality in... more
In this article, I offer the opposing view (con-side) against reparations for American slavery, as if in a forensic debate before a moot court: I presume the American public will judge the merits of my opposing arguments. I oppose... more
Funniness, in its capacity to unify and divide, is inextricably tied to concerns of harm and redress, that is, to justice. John Rawls tells us that justice can best be envisioned and dealt by people who view a situation through a “veil of... more
This article defends the thesis that, in light of the postulates of liberal ethics, it is not possible to put forward universal arguments in support of any form of marriage. The existing forms of marriage should be either deemed unjust or... more
Assassination has always been part of war and in recent years it has played increasingly important roles in United States military policy. The assassination of Osama bin Laden offers itself as an example of an assassination that... more
Is the just man happier than the unjust man? The answer to this question motivates Plato’s writing on justice in both the Gorgias and the Republic and this is the broad claim I argue Socrates is challenged to prove. In this dissertation I... more
This study examined the interactive effect of distributive justice and leader self-sacrifice on employees' organizational commitment and autocratic leadership perceptions (ALP). We propose that positive leadership styles like... more
Textes réunis par Florent Garnier. Ont participé à cet ouvrage : Olivier DEVAUX, Professeur d’histoire du droit – CTHDIP (E.A. 789) – Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. Carlos GARRIGA, Professeur d’histoire du droit – Universidad del... more
If, as many historians and theorists now believe, narrative is the form proper to historical explanation, this raises the problem of the terms in which such narratives are to be evaluated. Without a clear account of evaluation, the status... more
Schmelzle, Cord 2015: Institutionen und Organisationen. Erscheint in: Goppel, Anna/Mieth, Corinna/Neuhäuser, Christian (Hrsg.): Handbuch Gerechtigkeit, Stuttgart (Manuskript)
What is Justice? How is it related to Faith? These questions are considered in the context of Empire’s propaganda and the truth of God’s alternative. The truth is: God is open to us in our very otherness, inspiring us to be open to each... more
In this article, homicides in France are examined and framed within an international context. Homicide, given its association with other forms of criminality and delinquency, is an excellent index to employ in examining rates of increase... more
Der Beitrag fasst wesentliche Befunde eines Gutachtens im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Naturschutz zusammen. Er erklärt, was Gerechtigkeitsargumente im Naturschutz bedeuten, welche Personen und Themen sie betreffen und welche praktische... more
This article seeks to show as to how a notion of universal justice, the rationale behind quality education, can be achieved through actions such as ummah (communal engagement), shūrā (public deliberation) and jihād (just striving which... more
As Voice over IP (VoIP) becomes a reality, service providers will be able to offer the service to remote and over populated areas that currently are not or are only partially reached by available Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).... more