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Beginning in 1260, the Mongol ruler Khubilai Khan embarked on the creation of a Chinese-style bureaucracy to govern his realm more effectively. At the same time, the court began to promulgate a salary code for its officials. Though both... more
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      Political HistoryState BuildingYuan DynastyInstitutions
Although scholars tend to draw a line of confrontation between the conquerors Normans and the conquered Muslims and Greeks in the kingdom of Sicily, the actual relationship among these people was not so simple. In the kingdom there was a... more
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      MulticulturalismMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesState Formation
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsPolitical ScienceManagement Science
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de pesquisa as políticas públicas de democratização do ensino criadas após a Constituição Federal de 1988. Com as teorias de direito e desenvolvimento e a educação superior como pano de fundo,... more
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      InstitutionsEnsino SuperiorCotasProuni
The thesis explores potential challenges and opportunities for blockchains and International Relations (IR). The thesis also explores how IR can help understand blockchains as new conceptual phenomena. The thesis broadly questions: what... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyTrustGlobal Governance
On the recent events at Macba. (This essay is part of series of texts that aim to reflect upon recent events at MACBA and the wider politics of art institutions that will be published here over the coming weeks.) In this age of global... more
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      Museum StudiesInstitutionsFuture of the Museum
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      Development StudiesInstitutionsState
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      EconomicsCommon PropertyMultidisciplinaryCooperation
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      Institutional EconomicsColonialismMediterranean StudiesMonetary history
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      Energy EconomicsLand managementBehavioral EconomicsInstitutions
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingBusiness NetworksTechnology transfer
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      EvolutionInstitutionsTalcott ParsonsIndividualisme
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomicsTax PolicyInstitutions
The term ‘inertia’ is often used to describe a kind of irrational resistance to change in individuals or institutions. Institutions, ideas and power structures appear to become entrenched over time, and may become ineffective or obsolete,... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologySocial ChangePolitical Philosophy
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceEconomic DevelopmentInstitutions
Global climate action plans risk resulting to climate maladaptation and shocks when prudent measures are inapt. Adaptation strategies require multidisciplinary approach from all sectors with periodic monitoring and evaluation which are... more
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      GeographyDevelopment StudiesCoastal ManagementClimate Change
Dissecting complex institutional webs and the roles they play (or should play) in development is an ongoing endeavor. To better understand the relationships between local and external institutions in small communities—specifically,... more
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      SociologyDevelopment StudiesCommunity DevelopmentNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Using panel data for the period 1989-2006 we revisit the empirics of economic growth in the context of the post-communist transition. We pay particular attention to the mechanisms of causation and to the potential endogeneity of the... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthPanel DataInstitutions
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceDistance EducationSocial Media
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      MarketingSociologyInstitutionsMoral Panics
Rubrique de l'encyclopédie Dalloz Droit européen consacrée à l'Acte unique européen (1986
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      SociologyMedical SociologyTechnologyTransformation
The distinctive contribution of sociological social psychology can be referred to as sociological miniaturism, a way of interpreting social processes and institutions that is microsociological more than it is psychological. We argue that... more
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      MarketingSociologySocial PsychologyEpistemology
This paper analyzes the causes of the rise and the fall of the Algerian wine industry. It is hard to imagine in the twenty-first century global wine economy, but until about 50 years ago Algeria was the largest exporter of wine in the... more
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      MarketingRegulationWine EconomicsApplied Economics
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      SociologySocial ChangeEvolutionApplied Economics
THE INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION OF HEALTHCARE It is a transformative fact today that most countries and their citizens draw on essential medicines and vaccines designed and manufactured and then traded across hundreds and often, thousands of... more
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      EconomicsOrganisational ChangePublic Health PolicyTechnological Innovation
Une partie de Rio de Janeiro est reconnue en 2012 comme patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, en tant que paysage culturel. Les résultats d’une ethnographie institutionnelle permettent de saisir les modalités selon lesquelles la dimension... more
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      InstitutionsPatrimoineRio de JaneiroPaysage
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      Institutional TheoryInstitutionsInstitutional DevelopmentFood Consumption
This paper describes the situation in Indonesia. The three main objectives of the case study were: i) to clarify the organizational changes that Indonesia’s MOA has introduced to facilitate new functions related to agribusiness; ii) to... more
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Convergence is more the exception than the rule in the development landscape. As a possible explanation, we posit development progeria: the phenomenon where a low-income country exhibits the industrial share dynamics of high-income mature... more
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      InstitutionsReal Exchange RateDevelopment ProgeriaLow-Income Economies
The authors develop and implement a method for measuring the frequency of changes in power among distinct leaders and ideologically distinct parties that is comparable across political systems. The authors find that more frequent... more
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      Institutional ChangeRule of LawInstitutions (Political Science)Postcommunist studies
This paper reviews the recent (post-2000) literature which assesses the importance of institutions as a factor determining cross-country differences in growth rates or in the contemporary level of “prosperity”. It first sketches how... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconomicsInstitutionsPolicies
Despite the large amount of private and public resources spent on foreign education, there is no systematic evidence that foreign-educated individuals foster democracy in their home countries. Using a unique panel dataset on foreign... more
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      EconomicsGovernanceLatin American Economic HistoryInstitutions
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      Economic GrowthInstitutionsEnvironment
Schmelzle, Cord 2015: Institutionen und Organisationen. Erscheint in: Goppel, Anna/Mieth, Corinna/Neuhäuser, Christian (Hrsg.): Handbuch Gerechtigkeit, Stuttgart (Manuskript)
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      JusticeJohn RawlsG. A. CohenInstitutions
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The development of smallholder irrigation is a policy priority in Ethiopia, yet little consideration has been given to the role state interventions play in enabling or constraining effective self-governance in farmer-managed schemes. To... more
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      IrrigationBricolageEthiopiaWater Management
"Ein Archiv-Besuch der Jahre 1969, 1970, 1971 und die an die mitdenkenden Leser*innen übergebene Frage, was aus den damaligen Ansprüchen und Visionen [der Theaterschaffenden und anderer gesellschaftlicher Akteur*innen der BRD]... more
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      Future StudiesTheatre HistoryDramaturgyDemocracy
Currently, Botswana is one of high income economies in Africa. Since independence in 1966, the government has put emphasis on the development of human capital through education and skills development of the citizens. The country has... more
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      Public EconomicsHigher EducationGovernmentUnemployment
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      SociologyInstitutionsHistorical and Comparative SociologySociology of the State
Relire Humboldt : quelles valeurs pour fonder une université ? in Les valeurs en éducation. Transmission, conservation, novation. (dir.) Jean-Michel Barreau, Xavier Riondet, PUN-Editions universitaires de Lorraine, 2019.
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      PragmatismValues EducationInstitutional TheoryJohn Dewey
Z uwagi na złożoność problematyki związanej z transformacją środowiska międzynarodowego, badania cechują się wielowymiarowością. Wymóg ten spełniają badania interdyscyplinarne, których egzemplifikacją jest prezentowana naukowa publikacja... more
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      EconomicsInternational EconomicsInternational RelationsSocial Sciences
The aim of this paper is to develop some general Hayek's ideas on the European project. Hayek demonstrated and analyzed the presence of two types of social order-a spontaneous order and a built one. Spontaneous order is a feature of... more
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      Economic DevelopmentInstitutionsFreedomSocial Order
The risk perceived by investors is crucial in the decision to invest, in particular when it concerns a foreign country. The risk associated to any (foreign) investment is a multi-faceted element given that it reflects many aspects that... more
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      EconomicsFuzzy LogicEast AsiaForeign Direct Investment
Community based natural resource management (CBNRM) is perhaps the most important tool for driving community and rural development in southern Africa. The paper therefore analyses the CBNRM framework as a strategy for implementing... more
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      GeographyRural DevelopmentNatural Resource ManagementCommunity
Floods always occur in some cities located in coastal areas of Indonesia, including in Kemijen area of Semarang city. This study aimed to analyze the technical, institutional and community participation aspects in the management of... more
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      InstitutionsUrban DrainageFlood MangementPolder Systems
Compost micro-entrepreneurship has been used as strategy to increase the incomes of poor and rural farming communities. Nevertheless, several difficulties can arise to sustain these small businesses. The conversion of organic material... more
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      Collective ActionSocial CapitalInstitutionsGuatemala
The literature on death expectation in ill old age is mostly medical. A social science standpoint (especially quantitative) is practically absent. However, whether families, social and healthcare services can anticipate, support and... more
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      Long Term CareDementiaAlzheimer's DiseasePalliative Care