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      MarketingWine EconomicsApplied EconomicsHorticultural production
Similar to other foods, the concept of natural wine is much debated due to the lack of a clear and regulated definition, leading to a proliferation of heterogeneous norms and standards proposed from different natural wine associations at... more
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      Economic AnthropologyAgricultural EconomicsWine EconomicsFood Marketing
In the last few years, the interaction between more conscious consumers and wine supply chain actors, has influenced the complex, and somewhere trendy, phenomenon of wine consumption. In Europe, the growing number of wine clubs and... more
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      Wine EconomicsFood MarketingConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
This paper analyzes the causes of the rise and the fall of the Algerian wine industry. It is hard to imagine in the twenty-first century global wine economy, but until about 50 years ago Algeria was the largest exporter of wine in the... more
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      MarketingRegulationWine EconomicsApplied Economics
(September 2019 – February 2020) • 7 November 2019: Successive rises in staple food prices • 4 November 2019: Clear indication of expiry dates • 31 October 2019: Facilitating the establishment of regional slaughterhouses • 29 October... more
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      ColombiaOrganic agricultureEuropean UnionWine Economics
A wide variety of wines are sold in the Argentine retail wine market, both in specialized stores and supermarkets. There are several wine segments according to their degree of vertical differentiation, each with additional differentiation... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconometricsAgricultural EconomicsWine Economics
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryWind EnergyMedieval Studies
The Importance of building a brand in the wine business
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      Wine EconomicsWine Business
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      Wine EconomicsStartupsWine MarketingWine & Spirits Industry
Apresentação - na confraria do vinho Fornace - sobre indicações geográficas, abordando especialmente as indicações de procedência e as denominações de origem relacionadas aos vinhos. A base normativa é o TRIPs e a Lei 9279.
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      Intellectual PropertyWine EconomicsIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property Rights
Según la Ley de la Viña y el Vino, éste “es el alimento natural obtenido exclusivamente por fermentación alcohólica, total o parcial, de uva fresca, estrujada o no, de mosto de uva” (Art. 2 Ley 24/2003, Gobierno de España). La RAE, en su... more
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      Wine EconomicsWine MarketingHistory of wineVinoculture
Hallel. Carmel. Bezalel The Exhibitions: Halel. Carmel Winery 'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel School These two exhibitions: "Halel. Carmel Winery" and "'Judaica Now!': Goblets and Kiddush Cups of the Bezalel... more
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      BusinessArt HistoryJewish StudiesDesign
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      Wine EconomicsWineWine MarketingWine Consumption Behaviours
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      BusinessMarketingTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Nel mercato globale del vino i marchi d’impresa diventano sempre più importanti. Permettono facilmente di riconoscere aziende e prodotti e rappresentano un forte segno di identità che supporta i consumatori nel momento delle loro scelte.... more
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      MarketingTrademarksWine EconomicsMarket Research
This study investigates factors influencing coordination of the California grape and wine supply chain. Results corroborate prior findings that quality considerations and needs to protect investments in specialized or durable assets... more
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      MarketingWine EconomicsApplied EconomicsHorticultural production
Bordeaux and Rioja are two the best-known wine regions of France and Spain respectively. Since the beginning of the nineties, several wineries developed new wine cellars designed by well-known architects. The hotel bodega Marques de... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureWine EconomicsWine Tourism
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      Economic HistoryAgricultural EconomicsWine EconomicsHistory of wine
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      BusinessWine EconomicsSubscription Business ModelsWine Marketing
Dans l'histoire des civilisations, la relation des femmes au vin a été fondée sur une somme de prescriptions et de tabous. Les préjugés traditionnels, les superstitions et les stéréotypes les excluaient des métiers vitivinicoles et... more
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      Women's StudiesWine EconomicsWine TourismWine Marketing
Breve sisntesis de la Historia del Vino en Almansa, pequeña ciudad ubicada entre La Mancha y el Mediterraneo al sureste de España. Se presta especial interes al proceso de industrialización experimentado desde finales del siglo XIX Brief... more
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      Wine EconomicsHistory of Alcohol and Drug UseAnthropology of AlcoholWine Tourism
This paper analyzes the impact of annual weather fluctuations on the total output of wine and on the share of output of different wine-quality categories in Germany, using a set of wine data from all thirteen German wine regions and daily... more
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      MarketingEconomicsWine EconomicsApplied Economics
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      Economic HistoryPeasant StudiesRural HistoryWine Economics
The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to explore the concept of consumers’ perception of sustainable wine and second ,to investigate different clusters based on three factors identified (belief about environmental protection,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentConsumer BehaviorWine EconomicsWTP
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryEarly Medieval History
Wine is an integral part of life on the Croatian island of Hvar. Its significance is multivalent, from the importance of home production and consumption to its functions as a trade commodity and symbol of community and identity. Much of... more
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      EthnographyPlace and IdentityIsland StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Racheter un vignoble ? Lancer son négoce ? Sans argent ? Est-ce possible ? Si oui comment ? Si ces questions vous vous les êtes posées et si vous souhaitez aller plus loin et chercher des réponses alors cette étude devrait vous... more
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      EntrepreneurshipWine EconomicsEntrepreneurship EducationBusiness studies
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      EconomicsIdentity (Culture)Alcohol StudiesWine Economics
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      Wine EconomicsAbruzzoVinocultureVitivinicultura
A value chain analysis of the wine sector in CEFTA countries: Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia Hercegovina, Kosovo, Albania, Moldova. The study examines the competitiveness of the wine sector in each CEFTA country focusing on... more
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      Wine EconomicsBalkansAdaptability grapevine varieties international and authochone in Serbian vinegrowing region CEFTA
El Turismo del Vino, como modelo de desarrollo económico sostenible e integrador de determinadas áreas, es capaz de dinamizar la competitividad de un territorio determinado, incrementar y mejorar la producción vitivinícola, respetar el... more
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      Wine EconomicsChileWine TourismWine
Archaeology seems to support the idea of widespread Minoan trading contacts and a significant number of Minoan colonies. The distribution of the place name “Minoa” in the Aegean and in the eastern and central Mediterranean also appears to... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
En este trabajo se analiza la evolución del sector vinícola español en los últi-mos 150 años. Se comienza con la gran expansión de las exportaciones que tuvo lugar desde 1875, especialmente hacia Francia. El fin de esta época dorada, tras... more
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      Economic HistoryWine EconomicsWine
This thesis provides an ethnographic exploration of McLaren Vale, a wine-producing region lying just south of the city of Adelaide, South Australia. As a near-urban agricultural area, McLaren Vale provides the setting for a number of... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyWine EconomicsPhenomenology of Space and PlaceUrban Sprawl
¿Vino natural?, pero ¿qué es lo que no es natural en el vino?, ¿es que existe un vino artificial? El vino es el resultado exclusivo del proceso de fermentación alcohólica de la uva o del mosto de uva; sin embargo, esta no se realiza por... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)Anthropology of FoodFood, Gender, CultureWine Economics
South Africa has gone through a true ‘revolution’ in wine quality in the last 10-15 years. In the 1980s, over 60 cooperative wineries supplied a large majority of wine to a small number of producer/wholesalers and marketers. A pool... more
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      Wine EconomicsSouth AfricaWine MarketingVine and Wines History
Natural wine is a small but rapidly growing sector within the wine industry. Expertise in the field has been advanced by wine experts and professionals, while publications to aid in further understanding the topic lag behind. This... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyWine EconomicsCultural AnthropologyWine Tourism
Dalla dogana alla taverna. Il vino a Roma alla fine del Medioevo e gli inediti statuta comunitatis artis tabernariorum Alme Urbis Rome (1481-1482) Dalla dogana alla taverna. Il vino a Roma alla fine del Medioevo e gli inediti "Statuta... more
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      Wine EconomicsMerchant networksWine MarketingHistory of wine
Pratique en plein essor depuis la seconde moitie du XVIIIe siecle, le recours aux commis voyageurs par les negociants champenois est un facteur essentiel du developpement commercial du champagne. Rigoureusement selectionnes, en fonction... more
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      SociologyFrench RevolutionWine EconomicsHistory of Commerce
This chapter investigates the economic performance of the Pompeian countryside. In particular, it evaluates to what extent the countryside provided the basic staples the city needed — such as grain, oil, and fuel —and to what extent it... more
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      Roman HistoryPompeii (Archaeology)Wine EconomicsRoman Economy
Η εργασία αυτή, διδακτορική διατριβή του Σωτήρη Ραπτόπουλου εξετάζει ζητήματα οικονομικής ιστορίας των Κυκλάδων, μέσω της επαναξιολόγησης των παλαιότερων ερευνών και της παρουσίασης νέων. Στόχος είναι η εύρεση των βασικών στοιχείων των... more
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      Historical GeographyArchaeologyGreek HistoryHistorical Archaeology
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      Wine EconomicsWine TourismWineWine Marketing
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      Wine EconomicsResearch on Indigenous WineWine MarketingWine Business
This paper explores the emergence of the terroirist social movement in Spain and the controversies arising from it. We assess its role in transforming the Spanish wine scene and wine regions from the combined perspective of rural and... more
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      Social MovementsFoodways (Anthropology)ConflictAnthropology of Food
"What does a gentleman who has worked throughout his life for the Sherry wine establishment shares with the son of a bricklayer who has worked for more than a decade for a large industrial wine cellar and has spent his salary buying small... more
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      Anthropology of FoodWine EconomicsWine TourismViticulture
Откривателите на виното - народите на Черноморската цивилизация, допринасят за култивирането на лозата и развитието на производството и търговията с благодатната напитка. Според Колин Ренфрю (1972) интензивното отглеждане на лозата и... more
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      HistoryWine EconomicsThracian History1) cultural interconnections and trade (Egypt and Levant)
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      Anthropology of FoodWine EconomicsWine MarketingWine Business
El vino está de moda, no solo como producto simbólico diferenciado en los términos que explicaba Bourdieu (1984), sino también como “superalimento”, por su potencial nutritivo y concentración de antioxidantes, resveratrol o vitaminas.... more
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      AnthropologyFood and NutritionWine EconomicsWine Tourism
Exploramos, en el presente artículo, el surgimiento y debate actual en torno al movimiento terroirista en España desde la perspectiva de los movimientos sociales y rurales. La transformación de la escena vitivinícola española se ha... more
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      GastronomyWine EconomicsTerroirMovimientos sociales
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassics