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      PedagogyDebateDibattito regolamentato
Este proyecto fue diseñado a solicitud de la Dirección de Educación Municipal de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Vitacura. El torneo de debate DEM Vitacura busca generar un espacio de diálogo, libre, ordenado, tolerante y crítico, que permita... more
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      EducationCritical ThinkingDebateEducación
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      ArgumentationDebateArgumentación Razones Razonamiento LógicaTeoría de la Argumentación
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
Should a college debater have to warn an opponent that the chosen subject is a sensitive one? Trigger warnings have spread to the world of intercollegiate debate. [...] Both students in this disagreement say trigger warnings have become... more
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      Mental HealthDebateParliamentary debatesTrigger warnings
Mollon, M., & Gentes, A. (2014). The Rhetoric of Design for Debate: triggering conversation with an “uncanny enough” artefact (pp. 1–13). In the proceedings of the Design Research Society International Consortium (DRS), Umeå, Sweden.... more
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      RhetoricReflective PracticeSocial InteractionComputer-Mediated Communication
In this article, I offer the opposing view (con-side) against reparations for American slavery, as if in a forensic debate before a moot court: I presume the American public will judge the merits of my opposing arguments. I oppose... more
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      LawHigher EducationJusticeDebate
Cultural pedagogy is an umbrella term for a style of education that incorporates minority members’ lived experience into the way knowledge is understood. Cultural pedagogy affirms diverse cultural experiences, centers on students’... more
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      Cultural StudiesEducationCulturally relevant pedagogyArgumentation Theory
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Comments I made at the opening of the 2018 Civic Debate Conference hosted at the University of Southern California in May of 2018
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      RhetoricCivic EducationRhetorical PedagogyDebate
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      Michel FoucaultDebatePolicy DebateAcademia
When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? The difference between a secular mindset and a sacred mindset is that in the secular life, one engages in daily life disconnected and without awareness of God. In the sacred... more
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CPD resources produced at University of Limerick in collaboration with the Junior Cycle Team and funded by the Science Foundation Ireland.
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      Middle School/Level EducationArgumentationIrelandDebate
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      DebateANALISIS DEL DISCURSO POLITICOAnálisis Del Discurso Oral
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      Future StudiesDesign InnovationDebatePublic Engagement
In this paper, we investigate issues that impact on the selection and development of debate formats tailored to specific ducational goals. We use the term “debate format” to refer to the rules that regulate, structure, and characterize... more
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      DebateDebate, persuasion, argumentation pedagogy
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      Intercultural CommunicationArgumentationDebateEffective Listening
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)ReligionSociologyCultural Studies
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyBorder StudiesAnthropology of Mobility
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      LogicPublic SpeakingDebate
This text is a brief introduction to formal debate but also a more general introduction to argumentation. By the end of the text, readers will have learned to prepare for and engage in a formal debate. At the same time, those concepts and... more
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      ArgumentationDebateEnglish language teachingCritical Thiking
¡Nuestras aventuras en Macedonia! Cuadernillo alumnado. Educación Primaria. Manual de debate y oratoria (Proyecto Atlantis, Fundación Educativa Activa-t, 2021)
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En este índice temático, el estudiante podrá acceder a contenidos básicos para entender un proceso dialéctico, realizado mediante una estructura previamente reglada.
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      Critical PedagogyCritical ThinkingArgumentationCritical Discourse Analysis
Vera Gheno, Bruno Mastroianni - Comunicare bene in rete: le regole (che tutti dovrebbero seguire) per una internet migliore - Agenda Digitale, 29 gennaio 2019,... more
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      SociolinguisticsDebateNuovi MediaFilosofia Del Linguaggio
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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      CultureDebateEssaysWeb Journalism
This article describes the processes involved in teaching a course in debate.
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      Second Language AcquisitionTESOLDebateELT
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      European UnionDebateEuropean CouncilQmv
این مطلب در بخش نظرات خوانندگان در پاسخ به مقاله‌ای در سايت راديو زمانه به چاپ رسيده است. اين مقاله (زنا و مجازات قرآنی) به قلم يک پژوهشگر مسلمان اصلاح طلب، با ترجمه و تحشيه‌ی ياسر ميردامادي است
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      IslamIslamic JurisprudenceDebateWestern concept of punishment, islamic concept of punishment
Resumen: Este artículo pretende dar una definición adecuada de contraargumento y establecer una tipología de los contraargumentos basada en el modelo de Toulmin. Esa tipología se basa en un doble criterio: el elemento atacado (premisas,... more
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      Argumentation TheoryArgumentation Theory and Critical ThinkingDebatePensamiento Crítico
La svolta epocale provocata dalle tecnologie digitali è stata quella di mettere tutti in una condizione di costante confronto. Sui social network diversi mondi – culturali, sociali, religiosi – si incontrano ogni giorno, senza mediazioni... more
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      Social MediaOnline social networksArgumentation Theory and Critical ThinkingDebate
This article draws on identity construction, emotions and a notion of productive power to address the question of why Swedish policymakers and public opinion are becoming increasingly supportive of NATO membership. It contributes... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInternational RelationsSelf and IdentityInternational Relations Theory
The aim of the current theoretical research is to examine the role of debate regarding the intellectual, social and political emancipation of students as future active citizens through the examination of two distant in time but still... more
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      RhetoricCritical PedagogyCritical ThinkingCivic Education
¡Nuestras aventuras en Macedonia! Guía didáctica del docente. Educación Primaria. Manual de debate y oratoria (Proyecto Atlantis, Fundación Educativa Activa-t, 2021)
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    • Debate
score sheetfor debate
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    • Debate
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This paper explores the way that British Parliamentary Debate teaches collaboration to students and critics. In an effort to address rising polarization in the United States, BP debate is offered as a way to teach, and practice,... more
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      DebateBritish Parliamentary Debating
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      Development StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisForeign PolicyDebate
L'ouvrage offre des outils rhétoriques pour la maîtrise de trois enjeux de l'écriture de l'histoire: comment produire un discours acceptable sur un sujet polémique? Comment mettre en mots les intuitions de la phase de découverte? Peut-on... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEpistemologyEducation
Tolerancia crítica y ciudadanía activa introduce al lector en la práctica del debate con formatos y sus características esenciales. Asimismo, permite que el lector pueda utilizarlo para coordinar o facilitar talleres y prácticas de debate... more
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      EducationCritical ThinkingArgumentationPublic Speaking
This discusses whether robust knowledge can only be a consequence of both consensus and disagreement - or whether only one of them is sufficient for knowledge to be considered "robust" in nature. The essay discusses the background of... more
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      DebateKnowledge buildingTheory of Knowledge
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      War StudiesNuclear WeaponsHistory of Nuclear WeaponsDebate
Debate, which originated in ancient Greece, originally appeared in the form of disputatio at medieval universities. Recently, Italian school have introduced the methodology as well. The Ministry of Education, University and Research... more
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A2 Level Research & Study Guide on A2 Media Studies - Case Study for Channel 4's "The Undateables"
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies
An introduction to British Parliamentary Debate System
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¡Nuestras aventuras en Bizancio! Guía didáctica del docente. Educación Secundaria. Manual de debate y oratoria (Proyecto Atlantis, Fundación Educativa Activa-t, 2021)
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If your library has access to Springer Link a full version of this book can be downloaded via: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-40703-6 . This book focuses on the discursive processes that allow activists to make sense... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmatismSelf and IdentityPragmatics