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Útgefandi Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag.

Saga íslenskra bókmennta frá Atla Húnakonungi til ársins 2022.

The history of Icelandic literature from the Middle Ages to the 21st century.
Published in March 2020, in the series Northern Medieval World: on the Margins of Europe. This anthology of 23 articles by Old Norse scholars from 10 countries offers new critical approaches to the study of the many manifestations of... more
Published in March 2020, in the series Northern Medieval World: on the Margins of Europe.

This anthology of 23 articles by Old Norse scholars from 10 countries offers new critical approaches to the study of the many manifestations of the paranormal in the Middle Ages. The guiding principle of the collection is to depart from symbolic or reductionist readings of the subject matter in favor of focusing on the paranormal as human experience and, essentially, on how these experiences are defined by the sources. The authors work with a variety of medieval Icelandic textual sources including family sagas, legendary sagas, romances, poetry, hagiography and miracles, exploring the diversity of paranormal activity in the medieval North.

This volume questions all previous definitions of the subject matter, most decisively the idea of saga realism, and opens up new avenues in saga research.
If you like the book and wish to make the author happy, print copies are available: https://www.amazon.com/Troll-Inside-You-Paranormal-Activity/dp/1947447009/... more
If you like the book and wish to make the author happy, print copies are available:



Thanks to Punctum Books and to Rannís for making this book possible.
Now in paperback, June, 2019. https://www.amazon.com/Routledge-Research-Companion-Medieval-Icelandic/dp/0367133652/ The last fifty years have seen a significant change in the focus of saga studies, from a preoccupation with origins... more
Now in paperback, June, 2019.


The last fifty years have seen a significant change in the focus of saga studies, from a preoccupation with origins and development to a renewed interest in other topics, such as the nature of the sagas and their value as sources to medieval ideologies and mentalities.

The Routledge Research Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas presents a detailed interdisciplinary examination of saga scholarship over the last fifty years, sometimes juxtaposing it with earlier views and examining the sagas both as works of art and as source materials.

This volume will be of interest to Old Norse and medieval Scandinavian scholars and accessible to medievalists in general.
Research Interests:
This book is sold-out (2018).

Click here for an electronic copy.
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Last proofs.
1. útg. 2009.
2. útg. 2015.
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Excerpts from the first radical web journal in Iceland.
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Uppseld hjá forlaginu en fáanleg sem prentuð eftir pöntun, og sem rafbók.
Innan við 10 óseld eintök á Íslandi; dreift af Hinu íslenska bókmenntafélagi. Einnig seld af The Viking Society.
Dreift af Hinu íslenska bókmenntafélagi. Einnig til sölu hjá The Viking Society.
Research Interests:
Last proofs.

The book is almost sold out but a few last copies can still be purchased here:

hig.se. Publications. ...
hig.se. Publications. ...
Denne samling af artikler, som udgør andet bind i en række af artikelsamlinger om de islandske fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda (første bind udkom i 2003 i Uppsala, Fornaldarsagornas struktur och ideologi), har det mål at fokusere på temaet... more
Denne samling af artikler, som udgør andet bind i en række af artikelsamlinger om de islandske fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda (første bind udkom i 2003 i Uppsala, Fornaldarsagornas struktur och ideologi), har det mål at fokusere på temaet myter og virkelighed i forbindelse med fornaldarsagaerne. Adjektivet mytisk ;er ofte blevet anvendt om denne sagagruppe, hvor der optræder gamle guder fra førkristen tid og legendariske helte side om side på en måde, der minder om eddadigtene. Fornaldarsagaerne beretter om ...
Denne samling af artikler, som udgør andet bind i en række af artikelsamlinger om de islandske fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda (første bind udkom i 2003 i Uppsala, Fornaldarsagornas struktur och ideologi), har det mål at fokusere på temaet... more
Denne samling af artikler, som udgør andet bind i en række af artikelsamlinger om de islandske fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda (første bind udkom i 2003 i Uppsala, Fornaldarsagornas struktur och ideologi), har det mål at fokusere på temaet myter og virkelighed i forbindelse med fornaldarsagaerne. Adjektivet 'mytisk'er ofte blevet anvendt om denne sagagruppe, hvor der optræder gamle guder fra førkristen tid og legendariske helte side om side på en måde, der minder om eddadigtene. Fornaldarsagaerne beretter om ...
hig.se. Publications. ...
hig.se. Publications. ...
Ásdís Egilsdóttir, prófessor í íslenskum miðaldabókmenntum, er mikilvirkur vísindamaður og útgefandi fornrita og hefur áratugum saman verið vinsæll kennari í Háskóla Íslands.  Í tilefni af sjötugsafmæli Ásdísar hafa nokkrir starfsfélagar... more
Ásdís Egilsdóttir, prófessor í íslenskum miðaldabókmenntum, er mikilvirkur vísindamaður og útgefandi fornrita og hefur áratugum saman verið vinsæll kennari í Háskóla Íslands.  Í tilefni af sjötugsafmæli Ásdísar hafa nokkrir starfsfélagar hennar tekið saman afmælisritið Fræðinæmi, henni til heiðurs. Í ritinu eru alls 22 greinar um helgisögur, jarteinir, kynferði, minni, menntun og fleiri viðfangsefni.
Research Interests:
Disputes lie at the heart of the sagas. Consequently, literary texts have been treated as sources of legal practice – narrations of law – while the sagas themselves and the handling of legal matters by the figures adhere to ‘laws of... more
Disputes lie at the heart of the sagas. Consequently, literary texts have been treated as sources of legal practice – narrations of law – while the sagas themselves and the handling of legal matters by the figures adhere to ‘laws of narration’. The volume addresses this intricate relationship between literature and social practice from the perspective of historians as well as philologists. The contributions focus not only on disputes and their solution in saga literature, but also on the representation of law and its history in sagas and Latin historiography from Scandinavia as well as the representation of laws and norms in mythological texts. They demonstrate that narrations of law provide an indispensable insight into legal culture and its connection to a wider framework of social norms, adjusting the impression given by the laws. The philological approaches underline that the narrative texts also have an agenda of their own when it comes to their representation of law, providing a mirror of conduct, criticising inequity, reinforcing the political and juridical position of kings or negotiating norms in mythological texts. Altogether, the volume underlines the unifying force exerted by a common fiction of law beyond its letter.
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A collection of essays on shapeshifting on Celtic, Norse and Old English literature.

Available here https://www.aup.nl/en/book/9789462984479/shapeshifters-in-medieval-north-atlantic-literature
Egil, the Viking Poet focuses on one of the best-known Icelandic sagas, that of the extraordinary hero Egil Skallagrimsson. Descended from a lineage of trolls, shape-shifters, and warriors, Egil’s transformation from a precocious and... more
Egil, the Viking Poet focuses on one of the best-known Icelandic sagas, that of the extraordinary hero Egil Skallagrimsson. Descended from a lineage of trolls, shape-shifters, and warriors, Egil’s transformation from a precocious and murderous child into a raider, mercenary, litigant, landholder, and poet epitomizes the many facets of Viking legend.

The contributors to this collection of essays approach Egil’s story from a variety of perspectives, including psychology, philology, network theory, social history, and literary theory. Strikingly original, their essays will appeal not only to dedicated students of Old Norse-Icelandic literature but also to those working in the fields of Viking studies, comparative ethnology, and folklore.
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Icelandic prose narratives from the 13th and 14th centuries are replete with instances of metamorphosis, humans transforming into animals, or changing shape in an indeterminate way. Sources indicate that the transformation is not merely... more
Icelandic prose narratives from the 13th and 14th centuries are replete with instances of metamorphosis, humans transforming into animals, or changing shape in an indeterminate way. Sources indicate that the transformation is not merely corporeal but is also spiritual. In this paper, the Old Norse lexicon of transformation, such as the words hamrammr, hamslauss, and hamstoli, will be closely examined.
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This article investigates the representation of mental illnesses in the context of Norway’s medieval royal court using the kings’ saga Morkinskinna. The text naturally applies its own contemporaneous terminology that demands close... more
This article investigates the representation of mental illnesses in the context of Norway’s medieval royal court using the kings’ saga Morkinskinna. The text naturally applies its own contemporaneous terminology that demands close scrutiny, but greater focus is placed upon the responses mental illnesses elicit in this context, which include curiosity, incomprehension, fear, hopelessness, sorrow, sensitivity, attentiveness, compassion, and successful or unsuccessful attempts at treatment. Overall, the narrative invokes mental illnesses to advance certain of its broader interests concerning the roles, duties, and the relationship between medieval Norwegian kings and their subjects.
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In this article, the authors review the traditional division of the sagas of Icelanders into early, classical and post-classical sagas, discuss some of the foundational principles of this tripartite (or occasionally quinquepartite)... more
In this article, the authors review the traditional division of the sagas of Icelanders into early, classical and post-classical sagas, discuss some of the foundational principles of this tripartite (or occasionally quinquepartite) categorisation and ask whether they can still be considered valid even though the categories are still in use. Furthermore, they ask whether this categorisation is always in line with the likely dating of individual sagas, discussing a few instances of supposedly post-classical sagas that may in fact be older than often assumed, and of classical sagas that may actually be younger than many 'late' sagas. Particular attention is paid to Finnboga saga that has been regarded as one of the six youngest sagas but actually exists in an old manuscript. The authors examine some of the arguments for regarding it as a 'young' saga and argue that none of the characteristics by which Finnboga saga has been dated are unique to supposedly post-classical sagas.
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Last page proofs.
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Link to website.
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Religion, History, European History, Cultural History, Comparative Literature, and 37 more
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International Relations, Travel Writing, Medieval Literature, Medieval History, Social Identity, and 44 more
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Understanding Disability Throughout History explores seldom-heard voices from the past by studying the hidden lives of disabled people before the concept of disability existed culturally, socially, and administratively. The book focuses... more
Understanding Disability Throughout History explores seldom-heard voices from the past by studying the hidden lives of disabled people before the concept of disability existed culturally, socially, and administratively. The book focuses on Iceland from the Age of Settlement, traditionally considered to have taken place from 874 to 930, until the 1936 Law on Social Security (Lög um almannatryggingar), which is the first time that disabled people were referenced in Iceland as a legal or administrative category. Data sources analysed in the project represent a broad range of materials that are not often featured in the study of disability, such as bone collections, medieval literature, and census data from the early modern era, archaeological remains, historical archives, folktales and legends, personal narratives, and museum displays. The ten chapters include contributions from a multidisciplinary team of experts working in the fields of Disability Studies, History, Archaeology, Medieval Icelandic Literature, Folklore and Ethnology, Anthropology, Museum Studies, and Archival Sciences, along with a collection of postdoctoral and graduate students. The volume will be of interest to all scholars and students of disability studies, history, medieval studies, ethnology, folklore, and archaeology.
Research Interests:
This anthology brings together articles by several scholars engaged in the study of the many manifestations of the paranormal in the Middle Ages. The guiding principles of the collection are a clear focus on the paranormal experiences... more
This anthology brings together articles by several scholars engaged in the study of the many manifestations of the paranormal in the Middle Ages. The guiding principles of the collection are a clear focus on the paranormal experiences themselves, and, essentially, how they are defined by the sources. The authors work with a variety of medieval Icelandic sources, including family sagas, legendary sagas, romances, poetry, hagiography and miracles, exploring the diversity of paranormal activity in the medieval North.

This volume questions all previous definitions of the subject matter, most decisively the idea of saga realism, and will open up new avenues in saga research.
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Medieval disability narrative.
The tale of King Hrœrekr the blind.
Available here: https://www.penninn.is/is/book/rigmarole-and-flies From the translator: “My translation of Icelandic poets Theodóra Thoroddsen’s Þulur (1916) [Rigmarole] and Jón Thoroddsen’s Flugur (1922) [Flies], featuring a foreword... more
Available here: https://www.penninn.is/is/book/rigmarole-and-flies

From the translator: “My translation of Icelandic poets Theodóra Thoroddsen’s Þulur (1916) [Rigmarole] and Jón Thoroddsen’s Flugur (1922) [Flies], featuring a foreword by Ármann Jakobsson and collected in one volume, is now available in print from Hin kindin. In her Þulur (Rigmarole), Theodóra rejuvenated an important traditional Icelandic verse form. Bearing qualities similar to those often associated with nursery rhymes, her poems blend folk stories and pastoral imagery using economic yet unruly and fresh metrical forms. They are, however, also essentially rebellious, focusing on unfulfilled desires and longings that achieve release in fantasy. Her son Jón’s Flugur (Flies), published a few years before his untimely death, has been considered the first collection of prose poems published in Icelandic. Seen as a profound departure from Icelandic poetic traditions, his poems can be regarded as a precursor to Icelandic modernism, addressing the ambiguities inherent in language and life itself. Together they offer an opportunity to appreciate more fully each poet’s unique contribution to the vast and varied history of Icelandic literature.” (https://cwecrocker.com/2020/05/08/new-publication-theodora-thoroddsen-jon-thoroddsen-rigmarole-and-flies/)
Research Interests:
Why and how was the historical value of The Book of Settlements important for 20th century Icelanders.
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And 70 more

Publication date: Sept 20, 2023. A YA fantasy novel about four 21st century youths and the elf tradition of Iceland. Four Icelandic children have travelled to the elf realm Tudati and are supposed to rule the kingdom as monarchs. But... more
Publication date: Sept 20, 2023.

A YA fantasy novel about four 21st century youths and the elf tradition of Iceland. Four Icelandic children have travelled to the elf realm Tudati and are supposed to rule the kingdom as monarchs. But what about the older ruler and creator of the kingdom? And will their kingdom be safe from the monster Vritra?
Research Interests:
Lögreglukonan Kristín erfir óvænt gamalt prestsetur á landsbyggðinni, ásamt hálfbróður sínum. Setrið er á jörðinni Stóru-Hlíð þar sem eru aðeins fáein íbúðarhús önnur og eitt gistiheimili. Kristín sér húsið sem kærkomið athvarf frá... more
Lögreglukonan Kristín erfir óvænt gamalt prestsetur á landsbyggðinni, ásamt hálfbróður sínum. Setrið er á jörðinni Stóru-Hlíð þar sem eru aðeins fáein íbúðarhús önnur og eitt gistiheimili. Kristín sér húsið sem kærkomið athvarf frá glæpaerlinum í höfuðborginni. Á staðnum býr lítill en fjölskrúðugur hópur fólks á ólíkum aldri, á ólíkum stað í lífinu og með ólíkar þarfir og langanir – og einn morðingi.

Prestsetrið eftir Ármann Jakobsson er bráðskemmtileg og spennandi saga um glæp. Þetta er sjötta bók hans um lögregluteymi Kristínar og Bjarna en hver þeirra er sjálfstæð. Sigurjón Sighvatsson hefur tryggt sér kvikmyndaréttinn á Tíbrá úr sömu seríu.
Research Interests:
Publication date: Sept 16 2022. A YA fantasy novel about four 21st century youths and the elf tradition of Iceland. Four Icelandic children have travelled to the elf realm Tudati and are supposed to rule the kingdom as monarchs. But are... more
Publication date: Sept 16 2022.

A YA fantasy novel about four 21st century youths and the elf tradition of Iceland. Four Icelandic children have travelled to the elf realm Tudati and are supposed to rule the kingdom as monarchs. But are they suited for this role? And are the elves as peaceful, sincere and benevolent as they seem?

Published by Angústúra.

Second part in a series of four books.

Has been called 'a fusion of SKAM and Þjóðsögur Jóns Árnasonar'.
Who is killing seemingly unconnected middle-aged men? Has a convicted killer learned to teleport? And how useful is it to find a connection that leads to twenty suspects?
Research Interests:
Legends is a cycle of microscopic stories that refer directly or indirectly to the legends of the Prose Edda, but also play with 21st century social myths and legends. The stories concern the act of creation, the harnessing of unwelcome... more
Legends is a cycle of microscopic stories that refer directly or indirectly to the legends of the Prose Edda, but also play with 21st century social myths and legends. The stories concern the act of creation, the harnessing of unwelcome offspring, unreliable builders, challenging social events, and the role of the small in the downfall of the great.

Research Interests:
Publication date: Sept 30 2021. A YA fantasy novel about four 21st century youths and the elf tradition of Iceland. A young boy is kidnapped. Ten years later, his sister meets a boy who interests her. But have the elves returned to... more
Publication date: Sept 30 2021.

A YA fantasy novel about four 21st century youths and the elf tradition of Iceland. A young boy is kidnapped. Ten years later, his sister meets a boy who interests her. But have the elves returned to claim the rest of their prey?

Published by Angústúra.

First part in a series of four books.

Has been called 'a fusion of SKAM and Þjóðsögur Jóns Árnasonar'.
Research Interests:
A dead mystery man. A Reykjavík house. Three women with closets full of skeletons.
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A mystery novel for young adults. Julia and her friends go on the cruiser Henrietta but during the voyage they are kidnapped by QWACHA and taken in a submarine to the underwater lair of the insidious grandmaster of this strange cult.... more
A mystery novel for young adults.

Julia and her friends go on the cruiser Henrietta but during the voyage they are kidnapped by QWACHA and taken in a submarine to the underwater lair of the insidious grandmaster of this strange cult. There they experience horrors unlike any they have known before.
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Publication date: May 28, 2020.

Four men. One Trip. How many bodies?
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A mystery novel for young adults. What happens when terror invades your home? Julia and her mother live in a museum but one day a mummy believed to be cursed arrives there. Strange events began to happen and Julia and her friends must... more
A mystery novel for young adults. What happens when terror invades your home?

Julia and her mother live in a museum but one day a mummy believed to be cursed arrives there. Strange events began to happen and Julia and her friends must pit their wits against a secret organisation that seemingly wishes to steal the mummy. Who can they trust? And what exactly is QWACHA?
Research Interests:
The story of a crime, and and an examination of the dynamics of research institutions. A gruesome murder is committed at a research institution, and at the same time a young woman goes missing. Could this be connected to an old... more
The story of a crime, and and an examination of the dynamics of research institutions.

A gruesome murder is committed at a research institution, and at the same time a young woman goes missing. Could this be connected to an old folktale? And how does paternity fit in?

The detectives Bjarni and Kristín from 'Útlagamorðin' have their hands full with this complicated crime.
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The story of a crime.

The story of a village.

A small village in Iceland is shaken by sex murders where young men seem to be targeted. Can Bjarni and Kristín find the murderer before he kills again?
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A novel about biography and the possibilty of understanding the life of another.
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Nominated for the Icelandic literature prize. A re-working of Hrólfs saga kraka focusing on the reliability of stories and gender roles. The protagonist is mistakenly assumed to have magic powers and is summoned to court to defend the... more
Nominated for the Icelandic literature prize.

A re-working of Hrólfs saga kraka focusing on the reliability of stories and gender roles. The protagonist is mistakenly assumed to have magic powers and is summoned to court to defend the kingdom against a threat from the supposedly evil Queen Skuld.
Research Interests:
A novel about a tormented man, the evil he does and his afterlife as a zombie possessing a bull. This takes place in the universe of Eyrbyggja saga and offers a reinterpretation of it.
A novel about poet Theodóra Thoroddsen (1863–1954), her marriage and the independence of Iceland, the conflict and synergy between the political and personal. The novel mostly takes place in 1908 and in Copenhagen, at the time the capital... more
A novel about poet Theodóra Thoroddsen (1863–1954), her marriage and the independence of Iceland, the conflict and synergy between the political and personal. The novel mostly takes place in 1908 and in Copenhagen, at the time the capital of Iceland.
Collection of microfictions (or: zeer korte verhaal) and anti-sophisms, originating on the blog. Not exactly poetry nor prose, Fréttir í mínu landi is betwixt and between. This book is long out of print. The full text as printed is... more
Collection of microfictions (or: zeer korte verhaal) and anti-sophisms, originating on the blog.

Not exactly poetry nor prose, Fréttir í mínu landi is betwixt and between.

This book is long out of print. The full text as printed is here.
A short story, published in Stelkur, translated into English.
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A part of a longer work in process.
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Short story, 'zero degree' fiction.
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Frænka mín fer í gönguferð – Feminine.
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In memoriam Signý Thoroddsen (1940-2011).
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New literary blog site.
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A short essay on saga reception.
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40 greinar um menningarástand, fyrir Smuguna vorið 2013.

Textinn er sá sami og birtist en án mynda.
Research Interests:
40 greinar um menningarástand, fyrir Smuguna vorið 2013.

Textinn er sá sami og birtist en án mynda.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
Research Interests:
Greinar af vefritinu Múrinn sem kom út 2000-2007, ýmist á sviði menningar, fréttaskýringa eða stjórnmálaats.
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And 68 more

Review of Ian Felce's William Morris and the Icelandic Sagas.
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ABSTRACT Old age in the Middle Ages is a somewhat recent topic for medievalists, as indicated by the title of this new and massive anthology from Albrecht Classen. It includes 22 articles, most of them lengthy and well-researched,... more
ABSTRACT Old age in the Middle Ages is a somewhat recent topic for medievalists, as indicated by the title of this new and massive anthology from Albrecht Classen. It includes 22 articles, most of them lengthy and well-researched, including an 84-page introduction from Classen himself where he puts the present volume into the context of earlier old age research. The time frame of the anthology might be referred to as 'the long Middle Ages'; it starts in the fourth century AD and goes on to the time of Diderot and Rousseau. The sources under discussion are European: from England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands. Little is said about Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, or the rest of the world; this reflects quite well the medievalist tradition: Britain, France, and Germany have tended to be the center of the medievalists' universe. As previously stated, the anthology is impressively big, almost 600 pages in small type with small margins. Classen's introduction does not serve the perfunctory purpose that such often serves; in its unwavering determination to encompass the subject it is perhaps the most useful article of the whole book, if sometimes a bit stiff and inelegant in style. Classen engages with the work of the important authorities of medieval old age: Simone de Beauvoir (La Vieillesse, 1970), Georges Minois (Histoire de la vieillesse, 1987), and Shulamith Shahar (Horef ha-'oteh otanu, 1995) and exposes many of their limitations and contradictions. As he remarks towards the end: "Only the combination of the many contributions in this volume coming from a variety of academic disciplines make it possible to comprehend truly and fully the ambivalent, often contradictory, but ultimate significant role played by old people." While such a nuanced conclusion is laudatory, it makes the conclusions of the book also somewhat disappointingly unprovocative, if hard to disagree with. Unlike de Beauvoir and Minois, who could boldly state with little evidence that negative stereotypes of old age prevailed in the Middle Ages, the contributions in this book lead to a much more varied conclusion. They also leave one with the somewhat uncomfortable feeling that perhaps old age is too big a subject to be dealt with in its entirety, as one of the main conclusions one gains from this anthology is that it is hard to generalize about it. However, this well-researched anthology does not only leave us with a nostalgia for the over-simplifications of the 1970s and the 1980s, it does highlight some, perhaps most, of the important problems that face future old age studies. For example, Classen mentions the lack of reliable statistics early on (p. 7), although he optimistically remarks that "we begin to have more reliable data." Perhaps, up to a degree. But having myself studied a small society (medieval Iceland) where the data are relatively impressive, it must be remarked that the gaps are still daunting and are likely to remain so. The first question usually asked by the student of past representations of old age is the simple one: was it better or worse to be old in the Middle Ages? Did the old enjoy more or less respect than now? Modern 'urban folklore' often has it that there has been a decline in respect for the old in the industrialized and post-industrialized world. On the one hand, de Beauvoir and Minois found that their medieval sources for the most part accentuated the negative and the Middle Ages was a bad period for the elderly. Of course, they were over-simplifying and that is clearly demonstrated by the present volume. On the other hand, one might argue that the conclusion of Allison Coudert about the early modern period is perhaps appropriate for the whole period: "Most elderly people were neither healthy nor happy, but this did not stop people from imagining a time in which the elderly would be both" (p. 554). As Coudert indicates, there are the idealists who wished to show the virtues of old age, well represented by Cicero (who is often referred to in this volume), and then there are the more numerous negative stereotypes of old age that abound in most kinds of medieval and early modern texts...
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CJO Reporting Upgrade. Due to a necessary upgrade to database hardware, usage reports will be unavailable on CJO between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm BST, (08:00 and 11:00 am GMT) on the 15th of August. We apologise for any inconvenience this may... more
CJO Reporting Upgrade. Due to a necessary upgrade to database hardware, usage reports will be unavailable on CJO between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm BST, (08:00 and 11:00 am GMT) on the 15th of August. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. ... Add Cambridge Journals Online as a search option in your browser toolbar. What is this? ... Torfi H. Tulinius, Skáldið í skriftinni: Snorri Sturluson og “Egils saga.” (Íslensk Menning.) Reykjavík: Hið Íslenzka Bókmenntafélag, for Reykjavíkur Akademían, 2004. Pp. 292; 7 black-and-white figures ...
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Theodore M. Andersson, one of the greatest authorities on Old Norse kings' sagas, has recently dedicated himself to making some of the most intriguing but sadly neglected sagas accessible to a larger audience. Recently he translated... more
Theodore M. Andersson, one of the greatest authorities on Old Norse kings' sagas, has recently dedicated himself to making some of the most intriguing but sadly neglected sagas accessible to a larger audience. Recently he translated Morkinskinna into English along with Kari Ellen Gade, and now it is the turn of Oldfs saga Tryggvasonar (The Saga of Olaf Tryggvason) by the monk Oddr Snorrason, both in Cornell University Press's Islandica series.
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Talk concerning Enid Blyton, her impact in Iceland and controversies.
Informal talk, Reykjavík, 2 August, 2019.
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In English.
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Humourous educational podcast, broadcast in 2020, a second season in late 2021, along with Gunnlaugur Bjarnason and guest stars (Ásdís Egilsdóttir, Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir, Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir, Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdóttir, Lára... more
Humourous educational podcast, broadcast in 2020, a second season in late 2021, along with Gunnlaugur Bjarnason and guest stars (Ásdís Egilsdóttir, Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir, Kristín Ragna Gunnarsdóttir, Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdóttir, Lára Magnúsardóttir, Guðrún Nordal, Torfi Tulinius and Sverrir Jakobsson).

A third season appeared in 2023 with the prime minister of Iceland guest starring in the last episode.

50 episodes concerning various issues that pertain to Old Icelandic literature.

In Icelandic.
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Educational podcast about Njáls saga, most famous of all the sagas.

With Eiríkur Ó. Guðmundsson.

In Icelandic.
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Njáls saga in 25 parts for the Ríkisútvarpið of Iceland, broadcast in the summer of 2020.

In Icelandic.
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