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In this study, in order to analyze how gender roles and stereotypes are built in magazine advertisements, overall 230 advertisements of men's magazine FHM and women's magazine Cosmopolitan, published in 2004, were surveyed. To do this,... more
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      3D TV, Magazine Ads, Theatres & New Viewings/ComposingsGenderAdvertising and GenderSemiology
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsFace Recognition
how do I know what the photograph I’m perceiving means? Why, facing certain images, do I feel scared and, with others, calm? Can I anticipate —or even manipulate— how people will react and understand the photographic image? Is the... more
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      SemioticsPhotographyVisual SemioticsPhotography Theory
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
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      SemioticsSocial NetworksInternet StudiesSocial Networking
According to Ian Bent, “musical analysis is the reduction of a musical structure in several components […] and the research of functions of these components inside the structure”. It is in this wide analytical context that my research... more
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      Political cartoonsSemiology of the work of artConcept cartoonsCartoons
This paper is about a methodology which wants to represent in an innovative way the musical work’s narrativity and expression according to the moments of tension and detente created by the relations between the different topics. These... more
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      RomanticismNarrativeMusical SemioticsNarrative Analysis
Today I finished the Fantasy – and the sky is beautiful, there’s a sadness in my heart – but that’s alright. If it were otherwise, perhaps my existence would be worth nothing to anyone. (Letter to J. Fontana, 20th October 1841) Musical... more
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Cet article propose une étude approfondie de la Polonaise en la bémol majeur op. 53 de Chopin afin de mettre en avant des caractéristiques essentielles du dernier style de Chopin, qui s'exprime dans les années 1840, période difficile... more
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Le présent article propose une analyse musicale de la Ballade op. 52 en fa mineur de Frédéric Chopin. De nombreuses méthodologies existent pour investir l'oeuvre musicale, mais l'auteure défend l'importance et la complémentarité de deux... more
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ÖZET Baslangıcından günümüze kadar sinemanın gelişme süreci,gerek estetik gerekse teknolojik alanlarda fotograf ile benzerlikler gösterir.Kimyasal olarak ilk görüntü sabitlendiğinden beri, perde'nin de keşfiyle, insanoğlu görüntüleri... more
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      Art HistoryPhotographyNarrativeCinematography
In five steps this text tries to convey a semiotic analysis of the phenomenon of ‘live VR music concerts’.Through this paper it becomes clear that the meaning of live music and virtual live music is not always clear. Virtual does not... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesPhilosophyTechnology
شهر آکنده از دلالت‌های معنایی است که هم به‌واسطه‌ طراحان آن و هم شهروندان رمزگذاری و توسط شهروندان، رمزگشایی می‌شود. بنابراین شهر را می‌توان به‌عنوان یک «متن» خواند. ازاین‌رو نشانه‌شناسی شهری روشی است برای بررسی زبان‌شناسانه‌ فضای شهری که... more
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      SemioticsRhetoricComposition and RhetoricArchitecture
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      Cognitive ScienceSoftware EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentGoal Oriented Requirements Engineering
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticePolice ScienceForensic Science
Ventriloquo è colui che parla col ventre, che simula uno slittamento della voce dalla bocca allo stomaco, da un’interiorità che si apre all’altro attraverso l’inter-faccia del volto, a un’intestinità che nega l’altro nella figura... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsCognitive Semiotics
KEY POINTS  Seizure semiology represents the dynamic clinical expression of seizures and is an important data source providing clues to cerebral organization.  Seizure semiology is produced through interactions between seizure onset and... more
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      EpilepsyNeural NetworksSeizureSemiology
The Italian edition of the work by Eleazar M. Meletinsky on the historical poetics of the novella – recently edited and translated by M. Bonafin and L. Sestri ‒ gives us the opportunity to revise the theoretical model by which the Russian... more
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      PhilologyCultural StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Literature
The fashionable disavowal of structural semiology as logocentric is easily countered by a review of the important innovations of second-generation semiology, spearheaded by Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, and Jacques Lacan. The scope of... more
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      Jacques DerridaKabbalahSemiologyGlossematics
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      Software EngineeringObject Oriented ProgrammingType TheorySoftware Maintenance
The article proposes a typology of meaninglessness based on the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce: meaningless as indecipherable; as incomprehensible; and as uncanny. Each type is exemplified with reference to anecdotic semiotic experience... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyCultural SemioticsTheories of Meaning
Le istituzioni spesso restituiscono un’immagine irragionevole della lingua. Questa immagine si costruisce attraverso usi che si stabilizzano e si reiterano nelle pratiche linguistiche quotidiane. Ma possono gli usi linguistici essere... more
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      SemioticsGender StudiesPhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and Linguistics
Interview mit Algirdas Julien Greimas, realisiert im April 1983 in Paris. In diesem Interview werden folgende Themen diskutiert: 1) Präsentation der "Pariser Schule" der Semiotik durch Greimas. 2) Platz der Bedutungssemiotik innerhalb... more
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      SemioticsNarrativeCultural SemioticsModality
В статье рассматриваются миниатюры персидского списка «Шахнаме» Фирдоуси 1333 года как интерактивные нарративные визуализации, влияющие на формирование ситуационного мышления представителя персидского континуума XIV века. Созерцание... more
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      Visual NarrativeHermeneuticsVisual SemiologyPersian and Indian Miniature Painting
In 1957 Roland Barthes published Mythologies, a text examining how culture has the power to shape social perception and interpretation of the world around us. Following the same line of thought, in 2010, black feminist and theorist Moya... more
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      Roland BarthesBlack feminismCivil Rights MovementRape and Sexual Assault Law
The amount of new semantic content circulated in a society is limited by implicit norms and explicit rules. Belonging to a community means knowing, mastering, and even interiorizing such restrictions. Some of them are imposed by economy,... more
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesVisual Studies
This article is for marketers who use semiotics. It argues that semiotic analysis is not complete until signs and symbols are meaningfully connected to society, culture, and ideology. The unique qualities of top-down semiotics are... more
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      MarketingDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsFuture Studies
Se reconstruyen las principales líneas de desarrollo que ha tenido la Semiología, los consensos, como así también las tensiones y debates que la atraviesan. Los temas que trata son el signo, enfocado desde autores como Ferdinand de... more
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      SemioticsAnálisis del DiscursoSemiologySemiología
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference Organized by SILC, Semiotic Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Cultures, Shanghai University and University of Turin Co-Sponsored by The Department of Chinese Language and Literature,... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsFace Recognition
The book presents a semiotic approach to the study of power relations in the symbolic space of medieval culture. A critical analysis of medieval texts was carried out in accordance with the methodology of European structuralist and... more
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      SemioticsMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCultural Semiotics
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ABSTRACT The foundation of disciplines is often associated with initial books and their authors. The discipline of speech–communication– communicology is no exception. Books by Albert Craig Baird, Lester Thonssen, and Franklin Hayward... more
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      SemioticsRhetoricPhenomenologyCommunication Theory
Un método interpretativo basado en la Semiología, psicología de la percepcíon,  neurobiología y biologia evolutiva para saber que significa una fotografía
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      SemiologySemiologíaEstudios De SemioticaFotografia
1. The first essay aims at clarifying the relation holding or not holding between deixis and indexicality, and then elaborating a new model based on the Danish semiotic enunciation theory that could also account for reference. The... more
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      Gesture StudiesDeixisCOGNITIVE SEMIOTICSSemiology
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The notebook 3959.10, part of the series Notes sur les légendes germaniques in the Ferdinand de Saussure archive, is devoted to the legend of Tristan and Isolde. In these notes, Saussure deals with the issue of the source of the medieval... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureFerdinand de SaussureThe Tristan legend
El ensayo se concentra en el caso de estudio uruguayo, de excepcional interés a la vez histórico e semiótico, del retrato del rostro de José Gervasio Artigas. Como no existe un retrato al natural del héroe nacional que lo represente en su... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesIconographyVisual Culture
The art of Italian craftsmen Cosmati, who created unique mosaic production at XII and XIII centuries in Rome and its environments, had delighted people over centuries. The filigree technique of the stonework, polychrome, and diversity of... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy Of ReligionArt HistoryArchitecture
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      SociologyCommunicationJournalismTeaching English as a Second Language
In societies that uncritically embrace and endorse a digitalization not only of memory but of the same idea of memory, déjà-vus manifest themselves as the impossibility of subtracting culture from a disquieting feeling of recognition.... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsCognitive SemioticsSemiotics Of Culture
Im vorliegenden Aufsatz stehen das Konzept der Empathie und deren Verbindung zur Filmmusik als Bildton und Fremdton im Mittelpunkt. Zum einen wird Empathie, die als Einfühlung auf dargestellte Emotionen (Wut, Trauer etc.) Bezug nimmt,... more
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      SemioticsHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Lire Marin, bien sûr. Mais le regarder, la chose est moins évidente. Et pourtant, il a produit un grand nombre de dessins accompagnant ses études des systèmes de la représentation. Quelle place et quelles fonctions accordait-t-il à... more
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      SemioticsEpistemologyArt HistoryRenaissance Studies
Questo libro accompagna il lettore in un viaggio di esplorazione del tempo nei videogiochi. Che caratteristiche ha il tempo videoludico? In che modo i videogiochi rappresentano e strutturano il tempo? Quali effetti temporali e ritmici... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVideogamesVideogames and Philosophy
MIMESIS TRAN DUC THAO RICERCHE SULL'ORIGINE DEL LINGUAGGIO E DELLA COSCIENZA "Una delle maggiori difficoltà che presenta il problema dell'origine della coscienza è quella d'individuare il momento preciso in cui la coscienza ha inizio.... more
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      PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsMarxismPhenomenology
Resumen del libro de semiología de  suros
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Industrial design has become a well-known and important discipline today. Industrial design is a truly interdisciplinary field, encompassing engineering, social sciences, economics and basic sciences. Overtime, the dynamics that affect... more
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      SemioticsDesignIndustrial DesignSemiology
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A reading of gendered violence, body horror, "hyperreality," and postmodern cinematic nostalgia in Quentin Tarantino's 'Death Proof' through Jean Baudrillard's 'Simulacra and Simulation' and 'America' as well as Gilles Deleuze's "Coldness... more
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      Critical TheorySemioticsCultural StudiesPsychoanalysis