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Las tecnologías móviles permiten establecer métodos de comunicación de fácil acceso para la asistencia de salud, pues este tipo de dispositivos son económicos, portátiles y soportan aplicaciones de software. Objetivo: analizar el uso de... more
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      MedicinaSaludEstudios OrganizacionalesCIENCIAS DE LA SALUD
Hipersensibilidad Tipo II
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medlibris.ro catalog carti medicina 2018 pdf
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Sound plays a key role in the environment from identifying to analysing. The production of sound signifies various aspects to produce a specific effect up-to a special distance till which it travels. The friction of materials leads a... more
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      BotanyZoologyVeterinary MedicineEnvironmetal Earth Science
atlas de anatomie grant pdf gratuit online
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biological Anthropology)MedicineAnatomy
Pot fi : active (le execută pacientul singur) şi pasive (pacientul necesită ajutor). Schimbările pasive se efectuează la pacienţi: adinamici, imobilizaţi, inconştienţi, paralizaţi, cu aparate gipsate etc. Principii de respectat: -sunt... more
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    • Medicina
Background and Objectives: Metabolic syndrome (MS) has many risk factors that are important to investigate in populations living at sea level and in high-altitude geographic regions. The aim was to identify the components of MS that... more
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      DemographyMedicineMetabolic syndromeMedicina
Background: The standard ATLS protocol calls for chest drain insertion in patients with hemothorax before performing further diagnostic steps. However, if trauma-induced thoracic aortic rupture is the underlying cause, such drainage can... more
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RESUMO: Entre as doenças mais comuns está a infecção do trato urinário, afetando mais de um sítio ou um único local como a uretra (uretrite), próstata (prostatite), bexiga (cistite) ou rins (pielonefrite). A urina é considerada estéril e... more
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Resumen En este trabajo se revisa la información actual sobre el uso de los nuevos fármacos antiepilépticos (FAEs) en monoterapia en niños, resaltando nuestra experiencia personal. Específicamente, se incluyen los siguientes FAEs:... more
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Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its subfields, Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), are used for a variety of medical applications. It can help clinicians track the patient’s illness cycle, assist with diagnosis, and... more
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    • Medicina
Toxic fungi in Buenos Aires city and surroundings. In the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,Universidad de Buenos Aires there is a service called Servicio de Identificación de Hongos Tóxicos, directed by researchers of Programa de... more
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Background and Objectives: Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis in permanent mature teeth is a common indication for nonsurgical root canal treatment (NSRCT), but contemporary studies have reported on vital pulp therapy (VPT) applied in such... more
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    • Medicina
La versión completa de este artículo también está disponible en internet: www.revistasmedicasmexicanas.com.mx RESUMEN En este trabajo se analiza el caso oftalmológico del ilustre médico José Eleuterio González, un paciente muy especial... more
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      Imaginarios socialesMedicinaSiglo XIXMujeres
Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las enteroparasitosis en una población infantil urbana y establecer su relación con factores biológicos y condiciones ambientales. Se investigaron 113 niños entre 0 y 14 años de edad.... more
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      Soil contaminationMedicinaNutritional StatusEnvironmental Conditions
Background and Objectives: To establish normative models for median levels of serum biomarkers of the second trimester quad test (alpha-fetoprotein: AFP; free beta-human gonadotropins: hCG; inhibin-A; and unconjugated estriol: uE3)... more
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge of demand for medical supplies and spare parts, which has put pressure on the manufacturing sector. As a result, 3D printing communities and companies are currently operating to ease the breakdown... more
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      Computer ScienceMedical SciencesSupply Chain ManagementProduction
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive breast type of cancer with no expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2). It is a highly metastasized,... more
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Background and Objectives: Hallux valgus, one of the most common foot disorders, contributes to the formation of pain, changes foot proportions and hinders everyday functioning. In this study we wanted to verify if kinesiology taping... more
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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a high prevalence condition in men over 50 years that requires continued assistance between primary care and urology. Therefore, consensus around common referral criteria was needed to guide and... more
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      AlgorithmsPrimary CarePrimary Health CareEnzyme Inhibitors
Weight charts and patterns of weight gain for pregnant women in Argentina are scarce. The aims of the study were: 1) to design a new reference weight gain chart to asses the nutritional status of pregnant women using the body mass index... more
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      ObesityArgentinaBirth WeightPregnancy
La entrada española ENCÍAS proviene de una voz ibérica, según sostiene el estudio en lingüística realizado por el gramático Enrique Cabrejas.
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      PhilologyLanguages and LinguisticsBiologySpanish Grammar
Sažetak. Poznato je da se proporcije po broju stanovnika između prve i treće dobi skoro izjednačuju. Proces starenja neminovan je i različite su mogućnosti prilagodbe na starenje; neki prijevremeno odustaju od suočavanja s ulogom srednje... more
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      Political ScienceMedicina
Recibido el 30-5-2002; aceptado para su publicación el 7-11-2002. FUNDAMENTO Y OBJETIVO: Las guías de alimentación saludable aconsejan una dieta variada. El objetivo de este estudio consistió en evaluar la relación entre la variedad de la... more
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Ito IY. Atividade antimicrobiana in vitro do álcool gel a 70% frente às bactérias hospitalares e da comunidade. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) 2007; 40 (2): 250-4.
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    • Medicina
o Parte del sistema nervioso y responsable de procesar la información sensorial. o Son aquellos órganos que nos ponen en contacto con el exterior, que son los 5 sentidos.  División del sistema sensorial  Mecanoreceptores o Son órganos... more
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      MedicinaCIENCIAS DE LA SALUDSensory SystemsSensor system
Resumen El penfigoide cicatrizal ocular (PCO) es una enfermedad ampollar autoinmune que produce daño conjuntival grave. Se conoce poco acerca de la respuesta del PCO al tratamiento inmunosupresor. Describimos un grupo de 76 pacientes con... more
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    • Medicina
Over the past years, considerable effort has been directed toward the identification of risk factors associated with the increasing incidence of cutaneous melanoma in white populations worldwide. Limited data are available from Argentine... more
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Background and Objectives: Producing consistent measures of femoral version amongst observers are necessary to allow for an assessment of version for possible corrective procedures. The purpose of this study was to compare two computed... more
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    • Medicina
Background and objective: There is an increasing risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) among children in Croatia. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children with T1D, with cerebral edema as... more
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Resumen La citometría de flujo multiparamétrica es el método de elección para la caracterización inmunofenotípica de las células hematopoyéticas clonales presentes en los distintos procesos leucémicos agudos. El objetivo fue analizar la... more
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The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of the spontaneous eruption of displaced unerupted maxillary canines after the extraction of the deciduous canine and dental arch expansion and to determine the impact of initial canine... more
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The search for medical care leads to the need for interaction between the patient and the doctor, in which there is a meeting of narratives. The patient's narrative is an important base of work for the physician who will diagnose and... more
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      EthicsNarrative TherapyNarrative MedicineMoral Philosophy
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O autor deste livro e a EDITORA GUANABARA KOOGAN LTDA. empenharam seus melhores esforços para assegurar que as informações e os procedimentos apresentados no texto estejam em acordo com os padrões aceitos à época da publicação,... more
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      Nurse EducationMedicinaSaúdeEnfermagem
Complement deficiencies are rare and often underdiagnosed primary immunodeficiencies that may be associated with invasive bacterial diseases. Serious infections with encapsulated organisms (mainly Streptococcus pneumoniae, but also... more
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    • Medicina
Ciência é uma palavra que vem do latim, “scientia”, que significa conhecimento. Basicamente, definimos ciência como todo conhecimento que é sistemático, que se baseia em um método organizado, que pode ser conquistado por meio de... more
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    • Medicina
Uma definição categórica sobre as Ciências Médicas, basicamente, gira em torno do aspecto do desenvolvimento de estudos relacionados à saúde, vida e doença, com o objetivo de formar profissionais com habilidades técnicas e atuação... more
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    • Medicina
RESUMEN Las alteraciones en el metabolismo del hierro son enfermedades cada vez más frecuentes que irrumpen el buen estado de salud de cualquier individuo que pueda padecerlas, por ello, los avances de la ciencia se han centrado en el... more
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      Endocrinology & MetabolismNeurocienciasMedicinaPsicoinmunoneuroendocrinología
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RESUMO: Os principais temas da patologia dos anexos oculares foram revistos, com ênfase nas patologias que pertencem ao campo de atuação da oculoplástica. UNITERMOS: Oculoplástica. Anexos Oculares. Patologia. 36 Medicina, Ribeirão Preto,... more
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    • Medicina
El Gobierno del Perú, ante esta alarmante situación, tomó diferentes medidas para contrarrestar y frenar el avance de esta peligrosa enfermedad. Estas medidas fueron el aislamiento social obligatorio, la inmovilización, la suspensión de... more
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      MedicinaSalud PublicaSalud Mental
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DESCRIZIONE «Quali sono gli elementi dell’eredità di Ildegarda che ci attirano e che possono rinnovare la nostra speranza oggi? I vari contributi di questo volume rispondono testimoniando la sua straordinaria intelligenza mistica e la sua... more
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      Hildegard von BingenFilosofíaTeologíaMedicina
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
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      Business EthicsEngineeringReligionHistory
Como se Livrar da Compulsão pela Comida e ter Total Autocontrole DOUTOR REVELA: Método Cientificamente Comprovado Para Você Perder de 5 à 10 kg em Apenas 21 dias: 100% Garantido!
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      MedicinaSaúde PublicaSaúde MentalSaúde
Varones: 19,07% (IC del 95%,67) Mujeres: 21,78% (IC del 95%, 16,58-26,98) Región norte Varones: 11,46% (IC del 95%, 8,85-14,07) Mujeres: 16,52% (IC del 95%, 11,31-21,73) Región nordeste Varones: 8,53% (IC del 95%, 4,07-12,99) Mujeres:... more
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      Public HealthMedicinaBody Mass IndexEarly Detection