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Esta proposta de discussão é fruto do desenvolvimento das pesquisas originadas do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, que objetivou analisar a construção do imaginário acerca da figura do Diabo na sociedade católica europeia no século XV.... more
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      ReligionInquisitionMiddle AgesDevil
This paper tries to answer why the perception of the Devil changed a tempter doing God's will in the early medieval period, into an autonomous evil power waging war against God and Christendom by the early modern period. To answer this,... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
di Giuseppe Maggiore

Pubblicato sulla versione cartacea di Amedit n. 35 | Giugno 2018.
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According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
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      RomanticismGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesAnarchism
This thesis’ objective is to present characters of Satan, Lucifer and Mephistopheles in the English literature from the Middle Ages and make a definite statement whether they are one and the same being or not. The first chapter covers the... more
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      John MiltonChristopher MarloweSatanEvil in literature
This essay begins with a hypothetical explanation of the Satan's fall and then gives a short exegetical summary of Genesis 3-11.
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      SinologyAngelologyRobert W. JensonBook of Genesis
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      DevilThe Devil In the Middle Ages
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      ChristianityCultural HistoryPerceptionJewish Studies
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    • Devil
Vortrag vom 06. Dezember 2017, am Bezirkskrankenhaus Bayreuth Anhand der künstlerischen Arbeiten einer Traumapatientin unternommene philosophische Wanderung. Von der Oberfläche her werden Themenkomplexe wie "Leibselbst", "das Böse" und... more
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      Self and IdentityArt TherapyPhenomenologyMetaphor
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      American LiteratureRussian LiteratureAmerican Romanticism/American Renaissance19th-Century American Literature
"The First Satan" is a book every Bible believer needs to read. Satan has been misunderstood based on pagan and Jewish mythology. "Who are the Nephilim and the sons of God?" "Does Isiah and Ezekiel say Lucifer fell from heaven?" "Where... more
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      New TestamentOld TestamentBook of JobSatan
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      TheologyAugustineBiblical TheologyAugustine of Hippo
VOODOOBLUES: Il misterioso caso di Robert Johnson. Incroci religiosi e musicali tra Africa, America e Italia” unisce la religione al blues e la storia alla leggenda, in un particolare percorso attraverso atmosfere esoteriche, miti,... more
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      ReligionMusicBluesAfrican-American Music
Fulletó de mà de l'exposició temporal Un món de mil dimonis, oberta al públic entre el 18 de maig i el 30 de juny de 2017 al museu Krekovic de Palma (Mallorca). Extracte d'una recerca bibliogràfica i visual a càrrec de Francesc Alemany... more
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      AnthropologyPopular CultureRitualComparative Methods (Anthropology)
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      Art HistoryPaintingRace and EthnicityItaly
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      Medieval StudiesSupernaturalDevilStove Tiles
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of Religion
Texte publié dans les actes du colloque Gustave Doré 1883-2013 (Lyon, Ecole d'art Emile Cohl 2013). Etude de l'iconographie du démon dans l'oeuvre de Doré, de ses origines à sa récupération par la culture black metal.
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      Art HistoryVisual CultureIllustrationHistory of Art
Schon seit frühesten Zeiten gibt es die Assoziation des Erlebnisses von Musik und Rhythmus mit dem Bösen, dem Dionysischen und dem Sündhaften. Schon im frühen Christentum galten bestimmte Instrumente als "Beiwerk des Teufels",... more
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      ReligionPopular Music StudiesPopular CultureHeavy Metal
A memoir, of sorts, detailing my "search" for Satan in order to prove the existence of God. You can guess how this turns out (but at least it's more fun than the ontological argument!). In order to satiate your diabolical taste buds, I... more
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      ChristianityAnabaptismBaptist TheologyDemonology
This article considers an ambiguity concerning the stage presentation of Pug, the inept devil-servant of Ben Jonson’s The Devil Is an Ass, and explores the implications that ‘complete’ or ‘partial’ costume changes have for how an audience... more
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      Makeup and CosmeticsEarly Modern theatre studiesBen JonsonOthello
Whether in Babylon, Tyre, Egypt, et al., the pattern repeats:a sovereign becomes great, gets full of himself, is brought to ruin, and this is correlated to the same occurring to the spiritual sovereign behind him.
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      Renaissance StudiesNorthern RenaissanceCryptographyLandscape (Art)
Seit über 2000 Jahren taucht die Figur des Teufels immer wieder in der Literatur auf, angefangen beim Alten Testament über mittelatlerliche Legenden, Goethes Faust und romantische Märchen bis hin zum Comic im 21. Jahrhundert. Aber auch... more
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      Series TVSatanDevilSatanism
This is the proof reading version, not the final text.

Please encourage your libraries to buy the anthology in which it is published. This book is relevant also for medieval studies.
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      New TestamentTargumTargumsHistorical Jesus
In the evocative book of Revelation. John shares a vision with his 7 scattered churches in Asia. And we have the privilege of listening in on what he saw ads what he told those who received his letters. Eventually he tells of a time near... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyDeath StudiesBibleProblem of Evil
Many know the story of Johnson supposedly selling his soul to the Devil to become a better Bluesman......
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesBluesMusic IndustryDevil
Der für frühjüdische und -christliche Satansvorstellungen wichtigen Stelle vom Sturz des feindlichen Herrschers (Jes 14,12ff) liegt nach verbreiteter Auffassung ein ugaritischer Mythos zugrunde, worauf insbesondere die Bezeichnungen... more
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      SatanBook of IsaiahDevilUgarit
Barth responds to the modern lack of language for talking of evil by developing the concept of das Nichtige (CD III/3, §50). 'Das Nichtige'for which 'nothingness' is an insufficient translation-encompasses not only sin, but also the... more
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      TheodicyDemonologyReformed theologyKarl Barth
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      Animal BehaviorAnimal StudiesCritical ThinkingAndragogy
A comprehensive exploration of Dr. Faust, the man who sold his soul to the Devil, and those who dared to tell his tale. Volume 1 includes: New insights into the life and times of the historical Dr. Faustus, the notorious occultist and... more
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      LiteratureRenaissance StudiesMagicDrama
This article is an attempt to defend Calvin's rejection of Isa 14:12-15 being a reference to Satan through elucidating the connection between the Athtar pericope of the Baal Myth and Isaiah 14:4b-21. The Old Testament repeatedly... more
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      Ugaritic LanguageSatanHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastBook of Isaiah
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      Animals in Art16th Century Netherlandish ArtAnthropomorphismLandscape paintings
Es una recopilación satírica de 998 definiciones corrosivas escrito de 1881 a 1906 por Ambrose Bierce. Al finalizar, en 1911, se recopiló una versión completa. El contenido buscaba diversos argumentos escritos a modo satírico.​ El libro... more
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      FolkloreDance StudiesDeath StudiesHeinrich Heine
Представления об экзорцизме в католической традиции XIII−XV века (на основе материалов доминиканского и францисканского орденов) The movement of any science is carried out in accordance with the logic of development and the challenges of... more
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Was free will or determinism responsible for the death of Elyse Marie Pahler?
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      RitualFree WillFree Will and Moral ResponsibilitySocial Influence
In the 1990s, effeminate, flamboyant, and predatory villains populated the screens of many children’s animated movies and TV shows. While this trope, often titled the “sissy villain,” has received some scholarly attention, a lesser-known... more
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      Queer StudiesPopular CulturePopular Culture and Religious StudiesChildren's Media
This essay examines the relationship between the Devil and writing in oral tradition, expanding on Thomas Sebeok’s observation that the repeated appearance of these two concepts together in folk narrative indicates that they are “related... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreGerman LiteratureOrality-Literacy StudiesOral Traditions
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    • Devil
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      ChristianityMythology And FolkloreHistoryMusic
Current scholarship typically treats the wilderness temptation account as a visionary experience, symbolic description, or dramatization, identifying it as haggadic midrash rather than historical narrative. Absence of Old and New... more
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      Early ChristianitySynoptic GospelsDemonologySecond Temple Judaism
Connaissez-vous vraiment le diable, savez-vous ce qu'il fait et quel est son visage ? Du xvie au xxe siècle, nombreux en France et en Europe ont pris la plume pour lui donner corps : théologiens, romanciers, philosophes, simples quidams... more
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      DemonologySatanDevilDevil In Literature
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      GnosticismSemitic languagesNew TestamentEthiopian Studies
This paper reexamines the problem of the origins of a popular medieval and modern image of the devil as an anthropomorphic creature with hooves and horns and seeks to reconstruct the analogous ancient image of a satyr-like devil as it... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythologyIconography
Writing in 68 CE, 85 CE, and 90 CE respectively, the Authors of the Gospels according to Saints Mark, Matthew, and Luke say that immediately following his baptism and acceptance by Heaven, Jesus experienced a period of testing. Matthew is... more
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      MidrashSatanDevilGospel of Matthew
In literature and popular culture, the Devil is a romantic figure. But if the Devil is genuinely an evil figure, then the Devil should not be a figure whom anyone likes. I consider three different accounts of what it means for someone to... more
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      Psychology of EvilSchopenhauerImmanuel KantMachiavelli