Recent papers in Folklore
One major strand of Pierre Bourdieu’s work involved revealing the interests, struggles, and structures of domination underlying apparently disinterested values and ideals. This article discusses the set of values and ideals surrounding... more
Vagabondes, aventurières, généreuses (ou pas !), les contes nous décrivent les plantes réactives face aux événements.
Al sito Riviste, al titolo «Le forme e la storia», si può prendere visione del Codice etico della rivista e degli Indici dei fascicoli pubblicati, completati, a partire dal n. 1-2019, dagli abstract in italiano e... more
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
In the municipality of Temixco, State of Morelos, there is a Nahuatl and a Spanish version of a tale of the Devil and the Jumil Hill. That folktale could be judged a fantastical or a wonder tale, but when we carefully examine its context... more
This paper is a preliminary study into the nature of popular belief in the witch's ... Until recently, historians have tended to assume that the ... English and Scottish familiar beliefs has still not been examined in ... ISSN... more
Una ricerca antropologica sul pane nel Lazio effettuata dai miei alunni dell'Istituto Margherita di Savoia di Roma che partecipa all'Esposizione universale Milano Expo 2015 attraverso il Concorso bandito dal Miur “ La Scuola per Expo 2015”
Un misterioso rito, retaggio vivente di epoche remotissime, si rinnova ogni anno all’interno delle celebrazioni del carnevale di Castelnuovo a Volturno, in Molise. Un essere fantastico, Gl’ Cierv, furioso e selvatico Uomo Cervo, muore e... more
Musical Culture and Art of the Arctic Peoples is collection of scientific papers by Yu. Sheikin, O. Dobzhanskaya, Z. Ivanova-Unarova, S. Ode, T. Ignatieva, V. Dyakonova, L. Kardashevskaya. It consists 21 articles which are devoted to... more
Once viewed as an embarrassing superstition, the theatrical religious performances of Korean shamans—who communicate with the dead, divine the future, and become possessed—are going mainstream. Attitudes toward Korean shamanism are... more
mai multe dintre ele pot fi întâlnite în Podişul Central Moldovenesc, fapt remarcat deja într-o notă publicată de Emilia Pavel 25. Nu toate aceste spectacole au aceeaşi vechime şi origine. Unele dintre ele, desigur cele mai vechi, sunt... more
Abstract Sīrat Sayf ibn Dhī Yazan is a late-medieval Egyptian popular epic that tells the story of the foundation of Egypt and conquest of the world by its hero, the Yemeni king Sayf. It is one of a group of narratives known as the siyar... more
Lucrarea de faţă îşi propune să prezinte câteva aspecte structurale, funcţionale şi de conţinut ale dinamicii colindelor dedicate tinerilor aflaţi la vârsta căsătoriei. Textele culese prin două metode – actualizarea variantelor la cererea... more
En el año 1889 se comercializaron en EEUU los primeros cilindros de cera que contenían grabaciones musicales. Estas grabaciones podían escucharse con auriculares de tubo mediante el fonógrafo de Edison en salones fonográficos y otros... more
The present study scrutinizes the outlawry and outlaws that appear in the Icelandic Family Sagas. It provides a thorough description about outlawry on the basis of extant law and saga texts as well as an analysis of referential... more
A filmografia concede acesso a mundos distantes, e, por vezes, imaginários e desconhecidos. O cinema de terror tem vindo a evoluir numa trajetória paralela à pop culture, traçando contos e mitos perdidos no curso da história, e que... more
Đổi mới giáo dục đã và đang là một trong những vận động chủ lực trong xã hội Việt Nam đương đại, được đưa vào Nghị quyết Trung ương và được toàn dân hưởng ứng. Đổi mới giáo dục đã sớm xúc tiến ở các nước Âu-Mĩ, thu hút hàng trăm nhà... more
Published in La voz y la noticia: palabras y mensajes en la tradición hispánica. Urueña: Fundación Joaquín Díaz y Junta de Castilla y León, 2007: 17-25. Myths have always been present in Western culture, they have been transmited... more
Babası gibi kendisi de Çuvaş bir papaz olan V. İ. Lebedev, Çuvaş dili ve kültürü üzerine makaleler yayımlamıştır. Rusya'da 1852 yılında, Jurnal Ministerstva Vnutrennih Del'de [İçişleri Bakanlığı Dergisi] yayımladığı "Çuvaş Dili" adlı... more
"Guavas for Dummies, American Jíbaras, & Postnational Autonomy: When I Was Puerto Rican in the Hemispheric Turn" (2019) re-engages this text after I taught it in Puerto Rico four years. In this 2009 essay, Santiago’s memoir is said to... more
library of Congress Cata loging number: 2016957099 isBn 0-978-8143-3630-4 (hardcover); isBn 978-0-8143-3631-1 (ebook)
Alevi inanç sisteminde dem, dolu gibi isimlerle adlandırılan ve Alevi cemlerinde önemli bir yere olan içki kültü üzerine oluşturulan ritüeller ve inanç pratikleri mevcuttur. Alevi inanç sistemindeki içki kültüne bazı yayınlarda... more
Este libro busca compartir algunas historias en torno a la complejidad e importancia de un campo de actividad creativa que en el Perú y otros lugares de America Latina se denominó «folclor» hacia principios del siglo XX. Mediante un... more
Since the 1990s, artists and art writers around the world have increasingly undermined the essentialism associated with notions of "critical practice." We can see this manifesting in the renewed relevance of what were previously... more
Transhumance of livestock away from the home farms during the summer months played an important role in the subsistence economics of small farms in Iceland since the settlement in the ninth century. However, the role of summer pastures... more
October 10, 2023 update. After an effort of many years, I have prepared a comprehensive timeline of UFO history that will be useful to UFO researchers and historians. “UFOs and Intelligence” is an up-to-date retrospective of UFO history... more
The present volume responds to the rising boom of interest in folklore and folklore research in the study of Old Norse mythology. The twenty-two authors of this volume reveal the dynamism of this lively dialogue, which is characterized by... more
Luke, D. P. (2012). Psychoactive substances and paranormal phenomena: A comprehensive review. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 31, 97-156. This paper investigates the relationship between psychoactive substances and... more
The Seven Seals of medieval Islamic magic, which are believed to constitute the Greatest Name of God, also feature in Jewish Kabbalah from the same period. While many Seal symbols make sporadic appearances in early Islamic amulets bearing... more
INTRODUCCIÓN 1-PRIMERA COMPILACIÓN ROMANCÍSTICA EN TRASMIERA: LA COLECCIÓN DE JOSÉ RAMÓN LOMBA Y PEDRAJA (1906)(1907) Hasta que en el año 1906 don Ramón Menéndez Pidal no se puso en contacto con José Ramón Lomba y Pedraja el nombre de la... more
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
As is common in many Bantu societies, Zambian names come from the natural environment, circumstances of birth and the social setting. Names from circumstances of birth include physical appearance, position of birth, place of birth, and so... more
This is an extract from the book, showing the table of contents, the introduction and Chapter 1. Published September 2015 by Avalonia. In this unprecedented work, Christopher A. Smith has meticulously studied no less than 6 original... more
Рахно К.Ю. Легенда про походження запорожців та її східноіранські паралелі // Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Філологічні науки. – Запоріжжя, 2017. – № 2, 2016. – С. 179-185.
Folklor Akademi Dergisi, Cilt 3 - Sayı 1, 2020
Müntehab-ı Âliye, Seyit Ali Rızâ Bey tarafından XVIII. yüzyılda tertip edilmiş bir tıp eseridir. Bu bildiride, tıp yazmalarıyla ilgili araştırmalara katkı sağlamak amacıyla daha önce üzerinde bir çalışma yapılmamış olan bu eser... more
Görsel : 1940'lı yıllarda yeni medya aracı televizyon ile ilgili haberler basın-yayında yer bulmaya başlamıştır. 'Radyo' dergisinin 45.
В статье исследуется состояние изучения анекдота в зарубежной науке 2-й пол. ХХ – нач. XXI вв. В поле зрения находятся работы ученых из стран Западной Европы, Америки, а также постсоветского и постсоциалистического пространства.... more