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A filmografia concede acesso a mundos distantes, e, por vezes, imaginários e desconhecidos. O cinema de terror tem vindo a evoluir numa trajetória paralela à pop culture, traçando contos e mitos perdidos no curso da história, e que... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreCinema StudiesMediaval Art
Přijde mi důležité diskutovat se studenty vedle nadčasových témat dotýkajících se krásy, vesmíru, podstaty bytí apod. i témata, která se týkají aktuálního dění / událostí, které visí ve vzduchu / společenské otázky / to, jak být... more
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      EducationArt and ActivismMediaval ArtHistorical Art In Contemporary Context
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      Modern HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureContemporary Art
九年一貫課程藝術與人文領域課程綱要自 2003 年公布以來,在 2008 年進 行微調。新課綱不僅重新認可藝術形式的個別特質和領域專業,亦明確提示教師 運用「表現試探、基本概念、藝術與歷史文化、藝術與生活」之藝術四面向進行 統整教學。就「藝術與歷史文化」而言,要符應課綱,以學生為主體設計教學活 動,讓他們能夠主動建構知識,發展探索與表現、審美與理解、實踐與運用的藝 術能力,確為不小的挑戰。本文擬以研究者在大學戲劇系教授中古世紀劇場的課... more
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      Teaching and LearningTheatre HistoryMediaval ArtArts and Humanities
Книга посвящена анализу причин различного понимания сущности и назначения культовых изображений в христианской традиции. Понимание сущности образа анализируется в контексте общих представлений о церковных символах и в свете учения о... more
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      ChristianityIconographyEarly ChristianityEcclesiology
Konya’nın Meram ilçesinde yer alan Aksinne Mescidi, batıda ahşap sundurmalı son cemaat yeri şeklinde tasarlanmış önü açık medhal bölümü ve kubbeyle örtülü kare planlı kübik gövdeden meydana gelmektedir. Kitabesi bulunmadığı için inşa... more
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      Seljuks (Islamic History)Art History-Seljuk artMediaval ArtSeljuk Architecture
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtLandscape ArchitectureModern Art
A painting in the collection of the Society of Antiquaries of London, which has formerly been regarded as a memento mori, is shown here to be a funerary monument painted on canvas. There are few other extant examples on canvas, but... more
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      PaintingMemory StudiesChurch monumentsMemoria
Малку е познато дека меѓу фреските насликани во македонските средновековни цркви се јавуваат претстави на црномурести светители кои, судејќи според темната боја на кожата, но и според не-кои други белези на телото, се претпоставува дека... more
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      Saints' CultsElephantsCamelsMediaval Art
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Architecture
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval StudiesHistory of ArtByzantine Iconography
The wall painting was depicted at the end of the 15th century at the bell tower of the Romanian Cloisture Neamt. There is consensus that the Greek written source was translated at the Neamt scriptorium into Serb-Slowanian during 13./14th... more
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      Media StudiesMediaval ArtMediaval HistoryGermanistische Mediävistik
The medieval settlement near Topola village, Dobrich region– old prospects and new problems Maria Christova / Sofia The work of the project “And they settled the Karvunska land. Archeological evidence about the earliest presence of... more
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      ChristianityArchaeologyAnthropologyMedieval History
All the architectural elements of a medieval temple, like itself, are common symbolic space where all details represent the idea of God and face either the faithful or to the Creator himself. And in this system are not the masters of... more
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      SemioticsRoman HistoryArt HistoryTechnology
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMonastic StudiesCultural IdentityChristian Iconography
Indian Architecture
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      HinduismArchitectureMediaval ArtHindu temple architecture, history, symbology
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      Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureMediaval ArtMediaval HistoryMediaval Studies
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      Mediaval ArtItalian medieval frescoes
Cagliari, Dipartimento di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio – sede della Cittadella dei Musei Cagliari, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica della Sardegna Sant’Antioco, Sala Consiliare XI Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Cristiana Isole e... more
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      Medieval StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyByzantine art
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      HagiographyByzantine StudiesSerbian LiteratureMediaval Art
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryMedieval HistoryGender History
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Religion
Cosmatesque style mosaic is not only the decorative ornament that has decorated medieval temples; it is the developed symbolical system, which represents religious concepts and ideas of a universe structure. Cosmatesque structure includes... more
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      SemioticsArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
The Annual School of Byzantine Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization of Byzantine Studies (ISACCL)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesByzantine StudiesMedieval Europe
The frescos of the medieval Gozzo Palace in Krems depict in particularly vivacious colors the legend of Barlaam and Joasaph, well known in Europe since antiquity. Together with the so-called "Ywain frecos" in Schmalkalden, they represent... more
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      Mediaval ArtMediaval ArchaeologyMediaval HistoryEuropean Mediaval Literature
Генезис архитектурного образа ранней готики рассматривается при помощи иеротопической методологии. В иеротопии создание и восприятие сакральных пространств анализируется путём выделения их ключевых образов, так называемых... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureChurch architectureGothic architecture
Dans le cadre du programme de l'INHA, Regards croisés autour de l'objet médiéval
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      Medieval ArtefactsMediaval ArtArchéologie médiévaleMedieval Litterature
Este paper se propoe a analisar sete iluminuras que possuem como tema o episodio da Anunciacao do anjo Gabriel a Virgem Maria e que estao presentes em Livros de Horas confeccionados na segunda metade do seculo XV. Estes codices... more
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      Medieval LiteratureArtMedieval HistoryMedieval Art
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      Church HistoryMediaval ArtMediaval ArchaeologyMediaval Architecture
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Mediaval ArtSwabians
XV International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (Vienna 28th August – 1st September 2017) Thematic panels on Byzantine Epigraphy (the timetable and abstracts:... more
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
« Ymaginier », « tailleur d’image de bois et de pierre » ou « peintre» sont très présents dans les sources rouennaises du XVe siècle. Ces sources nombreuses nous permettent d’en savoir plus sur les créateurs, leurs conditions de travail... more
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryRouenMediaval Art
ICONE PAGANE E CRISTIANE NELLA TERRA DEI FARAONI ORIGINI E AFFINITÀ di Paolo Fundarò Nel vasto mare del Fayyum, lo storico dell’arte può riflettere e indagare non solo i rapporti culturali e la pittura greco-romana con quella... more
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      IconographyAncient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyHistoria del Arte
The article is devoted to the problem of representation of the Lord’s image (Trinity) in the twelfth- century iconographic program for the west faзade of the Saint-Denis abbey church - the first monument of the Gothic epoch. The author... more
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      Christian IconographyMediaval ArtAbbey of Saint-Denis
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      ArchitectureMedieval ArchitectureCistercian architectureMediaval Art
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      History of Religion (Medieval Studies)Mediaval ArtDanza Historica - Early Dance
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      Contemporary ArtMediaval Art