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      AnarchismFriedrich NietzschePost-left anarchismMorality and Destiny
The Book is a graphic montage piece, where comments, thoughts and short accounts from Ou Ning’s travels to Bishan are intertwined with drawings, clippings, color-coded text, handwritten notes, pictures and quotes. The forefathers of the... more
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      Utopian StudiesAnarchismAnarchist StudiesActivism
Professeur d'Histoire contemporaine, Firenze, Università degli (Professeur d'Histoire contemporaine, Firenze, Università degli Studi), Studi), Miguel Chueca Miguel Chueca (Maître de conférences en langue et civilisation hispanique,... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismLabour Movements
The central challenge for theorists and practitioners of radical politics today is to develop the tools for collective action on a global scale, but also account for the specificity of diverse local struggles and promote the free... more
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      Social MovementsSocial NetworksAnarchismGlobal Justice
Ochocientas casitas unifamiliares de planta baja en la orilla del río Besós, cada una de un color diferente, comprimidas entre una zona industrial semiabandonada y la nueva Barcelona del AVE y del Fòrum. En este lugar de márgen,... more
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      Social MovementsAnthropologyApplied, engaged, and public anthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Queer TheoryAnarchismMonogamyLove
A special issue for Issues in Teacher Education (ITE) that includes diverse ecocritical perspectives in teacher education.
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationIndigenous education
Die vielfältigen Formen von Protest und Widerstand gegen den G20-Gipfel in Hamburg liegen mittlerweile ein dreiviertel Jahr zurück. Sie haben ein sehr unterschiedliches mediales und politisches Echo hervorgerufen und der öffentliche Kampf... more
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      Social SciencesMarxismAnarchism
For the last two decades, my sexual-emotional relationships have happened within what has come to be known as non-monogamy, a field in which I am an activist, theorist, consultant and who knows what else. And despite all that, and despite... more
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      AnthropologyFeminist TheoryFamily studiesGender and Sexuality
The Catholic Worker movement's fusion of anarchism and Catholicism is one of the most unusual hybrids in the history of the anarchist tradition and is sometimes dismissed as paradoxical or contradictory. In arguing that the pairing of... more
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      Social MovementsAnarchismAnarchist StudiesCatholic Worker
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
Stephen E Hunt has produced the definitive account of Street Farm (Graham Caine, Peter Crump and Bruce Haggart), a London-based collective of anarchist architects working in the early 1970s. The three friends put together Street Farmer,... more
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      Renewable EnergyAnarchismHistory Of LondonTwentieth Century History and Culture
Historia de la Columna Tierra y Libertad de la CNT y de su sucesora la 153 Brigada Mixta durante la Guerra Civil española. Historia de los Comités de Defensa en la Catalunya central. History of the anarchist column called Tierra y... more
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      AnarchismHistory of AnarchismAnarchism & Spanish Civil WarSpanish Civil War
My contribution to the Brill's Companion to Anarchism and Philosophy (2017)
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      AnarchismHistory of Anarchism
According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
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      RomanticismGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesAnarchism
This Ph.D. is an ethnographic-activist-based project. It first examines the genealogy of popular nationalist-statist and religious enforcements of postcolonial cisheteronormativity in Egypt through the examination of two case studies, the... more
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      Social MovementsPsychoanalysisQueer StudiesIndigenous Studies
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
Im Interview kommt Jacques Rancière auf die Genese seines egalitären Denkens, auf seine Methoden, auf die Rolle des ›Intellektuellen‹ sowie auf prägende politische Momente der Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart zu sprechen.
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      AnarchismJacques RancièreEqualityDemocracy
"Movements for ecological awareness and protection, such as those against climate change, are making important contributions to social understanding regarding the effects of industrial production and consumption. However, many arguments... more
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      Political EconomyIndustrial EcologyMarxismPolitical Ecology
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      Human RightsAnarchismSocial JusticeBasic Income
Des mouvements sociaux partout sur la planète se révoltent contre la démocratie libérale et le capitalisme tout en expérimentant des manières d'être, de penser et de faire basées sur l'autonomie, le respect de la diversité et l'aide... more
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      AnarchismSocial EconomyAutonomySolidarity Economy
The commodification of art is just as in evidence in the ‘art’ of architecture. Architecture is perhaps the most obviously commodified and the most essential to western capitalism of all the arts. Is architecture an art? Can it ever be... more
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Nueva edición del ENSAYO DE PEDAGOGÍA UTÓPICA, la 5ta en tres años. En ella hemos añadido el folleto de Carlos Díaz, también agotado hace tiempo, NO HAY ESCUELA NEUTRAL. Los dos forman una unidad, ya que platntean una crítica radical de... more
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      EducationAnarchismAnarchist StudiesPedagogy
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      Political TheoryMarxismAnarchismJacques Rancière
Amerického fi losofa s českými kořeny, který od osmdesátých let rozvíjí svou radikálně ekologickou teorii anarchoprimitivismu, jsme se ptali na jeho postoj k technologiím, dobrovolnictví a kultuře protestu. Mluvili jsme také o deziluzi... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical EcologyRevolutionsAnarchism
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      Game studiesGame DesignAnarchism
Benjamin Franks’ recent contribution to the field of anarchist political philosophy, what he calls ‘prefigurative or practical anarchism’, is introduced partly in response to the critique of ‘meta-narratives’ made by writers such as Todd... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsAnarchismAlasdair MacIntyre
Teixint la història en roig i negre és un recorregut per la història rebel i revolucionària de les comarques de l'Alt Llobregat i el Cardener. L'obra se centra en els dos últims segles de lluites populars i moviments socials d'aquests... more
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      Social SciencesAnarchismHistory of AnarchismSocial History
The video is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU2uWCWNwsE&list=PL6pIaFRoXNGNEeVfSmknemamNlHzBAz2K Abstract: Degrowth is the literal translation of 'decroissance', a French word meaning reduction. Launched by activists in... more
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      MarketingEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringReligion
A radikálisan decentralizált szerveződésű kriptovaluták sikerei a 2010-es években felkeltették a politikai szféra érdeklődését is. Jelen tanulmány keretei között azt tételezzük fel, hogy a kriptovaluta mint technológia egy eredendően... more
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      Political TheoryUtopian StudiesAnarchismHistory of Anarchism
Introduzione: ogni sera, una pillola contro la paura Cosa fare se da un giorno all'altro ti rinchiudono in casa e ti chiudono biblioteche, librerie e sale di lettura? Si può rimediare con la tecnologia, certo, ma non tutti i libri si... more
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      Print CultureSocial NetworkingAnarchismAnarchist Studies
Análisis de la historiografía anarquista desde la perpectiva de construcción del discurso historiográfico. Ello implica la distinción entre la historiografía del anarquismo y la historiografía anarquista, así como la de los historiadores... more
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Field notes from Aarey forest in Mumbai, 18th May 2018.
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      Social MovementsParticipatory ResearchOrganic agricultureAnarchism
German language manuscript (for citation, consult the published book). A short lexicon article on Kropotkin's life and thought. Peter Seyferth: "Kropotkin, Pjotr Aleksejewitsch Fürst", in Rüdiger Voigt/Ulrich Weiß (Hrsg.): Handbuch... more
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      AnarchismState TheoryPeter KropotkinPiotr Kropotkin
The totalitarianism inherent in corporate structures is defined and preserved by the hierarchy, and these structures stretch far beyond for-profit, private enterprises. In an attempt to justify arbitrary positions of power, organizations... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational TheoryOrganizational CultureAnarchism
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      American LiteratureIntellectual HistoryHuman RightsPolitical Science
Libro bilingüe sobre la relación entre la fotografía y el anarquismo durante la Revolución de 1936.
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      PhotographyAnarchismAnarchism & Spanish Civil WarHistory of photography
Simon Springer (Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Canada) contributes this short essay about his visit to Moscow and Domitrov. He organized a session titled “For Kropotkin” with Anthony Ince for the IGU Moscow Regional... more
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      HistoryGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
In this chapter, we argue that there are three important micro cohorts--different social movement threads--of antiauthoritarian activists engaged in self-organization at the grassroots level in Quebec today: (1) radical feminists, (2)... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsQueer StudiesOrganizational Theory
The fact is that ideas about 'management' and ideas about 'anarchism' emerged at the same time, in the context of the rise of industrial capitalism. So perhaps we need to understand the two as somehow related. This chapter will suggest... more
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      ManagementAnarchismManagement HistorySocial Innovation
Loadenthal, Michael. “Cells, Communiqués and Monikers: The Insurrectionary Networks of Anti-State Attack.” In Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, edited by Uri Gordon and Ruth Kinna, 326–40. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. Abstract:... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsPolitical PhilosophyTerrorism
This article was published in 2009 as the result of my student activities and research. It focuses on the Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin´s participation at the Slavic assembly in Prague in 1848. Bakunin influenced its developement and... more
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      RevolutionsAnarchismHistory of AnarchismMikhail Bakunin
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      TransnationalismAnarchismHistory of AnarchismPolítica
En este capítulo de libro, los autores exponen a partir de 4 casos de estudio y trabajo de campo la forma en que se han configurado los centros sociales dentro de la Ciudad de México. Cuáles han sido los fundamentos ideológicos y los... more
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      Social MovementsAnarchismMovimientos socialesAutonomía, autonomismo y movimientos sociales latinoamericanos
Kuşkusuz, işçi devletinin yaşadığı zorluklarda sorunu öncelikle nesnel koşullarda aramak gerekir (ve bu koşullar aşağıda daha ayrıntılı şekilde ele alınacaktır). Fakat öznel etken de yabana atılmayacak derecede sorunlu olduğunu... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryAnarchismTrade unionism
En dygdetisk undersökning av två ideologier och deras kristna tolkningar Självständigt arbete i Tros-och livsåskådning 15 hp Anton Jonsson Examinator: Mikael Hallenius Handledare: Roland Spjuth Examinationsdatum: 2014-05-27 Förord Det... more
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      NarrativeVirtue EthicsAnarchismIdeology
Paweł Malendowicz, Anarchistyczna krytyka Unii Europejskiej jako absolutna negacja idei jednoczenia państw kontynentu a kwestia modyfikacji jakości integracji, [w:] J. Knopek, W. Popioł (red.), Wkład Polaków w proces integracji... more
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      AnarchismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismEuropean UnionIdeologia
Cтатья посвящена историко-философскому анализу образа М.А. Бакунина в сочинениях философов русского зарубежья. В работе рассматривается генезис и причины формирования этого образа. Доказывается, что мистический анархизм и... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesRussian Religious PhilosophyRussian Philosophy