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A proposal for a progressive alliance, a multi-party non-Tory electoral pact, has been bouncing around the UK political discourse for the last few years. To some it’s an appealing idea whose time might come, just as it has in the past,... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical EcologyPoliticsEcology
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      Political EcologyEcological EconomicsEnvironmental Justice
This working paper examines the concept of metabolism and its potential as a critical analytical lens to study the contemporary city from a political perspective. The paper illustrates how the metabolism concept has been used... more
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      Environmental SociologyUrban GeographyPolitical EcologyWater resources
The limits of the planet and of natural resources impede pursuing the modern project based on permanent growth and represent a major challenge for humanity. Drawing on an agency-centred approach, this paper... more
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      SociologySocial ChangeSocial MovementsDevelopment Studies
Inspired by the commercial desires of global brands and retailers to access the lucrative green consumer market, carbon is increasingly being counted and made knowable at the mundane sites of everyday production and consumption, from the... more
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      Cultural GeographyEnvironmental GeographyPolitical EconomySocial Sciences
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      Social MovementsHuman GeographyPolitical EcologyPolitical Science
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
Federally-recognized tribes must adapt to many ecological challenges arising from climate change, from the effects of glacier retreat on the habitats of culturally significant species to how sea level rise forces human communities to... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesClimate ChangeCritical Geopolitics
In this chapter, we contribute to the decolonial feminisms that are expanding our understanding of extractive geographies and political ecologies of the subsoil. In this, we take extractivism to denote both the material processes of... more
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      Human GeographyGender StudiesTourism StudiesNatural Resources
Ultimately climate change is the product of consumption; greenhouse gases are produced by making things and energy, moving things, and carrying people around. Simply put, more people are using more energy and creating and using more... more
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      AnthropologyClimate ChangeSustainable Production and ConsumptionPolitical Ecology
The world’s oceans and coasts are awash in a sea of politics. The marine environment is increasingly busy, changing, and a site of degradation, marginalization, injustice, contestation and conflict over declining resources and occupied... more
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      Coastal ManagementPolitical EcologyMarine Protected AreasDiscourse
This study critically examines 20 years of geography and political ecology literature on the energy justice implications of climate change mitigation. Grounded in an expert guided literature review of 198 studies and their corresponding... more
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      Climate ChangePolitical EcologyEnergyPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)
The introduction of second-generation ecopsychology has prompted a debate about which way the field should go. In this article I suggest that the choice is actually not between first-generation and second-generation paths but rather... more
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      Political EcologyCritical PsychologyRadical EcopsychologyWorld-Ecology
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
This article examines the productivity of agriculture at the Postclassic polity of Xaltocan, Mexico. Employing multiple lines of data (remote sensing, artifactual, ecofactual, chronological, demographic, historic, ethnographic, and... more
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      DemographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
Cities are key for sustainability and the radical systemic changes required to enable equitable human development within planetary boundaries. Their particular role in this regard has become the subject of an emerging and highly... more
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      Urban GeographySociotechnical SystemsPolitical EcologySocial-Ecological Systems
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Secondo alcuni studiosi siamo entrati in una nuova era geologica, l'Antropocene, segnata dal dominio degli umani sull'intero pianeta. Questo libro propone una lettura diversa della nostra crisi socio-ecologica; invece che di Antropocene,... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental HumanitiesAnthropocene
Nonhuman bodies in many sizes and diverse social roles are central to Israel's control mechanism in the Occupied West Bank. Delving into the agricultural record of the Israeli Civil Administration, I ask how the Israeli system of control... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesPolitical EcologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyIsrael/Palestine
Anthropocene or Capitalocene? offers answers to these questions from a dynamic group of leading critical scholars. They challenge the theory and history offered by the most significant environmental concept of our times: the Anthropocene.... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesHuman EcologyGeography
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      ReligionFractal GeometryEarth SciencesQuantum Physics
Terra Madre “arabanın arka tekeri” olarak nitelendirilen mütevazı ve marjinal bir kesimin kendi önemini anlayıp birlik olma hayalinin sayfalara dökülmüş halidir. Bu insanların önemi hep göz ardı edildi. Bu insanlar zamanın gerisinde... more
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      Food SafetyPolitical EcologyEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental History
Buy it for 8 euro here (discout code FAL20): https://politybooks.com/bookdetail/?isbn=9781509535620 Covid-19 has lain bare the fragility of existing economic systems. Any decline in market activity threatens systemic collapse. But it... more
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New Caledonia is characterized by cultural diversity, and human occupation of the territory is divided. A Melanesian, Kanak agrarian society (about 40% of the total population), and a largely urban society, of European and other origins... more
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      Political EcologyRegional developmentNew CaledoniaDesarrollo Regional
Se hace un análisis epistemológico de los conocimientos y saberes locales; se aborda la perspectiva etnoecológica y sus relaciones ínter y trnasdisciplinarias; se discute la estrategia metodológica de la etnoecología; se reflexiona sobre... more
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      EpistemologyPolitical EcologyBiocultural DiversityEthnoepistemology
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      Political EcologyUrban StudiesUrban Design (Urban Studies)Urban Political Ecology
"Movements for ecological awareness and protection, such as those against climate change, are making important contributions to social understanding regarding the effects of industrial production and consumption. However, many arguments... more
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      Political EconomyIndustrial EcologyMarxismPolitical Ecology
In the 1990s the Secretary General of the 1992 UN ‘Earth Summit’ and initiator of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (Maurice Strong) asserted in a series of widely quoted lectures that ‘global sustainability’ could... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental AnthropologyCritical GeographyBiodiversity Conservation
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      GeographyHuman GeographyDecision MakingPolitical Ecology
To advance understandings of how neoliberal ideologies are linked to peoples' everyday environmentalist practices, this article examines processes through which green neoliberal subjects are made. Bringing together critical... more
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      Political EcologySubjectivitiesIdentitiesNeoliberalism
In this thematic section, authors consider practical ways of giving back to the communities in which they conduct research. Each author discusses their evolving thoughts on how to give back in these practical ways. Some of these authors... more
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      Research MethodologyPolitical EcologyPractice
Collective action in agriculture and natural resource management is all too often perceived of in terms of the mere number of participants, with little consideration given to who participates, why, and the outcomes of inequitable... more
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      WaterPolitical EcologyCollective ActionNatural Resource Management
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    • Political Ecology
The ongoing expansion of renewable energies entails major spatial reconfigurations with social, environmental, and political dimensions. These emerging geographies are, however, in the process of taking shape, as their early... more
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      Renewable EnergyPolitical EcologyCritical GeographyEnvironmental Justice
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      SociologyJournalismClimate ChangePolitical Ecology
Implementation of the environmental agendas put forward in the election manifestos of 2014 of eight major political parties is found to be unsatisfactory. There is a need for more synergy between the election agendas and their... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyClimate ChangePolitical Ecology
Daniel Renfrew's Life Without Lead: Contamination, Crisis, and Hope in Uruguay (2018) is a masterful undertaking on the anthropology of disaster and its everydayness. An ethnographic portrayal that is prismatic in its attention, the book... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsMedical AnthropologyEthnographyPolitical Ecology
In this paper I trace an important conceptual shift which emerged during my fieldwork with fishermen in the South West of Ireland. I begin by describing how my role as a social researcher was interpreted as a valuable 'bridge' between... more
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      Political EcologyGovernmentalityPolitical Ecology (Anthropology)Environmental Governance
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      Social MovementsPolitical EcologyRevolutionsAnarchism
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      Political EconomyPolitical EcologyMarine AquacultureEnvironmental Sustainability
The video is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU2uWCWNwsE&list=PL6pIaFRoXNGNEeVfSmknemamNlHzBAz2K Abstract: Degrowth is the literal translation of 'decroissance', a French word meaning reduction. Launched by activists in... more
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      MarketingEngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringReligion
This paper looks at the elastic and inelastic push - pull of a "Cause" and a "Effect". The matter is viewed from the perspective of Metaphysics and Epistemology.
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      International RelationsPhilosophyPolitical EcologyMorality (Social Psychology)
This article examines the creation of Gunung Leuser Wildlife Reserve in the highlands of Aceh, Indonesia within the context of the Dutch-Aceh War in the early twentieth century, arguing that conservation was used as a form of... more
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      GeographyIndigenous StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesConservation
Environmental racism typically describes how people of color are excessively affected by environmental damage and racially driven environmental policies and practices. Those wielding power can, intentionally or unintentionally, promote... more
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      Political EcologyRace and RacismEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental Communication
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      SociologyPolitical Ecology
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      MarxismPolitical EcologyMarxism and EcologySocial-Ecological Systems
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      Political EcologyNew LeftSocialismAndré Gorz
This paper revisits Nicholas Grimshaw’s Eden Project in Cornwall, UK to interrogate architecture’s relation to neoliberalism. It looks to this project as a means to open a speculative approach for architectural scholarship to engage... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryFuture StudiesPerception
Descripció i valoració de l'evolució de la implantació i l'ús de les noves tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació en les campanyes ecologistes de les Balears.
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      Political EcologyDeGrowthEnvironmental movementsEcologismo