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This working paper examines the concept of metabolism and its potential as a critical analytical lens to study the contemporary city from a political perspective. The paper illustrates how the metabolism concept has been used... more
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      Environmental SociologyUrban GeographyPolitical EcologyWater resources
The introduction of second-generation ecopsychology has prompted a debate about which way the field should go. In this article I suggest that the choice is actually not between first-generation and second-generation paths but rather... more
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      Political EcologyCritical PsychologyRadical EcopsychologyWorld-Ecology
Pre-print draft of an article to be published in the Journal of Postcolonial Writing In the work of Zimbabwean novelist Yvonne Vera, land is shown to be a complex and contested resource to which the typically abject fates of her female... more
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      World LiteraturesPostcolonial StudiesCultural LandscapesPostcolonial Literature
In the unfolding climate crisis, two questions loom large in the search for planetary justice: What is a radical politics of work in an era of climate crisis? What is a radical politics of nature in an era of disposable workers and... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCultural Studies
(2016). In: Ensaios em Ciências Ambientais: Crises, Riscos e Racionalidades, Sandro Dutra e Silva, Doris Sayago, Fabiano Toni, Francisco Itami Campos (eds.). Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 167-184.
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      Environmental SociologyGeographyHistorical GeographyPolitical Economy
作者: 拉傑・帕特爾(Raj Patel)、傑森・摩爾(Jason W. Moore)▎譯者:林琬淳 哥倫布航行世界各地,「其他世界」的人和資源都臣服於他,他則為效忠的國王和皇后征服處女之地。性和取得銀礦的討論方式不該相提並論,然而在有人遷居到地球另一端的同時,他們用性別語言統治財產、征服產權的方式,與性征服雷同。從一開始,統治廉價自然和廉價工作,為的不只是改變人類如何擁有以及擁有什麼,同時也改變誰可以擁有和誰要工作,以及他們的出生和受到照護的方式。... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyGeography
Rozdział "Tania natura" z książki: Raj Patel, Jason W. Moore: "A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things" (Black Inc., Carlton 2018) w przekładzie: Andrzej W. Nowak, Przemysław Czapliński. Przekład zamieszczony w książce: "O jeden las... more
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Yuk King Tan’s video Limits of Visibility (2012) transports the viewer to the bay of Hong Kong and the cargo area where a tonnage of paper (the perpetual waste, even in the digital age) is compacted into modular cubes, stacked and waiting... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryContemporary ArtEnvironmental Studies
Afghanistan’s opium production has soared despite eradication efforts. This is partly due to a prolonged drought linked to climate change. But it is also due to the collapses of traditional irrigation systems and the social cohesion upon... more
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      HistoryGeographyAnthropologyDevelopment Studies
Lewis and Maslin explore geological markers for the beginning of the "Anthropocene"-beginning, in their periodization, in either 1492 (naming the birth of capitalism as the cause of planetary crisis) or 1945 (naming elitedriven... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryHistorical SociologyLatin American and Caribbean History
Il Projet OBERT - Observatoire Européen des Récits du Travail vi invita a partecipare a "Ecologia e lavoro: dialoghi interdisciplinari", una serie di quattro incontri online (https://meet.jit.si/OBERTecologia) che si propongono di... more
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      Italian StudiesPoetryItalian Cultural StudiesEcology
This article demonstrates how massive allotments of food allowed lumber workers to fight the limitations of their bodies for the sake of industrial production. I argue that, as machines were quickening the speed of work and increasing... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryForestryEnvironmental History
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Questo libro parla di lavoro e fatica, di vite alla ricerca di un futuro migliore: di vite e lavoro di persone che producono ciò che mangiamo. La produzione del cibo è sempre più nascosta da pubblicità, brand, marchi, racconti, che fanno... more
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      SociologiaSociologíaMigraciones InternacionalesAgricoltura
Mike McCormack is an award-winning writer and a lecturer in creative writing at the National University of Ireland, Galway. McCormack’s conscious rearticulation of the West of Ireland as a site of experimental modes of incarceration,... more
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      Irish LiteratureContemporary Irish fictionEnvironmental HumanitiesSpeculative Fiction
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationPolitical EcologyCapitalism
and Keywords Since the late 20th century, performance has played a vital role in environmental activism, and the practice is often related to concepts of eco-art, eco-feminist art, land art, theatricality, and "performing landscapes."... more
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      Art HistoryPerformance StudiesContemporary ArtVisual Culture
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      Political EconomyBritish HistoryFood HistoryHistory of Animals
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      MarxismPolitical EcologyAgrarian StudiesUrban Political Economy
Capitalism, understood as a world-ecology that joins accumulation, power, and nature in dialectical unity, has been adept at evading so-called Malthusian dynamics through an astonishing historical capacity to produce, locate, and occupy... more
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      Economic HistoryPolitical EconomyHistorical SociologyGlobalization
¿Afronta actualmente el capitalismo el “fin de la naturaleza barata”? Si así es, ¿qué podría significar esto y cuáles con las implicaciones para el futuro? Estamos, de hecho, siendo testigos del fin de la naturaleza barata en un sentido... more
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      Economic HistoryEnvironmental SociologyPolitical EconomyHistorical Sociology
"Antropocen czy kapitałocen? Natura, historia i kryzys kapitalizmu", pod red. Jasona W. Moore'a, przeł. Krzysztof Hoffmann, Patryk Szaj, Weronika Szwebs, Humanistyka Środowiskowa, t. 1, Wydawnictwo WBPiCAK w Poznaniu, Poznań 2021.... more
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      History of CapitalismEnvironmental HumanitiesAnthropoceneWorld-Ecology
Sicilian sulphur was an essential commodity for the Industrial Revolution, approximately from 1750 to 1840. It was used for the emerging production of sulphuric acid and chlorine, applied in the finishing of textiles, and synthetic soda,... more
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      MarxismPolitical EcologyEnvironmental HistoryCritique of Political Economy
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesNecropoliticsMass extinctions
The central role that infrastructures of circulation and connectivity -logistical, financial, and digital- have come to perform in the reproduction of agro-food systems calls for an expanded conception of agriculture that integrates... more
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      MarxismAgrarian StudiesLogisticsMarxist political economy
Enclosed is a philosophically oriented impassioned plea for a revolution in the way we think about the future in light of climate change. It was composed as a university and public presentation for the Institute for Culture and... more
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      Future StudiesPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsEconomicsPhilosophy
Published in Ecological Crisis and Cultural Representation in Latin America, edited by Mark Anderson and Zélia M. Bora (Lexington, 2016). pp. 79-98
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      Gothic StudiesJuan RulfoCarlos FuentesWorld-Ecology
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      American HistoryGender StudiesGender HistoryMasculinity Studies
Le dérèglement climatique nous aurait fait entrer dans « l’Anthropocène », définie comme cette ère géologique où, depuis l’industrialisation, l’espèce humaine serait devenue la force écologique majeure, notamment avec ses émissions de gaz... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryPolitical TheoryPolitical Ecology
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      GlobalizationMarxismCanadian LiteratureCapitalism
제이슨 W. 무어는 겐나로 아발론(Gennaro Avallone)의 질문에 대답하는 동시에 세계생태론의 기본 개념들을 소개하고 국제적인 정치생태학 논쟁 중에 최근에 출현한 몇몇 문제적 쟁점을 비판적으로 논의하는 데 성공한다. 이들 후자에 속하는 것은 무어가 '신진대사 균열'의 이론가들과 맺은 관계와 부정적 가치로 표상되는 역사적 참신성이다. 당신은 근대 역사와 더불어 비인간 자연과 인간 자연의 미래를 이해하고자 하는... more
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This project focuses on the intersections of nature, discourse, and capitalist modernity in the production of landscapes. It does this through looking at the historical development of the lower Colorado River borderlands from the... more
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      Rural SociologyPolitical EconomyHistorical SociologyWorld Systems Analysis
Nature, money, work, care, food, energy, and lives: these are the seven things that have made our world and will shape its future. In making these things cheap, modern commerce has transformed, governed, and devastated Earth. In A History... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistorySociologyEnvironmental Sociology
This paper discusses representations of and relations with nature in Western fairy tales as imbuing the values of capitalist symbolic order. The fairy tales are here understood symbolic representations of the capitalism-in-nature concept.... more
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The Popular Anthropocene limits our thinking about possible answers — and the stories they’re embedded in — before we can really get started. By asking us to return to view of environmental problems premised on “humans” against “nature,”... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEconomic HistorySociology
Who is responsible for the climate crisis? For everyone who isn’t a climate denialist, there’s an easy answer to the question: humanity. Who, in their right mind, would challenge the idea that climate change is anthropogenic (made by... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyGeography
Summary of my keynote address at the 2017 annual convention of the Postcolonial Studies Association, published in the PSA Newsletter 20 November 2017.
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      World LiteraturesAfrican LiteraturePostcolonial LiteratureWorld-Ecology
First chapter of Andy Fisher, Radical Ecopsychology: Psychology in the Service of Life, 2nd Ed. (SUNY Press, 2013).
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      Political EcologyCritical PsychologyRadical EcopsychologyWorld-Ecology
This is the introduction, with table of contents, to Jason W. Moore, ed., Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism (Oakland: PM Press, 2016). Order from PM Press:... more
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      Cultural StudiesGeographyGlobalizationClimate Change
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityNigeriaBritish Columbia and the Canadian WestCanada
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      Political EconomyMarxismWorld Systems AnalysisPolitical Ecology
This is a pre-print draft of a chapter forthcoming in Ecological Crisis and Cultural Representation in Latin America, edited by Mark Anderson and Zélia M. Bora (Lexington, forthcoming 2016).
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      NeoliberalismLatin American literatureLatin America and the CaribbeanPostcolonial Ecocriticism
Accepted version of article published in Textual Practice, 2020. In recent years ecocriticism and the environmental humanities have undergone a 'hydrological turn', sometimes referred to as the emergence of the 'blue humanities'. This... more
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      Cultural GeographyWaterPostcolonial StudiesPosthumanism
The role of fertilizer in spreading commercial agriculture during the first food regime (ca 1870 to the First World War) is well established. What is less understood is the role of fertilizer in industry at this time. This paper details... more
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      Environmental GeographyHistorical SociologyInternational DevelopmentWorld Systems Analysis