Critical Psychology
Recent papers in Critical Psychology
'Adam' is a representation of a number of people the author has worked with in 'clinical practice'.
The introduction of second-generation ecopsychology has prompted a debate about which way the field should go. In this article I suggest that the choice is actually not between first-generation and second-generation paths but rather... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
Empirical research within critical psychology is strongly associated with the use of qualitative methods. In the field of qualitative psychology a distinction can be made between experiential and critical approaches (Braun & Clarke,... more
Carex vulpina. Tab. C. No. 10. C. fpica fupra-decompofita coar£lato-ramofa obtufa, fpiculis fuperne mafculis, capfulis divergentibus, culmo angulis acutilümis.
The main concern of this book is with the possibilities for an interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. At fi rst sight it might seem obvious that psychology and history, as scholarly disciplines, have a lot in common.... more
Bildungskonzepte beinhalten generell einen Lernbegriff, wobei Lernen als individuelle Aktivität verstanden wird, die die Basis des Bildungsprozesses darstellt. Sie fokussieren dabei auf das Individuum in seinem Verhältnis zur... more
""L’objectif est de mettre au jour la construction de l’événement dans sa rhétorique et sa performance, sa diffusion médiatique et sa reconnaissance sociale. Comment la production discursive autour de la Marche des Fiertés 2011... more
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
The Australian Community Psychologist Volume 29 No 1 June 2018 © The Australian Psychological Society Ltd Bhutan is a tiny Himalayan Buddhist kingdom that has faced challenges in societal changes to youth wellbeing. Twenty-five percent of... more
En su más reciente libro publicado por Routledge, Psychology through critical auto-ethnography, Ian Parker (2020). Asume el rol de antropólogo para explorar el mundo de la psicología en tanto disciplina académica. En contraste con los... more
O capítulo discorre sobre a Psicologia Política e sua presença na América Latina. Destaca como as propostas elaboradas a partir da década de 1980 na América Latina contribuíram para o desdobramento de perspectivas críticas na Psicologia... more
Today, identity politics seems almost quaint. Faded into memory are NEA funding battles and culture wars over representations of identities, dismantling of identity-based social programs such as college admissions and affirmative action,... more
This paper offers steps towards overcoming current fragmentation within sociocultural approaches by expansively reconstructing a broad dialectical view on human development and learning (drawing on Vygotsky's project) underwritten by... more
Over the least decade, the hopes of fighting oppression and discrimination against gay people in Africa by means of introducing and strengthening laws which defend equal rights and cultural and personal diversity has become increasingly... more
This paper explores the continuing research-practice gap that exists within sport and exercise psychology. It explores the reasons why this gap exists, and, crucially, considers solutions to reduce the magnitude and impact of the gap... more
1 Marco Gallia Deconstructing "Gay"
In this essay I examine the racial achievement gap in American education in terms of an impaired psychosocial developmental process. I argue that the well-documented academic underperformance of certain minority groups may stem from the... more
In the following essay I propose some thoughts concerning stability (percepts and affects) and modification (desire). The two works written by Deleuze and Guattari that I consider are What is Philosophy? and the two volumes of Capitalism... more
The formation of queer psychology has been a critical intervention in breaking apart the psychological tendency of reifying categories of gender and sexuality. Nonetheless, latent Orientalism and white-centered epistemologies in... more
Sociohistorical analysis of four words commonly used in the language of Western mental health, Indigenous, intelligence, disorder, and depression reveal a “Domination Code” masking past and present professional complicity of the U.S. and... more
Viele Psychotherapeut*innen schreiben ihrer Praxis eine Förderung von Selbstreflexion und selbstbestimmter Lebensführung zu, wohingegen Kritiker*innen eine Individualisierung und Verinnerlichung gesellschaftlicher Zwänge konstatieren.... more
The history and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Islander people in Australia has been characterised by colonisation and oppression. Academia, and psychology has played a role in the colonisation and oppression of Indigenous people... more
Over the last 30 years we have developed an approach to working in community contexts that is our approach to "Critical Community Psychology". We will set out its defining characteristics and highlight some aspects that distinguish it... more
Translator's introduction to the Japanese version of Kurt Danziger's 'Naming the Mind: How Psychology found its language'.
‘[A]s soon as language is involved, interpretation has been initiated.’ (p. 78) When I first saw that Carla Willig had published a book on interpretation in qualitative research, I rejoiced. As a relatively novice qualitative... more
A Critical Introduction to Psychology is the first scholarly book, in which fifteen critical psychologists analyze chapters from popular Introduction to Psychology textbooks. In their critiques of mainstream (Euro-American) psychology,... more
With a fundamental interest in further developing and specifying the theoretical and ethical framework of Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject (PSS), the article at hand asks: What is the PSS researcher's position in and... more
As therapists, our professional training is ongoing. We learn from our supervisors, our mentors and our clients. As the events within CAMFT have recently demonstrated, there is a gap in the standards of professional training for MFTs:... more
The authors conducted a content analysis of articles listed in PubMed on bisexual health (N = 348). Methodological approaches favored cross-sectional surveys. Fewer than 20% of the articles analyzed data for bisexuals separately; most... more
""Largely based on pre-theory that ties high testosterone (T) to masculinity, and low T to femininity, high T is mainly studied in relation to aggression, mating, sexuality, and challenge, and low T with parenting. Evidence, however,... more
El presente capítulo muestra cómo la psicología crítica exige cierta sensibilidad ante el aspecto estructural de la violencia para poder cuestionar la forma en que tal aspecto se ve disimulado, soslayado y psicologizado en la... more
The paper reflects on the advancement of the psychologisation of Western society through the notion of «the therapeutic ethos» and discusses political and moral implications of its “triumph”. It is argued that the attempt to exorcise a... more