Recent papers in Mobility/Mobilities
Roskilde Universitet " Nowadays we are all on the move " (Bauman 1998: 77) " It sometimes seems as if all the world is on the move " (Urry 2007: 1) Introduktion Dette kapitel saetter fokus på mobiliteten og bevaegelsens sociologi. Det... more
Tra il XVI e il XVIII secolo, le corti europee adottarono politiche demografiche di riforma dei rispettivi territori di confine attraverso l’impianto di coloni stranieri. Questo saggio prova a fornire un primo inquadramento di questo tipo... more
This paper's ambition is to explore how the material, social and symbolic legacy of conflicts that have taken place since the turn of the 20th century may be made more resonant and comprehensible to visitors. We take the Spanish Civil War... more
Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more
Nonhuman bodies in many sizes and diverse social roles are central to Israel's control mechanism in the Occupied West Bank. Delving into the agricultural record of the Israeli Civil Administration, I ask how the Israeli system of control... more
Capte la atención de los lectores mediante una cita importante extraída del documento o utilice este espacio para resaltar un punto clave. Para colocar el cuadro de texto en cualquier lugar de la página, solo tiene que arrastrarlo.]... more
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more
The Anthropology of Globalization provides an ethnographic introduction to the world of flows and interconnections. It is concerned with tracking the paths taken by the various cultural flows that crisscross the globe, as well as with... more
The rising fame of multiethnic and multiracial or ‘mixed’ celebrities in Japan, such as tennis player Naomi Osaka, has brought into focus the roles of Japan’s Nationality Law and understandings of nationality and citizenship in shaping... more
Ecrit avec M. Mundler, publié dans Tracés
Drawing from ethnographic research of expatriates who use and similar digitally based social organizing platforms to access events in Paris, this paper explores how on- and offline meet-up rhetoric and routines contribute to... more
La multi-résidentialité, définie comme ensemble de « pratiques fondées sur l’utilisation temporaire, plus ou moins régulière, d’au moins deux lieux de résidence distincts » est un phénomène à multiples facettes. Nous proposons une... more
The pavement is a complex structure that is influenced by various environmental and loading conditions. The regular assessment of pavement performance is essential for road network maintenance. International roughness index (IRI) and... more
In the Course at the College de France of 1977-1978, Foucault famously states that since the XVIII century, the emergence of dispositives of security relies on a governmental rationale that consists in "organizing circulation, eliminating... more
Understanding and shaping an ongoing technology revolution is one of our most important challenges. The fourth industrial revolution—4.0 as it is called—captures the convergence of new technologies and their increasing impact on... more
This paper describes young Europeans’ labour migration to Asian global cities as one emerging consequence of European bureaucrats’ vision of the ideal citizen. Qualitative interviews with highly educated European millennials working in... more
Não sendo as questões de género problemas novos, mas considerando a sua importância na contemporaneidade, a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, em parceria com a Associação Mulheres sem Fronteiras e com apoio financeiro... more
E-mobility technology is commonly expected to fully meet future mobility demands. However, during the next two or three decades, the number of vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) will not only remain high but will... more
1 Integrationsförderung der Stadt Zürich Fachtagung Integration vom 15. Oktober 2008 Referat von Prof. Dr. Janine Dahinden Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS), Université de Neuchâtel Die Mobilität von hochqualifizierten... more
This research sought to deepen in the daily journeys taken by women in the urban environment to investigate and collect information that can contribute to the construction of knowledge in relation to their urban mobility experiences.... more
The onset of a global pandemic has put contemporary social life on a stand still. People’s movements have been constrained due to border closures, travel restrictions, and lockdowns. As a result, many people have increasingly relied on... more
Accepting abstracts for the College Art Association 2019 Conference.
Within the framework of sustainable development, it is important to take into account environmental aspects of urban areas related to their energy use. In this article, a methodology is proposed for assessing residential energy uses for... more
A paper on the first accessible hourly London bus service titled "Careline" shared as a prelude to a forth coming paper by the author on the implications of it's service.
Ponencia presentada en Guadalajara, Jalisco, en el marco de la II Reunión de Historiadores y Etnohistoriadores del CIESAS, miércoles 4 de septiembre de 2013 en el CIESAS-Occidente
Come nasce il termine rifugiato? Come si è giunti all'attuale definizione di tale categoria migratoria? Il presente articolo ripercorre la storia della sua evoluzione, analizzando processi e avvenimenti che hanno reso questa figura ciò... more
Depuis 2005, l'Union européenne explicite son approche des migrations dans le cadre de ce qu'elle a baptisé la « Global approach to migration ». Cette « approche globale » est conçue, dans les termes des documents de présentation rédigés... more
Long-distance commuting (also called fly-in/fly-out or FIFO) is a system of labour-force provision for industrial operations in remote regions; e. g., at oil and gas extraction sites in the Russian Arctic. Employees commute on a... more
Although one’s neighbourhood is continuously structuring everyday lives and influences encounters between different people, place of residence is only partially the site where interactions and possibly integration between population... more
What do the Rolling Stones’ worldwide tours and a visual artist who is coming to settle in a gentrified place of a cultural capital such as Berlin have in common? This question led us to think artistic mobility with a broad sense, taking... more
This paper aims to apply the paradigm of human security to issues of migratory justice. A current way of phrasing dilemmas raised by international migration is to see them as a conflict of duties towards different kinds of vulnerable... more
d'Antropologia Social i Cultural 1 Resumen Existeix un ampli debat sobre la pràctica de nomadisme històric i contemporani als estats europeus. El que ens ocupa però, no és la tradició nòmada de diversos grups gitanos, ni les... more
A history of the United States' systematic expulsion of "undesirables" and immigrants, told through the lives of the passengers who travelled from around the world, only to be locked up and forced out aboard America's first deportation... more
I diritti di riproduzione e traduzione sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere usata, riprodotta o diffusa con un mezzo qualsiasi senza autorizzazione scritta dell'autore. Realizzazione copertina: Gabriele Simili
While place-based methods are increasingly being used to explore why place matters for health, how places matter for mental health and psychological wellness is less understood. Overall, approaches that consider community, environmental,... more
In the context of Ireland's new legislation governing abortion, I outline and examine the spatial consequences of political decision-making. I argue that Ireland's new abortion law and its clinical guidance permit travel for some pregnant... more