André Gorz
Recent papers in André Gorz
“Toplumsal Ekoloji ve Andre Gorz’un Ekoloji Politiği” adlı çalışmanın konusu, toplumsal ekolojiyi ve Andre Gorz’un ekolojik politikasını incelemektir. Temel amacı ise ekolojik bir görüşün toplumsal ve radikal olması gerektiğini... more
a short plea for a new socialist fundamentalism on the occasion of the rebirth of an ambiguously parliamentary-driven ('representative-democratically' driven) eco-socialism Euro-wide.
In this article we intend to show as well as query the immaterial labor category, considering that such category has shown itself as historically central for the production process of capitalist wealth and capital accumulation in the... more
This is a critique of the British sociologist Anthony Giddens' writings on equality, the politics of egalitarianism, the prospects for the left in the twenty-first century, the politics of life-style bargaining, the role of work in the... more
In this essay, I will first provide a brief summary of Laudato Si in the context of Pope Francis’s previous writings. I will point out where Pope Francis places the origins of the environmental crisis, what he thinks is the culprit, and I... more
Table of contents + Introduction. London/New York/Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022. ---------- The first and exhaustive biography of twentieth-century leftist philosopher André Gorz. Recognized as one of the most lucid and innovative... more
This review undertakes a summary and a critical assessment of the work André Gorz: une philosophie de l’émancipation, authored by the French sociologist Françoise Gollain. It is an intellectual biography of Gorz (1923-2007) that presents... more
Description du fonds André Gorz déposé à l'IMEC, Caen. Auteur : Sandrine Samson, avec le concours de Willy Gianinazzi
The degrowth literature contains several narratives about the " first use " of the term 'décroissance.' This literature usually dates the word's origin to the early or late 1970s. Both the quest to find the " first use " and the... more
Çalışma, kapitalist sistemin başlangıç aşamasında soyut bir özgürlük olarak tanımlanan ve zaman içerisinde çeşitli aşamalardan geçerek somut bir hak halini almış olan bir kavramdır. Ancak çalışmanın “sonunun geldiğine” dair tezler bugün... more
In this chapter I give an overview of “Post-Marxism.” Primary attention is paid to what should be considered the core of Post-Marxism in relation to Marxist and Non- Marxist critical theory, namely, its conception of the social. This... more
Th e fusion of postindustrial social theory with a new left political critique of classical Marxism resulted in a distinctly Post-Marxist political theory. Th is distinct political theory emerged during the 1980s, although it was quickly... more
This chapter, "The Ends of Work," is reprinted from my book, Undoing Work, Rethinking Community (Cornell University Press 2018). Used by permission of the publisher, Cornell University Press.
Choix parmi les quelque 50 comptes rendus parus : présentation dans Livres-Hebdo, juin 2016, puis recensions dans : Le Monde, Libération, L'Humanité, L'Obs, Le Canard enchaîné et Socialter. Les 7 textes sont téléchargeables. URL... more
Resumo/Abstract/Résumé : Ao analisar a evolução do capitalismo contemporâneo (automação, informatização, globalização), André Gorz sublinha suas consequências sociais (desemprego, precariedade, desigualdades, pobreza). Focando... more
Dans cette deuxième livraison de la rubrique « Gorzienne » dans la revue EcoRev', nous poursuivons la publication de textes inédits d’André Gorz avec cette fois-ci une contribution particulièrement importante. Il s’agit d’une suite donnée... more
Dalla nascita della bioetica si è consolidata una situazione inedita, che emerge talvolta confusamente nel lemma “bioeconomia”, in cui i corpi umani sono iscritti tanto nella ricerca tecno-scientifica quanto nei processi del lavoro. Nella... more
Abstracts français/english : Trois entretiens inédits en français d'André Gorz (1990, 2003 et 2005). Ces entretiens révèlent la persistante actualité de la réflexion existentielle de Gorz sur le sens de la vie contrarié par l’emprise... more
In questo intervento si vuole ricostruire il dibattito europeo intorno ai processi costituenti e di (mancata) costituzionalizzazione che hanno coinvolto le istituzioni euro-unitarie a partire dalla fine degli anni Novanta del Novecento,... more
Sommario. Dagli anni Novanta del Novecento: un reddito di base al di là dell’impiego, finalmente? - Giustizia sociale e reale libertà per tutti: verso il reddito di base, anche con Thomas Piketty. - Art for UBI: l’arte politica dello... more
Présentation de la pensée d'André Gorz. La pensée d’André Gorz, multiforme, est tout entière tournée vers la libération : du travail qui empêche l’épanouissement de l’individu, de la consommation qui ne cesse d’enfler, du système... more
This is the first book to analyse the theoretical and the political programmes developed by Left interpreters of post-industrial society such as Bahro and Gorz. Frankel examines the feasability of the new social relations and institutions... more
Présentation de la "décroissance soutenable", de ses origines intellectuelles et de ses avenirs possibles.
Ecologia e libertà è un libro straordinariamente anticipatore. In esso la crisi della natura non si pone come esterna all'economia, alla società, alla politica; ne è semmai il volto estremo, il sintomo inaggirabile, l'ingiunzione cui non... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Costo dei diritti, lotta per il diritto e conflitto tra diritti. — 2. Il costo sociale delle crisi, gli spazi di elasticità e i diritti “non finanziariamente condizionati”.— 3. Diritto al minimo vitale e tutela della dignità... more
A postulação do trabalho imaterial como algo central no atual momento histórico é, ao mesmo tempo, algo que se refere às transformações da cultura contemporânea, na forma de produção cultural. Procuramos conceber o entrelaçamento entre... more
Resumen El cambio social acaecido las últimas décadas desafía la filosofía política. André Gorz puede ser definido como un crítico moderno del productivismo como uno de los mitos fundantes de la modernidad. Revisa críticamente la... more
Durante los últimos años ha venido proliferando el uso de términos como «posmarxista» o «postsocialista» en autores y tradiciones que, por otro lado, siguen manteniendo un carácter fuertemente anticapitalista, a la vez que tienden a... more
André Gorz participe au séminaire sur la médecine qu’Ivan Illich organise à Cuernavaca (Mexique) à l’été 1974. Fort de son séjour, Gorz dresse un réquisitoire sur les inconséquences et les méfaits de la médecine qui va faire grand bruit.... more
1. Una doppia premessa. A. UBI, Universal Basic Income come reddito di esistenza. B. Re Ubu/Padre Ubu: alle origini della patafisica. 2. Nuove protezioni sociali, finalmente? 3. Il reddito di base: utopia per i tempi presenti. 4. Né con... more
Herbert Marcuse was one of the most influential political philosophers in the 20th century. After his death, his popularity started decreasing and the philosopher somewhat sank into oblivion. This dissertation intends to investigate the... more
Aging is an integral part of human existence. The problem of aging addresses the most fundamental coordinates of our lives but also the ones of the phenomenological method: time, embodiment, subjectivity and intersubjectivity, and even... more
Le livre de Razmig Keucheyan sur les « besoins artificiels » et sur la façon de s’en passer mérite plus qu’une recension : il invite à la discussion et a toute sa place dans cette rubrique dédiée aux études « gorziennes ». En partant des... more
Questa traduzione de Le fil rouge de l'écologie (Paris, 2015) - raccolta di interviste rilasciate da André Gorz nel 1990, 2003 e 2005 per periodici tedeschi, svizzeri, italiani e brasiliani - comprende un'introduzione rifatta e un testo... more
İktisadi aklın belirleyiciliğini reddeden bir hayat üzerine kafa yormuş düşünürlerden André Gorz’la Marksizmden fenomenolojiye, varoluşçuluktan eleştirel düşünce ve ekolojiye uzanan geniş bir yelpazede yapılmış bu derinlemesine... more
Resenha do livro "Sociologia Crítica e Crise da Esquerda" de Josué Pereira da Silva.
Les crises climatique et écologique occupent désormais le devant de la scène, mais la profondeur des questionnements nécessaires, quant à nos façons de produire, de travailler, de consommer et de nous épanouir, manque souvent à ce... more
En este artículo se reconstruyen y contraponen dos conceptualizaciones del trabajo en el marco del capitalismo actual. De un lado, Habermas y Gorz entienden que el trabajo pierde centralidad en la vida social a la vez que se halla... more