Labor Economics
Recent papers in Labor Economics
Abstract: Dissertation Submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Award of the degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. The root causes of the GCC's employment problems are interlocked – a system of... more
"This book took around a decade to write. Three of us, coming from different locations and contexts, coming from different histories, experiences and lived lives, coming from different intellectual traditions, shared some initial... more
Faced with significant antitrust scrutiny, particularly from ongoing cases, the NCAA has sought to justify, under the rule of reason, the competitive restrictions its collegiate model of amateurism imposes by claiming procompetitive... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
This article presents empirical evidence from household and firm survey data collected during 2009−2010 on the implementation of the 2008 Labor Contract Law and effects on China’s workers. The Government and local labor bureaus have made... more
The concept of "employee flexibility," and its implementation, have taken a central place in industrial sociology and human resources management during the last several decades. The two types of flexibility most often adopted in... more
The authors analyze the major implications of Maine's aging population on the state's workforce and economy. They note that there are steps that can be taken to partially mitigate the negative impacts and capitalize on the... more
Ovaj izvještaj istražuje pokretače neprijavljenog gospodarstva u Hrvatskoj, dosadašnju organizaciju borbe protiv neprijavljenog rada i preispituje aktualni te potencijalni pristup politika i mjera u rješavanju problema neprijavljenog rada... more
In order to restore the global economy to solid and sustainable growth, capitalism needs to be reformed from an irrational profit-maximising model into a more rational profit-equalising one. In the aggregate the growth rate of gross... more
Publication for Professor Michael Porter's Microeconomics of Competitiveness capstone project at the Harvard Business School.
This article is about an unexplored area of information and communication technology (ICT) use in organizations related to the assumed productivity gains by the use of ICTs. On the one hand, we focus on the losses of labor time that are... more
The paper investigates the management practices in place and the labour market outcomes experienced by workers in the Traffic Branch of the Victorian Railways over the period 1864– 1921. Using longitudinal panel data drawn from several... more
Income inequality has long been a frustrating feature of Malaysian economic development. The country income inequality, represented by the Gini Coefficient has decreased only slightly to 0.41 in 2014 from 0.51 in 1970. This income... more
Canadian real labour income has increasingly lagged behind productivity growth. This article employs a bargaining power approach to wage determination to explore the hypothesis that some public polices intended to promote productivity... more
The first thing that employers are concerned about when they recruit a new employee is to make sure that he/she is an added value to the their businesses. The critical factor here is how added value is understood by
This study aims to examine the impact of economic freedom on youth un-employment in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates during 2005–2019. Theoretically, it is... more
T his paper examines the staffing, division of labor, and resulting profitability of primary care physician practices. Division of labor is viewed as a mechanism to increase the efficiency of production processes through specialization.... more
In der Ökonomie der Zeit löst sich nach Marx alle Ökonomie auf. Dieser vagen Prämisse folgend, setzen wir uns in folgendem Beitrag mit den Ambivalenzen im Verhältnis von Arbeit und Zeit auseinander. Das neoliberale Spiel mit Freiheit und... more
This paper examines the long-run relationship between fertility and women’s labor market activities in Italy by analyzing aggregated Total Fertility Rates (TFR) and Female Employment Rates (FER) during the period 1972-2011. The findings... more
This paper is written in response to a request from Nguyen Hoa, Dean of the Labor Relations and Trade Unions Faculty, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, for background information regarding the setting of minimum wage... more
A rating method where the rater assigns a specific value on a fixed scale to the behavior or performance of an individual instead of assigning ratings based on comparisons between other individuals.
The St. Louis Regional Information Technology Labor Market Report delivers insights and analysis of Information Technology (IT) skills and competencies most in demand by St. Louis area employers to help answer the question: What does... more
The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board - Region X issued Wage Order No. RX-08 Providing for New Minimum Wage Rates and Cost of Living Allowance in Region X
The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board - Region X issued Wage Order No. RX-12 Providing New Minimum Wage Rates in Region X
The cruise industry enjoys arguably the most flexible and globalized of all labor markets. Yet, in an apparent paradox, cruise lines face a potential labor shortage, despite the fact that the bulk of their labor is sourced from the Global... more
This survey gives a brief overview of the literature on the difference-indifference (DiD) estimation strategy and discusses major issues using a treatment effects perspective. In this sense, this survey gives a somewhat different view on... more
This study is the result of cooperation between the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s Libya Office and the Jusoor Center for Studies and Development, in the field of gender equality and women’s empowerment in sustainable economic development.... more
Özet Bugünlerde bizleri meşgul eden sorulardan birisini Büyük Buhran, Soğuk Savaş döneminde oluşan 1973 krizi ve 2008 krizi arasında birbirlerine benzeyen yönleri nasıl anlayabileceğimizdir. Bu krizlerin hangi koşullarda oluştuğu ve... more
This report was prepared for the Toronto Workforce Innovation Group (TWIG). It examines relevant worksite and occupational profiles in Toronto's construction sector. It draws attention to what a more sustainable construction sector, that... more
Today India is reflected as one of important rising economics in the global world. We have an impressive growth rate. The literacy rate is also increased remarkably. But our employment condition remains poor. Educated unemployment... more
Abstract. This paper offers theoretical and empirical insights on the anecdotal ‘buffer hypothesis’, i.e. the view that the shadow employment functions as an improper tool for increasing the labor market flexibility. Official data for... more
Since becoming Minister, I've been communicating with employers throughout the province, and describing a world in which employers treat employees fairly, in which training is part of the corporate culture and in which there are just as... more
In Boston, Massachusetts during the first half of the nineteenth century, the status associated with the occupation of waiter changed considerably. "Waiter" began as a euphemism to mask the lowliness of "servant," but, by 1820, waitering... more
Demographic, economic and cultural changes increase energy consumption in the housing sector and cause even higher levels of the related greenhouse gas emissions. The goal of this work is to identify opportunities for developing renewable... more
A survey of more than 4,700 executives conducted by The Boston Consulting Group and World Federation of Personnel Management Associations showed that executives consider talent management as the most important human resource challenge.... more
Differential tax treatment of married and single people is a key feature of the tax code in the US and other countries. We analyze its equilibrium and welfare effects in a matching model with search frictions and nontransferable utility.... more
We analyze the consequences of a teenage pregnancy event in the short- and long-run in Mexico. Using longitudinal and cross-section data, we match females who got pregnant and those that did not based on a propensity score. In the... more