Solidarity Economy
Recent papers in Solidarity Economy
Perspectives on degree of economic openness have been discussed by different paradigms resulting in concluding remarks which differ widely from each other. However, the existing literature has passed over the importance of the... more
Des mouvements sociaux partout sur la planète se révoltent contre la démocratie libérale et le capitalisme tout en expérimentant des manières d'être, de penser et de faire basées sur l'autonomie, le respect de la diversité et l'aide... more
This is the first in a series of blog posts on realism and social movements. The purpose of it is to refine the explanatory purchase of realist thought within social movement studies and consider what it means ‘to be realist’ about social... more
A következő oldalakon áttekintjük az elmúlt ötven évben kialakult pénzügyi rendszer alapvető működési elveit, és az ezekkel szorosan összefüggő társadalmi meghatározottságokat és pénzügyi feszültségeket. Ezt követően átfogó és specifikus... more
Zusammenfassung: Solidarische Ökonomien betten wirtschaftliches Handeln in so-ziale Beziehungen ein, die natürliche und soziale Qualitäten berücksichtigen und Konkurrenzdynamiken zurückdrängen können, sofern sie demokratisch gestaltet... more
ETHICS: A PLURALISTIC APPROACH TO MORAL THEORY, FIFTH EDITION provides a comprehensive yet clear introduction to the main traditions in ethical thought, including virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology. Additionally, the book... more
This paper aims to highlight the role of social networks and solidarity economy in the so-called favelas in Latin America, focusing especially on research held in Mexico. The first part is a theoretical approach to the concept of "... more
This paper examine RedditGifts' Secret Santa, a well-participated gift-giving experience that was organized online during Christmas 2009, in relation to Aafke Komter's solidarity model. Komter's model incorporates gift giving as a core... more
Situated at the intersection of economic, rural and food sociology, this work focuses on small-scale agri-food producers selling their products through alternative food channels in Milan, Italy, and Manchester, United Kingdom. It... more
Este ensayo tiene como propósito mostrar las potencialidades de los mercados solidarios como espacios de construcción para generar alternativas al sistema dominante. Se divide en dos partes, la primera toma como marco de referencia la... more
“Let´s communalize Energy, water and land – Let´s build up a free society” The American Libertarian Socialist and Ecologist, Murray Bookchin, defined the ideal economy as a municipally led, moral economy that is under democratic... more
Συνοπτική παρουσίαση βασικών θέσεων της εισήγησης στο 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Κοινωνιολογίας της Εκπαίδευσης, ΠΤΝ - Ιωάννινα, 16-10-2014. Περισσότερα βλέπε στο εκεί θα είναι διαθέσιμα τα ηλεκτρονικά πρακτικά του συνεδρίου... more
My thesis research attempts to answer those questions: What is the “deaf economy”? What are its attributes in both United States and Europe? Is the “deaf economy” an “ethnic economic enclave” as Chinese businesses in a Chinatown would be?... more
Dá pra fazer! Guia prático de Economia Solidária e Saúde Mental é uma publicação dirigida a usuários e usuárias, familiares, trabalhadoras e trabalhadores que já desenvolvem, ou pretendem desenvolver, iniciativas em geração de trabalho e... more
Feminist thinkers have long criticized liberal theory's public/private distinction for perpetuating indifference to injustices within the family. Thinkers such as Susan Okin have extended this criticism in evaluating the theory of... more
'Transition movements' in cities are broadly emerging worldwide as new forms of alternative citizen-driven practices and socio-political participation addressing the raising awareness of environmental, economic, social, planning and food... more
This is an article that analyzes the relationship between the values of fraternity and solidarity and the importance in them in the post-industrial society, which is the information society.
A través del uso del método de la interdisciplinariedad -que en este caso implica un enfoque filosófico, político, sociológico y económico- nos hemos acercado a un fenómeno social: el Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (Pronasol), para... more
As ações do RIO ECOSOL aconteceram em quatro comunidades – Santa Marta, Complexo do Alemão, Complexo de Manguinhos e Conjunto Habitacional de Cidade de Deus. A pesquisa, cujos resultados estão registrados nesta publicação, utilizou-se da... more
Fair trade, ecovillaggi, transition towns, banche del tempo, slow fashion. È il vocabolario del consumo innovativo, in cui contano non solo il prezzo e la qualità dei prodotti, ma anche il comportamento dei produttori e la sostenibilità... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Excerpt: "Linking security and ethics is not a simple matter. Debates about security have rarely been framed in explicitly ethical or moral terms, and it is hard to point to any self-consciously ethical theory of security as such, in... more