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The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of... more
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      BankingAncient economies (Archaeology)Social HistoryLatin Epigraphy
Change is the law of nature. The environment and climate change are the most complicated issues that world is facing today. So adoption of change is the need for the survival. Today's business is all about being green. From Wal-Mart to... more
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    • Banking
The financial industry has witnessed the so-called “fintech revolution” in recent years. Due to the emergence of information technologies such as cloud computing, big data, blockchain and artificial intelligence, the landscape of the... more
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There is a conspicuous lack of research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices undertaken in the United Arab Emirates, more so in the banking sector. This paper attempts to fill the gap by examining the government policies... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityBankingEmerging MarketsUnited Arab Emirates
A tanulmány az egyes finanszírozási szerződéseket elemzi a nemzetközi és az összehasonlító jog tükrében, amelyeknek legelterjedtebb formái: (i) pénzfinanszírozás (tőkejuttatás) – hitel, kölcsön; (ii) dologi finanszírozás – lízing; (iii)... more
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      International BusinessInternational LawBankingBanking Law
This is the RAW DATA for a neural network price prediction system to be utilized for the prediction of stock prices on US markets. To date the performances are doing well. I have experiemented with multiple architectures and now am... more
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      FinanceComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligencePrediction-based Decisions & Planning
A well-regulated economic system requires incentives that reward productive and withhold rewards from unproductive activity. Such incentives are put in place by means of legislation and enforced with the help of regulatory agencies. A... more
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      BusinessIslamic LawEconomicsIslamic Economics
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    • Banking
The economic and financial history of Greece offers interesting in- sights into the current worldwide economic crisis. In the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Greece went through a series of financial disasters due to... more
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      Economic HistoryEuropean StudiesEconomicsBanking
The preoccupation with modelling credit scoring systems including their relevance to predicting and decision making in the financial sector has been with developed countries, whilst developing countries have been largely neglected. The... more
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      BusinessCredit ScoringBankingKnowledge Based Systems
This book provides a holistic socio-economic framework working in conformity with the Islamic principles.
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      FinanceEconomicsPublic FinanceFinancial Economics
TOPIC: REASONS ACCOUNTING FOR THE INCREASE IN THE PRODUCTION OF READY TO WEAR GARMENTS IN GHANA ABSTRACT This paper examined the role of perception, personality and price on consumer preference for “ready to wear” garments as well... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsBankingInternational Finance
Finans sektörü her geçen gün yeni bir kavram ile karşılaşmaktadır. Bazı kavramların anlamlarının birbirine yakın ve fakat önemli farklılıkların olduğu görülmektedir. Finansın Temel Kavramları ismini verdiğimiz bu kitapta finans alanına... more
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This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagement
In Our Economy, al-Sadr strives to show that Islam has answers to problems of the modern world by presenting an Islamic alternative to both capitalism and socialism. He rejects socialism on the basis that Islam distinguishes between the... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsIslamic EconomicsBanking
The purpose of this paper is to explore various motivations of Merger and Acquisitions in the Indian banking sector. This includes the various aspects of banking Industry's Merger and Acquisitions. It also compares pre and post merger... more
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This book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed, sustainable forests. It is natural, renewable and recyclable. The logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of... more
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      VocabularyEnglishBankingFinance and banking
This is the comprehensive presentation of the first results of several years of research of the official participants lists of the Bilderberg conferences. I decided to publish it here so everyone can do his own research based on this... more
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      NATOBankingVenetian HistoryWorld Bank
This case study, written for Harvard Law School, proposes a fictional scenario in which students, playing the role of Federal Reserve staff members, are asked to consider two possible designs involving central bank digital currencies:... more
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How did a health crisis translate to an economic crisis? Why did the spread of the coronavirus bring the global economy to its knees? The answer lies in two methods by which coronavirus stifled economic activities. First, the spread of... more
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Reference: Jindal Mayank, Dr. Vijay Laxmi Sharma, (2020). Usability of Online Banking in India during Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 69-72... Abstract: Covid-19 is a... more
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      FinanceAccountingEngineering ManagementBanking
To the honorable Maxine Waters; This letter is being written with intent to have remedy for the men and women of these united states and end the banking crimes. The Financial Services Committee is laying out new acts regarding Wells... more
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      EthicsBankingBanking & Financial ServicesCongressional Politics
ppf a/c transfer
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    • Banking
All students in the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies at Kansai University are required to study abroad for approximately ten months during their second year. One daunting aspect for students abroad may be how to deal with financial... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInternational BusinessInternational NegotiationBanking
The paper describes the last major failure of an Irish bank, that of the Munster Bank in 1885. It discusses whether the Bank of Ireland, as quasi-central bank at the time, should have rescued the ailing Munster. The discussion bears on... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtBankingIreland
Blockchain has been gaining focus in research and development for diverse industries in recent years. Nevertheless, innovations that impact to the banking nurture a potential for disruptive impact globally for economic reasons; however it... more
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      BankingScientometricsLiterature ReviewBlockchains
This paper examines the asymmetrical relationship between exchange rate and consumer prices in 40 Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries from 1990q1 to 2017q4. The exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to consumer prices is estimated for each... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsFinancial EconomicsInternational Trade
This explanatory research paper uses mixed methods. Research about e-banking has been conducted from different angles on different topics by a number of researchers. The paper aims to examine the current status of Jordan's e-banking... more
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      BusinessFinanceInformation TechnologyBanking
This study provides rather scares evidence on the effect of bank competition when information asymmetries exists. The study was done in one unique setting; i.e. the commercial banking sector in Sri Lanka for the period from 1996 to 2016.... more
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      FinanceEconomicsBankingBanking & Financial Services
Nel paese ove sarebbe in costruzione l'economia socialista non solo dunque esistono i rubli, coi quali il salario dei lavoratori viene pagato, ma esiste anche il risparmio sul salario, il deposito di esso nelle casse statali o nelle... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet RegimeSoviet HistorySocialisms
This research aims to determine the influence of Capital Adequacy ratio, Bopo, Loan To Deposits ratio, and Net profit Margin on profit growth in banking companies from the 2014-2018 period. This Research conducted by the kind of data is... more
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      MarketingBankingProfitabilityCapital Adequacy
Basel III is a framework to protect the global banking system. This article provides a policy discussion on Basel III in Africa. The significance of Basel III is discussed, and some ideas to consider when implementing Basel III to make it... more
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      BusinessManagementFinanceAfrican Studies
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      BankingFinancial MarketsCorporate culture
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 Sellers of Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDO) can exclude liability arising from fraudulent and negligent misrepresentation by careful drafting of transaction documents;  Sophisticated investors cannot rely on the advice of the... more
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      FinanceBankingStructured Finance
The development of financial systems is shaped by the high level of the global economy situation changeability indirectly influenced by interventionist economic policies as well as financial crisis and state of finances of a given... more
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      FinanceMacroeconomicsBankingRisk Management
Various taxing power-related challenges have negatively affected the governance of state and federal governments of Nigeria since1999 to date. For instance, the poor drafting of the Nigerian constitution of 1999 and the failure on the... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate LawCorporate GovernanceBanking
Este trabalho busca analisar a composição das receitas dos bancos digitais e dos bancos tradicionais, com base nas suas demonstrações contábeis, tendo como objetivo realizar uma análise comparativa entre bancos para identificar as... more
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      FinanceBankingFinancial Statement AnalysisFinancial Statement
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryJapanese StudiesEconomics
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      FinanceRegulation And GovernanceBanking
With the advent of New Year there will be a lot of recruitment notifications in upcoming days. Especially for banking aspirants one of the most expected notification is SBI PO recruitment 2019. But yet now there are some arguments... more
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      BankingBanking LawFinancial performance of SBI BankBanking and Finance
The focus of the paper is to examine the extent and nature of the process of consolidation in Polish Banking Sector and its impact on efficiency and competition. The paper is organised into the following sections. After the introduction,... more
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      EngineeringBankingHumanities and Social Science
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      BankingEmployee Satisfaction
Be careful do not be enticed by calls and lose money
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      BankingFinancial FraudsFraudsters
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsBankingEconomy
We develop a valuation formula for analyzing high growth firms using the stages of an industry lifecycle.
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsBankingInternational Finance
This article explores relationship lending in the small business context: it discusses the roles of entrepreneurial competence and voluntarily disclosed information as determinants of credit access. More specifically, it proposes that the... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingEconomicsSmall Business
The demand for credit is increasing constantly. Banks are looking for various methods of credit evaluation that provide the most accurate results in a shorter period in order to minimize their rising risks. This study focuses on various... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyMachine LearningData Mining
Purpose: Due to the increasing importance of the issue of ranking in the banking industry and the lack of a ranking system in accordance with the conditions of the country in this study, according to the ranking systems of reputable... more
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