International Business
Recent papers in International Business
Lean Six Sigma Improve Phase Tollgate Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,... more
The traditional approach to the management of projects in the construction industry is constantly challenged, in particular the implementation of processes and the application of the project management knowledge base in complex projects.... more
The solar photovoltaics (PV) industry would not exist without government policies. Governments around the world have implemented policies to support consumption of solar energy and production of solar PV products. These policies have... more
Americans were once appalled to hear and see countries in Africa or Asia or Latin America and elsewhere around the globe descent into political chaos because of the tribal, dysfunctional political system and identity politics. Today the... more
A tanulmány az egyes finanszírozási szerződéseket elemzi a nemzetközi és az összehasonlító jog tükrében, amelyeknek legelterjedtebb formái: (i) pénzfinanszírozás (tőkejuttatás) – hitel, kölcsön; (ii) dologi finanszírozás – lízing; (iii)... more
Dear Colleagues, We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of the FORTNIGHTLY, a review of Middle East business, developments and news, for the period ending 2 October 2019. Some highlights of this issue include the... more
This book chapter addresses the decision-making processes that international hotel corporations engage in during their expansion procedures, and focusses on the entry and presence of these corporations in Bulgaria. Our findings show that... more
Airbnb’s remarkable growth is applauded, but there is certainly room for expansion in the Korean market. In this study, the authors conducted a background analysis of Airbnb, studying the strengths and weaknesses of the firm and devising... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
A B S T R A C T This study seeks to review the literature on the exporting challenges and problems of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in this era of globalization. Besides, we identify gaps in the literature and provide... more
The Drakkar was the Viking war ship, the Dromon that of the Byzantine world. The Vikings and Byzantines collided, cooperated, fought for and against each other. Since the Dromon (and other galleys in the Med) was rowed standing up,... more
This paper reviews the progress of the research agenda initiated by The Future of the Multinational Enterprise (1976). Focusing initially on the problem of explaining the existence of the multinational enterprise, the agenda soon... more
With the proliferation of the internet, coupled with the growing acceptance of the digital lifestyle and the world becoming increasingly addicted to e-business, the trend of cash transactions is now giving way to electronic payment... more
This case examines the rise and fall of WeWork—a company that experienced one of the most dramatic changes of fortune in technology company history. For several years, WeWork was a Silicon Valley darling, growing at breakneck speed with... more
A list with most used sales terminology and acronyms on the B2B corporate world
Globalization and virtual economy are external factors that drive companies to approach the global market from start up, giving birth to new studies on internationalization strategy, which represent an evolution of the classical stage... more
Apple Inc is the global leading American multinational that focuses in manufacturing, designing and also selling of iPad tablets, iPhone, Mcbook computers, ecosystem among other technology enabled products. This makes Apple to be among... more
This paper examines the idea that commercial law has the capacity to evolve spontaneously in the absence of a clear state authority because of its unique nature. I argue that the manner of interaction implied by commerce plays a crucial... more
Abstract: Capital flows have emerged during the past two decades as one of the new economic phenomena in the economic performance of the countries. The foreign direct investment (FDI) one of the most important forms of capital flows,... more
Other co-authors: Fadhlin Sakina and Mahfuzah Mohamad
This part will try to clarify the links between legal and administrative rules and business, to develop a new perspective that would be helpful to managers and lawyers. The relationship between the legal discipline and business problems... more
While still fragmented, we are witnessing the emergence of a global commercial legal order independent of any one national legal system. This process is unfolding both on the macro-level of state actors as well as that of private... more
This case study examines Zara’s current retail strategy and digital transformation. It details Zara’s current in-store and eCommerce retail strategy, the impact of digital on the retail environment and customer experience, and the growth... more
Financial Analysis Report on Barratt Developments PLC and Taylor Wimpey PLC on the basis of Annual Report 2015
A Network based Approach for the Understanding of International New Ventures Market Selection
This paper explains why so much soft law is widely adopted and followed despite lacking legal and coercive force. It argues that legal standards are susceptible to network effects. Network effects occur when the value of a standard to a... more
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
The following is an analysis of the IKEA case study found in the Strategic Management Text book. This analyses the strategies used by IKEA to gain competitive advantage in markets outside its original area. The report begins by providing... more
This article analyses the research problem of price-setting strategies for product innovations in the medtech industry. It is based on the conceptual framework of price-setting practices, strategies, and models. A multiple case study... more
This study examines the internationalization of high-tech start-up firms (HSF) from small and open economies (SMOPEC). It explores how HSF may differ in their speed of internationalization relying on information collected via interviews... more
Samsung Group is one of the biggest group of companies in the world. This is beyond intriguing to inspect the strategies and business models it used in order to become one of the largest conglomerates. More specifically, however, this is... more
… one of the most influential, amateur, arrogant and ignorant documents in the entire history of British broadcast policymaking. It was the Peacock Committee which influenced the Broadcasting Act of 1990 which Peter Kosminsky agrees... more
All students in the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies at Kansai University are required to study abroad for approximately ten months during their second year. One daunting aspect for students abroad may be how to deal with financial... more
Supply Chain Management (SCM) has gained significance as one of the 21 st century manufacturing paradigms for improving organizational competitiveness. Supply chain ensures improved efficiency and effectiveness of not only product... more
In a ‘dawn raid’ on the London Stock Exchange on 7 September 1981, the premiere British rubber and oil palm conglomerate in Malaysia, the Guthrie Corporation Limited, was taken into local control in less than four hours. This was the most... more
We combine data on international trade linkages with network methods to examine the global trading system as an interdependent complex network. We map the topology of the international trade network and suggest new network based measures... more
Russ Kane, Siobhain (Vonnie) Crosbie,
Dave Sleet, Dr. Asa Don Brown
Dave Sleet, Dr. Asa Don Brown
Singapore's status as a trading hub is probably as old as the settlement itself. In earlier times its history was tightly knit to the development and prosperity of its port. Today's global trading hub, however, is broadly conditioned by... more
This article presents the results of research into contract-making and implementation between Russian and foreign companies. International contract-making is regarded as an element of cross-cultural collaboration, which inevitably reveals... more The rise in the population of the eldest demographics poses challenges as well as opportunities, as although the over-55s are the most knowledgeable when it comes to the... more