Book of Isaiah
Recent papers in Book of Isaiah
Scholars have commonly located the source of Paul’s analogy for the resurrection body in 1 Cor 15:39–49 in the enumerated creatures of Genesis 1. Some interpreters have suggested Sir 43:1–10 lies behind the reference to the variegated... more
The intertextual connections between Isa 40–55 and the Hebrew Bible are well documented (Willey 1997, Sommer 1998, Schultz 1999). However, none of these studies deal with the parallels between Isaiah and Job, which is surprising because... more
A Pre-teaching Interpretation Paper: Today, the word “Messiah” commonly incites George Handel’s renowned oratorio or the person of Jesus Christ, whose second name is a Greek translation of the word. This is understandable given the... more
The Qur’an makes reference to Biblical prophecies that supposedly predict the coming of the Prophet Muḥammad. One such reference is found in Sūrah al-aʿrāf v.157, where the coming of an “ummiyy” prophet is said to have been prophesied in... more
Biblical scholars have long debated the identity of the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. Most Christians identify the servant as Jesus and interpret Isaiah 53 as a description of Jesus’ unique, substitutionary death. However, Isaiah 40–55... more
In the biblical theophanies of Isaiah 6 and Daniel 3, divine condescension and human ascent constitute reciprocal ecstatic moves towards a divine–human encounter. The christological interpretation, widespread in early Christian reception... more
One of the distinctive features of the Fourth Gospel is the emphasis it places on the " name " (ὄνομα) of God. As the earliest Christian texts already exhibit a shift toward Jesus's name as the cultic or divine name, what might have... more
This presentation took place in the Centre Sèvres' research seminary on Patristic Exegesis of Is 6. In this presentation, I describe the whole of John Chrysostom's exegetical commentaries and pastoral uses of Is 6.2-13.
Great are the words of Isaiah! To this very day, the study of this literary poet in Jewish, general Christian and LDS literature, is responsible for some of the greatest literary and theological pictures and structures ever available for... more
This article proposes that the common dichotomy between synchronic and diachronic approaches to biblical literature be set aside in favor of a paradigm centered on the concepts of cohesion and coherence as defined in contemporary... more
God’s good creation has something temporary, but at the same time it is more than ‘a waiting room for eternity’. In positive terms: “It is important to taste God's glory in creation in the present. This is part of the foretaste of eternal... more
Scholars have made a variety of arguments in terms of the relationship between the book of Job and Isaiah 40-55 (so-called Deutero-Isaiah), and have in general maintained that the two books have particular lexical, thematic, and... more
This new contribution to the New Studies in Biblical Theology series focuses on the theme of Kingdom in the book of Isaiah. The topic of kingdom in the whole canon of Scripture is too large for a short monograph, but by limiting the... more
JBL 137.3 (2018): 555-79. The postmodern turn in the humanities is now at a point that requires response and revision to some deconstructionist trends. As a case study, this article examines the inversion principle formulated by Claude... more
Eating in Isaiah is a revision of Abernethy's 2012 Ph.D. dissertation written under the supervision of Willem VanGemeren. He begins with the observation that the topic of eating appears in nearly 150 verses in Isaiah. Because food and... more
The first draft op this paper was read at the Joint Meeting of the Society for Old Testament Studies (SOTS) and the Dutch Oudtestamentische Werkgezelschap (OTW) in Edinburgh, July 2015. According to the agreement with Brill the... more
This is the new syllabus I will be using for my course at Belmont University that incorporates my new textbook - "A Chorus of Prophetic Voices: Introducing the Prophetic Literature of Ancient Israel" from Westminster John Knox Press
Este trabalho propõe uma análise textual, levando em consideração a relação entre a forma e o conteúdo da perícope de Isaías 12:1-6, tendo como base de pesquisa o texto da BH (Bíblia Hebraica). Em um primeiro momento será verificado a... more
The article focuses on the first three chapters of Isaiah. After recalling the results of modern biblical scholarship on the use of legal and forensic jargon in Isaiah (§ 1) and giving a thumbnail sketch of the traditions of Latin... more
In: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 42.3 (2018), pp. 363-390. This article argues that Isaiah's so-called ‘refrain poem’ (Kehrvergedicht) in Isa. 9.7–20 is a composite text, going back to two early prophecies with different... more
lines for an exegesis and theology of the songs of the Servant of Isaiah (Is 53)
The best identification of the Valley of Achor in the description of the northern boundary of Judah (Josh. 15.7) is the wādi system of wādi mukellik and wādi es-sidr. This valley was the (former) tribal area of Reuben. It was an enclave... more
Describes a new conservative framework for dispensing with Second Isaiah
Defends a 701-700 date against the 703 date argued for by J H Walton.
This article utilizes Cognitive Linguistics to present a stronger conceptual understanding of the motif of the ruined vineyard in Isaiah 1-39. First, a relations approach to utterances illuminates the function of particular terms used to... more
1. Dimensionen der Frage nach den "Anfängen" Die Intensität der Forschung am Jesajabuch 1 bringt es mit sich, dass es schwer fällt, einen Vortragstitel zu finden, der nicht schon einmal verwendet worden ist. Bislang liegt zwar noch keine... more
The booklet of Advent meditations I wrote with three other authors on the daily Advent readings from Isaiah has been republished in time for this Advent season. My own contributions for the second week of Advent have been posted to the... more
How did social justice play out in the book of Isaiah?
Die Bibel und die Frauen: Eine exegetisch-kulturgeschichtliche Enzyklopädie. Vol. 1.2: Prophetie.
Edited by Irmtraud Fischer and Juliana Claassens. Pages 322–335
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2019.
Edited by Irmtraud Fischer and Juliana Claassens. Pages 322–335
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2019.
The Gospel of John uses the Old Testament in the portrayal of Jesus identity. The role of different elements is debated, with Isaiah as well as Passover often identified as significant. The acclamation of Jesus as ‘Lamb of God’ (1:29) has... more
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук
Micah 6:1-8: The Drama of Salvation within a Courtroom Love Song Perhaps like many other Christian readers of the Old Testament, I initially approached this present study of Micah 6:1-8 through the lens of my memory of Micah 6:8, a verse... more
Pieśń o winnicy Pana (Iz 5,1-7). Studium egzegetyczno-teologiczne;
[The song about the vineyard of the Lord (Isa. 5:1-7). Exegetical and theological study] LUBLIN 2019
[The song about the vineyard of the Lord (Isa. 5:1-7). Exegetical and theological study] LUBLIN 2019
This book contributes to the theory and practice of Biblical interpretation by engaging in an interpretation of Psalm 24 inspired by a particular understanding of Brevard Childs' "canonical approach": an understanding centred on the... more