Recent papers in Isaiah
God’s good creation has something temporary, but at the same time it is more than ‘a waiting room for eternity’. In positive terms: “It is important to taste God's glory in creation in the present. This is part of the foretaste of eternal... more
Este trabalho propõe uma análise textual, levando em consideração a relação entre a forma e o conteúdo da perícope de Isaías 12:1-6, tendo como base de pesquisa o texto da BH (Bíblia Hebraica). Em um primeiro momento será verificado a... more
El estudio constituye un breve análisis de algunos personajes relevantes en el libro de Isaías que presentan la característica de estar investidos del Espíritu de Yahvé: el Vástago de Jesé, el Siervo de Yahvé y el Ungido de Adonai Yahvé;... more
Let us Go up to Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M. Williamson on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday, ed. Iain Provan and Mark J. Boda (Supplements to Vetus Tetsamentum 153; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 152–65
As one of several Cognitive-Critical approaches to the Bible that I've written, this essay applies the Logotherapy theory of Viktor Frankl to the Suffering-Servant Motif in Isaiah with existential implications for first audience and later... more
The Theology of Isaiah in 5 pages.
There is a helpful blend of methods between the diachronic and the synchronic approaches to the Book of Isaiah.
1 Crie à pleine voix sans te retenir, fais retentir ta voix comme une trompette et révèle à mon peuple sa révolte, à la famille de Jacob ses péchés ! 2 C'est moi que, jour après jour, ils consultent : ils veulent connaître mes voies.... more
This study constitutes a chapter of a book on the prophets and describes the most important theological themes that are present in the first part of the book of Isaiah. Article made available by permission of Wipf & Stock Publishers... more
The quest to identify Isaiah’s servant as presented in the so-called ‘Servant Songs’ has long plagued students of Isaiah. By outlining the prevailing interpretations and noting the use of the so-called ‘Servant Songs’ in the NT the... more
The four prophecies that Berhard Duhm once designated as Servant Songs can no longer be studied in sheer isolation from the other Servant texts within the book of Isaiah, speculating about their origins and way of incorporation within the... more
Introduction to Isaiah 40-55 followed by outline, commentary, and bibliography
By Marvin A. Sweeney --The Forms of Old Testament Literature XVI (This text was made available at the following website:... more
The 7 heavens are described in great detail in the, Ascension of Isaiah against the background of Apocalyptic and Messianic eschatology. This study is an attempt to explore the content and significance of the ‘Shamayim’ and/or... more
The book treats several passages in Isaiah 1-39 which respond to Neo-Assyrian Imperial Ideology and examines those passages within this historical context. It can be downloaded at the attached link:... more
Christian Palestinian Aramaic has always been a mine of peculiar words and spellings despite being a rather conservative written dialect within the Western Aramaic group. Three words in this dialect, b‘š, b‘šwn’, and mb‘šwn’, which are... more
Commentary on Greek Isaiah written for Brill's Septuagint Commentary Series
My intention in this paper is to expound the exegetical method of St. Thomas Aquinas by looking at one particular passage in the book of Isaiah upon which he commented at length throughout his writing career. Aquinas’s remarks on the... more
Like the first volume in this series (WealthWatch, Pickwick, 2011) this volume attempts two things: (a) to examine the primary socioeconomic motifs in the Bible from a comparative intertextual perspective, and (b) to trace the trajectory... more
Review article published in Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZAW) 130 (2018), 1st issue. The full text can be downloaded via one of the following links:... more
That Isaiah of Jerusalem was aware of the language of Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions and of Neo-Assyrian imperial claims is well recognized. While scholars have addressed these borrowings, they have not addressed the channels through... more
The article discusses two examples of creation motifs in Isaiah in order to elucidate four distinct features of allusion that can enhance an integrative interpretation of biblical literature. The first example is a messianic vision of the... more
Isaiah 14:12-15 has for centuries been traditionally taught as a description of the pre-human downfall of Satan/Lucifer. This viewpoint is being largely abandoned in favor of it being a description of the hubris of a pagan king who wants... more
The Book of Isaiah eloquently incorporates a plethora of references to mammals and birds, which have yielded different interpretations by theologians and translators. The context of Ancient Near East mythology and the themes throughout... more
A discussion of the critical and conservative views of Isaiah's authorship, the nature of prophecy, and the structure of Isaiah 40-66; an outline of the eighth/seventh century history underlying these chapters is supplied.
SUMMARY The analysis of Lk 24,1-49 and 4,16-30 points out some significant aspects of the connection between Jesus’ identity and his memory of the Old Testament. In 24,1-49, «making memory» of the Holy Scriptures, the Lord manifests... more
Sennacherib's Campaign Against Judah The campaign of Sennacherib against Judah is one of the most widely researched in Biblical Studies and Ancient Near East, and one that also poses scholarly challenges. Allusion to the event is found in... more
El episodio del diácono Felipe con el eunuco etíope relatado en los Hechos por Lucas nos permite comprobar la riqueza de fe y de vida que brota de la lectura creyente de la Escritura; una Escritura que en su conjunto habla de Cristo y a... more
This book will be published in August, 2022. It looks at passages in Amos, Isaiah, and Micah that can be appropriated for articulating a prophetic voice today.
Book essay in: Trajkovic, Marko; van Loon, Joost (eds.): FAITH AND REASON. AN INTERDISCIPLINARY CONSTRUCTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (West-östliche Denkwege vol. 25), Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2016, pp. 15-32. Abstract: The Judean prophet... more