Recent papers in Miracles
This note on the interpretation of some Danish Romanesque frescoes was originally without an English summary. Because the text may contain some information of wider interest I have supplied an extensive summary with some additional... more
Księga Cudów z Prostyni zawiera ponad 100 opisów uzdrowień i otrzymania szczególnych łask. Szczegóły w artykule.
For my talks and debates on the resurrection of Jesus and other topics, see my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7fMevhmEe8hR_S0aTsV1Q "One of the best Analytic Philosophy ebooks of all time" - BookAuthority . ‘By... more
India through the decades has witnessed the prevalence of godmen. Often, these godmen who act as magicians, miracle-workers, healers, priests, mystics and masters of all spiritual energies, mislead public especially, the urban and... more
Review of Ruben Zimmermann, Kompendium der frühchristlichen Wundererzählungen. Band 1: Die Wunder Jesu, Gütersloh 2013, in: Interpretatie 22/2 (2014), 46.
For a translation in English, use: https://www.deepl.com/nl/translator.
For a translation in English, use: https://www.deepl.com/nl/translator.
Depictions of the fantastic in modern literature established the fear oft he supernatural. Premodern literary texts lack such targeted evocations of horror. To find them, one must turn instead to Christian exempla, which seek to frighten... more
In this paper we explicate the notion of a miracle and highlight a suitable ontological framework for it. Our proposal draws on insights from Aquinas’s discussion of miracles and from the modern ontology of powers. We argue that each... more
Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel of Mark provide the marching orders for holistic ministry, i.e., discipling people to faith in Jesus Christ, and demonstrating our own faith through our actions and service among the needy. The purpose of... more
Archbishop William of Tyre’s (c. 1130–c. 1186) Historia Ierosolymitana is the only extant historical narrative produced in the Latin East in the late twelfth century. Consequently, the Historia is of enormous value for its insights into... more
Hume famously argues that the laws of nature provide us with decisive reason to believe that any testimony of a miracle is false. In this paper, I argue that the laws of nature, as such, give us no reason at all to believe that the... more
This article is not so much interested in historical events and the validity of natural laws beyond the text. However, the form and strategy of the text itself is taken seriously and highlighted through the application of narratival and... more
In this paper, I focus on the narrative of the signs-and-miracles sequence presented in Centos chapters 23-34. As I earlier showed how the pre-Easter proclamation of the Logos and the post-Easter proclamation of the Son of God interact... more
This article analyzes the elements of the personal sensibility and miraculous religiosity of two twentieth-century Polish visionaries, Servant of God Rozalia Celakówna and Sr. Wanda Boniszewska. The analysis is broken down into three... more
El relato de las Bodas de Caná del Evangelio de San Juan narra cómo Jesús convirtió en vino de gran calidad el agua que se guardaba en tinajas destinadas a las purificaciones durante una boda. Este episodio, considerado el primero de los... more
Legenda Vetus, Acta Processus Canonizationis et Miracula Sanctae Margaritae de Hungaria. The Oldest Legend, Acts of the Canonization Process and Miracles of Saint Margaret of Hungary. Ed. and annotated by Ildikó Csepregi, Gábor Klaniczay... more
This essay engages the history and aesthetics of slow, contemplative cinema, while drawing on the film-philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. In particular, this essay examines the expressive motif of the "miracle" in two examples of contemplative... more
This article, originally published years ago in the Laughing Man, a journal of contemporary spirituality, examines accounts of the extraordinary manners of death attributed to mystics, saints and sages of numerous spiritual traditions,... more
This essay evaluates some of the stronger evidence for miracle claims outside the New Testament, focusing on Lourdes miracle claims.
In Mark chapter 5 we read the unusual story of an exorcism by Jesus. In every exorcism Jesus had done he had simply exorcised the demons out of someone. There was never a case of the demon being exorcised out of someone and into something... more
I miracoli arrivano all'improvviso, come un fulmine a ciel sereno. La liquefazione del sangue di san Gennaro si ripete invece da secoli in occorrenze precise. «Nessuna legge naturale è in grado di spiegare un fenomeno che si verifichi... more
There is a popular assumption in many Pentecostal circles that if something powerful happens in Jesus’ name—a healing, dramatic answered prayer, dream—conversion to Jesus will immediately follow. Signs and wonders are seen as the answer... more
A summary and analysis of C.S. Lewis' book Miracles presented at the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary in Tallinn, Estonia.
Dit artikel verkent een specifiek soort moeiten met geloof in wonderen: argumenten en aarzelingen die te maken hebben met wetenschap en met een wetenschappelijk wereldbeeld. Daarmee bedoel ik een wereldbeeld dat geïnformeerd is door de... more
Static levitation is a form of marvel with metaphysical implications whose long history has not previously been charted. First, Pliny the Elder reports an architect's plan to suspend an iron statue using magnetism, and the later compiler... more
How do the miracle stories in the Synoptic Gospels contribute to our understanding of Jesus and his ministry? Since the first witnessing of them and through the thousands of years that followed, throughout the world, the miracles of... more
A few weeks ago I was approached by one of my students who was attempting to write a short letter regarding the history of Nicholas (Nikolaos) of Myra, a bishop of the early Christian Church. After helping her analyze some of the more... more
Anālayo In the present paper I examine selected reports in early Buddhist literature of levitation, in the sense of the ability of a human being to rise up into space and at times traverse even considerable distances by supernormal means.
У раду ће бити анализирани подаци које пружају житија о чудесним излечењима на гробовима српских светитеља током средњег века. Описи исцељења које дају поменути извори омогућиће нам и да увидимо на који начин су се преплитали религија и... more
در علم کلام، ذیل مبحث نبوت عامه، از معجزه به عنوان یکی از راه های تشخیص نبی راستین گفتگو می شود. ماهیت معجزه، تعریف منطقی آن و تفاوت گذاردن میان آن با سحر و شعبده و نیز نحوه دلالت معجزه بر صدق نبی، اهم موضوعاتی هستند که متکلمان سعی در... more
The eleven books of poetry by Venantius Fortunatus include well-loved hymns, figure poems, epigrams on miracles, and elegies in the voices of abandoned or exiled women. The sixth-century poet began his career in northern Italy before... more
The figure of Socrates features prominently in the works of earliest Christian authors and their attempts to negotiate a viable relation between pagan intellectual tradition and the exigencies of a newly founded religion. The analysis of... more