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Il saggio di Fulvia de Luise – L’involontarietà socratica del male e il macigno della responsabilità platonica. Tra il Protagora e il mito di Er – costituisce un tentativo di ricostruzione della posizione platonica sulla questione della... more
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      PlatoSocratesResponsibilityVoluntary Action
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      Friedrich NietzscheSocrates
In The Socratic Individual, Ann Ward sets out to "investigate the cause of the renewed interest in Socrates" among certain post-Hegelian thinkers, namely, Kierkegaard, John Stuart Mill, and Nietzsche. Her aim is to elucidate the roots of... more
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      PlatoHegelFriedrich NietzscheSocrates
Perché è necessario il dialogo? Partendo da Socrate e Platone e arrivando al dibattito contemporaneo sull’epistemologia delle virtù, passando per Giordano Bruno, Minna Specht e Luce Irigaray, Laura Candiotto sostiene che senza il dialogo... more
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Wie kann man sich dem sokratischen Rätsel stellen? Dieses Buch bietet einige Anhaltspunkte, um das Problem von Sokrates und den sokratischen Philosophien aus verschiedenen Perspektiven anzugehen. Behandelt werden Sokrates und das... more
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      PlatoSocratesErotica and Sexuality
El tema de esta tesis es la educación musical en la filosofía de Platón. En la República de Platón, la etapa educativa más importante es la niñez; los vehículos de esta educación son la mousiké para el alma (o mente) y la gimnasia para el... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPolitical PhilosophyEthics
ABSTRACT: This article considers how the erotics of the real, of Bataille, might contribute to the ethics of the real, of Lacan, and also to the genealogy of morals disclosed by Nietzsche. Combining Bataille’s anthropological... more
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      PlatoFriedrich NietzscheJacques LacanSigmund Freud
The play in which Aristophanes gives his account of the project of the third living wise man (after Socrates and Aristophanes himself): Euripides the tragic poet. To accompany Leo Strauss, SOCRATES AND ARISTOPHANES.
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyAristophanesSocrates
In Rhetoric and Power, Nathan Crick dramatizes the history of rhetoric by explaining its origin and development in classical Greece beginning the oral displays of Homeric eloquence in a time of kings, following its ascent to power during... more
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      HomerGreek TragedyGreek ComedyAristophanes
Nietzsche's philosophy is both revolutionary and profound, reaching into all spheres of the arts. The acuity of his ideas and the complexity of his writings ensure Nietzsche's enduring power to engage his readers. Nietzsche's first book,... more
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      MusicAestheticsGreek TragedyArt
“Friendship in Early Greek Ethics” examines the accounts of friendship (philia) in the early philosophical literature and argues that there is a coherent narrative of philosophical theorizing of friendship prior to Aristotle, one which... more
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      EthicsPresocratic PhilosophyPlatoSocrates
Texto do quinto semestre, disciplina de estágio curricular II, do curso de filosofia. Uma tentativa de pensar o método de Sócrates no ensino médio.
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      SocratesFilosofíaFilosophyEnsino Médio
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ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΣ ΑΝΤ. ΚΑΠΡΟΥΛΙΑΣ, Μέλος ΣΕΠ Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου ***_ Στην εργασία αυτή, θα επιχειρήσουμε, διά μίας στοιχειωδώς, αλλά με το αναλυτικό και το συνθετικό στοιχείο να μην απεμπολούνται, ερμηνείας ενός επεισοδίου του... more
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      WisdomSocratesPietyGreek Tyranny
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Published in Irish Philosophical Society Yearbook 2015
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A Revista Aproximação é uma publicação acadêmica eletrônica especializada em Filosofia. Seu objetivo principal é veicular o trabalho de pesquisa dos graduandos da UFRJ. Estamos abertos, entretanto, a qualquer proposta cujo principal... more
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      AristotleFriedrich NietzscheSocratesDescartes, René
Comentario a la obra del Profesor Juan Alfredo Obarrio
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      SocratesFilosofíaPlato's Apology of SocratesXenophon's Apology of Socrates
Despite the frequent pairing of and contrast between persuasion and force, Plato’s Republic undermines any coherent distinction between these two modes of handling others. The dialogue creates a puzzle with respect to this division,... more
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      SocratesPersuasionPlato's RepublicCoercion
Ione. Il passaggio dalla cultura orale alla cultura scritta stravolge la struttura del sapere e introduce più esplicitamente alla distinzione tra forma e contenuto. Socrate trae le somme di questa trasformazione
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      EpistemologyPlatoSocratesPhilosphy of Language
Xenophon is known for trusting the audience to detect his subtle and unobvious intensions in his writings. However, one scene that presents Socrates’ encounter with Theodote in his Memorabilia still confuses many modern readers and... more
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      PlatoSocratesXenophonAncient Greek Rhetoric
A provocative close reading revealing a radical, proto-phenomenological Socrates. Modern interpreters of Plato’s Socrates have generally taken the dialogues to be aimed at working out objective truth. Attending closely to the texts of the... more
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      OntologyPlatoSocratesAncient Greek Philosophy
This piece was originally titled "Star Wars, bad guys, and the nature of evil" but was retitled "What makes a good bad guy? Ask a philosopher" by the publisher.
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      SocratesArendtGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPlatoAristotle
The present thesis is an exploration of the relation between atheistic and religious existential philosophy with a focus on the concept of subjectivity. What are the implications of the two positions in relation to understanding... more
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      Social WorkSpiritualityExistential PsychologySocratic Method
Materiales de estudio para revisar y aprender con Paideia de Werner W. Jaeger 11 La Sócrates y la ruta hacia el centro divino. Figura, problema y herencia de Sócrates. 1 Al llegar a la tercera parte de la obra Jaeger nos introduce en la... more
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      PlatoSocratic MethodSocratesPlato and Platonism
Cette étude tâche de dégager la double signification de la philosophie socratique comprise comme philosophie politique à l’aide d’une interprétation des Amoureux rivaux. Le refus d’accorder à ce court dialogue socratique une affiliation... more
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoSocratesSchleiermacher
In Plato’s Gorgias one of Socrates interlocutors, Callicles, exposes a philosoph-ical theory based upon the supremacy of the stronger over the weaker and in therefusal to accept a moral system created by these in order to restrain the... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryNatural LawFriedrich Nietzsche
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      PlatoSocratesAncient PhilosophyMinor Socratics
The Socratic Method, also known as the method of elenchus, Greek for test, examination or logical refutation. What Is this method that Socrates employs and how does he go about practicing it on other people? How do the various people he... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePlatoSocratic Method
Why does Socrates favour definitional speech over discussion of virtue's instances and attributes? Why does he take such a dim view of applied ethics? In this paper, I criticise the received answers to these questions and offer a... more
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O filósofo germano coreano Byung-Chul Han reclama de nossa vida atual. Ele diz que propagamos a ideia de diferença, mas que esta nada é senão uma faceta da igualdade. Somos todos diferentes, mas iguais nessa diferença. Nenhum de nós, ele... more
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      SocratesHannah ArendtPlatãoAristoteles
La figura de Sócrates según las diferentes lecturas de Foucault y Arendt: de la parresía a la experiencia del pensar (O: el conflicto político no deseado que se deriva de la reivindicación de un modelo ético y sus tensiones con la idea de... more
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      SocratesMichel FoucaultEthics and PoliticsHannah Arendt
In dit artikel, geschreven door Sylvie Walraevens, wordt uitgelegd hoe Kristof Van Rossem het socratisch gesprek interpreteert en toepast. Zie www.socratischgesprek.be
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      Socratic MethodSocratesSocratic dialogue
This paper explores Kierkegaard's self-proclaimed position as a 'Socrates of Christendom' and assesses how well he achieves this aim in Fear and Trembling. I argue that Fear and Trembling contributes to Kierkegaard's Socratic critique in... more
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Texto da disciplinar de Prática Interdisciplinar V (Seminário V) do quarto semestre.
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Sócrates, através da dialética, tornava seus interlocutores conscientes da própria ignorância, libertando-os da ilusão de pensar que sabiam o que estavam dizendo. Assim, Sócrates lhes dava o benefício da possibilidade de buscar o... more
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Transcription of Philosophy Bites podcast M. M. McCabe on Socratic Method
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      PhilosophySocratic MethodSocratesPodcast
Socrates, in his final statements to the Athenian jurors and crowd gathered before his impending execution, reveals himself to be playing a game much longer than the span of his trial, lifespan, or even those of his successors. When... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyGreek LiteraturePolitical Theory
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      PlatoSocratesAllegory of the CavePlato's Apology of Socrates
In this Facebook-comment-turned-essay, I address some objections raised to my previous paper on the topic of Socrates' View of Death.
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      PhilosophyGreek LiteratureDeathDeath Studies
This separatum (80 pages) deals with my "Le dialogue socratique" (2011). Discussants: Dr. Gerardo RAMIREZ VIDAL (UNAM) and Dr. Cristiana CASERTA (Palermo). Their lengthy -- and deep, if I can -- analyses give rise to a final note prepared... more
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      PlatoSocratesXenophonAncient Greek Philosophy
Hynek Bartoš Hippocratic Dietetics and Philosophical Care of the Soul Summary: The aim of my essay is to discuss Hippocratic dietetics as a model for construing philosophical ethics in the Classical Era of ancient Greece. I shall... more
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      PlatoÉmmanuel LévinasSocratesDonald Davidson
In the Protagoras, Socrates responds to Protagoras' claim that he teaches young men the art of citizenship by saying the following; "The truth is, Protagoras, I have never thought that this could be taught…" (319b). In this paper I... more
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      PlatoPedagogySocratesPlato's Meno
de la session, nous avons examiné deux conceptions de la 'Bonne vie' opposées, soit celle des sophistes et la conception socratique et philosophique. Choisissez celle qui vous semble la meilleure, expliquez-la et justifiez votre position.
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    • Socrates
On the often overlooked irony in Jorge Luis Borges’ “The Library of Babel” (which is not the exhaustion of possible expression) and “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote” (which is not a death-of-the-author-birth-of-the-reader allegory).... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesJorge Luis BorgesSocratesReader Response
La question du règne des philosophes ne se comprend qu'au prix d'un détour par les marges de la politique classique. D'abord nous avons montré que ces marges sont définies historiquement par un discours qui articule le règne, le savoir et... more
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      PlatoGiorgio AgambenSocratesMichel Foucault
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      PhilosophyClassicsAristophanesEnglish Literature
This paper deals with kalokagathia, a specific Socratic virtue Xenophon focuses on in his Socratic as well as in his non-Socratic works. According to Xenophon, the most important feature of kalokagathia is reciprocity: it is the... more
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      SocratesXenophonAncient economyKalokagathia